The best light tanks in World of Tanks. LT - dangerous tanks World of Tanks Which LT is better in World of Tanks


Not all players World of Tanks From beginners, green novices to experienced “tankers” who have more than a thousand battles behind them, they know that light tanks on the battlefield are a dangerous adversary. It would seem, what's so scary about them? There is virtually no armor; the guns of most vehicles of this class are more reminiscent in their parameters large-caliber machine gun . But, as combat operations show, these “babies” are capable of causing a lot of trouble in battle.

Get into the field of view of an enemy scout

A fast, maneuverable enemy can take a commanding height, hide behind bushes or trees, and “passively shine”, giving your team your coordinates and the location of your allies. This is one of his important fighting qualities. In this case, the “sixth sense” skill of the “World of Tanks” game will greatly help “fighters” on “heavy” and medium tanks. Even with a three-second delay, it will become clear that the direction of the attack has been revealed, and an urgent need to change tactics. If the “bulb” is not pumped up, then at the beginning of the battle you must definitely agree with your tanks or “pets” about cooperation. Their viewing radius will help identify the enemy spy and send him to the hangar.

LT against "heavy". Who will win ?

Despite the “cardboard” armor and small caliber gun, the World of Tanks “firefly” can be a serious threat. Primarily for massive and clumsy heavy tanks. Due to its speed and maneuverability, it can easily get close to a TT and inflict damage on less protected units. Primarily on the engine compartment and tracks. It can penetrate the side and damage the ammunition rack. Constantly moving, it will not provide the opportunity to return fire, or it will position itself in such a way that the heavy air defense system will not allow shooting at the annoying light vehicle. Experienced enemies alone are capable of destroying a heavy tank one on one. There is only one way out in such a situation - the help of allies. Any of them located nearby is able to “crit” several nodes at the enemy or completely destroy him. Therefore, during the battle you need to constantly to interact with the rest of the allied equipment. Of course, it’s good when there is plenty of game gold. Then problems are solved faster.

Enemy light tank in the rear of the team

No less dangerous is the enemy “firefly”, which has broken through the front line and reached the rear of the team. Not only will he begin to transmit location players, but will also be able to reach the poorly protected and clumsy “art”. After the latest updates, when the technical characteristics of self-propelled artillery have noticeably deteriorated, its role during battle has greatly decreased. But it’s also impossible to completely ignore self-propelled guns in the World of Tanks game. Even heavily “nerfed”, it is capable of causing significant damage to the enemy. And when the enemy spy begins to destroy one artillery installation after another, the team’s combat potential is noticeably reduced and so are the chances of victory.

Many people know that light tanks in the game world of tanks exist as a class only up to the eighth level. The release of the upcoming update becomes a key stage in the evolution of this technology. Now the firefly branch is extended to level 10, which will make significant changes to the concept of the game. New cars are already being tested on test servers, causing delight or dissatisfaction among players. Let's get acquainted with one of the representatives of the top light tanks T-100 LT, which will appear in the Soviet development tree. To understand the nature of the vehicle, you need to consider in detail the technical characteristics and armament of the tank, which, by the way, can change with the addition of the vehicle to the main client of the game.

Historical facts T-100 LT

A project developed in the mid-1960s by Soviet designers from VNII-100 and GSKB-47 as part of the program to create a modern airborne light tank. The Object 765 infantry fighting vehicle was taken as the basis for development, subjected to a series of modifications. A promising artillery complex was chosen as the weapon, which made it possible to use 100-mm active-missile projectiles with an effective firing distance of up to 1200 m. The tank hull was planned to be welded, made of rolled steel, with combined protection of the frontal projection, which allowed the vehicle to withstand frontal hits from cumulative 90 and 105 mm shells, as well as most ATGMs of NATO armies. The armor on the sides and stern effectively protected against 20 mm automatic guns. The design of the tank included the possibility of transportation by An-12 aircraft. No prototypes were built. One of the reasons for the termination of the project was the poor adaptability of the machine to overcome water obstacles, compared to its floating counterparts.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the T-100 LT

So let's get started. Compared to the usual light tanks of the 8th level, the T-100 LT has a more pleasant safety margin of 1,500 units, but still inferior to classmates in terms of HP. We are also pleased with the basic overview of the T-100 LT, which is 410 meters. It is worth clarifying that this indicator can be raised to maximum values.

One of the undeniable advantages is the stealth factor. The car has an incredibly low silhouette, so it won’t be easy to spot a firefly hiding in the bushes. However, this advantage is partially offset by the length of the hull: it is simply an excellent target for artillery.

