Margot Robbie marital status. Margot Robbie. Biography, photo, personal life

Margot Robbie has been called the “Hollywood Cinderella” and the living embodiment of Barbie. The little-known Australian actress captivated the world after her role as Naomi Lapaglia in Martin Scorsese's acclaimed film The Wolf of Wall Street.

Margot Robbie's childhood

Margot Robbie was born on the Gold Coast of Australia, in the coastal city of Gold Coast, which is a famous tourist destination. But the girl spent her entire childhood on her grandparents’ farm in the small provincial town of Dalby. Her father, farmer Mike Robbie, left the family, and Sari Kessler had to raise four children on her own - the eldest Lachlan, Margot, the youngest Cameron and little Anya.

After her parents' divorce, Margot did not maintain contact with her father; her mother became an example for the girl. She was a physiotherapist and worked first with elderly people and later with children with disabilities.

At school, Margo attended almost all clubs - from rowing to dancing, from theatrical productions to softball. Later, surfing became her passion: she could spend hours on the beach just to catch a wave for a moment. During the holidays, the mother sent the children to the farm, so at the age of 10 little Margot knew how to chop wood and milk cows. But secretly from everyone, she always dreamed of shining under the spotlight.

After leaving school, Robbie entered the private Somerset College. To support her mother, who was torn between home, children and the hospital, Margot, at the age of 16, got three jobs: as a waitress, a maid and a saleswoman in a small shop on the beach. She managed to save some money, with which she bought a ticket to Melbourne and paid the down payment for acting classes. The girl had a hard time on the south coast: during the day she studied, then ran to endless auditions and castings, and in the evening she put on the uniform of a sandwich seller at Subway in order to be able to pay for her studies.

Margot Robbie's career

Margot's first roles were so insignificant that her name did not even appear in the credits. But they were enough for the aspiring actress to be noticed by the famous Australian director Aash Aron in 2007, who offered Robbie main role in his new thriller I See You.

2008 was a truly happy year for Margot. She was cast in the TV series Neighbors, which has been successfully broadcast on Australian TV since 1985. The girl did not hope to get the role, so immediately after the casting she and her boyfriend rushed off on a five-week vacation to the other side of the world - the lovers flew to Canada to go snowboarding. Before she had time to conquer the Canadian peaks, Margot received an SMS informing her that she was now Donna Friedman, one of the new characters in the popular series. Within two days, Robbie was back in Australia.

Margot devoted almost three years to filming the soap opera, spending 5 days a week, 17 hours a day, in front of cameras. The last episode with her participation was released on January 26, 2011. The role of a student fashion designer brought the actress two nominations for prestigious award Australian Logie Awards.

In 2011, Margot Robbie set off to conquer Hollywood. But here no one was waiting for the Australian with open arms, and endless castings began again. The actress auditioned for the role of Abby Sampson in the series Charlie's Angels, but the producers preferred Rachael Taylor.

However, the management of Sony Pictures Television did not ignore the request of the spectacular blonde, and she was offered one of the main roles in the new project “Pan American” with Christina Ricci and Kelly Garner. The series was closed after the first season due to low ratings, but the role of flight attendant Laura Cameron became Robbie's ticket to a big movie.

In 2012, Richard Curtis offered Margot a role in the film “Boyfriend from the Future”, and a year later the talent of the young Australian captivated Martin Scorsese. About who the eminent director will choose for the role of the “hot blonde” in his new project“The Wolf of Wall Street,” everyone in Hollywood wondered.

Margot sent Martin her portfolio without much hope and, as in the case of Neighbors, flew to another continent - to Britain, to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. That same evening, the girl received a message - a day later she had to appear in New York for an audition with the participation of Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street

When casting manager Ellen Lewis saw what the actress wore (it was ripped jeans and ballet flats), immediately sent her to the store for “the sexiest short dress and high-heeled shoes.”

During the auditions, Leo improvised, and Margot had to adjust. When in one of the scenes DiCaprio, after another family squabble, said: “You should be happy to have a husband like me. Now come here and kiss me,” Robbie was not taken aback. And although she really wanted to kiss the actor, who had been her idol since childhood, she came up and gave him a resounding slap in the face, although this was not in the script. After that, Scorsese had no doubt who would play Jordan Belfort's wife.

