Maria Zakharova is the daughter of Masha Rasputina. Masha Rasputina: biography, personal life, family, photo. Daughter of Masha Rasputina - Lydia Ermakova


Masha Rasputina, whose real name is Alla Ageeva, was born in 1963. She loved to sing since childhood, and performed her favorite compositions very loudly, thereby amazing her parents. The singer's family life was stormy. She was married twice, and now lives with her second husband in a large country house.

Biographical facts from the life of Masha Rasputina's daughter Lidiya Vladimirovna Ermakova

The singer became a mother for the first time in 1985. At this moment she was married to her own producer Vladimir Ermakov. They met back in the eighties. It is noteworthy that Masha Rasputina’s first husband was 20 years older, but even such a serious age difference did not frighten the lovers at all. Their life together lasted 17 years. Masha Rasputina said that her husband cheated on her - this was the reason for the divorce. Now he is no longer alive. This marriage produced a daughter, Lydia Ermakova.

After the relationship between the spouses began to deteriorate, they began to actively manipulate their daughter, thereby ruining the child’s psyche. Lydia Ermakova was even placed in a psychiatric hospital, and was discharged from her own mother’s apartment. After a certain time, namely after the death of her father, the girl sincerely apologized to her mother, saying that her father forced her to use various psychotropic drugs in order to lower her own mother’s rating in front of the public. Masha Rasputina forgave her daughter.

Facts from the life of the youngest daughter, Maria Viktorovna Zakharova

The singer became a mother for the second time in 2000. It is noteworthy that this child was born when Alla Ageeva was already 37 years old. The girl was given the name Masha. With her father, Viktor Zakharov, the singer now lives in peace and harmony. The youngest daughter, in turn, has decided on her own preferences and plans to work in the beauty industry, creating stylish images and learning the basics of makeup.

Masha Rasputina and Viktor Zakharov have said more than once that their daughter is not “friendly” with the exact sciences, so she prefers creative professions that involve her hands. Many fans of the singer were unpleasantly surprised to see Masha on the air of a popular talk show. It was noted with the naked eye that the girl was obese and did not take care of herself at all. For Rasputina’s daughter, who always tried to shock the public and look good, this fact seems very strange. It is also surprising that the girl plans to become a stylist, not paying attention to her own appearance.

Masha Rasputina is a Russian pop singer, one of the brightest women on stage. Everyone recognizes her strong voice, even if they have not heard a single one of her songs. Masha is a very eccentric person, her outfits and images are sometimes simply disconcerting, but the spontaneous and open singer always remains herself and never puts on a mask.

In the 2000s, the singer left the stage, and even thought about ending her singing career, but her high-profile departure was followed by a high-profile return. The duet “Rosa Chainaya” returned Rasputin to the top of the charts of music channels, and today the star enjoys the love of fans.

Masha Rasputina's real name is Alla Ageeva, but when she came on stage, the producers immediately told her that there was already one big star on the stage with that name - Pugacheva, and it was better for the young artist to take a pseudonym for herself in order to be somehow remembered by the audience. In principle, there was no need to worry about this; it was impossible to forget Rasputin.

Her loud, booming voice and long legs in short skirts quickly made the artist famous. Even then, fans began to be interested in the personality of the sultry blonde, her private life, appearance, height, weight, age. How old is Masha Rasputina is still of interest to fans today. The artist is 54, her height is 174 cm, and her weight is about 75 kg.

Biography and personal life of Masha Rasputina

The future artist was born in the small village of Indskoye in the Kemerovo region in 1963, and was always proud of her region. Many years later, her song “I was born in Siberia” will become a real hit. Throughout her childhood, Rasputina amazed her parents and neighbors with her vocal abilities: the girl loved to sing loudly. After school, she graduated from the Tver Music College, and then went to conquer Moscow with her talent.

