Laysan Utyasheva about her show Bolero: Pasha was the first to support me. Laysan Utyasheva: triumphant return to art Bolero dance show


Laysan Utyasheva about the Bolero show: “When I saw the audience getting up, I decided it was a failure, everyone was leaving. But they were walking towards the stage...”

In February, the famous athlete, TV presenter and young mother Laysan Utyasheva became the guest editor of HELLO.RU. In her new column, Laysan decided to write about the new show Bolero, in which she is now directly involved.

The premiere of the choreographic performance Bolero took place on October 1 last year in Kazan. From that moment on, we managed to visit Minsk, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Following the performance will take place already on February 14 in Cyprus, then in Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar. The long-awaited premiere of the show will take place in Moscow in May. We received a lot of rave reviews, but that is not what I would like to write about. You won’t believe what incidental, sometimes even absurd stories happened to us while working on the show!

At the very beginning of rehearsals, I began to be tormented by doubts whether I could maintain such a pace, whether I could combine filming, family and work on the show... Probably this is normal for a person who has not been “in the profession” for 10 years, besides, I a gymnast, but gymnastics and dancing are not the same thing. From abundance new information I felt dizzy: the score when choreographing a dance was completely different than in sports, I had to adapt, there were other nuances. Fortunately, like-minded people helped me. Almost from scratch, but with athletic persistence, I rushed to master new plastic And dance styles: Vogue New Way, High Heels and Art Nouveau. At the very beginning of rehearsals, an old injury began to torment me. I had to work less than fully and watch other dancers. Later, when the pain subsided, I was again able to start new things for me. modern styles dancing.

There was only a day left before our premiere in Kazan, and we still hadn’t seen our costumes. Wanting to achieve maximum immersion in the atmosphere of a fashion show or a closed nightclub, we ordered costume tailoring in London. Eventually they were brought to last moment, when we could no longer find a place for ourselves from excitement.

At the premiere, we encountered another problem: the organizers did not understand the format of the show and provided us with a stage that did not allow the last rows to fully see what was happening on stage. When we arrived at the place, it was no longer possible to change anything; all tickets were sold. I was very afraid of the negative reaction of the audience. When in the middle of the performance I saw people getting up from their seats, I thought: “That’s it, this is a failure. Everyone is leaving.” But the audience did not leave the hall; on the contrary, they came closer to the stage to see us. For half the show they stood near the stage, dancing with us. Thanks to them for such support!
Fragments of the Bolero show

There were a lot of problems during the performance in St. Petersburg. Half of our team was stuck at the Moscow airport along with costumes and props; the flight was delayed due to weather conditions. The dancers ended up making it to the performance at the last minute, missing the dress rehearsal. But the costumes remained at the airport, and our team had to get out of the situation and create new images in extreme conditions.

The performance in St. Petersburg itself was also not without its oddities. There is a moment in our performance when the dancers have to move the sofa on which I am sitting from one end of the stage to the other and back. While they were pulling it to one side, we damaged the floor on the stage, and while pulling the sofa back, we tore off its leg. We, of course, pretended that nothing had happened and continued dancing, so that the audience in the hall did not notice anything.

BOLERO. Dance show by Laysan Utyasheva.

Big premiere! The only concert in Moscow. Only 1000 tickets on sale!

Date: May 21
Place: Moscow Musical Theater
Start: 20:00

Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva is a theatrical and dance performance that will take viewers into a world where beauty and audacity of lines rule. No words are needed for mutual understanding, and emotions are read between the lines and expressed in bold body language. There are no boundaries here, and love can turn the world upside down, throw you off the throne and raise you from the ashes.

In the Bolero show rhythmic gymnastics will appear not as a sport of the highest achievements, but will cross that thin choreographic line between femininity and sexuality. For the first time, the author's elements of Vogue New Way, high heel, modern and elements of gymnastics will gracefully intertwine in one dance. Under original music by Ryan Otter, specially created for the project, previously incompatible styles will become a single whole, and fantasies will become reality.