The actress invited all her relatives to the premiere of “The Wolf of Wall Street” in Australia, except her grandparents - Margot was worried that they would not tolerate the participation of her beloved granddaughter in erotic scenes. The star walked onto the red carpet with her mother.

After collaborating with Martin Scorsese, people started talking about Margot; she began appearing on the covers of glossy magazines, in particular Esquire, and reached the top of the ratings of the sexiest stars in Hollywood.

In 2014, the geography of the actress’s work expanded - she starred in the film “French Suite”, a joint production of Great Britain, France and Belgium. 2015 was also a busy year: three films with Robbie’s participation were released on the big screens: “Z is for Zechariah,” “The Short Game” and “Focus,” and young star gained experience working with Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale and Will Smith.

Personal life of Margot Robbie

The actress never hid the names of her boyfriends. Margot's first love was Matthew Thompson, who later became director construction company Coastech Constructions in the star's native Gold Coast. They met back in primary school. In an interview with a local publication, the young man said that “being the first love Hollywood starlet- this is great!". Robbie and Thompson often meet when the star comes home.

After moving to Los Angeles, the actress dated a certain Mark, a college student, but apparently this relationship was short-lived, since already in 2012 the press “brought together” Robbie and DiCaprio. The New York Post reported that Hollywood's most desirable bachelor spent the night in the actress's apartment, but the stars of The Wolf of Wall Street themselves refused to comment on this information.

True, the path to fame and a prosperous life turned out to be thorny, and good fairy became Margot herself and her fantastic performance.

The future actress was born on July 2, 1990 in Australia. My parents lived in a resort town popular with foreign tourists, but Margot herself spent her childhood in the provinces - on her grandmother’s farm. My father was also a farmer. He left his wife and four children. In addition to Margot, the family has an eldest son, Lachlen, youngest son Cameron and daughter Anya.

Robbie never forgave her father for her betrayal; after Mike left, Robbie stopped maintaining relations with him. The mother had to work hard to give her children the necessary education. Sari Kessler is a physical therapist whose work involves disabled children and elderly patients.

Margot Robbie grew up curious and purposeful, she tried to get the most out of life - she went to theater studio, did dancing and water rowing. Surfing became my real passion. After graduation school year Margot Robbie traditionally went to her grandmother's farm. At the age of 10, the girl skillfully chopped wood and milked cows.

After school, the girl went to college and got three jobs at once. Margot wanted to make her mother's life a little easier. The future actress worked part-time as a waitress in a bar, cleaned hotel rooms, and sold souvenirs and drinks at a beach kiosk. When Margot Robbie saved up some money, she took courses acting to Melbourne. She combined her studies with work and attending castings. To pay for the courses, Robbie had to sell sandwiches.


At the start of her acting career, Margot Robbie did not have an agent: the girl went to all the screen tests that she learned about from advertisements or from fellow students. Some selections ended successfully for Margot, but the roles were so small that Robbie’s name was not even in the credits. A fleeting appearance in the frame was enough for director Aron, known in Australia, to notice the girl. The director invited Margot to star in the title role of the film “I See You.” This was in 2007.

The next year was no less successful creative biography artists. Margot Robbie came to the casting of the popular Australian TV series Neighbors, and after the audition, confident of failure, she flew to Canada for vacation. The vacation was interrupted by the news that Robbie had been cast in the role of Donna Friedman. For almost three years, Margot starred in the sitcom, spending 17-18 hours on set, five days a week. For her role in “Neighbors,” the aspiring actress received two awards at once.

In January 2011, filming ended - Robbie decided that she was ready to become a Hollywood star. The girl went to America, where Margot was greeted inhospitably. The actress went to castings from morning to evening - in vain. Finally, the girl was offered the role of a flight attendant in the Pan American series. True, the first season was a failure, so the project was closed. But Margot Robbie herself considers this role to be her start in Hollywood. The directors noticed a pretty blonde.

Already in 2012, the actress starred in the film “Boyfriend from the Future”, and soon began filming in the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”. Margo sent her portfolio for consideration and went to England, where she received an invitation to audition in New York. The actress had to audition for a scene with, because in the story, Margot played his wife. Leonardo improvised a lot, but Robbie was not at a loss: when her partner asked her to kiss him, the girl threw a resounding slap in the face (this was not in the script). The girl’s resourcefulness captivated the director - he had no doubt that he had found the right actress.

