List of the most harmful foods. List of the most unhealthy foods


Eating healthy and natural foods is the key good health. Unfortunately, most of the foods that make up the diet modern man do not help, but cause irreparable harm to the body. Taking a closer look, you can easily find out that the most unhealthy foods are present on our menu every day.

When food is processed on an industrial scale, it loses its taste and freshness. And in order to preserve the presentation of food, manufacturers do not spare preservatives, flavors, dyes and flavor enhancers. It seems that the only way out is to carefully study each label. There is still a lot of food that does not carry any value, clogging the esophagus and slagging the body. But it is quite possible to exclude foods that kill the body from your menu.

Which foods are most harmful to health?

Not all manufacturers are in a hurry to please their consumers with healthy and natural products. Store shelves are filled with food that poses a potential and real threat. Let's give an example of the 10 most unhealthy foods. When choosing food, you should be guided not only by bright slogans on labels.

Fast food

Undoubtedly, the most unhealthy foods are hamburgers, French fries, and hot dogs. Fashion and demand for quick, satisfying snacks or fast food are gaining momentum, although there can be no talk of any benefits. The menu includes greasy potatoes, a bun with meat of dubious quality, shawarma, and noodles. The food is richly “fertilized” with monosodium glutamate, taste enhancers (E-621, E-627, E-631). Foods rich in trans fats a short time capable of transforming the body healthy person storage of these fatty acids. This also includes carbonated drinks that contain excessive amounts of sugar.


Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating baked goods made from white flour. It does not have pronounced nutritional properties and its main component is carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates are monosaccharides, glucose and lactose, they act on the body like sugar. Excessive consumption of this product threatens obesity and gastritis. You can replace white flour with whole or oat flour.

Sausages, smoked meats and frankfurters are also included in the list of the most harmful products.

Low quality meat, palm oil, sodium nitrate, stabilizers and flavor enhancers are present in abundance in most boiled and smoked sausages, sausages and frankfurters. Unfortunately, the popularity of consuming such “delicacies” is not decreasing, although there are many examples of serious poisoning from fatal. The solution is to exclude low-quality meat products from the diet.


It is difficult to imagine that milk, familiar to everyone from childhood, could be a harmful food product. Some facts: milk contains casein protein, about 5% pus, growth hormones, radionuclides, antibiotics. Milk contains a known allergen - lactose, and a large number of mucus makes it difficult to digest the product. There are many plant-based substitutes cow's milk, for example, from seeds or nuts.

Canned food and preserves

Canned food is allowed to be eaten occasionally, but should not be done too often. When purchasing canned meat or vegetables, you should give preference to jars without preservatives and stabilizers. But preserved food is not processed thermally, unlike canned food, which greatly increases the risk of developing a viral disease - botulism.

Chocolate and confectionery

Natural chocolate is healthy and contains many micronutrients: potassium, magnesium, flavonoids. Confectionery products produced in industrial scale- cookies, chocolate, candies, waffles consist of palm oil, sugars, preservatives and dyes. Consuming palm oil and sugar will immediately lead to high cholesterol and heart disease.

Chewing gum cannot be called a food product

Approximate composition of chewing gum: sweeteners or sugar, rubber, corn syrup, flavorings, dyes, sweeteners, preservatives. Fresh breath can cost the health of your entire digestive system. The risk of caries increases, and many cases of fillings and crowns falling out are also recorded.

Salt and sugar - delicious death

It is sugar that provokes excessive production of insulin, which interferes with the normal functioning of the pancreas, overloading it. From excess weight, diabetes, skin rashes and bad teeth - obvious signs the fact that sugar has settled firmly in the body. Excess salts lead to impaired absorption of fluid in the body, increasing the load on blood vessels and kidneys. The maximum dose of salt intake per day is 15 mg. Preference should be given to iodized, sea or Himalayan salt. These types of salts contain the elements potassium, copper, iodine and bromine.

