Lunar calendar in July of the year. The magic of numbers


This month is not as favorable for operations as the previous one. The most successful days are only three - in the second half of the month: July 19, 21 and 22. This is due primarily to the unfavorable aspects of Mars, a planet that is directly related to operations.

The most dangerous aspect of Mars with Uranus will be July 18 at 04:37. Therefore, if possible, do not have surgery before this. Otherwise, they can have very unexpected side effects. However, in such aspects there may well be an urgent operation that cannot be canceled.

If you have any serious health problems, it is better to be under the supervision of doctors or undergo an examination at the beginning of the month, as it is closer to July 18 A sharp deterioration in condition and urgent hospitalization may occur.

Full moon July 9 in the sign of Capricorn can aggravate problems associated with diseases of bones, teeth, knees and joints. This is the most stressful day of the entire month as the Moon will be very afflicted. In addition, the Sun, which is responsible for vital forces, will approach a negative aspect with Pluto. It is especially dangerous to perform operations on the day of the full moon.

The most dangerous days of the month: July 2, 9, 16, 17. These days, the risk of exacerbation of various diseases and serious injuries is especially high, so we advise you to follow safety precautions and not take risks.

The easiest and safest days: July 3, 7, 8, 10-12, 18, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 2017.

At the end of the article, look for a table of vulnerabilities and invulnerabilities of different organs this month. Remember that vulnerable organs cannot be operated on or acted upon aggressively in any way.


♎ 1 JULY, Saturday

Moon : grows in LIBRA, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:01, 1st quarter, second phase of the Moon from 03:49
Vulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Invulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose.
Operations: are undesirable as the Moon grows and is affected by malefic planets.
Danger level : high.
: overload due to emotional stress, burns, various injuries, accidents, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially kidney and bladder diseases), exacerbation of cancer, dangerous overeating: easy weight gain; nervousness, colds.

2 JULY, Sunday

Moon : grows in LIBRA, SCORPIO from 19:59, 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:11, Moon without course from 16:16 to 19:58
Vulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder, reproductive organs, prostate gland, rectum.
Invulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube,
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : nervous overexcitation, dizziness, falling from a height, various injuries due to negligence and accidents, accidents, electric shocks, rapid progression of diseases.
Moon : grows in SCORPIO, 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:19
Vulnerable organs:
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : low: favorable day, improvement of the condition of patients, positive charge of energy.
Risks to health and well-being : no particular risks.
Moon : grows in SCORPIO, 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:25
Vulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum, nervous system.
Invulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : vascular spasms, dizziness, increased blood pressure, headaches, fainting, nervous tics.
Moon : grows in SCORPIO, SAGITTARIUS from 08:08, 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:30, Moon without course from 04:34 to 08:07
Vulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum, femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood, gall bladder.
Invulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube, lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of various liver diseases, deterioration of the condition of patients, overeating is dangerous for the liver, health problems due to alcohol.

♐ 6 JULY, Thursday

Moon : grows in SAGITTARIUS, 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:31
Vulnerable organs:
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : poisoning, allergic reactions, infectious diseases, danger from hypnotic sessions, fluid retention in tissues, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially those associated with the liver and other vulnerable organs), colds, dangerous overeating: easy weight gain.

7 JULY, Friday

Moon : grows in SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN from 20:44, 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:27, Moon without course from 17:12 to 20:43
Vulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood, skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth, gall bladder.
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : no particular risks.

Lunar health calendar 2017

♑ 8 JULY, Saturday

Moon : grows in CAPRICORN, 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:17
Vulnerable organs: skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth, liver, gall bladder.
Invulnerable organs: epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating.


♑ 9 JULY, Sunday

♑♒ 10 JULY, Monday

Moon : decreases in CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS from 08:35, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:36, Moon without course from 05:12 to 08:34
Vulnerable organs: skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth, gall bladder, ankles, lower limb bones, eyes, nervous system.
Invulnerable organs: epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints, heart, thoracic spine and back.
Operations: allowed after 08:30 (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : nervousness, colds.

♒ 11 JULY, Tuesday

Moon : decreases in AQUARIUS, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:07
Vulnerable organs: ankles, lower limb bones, eyes, nervous system.
Invulnerable organs: heart, thoracic spine and back.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating.

