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Small Korely ( Arkhangelsk region, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, telephone numbers, official website.

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The museum is located 25 km southeast of Arkhangelsk wooden architecture And folk art northern regions of Russia "Malye Korely". The formation of the exhibition began in 1968, and in 1973, in the vicinity of the village of the same name on the right bank of the Northern Dvina, this unique museum open air.


On the museum’s territory of 140 hectares, 120 folk monuments were placed wooden architecture XIX-early XX century - These are civil, public and church buildings. The oldest of them are the St. George Church (1672, height with a cross 36 m), the Ascension Church “Cubic Temple” (1669) and the bell tower from the village of Kuliga-Drakovanovo (XVI century) - the oldest wooden bell tower preserved in Russia.

Malye Korely - museum of wooden architecture and folk culture, offering to take a fascinating journey through time and space. This is a portal that takes you into the atmosphere of the epic North, where a fairy tale awaits at every step - tall log huts and solemnly elegant temples, colorful northern views, famous passage stairs, hot fireweed tea accompanied by the melodious ringing of bells, a lyrical song over the Dvina expanse or a colorful round dance wide holiday.

Malye Korely is located on high bank Northern Dvina is just half an hour's drive from. This is one of the largest landscape exhibitions in Russia. Founded in 1964, the museum is a member of the Association European museums in the open air and included in the State Code of Particularly Valuable Objects cultural heritage peoples of the Russian Federation.

photo: Nikolay Vymorkov

Malye Korely contains the most striking examples of traditional northern architecture, representing the “wooden civilization” of the entire vast Arkhangelsk region. On the picturesque hills among spruce forest“villages” of the Kargopol-Onega, Dvina, Pinega and Mezen sectors with huts, barns, wells and fences were located. Here you can see the gigantic mechanism of a windmill-tent, huge courtyard houses of wealthy Kargopol peasants or Pomors, the interior of a Dvina tavern, a Kholmogory forge, a fisherman’s house and a hut of a commercial hunter. Exhibits in the interiors of the estates tell about the skills of northern carpenters, how they caught fish, grew bread, how they managed their households, celebrated weddings, and even what our ancestors rode.

photo: Elena Terpilko

Malye Korely is a popular place for holiday celebrations. Maslenitsa and Easter, New Year, Christmas, Bread Festival, Horse Festival, Haymaking and Day bells always attract the widest audience. Adults and children participate in holiday rituals, sing to the accordion, swing on swings and compete in folk games. Here you can spin in a colorful round dance, walk on stilts, ride a horse or ride an “ice carousel” on a frozen pond.

Malye Korely is not just an open-air museum. This amazing world northern village, to which you want to return many times. According to reviews from guests of Malye Korel, tourists who have visited the museum once definitely want to come back again - to take a leisurely walk in this territory at a completely different time of the year, each time making new discoveries for themselves.

photo: Nikolay Vymorkov

In addition to the landscape exhibition in the village of Malye Karely, the museum also includes a unique temple ensemble in the village of Nenoksa, an ancient tented temple on the river

State Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art of the Northern Regions of Russia. The open-air museum is located in the Arkhangelsk region, on the right bank of the Northern Dvina (at the confluence of the Korelka River), 28 km south of the center of Arkhangelsk. The area of ​​the museum is 139.8 hectares.

Founded in 1964, opened to visitors on June 1, 1973. Since 1983, the museum has been a member of the Association of European Open Air Museums. Since 1996, it has been included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

The museum exhibits about 100 civil, public and church buildings, the earliest of which date back to the 16th (bell tower from the village of Kuliga-Drakovanovo) and 17th centuries (Church of the Ascension from the village of Kushereka, St. George's Church from the village of Vershiny). Among the exhibits are peasant and merchant huts, barns, wells, fences, windmills etc. The buildings to be moved to the museum territory were rolled out on logs, and then reassembled on the territory of Malye Korel.

The museum's exposition is divided into the Kargopol-Onega, North Dvina, Mezen and Pinega sectors. The Pomeranian and Vazhsky sectors are currently being created.

The museum is a popular tourism destination in Arkhangelsk. Near it is located the tourist complex “Malye Karely” of almost the same name (one letter in the name has been changed due to legal problems). Also nearby is ski stadium"Small Korely".