The biography and personal life of Masha Rasputina quickly began to spin when she found herself on stage. Her first song, “Play, Musician,” immediately became a hit! It’s incredible, but the artist immediately felt what the public needed, and literally from the first song the whole country already knew about her. In 1989, the singer received the Grand Prix of the Pyongyang festival, and then became a laureate of the fatal festival. In 1991, Masha’s first debut album, “City Crazy,” was released. Rebellious songs ensured the success of her album, and the singer’s very appearance fueled interest in her. In total, Rasputina has released 8 albums and has many video clips. In 2008, the Diva gave Rasputina her song “Blue Bird”.

Family and children of Masha Rasputina

The fact that Alla Ageeva became a star was a big luck or the irrepressible desire of the singer herself. The girl was born in a remote village, none of her parents had anything to do with art, and she was predicted to have an ordinary profession. The artist’s father was an energy engineer and worked at a state district power station in Inskoy, and her mother was a hydrogeologist. The woman came from Odessa on an expedition to Siberia and met her future husband there, so she stayed to live.

Masha achieved everything herself, she so wanted to stand on stage like the artists from “Blue Light” that the girl was not afraid to even go so far from home. Today, Masha Rasputina’s family and children live in Moscow.

Daughter of Masha Rasputina - Lydia Ermakova

Masha Rasputina’s daughter, Lydia Ermakova, was born in 1985 in the artist’s first marriage to her producer. At the end of this marriage, Masha and her husband had a bad relationship, and their daughter became the subject of manipulation. Lida did not understand what was happening at the time and acted at the instigation of her parents. The girl said that her mother deprived her of her apartment and threw her out onto the street, Masha’s daughter was even in a psychiatric hospital, and everyone was talking about the girl having mental problems.

After the death of her father last year, the singer’s adult daughter apologized to her mother and said that her father had force-fed her psychotropic drugs so that she would denigrate the singer’s personality in the media. Rasputina forgave her daughter and said that no matter what she did, she was still her child, and for so many years the artist experienced heartache for her.

Daughter of Masha Rasputina - Maria Zakharova

Masha Rasputina’s daughter, Maria Zakharova, was born in 2000 in the singer’s second marriage. Then the artist was already 37, but having recently become a wife for the second time, the singer decided to give her man a child.

Fate decreed that a girl was born into Masha’s family again. Last year the girl graduated from school and today she is going to study to become a stylist-make-up artist. She likes to bring beauty, besides, as the singer herself said, the girl has a hard time with exact sciences, so she chose art for herself, but she will create it with her hands. Rasputina’s youngest daughter is unrequitedly in love today, so she wants to occupy her mind with learning.

Masha Rasputina's ex-husband - Vladimir Ermakov

Masha Rasputina's ex-husband, Vladimir Ermakov, was her first producer and friend. The singer and Vladimir met in the 80s, he was exactly 20 years older than her, but this did not stop their love. They worked together, created, created projects and lived together too. Soon Masha found out that she was pregnant and they got married.

The couple lived in marriage for 17 years and then separated. As the star herself says, she caught her husband cheating. Despite the fact that they did not part very well, they still communicated for some time. As the producer said, it was he who introduced his ex-wife to her next husband. Last year Ermakov passed away.

Masha Rasputina's husband - Viktor Zakharov

Masha Rasputina’s husband is Viktor Zakharov, a businessman and her second producer. After the divorce, Masha was very lonely, she is not one of those women who could live without a man, she really needs a shoulder. At this time, the singer meets a businessman who is not only crazy about the woman, but is also her fan and becomes a friend.

The couple met, and after some time, in 1999, Rasputin again walked down the aisle. In this marriage she gives birth to a second daughter, and Victor also has a daughter from his first marriage. Today, the married couple lives happily in a large house in the countryside, the husband helps the singer in her career, and always supports her in all her endeavors.

The outrageous singer was always not averse to taking off her clothes. At the same time, Masha Rasputina never posted photos without makeup, because she believes that an artist should always be attractive. She performed on stage in very revealing costumes, happily wore short skirts, showing off her long tanned legs, and in adulthood, in order to look sexier, she went under the knife: she had her breasts and lips done.