♒♓ 12 JULY, Wednesday

Moon : decreases in AQUARIUS, PISCES from 18:52, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:32, Moon without course from 15:40 to 18:51
Vulnerable organs: ankles, lower limb bones, eyes, nervous system,
Invulnerable organs: heart, thoracic spine and back, abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system.
Operations: acceptable as a last resort (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : no particular risks.

♓ 13 JULY, Thursday

Moon : decreases in PISCES, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:55
Vulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system, skin.
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: acceptable as a last resort (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : poisoning, allergic reactions, infectious diseases, danger from hypnotic sessions, fluid retention in tissues, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially those associated with vulnerable organs), colds, overeating.

♓ 14 JULY, Friday

Moon : decreases in PISCES, 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:16, Moon without course from 20:00
Vulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system, skin.
Invulnerable organs: abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is afflicted by Saturn.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds and viral diseases.

Lunar calendar of surgical operations 2017

♓♈ 15 JULY, Saturday

Moon : decreases in PISCES, ARIES from 02:52, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 23:37, Moon without course until 02:51
Vulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose, liver.
Invulnerable organs:
Operations: acceptable as a last resort (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : overeating.

♈ 16 JULY, Sunday

Moon : decreases in ARIES, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 23:58, III quarter, fourth phase of the Moon from 22:24
Vulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose.
Invulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Operations: are extremely undesirable, since the Moon changes phase and is affected by pests.
Danger level : high. There is a risk of violence, theft, and nervous breakdowns. Be especially careful on this day and try to get plenty of rest.
Risks to health and well-being : emotional stress, unclear pain, burns, cuts, injections and other injuries (especially due to negligence and failure to comply with safety precautions), accidents, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially kidney and bladder diseases), exacerbation of cancer, electric shocks, falls from heights, nervous breakdowns, dizziness, migraines, headaches.

♈♉ 17 JULY, Monday

Moon : decreases in ARIES, TAURUS from 08:05, 23rd lunar day from 00:00, Moon without course from 05:19 to 08:04
Vulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube, kidneys, bladder.
Invulnerable organs: reproductive organs, prostate gland, rectum.
Operations: undesirable.
Danger level : High due to the approach of negative aspects of the planets.
Risks to health and well-being : anxiety, worries over trifles, metabolic problems, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases, poisoning, exacerbation of kidney diseases, various injuries due to negligence: burns, cuts, electric shocks, etc.

♉ 18 JULY, Tuesday

Moon : decreases in CORPUSCLE, 24th lunar day from 00:20
Vulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube.
Invulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum.
Operations: acceptable as a last resort (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : nervousness, colds, overeating.

♉♊ 19 JULY, Wednesday

Moon : decreases in TAURUS, GEMINI from 10:32, 25th lunar day from 00:51, Moon without course from 09:11 to 10:31
Vulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube, lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders.
Invulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood, reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum, gall bladder.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : no particular risks.

♊ 20 JULY, Thursday

Moon : decreases in GEMINI, 25th, 26th lunar day from 01:26
Vulnerable organs: lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders.
Invulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood, gall bladder.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is damaged by Saturn.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : poisoning (especially with toxic volatile substances), allergic reactions to chemicals, infectious diseases, danger from hypnotic sessions, fluid retention in tissues, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially those associated with the lungs and other vulnerable organs), colds, overeating, severe anxiety trifles, overexcitation of the nervous system, a sharp deterioration in the condition of patients, electric shocks.
Moon : decreases in GEMINI, CANCER from 11:10, 26th, 27th lunar day from 02:11, Moon without course from 08:41 to 11:09
Vulnerable organs: lungs, nervous system, arms, shoulders, epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints.
Invulnerable organs: femur, buttocks, coccygeal vertebrae, liver, blood, skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth, gall bladder.
Operations: allowed (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : no particular risks.

When to perform surgery according to the lunar calendar?

♋ 22 JULY, Saturday

Moon : decreases in CANCER, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:08
Vulnerable organs: epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints, liver.
Invulnerable organs: skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth, gall bladder.
Operations: allowed (except for vulnerable organs).
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : burns, various injuries, accidents, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially vulnerable organs), exacerbation of cancer, nervous diseases, overeating.


