Personal life of actor Alexander Petrov: latest news. It became known about the fate of the former lover of Alexander Petrov


In his profession, he is ready to take risks - one day our hero will cross the ocean and settle near the Hollywood hills. Finally and irrevocably. This is the only way, without looking back at past merits, you can achieve success in Hollywood, which Russians are reluctant to submit to, says actor Alexander Petrov. The ambitious Russian movie star is ready to spend his days at grueling castings, shuttling between studio moguls and waiting for his lucky chance. But it will happen someday. In the meantime, Alexander Andreevich is forced to be careful in life - and all because of his profession. He would like to play his favorite football more often, jump with a parachute, drive a street racer around Moscow, but he will not allow himself such rashness: Sasha devotes too much effort and soul to his favorite business. The actor belongs almost entirely to cinema and theater.

Star dossier

A guy with a typical Slavic face and original acting charm

Wonderful childhood years and the influence of Sasha’s parents on them

Alexander Petrov was born and raised in the ancient city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Mom, an ambulance paramedic, dreamed of a second daughter, but on January 25, 1989, a boy was born. The climate in the Petrov family was always cozy and inviting; the parents showed democracy and loyalty to both Sasha and his older sister. They didn’t stifle them with guardianship and excessive control, but always participated in their lives, keeping their finger on the pulse around the clock.

The actor’s mother said in an interview that her son was very attached to her as a child. He often preferred the company of adults to the company of one-year-old children: his mother’s and her friends. Over the years, this connection has not been interrupted - their relationship remains very trusting and tender.

IN early age small and nimble Sasha became seriously interested in football. In the local team he played in attack, and in serious competitions - regional and city - he played in defense. The childhood of the future sex symbol was spent not only at school and on the sports ground - Sasha often went on hikes in the company of his peers. For three days the young naturalist piercing gaze traveled through the picturesque corners of the Old Russian region, and meanwhile his parents were on duty nearby, within reach. Cleverness and charm always distinguished the younger Petrov; everything he took on was easily given to him. At school he excelled equally well in precise and humanities, deftly mastered the computer. Sasha also tried to instill computer literacy in his sister Katya, but he did not turn out to be a capable teacher: the temperamental and impetuous Sasha always lacked self-control. IN high school Sasha became interested in the Moscow youth team. While common sense whispered to Petrov that there was only one Maradona in the world and there were few chances to become the new Cristiano Ronaldo, the subconscious drew pictures of the future. His “dream flights” were a full stadium of people and him in possession of the ball.

Walking along the Volga. 1999

Choose your miracle: trauma - institute - "Entreprise"

I had to give up my cherished dream after a ridiculous injury. The parents were preparing their son to move, but an incident during summer practice changed the direction of the path for Petrov. During the summer holidays, a pile of bricks fell on Sasha, resulting in a concussion and a certificate of incompetence for football player Petrov. The young man Petrov was in prostration for some time: his dream had shattered into reality, but a new one had not yet appeared. The guy graduated from school and entered the economics department of the only higher education institution in the city. educational institution majoring in software systems in economics. Arriving at the institute for company, he quickly realized that thoughts about his future profession did not warm him at all. But the first-year student became interested in amateur activities - he played in KVN, hosted events, and during the holidays he came to theater studio"Enterprise". It was here that thunder struck - the guy, not without the participation of studio teacher Veronica Ivanenko, realized that he was determined to radically change his life. Classes in an amateur troupe did not bring any income, so Petrov used his acting imagination and activated the commercial streak that was dormant in him. Together with a friend, Sasha began producing and selling T-shirts with fashionable prints, managing to make up for all the accumulated gaps in his knowledge of Russian literature. With an easy and convincing presentation " theater mom» Veronica Ivanenko Sasha read everything significant works Russian literature. "Entreprise" was invited to the theater festival in Samara region, where master classes were conducted by GITIS teachers. An exciting creative gathering showed the direction of the path: “I’m going to become an artist,” Petrov decided for himself, and in the middle of his second year he took his documents from the university.

The actor’s mother, Alevtina Anatolyevna, is known for her broad ideas about cinema, including European cinema, and is known as a real esthete. She helped her son choose a specialized university and even a faculty. On TV, the woman heard that the master of the course at GITIS would be the famous director Leonid Kheifets.

One of the actor's first portfolio photo shoots

Through thorns at GITIS

Today, the young actor summarizes that success and luck never fell on him “in advance”, but were always the result of honest, painstaking work. For example, in the entrance exams he went round after round, each time anxiously awaiting the preliminary results. He was not allowed to attend acting auditions as an external student. Having sweated a fair amount in the first rounds, the most difficult thing lay ahead - to convince the admissions committee that he was worthy of a place on the course. Moreover, Leonid Kheifets did not immediately like the short guy with a pleasant hoarseness in his voice - Petrov says that he heard a dialogue between him and his wife right during the exam. It was the director’s other half who defended the guy, whom she considered promising.

The paparazzi love to give famous personalities titles, nicknames, rank them in every possible way. Some media called Petrov the Russian Brad Pitt. Apparently, for the hypnotic look and extrasensory perception of the actor.

Petrov had no doubt that it was at GITIS that he wanted and was ready to spend the next four years, so he didn’t even try to enroll in any other university. It was a clear victory - Sasha was enrolled. The guy moved to Moscow, where he lived in a hostel for only a short time - his parents helped their young son and a classmate rent a separate apartment. Mom and Dad often came to visit: they would prepare some goodies, or bring potted flowers - they tried in every possible way to create an atmosphere of home comfort for their son, even in a temporary place.

