The best shoulder exercises with dumbbells for women at home. How to pump up a girl's sculpted arms


Shoulder workout representatives of the fair sex regard it differently. Some people don’t see any point in this, and some even believe that shoulder training is a purely male task, a job for “jocks”.

But there are girls who still appreciate the benefits of developed shoulders. These are the benefits:

  • The shoulder muscles are constantly used in the process of life. Not to mention, these muscles are involved in almost all exercises for the back, chest and arms;
  • Shoulder training for girls has a positive effect on posture;
  • Girls need this for the aesthetics and beauty of the female figure. A slight increase in the shoulder muscles makes the proportions of the female body more beautiful.
« Iron World"dedicated a page to one of the issues of his magazine specifically women's shoulder training.

Shoulder training program

Like any training program, you should start with a 10-minute warm-up (circular rotational movements, as well as stretching exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle).

After warming up, begin doing the following exercises:

Seated barbell press without support from behind the head. 20, 18, 16, 14, 12 reps.

A basic exercise aimed primarily at working the deltoid muscles, but the triceps, long muscles and trapezius muscles of the back are also involved.
Read more about the technique

The first thing girls should learn is that a woman will never build up huge, monstrous shoulders without the use of hormonal drugs. After all, that’s what you’re afraid of, right? Forget about this fear. Training your deltoids will make your shoulders sculpted, defined and sexy. You will no longer be embarrassed by flabby arms when wearing a T-shirt - they will be toned and beautiful.

Pumped shoulders make the silhouette more proportional, emphasizing a thin waist, and help maintain posture. In addition, proper training of the deltas strengthens the shoulder joints, which are naturally the most vulnerable, and helps increase strength in other exercises that involve the muscles of the shoulder girdle (pull-ups, push-ups, etc.).

The most important thing is to thoroughly warm up your shoulder joints before training. Because they are extremely mobile (which is what allows the arm to move in different planes), they are the most susceptible to injury. Therefore, before strength training, your shoulders need to be thoroughly stretched and warmed up, and during the exercises, carefully monitor your technique.

How to pump up a girl’s shoulders: anatomy of the deltoid muscles

The deltoid muscle consists of three bundles:

  • anterior – responsible for bringing the arm forward;
  • medium – moves the hand to the side;
  • posterior – allows the arm to be pulled back.

The anterior deltoid muscle works in many basic exercises - classic and reverse push-ups, barbell and dumbbell bench presses. The posterior fascicle is involved in most of the pulling exercises for the back muscles. The middle beam helps stabilize the shoulder joint in the deadlift and its various variations.

But all this does not mean that the deltoids do not need “independent” training - on the contrary, exercises for the shoulders will further strengthen them and help protect them from injury when performing heavy basic exercises.

Shoulder exercises for girls

Seated dumbbell press

It is deservedly considered the most popular deltoids exercise among girls. It perfectly works the middle and anterior deltoid muscles. Additionally, it involves the triceps, so it is not advisable to train it before doing the bench press, otherwise it will weaken and you will not be able to fully load your shoulders.

To perform the exercise, sit on a bench with your shoulder blades firmly pressed against the back of the bench. Bend your lower back slightly. Take dumbbells in your hands. Starting position – arms bent, elbows “looking” down, dumbbells located at shoulder level, palm facing forward. As you exhale, press the dumbbells up, trying not to straighten your elbows all the way, but to leave a slight angle. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Wide grip barbell row

Another basic exercise for the shoulders, it works primarily on the middle delta beam, but when the body is in a straight position, the front beam is included in the work, and when slightly tilted forward (15-20˚), the rear one is included. A small portion of the load also falls on the biceps.

Technique: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take the barbell with a wide grip (so that when your arms are lowered, the distance between your hands is slightly wider than your hips). As you exhale, raise the barbell to chest level, concentrating not on bending your arms, but on moving your elbows up and to the sides. As you inhale, slowly, without throwing the bar down, but smoothly lowering it, return to the starting position. To shift some of the load from the front to the back, slightly tilt your body forward, but keep your back straight.

Standing dumbbell raises

Most often used as an isolation exercise for the middle beam. To perform it, stand up straight and hold dumbbells in your hands. As you exhale, smoothly raise your arms to the sides - at the top point your shoulder should be parallel to the floor. Keep your elbow relaxed - do not straighten it completely, maintain a slight natural bend. As you inhale, slowly lower your arms. Do not drop the dumbbells down - the movement must be controlled so that the muscles do not relax throughout the entire amplitude.