The strengths include the mobility of the T-100 LT tank. The car shows incredible top speed, complemented by excellent maneuverability and dynamics.

T-100 LT at level 10 WoT received a good 100 mm T-100 gun.
The review of the T-100 LT gun should begin with a discussion of the alphastrike. With a basic projectile, the vehicle can penetrate armor 230 mm, removing for each shot 320 HP. It should be noted that this is the lowest figure among classmates, but it looks very good. DPM amounts to 2,286 units, which is not an absolute record at the level, but looks a little scary.

If we talk about armor penetration, the T-100 LT will not be able to penetrate level 10 armored monsters head-on even with sub-caliber shells. However, given the dynamics and maneuverability of the vehicle, direct confrontation is not required: the tank can easily spin the clumsy heavies, making holes in the vulnerable sides with conventional AP guns.

The accuracy of the T-100 LT tank is typical for the Soviet branch: the spread is simply terrifying. To sweeten the pill a little, the developers gave the vehicle unexpectedly good gun stabilization, which can be enhanced by crew skills and additional equipment. The mixing speed also looks good. Reviews of the T-100 LT based on testing results are amazing: 8 out of 10 shots without aiming hit the target, and this is when shooting at long distances!

Vertical guidance angles are already habitually weak, like all Soviet equipment in the game down to 5 degrees which will require a lot of getting used to.

Full characteristics of the tank are presented below:

Reservation T-100 LT

Let's turn to the viability of the tank on random fields. Of course, upon first examination, the armor characteristics of the T-100 LT look very mediocre, but keep in mind that we are dealing with “bare” numbers. The housing has 100 mm armor in the frontal projection, however, proper placement of the VLD angles increases this figure by approximately up to 200 mm, accordingly, the machine will often catch ricochets, especially if you do not stand statically, but turn the body further.

The front plate of the tower pleases with a value of 180 mm. However, the shape and angles of the tower will not provide reliable protection. To compensate, the tower looks rather squat, so targeting vulnerable areas in a fast-paced battle will be quite problematic.

The only thing that the Soviet light tank T-100 LT cannot boast of is the side projection of the hull and turret. Naturally, 40 millimeters will not be a serious obstacle for powerful dozen barrels and low-level equipment. Sometimes, hits from afar will be absorbed by the caterpillars, but you shouldn’t count on such luck all the time.

Selection of equipment and crew perks for the T-100 LT

In principle, we are dealing with a good device that has enormous potential. However, it will be very problematic to fully realize the capabilities without modules and properly selected crew skills.

So, the following equipment is installed on the T-100 LT tank:

  • Rammer – we increase the DPM.
  • Stabilizer – increasing accuracy indicators.
  • Coated optics – don’t forget that we are playing on a firefly.

It should be clarified that the last slot can be left for improved ventilation in order to get a small bonus to accuracy and firepower.

You will have to be creative in upgrading tankers: the crew consists of three people, so the standard set for fireflies will not work here. It is better to give preference to this sequence of training:

In terms of choosing consumables, the game does not give much choice, so before the battle we load the standard set.

Tactics for playing the T-100 LT

The T-100 LT can add a lot of thrills to players and significantly diversify the usual gameplay. Like any firefly, the top tank is designed to spot opponents and support teammates. However, given the characteristics of the T-100 LT, the tactics of the game go beyond the standard framework.
In random you can implement the following scenarios:

  1. Active light. The dynamics of the vehicle allows you to quickly approach the enemy team within sight distance and transmit intelligence data. The tank is capable of quickly moving along the flanks and diving into folds of the terrain with lightning speed. At the same time, it will be very difficult to hit a fast car.
  2. Passive color. Given the high camouflage coefficient, the T-100 LT is capable of quickly occupying key points and highlighting the enemy from the bushes. If you don’t move or shoot, you can only detect a tank by approaching it almost point blank.

The best option would be to combine both tactics, increasing your efficiency and bringing maximum assistance to the team. Don't forget about gun stabilization: the tank can fire, but the stabilization is poor.

In addition, mobility combined with accuracy allows you to spin almost any enemy in the game, maximizing the DPM, “pinching” heavy tanks by their vulnerable sides.

We continue our parade of the best tanks in their damage and class, and in the last, fifth part,

We continue our parade of the best tanks in their damage and in their class, and in the last, fifth part, we will look at light tanks. Let's start the review, of course, with level 1, and end with level 8, respectively.