After The Wolf of Wall Street, Margot Robbie woke up famous: photos of the actress began to appear on the covers of fashion magazines, the most notable of which was Esquire, directors began offering the actress participation in rating projects. The girl, the owner of a seductive figure (with a height of 164 cm, Margot’s weight reaches only 54 kg), did not hesitate to appear naked or half-naked on screen. Explicit scenes with Margot’s participation are in the films “Z for Zachariah,” “Focus,” “Suite Française,” and “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

In 2016, the girl appeared in the blockbuster, which grossed $750 million at the box office. In the film about the superheroes of the DC extended universe, they also played. The film won one Oscar.

At the same time, the adventure film “Tarzan” was released with the participation of the actress. Legend". The actress played the role of Jane Porter, the wife of the main character - (). Lord Greystoke, who grew up among monkeys, becomes a bargaining chip in the struggle for power in Africa, but Tarzan does not immediately recognize this. During a trip across the dark continent, his wife also becomes the prey of criminals, and to save her, Tarzan resorts to the help of the entire African fauna. The spectacular film was highly praised by film critics and grossed $350 million at the box office.

Another project of the year that added to the actress’s filmography is dramatic comedy“The Reporter” is about an American journalist who arrived on assignment in Afghanistan. On the spot, the girl met reporters from Britain and Scotland, as well as a local translator. The main roles in the film, in addition to Margot Robbie, were played by Tina Fey and.

Personal life

Margot Robbie has a busy personal life. At first, the girl dated Matthew Thompson, whom she had known since school. After breaking up, the young people remained friends. Then there were short-term affairs with a college student and art director Aitken. It was even rumored that Robbie was having an affair with Leonardo DiCaprio.

The current companion is an assistant director, whom the actress met on the set of Suite Française. In December 2016, beloved. The wedding took place in the circle of close friends and relatives. The girl dedicated only one post to the solemn event in her own “ Instagram" In November 2017, journalists noticed that the actress often appears in in public places in loose clothes, which gave me the idea. So far, the artist herself has not commented on the rumors.

Margot Robbie now

Now the girl is working on yet another reproduction of the heroine’s image in the sequel to the film “Suicide Squad.” No less interesting work Margot’s role was in the drama “Mary Queen of Scots,” which is being prepared for release in 2018. Before each shoot, Robbie was given complex makeup, which turned the blonde beauty into a woman with high receding hairlines and sparse red hair, with a face disfigured by traces of smallpox. Margot was not at all embarrassed. The actress looked natural in an unusual image. She appeared in the role.

Margot Robbie is not only a popular actress, but also an aspiring producer. In 2009, the girl took part in the production of the thriller “I See You” for the first time. In 2017, the artist released two films – the comedy “Tonya Against Everyone,” which received three Golden Globe nominations, and the drama “The Ultimate.” In all films, the girl played the main characters.

Another thing happened in 2017 significant event in her acting career. Time magazine placed Margot Robbie's name among the most... influential people peace.


  • 2008 – “Murder Department”
  • 2008-2011 – “Neighbors”
  • 2011-2012 – “Pan American”
  • 2013 – “Boyfriend from the Future”
  • 2013 – “The Wolf of Wall Street”
  • 2014 – “French Suite”
  • 2015 – “Z is for Zechariah”
  • 2016 – “Tarzan. Legend"
  • 2016 – “Reporter”
  • 2016 – “Suicide Squad”
  • 2017 – “Tonya against everyone”

Margot Alice Robbie(Margot Elise Robbie) was born on July 2, 1990 in Dalby (Queensland, Australia) in the family of farmer Mike Robbie and physiotherapist Sari Kessler. She was raised without a father because her parents divorced when she was still a child. Her mother raised Margot and her older sister and brother Anya and Lachlan, as well as her younger brother Cameron. The future movie star spent her childhood in the Gold Coast on her grandparents' farm and in Siteport, where her parents' house was located.

As a child, Margot seriously studied to become a circus performer and already at the age of eight received a diploma for trapeze exercises. She also started working very early in order to somehow help her family. She worked in a sandwich cafe, bar, and surf shop, thanks to which she quickly learned to communicate, sell goods correctly, and present herself.

Margot Robbie: “There’s a saying in America: “Pretend you’re confident until you’re not.” It worked for me: I pretended to be a pro and became a pro.”

In 2007, after graduating from Summerset College, where she studied drama, 17-year-old Margot moved to Melbourne (Victoria) and began an acting career.

