The magic of numbers. Why do you dream of jumping - interpretation of the dream according to dream books Maly Velesov dream book


Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of jumping in a dream?

If a young woman dreams of jumping over an obstacle, it means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her desires after resisting fate and struggling for her luck. In general, a dream in which you jump over something promises you success in all noble deeds, but a fall foreshadows some difficulties. If in a dream you jump down from a wall, the dream promises you reckless actions that will bring disappointment. Watching someone's successful jumps means that a surge of strength and energy awaits you, which will help you overcome fate.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about jumping?

“You can’t jump higher than yourself” (the limit of your capabilities), “jump for joy,” “jump in pain.” See Add. Jumping, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about jumping?

Jumping down from a wall in a dream is a sign of reckless actions that bring only disappointment. Watching someone's successful jumps is a harbinger of a surge of energy and strength with which you can cope with any troubles. For a young woman, a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her desires after resistance from fate and struggle for success. In general, a dream in which you jump over something foreshadows success in all noble endeavors; falling during a jump portends some difficulties.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Jumping from a great height is an extraordinary thing, see Diving.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

You torture yourself; through the ditch - getting rid of debts; through stones - good luck after hard work.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Jump in place or skip, find a use for your energy, do not waste it. From the tower to the water, you are too hasty in decisions. We must listen to the folk wisdom “measure seven times, cut once.” From a cliff down into the void, you have not yet decided on your life’s task and rush into other people’s affairs. Don't push yourself towards your charismatic task. If you woke up, jumping from a height, your haste could lead to tragedy.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Tormenting yourself - through a ditch - getting rid of debts - through stones - after labor - good luck.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation Jumping out of your dream

Joy; dismissal from work; risky decision. Jump out from somewhere, jump over something - get out of a difficult situation.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed of jumping

It means fussing over trifles.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about jumping?

Trouble over nothing.

Great modern dream book

Why does the dreamer dream about jumping?

In a dream, it was as if you jumped over a hole or a ditch - what you have in mind will not go smoothly, but you will cope with all the difficulties.

Why do women and men dream about jumping?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Jumping in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

How to learn to understand your dreams

jump on the dream book

A young woman's dream of obstacles over which she jumps foreshadows life's obstacles. Despite this, fortitude will help you overcome all difficulties on the path to success. Jumping over obstacles in a dream means success in all good endeavors, but falling while jumping is a sign of difficulties. Jumping off a wall means doing desperate things that will result in disappointment. Watching someone jump - expect an energy surge that will help you overcome obstacles.

dreamed of jumping

Jumping in a dream (also diving) promises participation in a risky business. Bouncing portends loss of position.

why do you dream of jumping

Jumping over stones in a dream foretells success that will crown hard work. Jumping over a ditch means paying off debts, and jumping themselves means unjustified torment.

jump on the dream book

Jumping in a dream foreshadows the appearance of difficulties and obstacles in life, but diligence and hard work will help you cope with any adversity. Jumping in a dream for a non-family person means the affection of a significant other, and parents will not interfere with marriage. Easily overcoming obstacles in a dream foreshadows the same easy tread in life.

dreamed of jumping

Jumping over an obstacle in a dream predicts overcoming difficulties (possibly repaying a debt). Jumping up in order to climb somewhere promises the emergence of obstacles, to overcome which it is necessary to show assertiveness. Jumping down means that danger awaits in a risky business. Jumping and not getting hurt - such a dream marks the successful overcoming of a difficult situation that has arisen in business.

what does it mean if you jump in a dream

Jumping in place or skipping indicates the need to find the right use of your energy. Jumping from a tower into the water warns against hasty decisions. If you jump off a cliff in a dream, you should decide on your life goal and not get involved in other people’s affairs. Rash decisions can lead to tragedy if you suddenly awaken while jumping from a height.

If in a dream you are unlucky to jump from a height, but in reality you will commit an ill-considered act that will lead to serious disappointment. The dream book will help you unravel the plot and understand exactly why you dream about it.

What do you want?

Did you dream about how you decided to jump from a height? In reality, you want to put in a minimum of effort and do everything quickly and at once.

A dreamed jump often symbolizes the desire to relax, rest, and indulge in idle dreams. Follow the advice of the dream book and do not take current events too seriously.

If, without thinking, you jumped into the abyss, then a period of long reflection and search for meaning is approaching. You can see the same plot before a difficult life test.

According to Miller

Did you happen to jump from a height in a dream? The interpreter warns against committing rash actions. They will only bring disappointment and the bitterness of defeat.