Who would doubt about the first level? Once before the change in the design bureau format, it was irreplaceable, because almost the outcome of the battle depended on it. These were the eyes of the team, and in some cases, an excellent invader, and his crushing machine gun could deliver good module damage and even death to the Nineties, Sotkas and Borschts. Yes, yes and yes again, this is a T1 Cunningham, no MS-1s, no British mediums or French Renaults. Only T1, only hardcore. A machine gun in skillful hands is capable of destroying even some 2nd levels. The dynamics, although not the best, are enough for the first level. We will calmly put the armor on a high shelf to gather dust and not even say a word about it, since talking about armor at level 1 will be ridiculous. We won’t bombard you with lengthy praise of this beauty and just sum it up, let’s say that the tank is universal, playable, and in the right hands it’s even crushing and flexible.

- Magnificent 20mm machine gun
- Acceptable dynamics
- Rear position of the tower, which allows us to go around corners and cause damage
- High rate of fire inside the drum

- Long drum reload (about 10 sec)
- Front engine

They talk about this tank... But they don’t say anything. It takes 2-3 battles and is forgotten like an uninteresting dream. But in vain, since the tank is very interesting and can be a pleasure to play on it. The groove is quite versatile, having acceptable dynamics for level 2 and a very good weapon. 37 mm with a penetration of 42 mm, reload time about 2.5 seconds. and mixing in 1.7 seconds, very good performance. The armor resists only some weak machine guns, and occasionally guns with a penetration of 25 mm or more. Our 11 tons are accelerated by a 220-horsepower engine, so we dare not complain about the maximum speed. Finally, let’s say that the tank is very interesting and we advise everyone to play on it while going through a branch, or just at their leisure.

- Good maneuverability and dynamics
- Frontal armor for level 2 can withstand blows
- Decent visibility (290 m)
- Quick aiming of the gun (1.7 sec)

- Long turn of the tower
- The sides and stern are pretty cardboard

Imba level 3, because there is no other way to say it. An 8mm machine gun can incinerate tanks 1 level higher than us. The armor for level 3 is rather weak, but looking at the maximum speed, we can safely say that armor is not the main thing for it, because the maximum speed is 79 km/h. Not every enemy will be able to hit us, but if they do, then there is a 20-30 percent chance that there will be a ricochet or no penetration. But this is all a matter of chance and only you can decide how the battle will end, but in the end we will say that the tank will bring a lot of pleasure and fun during its passage.

- Excellent top speed (79 km/h)
- Crushing machine gun
- Small and compact dimensions
- Good review

- Average armor
- Low armor penetration

Surely you thought that the Chinese would bypass us, but that was not the case. Fast, rapid-fire, with excellent visibility and just a great tank. M5A1 only causes trouble when leveling it up to the top state, and then we simply and without sudden movements move to the next tank. The gun has indicators acceptable for level 4: 81 mm of penetration, which is quite good at our level, damage of 70 units with a reload of 2.5 seconds. Stabilization, of course, is rather poor, but in close combat the tank copes with the enemy very quickly. Our armor, as always, is in the style of a light tank, that is, none. Sometimes we can still get a ricochet due to our 45 degrees of armor tilt, but this happens quite rarely. And so we get a very playable and playful tank, which puts it in first place among tier 4 tanks.

- Good dynamics
- Good UGN
- Compact size
- Acceptable visibility of 330 m

- Frequent engine crits
- Weak armor on the sides and stern

Little Chaffee deserves the honorary title of the best level 5 LT. It is good, of course, because of its visibility of 390 m and good maneuverability. The gun also does not let us down, because the CD is 2.5 seconds and the damage is 110 with a penetration of 96 mm, it’s like a bee’s sting that bites weakly but often. The cross-country ability and dynamics are generally impressive, as we feel free on different soils. Based on the excellent dynamics and visibility, we get an excellent tank for spotting and in some situations for supporting allies. Passing a tank will not cause you problems and waste of nerve cells.

- Excellent dynamics
- Best view on the level
- Excellent stabilization
- Best maximum speed (77 km/h)

- Lack of armor as such in all projections
- Weak armor penetration

A newcomer, but already gained quite a reputation. The tank does an excellent job of its job, namely, the job of a firefly. And he can shoot too, thanks to a gun with 150 penetration and 115 damage. Reload time is around 3 seconds, and stabilization is at an acceptable level. The maximum speed of the tank is 66 km/h, which is very good for a light tank. The visibility also did not disappoint - 385 m, so it will not be difficult for us to highlight the enemy while being in the bushes, rushing all over the battlefield.