In graduation performances, Alexander, who had become skilled in the art of acting during his studies, was in great demand: he played in four productions. One of them - « Ladybugs return to earth" based on the play by the apologist of the "new drama" Vasily Sigarev - strangely led the talented graduate to the role of the “Prince of Denmark.” I saw the new Hamlet in an actor with an active psyche People's Artist Russia and part-time artistic director of the Moscow Ermolova Theater Oleg Menshikov.

Capable and in demand since his student days, Petrov was accepted into the Et Cetera theater troupe in 2012, headed by Alexander Kalyagin. Despite the fact that almost immediately Sasha was introduced to the play “Shylock,” the walls of the theater did not give the actor with a truly canine sense of kinship. The effect of “own territory”, as in the case of GITIS, did not happen - and therefore, when in 2013 Petrov received an offer to move to the Ermolova Theater, he, having carefully weighed everything, agreed. And the determining factor in the decision to move to another stage was not the fact that the most private actor of Russian cinema, Oleg Menshikov, was at the helm of the theatrical community, and not even the fact that Petrov was invited to play the role of Hamlet, but the artist’s inner instinct.

The actor admits that the most grueling and exhausting moment of his profession for him is the long rehearsal period in the theater. But the live emotions that he collects at performances are worth it.

Cinema: formation in films and TV series

But no matter what offers the theater tempted the actor, cinema was always a priority for Petrov. So he immediately decided: his acting instincts suggested it. He has built his professional life in such a way that he plays up to five performances a month, and the rest of the time he is busy filming. Sasha first came across the lens of filmmakers when he was in his second year at the institute. The series was called “Voices”, and the debutant got the role of parkour artist Lyokhi. In his interviews, Petrov admitted that he remembers his first day of filming in great detail: what he was wearing, how he was led to the set, what the first scene consisted of. Then the actor was literally shivered by chills and quiet horror from what was to come. Quite soon, the capable guy adapted to working on camera, doubts no longer ate away, and he learned to deal with tightness. Alexander got his own agent who helped the aspiring actor find projects.

With agent Ekaterina Kornilova, who has been guiding his career from the very beginning, at Petrov's friendly relations. He admits that thanks to her experience and compelling arguments, he once avoided getting into low-grade projects.

A series of projects and roles began for Petrov with Dzhanik Fayziev’s film “August. Eighth." Yesterday's graduate of the directing department of GITIS began actively acting in 2012. One after another, the television projects “Maryina Roshcha”, “Petrovich” and “While the Fern Blooms” followed. In Evgeniy Bedarev’s mystical-fantasy series “While the Fern Blooms,” Sasha performed for the first time main role. It is interesting that at the first auditions the young actor aroused only skepticism and a grin from the director, which later transformed into deep sympathy and admiration for Petrov’s acting talent. Over time, the entire film crew capitulated to the charm of the young artist. Everyone loved him: from general producer to acting assistant. For a large-scale project with a budget of more than 87 million rubles, entire pavilions were built in Gorny Altai. The only thing the creators could save on then was the artists' fees. But already in the second season of the story about the adventures of the good fellow Kirill in the lost Siberian taiga, actor Petrov’s fee increased 10 times! Unfortunately, the premiere of the series “Belovodye. The Mystery of the Lost Country" is constantly being postponed, although filming took place back in 2013.

Alexander Petrov admitted that Evgeny Bedarev taught him to never repeat himself and to choose only projects that require colossal internal searches and energy costs, and not the exploitation of an already proven image.

It was this project that made the young actor a media personality

Cinema: he's crazy about her

However, in difficult moments of choice, the actor remembers not only the instructions of the directors with whom he worked, listens to the professional recommendations of the agent and trusts the opinions of loved ones. His inner tuning fork is the first teacher in the profession, course master Leonid Kheifets. Even when personal assessment and constructive analysis new role Petrov can’t get it from Heifetz, so the acting tools come to the rescue: he mentally turns to the master for advice, and then tries to objectively imagine the teacher’s reaction. “Fern” actually became the discovery project of actor Petrov: a guy with a typical surname and rather ordinary appearance turned into an idol for girls. 2013 was a very fruitful year for the actor - his filmography increased by as many as seven points! Youth rom-com films “Love in the City-3” and “The Habit of Parting”, the film almanac “Yolki-3”, the military mini-series “Without the Right to Choose” - everywhere Petrov was different and very convincing. The next zigzag of luck is associated with the big project of Channel One, “Hugging the Sky.” Dramatic story Petrov played the life of test pilot Vanya Kotov to the point of giving goosebumps: poignantly and desperately.

Sergey Mayorov, producer of the projects “While the Fern is Blooming” and “Belovodye. The Secret of a Lost Country,” after meeting the actor in person, he immediately noted the guy’s talent and the special, neurasthenic style of acting characteristic of such geniuses as Smoktunovsky, Kaidanovsky and Borisov.

