Makosh Ancestral customs of the Slavs. Feminine energies Black. Signs and rituals associated with childbirth and pregnancy Ancestral customs in the center of the flaring


A pregnant woman among the people received additional attention: she was freed, if possible, from difficult work and they tried to satisfy her needs for food and drink; failure to fulfill her desires was considered a sin. It was believed that she was capable of bringing happiness: she was willingly treated to apples, because if a pregnant woman tastes the fruit from a young apple tree that first bore a harvest, this apple tree will bear fruit abundantly throughout its entire life.

A pregnant woman was endowed with the ability to infect others, so she should not visit other people's families, and if she did, then only using special precautions. She could not be invited to be godfather - it was believed that if she became a godmother, then her godson would not live.

Signs and customs for pregnant women

A boy will be born if the last child in the family does not have hair that ends in a braid on the neck; when the father of the expected child finds a whip on the road; when someone from the family, running out with a weaving rod, sees some man first; when a child, seated at the table, selects from the things laid out in front of him some belonging of a man, and not a woman, for example, a pipe, and not a scarf.

A pregnant woman was also not supposed to kiss the deceased when saying goodbye and accompany him to the cemetery.

During pregnancy, a woman could under no circumstances work on church holidays - violation of this prohibition by a pregnant woman, it was believed, would inevitably affect the newborn.

Birth of a child

Both a pregnant woman and a woman who had just given birth were considered unclean, so even in winter she went to give birth away from her home - to a bathhouse, barn, barn (usually to a bathhouse that was heated). However, from the stable the woman in labor, having been relieved of her burden, went to the bathhouse and often drowned it herself if there was no one to help her. They also did it differently: at the moment of birth, all the household left, only the husband and the midwife remained with the woman in labor, who tried to alleviate her suffering.

Not a single peasant family could do without a midwife (as she was also called, navel cutter, navel tyer, navel cutter). Usually she lived or spent most of the day with the woman in labor for three days: she bathed the woman in labor and the child (the midwife had to leave only after three baths), gave herbs to drink with decoctions of various medicinal herbs, ruled the belly that had sagged after childbirth, and charmed the baby for longevity. But her main duty was to ensure that no one spoiled the child or the woman in labor, since before baptism the child, and with him his mother, were considered unprotected from any damage. Therefore, the midwife was with the woman in labor and the newborn in the bathhouse (a place, according to the peasants, very unclean), and did not leave them when strangers visited them. If there was no adult woman in the house except the woman in labor, then she played the role of housewife until the woman in labor was able to work herself. If the born child was weak and sickly, the midwife could baptize him. To do this, the holy water was diluted with plain water, she poured the baby three times with the words: “In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Spirit. Amen,” and gave the child a name. If the child remained alive, the priest completed the ritual without immersion in water and named him with the name given by the midwife. The midwife could not refuse a request to come to the woman in labor: her refusal was considered an unforgivable sin that could entail immediate punishment.

When the woman in labor had recovered sufficiently and the grandmother considered it possible to leave, the purification of all those present and those who took any part in the birth took place. They lit a candle in front of the icons, prayed, then with water into which they put hops, eggs and oats, they washed themselves and washed the baby. While washing the mother in labor, the grandmother would sometimes tell her: “As hops are light and strong, so be the same; Just as a testicle is full, so are you fuller; As oats are white, so be you white!” When the midwife washed the child, she said: “Grow as tall as a beam and as thick as a stove!” This ritual is often called washing of hands: usually water, to which various objects carrying a certain meaning were added, the mother and grandmother poured three times onto each other’s hands and asked for mutual forgiveness, the grandmother was rewarded with a gift (usually soap and a towel, sometimes money). After this, the midwife could go to deliver the next child. The midwife returned to the mother's house on the eve of the fortieth day after the birth of the child: she had to gird him and remind the mother of the need for cleansing prayer. The belt with which she tied the child was considered both as a magical amulet against evil forces and as a sign of longevity and health. The midwife said: “As long as the cord is, so shall you live; like a white cord - so be it: you will see heaven, but there will be no sorrows.” The belt symbolically divides the human body into two halves - earthly and heavenly, unclean and pure - and serves as protection against evil forces. It was believed that an unbelted child could die. The modern custom of tying a pink or blue ribbon around the blanket in which a newborn is wrapped comes from the customs of the royal house of Romanov: the born Grand Duke was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called (blue ribbon), and the Grand Duchess was awarded the Order of St. Catherine (red ribbon).

On the fortieth day, the mother and the newborn, according to the rules of the church, entered the temple: the mother listened to a cleansing prayer, and the baby was churched, that is, introduced into the community of believers.

Signs and customs for pregnant women

No one should know that a child is about to be born: childbirth is more difficult the more people know about it.

There should be no knots on the clothes of the woman in labor and her husband, then the birth will be easy. In the house you need to unlock all the locks, open all the doors and drawers, and unbraid your hair.

In the bathhouse, midwives prepared water from lessons - one of the most powerful means of folk magic. The water used for this was necessarily river water; the grandmother specially went after it with a clean bucket and always scooped it up along the river flow. Having returned from the river to the bathhouse and having said the Jesus Prayer, she immersed her right hand in a bucket like a vitukha and, having scooped up a handful of water there, lowered it down her arm through her elbow into the prepared container, whispering: “Just as water does not hold on the elbow, so it does not on the servant of God ( name) don’t stick to lessons or winners!” At the same time, she counted to nine with a negative - not one, not two, not three, etc. In this way she scooped water onto her elbow three times. With prayer, the grandmother lowered three red-hot coals into this water. Then, with a handful of her right hand through her left elbow, she poured this water three times onto the edge stone of the heater, then three times onto the door frame, holding the container so that the spilled water flowed into it again. At the same time, the grandmother said every time: “Just as water does not hold on a stone (or bracket), so do not hold on to the servant of God (name) neither lessons nor prizes!” After this, the water was considered so strongly enchanted that not a single sorcerer could destroy its healing power. Then the grandmother made the woman in labor face east - if she could stand, otherwise she sat her on the threshold of the bathhouse and splashed the spoken water in her mouth three times in her face, saying: “Just as water does not stay on the face, so it does not on the servant of God ( name) don’t stick to lessons or prizes!” Having poured the remaining water from the container onto the mother's head, the grandmother collected the water as it fell from her head into her right handful and splashed it onto the heater from under her left foot.

For an easy birth, the woman must walk around the table three times, on the corners of which salt is poured in piles. She must eat a few grains from each of them, saying: “You, salt, are holy; you, salt, salty; You, salt, are strong; make way, salt, let go of my illnesses that are in the animal bones, in the black blood; soothe all the pain and pain during difficult times, and I, slave (name), pray to God, caress myself with my womb, and wait for your baby to come soon.”

To facilitate childbirth, you need to light a passion or Thursday candle in the house (brought from church on Good Friday or Maundy Thursday), or a wedding candle.