- Remarkable speed and maneuverability
- Rapid-fire cannon
- Good review

- Poor armor performance
- Very mediocre body dimensions

A tank that is incredibly popular, a tank that torments its enemies with its drum, a tank that brings a lot of fun and fun. Yes, this is our crazy stool - T71. An excellent drum for 6 shells of 150 units of damage and a penetration of 175. An unsurpassed maximum speed of 64 km/h with a mass of 18 tons. Of course, we will not say anything about the armor, since 25 mm in the forehead, although at an angle, will not give us anything, because we don’t have to fight with levels 8, 9 and 10. The tank is very interesting and will bring you pleasure while passing it.

- The presence of a drum for 6 shells
- High maximum speed and agility
- Small sizes
- Great overview

- Poor gun stabilization
- Lowest safety margin at the level

This choice will cause quite a lot of controversy, because at level 8 almost every tank can take first place, but still neither the ninety, nor the T49, nor anything else, namely the unsurpassed RUshka with its magnificent maximum speed of 80 km/ h, an acceptable and universal weapon, a low silhouette and remarkable UGN. And now some numbers: penetration 190 mm, damage 240 units, reduction 2.1 seconds, spread 0.36, and CD about 6 seconds. Quite average indicators, but they are quite enough. Our dynamic indicators are as follows: 80 km/h maximum speed, agility 38 degrees/sec, and acceleration ability at the highest level. Reservations in the light tank genre: 25 mm at the front of the hull and 20 mm around the turret, that is, everyone who hits us penetrates us. But our job, of course, is not tanking, but highlighting opponents and helping our allies. The tank is quite pleasant to play through, but still requires the ability to play LT, otherwise you will simply fade away on it, never revealing the potential of this tank in battle.

- Universal weapon
- Excellent top speed
- View at 400 m
- Low profile

- Quite picky chassis
- Long projectile flight (unlike single-level LT)

As a result of this article, I would like to say that you should not forget about the main purpose of a light tank, and do not fly to the center of the map at the beginning of the battle for an instant drain. Tactics on LT are much more difficult than on other classes, because you not only shine, but also help your allies by keeping the enemy on the rink or distracting him. A light tank should always bring the team information about the location of the enemy, otherwise the team will simply stand at the base or, having gone in one direction, will lose by capturing its base. Be careful when playing on LT and good luck in your battles!

Each of the players had to deal with light tanks. Moreover, up to the 3rd level there are practically no other equipment available for purchase in the game. This class of tanks is quite specific - most tanks have relatively thin armor and high speed, but the guns are completely different. Therefore, some “lightweight” aircraft are only suitable for careful reconnaissance, while others can safely and painfully sting their more armored counterparts due to not only high dynamics, but also a biting gun.

We have studied absolutely all light tanks currently presented (end of April 2016) in World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you which of them are the best.

Level I - T1 Cunningham (USA)

The most versatile tier 1 tank. Far from the fastest, but also not such a turtle as the MS-1. And after an upgrade, the chassis generally becomes an excellent maneuverable tank. As for booking, it’s too early to worry about it at this level. But the weapon here is decent - a wonderful 20-mm machine gun, with which it is very good to disable modules of enemy vehicles such as caterpillars or turret rotation mechanisms. Except that the drum takes almost 10 seconds to recharge. But during this time you can always hide behind cover.

Of course, T1 Cunningham can also show himself very well as a scout. Only because of the front engine position, the tank is not very willing to climb uphill.


  • good top speed (41 km/h),
  • good maneuverability (42 deg/s),
  • a powerful 20mm machine gun for its level,
  • high rate of fire before reloading the drum.


  • long drum reload (about 10 sec),
  • front-wheel drive.

Level II - Pz.Kpfw. II (Germany)

One of the most... perhaps even most popular tier 2 tank. After all, it is not only very fun to play due to good dynamics, a good 20-mm machine gun and excellent frontal armor for its level, but it also opens up many branches of German equipment at once. Various medium tanks, heavy tanks, artillery mounts, and more immediately become available for study.

Pz.Kpfw. II is very balanced in its characteristics. Its armor is one of the best on the tier (among light tanks), its gun alignment is fast, and its top speed and maneuverability are simply excellent. This vehicle is perfect for supporting the team with fire, slightly away from the main front. The most confident Pz.Kpfw. II feels at home in urban settings. Less confident - on rough terrain outside buildings. But it’s better not to venture into open areas - the firing range is very short, so some cunning “camper” will probably hit you.