Now the actress is actively showing off her figure, since Masha Rasputina has lost weight. Photos from 2017 show that the artist lost about 10 kg. Men's publications have repeatedly offered the artist photo sessions, but Masha Rasputina's photo never appeared in Maxim magazine, since the fee for photographing the star's body is very high, about 50 thousand dollars.

Instagram and Wikipedia Masha Rasputina

Today, the outrageous singer still graces the stage. She performs at national concerts, but doesn’t give solo performances now, despite this, her popularity is only growing, just look at how many times she has been parodied throughout her life! Parodies of the star were made by everyone, imitating her style of dressing and loud, loud voice. The singer just chuckled: they copy it, that means they love it, that means they’re hooked.

A few years ago, the star released a new song, “When We Are Together,” which she dedicated to the President. Instagram and Wikipedia of Masha Rasputina will tell you a lot of interesting things about her life, and contain photos of the star’s personal life.

Masha Rasputina is a talented singer with a difficult biography, an ambiguous personal life, a husband and children who have not been around for so long (photo).

Masha Rasputina - biography

The life of the future singer began back in 1965 in the Ageev family. The parents waited a very long time for the baby, named Alla. Since childhood, the girl was lively, active and tried to surprise everyone with her unusual voice.

Allochka went to school when she was 5 years old and immediately became a leader, even among older children. The teachers also loved her, who understood that this little girl would not miss her goal.

After school, the future celebrity, like her parents, entered two universities at once, but very quickly realized that she would not turn out to be a “techie” - her ambitions were overflowing, and she wanted to show herself in a completely different field.

Alla Ageeva gave up everything in order to conquer the capital. She failed to enter the Shchukin Institute, so the girl went to work at a knitting factory, but she never forgot about her main goals.

The future Masha Rasputina, if you go through the pages of her biography, at that time did not think about her personal life, husband and children - she attended all kinds of castings until luck smiled at her (photo).

The girl began singing in an ensemble and performing throughout Moscow, but she had another dream - to still receive a higher education and become a qualified artist. For this purpose, Alla visited Kemerovo. She wanted to study at the State University of Culture and Art, but by chance she entered the Tver Music School, from which she graduated in 1988.

Love as it is

As mentioned earlier, Masha Rasputina did not intend to include information about marriage, husband and children in her biography, but you can’t order your heart, and in Moscow the young talent began a serious personal life (photos can be seen below).

Alla’s first love was her producer, Vladimir Ermakov. They lived together for a long time, in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. And even the birth of their daughter in 1983 did not bring the young couple to the registry office. But the wedding still took place - after 8 years of living together.

It is worth noting that there have always been a lot of rumors around Masha’s family life. Because of this, it is still not completely known why in the late 90s the already established artist filed for divorce.

At least, conflicting information can be found in different sources: some claim that Vladimir Ermakov cheated on his wife and she could not forgive him, others are sure that the reason for the breakup was incompatible characters and different views on life.

During this difficult period, daughter Lydia (see photo below) took her father’s side, which was a real blow for Masha Rasputina - her personal life was going downhill, her husband turned out to be a stranger, and the child did not support his own mother. And, as it turned out, she had a good reason for this.

The story of Lida, the eldest daughter of the famous singer

Lydia was lucky enough to be born into a star family, where everything you don’t want is served to you on a platter, and dreams come true before you have time to make them - that’s what many fans of Masha Rasputina thought, but they were very wrong.

How the girl spent her childhood is not known for certain, because they learned about her existence when Rasputina married for the second time, and Lida was already a teenager.

Around this time, a scandal occurred that alarmed the public - rumors appeared that Masha Rasputina ruined her daughter’s biography, drove her crazy and put an end to her personal life, husband and children (photos can be seen below).

Of course, each of the spouses has their own version of why their daughter ended up in a mental hospital and these showdowns only worsened their relationship.