Seeing the happy faces of friends in a dream means a quarrel with them.
- To see a child crying in a dream means joy will come.
Dreams are changeable in their presentation, sometimes they need to be interpreted in reverse, joy to misfortune, etc. This was usually done by older women, and women's dreams were always considered something more important as a harbinger of fate. Women sorceresses, going to bed, wondered, mentally asking them to show in their dreams what to expect in the future. It was from them that the predictors of the Family came out. Which could change the destinies of people and change the very fate of a person, remove generational curses and so on. These women, mothers of the Human Race, could change so much both in their lives and in the lives of their children that it simply defies description. Everything is interconnected, the concern of these women for their children was able to give them strength for this practice and they could achieve a lot with their will. These women, harbingers of fate, made very strong priestesses of the Mokosh temples. Which could influence many destinies of the Slavic Family.
Energy filling practices for women. If you are going to a place of power, to a women's temple. Then you need to put your thoughts in order before the trip. Sit on the road at home in silence. This practice is still carried out by many people, but this is the essence of it. Having arrived at the place of power, you must first cleanse yourself on the circle of purification. In front of each temple there will definitely be a circle of purification, where the spirits of the circle of purification will cleanse any person. His subtle bodies, physics. If a person feels bad during the circle of purification, then such a person, as a rule, is not allowed into the temple. Natural places of power, natural women's temples are filled with highly vibrational concentrated feminine energy. It is enough to enter the place of power, and these flows will fill you. But as a rule this is not enough. The guardians of the temples will examine you and, through the Priestess, can tell you what is wrong with you. Beregini really can do too much. Heal the body, straighten the consciousness, fill the body with energies, turn on the flow of filling in the ring of feminine power, etc. Passive filling is usually not enough. Movement at the place of power is necessary, but all this is carried out only with the consent of the Priestesses of this place. On special occasions, the Priestess can make a call to the Goddess. And Makosh herself or another, let’s say, Lada can come down and help in healing the woman.
To become a knower, you need to find yourself a teacher who could carry out initiations with you and lead you through life. Knowledgeable women, clairvoyants, entering the subtle world, discovering abilities in themselves, beyond their abilities, can develop, with the receipt of a mentor spirit, in certain narrow specializations and then combine these principles. The stronger the teacher, the stronger his student. Of course, it is difficult to find a true teacher who is able to understand you, give you the strength to open your eye, and so on. But if the magician has opened his soul, has undergone secret initiations, remembers his past incarnations, and gains experience from past incarnations, he has spirit guides and, as a rule, there should be several of them, he communicates with the Gods. This means that this is already a worthy teacher, since the Gods will not communicate with just anyone. Usually already in the second practice. The mentor should introduce you to the subtle world, let you communicate with the Gods, talk with the spirits. If he does this, it means that he is a true teacher in front of you and he really wishes you well and does not use you for his own selfish purposes.
A teacher who takes students to teach looks at them, checks them, sometimes his demands are ridiculous. But they remove restrictions and not every student can reach certain heights. Many people start and leave. They simply cannot pass the selection that is established by the Gods and Spirits. Shaman, Magician, Magus, they have already gone through this a long time ago and now they continue along this path, there is only one path. You simply follow your teacher and on this spiritual path, perhaps you will go much further than your teacher, but you will always remember him. It is very important to have God as a teacher. Let’s say Veles leads through the lives of those destined who, through their way of life and their line of fate, will be able to influence the way of life of other dedicated people. If Makosh or Lada herself leads you through life, then your life is very important and you must follow this line of fate. Since your teacher is the Goddess herself. This is very rare. This means you will receive power that will be equal to the one who gives it.
The customs of the people consider magic as the development of their consciousness and powers. And the opportunity to see the world differently, each person, due to his development, can carry out the practice of immersing himself in the world of reality, but as if from the other end. To do this, you just need to simply go to the bathhouse and mentally ask the bathhouse attendant to give you some steam. At the same time, look at the thermometer after a certain time, after about five to ten minutes, the temperature in the steam room will increase by several degrees. You can check the main thing is that it is already warm in the wood-burning steam room. If the bathhouse attendant likes you and is the owner of the bathhouse. The wish will be fulfilled.
Women's practice. Early in the morning, it doesn’t matter in winter, in summer, once a month. You need to get up earlier than usual. Undress completely, sit on the bed, stroke your legs and wish them good health from the bottom of your heart. The main thing is that the message comes from the heart. Run your hands over your stomach, stroke it clockwise, and again wish your insides healthy. You need to stroke hand in hand, you need to stroke yourself with feeling very slowly, not caress yourself, but stroke, as if with your soul, run your hands over your chest, over your face. Pay attention to the neck, wish that the folds of the neck smooth out. At the same time, the energy of the soul will flow into the body, passive activation of the energy of the soul will occur, and gradually you will learn to feel it. There is nothing magical about this, simple physics. But this exercise will help you maintain your youthful attractiveness. Because the most powerful thing in the world is the energy of the soul.

