Marina Kravets personal biography. The most complete biography of Marina Kravets. On the set of the "Comedy-clab" program


The Comedy Club festival “Week of High Humor” will be held this year from July 16 to 19 in Sochi. Preparations for the three-day humor marathon have already begun. The portal site met with the only representative of the fair sex in the Comedy Club - Marina Kravets - who told us how her colleagues on the show treat her, why Garik Kharlamov is allowed more than others and how a woman should joke so as not to arouse sympathy, but to be respectful. -really funny.

– Marina, tell us how the preparations for the Comedy Club Festival in Sochi are going?

– To be honest, I’m not very involved in the preparation process yet. I just recently finished the “One to One” project, plus I returned to the radio, which is why I couldn’t spend every evening at rehearsals. Now I’m returning to a normal schedule and in the very next few days the guys and I will think through the program in more detail. In Sochi, as always at the Week of High Humor festival, we will show only new, specially invented numbers. Of course, there will be some musical numbers.

– What are the specifics of preparing for the “Week of High Humor?” Do you come up with any special summer jokes?

– “Week of High Humor” – This is the main annual Comedy Club festival. It was originally conceived as a celebration of the project's 10th anniversary, but it was so successful that it was decided to make it an annual event. Therefore, the preparation for it is always grandiose. Usually we try to tie the miniatures to the place where such a global and important event for us is being held. I think that, of course, several issues will be dedicated to the residents of the city of Sochi and local events. For example, during our last filming, a Formula 1 race took place there and several skits were related to racing, including a song about Fernando Alonso, which was written by Zurab Matua, Andrei Averin and Dima Lyusek Sorokin. I think there will be many surprises this time too.

What do you personally associate with the city of Sochi, besides the upcoming festival?

Photo: from the star’s personal archive

For me, of course, he is associated with KVN. We came there in the winter, for qualifying games, where it was determined which team qualified for which league. As part of the St. Petersburg team, “Simps” made it to the premiere. We were received very warmly by the audience, since then I remember Sochi as a hospitable city where I want to return. And this winter we had a non-film festival in Krasnaya Polyana, we gathered friends of the Comedy Club. We even managed to go skiing. There is sun and greenery all around, and you are walking in a winter jacket, climbing up to the snowy slopes - it’s simply incredible. By the way, my first memory of Sochi is also associated with winter. I came there with my guys from the team. We, such naive children with big eyes, saw palm trees on the platform and were stunned! Because there was a snowstorm in St. Petersburg, but here it was a real fairy tale.

Comedians are always expected to make jokes and celebrate. Isn’t this “come on, make me laugh” attitude annoying?

Personally, I practically never come across people who, when meeting them, say: “Come on, joke!”, but I know that such stories sometimes happened to guys. A very popular plot is when some fan of our show comes up and says: “Oh, you’re from the Comedy Club! Take it to your room, there was one case, Gennadich and I...” Thank God, such guys rarely come to me. They usually need courage to approach, they acquire it with the help of alcohol. They drank a little and began to offer what they thought was interesting material for the Comedy Club. It is clear that in 99.9% of cases they are very mistaken - a drunk person is not able to understand the entire format of a show that is already ten years old.

Marina Kravets is one of the best and most sought-after artists working in the humorous genre. From a young age, she amazed those around her with her beauty and originality.

A woman works in the Comedy Club, without getting lost among other residents. She was able to achieve everything on her own. Her jokes could be heard since 2005 in the performances of various KVN teams.

In 2017, the Russo Touristo program began to be published, which he began to host together with Sergei Gorelikov. In this show, a woman talks with humor about different countries. For example, an issue about South Korea was recently released, in which you could learn about the sights of the country, the morals and customs of the Koreans. In this program, the Comedy Club star sang a comic song about love for Seoul.

Height, weight, age. How old is Marina Kravets

Height, weight, age, how old is Marina Kravets? This question is often asked by people who saw this comedian perform for the first time. She never loses heart and comes out of any situation with dignity. In May 2018, the girl will celebrate her 34th birthday. She looks much younger than her age. Many admirers of her talent give her approximately 25 years.

Marina Kravets, whose photo in her youth and now makes all men pay attention to her, has ideal parameters. Weighing 50 kilograms, the beauty is 171 centimeters tall.