But rumors are rumors, and in fact only one thing is known for certain - Lida actually underwent special treatment and was under the supervision of specialists. At the same time, her relationship with her mother is very strained and each of their telephone conversations ended in depression or severe hysteria for the young girl.

In the end, the relationship between mother and eldest daughter completely went wrong. Lida lived with friends for some time, and then moved in with her father. He treated his little blood much warmer and blamed his beating wife for all the troubles.

By the way, Vladimir Ermakov is still talking in the press about the fact that it was he who made Masha a star, and it took eight whole years. And there is no gratitude, only attacks and complete indifference to the fate of their common child.

Looking at the endless war of her parents, Lydia eventually came to an important decision and entered a monastery. And ten years later, she was able to make peace with her unlucky mother and forget all the grievances.

2016 is the time when everything fell into place

Sooner or later, you get tired of fighting, especially with loved ones. And in February last year, a message appeared for the first time that Masha Rasputina was rewriting her biography again - she had long established her personal life, she had a husband and children (the photo can be seen below), all that remained was to improve her relationship with her first child.

Their first meeting after a twelve-year boycott took place live on the “New Russian Sensations” program.

Lydia admitted that she was very guilty not only before her mother, but also before her second husband - for years she gave scandalous interviews and threw mud at their entire family.

Lida talked about her mother’s bad habits, her bad attitude towards children and hinted at a wild lifestyle.

Already an adult woman admitted that she did all this “at the request” of her biological father, who fed her psychotropic drugs and turned the girl into a disabled person of the second group.

Now the daughter of the famous artist has only one goal - to become a worthy member of her mother’s family and a good role model for the rest of her children. After all, she is the eldest and wants to teach the new generation something good.

Masha Rasputina herself forgave her child without hesitation, writing her back into her biography and letting her into her personal life - she allowed her to communicate with her husband and the rest of the family (see photo below).

Second love and new family of a shocking celebrity: how it all began

After the first divorce, amid constant emotional outbursts, Masha was still able to fall in love again and become a truly happy woman. And already in 1999, Rasputina signed with Viktor Zakharov, a famous businessman and talented producer.

Almost immediately Masha found out that she was carrying a child under her heart, which became a real joy for both parents. A year later, the young woman gave birth to a daughter, Mashenka, and it was then that it became known that Rasputina had another daughter.

As mentioned earlier, many years of quarrels, gossip and scandals were imprinted in the biography of Masha Rasputina, and she so wanted ordinary female happiness and tranquility in her personal life - just raising a child and being close to her husband (the photo can be seen below).

The outrageous celebrity was not even afraid to leave the stage for a while and completely devoted herself to raising Masha. Perhaps she was afraid that the story with Lida would repeat itself, and she would lose even this ray of light.

By the way, it is still not known for certain how Viktor Zakharov reacted to all the scandalous situations - he always remained behind the scenes and was in no hurry to give interviews. He did not want to sweep the quarrels out of the hut, but time showed that he became an excellent life partner.

After all, more than one dirty rumor did not force her husband to throw Masha Rasputina out of his destiny - their personal life is still developing, there is a child and many pleasant events in their common biography (see photo below).

In addition, Victor supported his wife when she decided to improve her relationship with Lydia. He once admitted to reporters that all this time Masha often cried for her daughter, worried about her fate and always donated things and food when she was in a boarding school.

After the fateful meeting, Masha Rasputina’s relatives accepted the “prodigal daughter” into the family without unnecessary conversations or reproaches. Even Zakharov’s children from his previous marriage reacted calmly to her appearance.

The celebrity herself even talked about talking about Lida with the youngest Mashenka - she didn’t want the girl to accumulate resentment for her mother, and this would lead to new conflicts and omissions in the future.

Masha asked her daughter to imagine herself in Lydia’s place and understand how difficult it was for her - she is not that old, but has almost no health, problems with hormones and speech - the young woman sometimes gets her words confused.