♋♌ 23 JULY, Sunday

Moon : decreases and increases in CANCER, LION from 11:33, 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:16, 1st lunar day from 12:46, Moon without course from 09:05 to 11:32, NEW MOON at 12:46
Vulnerable organs: epigastric region, chest, abdomen, elbow joints, heart, thoracic spine and back.
Invulnerable organs: skeleton, knees, skin, leg joints, teeth, ankles, lower limb bones, gall bladder.
Operations: extremely undesirable, since it is a new moon day.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : danger from electricity; stomach colic and indigestion; numbness of fingers; injuries due to negligence (especially burns and cuts); emotional overexcitation; attacks of aggression leading to problems with the gastrointestinal tract; vague pain; exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.

♌ 24 JULY, Monday

Moon : grows in LION, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:33
Vulnerable organs: heart, thoracic spine and back, kidneys, bladder.
Invulnerable organs: ankles, bones of the lower extremities.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : exacerbation of kidney and bladder diseases, unclear pain, depression, apathy, bad mood.

♌♍ 25 JULY, Tuesday

Moon : grows in LVE, VIRGO from 13:33, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:52, Moon without course from 12:22 to 13:32
Vulnerable organs: heart, thoracic spine and back, abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system.
Invulnerable organs: ankles, lower limb bones, feet, body fluids, lymphatic system.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : no particular risks.

♍ 26 JULY, Wednesday

Moon : grows in VIRGO, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:12
Vulnerable organs: abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system.
Invulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : poisoning and allergic reactions (especially food), infectious diseases, danger from hypnotic sessions, fluid retention in tissues, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially those associated with the intestines and other vulnerable organs), colds.

♍♎ 27 JULY, Thursday

Moon : grows in VIRGO, LIBRA from 18:37, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:29, Moon without course from 09:31 to 18:36
Vulnerable organs: abdominal cavity, small intestine, gastrointestinal system, kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Invulnerable organs: feet, body fluids, lymphatic system, face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : no particular risks.

♎ 28 JULY, Friday

Moon : grows in LIBRA, 5th, 6th lunar day from 10:43
Vulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Invulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : average.
Risks to health and well-being : burns, various injuries, accidents, exacerbation of chronic diseases (especially kidney and bladder diseases), exacerbation of cancer, dangerous overeating: easy weight gain.

♎ 29 JULY, Saturday

Moon : grows in LIBRA, 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:55
Vulnerable organs: kidneys, renal and lumbar regions, bladder.
Invulnerable organs: face, head, teeth, brain, upper jaw, eyes, nose.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : minor injuries due to negligence, headaches.

30 JULY, Sunday

Moon : grows in LIBRA, SCORPIO from 03:23, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:05, Moon without course from 00:30 to 03:23, I quarter, second phase of the Moon from 18:23
Vulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum.
Invulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube.
Operations: extremely undesirable, as the Moon is growing and changing phase.
Danger level : high.
Risks to health and well-being : burns, cuts, injections with sharp objects, other injuries due to negligence, acute poisoning, danger of complications during pregnancy, unclear pain, exacerbation of diseases of the reproductive system.
Moon : grows in SCORPIO, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:05, Moon without course from 14:10
Vulnerable organs: reproductive organs, bladder, prostate gland, rectum.
Invulnerable organs: throat, neck, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, Eustachian tube.
Operations: undesirable as the Moon is waxing.
Danger level : short.
Risks to health and well-being : no particular risks.

Table of vulnerability of different organs on different days of July 2017

Organs, body parts, body systems: Not vulnerable Vulnerable 5-10
Lymphatic system 25-27 12-14
Heart, blood, circulatory system 10-12 23-25
Back, diaphragm 10-12 23-25
Nervous system 5-7, 23-25 4, 10-12, 19-21
Intestines, digestive system 12-14 25-27
Abdomen 12-14 25-27
Bladder and kidneys 1, 2, 17, 24, 27-29
Leather 21-23, 25-27 7-10, 12-14
Genitals 17-19 2-5, 30, 31
Hips 19-21 5-7
Knees, joints, tendons
Bones, spine 21-23 7-10
Shin 23-25 10-12
Feet, toes 25-27 12-14
Unfavorable days for any complex procedures and operations: 1, 2, 6, 9, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 26, 30
The most successful days for any complex procedures and operations: 19, 21, 22
Least stressful days: 3, 7, 8, 10-12, 18, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31
01 July 2017 Saturday
The Moon is in the sign of Libra.
At 03:51 the second Lunar phase replaces the first.
At 13:35 the 8th Lunar day begins.
until 13:35 the 7th Lunar day continues