  • good maximum speed (40 km/h) and maneuverability (35 deg/s),
  • thick frontal armor (30 mm),
  • quick aiming of the machine gun (1.7 sec).


  • the armor of the side (20 mm) and stern (15 mm) is thin.

Level III - Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C (Germany)

Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C is rightfully considered the best investment of money and experience at level 3, and is also among the top “most fun” tanks in the game. The vehicle is equipped with an excellent 8-mm machine gun, is compact in size, and also boasts a “first space” maximum speed of as much as 79 km/h! Here, thick armor is not particularly needed - try to hit such a jet baby! And even if you hit, there will often be a ricochet or no penetration.


  • amazing top speed (79 km/h) - the highest in the game;
  • 8-mm machine gun, penetrating even tanks at a higher level;
  • compact dimensions.


  • thin armor.

Tier IV - M5A1 Stuart (China)

It is difficult to choose the best LT from all the vehicles presented at level 4. Each of the tanks here is bad or good in its own way. But we still decided to opt for the Chinese M5A1 Stuart. This is a fairly nimble and fast-firing tank with a very good gun on board. The characteristics of the latter are as follows: 70 units. damage, 81 mm of armor penetration, and a reload of 2.5 seconds. But the armor, like that of most light tanks, is very thin.


  • good maximum speed (64 km/h) and maneuverability (36 deg/s),
  • compact dimensions,
  • A fairly powerful and fast-firing basic weapon for its level.


  • vulnerable engine compartment,
  • weak hull armor (28/28/25 mm).

Level V - M24 Chaffee (USA)

“Chaffee” is one of the best scouts at mid-levels, which, thanks to its biting cannon, can stand up for itself if something happens. It is also suitable for supporting allies from the flank. The tank's maneuverability is excellent, and its top speed is also remarkable. But the body armor indicators are even worse than those of the previous hero of this collection: 25 millimeters for the forehead, 25 for the side, 19 for the rear. But due to the streamlined shape of the turret and the many sharp parts on the hull, shells often ricochet on the M24 Chaffee.

As for the gun, it, as already mentioned, is very powerful: the damage is 110-175 units, and the rate of fire is 15.79 rounds/min. It also has excellent stabilization - when moving, the spread almost does not increase.


  • high speed (77.2 km/h) and good maneuverability (40 deg/s),
  • excellent gun stabilization.


  • thin armor (25 / 25 / 19 mm).

Level VI - T37 (USA)

Vigilant, fast and maneuverable tank. It’s as if he was born to “highlight” medium and heavy tanks, as well as anti-tank vehicles, hiding in the bushes with their pants down. His gun, like most in this collection, is quite good: its damage is 110-175 units, and its armor penetration is up to 143 millimeters. The gun's reload time lasts about 3 seconds, and the spread during movement does not increase much. The maximum speed is very good - 66 km/h. But the most important thing is the overview and communication range - 370 and 395 meters, respectively!


  • wonderful dynamics,
  • high rate of fire of the gun,
  • excellent visibility and communication range.


  • thin hull armor (25/25/19 mm).

Level VII - T71 (USA)

T71 - level 7 “drum scavenger”. A couple of such tanks operating in a group are capable of pecking at almost any “heavy” or anti-tank vehicle. And alone he excels in guerrilla attacks and when finishing off enemies. The damage of his gun is 115-185 points of damage for each shot, and the drum can hold as many as six shells.

As for the hull armor, everything here is also quite sad: 25 mm - forehead, 22 mm - side, - 19 mm - rear.


  • drum for 6 shells,
  • high maximum speed (64.4 km/h) and maneuverability (54 deg/s),
  • Compact dimensions for its level.


  • the gun easily gets knocked down while moving,
  • very weak armor for its level.

Level VIII - AMX 13 90 (France)

One of the best tanks in the game, one of the best French tanks and, of course, the best tier 8 light tank. The AMX 13 90 appeared in World of Tanks quite a long time ago, but since then it has not lost its glory. Here you have a drum for 6 shells with excellent gun damage, a high maximum speed for its level with maneuverability, and compact dimensions. An excellent scout and partisan!

The tank also has fairly thick armor in the frontal part of the hull - 40 mm. Therefore, it is quite capable of surviving against other light and even medium tanks in open battle. Only the stabilization of the gun has let us down, so it’s better to fight on the “ninety” on the sly.


  • good maximum speed (64 km/h) and maneuverability (38 deg/s),
  • 6-round drum with good damage (135-175 units) and armor penetration (up to 202 mm),
  • compact dimensions.


  • poor gun stabilization.