Are you sure?

Why do you dream about jumping from a big wall? This is a sign of unjustified risk and excessive recklessness.

But seeing other characters jump from great heights means that your stable position may suffer due to an adventurous plan. The dream book also believes that you are at risk of betrayal and separation from a loved one.

Did you dream of flying from a great height? In a dream, it marks the beginning of an unusual business, dismissal from work, an unconventional move.

Take your time!

Why do you dream if you happen to jump from a height again? You will get yourself into a hopeless situation, but you will be able to get out of it thanks to an unexpected and very non-trivial solution.

Did you dream that you literally jumped down into nothingness? The dream book suggests that you do not see meaning in your own life and are ready to take desperate steps in order to find it. If you wake up after jumping down, then unnecessary haste will lead to unnecessary problems and even disaster.

In a dream, did you experience genuine horror when falling and even woke up? The interpretation of the dream is twofold and symbolizes recovery or a serious crisis.

Decoding the place

  • From a cliff, a cliff - the end of the matter, the end of the journey.
  • From the roof of a high-rise building - risk, recklessness.
  • From the balcony - excessive self-confidence; for lovers - a break in the relationship.
  • From the stairs - an unsafe position.
  • From the bridge - determination is required.
  • From an airplane - monetary and other losses.
  • From the tower - a fateful choice.

Think about it...

Did you dream about flying to the ground with a parachute? In a difficult situation, you will find an additional way out.

But if the parachute does not open during the flight to the ground, the accident will result in physical injury. Sometimes jumping to the ground from above means that you have overestimated your strength and capabilities.

Perhaps everyone has had to jump in a dream, and then suddenly wake up from the unbearable feeling of free flight or falling. Why do you dream about such a plot? The interpretations of different dream books suggest different points of view, but by analyzing dreams in all details, you can make a fairly accurate prediction.

First, remember from what height you made the jump, or maybe you just jumped up? Where did you land in the end: maybe it was a body of water, or land, or did you immediately wake up? This approach to dream deciphering will give the most accurate results.

Where did the jump take place?

For women, jumping into a river in a dream is a harbinger of Tsvetkov’s dream book that very soon there will be a place in life for new sensations and relationships. There is no need to be afraid of the opposite sex, perhaps the ideal is already very close.

According to the esoteric dream book, what you dream about jumping into water in a dream reflects your position in life. You make decisions without thinking, which, unfortunately, are not always correct. The same thing happens when you make conclusions about people; poorly developed intuition does not allow you to correctly assess character and actions.

Jumping into icy water portends joy and good events, but only if the water is crystal clear. If it is cloudy and dirty, then you can have no doubt why you dream of such a picture - for all bad deeds you will have to pay what you deserve, you will suffer severe punishment.

You will be immersed in streams of new events and achievements if you had to jump into the sea. The dream book predicts that life will soon become oversaturated, stormy, and there will not be a second to rest, but the dreamer will like this state of affairs.

According to Longo’s dream book, jumping into a pool from a special tower is a plot that predicts serious changes in fate. Now you have to decide which path in life you will take, and your future will depend on this step.

For a woman to jump over a fence in a dream is a good sign. What such a picture means in a dream foretells that she will soon be able to overcome all the obstacles standing in the way of achieving her cherished desires. For major achievements, you will need to overcome all the traps that fate has set, and if you managed to jump over the fence without any problems, and most importantly, land successfully, then victory will be yours.

If in a dream you managed to jump on a trampoline as high as possible, literally up to the clouds, then in reality a promotion awaits you. Moreover, the reason for this will only be your merits, so the modern dream book advises you to try, and then everything will work out.

According to Freud’s dream book, why you dream of jumping with a parachute in a dream is an omen of an extraordinary acquaintance, with the help of which you can plunge into a sea of ​​unforgettable, never experienced emotions.

Jumping down from a height is a sign that you are about to take part in a rather unusual activity. The dream book advises taking on new projects without thinking, no matter how difficult they may seem, they will help self-development and personality development.

Jumping people and animals

If you woke up in the morning with the memory: “a frog is jumping on me in a dream,” then in reality you will meet a wonderful person whose presence will be a holiday for you. It is quite possible that you will want to associate the rest of your life with this person - either as friends or as spouses.

Why do you dream of jumping high? According to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, such a picture means a surge of strength, energy, and increased activity. There comes a time when you can “move mountains”; the main thing is not to get bogged down in laziness and idleness.