Symbols - Phoenix, fire.
Day of purification of soul and body. It’s good today to honestly admit to yourself your sins. The day is good for liberation from them - it will be easy to repent, it will be easy to forgive the sins of other people. So don't miss this opportunity: this is the day of repentance. Think about your life, remember the past. Cleansing the soul with Fire is one of the effective practices of this day. Food for cleansing Fire can serve not only as wood in an outdoor fire or in a home fireplace, but also as the wick of an ordinary candle. With the help of psychological rehabilitation methods they can be transformed from negative to positive. You cannot be dissolute and selfish on this day. It is good to prepare medicines for any disease.
Divination. Don't guess about the future.
Dreams. A dream on this day can be prophetic. In a dream, you can see hints about your true purpose in life, about what you need to do.
Medically Complete fasting is allowed and it is mandatory to follow a diet and cleanse the stomach and intestines. Attention should also be paid to the peripheral nervous system.
A child conceived on this day will live a bright but difficult life. Traveling and returning to the homeland. He will be happy to the point of intoxication and unhappy to the point of giving up on life. Strength of spirit. Revival.
Those born on this day are not destined for external beauty, therefore, they will be able to attract the attention of their superiors, the surrounding world and the public only with their intelligence and knowledge, as well as diligent work, conscientiousness and goodwill.
These people are often very original. There are wonderful artists. They have the ability to be reborn.

We bring to your attention the lunar calendar for July 2017, which will help you determine the phase of the moon, find out the lunar day and its impact on life in July - favorable or negative. The time indicated in the lunar calendar is Moscow (+3 GMT). Consider your time zone if you live in another area. The lunar calendar indicates the transit position of the Moon in the zodiac signs - the time of its entry into the sign and the start time of the lunar day for the entire July 2017.

Moon phases in July 2017

  • New moon 23.07 at 12 hours 44 minutes.
  • Full moon 9.07 at 07 hours 05 minutes.
  • Waxing Moon from 1.07 to 8.07, from 24.07 to 31.07.
  • Waning Moon from 10 to 22.07.
  • Lunar eclipse - absent.
  • Solar eclipse - absent.

Lunar calendar for July 2017

Lunar calendar: waning moon

Lunar calendar: waxing moon

// 23:55 Moon in Scorpio

Favorable lunar days in July 2017 for beginnings

The lunar calendar for the current month includes 31 days. The first lunar day falls on the new moon. This is a good period for new beginnings, analyzing the past, learning lessons, and forgiving old grievances. If you want to quit smoking, it is better to do it on or shortly after the new moon.

On such days, we quarrel less, understand others better, and endure illnesses more easily. Energy and strength appear, everything planned can be accomplished. 14, 20 lunar days guarantee lightning success - on these days you can open companies, sign contracts, make deposits.

Energetically favorable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • 23.07. - 1 lunar day /new moon/
  • 24.07. - 2 lunar days
  • 25.07. - 3 lunar days
  • 27.07. - 5 lunar days
  • 28.07. - 6 lunar days
  • 29.07. - 7 lunar day
  • 3.4 .07. - 10 lunar day
  • 5.6.07. - 12 lunar day
  • 7.8 .07. - 14 lunar day
  • 13.14.07. - 20 lunar day
  • 14.15.07. - 21 lunar days
  • 17.07. - 24 lunar days
  • 22.07. - 28 lunar day

Lunar calendar for surgical operations - favorable days of July 2017: 1-2, 5, 8, 11-14, 20-22, 26.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment - favorable days of July 2017: 16,26,27,28,29.

Lunar calendar for diet and weight loss - favorable days of July 2017: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Lunar calendar for beauty procedures - favorable days of July 2017:

Cleaning, removal of age spots, pimples, warts: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Nourishing and moisturizing masks: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

A good period for hair removal and depilation: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Lunar calendar for home renovation and cleaning - favorable days of July 2017: It is best to carry out these activities on the following dates of the month: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

Lunar calendar for shopping - favorable days for July 2017::

Sales and purchases of real estate and furniture will be successful on the following dates: 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 24, 25.

Selling or buying a car, motorcycle or bicycle will be successful: 08, 09, 18, 19, 22, 23.

When is the best time to buy household appliances, computers, tablets and phones: 13, 14, 22, 23.

Unfavorable lunar days in July for beginnings

These days the Moon moves from one phase to another. At this time, people behave inappropriately and do not understand what is happening. The number of accidents is increasing, everything is falling out of hand. On 9, 15, 29 lunar days it is necessary to refrain from movement. This doesn't mean you shouldn't leave the house, you just need to be as careful as possible.