A real protagonist has appeared in Petrov’s personal piggy bank - heroic, strong, brave, who fights for love and happiness. And already in 2015, the actor had the chance to play an anti-hero, a bright antagonist in a criminal setting. IN modern history Ivan Burlakov “Law concrete jungle“Sasha performed the colorful Vadik, nicknamed Machine Gun. The rare combination of diligence with the ability to independently sculpt a character was noted by the author of the script for the youth film, Ilya Kulikov. And as often happens in the film world, I remembered the original actor during the casting of my already director’s project “Policeman from Rublyovka”. Steep route brought a “demanding role seeker” to the filming of Alexander Tsekalo’s production project “Method”. And although Petrov’s role was secondary here, it brought the actor a new interesting experience. The script included a rather provocative and frank scene with Alexander’s participation: in it, Petrov’s character Zhenya walks around the apartment completely naked. Such “proposed circumstances” - both a gift and a challenge to the actor. Petrov did it. Successful experience working with “bosses” federal channel became a ticket to other top projects. Director Artyom Aksyonenko invites the actor to continue his story about “The Elusive” “ The Last Hero" The release of the film was preceded by a promotional campaign, in which he and his on-screen partner Alexandra Bortich he filmed for a glossy magazine, gave interviews, shared intriguing spoilers...

Almost every interview with the actor is not complete without mentioning Sergei Bodrov Jr. Petrov admits that Bodrov’s thoughts and sayings largely shaped Alexander.

The acting film duo is already working on their third joint project

New. Favorites

The serial film “Fartsa” deserves special attention. Petrov has the main role. The story of friendship and betrayal of four friends at the end of a bygone era was received ambiguously by viewers. Alexander Petrov also received polar assessments: some liked his work, others found it weak. 10 films have been announced for 2016, in the credits of which Petrov appears: some have already been released, others are just preparing for release. At least two of them will have a theatrical release - the new directorial brainchild of Artyom Aksyonenko “The Mystical Game” and the international project “Mata Hari”, filmed in English. The story of the fate of the world-famous courtesan dancer, who determined the outcome of the First World War, will be shown this fall at the MICPOM international film and television market in Cannes. In history Russian television“Mata Hari” is the most expensive project, its budget was $12 million. Alexander, inspired by working with Western actors, says that one day he will risk everything and go to Hollywood. In the meantime, he is pursuing a smaller goal: to achieve such mastery that he can choose two or three projects a year.

The frantic rhythm in which Petrov exists suits the young, full-of-energy actor quite well. He doesn't like to rest for long. For a sip fresh air goes to see his family in Pereslavl-Zalessky or goes to the bathhouse with friends.

It is likely that the most secret project of next year is Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Attraction” - will help an ambitious actor reach new heights and stand on the same level as, say, Konstantin Khabensky. Journalists managed to find out offensively little about the fantastic blockbuster: romantic story unfolds against the backdrop of epic events, Alexander Petrov and Irina Strashenbaum are “assigned” to love each other on the screen, Oleg Menshikov and Sergey Garmash highlight the love story. The far-sighted Fyodor Bondarchuk will certainly create a real sensation from the film’s promotional campaign and will be able to sell it to China, as happened with “Stalingrad.” If so, then the army of fans of the blue-eyed hidalgo will greatly increase, and success among the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will open new doors for the winner.

A graduate of the directing department, Petrov thinks with bated breath about directing and even harbors some ideas. But to engage in such activities honestly, you need to forget about acting for a while. Therefore, the actor writes prose for the table and poetry for friends, and he himself exists between auditions, filming and dubbing.

Another noteworthy project by Petrov is feature film“Ice” produced by the studios “Vodorod” and Art pictures group. Bondarchuk was again involved in its creation - this time only in the role of producer. Filming of the sports melodrama took place in Irkutsk and Moscow, and Alexander’s partner in this film was Aglaya Tarasova, the daughter of Russian Italian Ksenia Rappoport. The heroes of Petrov and Tarasova will overcome the path from hostility to love and common triumph. It will be possible to draw conclusions about close-up patriotic history in 2017...

A still from Fyodor Bondarchua’s new directorial project “Attraction”

Personal life details

And if in Petrov’s work he can be compared to a chameleon: always different, catchy, mimicking the environment and the character with every cell, then in his personal life the actor remained constant for a long time. A supporter of patriarchal principles, Sasha spoke quite sharply in an interview about modern women and the replacement of social roles in society. In the wake of the popularity of the series “While the Fern Blooms,” Alexander participated in an interesting interview: when asked by a journalist whether he considers his fans as potential companions and lovers, Petrov burst out with a completely unambiguous “no.” It was clear: the fans didn’t have a chance. Moreover, in continuation of the topic, Alexander admitted that for several years his heart was occupied by one and only girl. Sasha met Daria back in school - then Don Quixote had to win back his Dulcinea from his desk neighbor. Soon after Petrov entered the GITIS RATI, his beloved Alexandra also moved to the capital: she could not stand the separation. For many years the girl was the actor’s faithful companion: he lived with her in Moscow, traveled to his native Pereslavl-Zalessky and traveled. Sasha didn’t particularly show off his other half, but he sometimes posted photos of them together on his Instagram page. All the more unexpected were the hot tabloid photographs taken in March of this year in one of the capital’s cafes. Petrov sat at a table with his partner in “Attraction” Irina Starshenbaum, exchanged passionate glances, embraced him and kissed him shamelessly. It was clear: the actors were having trouble office romance. The principle declared by Petrov - to separate work and personal life - fell apart in reality.

Once in an interview, Petrov was asked a rather frank question about his personal life: whether he is prone to cheating in relationships and whether there was a similar precedent in his life. Petrov answered without embarrassment that this was not the case.