Rasputina, of course, helps her daughter recover and forget the horrors of the past, but she understands that this is an excellent example for younger children - from a young age they will begin to understand that the greatest power is called forgiveness, and that there are no things that can destroy family ties forever.

A little more about our beloved daughters

Nobody knows what events our biography will be full of - so Masha Rasputina could not imagine that her personal life, communication with her child and first husband would be so difficult for her (see photo below).

But the main thing is that now everything is in order in her life and she goes out into the world with all her children, who, by the way, never cease to amaze the public.

The fact is that Lida and Masha are not at all like their mother in terms of appearance - they do not like shocking images, dress very modestly and do not follow fashion trends.

For them, the best hairstyle is with their hair down, and in many photographs it can be seen that they do not use makeup at all.

But Rasputina doesn’t care at all that her daughters don’t strive to become models or adopt her lifestyle - she just wishes them happiness and hopes that in the future they can be happy and not return to past mistakes.

The only person the celebrity cannot forgive is her ex-husband, who abused Lida for so long. He believes that such people belong in prison and sincerely hopes that fate itself will punish him.

Masha Rasputina is the most famous Russian pop star. In the 90s, at the peak of her fame, she performed a number of hits that were heard not only by her admirers for a long time. While fighting for her place in the sun, Rasputina went through a difficult life path, but thanks to her sociable nature, she quickly fit into the right environment.

In the 80s, her friends included such personalities as Alexandru Ucupnic, Maxim Dunaevsky, Alexander Lukyanenko, and Leonid Derbenev. Despite the significant difference in age (namely 33 years), Leonid Derbenev became a true friend for Rasputina, with whom she maintained not only working, but also warm friendly relations until his death.

Personal life of the legendary singer

In parallel with her creative development and growing popularity, Masha Rasputina built her personal life. She first married Vladimir Ermakov, from whom she gave birth to her first daughter, Lida, in 1983. When the girl was 16 years old, her parents divorced.

Rasputina's second marriage took place in 1999. Then Viktor Zakharov, a successful businessman and rich man, won her heart. In 2000, the couple had a daughter, Maria Zakharova.

Lydia Ermakova (daughter of Rasputina): something went wrong

And it would seem that everything could be wonderful - two wonderful beautiful daughters, a loving husband and a glorious career. But still, Masha Rasputina’s eldest daughter could not fit into the new family. She constantly made scandals and fell into depression, which was sometimes accompanied by aggressive states. It was at one of these moments that Rasputina sent her daughter for treatment to a psychiatric hospital.

For a long period, Masha Rasputina’s daughter was treated in the hospital. At first, the star mother occasionally took her daughter home, but this did not last long, and Lida’s stay within the walls of the hospital began to be permanent. Once it got to the point that Rasputina showed assistance in transferring her daughter to a psychoneurological boarding school - she practically did not visit her child, let alone financial support or maintenance.

Vladimir Ermakov - father

From an interview taken with the girl’s father, Vladimir Ermakov, it is known that after his divorce from Masha Rasputina, he gave all the accumulated savings over the years of marriage to his wife for the needs of his growing daughter. Which is why she bought an apartment for her daughter.

According to her father, Lida’s mental state began to fail after their divorce. Around the same time, her vocal singing teacher died - Lida was very attached to him. After all these events, she began to have her first breakdowns - prolonged depression, aggressive states, she began to modulate very strange situations in her head, which she sometimes told strangers about... According to her father, he knew about all this only by hearsay, since after the divorce Masha almost immediately got married and took Lida into a new family.

Masha Rasputina - mother

For a long time, Rasputina tried to show herself in a good light in relation to her daughter, but since she could not hide her sewing in a bag, over time, unseemly details became known. The singer refused to comment on the current situation. But one day, in the program “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to Ermakova, Rasputina spoke about her vision of the situation. She poured out a stream of dirt against her daughter, accusing her of incest. This was confirmed by Viktor Zakharov, who said that he personally saw dad and daughter lying naked in bed.