On Satanic days, you should not start new businesses or sign contracts, because everything will not work out as planned. It is better to postpone all serious matters for more successful days. The full moon is also considered an unfavorable day when quarrels and conflicts arise out of nowhere.

Luck is a fickle thing. But she will always be there if you start checking this calendar when planning important things. He will correctly tell you which days should be used to the maximum, and when it is better to give up unnecessary activity.


Favorable: 6-8, 10, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 31.

Acceptable: 1, 13.

Unfavorable: 2-5, 9, 11, 12, 15-17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27-30.

Favorable days

— July 7, 19, 31. The peculiarity of these days is due to the fact that they are ideal for any actions that allow you to get rid of what is not needed. For example, from excess weight. Therefore, if you see that you have recently gained a couple of kilos, choose these days to start a diet. The weight will come off especially easily if you start losing weight on July 19th. They are also suitable for visiting a hairdresser, dentist, or any medical procedures related to the removal of something. In addition, if you need a soft one (for example, termination of a contract, dismissal from work), then you should also pay attention to these dates. This time will also help if you start spring cleaning. Getting rid of unnecessary things will be easy.

Unfavorable: for marriage, moving, taking up a new position

— July 6, 18, 31. These days help to build relationships and make any contacts with others successful and harmonious. Therefore, schedule negotiations and conversations with management on these days. It is safe to say that in this case your proposals will be accepted with a bang. The days are generally favorable for business activity. And if we are talking about a date, they will give you additional charm in the eyes of your companion. These days it is also good to propose marriage, meet relatives of your other half for the first time, and discuss wedding issues. In general, these days can be used in any situation in which you need to negotiate. In addition, the days are favorable for visiting the hospital. Relationships with medical staff will be better, and you will be treated more attentively.

Unfavorable: for starting renovations, weddings

— July 8. The luck of this day is due to the fact that it additionally brings events into your life that you will be busy with on this day. Therefore, be sure to fill it with what pleases you and makes your life easy and enjoyable. You can pursue a hobby, meet influential people. It is good to resolve financial issues (provided that they are resolved in your favor), thereby you will attract financial luck. It is favorable to open a bank account. The date you receive your bank card is also an additional bonus that money will come to you more easily.

Unfavorable: for affairs that burden, weddings

— July 10, 22. The energy of these two days will especially support long-term matters. Therefore, it is good to start a new job, hire employees, and sign any contracts. Use these days, if you work from home, to open a website, blog, or present products and services. In addition, this is a favorable time to start any course of treatment, since you will feel the positive effect from them for a long time.

Unfavorable: for matters requiring quick action (high chance of encountering interference)

— July 14, 26. On these two dates, you can safely plan any activities that are significant to you. These days carry a powerful positive charge, significantly. However, if we are talking about personal life, then July 14th will be more successful. It is good to plan dates or a wedding on this date. In addition, these dates are worth paying attention to if you need to see a doctor; they are suitable for various types of medical interventions.

Unfavorable: for wedding events (otherwise their number will increase)

— July 23. The energy of this day is very soft and harmonious. Its “magical” effect is due to the fact that it smooths out rough edges in relationships, gives a person charm, and gives the opportunity to convince others of something. This date is suitable for many things. And since this is a working day, you can safely plan a variety of events. The day is also favorable for resolving property issues - if you are buying or selling a home, then perhaps today you will be lucky.

Unfavorable: for travel, moving

Acceptable days

- July 1st. The atmosphere of this day is light and positive, bringing with it good luck. However, it is worth considering that this is not the best period to start those matters that require urgency. There may be a slight misunderstanding in the relationship. Nevertheless, positive changes are already felt in the air, and it will be easier to reach an agreement. The day is good for planning a vacation and making plans for the whole summer. If you go on the road, do not forget to check your money and documents.

Unfavorable: for urgent matters.

— July 13. This date is suitable for business activity. However, its peculiarity is that it allows you to quickly resolve matters and makes relationships soft and harmonious. Therefore, if you cannot agree with someone for a long time, use this date.

Unfavorable: for travel, extreme recreation and sports, attending social events.

Unfavorable days

— July 2,9,20,21. The energy of these days brings disharmony in relationships between people. Therefore, be especially careful about what you say, as you may inadvertently provoke resentment. Cases that require contact with officials will be unfavorable.

— July 3, 15, 27. The likelihood of losing personal belongings and money increases, so be careful. It is not advisable to go on a long journey; the risk of theft is increased.