Women's practice. Basically, women's practices are aimed at filling the energy flows of the physical body, the subtle body, and so on. But there are practices for filling consciousness with light, pure energies. Our awareness is above our heads, let’s say this energy ball is essentially our Ego, the personality is ourselves. The point is that in order to improve memory, capacity we need to increase the capacity of our consciousness. To do this, we simply go to a dry steam room on wood, where vibrational energies are high. We try to feel ourselves; to do this, we close our eyes, turn on the eye, and direct our inner vision upward. We are trying to grasp and feel our consciousness. At this time, the consciousness that is in high vibrations expands a little and becomes more loose. With thin hands we try to determine its size; with practice, all people succeed in this and, as if from thin hands, we direct the light flow into consciousness and fill it. At the same time, a slight dizziness should appear, as soon as we feel this, we send the energy of the soul, remembering upward how we love someone, it is the energy of love that consolidates our light flow into consciousness. This energy ball, our spirit, becomes energetically more voluminous, its capacity increases, energy flows become stronger in high energies. Awareness increases, the surge of emotions decreases, brain performance increases, etc.
Women's practice, the main women's practices are aimed at improving the health of the body. But there are practices to reveal initial abilities that increase women’s self-awareness. Women are inherently intuitive, they make decisions very quickly. But when they make a very important decision, and not an everyday one. As a rule, they are wrong, and women suffer because of this. In this case, the practice of entering a state was provided, which expanded the flow of mental abilities. This allowed women to soberly assess the situation. You just need to sit down, enter a state of relaxation, throw out extraneous thoughts from your head that interfere with the decision to solve a certain problem and imagine the consequences of the decision made, you need to look skeptically, accepting all the arguments for and against, and fully delve into solving this problem. In the end, the solution will come, you will see all the pros and cons for yourself.
Women's practice. Generally, women's thinking is more superficial than men's. The woman is busy with her children and everything is clear to her. She is loved, desired. By becoming knowledgeable and opening the horizons of knowledge, a woman changes. Her thinking becomes deeper. Consciousness develops, the horizon of vision expands. She begins to feel the outgoing energy flows and tries to control them. When establishing life in the family, a woman has to face many problems and somehow solve them without waiting for her husband’s advice. A child gets sick, whether you like it or not, you have to study witchcraft, what herb to treat, what to do in certain cases. Experience comes with time. With age, women already see the essence and it is this experience that they try to pass on to their daughters-in-law, etc. Knowledgeable women try to find a more competent adviser, one who understands this issue, and by absorbing his experience they learn the basics. It has always been this way. Of course, you can call a more skilled specialist, but only if you can figure out the problem correctly yourself. So what's the point? Of course, those in the know are advised by spirit mentors. They can not only give some advice on this or that topic, but also help very competently.
Women's practices. Currently, many women abuse the attention of men, not their husbands, but men. Thus, they lose not only their feminine attractiveness, but also their appearance. Women are covered by the overlays of men, who begin to download energy from them from the female ring of power. Of course, women themselves cannot remove the overlays. Practice for women who are faithful to their men and want to become more attractive and desirable. To do this, you need to lie down, relax, and before doing this it is better to take a shower. Spread your legs slightly. Then mentally feel the water and earth with your feet, imagine that you are standing in a river. But the sensations must be obvious. You need to be able to achieve this. Then feel how the combined energy of water and earth enters the ring of feminine power. You need to completely fill yourself with these energies. Feel the filling and direct the flow to the navel, so that the energy of the ring of feminine power slowly flows into the navel and disperses throughout the physical body and subtle bodies. After these practices, a woman usually begins to glow with inner light. What attracts the gaze of the man you love.
Women's practices. It is not possible to describe all women's practices, but let us pay attention to the ring of feminine power. It mainly consists of the physical body and outgoing flows of energy fields of the subtle plane. It is these streams of the subtle body that pump and fill the physical body. Women have two energy centers: the source and the germ. But the main energy chakra is located two fingers below the navel. This is the main entrance for the accumulation of energies inside a woman’s physical body. The source and the origin work as energy centers. Both for the entry of energies into the body and for the exit. In fact, the ring of female power is a very fragile instrument, and not every knower has access to this female circle. To do this, you need to have a very precise understanding of women's energy flows. These threads do not all recover themselves. As a rule, this is done by the Beregini of women’s temples and spirit healers, Priestesses of Mokosh. And some experts who have undergone this training see these energy fields. You can very easily upset this instrument and the woman will start to get very sick.
The ring of female power is determined by the saturation of energies and their quality. Due to the degree of contamination of the feminine principle, feminine energies lose their properties. Various diseases arise. Early menopause, dissatisfaction with sex life, etc. This is why it is very important for women to change and cleanse their feminine power ring. Correct energy flows and seek help from the Masters who are able to regenerate energy fluctuations. Remove all kinds of entities. Of course, it is better to fill the ring of female power at places of power at women’s temples. Where specially trained priestesses can help you with your ailments.
Feminine energies are diverse and, as a rule, of different quality. The point is that the energies of the female power ring are also susceptible to influence from the outside. Any impact, both active and passive, is reflected in a person’s energy on his field, both on the physical body and on the subtle bodies. Human organs are subject to aging, and this is primarily a change in human energy. Let’s say that a young girl has lighter energies in her physical body, she is very active and ready to give birth to a child. The energies are pure and bright. This is what people say about a pure girl. Until she knew the man. After experiencing masculine energy. The girl is transformed, her gait, movement and much more changes. Those in the know feel this, and so do other sensitive people. This is how the male overlay works. But if there are a lot of male influences, then these energies destroy the woman, lower her vibrations, change the quality of energy, destroy sexual energy, and completely lower her tone. A woman begins to age very quickly. Fallen women all grow old very early. It is quite difficult to remove male overlays; it is not enough to remove the connection between a man and a woman, but it is also necessary to remove the male overlay from the field of the woman’s circle of power. Change the quality of energy from heavy to lighter. And not everyone can do this.
The ring of female power is determined by the quality of the energy and its quantity. The feminine power ring produces sexual feminine energy, which in turn affects the function of the female genital organs and allows you to conceive and bear a child. What is important here is the energy of love, which is activated by the woman’s soul, its vibration. This makes it possible to determine the degree of vibration of the female ring of power and direct the corresponding soul during conception, depending on the vibrations of the woman. The wise soul is sent to high vibrations, which revives the child’s fetus, activating life flows, and the child begins to move. If the ring of female power does not have sufficient high vibrational energy, then the fetus will not be born to term - a miscarriage will occur. The woman will not be able to carry the child to term.
The ring of female power directs energy and tones the entire woman’s body, leads women’s energy flows in the right direction, and streamlines movement. It is on the energies of the ring of feminine power that a woman’s well-being, her worldview and perception of the outside world depend. If the energy flows are weak, then the woman’s well-being drops sharply, self-esteem decreases, and the woman feels dissatisfied. The incentive decreases, the woman begins to look for what she lacks. And the reason is simple - a woman simply leads the wrong lifestyle, she wastes herself, does not fill herself with pure energies. The power of her female power ring had weakened. That is why it is very important to find places of power, to fill your ring of feminine power with strong concentrated high vibrational energies.
The movement of energies in the female body is ordered with the development of the physical body itself, its growth. It all depends on the location of the girl, in what energies she grew up. Let's say village women are more resilient, stronger, more mobile, and full of energy. The village has natural energies, there is very little negative energy and the children grow up healthier. The very way of life forces village women to work either in the field or in the garden. Of course the work is more difficult. But work on earth gives women strength, their consciousness is stronger than people who grew up in negative energies. This is why rural women are able to bear and give birth to full-fledged children than urban women. The health of a village woman is much stronger. And it’s not a matter of ecology, it’s a matter of the energies in which the child grew up. If he constantly went to the forest, swam in the river, sunbathed in the sun, and breathed fresh, clean air, he would grow up healthy. Well, if a child from an early age breathes in the exhaust fumes of big cities, he will grow up weakened, with poor health, and the safety margin of such a child will not be very large.
A woman's health is determined by the concept - myself. If there is no immunity, the woman withers, and it is unlikely that anyone will help you. This, I myself, is very appropriate in this case. Me myself. She herself decided that no doctor could improve her health; money couldn’t buy it. Only a person himself can improve the situation for the better. Only in nature, in a place of power, can you return what seems to be gone forever. Immunity will appear only in natural energies. It won’t be possible to fix it in the city; no pill will bring back the youth and goodwill of men. This is where only I myself can help in this matter. And your immune system will help you, well, with a strong immune system, you definitely won’t get sick.
To improve your immunity in the summer, it’s enough to visit nature more often, it’s better to live in a village, or go on a long hike to places of power. Gain solar energy, dig deeper into the soil, which removes negative energy. The practices will tone up, get rid of excess weight, and rejuvenate the body. Women's practices are best done everywhere. As a rule, they will help you contact those in charge.
Women's practices heal the body and develop consciousness. A woman receives new abilities; her capabilities increase when a woman embarks on the spiritual path of development. As a rule, women are more practical and their magic is used in everyday life. Let’s say many housewives receive a spirit mentor who knows a lot about how to treat simple diseases. There are many delicious recipes and they are usually prepared together. Perfume can greatly help in everyday life, improve the microclimate in the family and much more. You can always ask them for advice on what to do in a given situation and, as a rule, the spirits help, simply without selfishness, wishing the best for the house they are in, monitoring the well-being of loved ones, and can tell you if something is going wrong. There are many levels of spirits, each with their own abilities, their own information, their own knowledge, their own experience. Many women who have been practicing for several years usually have several spirit mentors who help them develop.
The spirit mentor monitors the energy flows in the body, in which case it corrects them, and monitors the state of consciousness. Share my experience with you. Information guides you through life. The Spirit of the Mentor has many responsibilities; he has the right to leave you if you rush into the darkness of ignorance. At the same time, your energies become heavy and vibrations go out. It is impossible for the Light Spirit to be in such a field and it will leave you. But only having the spirit of a mentor can you develop, reveal your abilities, beyond your abilities. The bright Spirit of the mentor is usually called upon in the spring at Maslenitsa. Women Men who want to become knowledgeable come to the Magi and they lead you to a place of power. Where will you perform the ritual of invoking the Spirit. Everyone will receive their spirit according to their destiny. Well, those who are not ready will not receive anything. The spirit, as a rule, does not come to dark, selfish people.
The spirit guide comes to women according to their purpose in life. Everything depends on the soul, its wisdom and capabilities, on past incarnations and developments in obtaining certain experiences in the past. The soul must develop and receive experience from the life it lives. It all depends on its multidimensionality and awareness. As a rule, a soul entering a new life does not remember all the lessons learned, but it has experience. Knowledge is easy to obtain, but it is always difficult to learn how to use it for its intended purpose. The task of the spirit of the mentor is to lead through life so that life is not in vain and the soul gains experience. Life situations are different, but no matter in what environment you were born and in what era you live, the soul must remain bright and not go into acquisitiveness, self-interest, etc. You must live in truth. Many people do not hear their soul, many have already forgotten that there is a soul. But many feel their soul. The soul feels love as well as fear, which is born in the soul. A strong soul is able to pass all tests and become a fairly strong magician, even if it is a woman. Women's practices are of course different from men's. But basically they are the same. The bottom line is that the focus is different in their narrow specialization.