Lifting the projectile in front of you

Isolation exercise for the anterior deltoids. For girls, it is best to use dumbbells, as they are the easiest to vary the weight with. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Raise the dumbbells in front of you - synchronously or alternately. At the top point, the shoulder should also be parallel to the floor, and the elbows should be relaxed.

Raising arms to the sides while bending over

The posterior deltoid muscle is felt best in this exercise. To perform it, take dumbbells in your hands, tilt your body forward (approximately parallel to the floor) and slightly arch your back at the lower back. For a more stable position, you can rest your forehead on a bench or other comfortable support. As you exhale, raise your arms out to your sides until they are parallel to the floor. The elbows should be slightly bent and pointing upward. Lower your arms slowly and smoothly.

Shoulder training for girls in the gym

Girls do not need to devote a separate day to training their deltas. Shoulder exercises are best combined with training other muscles of the upper body - back, chest, arms. We have compiled examples of such combinations - choose the option that is most convenient for you.

Option 1: Shoulders + back

  • Superset: barbell row to the chest (with a slight inclination of the body) + bent over dumbbell flyes, 4x10-12
  • Superset: standing lateral raises + front raises, 4x12-15
  • Wide grip lat pulldown to chest, 4x10-12
  • Bent-over dumbbell row, 4x10-12
  • Pullover on the top block, 4x12-15

Option 2: Shoulders + chest

  • Seated dumbbell press, 4x10-12
  • Superset: bent over dumbbell flyes + standing dumbbell flyes, 4x12-15
  • Incline dumbbell press, 4x10-12
  • Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator, 4x12-15
  • Raising arms with dumbbells in front of you, 4x12-15

Option 3: Shoulders + arms

  • Seated dumbbell press, 4x10-12
  • Reverse push-ups from a bench, 4x10-12
  • Superset: standing dumbbell raises + extension of arms on the upper block, 4x12-15
  • Superset: dumbbell raises + lower block curls, 4x10-12
  • Superset: raising dumbbells in front of you + curling your arms with dumbbells, 4x12-15

Style Summary

For girls, developed deltoid muscles are one of the indicators of hard and responsible work on their body, as well as a good investment in the future health of the shoulder joints. Train them competently and carefully, warm up thoroughly, pay attention to your technique - and your shoulders will repay you with their beauty and strength.

Exercises for the shoulder girdle are needed, first of all, for women with an A-shaped figure type (“pear”), so that the figure becomes proportional. There’s no need to even talk about men, because wide, strong shoulders make the silhouette sporty and look sexy.

The best equipment for strength exercises are dumbbells and barbells. Let's talk in more detail about effective shoulder exercises that you can do at home and in the gym.

Basic exercises

Dumbbell press (sitting position)

When performing such a press, three bundles of deltoid muscles are simultaneously activated.- middle, rear, and especially front.

IP: Sitting on a bench with a backrest (inclination angle - 80–90 degrees), arms bent, elbows pointing to the sides, forearms pointing up, palms with the apparatus turned forward.

Straighten your arms, lifting the dumbbells, inhale, and exhale, lower them down.

When performing the exercise, make sure that the elbows are directly under the hands and do not move forward. Exhale while pressing, inhale while lowering. Keep your back straight without bending.

Arnold press

This is the development of Hollywood actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. During one of the workouts, he turned his palms at the lowest point of the amplitude and felt that the load on the deltoids had increased than with regular presses.

The Arnold press engages the front and side heads of the shoulders, to a lesser extent - the rear heads.

To perform the bench press, you will need a bench or chair with a high back.

As you inhale, lift the dumbbells. When the elbows reach the height of the chin, the wrists are gradually rotated 180 degrees. At the top point, the palms are already directed away from the face. After pausing at the top for a second, the arms are also smoothly lowered, the wrists are turned again so that at the bottom point the palms are again directed towards the face. The head is not lowered, the chin remains parallel to the floor surface at all times, and the gaze is directed straight ahead.

Even the slightest inaccuracy leads to muscle unloading. Therefore, at the top point, the dumbbells are not allowed to touch each other; the elbows are fully straightened.

Beginners need the lightest weight so that they can perform 10 repetitions without effort.