At Kinotavr, where the “homewrecker” Irina and Alexander went together film crew, eyewitnesses noted that there was an aura of love between the actors, and their views simply sparkled. Petrov and Starshenbaum, in addition to everything, posted a video on their Instagrams against the backdrop of the “Attraction” poster: Sasha films Ira on an iPhone, the girl happily poses for her “colleague.” After catching headlines, the couple went underground. But the lovers did not conspire for long; Starshenbaum is on Instagram fresh pictures actors. From strange angles, taken in profile, but leaving no doubt about who is kissing the owner of the page. Petrov has also come out of the shadows and is pampering his subscribers with photographs of his new muse.

Strokes to the portrait of Alexander Andreevich Petrov

Petrov’s first solo poetry program took place at the Sochi institution “London” during the 27th Kinotavr

“Policeman from Rublyovka” instantly became a TV hit, and the second season of the series is currently being filmed

Premiere appearances for Petrov are part of his profession

The tattoos on Petrov's body are fake

Performance by Vladimir Mirzoev “ Cherry Orchard»

Still from the detective thriller “Method”

The most resonant broadcast of the season: a number about the “difficult” relationship between an SS man and a Russian girl

For the first time in first grade

“Preschooler” Sasha in the company of women: Katya’s sisters and her friends

About failures, competition with Tkachuk and dance and poetic sublimation

Every actor has experience of failed castings, Petrov is no exception. Several years ago, an actor who was gaining momentum came to audition for the recognized master Sergei Ursulyak, and came unprepared. Ursulyak was busy searching for actors for the film adaptation of Sholokhov’s novel “ Quiet Don", and he looked at all the artists with particular partiality. Sasha had not read the novel, which he honestly admitted - the director took a diplomatic pause and recommended that the actor familiarize himself with the work if possible. Then the battle for the role of Grishka Melekhov was honestly won by another talented provincial - Evgeniy Tkachuk. It so happened that it is Tkachuk who is Petrov’s unspoken competitor in the vastness of modern cinema - this is what the fans decided: for some reason they like to compare these guys. Yes, and dramaturgically this line looks interesting: first Sholokhov brought them together, and later - participation in dance show TV channel "Russia" with a difference of some six months. Petrov once mentioned the reasons for coming to the TV show: he intuitively felt that this was the experience he should get. With his partner Anastasia Antelava, Sasha rushed into a dance experiment. He introduced many of his directorial ideas into the numbers - so, in a recognizable style for the couple, it became almost every number to begin with Sasha’s recitation: monologues, excerpts from classic poems, his own “tests of the pen”... Petrov began writing poetry recently, inspired by public poetry readings of the classics. The release of the poetic television project “This is for you” received thousands of retweets on social networks - Petrov read Mayakovsky nervously and piercingly. In June of this year, Sasha came to the 27th Kinotavr not only to support the advertising campaign of Attraction and the release of the first teaser, but also to perform in front of the Sochi public with selected poetry. Petrov's program was made up of his own poems, works by Pasternak and Mayakovsky, as well as monologues from Soviet paintings. Petrov’s poetic confession to the music of his favorite band Ocean Jet was warmly received by the public, and now the actor is thinking of wedging a mini-tour of Russian cities with a solo program into his already compressed schedule.

In the actor’s interpretation, Hamlet turned out to be an active and expressive figure

A word about the theater

But no matter how firmly the actor was immersed in the element of cinema, theater was and remains in his life. In 2013, together with the director thesis“Ladybugs return to earth” Petrov came to work at the Moscow Drama Theater named after Ermolova. And although there are legends about Oleg Menshikov’s harshness and swagger, Petrov unmistakably felt artistic director theater of a person “of his own blood type”. In a creative triptych - artistic director Menshikov, director Sarkisov and actor Petrov - “Hamlet” was born. Many people come to the Ermolova Moscow Drama Theater to see Hamlet with the only motivation: to see the charming hooligan Sasha Petrov with their own eyes, but they leave with a feeling of inner purification.

Tandem of Petrov with Menshikov with theatrical stage migrated to cinema. Two films are currently in production, in which Petrov and Menshikov are involved: the already named “Attraction” and the TNT channel project “Gogol”. Moreover, in the second, the entire plot is based on the interaction of the actors.

As a guest actor, Petrov collaborates with Moskovsky drama theater named after Pushkin. Since 2015, the artist has appeared on the theater stage in the role of Lopakhin in the modern production of Vladimir Mirzoev’s The Cherry Orchard. The canonical vision of the characters in postmodern scenography looks very fresh - the audience is happy to go to the performance and look at Petrova and Isakova involved in it. Until these two big titles Petrov has enough, and judging by how his career is developing, he won’t have any easy roles in the theater.

Today Petrov is a favorite of directors, critics and journalists. But do not forget: history knows many examples when those who burned brightly were quickly overtaken by oblivion. And yet, here and now he has a lot: talent, recognition, charisma and colossal efficiency, and with such “fuel” he can one day reach Hollywood.

Alexander Petrov in lately does not leave the screens, “Fartsa”, “Method”, “Hugging the Sky”, “Policeman from Rublyovka”, and finally, the show “Dancing with the Stars”, this is not a complete list of his works. It is also known that the actor had a ten-year relationship with his girlfriend Daria, whom the actor met in his hometown.

For fans talented actor, it was a shock that Alexander left his girlfriend Daria after such a long relationship. New darling Petrova became 24-year-old actress Irina Starshenbaum, cousin of the already famous Anna Starshenbaum.

There were also rumors about Anna that as a result of her affair with Vladimir Yaglych, whom she met on the set, the actor broke up with his wife Svetlana Khodchenkova. Moreover, after her wedding with actor Alexei Bardukov, Anna Starshenbaum tried to renew her relationship with Yaglych. But Bardukov forgave his wife for cheating, and now they are living together again.