Women's practices are different. Becoming a knower is quite simple. It is enough to maintain higher vibrations in the physical body, clear consciousness and determine your abilities. Clairvoyance in both the obvious and subtle worlds is a general practice. Which are mandatory for everyone. Diagnosis of diseases is possible only if those in charge have the spirit of a healer. Since just one vision is not enough, special knowledge, medical training and the ability to manage the energies of both the subtle body and inside the physical are required. Without the spirit of a healer, the Master does not have the right to heal or rule people, and the Gods punish for this. Since the human body and its life are more valuable and it is not permissible to make mistakes, even for novice healers. Healing people is a special form of the ability of a knowledgeable person. It is important here to be able to see the insides, energy flows and have very strong health. Previously, only the Magi of the Family, the Priests of the temples of Veles and the Women of Knowledge who had the appropriate training undertook healing. as well as the Priestesses of the Mokosh Temple. Healers and herbalists could treat with herbs, but only minor diseases and, as a rule, drove illness out of the body. And influence on the cellular level of the patient can only be carried out in the presence of the spirit of the healer and under his guidance. Many women, in addition to general practices, had narrower specializations. Let’s say they could engage in scientific practices, create certain technologies that do not contradict the nature of existence, and use the information field of the earth for this to receive knowledge from there. Many conducted alchemical experiments, created the necessary material from natural fiber and did not accelerate natural processes like chemists. Many were engaged in visions of external and temporary corridors, etc. Many knowledgeable people reached great heights and were admitted by the Gods to secret knowledge, which is not customary to talk about in vain.
Keep practicing, constantly overcome yourself, take a step forward, pass tests. Only a strong person who knows how to control his emotions is capable of this. Knowing how not to succumb to these emotions. And he who knows how to love with all his soul does not invent love, but loves no matter what. Only a strong nature is capable of this. Which can develop and take steps in its development. Happy is the person who keeps his love in his heart, who fights for his life and strives for knowledge. A person who is a victim of circumstances gives up and never achieves anything. The one who walks towards his goal, let him take small steps, will always come to where he wants to come. But the one who betrayed once will not be allowed into the circle. The one who knew, practiced and then gave up everything, not when he no longer becomes a knower. Because such a person cannot be trusted. Because he will betray again.
Women's Vedic practices are ubiquitous. Leaders are constantly evolving. But their main practices are carried out locally by the forces. It all depends on the degree of dedication. There are senior priestesses, regardless of whether they are on the subtle plane or in the manifest world. They constantly teach the younger generation. Previously, this was monitored by both spirit mentors and Magi. More gifted girls were immediately put on the true path, and this girl followed the path of development from an early age. The path of the one who knew the destined one was chosen by the Gods themselves; they prepared, taught, initiated into the secrets of the universe and could subsequently guide through life. Many women flourished, became very powerful and could achieve a lot. Many women removed restrictions and conquered levitation and were able to move in space and time, both in the subtle body and in the physical. Many were able to influence other people and remained youthful for many years; women did not make any restrictions on themselves for a very long time; they did not grow old; they always led an orderly lifestyle and retained their sanity for many years. Natural energies filled their physical bodies, the subtle body. The gods gave practices and carried out the necessary initiation transformations. Suppose we practiced clairvoyance, the eye opened and was cleaned, vision was activated and consciousness could see a lot in both the obvious and subtle world. Let’s say you need to see what a person is doing at this time, let’s say your friend, she didn’t spy, but looked. It's different. The presenter simply tuned in to him and received a picture. It’s not difficult; to see the truth you need to constantly monitor the vibrations of the body and have practice. Let’s say you need to look at the past of a specific event, it’s also not difficult, just simply enter the field of those events, walk along the corridor of time and see what happened there. Let’s say a dark witch exerts an influence on a person; with practice, it is very easy to deal with this witch and remove the influence. Bring this person back to normal and so on. A bright, strong witch can do anything, the main thing is to constantly monitor the vibrations, cleanse yourself, and remove negativity from yourself. Anything is possible. The main thing is not to anger the Gods with your actions. Know that every action of the person in charge is under unspoken control. The gods rejoice if the initiate behaves correctly, according to the law. He takes care of himself and most importantly loves him. To develop you need to love.
Women's practices are similar to men's, but they have their own peculiarities. Women remove restrictions more easily, absorb new knowledge abilities more easily, and always devote time to practices and to themselves. And at this time it is better not to touch the woman. If she decides something, men usually give in. Women's logic is simple: if it can help my family, I should try. Of course, not all women can immediately go into a trance and remove the navy essence from their husband and other family members with their own thin hands. Although, of course, there are also those with very strong abilities and a wise soul. But with practice, all this is possible. Much more is possible. The main thing is movement towards the goal of becoming more significant for the family and society. And the Knowing Woman will certainly have more worries. But that's life.
Women's practices, of course, are best started with a spiritual teacher. Of course, if your Ancestral power is open, and you already have access to the subtle world, then you can continue to develop yourself further. But the point is that the experience accumulated by the teacher will not be available to you, and it is this experience that you will have to gain yourself. Of course, there are people destined by fate to come to someone to receive certain practices, to pass the tests of life. And the teacher will also test you and are unlikely to teach you right away. He communicates with the Gods with your ancestors; the main thing for a spiritual teacher is to realize who is in front of him and what needs to be given to this person in order for him to develop. There is always a pause in a relationship. The teacher is simply waiting for how you will react to this or that situation. If you think that you can deceive, then this is not so. He will not reveal secret knowledge to you if you do not deserve it. Why carry out initiations if a person is not worthy of it. Everything is so in this life, in order to achieve something on the path of achievements you need to come to it.
Women's practices. Women develop consciousness constantly. Looking for delicious recipes. They constantly try to come up with something new. They decorate the room in which they live, move furniture. They perceive life quite creatively. Feeling constant dissatisfaction. It is precisely this dissatisfaction that forces women to develop, taking new steps along the path of development. A bright woman does everything quite naturally, her consciousness does not experience certain restrictions; she does not need to force herself and fight laziness. Her energy just boils in her, she is always naturally busy with something. Information hunger constantly pushes her to search for new information. And it only takes a little willpower for this woman to begin to know. Everything just happens spontaneously to her. And only by embarking on this spiritual path that captivates her does she realize that she is doing something beyond the ordinary. As a rule, such women, bright with a pure soul and a strong hunger for information, produce those bright sparks of eternal light that illuminate the manifest world.
Women's practices. Women practitioners, as a rule, strive for knowledge. But secret knowledge is given only to those initiated into certain secrets of the universe. The general practices that we will describe in this book are mainly aimed at healing the body, rejuvenating, and balancing energies in the family. But even this knowledge is necessary for every woman. The point is that simple knowledge helps a lot in everyday life, in the house. Previously, every woman knew this. Let's say how to properly prepare food for your household. Nowadays, women tend to cook a lot at once for the whole day. In fact, this is not acceptable. Early in the morning, the women prepared breakfast, usually light, some simple porridge, a good dessert, a drink. A good lunch was prepared for lunch with the expectation that everything should be eaten. Soups for the first and second course, punch, compote. after lunch, the men went to rest for another hour and, having rested, went back to the table, this was called afternoon tea, after lunch, as a rule, a small salad of chopped vegetables, herbal tea. Tea was served as a separate dish, and not as an additional dish with shangi pies and so on. In the evening, dinner, while the sun was high, when the sun went below the horizon, eating food was prohibited both in summer and winter. You were allowed to drink kvass, mash, mead, and a little wine. For dinner, porridge, pies, and so on were always served, but one was not allowed to overeat. The point is that piping hot food is usually very nutritious; if the food was left out of the oven for a little while, it was considered a spoiled dish. Since any soup that has been chilled in the refrigerator, as a rule, sours and is exposed to negative bacteria and energies. And filling such writing with positive energy is quite difficult. It should also be taken into account that the food was prepared in a Russian oven in clay pots and filled with positive energy, which was completely absorbed by the body. People were this more energetic and filled with common sense. Food cooked on gas is filled only with negative energy.
Cooking is the primary responsibility of women; cooking, as a rule, was always done by older women in Rhoda. Because they knew what was what and why. In fact, preparing lunch dinner breakfast is not so difficult. The hot dishes were usually served with porridges, which the women prepared in the evening. Simply put purified millet into a pot of boiled salted water, for example, and by morning the millet would swell. And already in the morning the magic began. The swollen millet in the Russian oven swelled, but was crumbly and fragrant, grain to grain. After which the magic began. Sour cream, a little boiled milk and most importantly honey were added to the porridge. It was honey that made the magical porridge very tasty. The millet was filled and served to the table. The Slavs previously respected honey. Although sugar was also present on the table and it has changed little since then, it was just lumpy, and people crushed it themselves in special mortars. Closer to lunch, the stove was lit and here the hostess began self-expression, the creative process. The point is that a bright, spiritual, happy woman will always have a tastier dish than a woman who is always tortured and in heavy vibrations. Dinner was prepared in the same way as breakfast. The stove was fired only once. The Slavs did not eat meat.
The nutrition of the Slavs played a certain role in their formation of consciousness. The food of the Slavs was very well balanced and thoughtful. Kitchen, what we eat is very important, since all this penetrates our body. People previously were knowledgeable, well versed in energies and clearly saw what they ingested. A reasonable person will not eat convenience foods from the store. The point is that nutrition determines not only the energy of vibration, it determines the consciousness of the person himself. If you feed on something unknown, of course your consciousness will take on a distorted shape, and from here your worldview will also be, to put it mildly, distorted. A distorted consciousness is very easily controlled from the outside. That is why the Slavs ate only what they grew themselves, and products that did not grow on their territory, as a rule, did not appear on their table. It should be taken into account that the climate in Russia was much milder, and all crops sprouted. Currently, the climate is changing, and even on the lands of the Middle Urals, orchards will soon bloom.