Packaged sauces

Ketchup and mayonnaise take pride of place on refrigerator shelves. Lots of salads and recipes various dishes includes mayonnaise containing stabilizers, preservatives, and trans fats. The natural tomatoes from which real ketchup is made remain only in the picture on the packaging. However, it will not be difficult to prepare your favorite sauce yourself - the ingredients and recipe are known everywhere.

Salty snacks close the list

Number ten - chips and crackers. This snack does not contain any useful substances, but clogs the body with fat and salts. Chemical additives can cause taste addiction in a short time. Chips and crackers are so common that even children crunch on them all the time. With constant consumption of delicacies, kidney and heart diseases and damage to the body by toxins are ensured.

From the list it follows that the consequences of consuming unhealthy foods will be the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes;
  2. Obesity;
  3. Hypertension;
  4. Stroke;
  5. Increased cholesterol;
  6. Osteoporosis;
  7. Thrombosis;
  8. Diseases of the gums and teeth.

And this is not the most complete list of consequences. The time spent on treatment cannot be returned. Taking care of our health is our business, not the doctors’.

Food influences our lives

Many people don’t even think about what’s on the plate in front of them. All public establishments are filled with vending machines with sweets, chips, crackers, soda - this has become the norm for everyone. Big choice available harmful products that quietly destroy the body from the inside.

It seems difficult to switch to proper nutrition, but it is only difficult for the first 2-3 weeks. A month later taste buds will be renewed, old passions will gradually be forgotten. Healthy does not mean tasteless, and besides, it great opportunity master the taste of new unfamiliar dishes. Eat right and be healthy!

Proper nutrition is a fashionable topic, but it is still far from modern man. Food industry technologies are being developed great amount harmful food additives that enhance the taste of products, but it is not profitable for manufacturers to think about people’s health. Therefore, the most delicious foods are the most harmful for humans. Obesity is increasing across the planet due to incorrectly chosen foods. serious illnesses, life expectancy is shortened. To avoid harm to your health, check out the top 10 most harmful foods for human health.

Chips and croutons

The lack of free time has led to the fact that for people, crackers and chips have become a snack for beer, a snack, and even lunch. But they don’t think about the harm they cause to the body by eating such foods every day. These snacks are prepared by frying bread or potatoes in vegetable oil. Moreover, oil is used for fried potatoes repeatedly. Snacks are saturated with harmful carcinogens that the oil releases, and beneficial substances evaporate from high temperature. The harm of fried potatoes or bread lies in the fact that after eating them, fatty oil settles in the form of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to such health problems as:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • genetic mutations;
  • oncological tumors;
  • deterioration in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweet sparkling water and drinks

The dangers of French fries are nothing compared to the dangers of carbonated drinks. The shelves of supermarkets and small shops are filled with sweet fizzy drinks, but if you want to drink, then plain water still need to look. Over the years, manufacturers of harmful effervescent products have dominated the market with persistent advertising, which has led people of different ages, children and youth, addictive. So what is the harm of sweet soda?

Scientists have proven that drinking one 330 ml can of sweet pop per day will result in half a kilo of excess weight every month. In addition to the risk of obesity, the harmful fizzy drink has a detrimental effect on kidney function. The presence of phosphoric acid in these foods will eventually lead to renal colic, and this is the most excruciating pain that a person experiences. The high acidity of soda leads to the destruction of tooth enamel - they become prone to caries and more sensitive.

But the worst harm from drinking sugary carbonated drinks, as American scientists have found, is an increased risk of breast, esophageal and pancreatic cancer. Sweet non-alcoholic pop contains a lot of harmful sugar, which increases the production of insulin in the body, causing long time stomach acidity increases. Harmful chemical dyes contained in colored drinks contain ammonia and its compound, which causes a fatal disease.