Irina Starshenbaum followed in her footsteps cousin. She met Alexander Petrov on the set of the film “Attraction” about the first contact of Moscow residents with aliens, which is filmed by Fyodor Bondarchuk, and where Petrov and Starshenbaum are partners. The film can be called a fantastic melodrama, where the characters develop a romance, despite the events happening around them. Working on the film brought the actors so close that they began to fall in love off-screen.

Young people were spotted by paparazzi in one of the Moscow cafes, where they not only had a nice conversation with each other, but also hugged and kissed. The actors do not try to hide their feelings in public since they are happy together.

Petrov’s fans are somewhat disappointed, because they expected that the ten-year romance with his girlfriend Daria would end with a wedding. Their relationship began in their hometown of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Daria followed Petrov to Moscow when Petrov entered GITIS. Since 2010, Alexander began to actively star in such films as “August. Eighth”, “While the fern blooms” and many others. Daria was constantly waiting for Alexander from filming, however, free time the couple spent time together, they traveled a lot together.

Alexander Petrov plans to try himself as a director. After all, he studied at the directing department, despite the fact that they had an acting group. For now, Alexander has no intention of directing, although he already has ideas.

Alexander Petrov born on January 25, 1989 in the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky. At the age of nine, his parents sent their son to the football section, and by the age of 15, Alexander succeeded in sports and received an invitation to train in Moscow. However, it did not work out to become a professional football player - an injury prevented him.

After graduating from school, Alexander entered to study as an economist, and already in his second year he left the university and submitted documents to RATI-GITIS for a course Leonid Kheifetz. While studying, he starred in a small role in the TV series “Voices”. In 2012, he completed his studies and was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Et Cetera Theater. A few months later, on his birthday, he moved to the Ermolova Theater (director - Oleg Menshikov).

Alexander Petrov. Creative path

Opened Alexandra Petrova for the mass audience, the series “While the Fern Blooms”, where to the young actor got the main role - a journalist Kirill, who found himself in Siberia and involved in a whirlpool of very unusual events.

Producer of the series “While the Fern Blooms” Sergei Mayorov: “Sasha Petrov is a very talented guy, a unique neurasthenic type of artist. These were Smoktunovsky, Borisov, Kaidanovsky. Such are Boris Plotnikov and Evgeny Mironov.”

Alexander Petrov has become very popular. So, in the year after graduation, he managed to star in almost a dozen films and TV series, including the continuation of the project “ While the fern is blooming" - "Belovodye. The Mystery of the Lost Country", work on which began in the summer of 2013.

Also in the actor’s creative piggy bank, roles appeared in such projects as “Abkhazian Fairy Tale”, “Without the Right to Choose”, “Second Wind”, “Yolki 3”, “The Habit of Parting”, “Love in the Big City - 3”, “Hugging sky" etc.

In 2015, the TNT channel premiered the top-rated youth film series “The Law of the Concrete Jungle,” where Alexander played the role of a bandit who is unfamiliar with the feeling of fear.

Alexander Petrov about the character in “The Law of the Concrete Jungle”: “My hero is neither bad nor good, which is very cool. We tried to justify the existence and behavior of this person by the fact that he understands that there is a lot of bad things around him, but he wants to honestly survive in all of this. So that everything would be according to some fundamental human laws, internal.”

At the same time, viewers saw the artist in the detective-crime series of Channel One with Konstantin Khabensky and Paulina Andreeva “Method”, a dramatic project with Alexey Veselkin, Philip Gorenstein and Maxim Emelyanov “Fartsa” directed by Egor Baranov, famous for his work on the film “The Nightingale the Robber” with Ivan Okhlobystin. Petrov appeared in the continuation of the crime thriller “The Elusive” by Artem Aksenenko “The Last Hero”, and in the adventure family comedy “Happiness is...”.

Meanwhile, in 2016, with the participation of Petrov, the comedy series “Drunk Company” and “Policeman from Rublyovka”, stories about Grisha Izmailov, who protects peace and order in the most elite region of Russia, where respectable rich people live, were released. Alexander's hero dashingly investigates cases, although he does not do so without exceeding his authority, which, of course, entails certain consequences.

Alexander Petrov: “When preparing for the role, I wanted to meet the guys who work at Rublyovka and are responsible for this area. But Ilya Kulikov dissuaded me, and since he is a man who has written more than one series about police officers and knows their work in every detail, I agreed with him. He explained to me every little detail and peculiarity of their work in such detail that all my questions disappeared. I doubt I would have gotten any more information by going to the police. Still, we must not forget that the world created by Kulikov in this series is unrealistic. It is based on the grotesque...”

At the end of 2016, Petrov’s stage career reached new round- the actor presented the film play “#REBIRTH”, which attracted an unprecedented sell-out and included several poems composed by Alexander himself. The artist calls this unusual project an experiment.

Alexander Petrov: “We played in a big club, with music, movie fragments... Imagine a group of friends sitting in the kitchen, someone suddenly telling their story, sad or funny, but always frank and emotional. My performance is the same confidential story, only for a large audience. To immerse the viewer in the desired atmosphere, a video component and live musical accompaniment. The language of the performance is poetic. But the presentation of poetry is not in the traditional, familiar form, but in a modern, innovative, fashionable one.”