The creative path of Margot Robbie

At the dawn of her cinematic career, after several episodic roles in serials, Margot managed to get two roles at once, both in the films of the director Aasha Aaron(Aash Aaron), impressed by the young actress. She played in his action movie " Vigilante"(2008) and thriller" I see you"(2009). In 2008, Robbie successfully auditioned for the role of Donna Brown in the multi-part project Neighbors, where she played in 327 episodes, working for film set show up to 2011 inclusive. Moreover, in June 2008, in an interview, she stated that immediately after the audition she bought tickets and flew off to conquer the Canadian slopes on a snowboard, but two days later she had to return to Australia.

A three-year collaboration with the creators of Neighbors was a great start for Margot Robbie: her name was known to fans of Australian cinema; the actress was nominated for a Logie Award. In 2011, she set off to conquer Hollywood. Soon, major projects appeared in her filmography: “Boyfriend from the Future” (About Time, 2013), “The Wolf of Wall Street” (2013), for which Margot was nominated for MTV Channel Award in the Breakthrough of the Year category, and “Focus” (Focus, 2014), again placing the Australian among the contenders for the same award.

Margot Robbie on The Wolf of Wall Street and Z for Zechariah: Even at 70, Marty (director Martin Scorsese - Ed.) continues to amaze me. His film is very unusual, I have never seen anything like it before. A lot of people working on indie films admire Marty, even though he only works on big-budget, big-picture films. I think it's very cute. In fact, I tried to get the role of Anne in Z for Zechariah even before I started filming The Wolf of Wall Street. But due to the fact that I had never acted in a big-budget movie before and was not so famous at that time, I was not accepted into the project. They chose a more famous actress, whose name is always heard, who often stars in big-budget films. So it turns out: in order to take part in a low-budget film, you first need to act in a number of big-budget projects. When I first auditioned for the role of Anne, I simply could not help the project with my, at that time, little-known name.”

Still, Margot played Anne Barden in the film produced in Iceland, Switzerland and the USA “Z is for Zechariah” (2015), directed by Craig Zobel. The film received a Grand Prix nomination at the Sundance Film Festival. In 2016, Robbie's career included filming in "The Reporter", "Tarzan", as well as "Suicide Squad" - in the fantasy blockbuster from David Ayer with the participation of Will Smith and Jared Leto based on the comic book of the same name published by DC Comics, she played Harley Quinn.

Margot Robbie: Harley was a lot of fun to play because she's such a badass. Just like all the “suicides,” she fits very organically into the film. I note that the members of the “squad” are not positive heroes who want to save the world. They are all criminals who united for a good cause, even under the coercion of the authorities. It is in the process of carrying out this mission that each of them discovers certain heroic qualities. At the beginning you see that each character lives and acts on his own, but at the end of the film everyone unites for a common goal...

In 2017 in biographical drama Director Craig Gillespie's "Tonya Against Everyone" about the American figure skater Tonya Harding, the Australian played the title role, for which she received nominations for Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA and others. Robbie’s filmography was supplemented by filming in the films “Goodbye Christopher Robin” (2017), “Young Hooligans” (2018), “Mary Queen of Scots” (2018). In addition, the actress was invited to such projects as “ Suicide Squad 2"(2019), " Gotham City Sirens"etc.

Personal life of Margot Robbie

In 2013, flying from New York to London to film “ French Suite"Margot met the director's assistant Tom Ackerley, whom she married in December 2016, and then played in the film Tonya Against Everyone, which he produced. In the spring of 2017, it became known that the couple, who had moved to Los Angeles by that time, were thinking about adding to their family.

Awards and achievements of Margot Robbie

2018, Oscar: nomination - best female role(“Tonya against everyone”).
2018, Golden Globe: nomination - Best Actress (Comedy or Musical) (“Tonya Against the World”).
2018, British Academy: nomination - Best Actress (“Tonya Against the World”).
2018, Screen Actors Guild Award: nomination - Best Actress (“Tonya Against the World”).
2017, Saturn: nomination - best actress supporting cast (“Suicide Squad”).
2016, MTV Channel Awards: nomination - best kiss (“Focus”).
2015, British Academy: nomination - Rising Star.
2014, MTV Channel Award: nomination - Breakthrough of the Year (“The Wolf of Wall Street”).