Fast food

Fast food, as the word “fast food” is translated, is also not the most healthy foods in the world. Adults and children replace their main meals with unhealthy fast food, which leads to indigestion, gastritis, and ulcers that last a lifetime. In addition to the imbalance of substances and a large number of calories, fast food contains saturated animal fats, because in order to save money, manufacturers of such food products use margarines, which are cheap analogues of healthy fats. The harm of trans fats is that they have a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system, put a dangerous load on the liver, and increase cholesterol levels. But this is not all the harm to the body from fast foods.

The reason for the strange addiction to junk food is various chemical additives, salt, and seasonings that are in its composition. It is not surprising that hamburgers and other similar food products are so delicious that you can’t tear yourself away from them and an hour after eating you want to eat another one. The reason for this phenomenon is monosodium glutamate (E-621), a seasoning that affects the taste buds of the tongue. Desire to eat large quantities delicious products foods that contain harmful additives lead to obesity.

Mayonnaise, ketchup and sauces

The most harmful food for people who want to maintain a slim figure is all kinds of industrial sauces. In addition to being high in calories, these food products contain thickeners, stabilizers, preservatives, emulsifiers, food colorings, in general, everything except useful substances. Adherent healthy eating, who prefers to eat only natural, environmentally friendly products, but season them with ketchup or mayonnaise, causes great harm to health.

The main harm of mayonnaise is the presence of transgenic fats that increase cholesterol. Food products sealed in plastic packaging are especially harmful, since the plastic releases all the chemicals into it. Store-bought sauces are dangerous for an immature child’s body, because they provoke allergies, pancreatitis, inflammation of the digestive tract, and worsen heart function. If it is not possible to refuse to use harmful industrial mayonnaises or ketchups, then prepare them yourself at home from natural food products.

Sugar and salt

People have known about the dangers of sugar and salt for a long time, but they do not stop using them. Despite the fact that substances harm the mineral balance of the body, we cannot imagine our diet without them. But what are these products? Salt is a crystalline powder, a mixture of sodium and chlorine. These elements are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but only in small quantities. Consuming salt in food in large quantities retains fluid in the body.

By oversalting food, we force internal organs work with double the load, which leads to their early wear. Swelling appears and increases arterial pressure, chronic migraines. Harmful salt crystals can accumulate in the joints, causing them to become swollen and stiff. Salt causes appetite and therefore leads to obesity.

The entire population of the planet already knows how harmful sugar is for the body - diabetes. In addition, when consuming sugary foods, calcium is washed out of the bones, which over time leads to bone fractures. Bones under the load of the body become brittle and do not perform their function. Unlike salt, sugar, as a food product, has no biological value for the body, but the average resident of Russia eats up to one kilogram of this easily digestible but harmful carbohydrate in 1 week. Doctors recommend consuming it in an amount of no more than 30 grams per day, and food products with a high sugar content should also be taken into account. People with a sweet tooth have a metabolic disorder, which leads to a weakened immune system.

White bread

People treat bread with special respect. Since ancient times, hymns have been composed for the main food product and compared to the sun. But what kind of product do we eat called bread? The flour from which industrial bread is baked is a powder obtained from grinding cereals. How whiter flour, the more it is cleared of bran, which is poorly digested by the stomach, the less useful substances it contains.

But along with the bran, most of the vitamins and all minerals without exception are removed. Thus, the beautiful-looking product from which industrial white bread is made is devoid of important elements and is bleached with bleach, which causes irreparable harm to the body. In addition, the white product is more expensive, because additional purification of the flour requires time and labor. Consequence of excessive use white bread- constipation, indigestion, volvulus.

Canned food and smoked meats

Canned food is essentially a harmful dead product in which there is not a single useful substance left. You should be careful with canned fish and meat, as they contain low-quality components: cartilage, waste. And if canned products are also smoked, then a person receives an excess of preservatives and salt and benzopyrene - a carcinogen that is released during smoking and contributes to the development of cancerous tumors.