The popular comedian adheres to a daily routine specially developed by herself. She does yoga and aerobics every day. When there is no time for these activities, she does several mandatory exercises that allow her to stay in good physical shape.

Biography and personal life of Marina Kravets

The biography and personal life of Marina Kravets are very successful. She is a successful artist who is happily married. The beauty loves and is loved, which is very much appreciated in our lives.

The girl appeared in the northern capital in the mid-80s of the last century. His father was a mechanic, his mother worked in accounting. Marinochka was not alone in the family. Two older brothers always looked after and protected her. The whole family loved the girl and were amazed at her talent. Since childhood, this talented girl has amazed those around her with her excellent vocal abilities. She often gathered children around her and sang a variety of songs to them. Grandmothers also listened to her and asked her to sing her favorite romances or pop hits. It often turned out that concert performances lasted for several hours.

In 1st grade, the girl went to an elite school, which was located not far from her home. The schoolgirl was often met and seen off by her brothers, who protected their sister from harm. During my school years I became interested in playing KVN. Very often she wrote scripts for teams herself.

After graduating from school, yesterday's graduate could not find her way in life for a long time. Initially he received his education at St. Petersburg State University. But having become a professional teacher, the girl understands that this is not her thing. After that, she tried herself in a large number of jobs, but could not find herself. There was something she didn't like. From now on, the resident of the popular show program connects his life with humor. She plays in KVN and also writes jokes for teams.

The artist worked for several years as a vocalist in NestroyBand. Already at this time, the popular comedian made herself known. From 2010 to the present, he has been a permanent resident of the Comedy Club. At the same time, she hosts the show program “Full Speed ​​Ahead” on the radio.

In 2011, the show star moved to the metropolitan metropolis and began hosting programs on the Mayak radio wave. In 2015, he left this radio and began working on Comedy Radio.

The young woman tried herself in cinema. Currently, she has played in 2 film series, establishing herself as a talented film actress.

Since 2017, the talented TV presenter has been hosting a program about traveling around the world. “Russo Turisto” is hosted by Sergei Gorelikov together with the young beauty.

Family and children of Marina Kravets

Numerous fans of the comedian ask the question: “Does Marina Kravets have a family and children at the moment?” The comedy star does not hide the fact that she is happily married. The beauty met her husband during her student years. For several years, Marina and her husband lived in a civil marriage; only in 2013 did they officially register their marriage. They have not yet become parents, but we can hope that this will happen in the near future.

The woman has parents and two older brothers who actively monitor her creative activities. They don't miss a single performance. After the broadcast airs, they evaluate the jokes made by their daughter and sister.

As soon as her busy schedule allows, the TV artist goes to her hometown to visit her parents and beloved brothers, who are already married.

Marina Kravets' husband - Arkady Vodakhov

The girl met her future husband during her student years. On his initiative, the artist appeared in the Comedy Club show program. It was Arkady who helped his precious wife believe in herself.

Marina Kravets’ husband, Arkady Vodakhov, works with his wife on the Comedy Radio radio wave. According to the woman herself, he helps her come up with jokes. In a family, relationships are built on trust. Neither Marina nor Arkady allows anyone to doubt their honesty and openness. They trust each other completely.

Photos of Marina Kravets appear periodically in Maxim magazine. But the beauty refuses to pose naked for the publishing house. She considers it indecent to be naked for anyone.

Numerous representatives of the strong half of humanity want to see her on the pages of Playboy magazine. But, in her own opinion, she will not be invited to a photo shoot for this publication, since she will not undress under any circumstances.

On her Instagram page, a woman can often be seen in a swimsuit. She posts photos from her vacation on the seashore.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets allow you to find out the most detailed and accurate information about the popular artist of the humorous genre.

Wikipedia lists only familiar and fateful moments in the life of a TV screen star.

Marina Kravets has her own pages on many social networks. She is registered on Instagram. Here the woman very often posts photographs taken by her during her work in the program “Russo Turisto”.

The artist’s other accounts are not as active, which is explained by her incredible busyness at work.

Marina Kravets biography, photos - find out everything!

Biography of Marina Kravets

Marina Kravets is a Russian actress, singer, lead singer of the musical groups Nestroyband and NotNet, radio host, the only woman to become a resident of the Comedy Club show.

Family and childhood of Marina Kravets

On May 18, 1984, a future star was born into a simple Leningrad family of a mechanic and a factory accountant. Her parents and two brothers doted on their youngest.