Rasputina also said that Lida constantly got into her personal life and constantly accused her of breaking off relations with her father.

Lydia Ermakova

At the time of the broadcast, Lida was working at the plant of Rasputina’s new husband. According to some information, the girl was taken from the psychiatric hospital at the insistence of close family friends. But after Ermakova watched the TV show and heard her mother’s comments, she ran away and after a while found herself back within the hospital walls.

According to the girl herself, as well as the hospital medical staff, during the entire period of Lida’s stay, Rasputina practically did not appear in the hospital. In addition, she completely refused financial assistance and custody of her daughter.

Scandal or black PR for Rasputina?

Why doesn’t Ermakova live in the apartment bought with her father’s money, and where is Masha Rasputina’s daughter now?

According to information provided in the media, in 2011, when Ermakova was undergoing yet another long-term treatment in the hospital, her uncle (Masha Rasputina’s brother) came to her and asked her to sign documents for an apartment, citing the reason that luxury housing would not go to her father. And since the girl was under the influence of psychotropic drugs, after a couple of minutes of conversation the necessary signatures were already on paper. The apartment was sold very quickly.

According to Lida, she remembers this situation very well. But he cannot adequately evaluate his actions. After a while, Masha Rasputina’s daughter filed an application with the court to consider the case of the illegal sale of the apartment, but information about the results of this case and even the progress of the process itself did not appear in the press.

Not long ago, information appeared in the media about the reconciliation of mother and daughter, but there is no verified information about the whereabouts of the girl at the moment. There are guesses that now the eldest daughter of Masha Rasputina is in a monastery, since Rasputina became a frequent guest of one of them. But no one knows whether this is really so.

Recently, the NTV channel, in the next episode of the program “New Russian Sensations,” showed the story of the difficult relationship between the popular singer Masha Rasputina and her eldest daughter Lydia, who had been in conflict with her mother for several years. In addition, Lydia was in a psychiatric clinic.


However, now everything has changed. Mother and daughter finally found a common language and even decided to celebrate this event with their families in one of the prestigious restaurants. To go out, Lydia chose a modest blue blouse with a ribbed pattern and regular jeans. Loose, straight, shoulder-length dark hair completed the look. It is noteworthy that Rasputina’s daughter chose to completely abandon makeup.

The singer’s youngest daughter Maria, whom the artist had not yet shown to the world, was also present at the celebration. The 15-year-old heiress of Rasputina also found herself at the table with her dark hair down, no makeup, wearing a white blouse and a bright yellow jacket on top. Let us note that both daughters of Masha Rasputina, who fanatically watches herself, turned out to be far from the model parameters. By the way, Rasputina’s stepdaughter Nelly, with whom she had an excellent relationship, was also sitting at the table with her relatives.

This was noted by numerous viewers who shared their impressions on the Internet. While some criticized Rasputina for not worrying about her daughters’ excess weight, others attacked the artist with accusations that she was to blame for Lydia’s inadequate condition. They say that at one time it was necessary to focus not on a career, but on a child.

In an interview, Lydia admitted that she took psychotropic drugs, which her father Vladimir Ermakov fed her with. " My father turned me against my mother. With the help of pills, he easily manipulated me... Doctors, according to my biological father, performed experiments on me. And with these drugs they added more illnesses to me... One day my father called a team of orderlies, they tied me up and took me to a “psychiatric hospital.” Only now I understand that it was his script. When I was discharged from hospitals, he brought journalists home and forced me to disgrace my mother and slander her,” Lydia told reporters.

Masha forgave her daughter. However, she is adamant about her ex-husband. "He turned her against her mother. Told her to slander her mother! I've had dirt poured on me for a whole decade. When this scoundrel said all this, it didn’t matter, there were a lot of abandoned husbands. But he knew how to hurt me. He forced his daughter to pour dirt on me while on psychotropic drugs. This scoundrel must be imprisoned!” Rasputina said.