The dangers of smoked meats apply to meat, sausages, fish, frankfurters and other processed foods. Another harm from canned industrial products is the addition of modified soybeans containing glutamine, the effect of which is on human body has not yet been fully studied, so it is advisable to avoid these foods. But it is reliably known that GMOs cause infertility.

Sweets, cakes and other confectionery products

Adults and children love sweets. We drink coffee and tea with cookies, jam, sweets, cakes and pastries, without paying attention to the composition of the products purchased in the supermarket. Sweets contain fast carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy and contribute to the production of the happiness hormone serotonin, but this is where the benefits of confectionery products end. Scientists warn those with a sweet tooth that excessive consumption of sweet foods leads to infertility, as sugar affects the production of estrogen and testosterone.

Eating sweet flour baked goods causes the pancreas to work harder, which can lead to a malignant tumor in the intestines. Sweet confectionery products shorten life expectancy and have a detrimental effect on the brain, developing epileptic seizures. If you can’t give up sweets, eat fruits, honey, dark chocolate, and confectionery products with sugar substitutes. The most harmful foods, list and rating of sweets:

  1. Sweets, lollipops.
  2. Cookies, cakes, pastries.
  3. Chocolate bars.
  4. Sticky fudge, chewy toffee.


Scientists talk a lot about the harmfulness of milk. According to many years of research, dairy products contribute to the production of atherosclerotic plaques, which leads to strokes and heart attacks. 200 ml of milk contains 10% of the daily cholesterol value, so nutritionists advise choosing dairy products with zero fat content.

The most unpleasant thing that scientists have discovered is that industrially produced milk causes the development of prostate cancer in men. The point is in the hormones that cows are fed on farms to stimulate milk production in animals. Homemade dairy products are also not harmless - for short period They develop bacteria harmful to the body, which lead to intestinal infections. Another unpleasant factor is the high allergenicity of the product. If a person is lactose intolerant, then consuming even a small amount of milk, yogurt or kefir can lead to unpleasant consequences.


Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol, but this does not stop us from consuming it in large quantities and advertising it in the media. The consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages are negative, ranging from dehydration and memory loss to serious pathologies and death. Alcohol poses the greatest danger to brain cells, which are killed by alcoholic products. If alcohol is consumed regularly, the detrimental effect on the brain appears after a small dose: the person becomes aggressive, with confused speech, and long-term memory loss.

Alcohol is even more dangerous for women. Their body is susceptible, so the consequences are more severe than in men. Women develop faster alcohol addiction, which leads to cirrhosis of the liver, weakening of the heart muscle, damage nervous system, and the result, as they say, is more quickly visible on the face. The list of diseases that can result from long-term consumption of alcoholic products:

  • Psychosis or “delirium tremens”. Auditory and visual hallucinations and false feelings appear.
  • Amnestic syndrome. Loss of the will to live, depression, tendency to suicidal behavior.
  • Sexual disorders. Sexual desire disappears, especially in men.
  • Alcoholic polyneuritis. Vitamin B deficiency is manifested by muscle tightening, leg weakness, numbness, and swelling.
  • Trophic ulcers. Appear due to severe dilation of blood vessels.
  • Hemolytic anemia. It develops as a result of the destruction of red blood cells and a general change in the blood formula.
  • Gastritis. The mucous membrane of the stomach undergoes changes: motility is impaired, appetite disappears, and constant pain appears.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. Characterized by flatulence, abdominal pain, unstable stool.
  • Alcoholic fatty liver disease. Over the course of 10-15 years of regular alcohol consumption, liver cells are destroyed, leading to cirrhosis.

All more people V Lately pay attention to the issue of healthy eating and the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods. Sedentary image life and sedentary work lead to far from the best consequences. But this is not the most important factor. Junk food puts extra pounds on your body and creates health problems.