- July 4th. An extremely unfavorable day, which carries many negative factors. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it even for minor matters. Rest, try to have less contact with others.

— July 5, 17, 29. The energy of these days is associated with stagnation and slowdown. Businesses started these days will encounter obstacles. You should not start projects with clear deadlines, you will not meet them.

— July 12, 24. The energy of these days is directed against the energy of the season. As a result, things will face setbacks and obstacles. In case of any requests and appeals to higher authorities, refusals are likely. So wait it out. The days are also unfavorable for financial transactions; you cannot borrow. In addition, on July 24, conflict increases further, be patient.

— 4, 5, 15-17, 27-30 July. The dates highlighted are not suitable for any medical or cosmetic procedures. Therefore, only emergency interventions are permissible.

— July 25. All important things will be a waste of time. It is recommended to go about your daily activities or relax.

The zero cycle of the Moon will occur on July 23 at 12.45 Moscow time and will bring the opportunity to start life from scratch. Midsummer is conducive to making accurate forecasts for the future and conducting effective rituals for business development.

Astrological forecast July 23, 2017

The influence of such a fiery zodiac sign as Leo will turn the summer New Moon into a real gift of fate for those who have started grandiose changes in life. Please note that the day will come New Moon in July 2017 in the sign of Leo, you can’t sit with your hands folded. Fortune favors active and creative individuals who know how to dress with taste, enjoy gifts and the opportunity to relax, in general, everyone who truly loves life.

Favorable aspects that the Moon will make with planets such as Mercury, Mars and Venus will facilitate all business contacts. Many will find new business partners or be able to open their own promising business. Particular success awaits those born under the zodiac sign of Leo, since the Sun will remain in their house for almost the entire month of July. Vivid and memorable events are simply guaranteed for Leos; it makes sense to grab luck by the tail and hold tight to the chance to become richer and more successful!

Fortune will also be quite favorable to Cancers (), who, despite their intense personal life, will be able to realize their potential in quite interesting and profitable projects.

Waxing Moon in July 2017

Information that new moon in July 2017 in the sign of Leo, is also important for the reason that positive trends towards good earnings will continue from July 23 to mid-August. The growth phase of the Moon will help people show their talents in many areas and achieve a high quality of life.

And the photo fact that from July 23 to July 31 Venus will be in the zodiac sign of Gemini guarantees an unprecedented rise for everyone born under this constellation. Other people will have a great opportunity to harmonize their personal lives and enjoy the romantic atmosphere of summer evenings.

On the waxing Moon in July 2017, all rituals to attract love and conspiracies for success in business will be perfect. It is enough just to go outside and ask the Moon for help and blessings in business. The end of July and the beginning of August 2017 is one of the most favorable periods that should be used to benefit your business and personal life.

The most powerful money conspiracy

It is necessary to purchase fifteen candles, thick in diameter, from three different shops. Before it comes New Moon in July 2017 in the sign of Leo, Place a round table in the center of the room and cover it with a white tablecloth. You can place a large round plate on a regular table if there is no table of a suitable shape in the house. Three handfuls of any yellow coins, tails up, are poured into the center of the table or plate. Carefully place the candles in a circle around the change. You will need a new box of matches and a one ruble bill. It is necessary to light the bill with a match and quickly light all the candles from it so that the fire does not go out. We read the plot: “I temper coins with the fire of heaven and the power of the Moon. May all my dreams come true. Let the coins open the way to wealth for me and be preserved and multiplied. Let every day bring me profit and let all the problems go away from my home. So be it. Amen".

After this, you need to sit down so that you can see the vault of heaven from the window and all the candles on the table and quietly think about your life until the candles burn out. Now take one coin from the center and put it in your wallet. The rest of the change must either be distributed to those in need, or put in a secluded place, first wrapped in a clean red cloth. The ritual is so powerful that within a week or two your business will have a chance for unprecedented profits, and all financial problems will be a thing of the past.

The influence of the new moon on women

The main feature of the day, New Moon in July 2017, is that the fair sex will have prospects for finding happiness in love.

Those who are still planning their married life will receive good gifts or an offer to get legally married. But those ladies who are already in a relationship will be able to reach a new level and achieve a declaration of love.

To attract the Forces of Nature to your side on the day of the July New Moon, it is enough to be in a good mood and sincerely listen to your interlocutor. Show generosity in your relationships with people and wisely use the opportunities that Fate itself will give.