The Arnold press is performed sitting and standing, and the result is different in each case. So, when performing the exercise while sitting, muscle strength increases, while standing, mass increases.

Dumbbell lateral raises

This classic exercise develops the mid-head and visually broadens the shoulders.

I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, palms with dumbbells held in them pointing down, arms slightly bent at the elbows. The body is slightly tilted forward, the abdominal muscles are tense, and there is a natural arch in the back.

The arms are slowly raised - slightly above shoulder level. In the upper position, the palms are directed downward or to the sides (thumb down). In the latter case, the shoulder muscles experience greater loads due to an increase in amplitude.

Raising dumbbells forward

Such lifting allows you to work the front part of the delta separately from the middle and thoracic region.

I.P.: the dumbbells almost touch the hips, the body is naturally arched, the arms are slightly bent and fixed at the elbows, only the shoulder joint works.

As you inhale and then hold your breath, raise your arms to shoulder level or slightly higher. At the top point, exhale and slowly lower your arms. The distance between the upper limbs (shoulder width or slightly wider) is stable.

In order for the front part of the delta to work at full strength, take extremely heavy weights, which can be raised to the desired level.

Shoulder workout video

High traction

Another name used is “chin pull.” Traction loads the lateral sections, and the anterior and posterior sections are also involved in the work.

I.P.: standing, arms slightly bent at the elbows.

The dumbbells are pulled up using the strength of the shoulder muscles so that their line is parallel to the floor surface or slightly higher. At the same time, try not to use other muscles.

Dumbbell flyes (from a lying position)

This exercise requires an incline bench.

I.P.: lying on an inclined bench face down, arms with sports equipment slightly bent at the elbows and perpendicular to the body. Raise your arms to the sides until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. When lowering, they maintain tension, but the muscles do not relax.


I.P.: emphasis on hands and toes. The palms are spread slightly wider than the shoulders at chest level, directed forward.

While inhaling, they lower themselves: bend their arms at the elbows to a right angle, and as they exhale, return to IP.

One-arm dumbbell lift

Exercise trains the supraspinatus muscle- one of the four that make up the rotator cuff.

I.P.: reclining on the side, holding the dumbbell with an overhand grip. The arm is straightened along the body.

The arm is raised perpendicular to the floor and returned to its original position.

Bench press

The exercise is dangerous

The exercise can be performed from a sitting or standing position. For diseases of the shoulder girdle, the Smith machine is used. In the lower position, the barbell is lowered to the middle of the neck height, no lower - the projectile remains suspended.

I.P.: Sit under the barbell and grab it with a medium grip. The elbows are located strictly under the bar, the back is slightly arched. When using a bench, the backrest is tilted at an angle of 75-80o, and the shoulder blades rest against it.

While inhaling, hold your breath, lift the projectile, with your elbows spread to the sides. At the top, the arms are straight, the bar is located directly above the head. After a short pause, they exhale and smoothly lower the barbell into the IP position, but do not place it on their shoulders until they complete the approach.

Barbell chest press

The deltoid and small muscles are loaded.

I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, lift the barbell without bending, and place it on your chest.

With a powerful push, the projectile is squeezed up and slowly lowered onto the chest. Make sure that your back remains straight and does not arch in the lower back.

Increase or decrease volume?

Beginners first master the technique of each exercise by doing 12 repetitions. Start with a light weight that allows you to complete this program.

To reduce volumes

Broad shoulders bother girls. To lose weight in the shoulders, perform from 12 to 15 times in 3 sets.

To increase muscle mass

Training options for men

Program No. 1

  • vertical dumbbell presses;
  • dumbbell press (standing position);
  • the same, sitting;
  • alternately lifting dumbbells to the chin (pull only one hand, the other remains below);
  • raising dumbbells to the sides.

Program No. 2

  • barbell press (from behind the head);
  • the same, from the chest;
  • lifting one dumbbell to the side (lying position);
  • raising dumbbells to the sides while standing;
  • lifting dumbbells forward;
  • the same, one dumbbell;
  • dumbbell press (sitting position);
  • the same, standing.

Program for girls

Girls strive to look fragile and feminine, so they are afraid of such exercises. But the fears are in vain: only those who strive for such a result and do the exercise with heavy weight run the risk of overdeveloping this part of the body.