A pleasant melodic voice delighted the ears of her relatives, for whom the girl organized mini-concerts. And one day, when Marina was 4 years old, her parents made a tape recording of the song “Aurora”. The record was the pride of the family until one day it was lost.

Despite her talent, Marina did not go to music school. There were no seats there. But she took vocal classes as an elective. The star still remembers the teachers and is very grateful to them and continues to communicate with them.

Marina Kravets' school years were spent in gymnasium No. 524. The brothers met the girl from school and took care of her. At school, the girl became interested in writing scripts for the school KVN team together with her friend Anna.

Study of Marina Kravets

In 2001, Marina became a student at St. Petersburg State University. But studying at the philology department did not lead Marina to teaching. The specialty of teaching Russian to foreigners did not interest her, and her teaching career ended after a few lessons during her internship at the university.

Marina was looking for herself: she worked part-time as a promoter, distributed leaflets to passers-by in stores, then worked briefly as a secretary at a car service station. But Marina Kravets’s main hobby during her student years was playing in the KVN student team “Simps”.

Marina Kravets and KVN

In 2007, the girl began her career in KVN, at the invitation of the famous singer and her classmate Zhenya Kobich. Marina played for the team of her university’s philology department, “Simples,” which did not advance beyond the last places in the finals. Although one day the guys went to the Sochi KVN Premier League festival and appeared on television with a parody of the TV show “Own Game”.

Then the composition of the “Simples” team broke up, everyone went their own way. Afterwards, Marina participated in several performances of other KVN teams in episodic roles.

Career of singer Marina Kravets

Marina sang in three groups: “NotNet”, “Mary & Band” and “NestroyBand”. The brightest and most significant thing for my future career was working in the latter - a young St. Petersburg group. They performed their own songs and remade already known ones.

Marina Kravets - song “Hop, trash can”

Thus, the most popular arrangement turned out to be the jazz version of “Trash Hop.” The lyrics of the song were also edited by the singer, as they contained a lot of profanity. Igor Meyerson (Elvis), one of the founders of the group, offered to show a number with a written version of the song in the Comedy Club show, since he took part in a television project. The group was received without much enthusiasm, but the performance was filmed for a television version.

At the same time, Marina met the author of the song and producer of the Vorovayki group, Yuri Almazov. And in the fall of 2011, a girl as part of the “NestroyBand” sang at the anniversary concert of the group “City 312”, performing one of the songs together with the soloist Svetlana Nazarenko.

Three years later, the girl filmed with Sergei Kristovsky. lead singer of the group “Uma2rman”, video for the song “Fallen”.

Another popular composition was “Oil,” for which Marina shot a video together with DJ Smash. DJ Vengerov, Bobina.

Smash and Marina Kravets - “Oil”

In it, the singer played a glamorous girl with false hair, dressed up and speaking pathetically.

Marina Kravets' radio career

While working in the NotNet team, Marina met Ilya Pavlyuchenko. He played bass guitar in the group, and worked as a program director at ROX radio.

One day, Ilya let it slip that the radio station needed a host for the morning show “Full Speed ​​Ahead.” Marina was hired immediately, as her voice on the radio was already familiar. At this radio station, the girl raised the mood of listeners for four years since 2007.

In July 2011, the St. Petersburg radio presenter moved to the capital. She passed an interview at the Mayak radio station. There, the girl hosted an entertainment show on the night air for more than a year together with the famous Mikhail Fischer and Nikolai Serdotetsky. The show was called "First Squad".

In October 2012, together with the guys from the First Squad, Marina went to the new Comedy Radio. The radio station aired the entertainment and educational program “Good Morning, America!”, which can be heard on weekdays.

Marina Kravetsna television career

Marina once shared her memories that while playing in the KVN team “Simples” she was contacted by phone on behalf of Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan and invited to the project “Made in Woman” (now “Comedy Woman”). Marina agreed and starred in several programs. Vitya Vasiliev and Mitya Khrustalev also took part in them. Taymaz Sharipov and Seva Moskvin.

Marina Kravets, Andrey Averin, Dmitry Sorokin and Zurab Matua at the Comedy Club

After some time, together with NestroyBand, Marina performed in the Comedy Club show. She was invited to become a permanent resident of the show. The girl organically fit into the male team.