FULL NAME: Margot Elise Robbie

DATE OF BIRTH: 07/02/1990 (Cancer)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia




FAMILY: Parents: Mike Robbie, Sari Kessler. Spouse: Tom Ackerley.

HEIGHT: 168 cm



Australian actress. She was born into a large family of a physiotherapist and a farmer. Margot graduated from Summersmet College in Dalby, where she was born, and moved to Melbourne at 17, where she began her acting career.
Margot's first roles were so insignificant that her name did not even appear in the credits. But they were enough for the aspiring actress to be noticed by the famous Australian director Aash Aron in 2007, who offered Robbie the lead role in his new thriller “I See You.” The next year was no less successful. Margot Robbie came to the casting of the popular Australian TV series Neighbors, and after the audition, confident of her failure, she flew to Canada for vacation. The vacation was interrupted by the news that she had been cast in the role of Donna Friedman. For almost three years, Margot starred in the sitcom, spending 17-18 hours on set, five days a week. For her role in “Neighbors,” the aspiring actress received two awards at once.

In 2011, Margot Robbie set off to conquer Hollywood. But here no one was waiting for the Australian with open arms, and endless castings began again. The actress auditioned for the role of Abby Sampson in the TV series Charlie's Angels, but the producers preferred Rachel Taylor. However, the management of Sony Pictures Television did not ignore the application of the spectacular blonde, and she was offered one of the main roles in the new project Pan American. with Christina Ricci and Kelly Garner. The series was closed after the first season due to low ratings, but the role of flight attendant Laura Cameron became Robbie's ticket to a big movie.

Already in 2012, the actress starred in the film “Boyfriend from the Future”, and soon began filming in the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”. Margo sent her portfolio for consideration and went to England, where she received an invitation to audition in New York. She had to audition for a film with Leonardo DiCaprio, because according to the plot she was supposed to play his wife. Leonardo improvised a lot, but Robbie was not at a loss: when her partner asked her to kiss him, she gave him a resounding slap in the face (this was not in the script). The girl’s resourcefulness captivated the director - he had no doubt that he had found exactly the right actress.

After The Wolf of Wall Street, Margot Robbie woke up famous: her photographs adorned the covers of fashion magazines, directors made interesting offers to her. She starred in Suite Française, Focus, The Big Short, Suicide Squad and other films.

Margot was named one of the 100 most influential people of 2017 by Time magazine.

On the set of the film “French Suite” she met assistant director Tom Ackerley. In December 2016, Robbie and Ackerley got married after three years relationships. In April 2017, it became known that the couple was making plans for the birth of their first child.

  • Surname: Robbie
  • Name: Margot
  • Date of Birth: 02.07.1990
  • A country: Australia
  • Place of Birth: Gold Coast, Queensland
  • Weight: 54 kg
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Occupation: actress
  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • By Eastern horoscope: Horse

Margot Robbie is a young but already quite famous actress from Australia. Her star role became Naomi Lapagli in the film The Wolf of Wall Street, where she starred with Leonardo DiCaprio. After this role, Margot began to be called “Hollywood Barbie.”

Photo by Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie's childhood

Margot Robbie was born in July 1990 in Gold Coast, a small city on the ocean. The girl's father is a farmer, her mother is a physiotherapist. Her hometown was already very famous and attractive for tourists at that time, but the girl spent most of her time not on the sunny coast, but on her grandmother’s farm in Dalby, where she learned to care for animals and plants, and also did a lot of menial work, for example, Already at the age of 10 she knew how to chop wood.

Margot's parents soon separated, and her mother had to raise 4 children alone, take extra work, work with older people and children with disabilities. Margot stopped communicating with her father after the divorce. The daughter tried to help her mother and looked up to her in many ways.

IN school years the girl was restless and very active. She attended many clubs and sections and managed to try everything that was offered educational establishments. At this time, she took part in school productions for the first time. That's when the dream of an acting career began. Another entertainment was surfing. It was a very popular sport on the Gold Coast. As a teenager, Margo spent hours on the beach. However, during the holidays, my mother still sent me to my grandmother’s farm.

Margot Robbie loved spending time on the beach in her youth

Margot successfully graduated from school and entered the private Somerset College. However, training had to be paid. To help her mother, who was raising 2 younger children, the girl got 3 jobs. She was a maid, a waitress and a saleswoman. The money earned was enough not only for everyday needs and training, but also to save for acting courses. When a sufficient amount had accumulated, the girl went to Melbourne, where she enrolled in acting courses. Margot also had a hard time here: in the morning she studied, in the afternoon she attended castings and screen tests, and in the evenings she worked as a saleswoman in the Subway chain. Otherwise, she would have nothing to pay for the courses.