Lesson program:

  • dumbbell press from a seated position;
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides, forward (movements alternate);
  • dumbbell row to the chin;
  • Raising arms with dumbbells on an incline bench.

The deltoids are loaded when performing a number of basic exercises. That's why Train your shoulders no more than once a week.

Video training for girls

Warming up before training is necessary for the exercise to bring greater benefits and to protect itself from injury.

The aesthetics of the development of deltas is no less important aspect of women’s training, so shoulder exercises in the gym for girls must be correctly selected and performed with high quality. Achieving a beautiful athletic shape of the shoulder girdle is no less important for women than for the stronger sex. Without strong shoulder muscles, it is impossible to perform exercises on other equally important muscle groups, since strong ligaments of the shoulder joint are one of the most important conditions for training the upper limbs, as well as the muscles of the back and chest.

Particular attention should be paid to technique and frequency of loads, since the joint and ligaments can be easily damaged. Women's shoulder workouts in the gym develop not just muscles, but also form beautiful posture.

The shoulder is considered the most mobile joint in the entire human body. As a hinge, the shoulder capsule allows for a wide range of up-down, back-and-forth movements that we perform every day. The ball and socket joint of the shoulder is actually made up of many small parts - including smaller tendons, ligaments and muscles. Due to its complex structure, the shoulder is not actually a very stable or strong part of the body. The shoulders depend on soft connective tissue to remain stable and strong. Therefore, when connective tissue becomes inflamed or degenerates over time (very often due to age, osteoarthritis, or overuse), shoulder pain is a common result.

The shoulder joint is covered by the deltoid muscle, which is divided into three bundles: the anterior one - has the function of flexing the arm and lateral abduction during external rotation of the shoulder, the middle one - horizontally abducts the arm, the posterior one - has the function of extending the arm. In exercises in which the arms perform frontal raises, the anterior delta is involved. The middle delta works during lateral abductions - swings, presses. The rear delta contributes to abductions - rows and swings of the arms back. In training, it is important to work all three parts of the deltoid muscle for comprehensive development. In shoulder training in the gym, a strong back, including the lower back, plays a huge role for girls. For athletes or those who exercise frequently, the shoulders are one of the most used parts of the body - they are involved in lifting heavy objects.

Gymnastics for girls and sets of shoulder exercises do not have much difference with men's training. Of course, shoulder exercises also have aesthetic benefits. Not only do shoulder exercises help improve the strength of your arms, but they are also designed for women to give their upper body a rounded and toned appearance. To do this, the weaker sex also needs to perform both basic and isolating exercises for all delta bundles. To build muscle, either gender needs a base with heavy weights, low reps (3-4 sets of 10-12). In this case, isolation can be performed with free weight, working each beam for 4-5 approaches of 15-20 repetitions. Shoulder and back workouts for girls should begin with a ten-minute cardio workout; the shoulder joints need to warm up well before heavy loads.

Typically, girls like to focus on their abs and thighs and neglect shoulder exercises. However, toned and rounded shoulders look great and make your hips and waist appear slimmer. They can also make your body more symmetrical, and since your deltoids are used in almost every exercise, strengthening them is important. If your shoulders are wide enough and you don’t want to widen them even more, remove the isolation exercises on the middle deltoids, the development of which is responsible for the width of the shoulders. Leave the development exercises mostly to the front and rear fascicles, but do basic exercises that will indirectly work the middle deltoids. For most exercises you will need to use free weights. There is no need to use heavy weights, especially on medium bunches. Additionally, using weights that are too heavy can also lead to injury. Choose ones that are hard enough to challenge your muscles but allow you to maintain proper form.

To get the most out of your workouts, you need to pay attention to proper technique. Move through the movements, slowly focusing on your shoulders. Avoid rocking and jerking. Finally, after your workout, spend some time stretching.

Girls are recommended to do shoulder training once a week, while combining it with other muscles. In shoulder training complexes in the gym, girls may additionally include their back. You can also combine the shoulders with the legs - for those who are more prepared, or on a separate day for all the muscles of the body. Exercises for arms and shoulders for girls in the gym can also be performed in one workout.

Beginners are recommended to perform circuit training, which works all muscle groups at once. Later, you can move on to a more advanced level of split training. The next set of classes in the gym for girls will already include arm and shoulder training in one day.