Film career of Marina Kravets

In 2012, Marina made her debut as an actress, starring in the serial film “Super Oleg”, playing a journalist, Oleg’s lover. In 2014, the star voiced one of the characters in the cartoon “Fly Your Wing,” working with such stars as Alexey Vorobiev. Pelageya and Vadim Galygin.

Personal life of Marina Kravets

Marina met her husband Arkady Vodakhov while still a student at St. Petersburg University; they played together in the KVN team “Simps”. They lived in a civil marriage for 6 years, and then moved to Moscow together.

They still work together at Comedy Radio. In 2013, the couple got married. They don't have children yet.

Marina Kravets now

In 2015, the girl made her debut in the show “One on One!”, Season 3, on the Russia 1 channel. In the same season, Alexander Rybak took part in the filming. Nikita Malinin. Mark Tishman. Shura, Svetlana Svetikova. Angelica Agurbash. Evelina Bledans and Batyrkhan Shukenov. In the final, Marina took 5th place.

Marina Kravets - show “One to One!”, Shakira

In October 2014, Marina Kravets replaced the host of the show “Main Stage. Season 2” on the Rossiya1 channel, Nargiz Zakirova. She hosted the show together with Ernst Mackevicius.

In September 2015, Marina became the host of the morning entertainment show about traveling to unusual places around the world “Russo Touristo” on STS, paired with Sergei Gorelikov. The program quickly gained popularity.

More information

They say that girls have no place in humor, but such a beautiful girl as Marina Kravets proves the opposite. She is the only girl in the popular Comedy Club program, but in addition to this program, her biography had many humorous achievements. The beautiful and charming Marina became a real decoration for the male team of the comedy show. When she performs on stage, positivity flows from the artist. I would like to wish her not to stop there and continue to give people joy and smiles.

Height, weight, age. How old is Marina Kravets

Fragile and graceful, Marina has ideal parameters and excellent height, weight, and age. How old Marina Kravets is is no secret; such a beautiful girl simply has no need to hide her age. Marina was born on May 18, 1984; she is currently 33 years old. Maria's height is 171, and her weight is 50 kilograms. She has ideal shapes, which makes her look even more captivating. In addition to the fact that Marina is a resident of the Comedy Club, she is also the lead singer of two interesting groups, and on top of that, a radio presenter. At 33 years old, the girl has achieved considerable success.

Biography and personal life of Marina Kravets

Marina was born in Leningrad, in a family of ordinary people, where her father worked as a mechanic and her mother as an accountant. She is the youngest child in the family; the girl has two older brothers. The whole family doted on her from childhood. Since childhood, Kravets had a very melodic and pleasant voice, she constantly delighted her family with small concerts, and in the family archive there was even a sound recording of the song “Aurora”, which was performed by little Marina.

Despite her talent, the girl did not go to music school because there were no places there, but she took optional music lessons. The girl studied at the local gymnasium, from where she was often met by her brothers, who constantly looked after their younger sister. At school she began writing scripts for the local KVN club.

After school, the girl entered St. Petersburg State University to study as a teacher of the Russian language for foreign citizens. But the girl only worked in her specialty for a couple of days, and that was while she was doing an internship at her university. The girl could not find her way for a long time and tried many jobs, she distributed leaflets, worked as a secretary, but she always understood that in fact she was very attracted to playing KVN. Marina was a member of the KVN team “Simps” in her student years.

Then Marina participated several more times in performances of different teams, but did not advance far in this direction and went along a different path.

Marina sang in three groups during her life, but the most significant was the NestroyBand group. The group sang songs of their own composition, and also covered already known ones. One day the group asked to sing in the Comedy Club program, and although everyone did not take it seriously, they still allowed it. And after participating, they invited Marina to become their resident. The girl fit harmoniously into the team and still works there.

One of the members of the NestroyBand group once mentioned that his friends were looking for a radio presenter in the show “Full Speed ​​Ahead”. Marina immediately went to audition and was accepted as a radio presenter without any problems.

A little later, having moved to Moscow, the girl tried her luck at Mayak radio, where she was also accepted without any problems. There she hosted an entertainment show. And a little later, all the participants in this program, together with Kravets, moved to a new radio called “Comedy Radio”, where the girl still works.