According to the dream book of Simon Canaanite, jumping up is an ambiguous symbol that can be interpreted as the torment that you create for yourself. On the other hand, the interpretation may also depend on the emotions you experience in the dream. If you are happy while making a jump, then in reality you will take part in a chic celebration.

Why do you dream of a jumping spider? If he jumped towards the dreamer and bit him, then in reality the person who saw such a plot will become a victim of malicious deception on the part of a stranger.

For a woman to dream that a cat is jumping on her is a symbol of not very pleasant events. You will meet a person on the path of life, and you will selflessly fall in love with him, but in fact he will turn out to be married, and perhaps even with children.

If the dog jumps on you, and at the same time wags its tail and licks its face, then expect the appearance of a devoted and honest friend who will help solve most of the accumulated problems. Treasure the new person, he will do a good deed more than once.

What does it mean to jump in an esoteric dream book in a dream? This plot personifies the dreamer’s powerful internal energy, and predicts that he will find how to channel it in the right direction. Soon a profitable business will come up, which will require the maximum investment of spiritual strength.

If in a dream a cat jumps on a mouse, then the dream book predicts getting rid of hidden enemies with the help of a hired person. Perhaps this will be the best way out of the current life situation, when competition with ill-wishers has reached a critical point.

Why do you dream of a jumping snake? The 21st century dream book predicts that many envious people and even enemies have accumulated in your environment, and to get rid of them, you just need to stop communicating, completely cut off all the threads connecting you with unreliable people.

Where did the jump come from?

Jumping out of a window in a dream means committing a drastic act, without considering further consequences. The dreamer's impulsiveness in this case can lead to the most unexpected consequences, even fatal.

The dream book predicts major losses of material assets if in a dream you had to jump from a bridge. You have your head in the clouds, and do not control the reality around you, you make hasty conclusions, which ultimately lead to rash actions.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, falling from a roof is inevitable death, and what one dreams of jumping from a roof in a dream of one’s own free will is complete control over one’s physical condition and capabilities.

Jumping off a cliff in a dream is a bad sign. An event awaits you as a result of which you will lose all self-confidence. No matter what happens, the dream book advises not to despair and to improve yourself despite all the obstacles presented by fate.

The dreamer is too confident in his abilities if he managed to jump from the balcony in a dream. Such excessive self-confidence can lead to unpredictable consequences - think before you act.

Jumping from a train is a bad symbol for those who are married. The other half is hiding something from you, it is possible that betrayal or treason will follow on the part of your partner. Jumping from an airplane in a dream is a completely different, positive interpretation of the dream book. the difficult task currently facing you will be solved in a rather original way.

Jumping off a cliff in a dream indicates that you are wasting your vital energy in vain. All your recent affairs are nothing more than a waste of time. Look at life from the other side, and don’t waste your energy on trifles.

The dream book promises incredible success if you had to jump from a mountain. Just in order to get luck, you will need to try very hard, invest all your mental and moral abilities. The same interpretation can be assigned to a dream in which you have to jump from a tower - you will achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desires.


    I dreamed that I was standing in front of the steps leading down into the room and then I decided to jump over them, and I myself was wearing heels, then I jumped and landed normally in this room, and the guy who was my colleague jumped after me, but fell flat on his face and He even lost consciousness, I came to his senses, but his nose was bleeding.

    I dreamed that I was standing on some hill and was about to bungee jump, then I was almost jumping when suddenly I saw that some kind of rope was not attached and was just dangling. I say this to the man standing next to me, and he said yes, it’s no big deal, he attached it to the bungee and I jumped, holding on to this rope, but they didn’t attach it, I could have fallen to the bottom, although they said it was no big deal.

She sees a dream in which she jumps over an obstacle - this means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her desires after the resistance of fate and the struggle for her luck.

Generally a dream in which you jump over something- promises you success in all noble deeds, but a fall foreshadows some difficulties.

If in a dream you jump down from a wall- the dream promises you reckless actions that bring disappointment.

Watch someone's successful jumps- means that a surge of strength and energy awaits you, which will help you overcome fate.

Freud's Dream Book

Various jumps- symbolize sexual intercourse.

Jump into the water- symbolizes your desire to have a child.

Dream book of lovers

A girl who dreams that she is jumping over an obstacle- will be loved and achieve happiness, overcoming all difficulties and defeating rivals.

Jump down from the wall- promises the commission of unseemly acts that will bring upon you the contempt of your chosen one.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Jumping over an obstacle in a dream- a sign of risky undertakings.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.