Shoulder exercises in the gym

Below are shoulder techniques and exercises that girls need to do in the gym.

The following exercises are suitable for those girls who want to get a load on the deltoids, including the front bundles.

Smith Barbell Front Press

This is a basic and quite effective shoulder exercise. It is important to keep your back straight, do not round your chest!

  • Sit at an angle of 75 degrees;
  • Using a wide grip, press the barbell from your upper chest as you exhale;
  • Inhale – lower down.

You can perform a simpler version while sitting, leaning against the back of the bench, this way you will reduce the load on your legs and prevent swaying.

  • Take the bar with a narrow grip, hold it near your shoulders under the chin;
  • Exhale: press the barbell overhead;
  • Inhale: return the bar to your shoulders.

It is important to stabilize the position of the body; to do this, you can rest your back against the wall.

  • Hold dumbbells on your thighs in front of you with your elbows bent;
  • Exhale: perform a dumbbell swing to the chin;
  • Lower inhale.

Performed similar to swings with dumbbells in front of you. You can perform one hand at a time from the lower block.

  • With your back to the machine, hold the handle with one hand at the side of your hip;
  • Exhale: raise your hand in front of you to your chin;
  • Inhale: lower to your thigh.

Exercises for the middle delta

Also, shoulder training for girls should include exercises for the middle delta.

  • Hold dumbbells at your shoulder, elbows down;
  • Exhale: press up without rounding your back;
  • Inhale: return back to your shoulders.

  • While sitting upright on a vertical bench, hold the barbell wide behind your head;
  • Exhale: from the back of your head, perform a barbell press;
  • Inhale: return the bar to the starting point.

  • With your feet wide apart, hold the dumbbells at your sides with your elbows slightly bent;
  • Exhale: perform swings to shoulder level, elbows slightly above the joint;
  • Inhale: Return the dumbbells to your thighs.

Rear delt exercises

The following exercises will help pump up a girl’s shoulders, focusing on the back bun.

The exercise can be performed while lying on your stomach on a bench at 45 degrees.

  • Place your feet on the floor, keep your hands freely below;
  • Exhale: swing through the sides to the shoulder joint. The elbow is turned towards the ceiling;
  • Inhale: Lower the dumbbells down.

Shoulder training for girls in the gym can include static back exercises, since keeping the spine tilted for a long time also engages and strengthens the back muscles. For women, exercises for the back and shoulders can be completely combined in one workout.

  • Take a horizontal position with your back, standing at an angle, knees bent, keep your spine straight;
  • Take the barbell from the floor with a wide grip;
  • Exhale: lift the barbell to the middle of your chest, bending your elbows to 90 degrees;
  • Inhale: lower the bar.

  • Sitting in the reverse position, bring the handles together in front of you, bending your elbows slightly, keeping your hands at the level of your shoulder joints;
  • Exhale: swing backwards through the sides, stop the wrist in the same plane as the shoulders;
  • Inhale: bring it back in front of you.

  • Take the ropes attached to the upper block and step back, pulling the rope;
  • Exhale: stretch the ropes to the shoulders, moving the elbows back at a right angle, without dropping below the shoulder joint;
  • Inhale: Bring the ropes back in front of you with your arms straight.

In this two-day complex, the deltoids are worked together with exercises for other muscles in three circles, performed sequentially. The program is intended for beginners for a month. Each exercise is performed for 15 repetitions.

Day 1

  1. Squats in Smith;
  2. Hyperextension;
  3. Block pull behind the head;
  4. Reduction of arms in a chest simulator;
  5. Reverse push-ups;
  6. Biceps with dumbbells standing;
  7. Lying crunches.

Day 2

  1. Seated leg curl;
  2. Seated leg extension;
  3. Pulling the block to the belt;
  4. Dumbbell bench press;
  5. Triceps extension in the upper block;
  6. Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench;
  7. Lying leg raises.

The following shoulder workout for girls is designed for one day, and is intended for advanced athletes. Performed once a week.

  1. Army press 4x10-12;
  2. Front delt with two arms in Crossover 4x10-12;
  3. Seated dumbbell press 4x10-12;
  4. Chin row 4x10-12;
  5. Bent-over barbell row 4x10-12;
  6. Rear bundle with ropes in Crossover 4x10-12.