And in 2012, Marina also tried herself as an actress, and it is worth saying that the attempt was successful. She played a role in the serial film “Super Oleg” and this was the beginning of the girl’s film career.

And even this is not the end of the girl’s merits. She has already tried herself as a TV presenter, and not so long ago she became the host of the Russo Turisto program together with Sergei Gorelikov. This is a program about travel, where Marina’s cheerful disposition simply fits in perfectly.

The biography and personal life of Marina Kravets is developing as well as possible. Many may envy her. A young girl once simply set a goal for herself, and then quickly moved towards success. And in her personal life, everything is fine too. Marina met her husband when she was still at university and the couple is still together.

Family and children of Marina Kravets

As already mentioned, the girl met her husband when she was still a student. The couple became close due to their shared passion for humor, because they played together in KVN. For 6 years the couple lived in a civil marriage, and after moving to Moscow they decided to legalize their relationship. Marina’s husband, Arkady Vodakhov, works as a radio presenter and is Marina’s colleague. He often goes to her performances and generally supports his talented wife in everything. The married couple is not going to have children yet; they are one of those who want to live longer for themselves. And rightly so, because with such a busy schedule as both spouses, it is simply unrealistic to allocate time for raising children. But sooner or later the couple will settle down and we will hear the news about their first child. The family and children of Marina Kravets are not yet the most interesting and significant page in the artist’s biography.

Marina Kravets' husband - Arkady Vodakhov

Marina Kravets’s husband, Arkady Vodakhov, is also not the last person in the world of creativity. He works as a presenter on Comedy Radio along with his wife. Marina’s husband is a real treasure, according to his wife. He always supports her and takes on all male responsibilities. The girl was very lucky with Arkady. When the couple moved to Moscow, Marina for a long time could not even decide to take a step towards her dream, she was simply terribly scared of this big city. For a month she was truly depressed and the fear did not leave the girl. Then Arkady himself found an apartment, began to provide for his family and instill in Marina the belief that she could do anything. It was thanks to her husband that Marina managed to take a step beyond the threshold of the apartment and achieve what she has now.

There is real trust in the couple; they are never jealous of each other. Even though Marina works in a male team, Arkady does not create scenes of jealousy and never even doubted his wife’s fidelity. And Marina herself also completely trusts her husband, especially considering that he generally does not like various parties, social events and immediately goes home after work.

At work, the couple tries not to show their feelings at all. They know how to separate personal life and professional activities. Many couples, working together, often begin to quarrel, but in the case of Marina and Arkady, the opposite is true. Well, people in this life rarely find truly soul mates, but this couple was lucky and they found each other.

Photo by Marina Kravets in Maxim magazine

Marina has an excellent appearance. Height, appearance, figure, face, everything is perfect. And many magazines, such as Playboy or Maxim, would like to see photographs of girls in their magazines. But Marina, despite her appearance, does not give in to such offers. The photo of Marina Kravets was still published in Maxim magazine, but dressed and decent.

Marina refuses to do photo shoots naked or in a swimsuit. And that’s right, the girl achieves success all her life only with her talent. Everyone already knows that she has a beautiful appearance and an excellent figure, why put it on public display.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets

Marina dreamed of traveling all her life, she always wanted to see the world. And now she has such an opportunity thanks to the Russo Touristo program. She travels to different countries, tries out a new life and, of course, shares her impressions and vivid photographs with her fans on social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets will become a real treasure for those who want to learn more about the life of an excellent singer, TV and radio presenter, as well as the only girl in the Comedy Club program. Marina is one of those purposeful people who does not give up in the face of difficulties, is not afraid to try new things, and that is why they achieve success.

Marina Kravets is one of the best and most sought-after artists working in the humorous genre. From a young age, she amazed those around her with her beauty and originality.

A woman works in the Comedy Club, without getting lost among other residents. She was able to achieve everything on her own. Her jokes could be heard since 2005 in the performances of various KVN teams.

In 2017, the Russo Touristo program began to be published, which he began to host together with Sergei Gorelikov. In this show, a woman talks with humor about different countries. For example, an issue about South Korea was recently released, in which you could learn about the sights of the country, the morals and customs of the Koreans. In this program, the Comedy Club star sang a comic song about love for Seoul.

Height, weight, age, how old is Marina Kravets? This question is often asked by people who saw this comedian perform for the first time. She never loses heart and comes out of any situation with dignity. In May 2018, the girl will celebrate her 34th birthday. She looks much younger than her age. Many admirers of her talent give her approximately 25 years.