Industrial food, in which there is practically nothing natural left, is unlikely to saturate your body with useful microelements and minerals. Junk food on English language sounds like junk food. Abroad, you can increasingly hear this phrase in different languages from people who are worried about the health of their children and loved ones.

The most harmful food

Among the abundance of food products that damage health and significantly reduce life expectancy, experts have identified a list of the most dangerous products. Many of them are very familiar in Everyday life and form the basis of the fast food system. However, doctors and specialists worked to create the list below, whose opinions are worth listening to.


Recognized as the most harmful product. Thanks to the high concentration of carbohydrates and fats, generously sprinkled with flavorings, colors and aromas, a 200-gram packet of chips is equivalent to half the daily kilocalorie requirement of an adult. They contain a large number of carcinogens that can cause cancer, and the mass of hydrogenated fats will significantly increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which can result in a stroke or heart attack.

Carbonated sweet drinks

It is a mixture of water, chemicals and gas. Aspartame (E951) is a synthetic sweetener. Felatanin, which is part of it, is especially harmful. Sweet carbonated drinks do not quench thirst, but on the contrary, they make you want to drink more and more, due to the presence of chemical sweeteners that cannot be completely removed by saliva from the oral mucosa. Great content sugar and, as a result, a very low pH significantly disrupt the acid-base balance and lead to the development of a wide range of diseases. Also present here sodium benzoate(E211), which slows down enzymes, disrupts metabolism and is the cause of many diseases. These can be skin rashes and cancer of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fast food

The fast food system has become widespread throughout the world. Starting from stalls making belyashi and shawarma to such giants as Burger King and McDonald's. Junk food in them is mostly represented by either fried dough with meat, or buns stuffed with chemicals with the same cutlets, or sausages and richly seasoned synthetic sauces.

Separately, I would like to highlight deep-fried oil, which is used repeatedly and causes the formation of carcinogens and the development of cancer. Long-term consumption of such meals leads to many different diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, from colitis to gastritis.

Separately, we can distinguish the group “junk food for children”. These are snacks (nuts, crackers, etc.), juices, lunches instant cooking and sweet bars. They are the result of the development of modern chemical laboratories, but they are of no use. Unfortunately, these products occupy a significant part of the diet of many modern children, causing invaluable damage to their immunity and health in general.

Smoked meats, sausages and semi-finished products

Store-bought smoked meats are hazardous to health due to the fact that benzopyrene or liquid smoke, which form carcinogens.

Sausage, sausages, minced meat, dumplings are also unhealthy foods. They are based on stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavorings and thickeners. Additionally, fats, skins, cartilage and other meat production waste are added there. Separately worth noting Negative influence genetically modified products, especially transgenic soybeans, which are included in more than 70% of sausages and semi-finished products.

Ketchup and mayonnaise

They are more of a continuation of the previous group of products based on transgenic fats. They also include a large number of stabilizers, preservatives, flavoring and color additives. Excessive use mayonnaise can lead to increased cholesterol levels, and a large amount of ketchup provokes stomach diseases, including ulcerative gastritis.

Trans fats

The name is very general, but also unites a large category of products. This includes crackers, chips, microwave popcorn, frozen desserts, French fries, cakes and, finally, margarine, which significantly expands the list of manufactured products. The harm of these fats is that they significantly increase cholesterol levels in the blood. And in combination with sugar, there is a high probability of metabolic disorders.

Chewing gum and jelly candies

An excellent set for a young chemist. Stabilizers, dyes, thickeners and sweeteners, which are addictive, can cause stomach problems, caries and lead to excess weight.

Ice cream, store-bought milk and yoghurts

Foods loved by many are also included in the list of the most harmful foods. Antioxidants, thickeners, stabilizers and flavorings are far from full list additives contained in them. The presence of living bacteria is also often questionable. Sugar mixed with synthetic additives in ice cream can easily cause obesity.