As you know, protein is one of the essential macronutrients you should consume in your diet. The amount of protein you need to consume is not the same for everyone, as many people have different fitness goals, body types, and activity levels. But in general, an active woman should consume 1 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Yes, that's a lot. And often too much to consume just whole foods. So protein supplements are super popular and convenient, not to mention delicious.
By not consuming enough protein, you may lose muscle instead of fat. So reduce fat tissue and build muscle mass with the help of protein from sports nutrition.

On training days you should take protein powder before and after exercise. Before training, consume it 30 minutes to an hour to allow it to be fully digested. You should also add some fast carbohydrates before your workout. You should then drink another serving within 40 minutes of your workout.
For non-training days, continue to use it with food or as a snack.

When you exercise, you actually tear muscles. BCAA (essential amino acids) will help minimize muscle breakdown and improve protein metabolism so you can see better results from all your hard work in the gym.
BCAA will also help you recover faster. On training days, you should take BCAA's during your workout, either mixed or with water. You can also take them in the morning or throughout the day on an empty stomach. On days when you are not exercising, you can take them if you do not have time to eat a full meal so as not to destroy your muscles.

Sometimes we just don't have enough energy. This can happen quite often. When you need a little extra push to get to the gym and get your workout done, take a pre-workout supplement that will provide you with a natural source of caffeine and improve blood flow, increase the amount of oxygen to your muscles, and help your body fight lactic acid. Take the complex 20-30 minutes before training.

Sometimes when we do everything we can, but sometimes we still need something extra to increase fat loss. For this you need fat burners. They will help you in fat loss along with appetite suppression. In addition, they will give you energy thanks to natural caffeine. You can take up to two capsules per day. When you first take a fat burner, it is recommended to start with one capsule in the morning before breakfast. Then, you can increase the dosage to two capsules per day. But do not forget to take a break of at least three hours between them.

How to pump up muscles for a girl

Comprehensive information:

Postulate No. 1: the muscles of the back and shoulders in girls react much faster to loads than the muscles of the lower body. This makes it much easier to achieve the desired triangle-shaped torso with less effort.

Postulate No. 2: from an aesthetic point of view, such a back (broad shoulders) will correct some figure flaws. The V-shaped torso significantly reduces the waist. I am sure that almost all girls, willingly or unwillingly, desire this.

Postulate No. 3: Only a few girls are able to truly increase shoulder width and upper back musculature.

We need to make the craziest ideas work!

So, let’s begin to describe a method that will allow a girl to pump up her muscles. The madness is that both you and I, in principle, don’t give a damn about what is said in postulate No. 3. This is the first prerequisite for obtaining a result. You are one of those girls who are able to radically change their appearance and instead (or maybe not, but that’s another story) of a romantic relationship between three people, a real love triangle “husband-wife-lover”, build an inverted I'm a pyramid out of my back. The second condition, not so crazy, but still no less necessary, is to train hard, with complete dedication like a real “HUSBAND, LOVER” like a man.

How to pump up the muscles of a girl’s back and arms

A. Lat. We need a set of exercises consisting of seemingly similar movements that load the muscle mass of the back at completely different angles. The reason for this approach is banal and simple: the latissimus dorsi muscles, due to their anatomical structure, are not able to function in isolation, since they represent only part, albeit the most impressive, of a powerful ensemble of synergistic muscles (erector spinae muscles, teres major and minor muscles of the back , subpectineal, rhomboid, trapezoid).

B. Trapezoidal. They start at the base of the skull, extend to the shoulders and go down between the shoulder blades. There is no such thing as a strong person with poorly developed trapezius muscles.

IN. Lower back. This is the part of the back that most people have difficulty with. The reason for this lies in the fact that exercises for this part of the body are quite monotonous and the most grueling. Accordingly, due to the psychological attitude, too little time is often devoted to the lower back.

Set of exercises

What is the idea and what is the madness? The idea is that we will combine with you all components A, B and C into a single whole through one training complex on one training day. And you will feel “madness” only after you get involved in the process and start working in the hall according to the scheme I proposed below.

1. Pull-ups by the head with a wide grip. The crazy thing about this is that, from a shoulder and neck safety standpoint, it's much safer to do pull-ups and not use an overly wide grip. “However,” exhaled Kisa Vorobyaninov in response to the waiter’s remark in “The Twelve Chairs” about the cost of pickles. I recommend pulling with a wide grip and just behind the head to achieve maximum results. How many approaches and how many times in a set should you do pull-ups? It's simple: you have to do 50 pull-ups. The number of approaches is limited only by how many times you can do this to the stop in each of them.