In 2017, Alexander appeared in the STS TV series with Svetlana Khodchenkova “You’re all pissing me off”, an adventure fantasy directed by Artem Aksenenko “Eclipse”, a continuation of the project “about gangsters in the times of hipsters” -"Law of the Concrete Jungle 2", large-scale historical drama about the famous dancer, courtesan and spy “Mata Hari”, a fantastic picture from Fyodor Bondarchuk “Attraction”.

Besides, Alexander Petrov, involved in the projects “Sparta”, “Lovestory”, “T-34” and others, in the summer of 2017 appeared in the image young Nicholas Gogol in the mystical thriller “Gogol. The beginning." The format for showing the film with Oleg Menshikov, Sergei Badyuk, Evgeniy Sytym, Taisiya Vilkova, Artem Tkachenko, Yulia Frants, Evgeniy Stychkin, Yan Tsapnik and Pavel Derevyanko, according to the decision of the producers, was chosen to be very unusual for Russian television, since the film was planned to be presented in two versions: in the form of four full-length films and as a series of eight episodes.

In Alexander's career after " Fartsy" And " Sparta» film “Gogol. The Beginning "became his third joint project with director Yegor Baranov, whom Petrov himself characterizes as “a dinosaur walking its own path.” Like the director of the film, Alexander did not delve into the world of the great writer’s works, because he was afraid of becoming a hostage to the real image of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

Alexander Petrov: “I gave myself the following instruction: not to re-read works, not to delve into the actual world. For me it was more important to immerse myself in emotional world hero. It’s interesting to fantasize, to understand what he was like. What illnesses seethed inside him, did not give him peace and then poured out into great books? Where did this world come to him from? I don’t know of a single successful biography of the great writer. It’s all born from vices, phobias, fears, doubts, and only then, after some time, it becomes a classic.”

Alexander Petrov. Personal life

For ten years, the actor dated Daria Emelyanova, whom he met in his hometown. When Petrov decided to move to Moscow, his beloved followed him. But this relationship ended.

In the summer of 2016, Alexander began an affair on the set of “Attraction” with a colleague in the acting workshop, Irina Starshenbaum (“Black Water”, “Moving”, “Debtor’s Shack”).

Alexander Petrov: “I had no experience of a relationship with a girl from show business. But I think if people really love each other, then it doesn’t matter what background they come from, what profession they do or what religion they profess.”

Alexander Petrov. Filmography

  • Actor
  • Partner - 2017
  • T-34 - 2017, Ivushkin, main role
  • Winter - 2017, role: Max
  • Lovestory - 2017, Seva Gorelov, main role
  • The day before... - 2017, role: Roma
  • Gogol. Beginning - 2017, role: Nikolai Gogol
  • Belovodye. The Secret of the Lost Country - 2017, role: Kirill Andreev

Alexander Petrov is a young actor who serves high hopes in domestic cinema. He is not yet thirty, but he has already starred in many films. Despite grueling schedules and a crazy pace of life, Alexander does not give up his positions and strives for new horizons. He achieves his goals and sets new goals for the development of his talent.

If you have just begun to be interested in the work of Alexander Petrov, then this article will help you learn more about the actor’s life: his childhood, beginnings career path and plans for the future.

If you answer the question of height, weight, age, how old is Alexander Petrov, then, undoubtedly, it is worth noting that he is very young and attractive. Today, Alexander is 29 years old, and with a height of 175 centimeters, his weight is 75 kilograms. He carefully monitors his appearance, which is impossible not to notice in films and TV series with his participation.

Photos of Alexander Petrov in his youth and now reveal him as a man who, at first glance, seems to be a carefree young man. But, as you know, the first opinion often turns out to be wrong. Having gotten to know him better, many begin to note how seriously he takes life and what a sympathetic guy he is.

Biography of Alexander Petrov

Petrov Alexander Andreevich, theater and film actor, was born on January 25, 1989, in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. He grew up in an ordinary working-class family of four. Unfortunately, there is no extensive information about Alexander’s relatives, we can only say about the composition of the Petrov family: Petrov’s mother is Aleftina Anatolyevna, father is Andrey Genrikhovich Petrov and older sister is Ekaterina Andreevna Petrova.

From childhood, Alexander was taught to be independent; at an early age, Sasha helped his parents around the house and went shopping. This upbringing influenced him the most in a positive way, helped in the future not to give in to everyday problems. But the actor was not always a positive boy: in school years he was known as a bully, which is why parents often ended up in the principal's office.

None of his relatives had anything to do with cinema and theater, but that didn’t stop him to young Alexander become famous and one of the favorite actors of our time. Alexander himself did not immediately know that he would be like this popular actor, as a child he had completely different interests, but still the craving for creativity was present.

As a schoolboy, he was fond of football; due to excess activity, the parents decided to send the child to some sports section. This is how Sasha Petrov got into football team. Alexander played not just well, but magnificently and showed hope for professional career football player. He was even invited to a tryout at one of the clubs, but a serious injury - a concussion - forever dashed these hopes.

Also, since childhood, Alexander was very fond of humor and positivity. Often invented and acted out humorous skits in front of her older sister's peers and girlfriends. Participated in student team KVN.

After graduating from school, Alexander entered the economics department of one of the local universities, but only completed his second year. After meeting Leonid Kheifetz, one of the teachers at GITIS, he decided to enter RATI-GITIS, from which he graduated in 2012. This is where it started creative biography Alexandra Petrova.

My first experience in the filming process was a small cameo role in the TV series “Voices”. A couple of years later, Alexander met the famous director Janik Fayziev, who offered him a role in the film “August. Eighth."