Carier start

Sometimes luck smiled on Margot at castings, and she was invited to play cameo roles in small films. Robbie's last name didn't even appear in the credits. However, it was thanks to such small works that she was once noticed by director Aash Aron. At that time, he was looking for an actress to play the main role in the thriller “I.C.U,” to which he invited the girl. However, in order to take part in the filming, Margot had to dye her hair and become a brunette. The 2007 film brought first fame and, so far, little fame.

2008 was a particularly successful year for Robbie. She managed to get into the casting of the series “Neighbors”. This film has been shown since 1985, and it has not lost popularity. At that time, the series needed new characters. And Margo decided to try at random. She didn’t believe in the success of her idea, so with a calm soul and a loved one, she left for Canada to go snowboarding, unwind, and relax. However, I had to quickly return from a planned 5-week vacation, because Margot received a message that she had passed the audition. She landed the role of a fashion designer student named Donna Friedman.

Working on the TV series Neighbors took up almost all of my time. The girl spent 17 hours a day on the set. In total, Margot worked on the project for 3 years. During this time, she was twice nominated for the prestigious Australian Logie Awards. At the beginning of 2011 it comes out last series with her participation. The girl decided that it was time to change something in life.


In 2011, the girl went to America. She was going to conquer the Dream Factory. However, she was little known and no one was expecting her. Therefore, Margot again goes through many screen tests and castings. She auditions for various films, but is already applying for more significant roles. For example, she auditioned for the role of one of Charlie's Angels, but was unsuccessful. However, the television company offered her another job. Margot Robbie was supposed to play a flight attendant in the Pan Am series. Despite the fact that the film did not receive much public recognition, and after the first season the project was closed, the girl managed to attract attention. The spectacular blonde was remembered by many. So Margo pulled out her lucky ticket. She was noticed by Hollywood directors.

After the series, she took part in the filming of several more films. In 2013, the girl learned that Martin Scorsese was looking for candidates for one of the main roles for his new film “The Wolf of Wall Street,” where DiCaprio was to play the main role. To play with him in the same film was Robbie’s long-standing and cherished dream. She sent her portfolio to the director, but without much hope of success. Immediately after this, she flew to the UK, where festivities were held to mark the Queen's jubilee.

However, there was no need to rest for long. On the same day, the girl received an invitation to audition. Not only the director, but also Leo himself looked at the candidates for the role of Belfort’s wife. The latter improvised a lot, and the young actress had to adapt. She did it so well that Scorsese and DiCaprio had no doubts or disagreements about who should play the role of Naomi Lapaglia.

After working in The Wolf of Wall Street, Margot became very famous actress. Various magazines began interviewing her, she began to appear on the covers of the most famous publications and began to be considered one of the sexiest actresses.


However, the girl did not stop there and continued her active work. So, in 2014 she starred in the film “French Suite”. This, one might say, is an international picture, because people from Great Britain, Belgium and France itself worked on its creation. And in 2015, Margot took part in 3 films at once: “Z is for Zachariah”, “The Short Game” and “Focus”. Thanks to this, she gained experience working with the most famous actors Hollywood: Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale. And the girl became friends with Will Smith.

In 2016, Margot Robbie starred in several more films. This is Tarzan. Legend" and "Suicide Squad". In both cases she played the main roles. In addition, work on the film “Reporter” is planned for 2016, where Margot will also not be in the background. In 2018, the girl plans to please her fans by starring in the next Batman film.

Personal life of Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie has never made a big secret of her personal life. The girl's first boyfriend is her classmate. She met him in primary school and was friends while she lived in the Gold Coast. However, then he left, and the relationship fizzled out.

Margot then dated a student from Los Angeles. However, the young people did not meet for long.

The media made a big fuss about a possible connection, albeit short-lived, with DiCaprio. However, both actors did not comment on the information, so one can only guess about the true nature of their relationship.

Then, on the set of one of the films, Margot met the art director, Henry Aitkin. However, the relationship was short-lived: only a few months. The love ended with the completion of the film.

Robbie is currently dating assistant director Tom Ackerley. In 2015, the media even reported that the young people were engaged.