Women's practices. It is not enough for women to be filled with energy in places of power. You need to actively practice. There are many body rejuvenation practices. Like a physical body. Rings of feminine power for the face and neck. But the main thing is the practice of preserving and rejuvenating feminine energy. Let’s say that in their youth, girls, young women seem to flutter, their gait is light and a little provocative. With age, energies become heavier and it is no longer so easy to walk on the earth. The main thing here is to rejuvenate these age-related energies. It is essentially impossible to passively rejuvenate simply by coming to the temple of Mokosh or the Temple of Lada. We need the active intervention of the priestess of the Temple of Mokosh, Take Care of the temple. The practice is usually not so difficult, but it is better to do it alone so that there are no strangers at the temple. It is held on a weekday. Summer afternoon. Priestesses and caretakers from the Magi, as a rule, know all these practices and can perform this rite of rejuvenation of energies with anyone who wishes. You just need to turn to them for help. It is better not to delay this ritual and the first ritual is usually carried out after 35 years of age and is repeated every five years.
Women's practices are determined by the fact that simply pumping yourself with energies without replacing them does not make sense. The capacity of the vessel is always 100 percent and no matter how much water is poured into it, it will always pass by. This means that the value lies in the fact that you need to free yourself from old energy, make room for bright and clean energy; this also applies to male practices. In men's practices, everything is clear there; men stand on the circle of transformation for several days and are constantly in motion. And one energy enters their bodies, another purer, stronger, lighter energy enters, thereby an exchange of energies occurs. For women, things are a little different. Since women simply cannot physically survive for several days, their energy volume is almost the same. Men maintain their will, constantly make an effort on themselves, women don’t need this. But it is necessary to change the energy. This is why women's temples were created where the caretakers of the temples, the Magi and priestesses, can help you get rid of the old energy you don't need and replace it with a new one.
Women's practices are mainly to continue longevity, to continue the function of childbearing, even at a very old age, previously women could continue the family. Development of consciousness, gaining experience of the soul. The more a woman practiced various practices, the stronger her consciousness became. The more she absorbed knowledge, the more valuable she became to the Gods. And her spirit was always in demand after the transition, life went on. The more the woman learned about life. The more valuable the experience was for her soul. Life is, first of all, the development of the soul and the necessary experience for the continuation of incarnation. Sometimes very strong souls come to earth and already have enormous experience. Such souls are destined and, as a rule, become indispensable helpers of the Gods in the development of humanity. In fact, this is its purpose for the development of immature souls. This is the essence and conditioned importance of being.
Women's practice. Early in the morning, looking at the sun, you need to close your eyes, and with your eye you will see a yellow ball in the sky. After which it is necessary to draw in this energy through the solar plexus and pass this energy back through the eye. Try it, it’s not difficult, thereby you will cleanse the chakras, restore energy flows, and fill yourself with the energy of the sun.
On a sunny day, when there was a concentration of energies. In the late afternoon, the Slavs could feel the outgoing energies of the sun during sunset. It’s very good to lie in the sun, the sun doesn’t burn, but somehow caresses the body, you can pamper yourself and pump up your thin bodies. Women knew this before, as a rule, they retired, took off their clothes and basked in the rays of the sun. But here the main thing was not to get a tan, but to be pumped with the necessary solar energies that govern the subtle bodies and fill the health inside the physical body; this is very important since the perception of the subtle bodies is completely reflected on the physical body.
Women's practices directly reflect reality in the obvious world. Help women look at life more soberly. And identify the direct impact of the image of thought on reality. It’s as if the woman doesn’t live in a dream world, but looks straight into events. Everything is determined from above. A woman, as a rule, does not close her eyes to little things; she knows exactly what needs to be done in the present moment. Feels intuitively and this is the main thing in life. You should not look for the logic of things where there is none. Much in this life is not subject to common sense. Everything in this life is a consequence of events that happened earlier. A woman in charge, as a rule, is intuitively stronger than the one who always wants to understand and think about how to act in a given situation. Everything in this life is determined. But a person who previously knew and left this is usually blind and can no longer look at the world sensibly. Her position is erroneous, since she has already predetermined the basic concepts in her life. That is why a woman who has embarked on the path of learning spiritual life cannot leave this line. Since the knowledge of the secret determined her life. And if she was closed, then her future life is empty and does not contain the joy of being.
Women's practices. Women who practice magic, as a rule, are very well versed in all possible slander and conspiracies. Food is pumped with the energy of the soul consciously, and the food tastes better and is filled with light energy. A slander is usually done on some object or thing, thereby creating a talisman. The amulet is made for warriors during battle. But a hex is placed on the amulet. Let’s say a woman takes a piece of her hair and wraps it in a thread and says the following words; My pure hair, keep my energy of love, keep my love in the soul of someone, let’s say Vseslav, let the fool’s bullet not touch his body, let no hair fall off him. Gods of Light preserve my love. So be it. The hex can be applied arbitrarily, the main thing is that the words come from a pure heart and the amulet is applied to something.
Slanders were whispered by knowledgeable women with the application of an image, a thought, which is no less important. A protective object, a thing, gained strength only when the whispering of the thought of the image was carried out, right. This was previously taught to girls from an early age. Only the woman who puts strength into the slander is strong. A slander without the power of an image is just a little information and nothing more. The amulet is supposed to protect, but not all women mastered this art, but only those who loved with their souls. The slander was carried out on various objects, etc. And the conspiracy was carried out for some reason - let’s say a person fell ill, and it was necessary to relieve the illness. To do this, it was like a spell was cast that could no longer be removed. Various conspiracies were carried out when various things were stored. Let's say a secret letter was placed in a chest and buried in the ground, while a conspiracy was carried out. When an enemy came, they hid the most valuable things, buried them in the ground, and put treasure in them. Conspiracies were carried out more extensively. And many still do not distinguish between a slander and a conspiracy, but these are different things. The slander was usually carried out on a certain thing, an object, and so on. A conspiracy is an action or reaction.
As a rule, the slander was carried out and the following text was whispered onto the water before washing the child: Holy water, giving life, remove all bad unnecessary things from this child, wash the amulets, heal the child’s name (Vladimir), amulets from evil. At the same time, the message of the soul was sent; it was not the text that was important, although the image of the thought was as follows, but the light of the soul; at the same time, one must remember the love for one’s child, so that the energy of love is activated. Then pour water on the child when you have washed him. In this way it was possible to remove fear and the evil eye, etc. Although for strong people in charge it was enough to simply pat him on the head.
Slanders were also used on weekdays, for example, someone in the household was ill. The leader cast healing spells on the water and gave it to drink. The water molecule changed, the water charged and healed the body. It's not difficult. Anyone can do this at home: take spring water, pour it into a glass, wait until the water warms up to the natural temperature of the room, and then put on a thought image, as if to put on a program; that was enough. The water penetrated and healed. You need to put a thought on an image so that the flow comes from the soul.
Conspiracies were used by Knowledgeable Women mainly when it was necessary to conjure up some unnecessary external ailment. Let's say an eyesore, a toothache, a wart, and so on. They also spoke water when they washed babies and guided them on a clean path, so that their life path would be without flaws, and so on. They enchanted the grass so that it retained the necessary power for healing, when collecting herbs, and so on. There are many cases in life when a conspiracy is needed. A conspiracy, like a slander, can be different, the main thing is that it comes from the heart and there is a clear thought image of what you personally want. In the same way, they spoke with the help of knots; a conspiracy was read, which was secured with a knot. They took a string and tied a knot to secure the plot.
A conspiracy was imposed on a certain thing. Let's say this thing was worn by a sick person. Then those in charge imposed a certain thought image on this thing. They filled it with high-vibration energy of the soul, feeling how the energy enters this thing and is distributed, after which this thing was put on the patient. What gave me strength to fight the disease. This was very important. It is important what energies the sick person is in. Of course, those in charge pumped even the sickest person with soul energy. But the shirt filled with the conspiracy of a knowledgeable woman retained this energy for a long time. Why the energy flows in the body were not distorted. The man was recovering very quickly.
Conspiracies were carried out not only on clothes, but also on the person himself. The point is that it is not difficult to banish a disease, but it is difficult to help a truly sick person. There you already need complete healing of a person, his organs, and so on. But it is possible to correct the energy flows in a person; a slight curvature of the energy flows and the person begins to weaken, it needs to be corrected. In this case, you can use a simple conspiracy. You need to put the person down, stand at his head and put your hands on his head. At the same time, it is very important that you yourself have a high vibration and a fairly strong Aura. Enter into a state of love, remember the closest person you love and direct through your hands this energy of love into the person’s head. At the same time, all energy flows will be straightened and will flow through the physical body correctly. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to be clean and bright in high vibrations. Only women can do this. Men should not practice this because male energy is completely different. And the women’s is just to establish a relationship between a man, a woman and a child. In this case, you need to create a form of thoughts and direct them to the person.
Women who begin to practice magical practices, as a rule, begin to rush, without having learned their previous lesson. This is not correct and unacceptable. Initially, it is necessary to fully understand the lesson learned and only after that move on to the next level of development. Everything should develop gradually and there is no need to rush in this matter. Each step of development is, first of all, a whole year of life, or even two. Each practice, each newly discovered ability is given by the Light Gods, but they will open the abilities only by checking how you have mastered the previous lesson.