Industrial vegetables and fruits

The most valuable food products have also undergone refinement and improvement processes. The creation of genetically modified varieties, treatment with chemicals to increase yields and control pests, application of special protective films to increase shelf life - a small list of operations that help sell more products, but make them practically unfit for consumption.

Food and water

The debate about whether drinking after eating is harmful or not has been going on for a very long time. This issue should be considered with scientific point vision. For the digestive process to begin, the food eaten must be broken down under the influence of gastric juice. Then, in the small intestine, the process of assimilation of nutrients occurs with the help of enzymes. If you drink liquid after eating within 15-30 minutes, it will reduce the concentration of gastric juice. Also, the flow of liquid will wash away useful elements that should have been absorbed in a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Then the process of synthesizing gastric juice and enzymes is repeated with additional energy consumption. Considering the fact that digestion is one of the most energy-intensive processes, then drinking food means deliberately increasing the load on your body. When the intestinal tract does not have time to restore the concentration of digestive enzymes to completely process the food received, it begins to decompose and rot. These products are absorbed into the blood, and additional energy is expended to remove toxins from the body.

It is correct to drink water 15-30 minutes before a meal and at least 30 minutes after a meal, if it was not very heavy. Healthy and unhealthy foods are digested at different speeds, so the timing of fluid intake should correspond to the type of food eaten.

The influence of cold or ice-cold drinks also negatively affects the digestion process. Many fast food systems use this. Healthy and unhealthy food washed down with such drinks does not stay in the stomach for more than 20 minutes. Therefore, the feeling of hunger arises again and fast foods receive more orders.

If junk food takes up a large percentage of your diet, then you should gradually replace it with salads or simply drink regular purified water instead of eating. People often confuse hunger with thirst.

Healthy eating

There is a lot of information about which foods are unhealthy and which are healthy. It is worth understanding what constitutes a healthy diet. Fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, whole grain cereals and cereals help saturate the body not only with useful elements, but also help eliminate toxins. Moderate healthy nutrition, regular classes sports and large amounts of consumed clean water They will make the body slim and fit, and most importantly, full of strength and energy.

There is an increasing emphasis on health in schools and preschool institutions. Special classes and sporting events are held, and children write essays on the topic “Junk food” in English and Russian during lessons.

There are also many different educational programs about healthy eating. They provide information about what healthy and unhealthy foods are. Pictures help children clearly see the difference and even create the right diet.

Proper nutrition gives clear results from the first months. The body changes before our eyes. Excess weight goes away, your health improves, it comes back healthy color skin and many other aspects. Constant healthy image life works in long term, prolongs life and improves many aspects of it.

Currently, many areas of healthy eating are widespread - vegetarianism, raw food diet, Ayurvedic culture and many others. But it is also worth remembering that movement is the basis of life and physical exercise will significantly improve your well-being in combination with proper food and self-development.

Unhealthy nutrition has a detrimental effect on the health of adults and children. With unhealthy eating habits, mental and mental health deteriorates. physical development, the ability to resist the influence of negative environmental factors decreases. Nutritionists are confident that it is nutrition that determines the quality and length of a person’s life. Improper and unhealthy diet leads to various diseases.

The most harmful foods

Food products that contain a lot of substitutes and dyes gradually poison the human body, at the same time causing addiction. People very often eat foods with biological and aromatic additives and preservatives.

Harmful foods disrupt the body's metabolism, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the digestive tract. The most harmful foods shorten human life. Unhealthy nutrition is primarily associated with excess consumption of animal fats. This type of diet contributes to the increase in the number of obese people in the world. various forms. When people with obesity consume large amounts of fatty junk food, the function of the stomach signaling mechanisms responsible for transmitting information about saturation to parts of the brain is disrupted.

Experts have identified the ten most harmful foods. The first place among harmful products is occupied by lemonades and chips. Chips are a highly concentrated mixture of carbohydrates and fats, coated with flavor substitutes and colorings. During the cooking process, a large amount of carcinogenic substances is formed in chips. And hydrogenated fats lead to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma, which significantly increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Obese people should not eat chips, because two hundred grams of this product contains about 1000 kcal (half the daily calorie intake for an adult).