2. Triset. “We sing a song to the madness of the brave.” Somewhere like this:

  • Wide-grip pull-down to chest
  • Traction on the lower block to the stomach
  • Pulldown of the upper block to the chest with a reverse narrow grip.

Three approaches, each exercise 15 repetitions. Exercises are done in the specified order, up to 90 seconds between approaches.

3. Bent-over barbell row. Three sets of 15 repetitions. Here's a little more detail, because there are nuances that must be taken into account. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward until your body is parallel to the floor (almost everyone makes a mistake in adopting a tilt close to the vertical position of the torso with the barbell pulled towards the lower abdomen over a ridiculous amplitude - from 10 to 15 cm), and slightly bend your knees. Grab the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with an overhand grip. Pull the barbell toward your lower chest. Slowly lower the projectile to the starting position. Throughout the entire exercise, keep your head up, look forward, and keep your back perfectly straight. Try not to sway while lifting weights.

4. Shrugs with dumbbells (“doing” trapezius muscles). Three sets of 15 repetitions. Perform this exercise according to this scheme: hold the dumbbells in your lowered and straightened arms. At the start, we move our shoulders down and forward, then raise them forward and up. At the top point, we move our shoulders back with a rotational movement and rotate to the starting position.

5. Hyperextension. The final chord. They are performed in a special simulator. The legs and pelvis are fixed, and you lean forward at the hip joints (emphasis on the gluteal muscles and hamstrings), or twist the spine (emphasis on the spinal erectors). It is better to extend in hyperextensions until the torso is in line with the hips, because further movement is easier (especially if the machine fixes the legs at an angle of 45 degrees), but at the same time it poses some danger to the lower back.

If something doesn’t work out, come up with new, even crazier ideas that will allow you to pump up the girl’s muscles.

Nothing will be invented. Let's take what we have.

1. We will not, as is customary, wait until our strength increases so much that we will not be able to technically do pull-downs with a weight approximately 5% higher than body weight, and only then move on to pull-ups. Firstly, the modern fitness industry has provided us with a machine for pull-ups and push-ups. Well, secondly, when you have the opportunity to ask someone for help and perform pull-ups with light support from the belayer.

2. Pull-ups by the head can be done either with the widest possible grip or by changing the position of the hands (grip width from approach to approach). Give it a try. You will get the difference in the form of an additional impulse from your “favorite” triangle. A small change in load is a positive reaction on the lats.

3.Try one more trick. We perform barbell rows to the stomach, but with a reverse (supinated) grip and a body tilt of about 70 degrees. The herd instinct is not for us! “Madwoman” in the “Yats” version – that’s what I offer you. With this type of bent-over row, we are able to work with much more weight (remember that you need to train as hard as possible) than in the classic version. And even though the biceps and brachialis muscles are involved in the work, the latissimus dorsi muscles will still receive the necessary stimulus for growth. Yes, heavy working weights can eventually lead to chronic inflammation of the biceps tendons, but you and I are only slightly “crazy” and will only occasionally change the classics to the version proposed by Dorian Yates. And we will do this only after we learn, first of all, to perform abdominal thrusts in the classic version.

4. If you are not a good madman, it is impossible to make discoveries. According to the canons of classical fitness, a developed back should be quite wide and have decent thickness (even our “favorite” female triangle). In this case, the latissimus muscles should be attached at their lowest point quite close to the lower back. If the last condition is a matter of genetics rather than training, then the first two can be achieved through weight training. That is, I repeat, more than once, to get results you will have to do a large amount of work. You will have to lift heavy weights. Back workouts will be, without a doubt, the hardest workouts in your training routine.

5. Only “madness” contains the energy of creating everything.

Going against the crowd is not a pleasure or a sport, it is a duty. Why should we be like everyone else? Our slogan is “there are not many of them - only me”! But at the same time, we do not forget to remind ourselves that if our grip strength is insufficient, we use special straps and be sure to wear a weightlifting belt in exercises such as bent-over barbell rows and even seated low block rows.

That's all I have for today. Take action, girls - pump up your muscles! And you will have a “favorite triangle”. In matters of a love triangle, who knows, he will also help you.