Filmography: films starring Alexander Petrov

For all my creative path, the filmography of Alexander Petrov, includes more than thirty films and TV series.

Of course, there is still a lot of work, many projects ahead, Alexander is optimistic and looks to the future with his head held high. Petrov also does not deny his desire to try himself in foreign cinema; he dreams of appearing on screens with Hollywood stars.

In 2012, the young actor began working on the main role in the series “While the Fern Blooms.” This film was liked by both viewers and film critics, and received two nominations for the TV Star 2012 award and several other awards. In the war film “Without the Right to Choose” he played the role of Artem Isaev. I tried myself in the comedy genre, starring in the comedies " Summer holidays", "Christmas trees - 3" and "Love in the big city".

In 2015, the detective-psychological thriller “Method” was released. Among later films, we can note “Eclipse”, “Ice”, “Gogol. Viy", "Gogol. Terrible revenge."

Work is in full swing on the series “Policeman from Rublyovka 4” and on the film “Hero”. The films are scheduled to be released on big screens in 2019.

Every actor or actress, in the labyrinths of memory, has stories with tricky situations and unpleasant moments that occurred during the filming process. Our hero was not without injuries on the set. Being an impulsive person, Petrov can get carried away and then cannot always control his emotions. During the filming of one of the films, Alexander suffered a ligament injury in his leg, pushing away a glass door, and was forced to use the services of a stunt double, but this did not affect his acting.

Irina, Alexander’s passion, with whom she jointly took part in the filming, also had some incidents.

Irina, while working on the set of Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film, simultaneously starred in another project. After five sleepless days, she felt very bad and had to seek the help of a doctor.

Her colleagues were very worried about her, because in the film, in addition to the busy shooting schedule, there were also very extreme moments. For example, during filming in October at low temperatures, Irina had to act in her underwear, and Alexander had to be naked to the waist, they were poured with cold water.

Personal life of Alexander Petrov

The personal life of Alexander Petrov was not very stormy, despite his young age and attractiveness, Alexander was never eager to conquer women's hearts one after another. He was always a monogamist, and when it came to relationships, he always approached this issue with complete seriousness and dedication. For a long time, he had a relationship with Daria Emelyanova, one might say they lived in a civil marriage. Daria has nothing to do with cinema and theater, but this did not stop them from being together. Alexander himself claims that if people really love each other, then it absolutely does not matter what environment they come from or what profession they engage in. Alexander Petrov and his girlfriend had known each other since childhood, and with age, friendly relations grew into sympathy, and then into romantic relationship.

But, despite mutual love, their couple broke up 10 years later. In 2016, Alexander Petrov began a relationship with Irina Starshenbaum, an actress and TV presenter.

Their first acquaintance took place on the set; Irina was filming the film “The Roof of the World.” At this time, Alexander was filming the TV series “Policeman from Rublyovka.” But a more serious relationship began after working together on the project “Attraction”, where the actors played one of the main roles. Not everyone liked this, so to speak, office romance. The famous actor and director Fyodor Bondarchuk, who was the director joint project Alexander and Irina, I was worried that the relationship between the two actors could interfere with the filming process. However, at the end of filming, he still spoke out sincerely and from the heart, saying that they were truly wonderful actors and could play anything: even a nightstand, even the wind. Currently, Alexander proposed marriage to Irina and received a positive response. The couple is preparing for the wedding.

Family of Alexander Petrov

Alexander Petrov's family consists of his parents and older sister Ekaterina. The actor did not have time to tie the knot, although he announced his engagement to Irina Starshenbaum.

The two actors are planning a wedding this year. Alexander is already looking forward to his new family status, and his relatives even came specially from hometown to Moscow to meet personally future wife actor and her parents.

The actor’s mother, Alevtina Anatolyevna, is confident that Irina will become a good wife and mother, and for her, her own daughter.

The actress’s relatives also have a positive attitude towards the wedding of Alexander and Irina. Her sister, the famous actress Anna Starshenbaum, approved of her sister’s choice, saying that Sasha is exactly the young man with whom Irina can become truly happy.

Children of Alexander Petrov

At the moment, the children of Alexander Petrov are only a great desire of Alexander and Irina themselves. The actors are still just talking about children; all their efforts are being put into work and planning the upcoming celebration.

Future grandmothers are already ready to move anywhere to be close to their grandchildren.

Before the actor was born, the parents really wanted a girl, they even came up with a name for the child, and when they found out that it would be a boy, Alevtina Anatolyevna was even a little upset. Now she cannot get enough of her son’s success and is proud of his every work.

Alexander Petrov's wife - Irina Starshenbaum

The future wife of Alexander Petrov is Irina Starshenbaum, born in 1992, in Moscow. Just like Alexander, she grew up in a family not connected with cinema, not counting her cousin, Anna Starshenbaum.

Irina’s mother was a professional hairdresser, just like her grandparents. Therefore, the girl never had problems with her hair. She constantly surprised her acquaintances and friends with new images.

Since school, she dreamed of becoming an actress, but her parents and teachers were not happy with the girl’s desire. Everyone around me believed that I needed to choose a more serious profession.

After school, Irina entered Moscow State University printing, and also simultaneously attended theater arts courses. She first appeared in films in 2013 in the TV series “Moving”, playing the main role there; before that she worked with theaters and was the host of a number of television programs.