To be continued.

Recently, customs have been revived among the people. Many were drawn to nature. Many are in search of places of power. Many are concerned about the revival of Slavic traditions. Revival of true faith. And true faith is, first of all, practices, the development of consciousness. abilities, gaining magical power. The powers of the ancestors. Nowadays everything is possible. The main thing is to realize where is bad and where is good. The customs of the people boil in the blood and awaken souls. With an increase in vibrations on earth, people wake up realizing that something is wrong in the world. The Slav takes a very long time to harness, but rides very quickly. This is the custom. The people are quick to kill and it is impossible to stop them. This was known to those in power at all times. and never mocked the people.

The last few days I have been re-reading a lot of information on the Internet about childbirth, natural preparation for it, and today I came across an interesting article... Russian traditions. How childbirth took place in Rus'.

Shortly before giving birth, they especially tried to hide the day and hour of birth. Even the birth prayer was hidden in a hat and only then taken to the priest in the church.

Our ancestors believed: birth, like death, violates the invisible border between the worlds of the dead and the living. Therefore, such a dangerous business had no business happening near human habitation. Among many peoples, the woman in labor retired to the forest or tundra so as not to harm anyone. And the Slavs usually gave birth not in the house, but in another room, most often in a well-heated bathhouse. The family said goodbye to the mother in labor, realizing the danger to which her life was exposed. The woman in labor was placed near the washstand and given a sash tied to the beam of the bed in her hand to help her hold on. During the entire period of childbirth, wedding or baptism candles were lit in front of the holy icons.

In order for the mother’s body to open up better and release the child, the woman’s hair was unbraided, doors and chests were opened in the hut, knots were untied, and locks were opened. Undoubtedly, it helped psychologically.

The expectant mother was usually helped by an elderly woman, a grandmother-midwife, experienced in such matters. An indispensable condition was that she herself had healthy children, preferably boys.

In addition, the husband was often present during the birth. Now this custom is returning to us as an experiment borrowed from abroad. Meanwhile, the Slavs did not see anything unusual in having a strong, reliable, beloved and loving person next to a suffering, frightened woman.

The husband of a woman in labor was assigned a special role during childbirth: first of all, he had to remove the boot from his wife’s right foot and let her drink, then untie the belt, and then press his knee to the back of the woman in labor to speed up the birth.

Our ancestors also had a custom similar to the so-called couvade of the peoples of Oceania: the husband often screamed and moaned instead of the wife. For what?! By doing this, the husband attracted the possible attention of evil forces, distracting them from the woman in labor!

After a successful birth, the grandmother-midwife buried the child's place in the corner of the hut or in the yard.

Immediately after birth, the mother touched the baby’s mouth with her heel and said: “I carried it myself, I brought it myself, I repaired it myself.” This was done so that the child would grow up calm. Immediately after this, the midwife cut the umbilical cord, tied it and sealed the hernia by biting the navel 3 times and spitting 3 times over the left shoulder. If it was a boy, the umbilical cord was cut on an ax or arrow so that he would grow up to be a hunter and a craftsman. If a girl is on a spindle, so that she grows up as a needlewoman. The navel was tied with linen thread woven with the hair of the mother and father. “Tie” – in Old Russian “to tie”; This is where “midwives” and “midwives” come from.