Only the most talented stage directors in our country, Katya Reshetnikova and Igor Rudnik, in company with the best dancers in Russia, can combine them.

Every image of the hero was thought out especially for Bolero. The brazen message of the designer costumes will make the viewer think that he is at a fashion show in London. The audacity and boldness of the outfits of Laysan and her team can destroy any stereotype.

The digital graphics will be no less impressive, turning what happens on stage into an unforgettable performance.

At the center of the play is the story of a woman’s universe. “Goddesses” whose strength is incomparable to others, because her secret is in wisdom and weakness. She will be forced to accept the challenge and enter the fray. But will she be able to emerge victorious and become happy, even after losing everything?

Stage directors: Ekaterina Reshetnikova and Igor Rudnik
Dancers: Maxim Nesterovich, Anton Panufnik, Ivan Mozhaikin, Oleg Klevakin, Aykhan Shinzhin, Svetlana Kambur, Ulyana Pylaeva and Nikita Ansimov.
Author of original music: Ryan Otter.

Concert company “ALL STARS NN” presents:


With the dance show BOLERO

Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva– a theatrical and dance show that will take viewers into a world where beauty and audacity of lines rule. Where words are not needed for mutual understanding, and emotions are read between the lines and expressed in body language. Where there are no boundaries, and love can turn the world upside down, throw you off the throne and raise you from the ashes.

This is the story of a woman, strong, powerful, but at the same time very lonely. She hides her loneliness behind parties in a noisy society. Her strength and article are admired, everyone wants to get something from her without thinking about her. Left alone, the Goddess feels useless; loneliness turns her inside out. She could be a good mother and wife, but she is alone. She pieces herself back together again and again...

The show dances about adults, serious relationships and modern problems.

The action takes place in a closed nightclub, which has its own world and its own rules. It is here that she hides from her loneliness and can feel strong, desired and beautiful.

In the Bolero show, rhythmic gymnastics will not appear as a sport of the highest achievements, but will cross that thin choreographic line between femininity and sexuality. For the first time, the author's elements of Vogue New Way, high heels, modern and elements of gymnastics will gracefully intertwine in one dance. Under original music by Ryan Otter, specially created for the project, previously incompatible styles will become a single whole, and fantasies will become reality.

Only the most talented choreographers in our country, Katya Reshetnikova and Igor Rudnik, in company with the best dancers in Russia, can combine them.

The audacity and boldness of the outfits of Laysan and her team of first-class dancers can destroy any stereotype. Digital graphics will be no less impressive, turning what happens on stage into an unforgettable performance.

Laysan Utyasheva – presenter rating show“Dancing” on TNT and several programs on NTV, a legend of Russian and world gymnastics, a six-time winner of the World Cup, a world and European champion, who found the strength to stand on her feet, even when they were literally broken... Several of the most difficult gymnastics are named after Laysan Utyasheva elements of rhythmic gymnastics.

Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva is a premium class theater and dance performance with the winners and finalists of the show “Dancing on TNT” and the legendary Laysan Utiasheva.

Laysan Utyasheva is a world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, six-time European champion, World Cup winner, multiple winner of Russian and international competitions, and also the host of the “Dancing on TNT” program.

At the center of the play is the history of a woman’s universe. “Goddesses” whose strength is not comparable to others, because her secret is in wisdom and weakness. She will be forced to accept the challenge and enter the fray. But will she be able to emerge victorious and become happy, even after losing everything?

In the Bolero show, rhythmic gymnastics will not be presented as an elite sport, but will cross the fine choreographic line between femininity and sexuality to the original music of Ryan Otter.

Every image of the hero was thought out especially for Bolero. The brazen message of the designer costumes will make the viewer think that he is at a fashion show in London. The audacity and boldness of the outfits of Laysan and her team can destroy any stereotype.