Lemonades are a mixture of chemicals, gases and sugar. Due to the presence of sugar and gases, such drinks can disrupt the acid-base balance, which can lead to the development of various diseases. Lemonades contain aspartame (a synthetic sweetener). When consumed in large doses, aspartame contributes to the development of panic attacks, violence and anger, and manic depression.

Preservatives and food colorings contribute to the accumulation of stable substances (xenobiotics) in the body. The accumulation of xenobiotics in cells leads to a decrease in immunity, as well as to functional disorders of the body (skin diseases, constipation, esophageal cancer).

The second place among unhealthy food products is occupied by the so-called fast food - pasties, shawarma, French fries, hamburgers. Over the years, regular consumption of such food can lead to gastritis, constipation, colitis, and heartburn.

Third place in the ranking of unhealthy food products is occupied by store-bought sausages, meat products, and smoked products. These products contain a large number of emulsifiers, thickeners, dyes, flavors and stabilizers.

Smoked fish and smoked meat are included in the ranking of the most harmful food products due to high content benzopyrene, a substance formed during their processing. One piece of smoked sausage contains the same amount of phenolic compounds as the human body enters in a year when inhaled from the surrounding air.

The fourth place among unhealthy food products is shared by margarine and confectionery products. When making margarine, transgenic fats are used as a base. Products that contain transgenic fat are very harmful to the body (cakes with cream, puff pastry products).

Fifth place in the ranking of unhealthy foods is occupied by canned foods. Canned foods do not contain vitamins or enzymes. For canning, many manufacturers use genetically modified raw materials (GMO).

Instant coffee takes sixth place. Instant coffee significantly increases the acidic environment of the stomach, which can lead to the development of gastritis, heartburn, and gastric ulcers.

Sixth place was shared by waffles, chocolate bars, marshmallows, chewing candies, and chewing gum. These products contain chemical additives, genetically modified foods, flavors and colorings.

Eighth place in the ranking of the most harmful food products is occupied by ketchup and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise contains carcinogenic trans fats. Mayonnaise in plastic packaging is especially harmful. Vinegar, which is usually added to mayonnaise, sucks carcinogens out of plastic. Ketchups, dressings and sauces contain flavor substitutes and dyes.

The ninth place among unhealthy food products was shared by yoghurts, ice cream and milk. During the manufacturing process, antioxidants, stabilizers, flavors and thickeners are added to these products. All these components slow down the body's metabolism.

Experts gave tenth place to store-bought vegetables and fruits. Even natural and healthy products can become harmful if they were grown, for example, near a factory or highway. For quick ripening and long-term storage, store-bought vegetables and fruits are often treated with monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate poisoning causes headaches, vascular spasms, and metabolic disorders.

Dangerous diets

Not only unhealthy diets, but also prolonged deprivation of the body of some type of food (dangerous diets) have a negative impact on the human body. Thus, there are long-term dangerous diets in which a person eats mainly only carbohydrates or only proteins.

With such dangerous diets, the human body does not receive vital food ingredients, and an excess of other food components is created that the human body uses for other purposes.

Protein diets are especially dangerous. Eating this unhealthy diet may help you lose weight, but it can cause significant damage to your kidneys. At proper nutrition proteins are used to build body tissues, and carbohydrates provide energy for these processes. If carbohydrates do not enter the body in the required quantities, then proteins or fats are used as an energy source. If proteins are used as an energy source, then toxic toxic products accumulate in the body. After a protein diet, the body begins to intensively store energy material, storing reserves in the form of fat.

With an unhealthy diet lacking in protein, immunity decreases, the skin ages prematurely, nails and hair become brittle and dull. With a lack of fat in the body, metabolism is disrupted.