After charming the hernia, the baby was washed, saying: “Grow - as tall as a beam and thick as a stove!” They usually put an egg or some kind of glass thing in the water for the boy, and only glass for the girl. Sometimes silver was placed in barely heated water, so as not to burn, for purification and so that the child would grow up rich. To prevent the baby from being jinxed, they washed it for the first time in water slightly whitened with milk, then “for wealth” they placed it on an inside out sheepskin coat. While washing the baby, the midwife “straightened his limbs” - straightened the head, which is usually soft as wax. It largely depended on her skill what kind of child the child should be: round-headed, long-faced, or even a freak. After washing the baby, they swaddled him in a long narrow swaddling blanket and a headband. If they were afraid that the baby would be restless, they swaddled him in his father's ports. To make the baby grow beautiful and handsome, they covered him with green material. At first, the baby was left “free,” and he would lie somewhere on a bench until he became restless, screamed, and “begged for unsteadiness.” Zybka is an oval box made of bast, with a bottom made of thin planks, which my father had to make. If the birth took place in a hut, then the baby was handed to the father first, and he laid him in the hut, as if thereby acknowledging his paternity.

It happened that the baby was placed in a cradle - a wooden frame with canvas loosely stretched over it, so that a comfortable depression was obtained. Both the cradle and the cradle were hung from the “ochep” - a long pole, one end attached to the ceiling and completely freely bending up or down. Nothing was hung above the flap itself, so as not to accidentally shield the baby from the angel. A baby's feather bed was stuffed with feathers, and most often with hay, covered with canvas sheets, and the baby was covered with a chintz patchwork blanket.

Having dealt with the baby, the midwife gave the mother some oatmeal and beer to drink, then hovered her in the oven, adjusted her stomach and expressed the first “bad” milk. If she had to go to the bathhouse, the young mother would leave scissors in the hole and a broom under the hole so that the baby would not be stolen by “evil spirits.”

Bathing in a bathhouse is a special ritual. A clean bucket and undrinkable water were prepared for him, collected necessarily from the river flow. The grandmother-midwife poured water through her elbow and spoke to the young mother “from reproaches and detractors.” After this, the midwife collected water in a container, threw 3 coals from the stove into it and doused the water three times, first on the heater, and then on the door frame, while whispering a prayer spell. After this kind of magic, the water was considered enchanted, and the midwife took it into her mouth, splashed it in the face of the mother in labor, and once again repeated the spell against reproaches and ghosts.

The day after the birth, neighbors and acquaintances came to the happy mother with congratulations and brought her various sweets “for her tooth.” After a week, and sometimes already on the third day, the postpartum woman returned to her household duties - but only after performing a cleansing ritual known as “washing of hands.” If a young mother had to go to work in the field, then the care of the newborn was entrusted to the “caretaker” of the household - an old woman, and most often - a little girl-sister.

In the Orthodox and many other traditions, great attention is paid to the concepts of Family and ancestors. All this makes you think: maybe it’s really very important to feel connected to your Family and serve it? It is believed that if you carry out practices, you will radically improve your life and receive powerful support from Rod.

Is this true? Or is all this, by and large, of no particular importance and you can do just fine without it?

Genus is a system of attitudes, wisdom, experience

I want to look at Rod from the perspective of the task that it performs for each Soul embodied in it. After all, from the position of macro consciousness (unity consciousness) it is important to see the whole picture!

Rod is a system of mutual assistance and education, which allows us to solve the assigned tasks of each specific incarnation. The genus is called upon to create for us an information environment that helps us acquire certain character qualities and thinking patterns. And also provide us with the knowledge and wisdom necessary to carry out our tasks.

Through Rod we receive individual personality traits. And then, through these qualities and attitudes, we gain the experience that we need in this incarnation.

Let's understand that Rod is an information structure that contains the experience of all souls that have incarnated and undergone experiences based on this energy. And this experience can be in demand by us as training, additional wisdom, help from those who have already gone through similar installations and tasks through incarnation in this Family. Mutual assistance, the teacher system, support - each time you can look at this from different angles, finding important facets for yourself.

Rod can support b - if we need greater balance and focus on the task at hand. I would like to give an example of the image of a flow. The flow of energies of the kind, a flow that directs us in a certain way, aligns us. And we, solving our problems, introduce new knowledge into this system of the Family. By engaging in the process of mutual development and partnership.

If we touch on the process of serving Rod, then this is more a process of serving ourselves as a soul. By solving our problems and creating more balance within ourselves, we bring a piece of our Light into the experience and wisdom of the entire Family. And everyone who comes to the Family after us will be able to claim our experience, our discoveries - to speed up and simplify their Path!

Rites and traditions of the Family

All this is aimed at creating and supporting a unified field of the Family - the same experience and information that has been accumulated over centuries from generation to generation. Traditions and rituals allow the Family to exist. As the foundations that hold the system itself in a certain integrity.

If all members of the Clan are scattered, then the experience of the Clan carries less energy charge. Everyone solves their own problems. This also has a certain meaning and relevance to what is happening.

A family with powerful roots, united by traditions, has great potential for the development of each Soul. We like to call it the power of the Family.

It is important to rise again and take a broader look at rituals and traditions. We can respectfully accept the Rod as a system of information and mutual assistance, which we also entered into as part of the Whole. By performing rituals in honor of the Family or preserving the traditions of the Family, we can strengthen this system.

But here it is important not to be separated, considering one Genus better than another. After all, you can preserve traditions by becoming a closed system opposed to the whole world. Or you can realize the importance of all ancestral systems and their partnerships for solving the problems of all humanity.

We can endlessly try to take the power of the Family, to claim the wisdom and help of our ancestors. This is what is one of the tasks of the Rod itself: to provide support for each Soul performing the tasks of its incarnation.

But again here is the same question - how consciously do we enter into this process?

If we understand (from the position of broad consciousness) what the Genus is and what we can contribute to the Genus as creators, this is one position.

If we, as victims, only demand the support of the Family, not wanting to grow, develop and bring in the Light on our own - this is a different position))

Taking strength means agreeing that your strength is not enough. This is the illusion of our weakness. Of course, in this case, Rod gives us both support and energy. But this is similar to how a mother spoon-feeds a child when he already knows how to do it himself. When a mother carries a child in her arms, when he has already learned to run...

I always talk about mastery, the power to create your best reality. I propose to declare ourselves as creators capable of bringing strength to our Family. Creators who know about the unlimited light of their Soul, about the unlimited energy that they can contribute for good.

This is what is important in the New Time - to realize your strength, to stop considering Rod as a source. Learn to give, contribute - strengthening generic energies, filling them with Light. And then - to go beyond one Family, realizing unity.

Pray for the Family, correct the sins of the ancestors

To beg off means to assume the right to judge.

This comes from a narrower consciousness. But when we come to a macro understanding of what is happening, we feel that any experience of each soul is sacred. Both for the soul itself, and for the entire Family, humanity as a whole.

If we think that someone did something bad, and we work it out...

If we believe that we are suffering for the sins of our ancestors...

If we start begging...

In these moments, we declare that we do not respect the choices, skill and experience of those who came before us. And, perhaps, our own experience, if we have already embodied in this Family before.

We divide the actions and lives of our ancestors into “bad” and “good”. We take upon ourselves the right to judge and condemn. This sometimes allows you to place responsibility for your current problems on your ancestors. But this is a position that will never lead us to development.