Marina Kravets, whose photo in her youth and now makes all men pay attention to her, has ideal parameters. Weighing 50 kilograms, the beauty is 171 centimeters tall.

The popular comedian adheres to a daily routine specially developed by herself. She does yoga and aerobics every day. When there is no time for these activities, she does several mandatory exercises that allow her to stay in good physical shape.

Biography and personal life of Marina Kravets

The biography and personal life of Marina Kravets are very successful. She is a successful artist who is happily married. The beauty loves and is loved, which is very much appreciated in our lives.

The girl appeared in the northern capital in the mid-80s of the last century. His father was a mechanic, his mother worked in accounting. Marinochka was not alone in the family. Two older brothers always looked after and protected her. The whole family loved the girl and were amazed at her talent. Since childhood, this talented girl has amazed those around her with her excellent vocal abilities. She often gathered children around her and sang a variety of songs to them. Grandmothers also listened to her and asked her to sing her favorite romances or pop hits. It often turned out that concert performances lasted for several hours.

In 1st grade, the girl went to an elite school, which was located not far from her home. The schoolgirl was often met and seen off by her brothers, who protected their sister from harm. During my school years I became interested in playing KVN. Very often she wrote scripts for teams herself.

After graduating from school, yesterday's graduate could not find her way in life for a long time. Initially he received his education at St. Petersburg State University. But having become a professional teacher, the girl understands that this is not her thing. After that, she tried herself in a large number of jobs, but could not find herself. There was something she didn't like. From now on, the resident of the popular show program connects his life with humor. She plays in KVN and also writes jokes for teams.

The artist worked for several years as a vocalist in NestroyBand. Already at this time, the popular comedian made herself known. From 2010 to the present, he has been a permanent resident of the Comedy Club. At the same time, she hosts the show program “Full Speed ​​Ahead” on the radio.

In 2011, the show star moved to the metropolitan metropolis and began hosting programs on the Mayak radio wave. In 2015, he left this radio and began working on Comedy Radio.

The young woman tried herself in cinema. Currently, she has played in 2 film series, establishing herself as a talented film actress.

Since 2017, the talented TV presenter has been hosting a program about traveling around the world. “Russo Turisto” is hosted by Sergei Gorelikov together with the young beauty.

Family and children of Marina Kravets

Numerous fans of the comedian ask the question: “Does Marina Kravets have a family and children at the moment?” The comedy star does not hide the fact that she is happily married. The beauty met her husband during her student years. For several years, Marina and her husband lived in a civil marriage; only in 2013 did they officially register their marriage. They have not yet become parents, but we can hope that this will happen in the near future.

The woman has parents and two older brothers who actively monitor her creative activities. They don't miss a single performance. After the broadcast airs, they evaluate the jokes made by their daughter and sister.

As soon as her busy schedule allows, the TV artist goes to her hometown to visit her parents and beloved brothers, who are already married.

Marina Kravets' husband - Arkady Vodakhov

The girl met her future husband during her student years. On his initiative, the artist appeared in the Comedy Club show program. It was Arkady who helped his precious wife believe in herself.

Marina Kravets’ husband, Arkady Vodakhov, works with his wife on the Comedy Radio radio wave. According to the woman herself, he helps her come up with jokes. In a family, relationships are built on trust. Neither Marina nor Arkady allows anyone to doubt their honesty and openness. They trust each other completely.

Photos of Marina Kravets appear periodically in Maxim magazine. But the beauty refuses to pose naked for the publishing house. She considers it indecent to be naked for anyone.

Numerous representatives of the strong half of humanity want to see her on the pages of Playboy magazine. But, in her own opinion, she will not be invited to a photo shoot for this publication, since she will not undress under any circumstances.

On her Instagram page, a woman can often be seen in a swimsuit. She posts photos from her vacation on the seashore.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Kravets allow you to find out the most detailed and accurate information about the popular artist of the humorous genre.

Wikipedia lists only familiar and fateful moments in the life of a TV screen star.

Marina Kravets has her own pages on many social networks. She is registered on Instagram. Here the woman very often posts photographs taken by her during her work in the program “Russo Turisto”.

The artist’s other accounts are not as active, which is explained by her incredible busyness at work.