To pray wisely is to bring in Light through your incarnation. To be the Light for the entire Family, bringing beneficial energies into the system. Constellation work, for example, happens in this direction. Bert Hellinger found a wonderful way to bring love and strength into the Family through this process. The important thing is with what, with what energies we enter into such practices!

If we light a candle in memory of a deceased relative, what is it? Do we accept that we won't see him again? We think he's lonely there, bad? Maybe we're lonely?

Perhaps our relative is already running around somewhere on the planet as a baby with completely new DNA and indigo capabilities))

If we want to send him our love and respect, we can do it through our heart, without rituals and divisions. Everything is one if there is no illusion of separation.

There are no us “here” and they are “there”, no “those who have left” or “who have come.” We are one, although we perform different tasks in different energy forms. We don’t see someone now or can’t hold someone’s hand, but we are always together!

Belonging to a particular Family

Can we say that all our incarnations we were born in the same Family or even in the same country? Or do we consider this incarnation of ourselves in isolation from the previous ones?

For example, I feel that I was incarnated not only in this country with Slavic roots. And I received support from different ancestral systems, so I feel like a person from the whole world, from the whole planet.

I honor the experience of not only one Kind, but also the experience of all incarnations. I recognize and respect each maternal/paternal supportive teaching system.

But I also feel the integrity of all humanity. I open up and expand to the entire planet. And this is more important to me now than separate frameworks. I want to bring beautiful energies everywhere, without narrowly focused rituals.

For me this is growth, development in unity and love!

This is my feeling. How do you feel? What's appropriate for you right now? It is possible to still be in the flow of one Kind, solving your problems, accepting energies of support. Our every choice is our right and our Path.

We are all the Family of Light! It's beautiful and wonderful!

With Love, knowing Who You Are,

What makes two people and their child (two, three...) a family? Much. Each person will have their own priority concept of family. How is family officially defined?

“A family is a social group that has a historically defined organization, the members of which are connected by marriage or kinship relationships (as well as relationships in raising children), a common life, mutual moral responsibility, and the social necessity of which is determined by the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population” .

(Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)

But this is a very official and dry definition, in my opinion. Of course, having lived together for several decades, under one roof, people get used to each other, know each other, have a common life, children, friends, etc. But they cannot always be called a real friendly family. Children may not pay attention to their parents, parents may be busy with themselves or work, the closest relatives may not know about the events that are happening in their family, and it often happens that when asked “what was your childhood like?” we can answer with a dry, gray “yes, ordinary, like everyone else, nothing special.” And this is the best case, we won’t even talk about the worst.

And let us remember how interesting and pleasant it is when, to the above question, a person answers “I had a wonderful childhood, we have a very friendly family and I remember my childhood years with joy.”
I think that our memories are colored in this way by two main components of family life: the mutual love of parents and family traditions or ancestral traditions that unite the family and make it a single whole. I think everyone knows what mutual love is and there is no point in explaining its meaning in a full-fledged family. But what are family traditions and why has it become so rare to talk about it lately - this is a question that we can try to answer.

So, what is it - family traditions and how are they similar/different from family traditions? Remember, most of you probably had very nice, pleasant family traditions in your childhood. For some, they may even still be preserved.

There is no single official definition of this phenomenon; there are only generally accepted concepts that everyone knows. For example, by interviewing my friends and acquaintances, I found out their opinion on what they mean by family traditions. Here are some sayings:

Igor (26 years old): “These are events, holidays, customs that are characteristic of a particular family.”

Daria (27 years old): “Family traditions - well, they can be understood a little differently. We can consider that these are traditions maintained by one family (for example, celebrating all birthdays with the family, or when every New Year the whole family puts New Year's decorations on the tree).
And if it’s within the family, then it’s going to a certain place every year, for example, or the fact that a woman in this family gets married in a certain outfit, and that the first-born is always called a certain name.”

Nadezhda (18 years old): “These are those habitual actions that have already become established in the family as mandatory, such as celebrating birthdays together or holding a family council).
Well, these may be some other norms of behavior.”

Oleg (27 years old): “These are some traditions passed down in the family from generation to generation,
for example, getting together for the New Year.”

Alexandra (26 years old): “This means certain actions performed by all family members. They carry the meaning of family unity, improving the climate in it, and ideally, I think, even feel the ancestral energies.”

Galina (35 years old): “As far as I can imagine, this is something that has been observed by one family for several generations. Some forms of communication, common affairs, some intra-family events..."

According to many observations, the lifestyle of a modern person is such that priorities change very quickly and dramatically. There is not enough time not only to create new traditions, but also often to maintain old ones. And many of us don’t even think about how important it is to have and maintain family and tribal traditions!
Here is the opinion of one of the authors of articles on this topic regarding the importance of family and tribal traditions for raising children.

“It is extremely difficult to form a family tradition if the children have grown up and have already formed a common attitude towards the family. Another thing is young families, where parents are free to show the child all the beauty of the world, envelop him with love and form a reliable position in life throughout his life.

A small child perceives the world through the eyes of adults - his parents. Mom and dad form a child's picture of the world from the very first meeting with their baby. First, they build a world of touches, sounds and visual images for him, then they teach him the first words, then they convey their attitude to all this.

How a child subsequently treats himself, others and life in general depends entirely on the parents. Life may seem to him like an endless holiday or an exciting journey, or he may see it as a frightening foray into wild places or as boring, thankless and hard work awaiting everyone right outside the school gates.

If most of the usual family rituals do not carry restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens in children a sense of family integrity, a sense of the uniqueness of their own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within us is acquired in childhood, and the greater it is, the better. Of course, a child’s character is not formed in one day, but we can say with confidence: the more childhood was like a holiday, and the more joy there is in it, the happier the little man will be in the future.” (Anna Bitko)

But what is the influence and significance of tribal traditions on raising a child and for the family as a whole? First of all, what is a genus? This is how the Explanatory Dictionary positions the genus:

“CROD, a group of blood relatives descended from a common ancestor, bearing a common family name. Kinship is calculated on the maternal (maternal) or paternal (paternal) line.”

How I see ancestral traditions. This is a broader concept than family traditions. Since, in my opinion, these are those foundations, actions, habits that have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries and not only within one family, but among several families of the same kind, connected by one common family tree. And if family traditions strengthened relationships within one specific family, then tribal traditions strengthened relationships within the entire clan, between all relatives - distant and close.

So why do we forget about such important things as family and tribal relationships? Blaming someone for this is useless; blaming the system for this is not reasonable. We ourselves are to blame. And it is important not only to recognize this fact, but also to try to correct it while there is still someone to pass on these traditions - our grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers and fathers. They can help begin to restore these omissions, and we, in turn, will support them and continue this noble cause. Our children, raised within the traditions of the family and clan, will know their history, their roots and will be brought up not by the street and its laws, but by the way of life of the clan, family and the example of their parents, for we are the very first and most important role model for our children.

Family traditions can sometimes be very interesting and instructive. Having started to become interested in this topic, I found a lot of useful family rituals that can be taken as an example for those who do not yet have their own traditions, but who would not mind starting them!

And here is one interesting example:

Daria (27 years old): “It seems to me that such traditions (family – author’s note) most likely appear after three years of living together (these traditions are born on their own) or with the advent of children. When the child appears, I will definitely bring in that every New Year we will glue toys to the Christmas tree, and on his birthday I will give gifts in the same way as my parents gave me, with cards, with riddles and tasks...
Maybe this year I’ll try to practice this tradition on Oleg (Daria’s husband – author’s note)))
And also, when we were children, our parents asked us not to buy anything for them, but to do it ourselves, we showed them skits for their birthdays and even recorded performances on a tape recorder and gave them audio performances!”

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