At one of the projects, I met Alexander and they began a romantic relationship that grew into love.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Petrov

Recently, Alexander Petrov has been gaining enormous popularity both among his fans and in the film industry. Articles from Alexander’s life are increasingly appearing on the Internet, and Alexander Petrov himself likes to share the events of his life.

It’s not difficult to track Alexander’s activities, since in addition to Instagram and Wikipedia, he has his own page on Facebook and Vkontakte.

Alexander was born on January 25, 1989 in the small town of Pereslavl-Zaleskoye, which has its own ancient and very interesting story. There were no artists among the members of the Petrovs before, but despite this, Sasha began to gravitate towards the stage at an early age.

IN teenage years he began to forget about creativity, plunging headlong into the game of football. When he was 9 years old, his parents decided to help develop their son’s sports skills, and therefore enrolled him in a football club.

At the age of 15, Sasha could boast of solid success in the game, he even managed to receive an invitation to play in the capital's Russian team.

Youth years

The parents were happy about their son's sporting success. They did everything possible so that Sasha would leave for Moscow as soon as possible. It was only necessary to complete a summer school internship and resolve a couple of issues related to training.

Perhaps Alexander would not famous actor, and a football player, if not for a single unpleasant incident.

The thing is that Sasha had to move bricks from one place to another, in order to save his time, he lifted the whole block at once.

The bricks fell and the boy received a serious concussion. Doctors recommended that he forget about sports forever. Of course, Sasha was upset, because all his dreams were connected with football.

When Alexander finished school, he decided to go to the economics department of Pereslavl University. Having moved to a new city, the guy realized that lectures were driving him to depression, and he was more interested in student creative life, games in KVN and participation in productions.

At the institute he took part in a theater festival and was involved in master classes with professional actors who shared their creative skills. Then Sasha realized that he had always wanted to be an actor.

Personal life

Alexander Petrov still remains one of the most eligible bachelors among Russian artists. The actor tries not to talk about his personal life. Little information is known at all. In the past, he was in a serious relationship with Daria Emelyanova.

They dated for ten years. The young people met in Petrov’s hometown. When the actor was about to move to permanent place residence in the capital, the beloved followed.

People talk about Petrov various rumors. Rumor has it that he is having an affair with, who is also an actress. Together the guys were involved on the set of the film “Attraction”.

Then there were statements that they would get married in the summer of 2017, but the young people did not confirm this fact. Judging by the photos on Instagram, the couple really have a lot in common, because it’s not for nothing that Alexander posts photos of Irina quite often.

Interests and hobbies

In their early years he achieved success, participates in a lot of popular TV shows, was involved in the show " Evening Urgant", danced in "Dancing with the Stars", participation in which ended in a scandal when Sasha appeared in the room dressed as an officer representing the interests of the Third Reich in the past.

Petrov strives to develop in new areas and is always happy to discover surprising sides of himself. Alexander Petrov was able to establish himself among domestic actors, screenwriters and directors with positive side. When the camera turns on, he gets used to the role 100%, this is his secret of popularity.

Interesting notes:

Professional life

When Petrov entered the RATI in 2008, he was incredibly happy, because he was able to become a student in the directing department the first time. He never stood aside when studio productions were staged. Already in his second year of study he starred in a television series called “Voices”.

Just after graduating from university, Alexander received an invitation from A. Kalyagin to become a member of his troupe at the Et cetera theater. Petrov did not neglect his offer and soon played the main role in the production of Shylock. O. Menshikov was also pleased with the efforts and talent of the young actor.

He offered the guy the main role in his production of Hamlet.

From that very moment they learned about Alexander more people, who all agreed that he had a great chance of becoming successful.

In 2012, A. Petrov played three main roles at once in the series “While the Fern Blooms,” a melodrama with notes of comedy “Abkhazian Fairy Tale.” This was followed by a role in the film by Janik Fayziev called “August. Eighth."

The military drama became successful among domestic viewers. Film projects pleased the actor, at the same time, providing an excellent opportunity to jump up the career ladder.

2013 added to Petrov’s filmography. He starred in two films in leading roles and seven more in supporting roles. Alexander’s participation in M. Fadeev’s film “Embracing the Sky” ended with great success; he played Ivan Kotov, in love with a beautiful girl.

Before the eyes of the audience, Ivan grew from a daring young man into an adult pilot. Another significant film for Petrov was a war film based on real events from the life of the Soviet saboteur K. Kaysenov.

He had a chance to try his luck during wartime in Ukraine during the Second World War. This year, the viewer was able to see the actor in the TV series “Maryina Roshcha” and “Second Wind,” and the domestically produced comedies “Yolki 3” and “Love in the Big City 3.”

In 2014, the artist played in the feature film “Fort Ross” by Yu. Moroz. Petrov appeared in the guise of a merchant named Kryukov. This was followed by new roles in 2015, immediately in 7 films and TV series. These are “Happiness is...”, “Farza”, “Law of the Concrete Jungle”, “The Elusives: The Last Hero”, “Method”. In “ZKD” Petrov played Vadik the Machine Gun, who is a true connoisseur of rock and roll and banditry.

2016 brought the actor roles in the popular multi-part project “Police from Rublyovka.” Petrov plays Grisha Izmailov, who serves in an elite area. In 2017, the long-awaited continuation of the acclaimed series was released.

But that’s not all, on the screen the viewer will see Petrov in the series: “Gogol”, “Mata Hari”, “Drunk Firm”, “Belovodye. The Secret of the Lost Country" and the film "The Last Guardian of Belovodye". Recently, the premiere of another new film project, “You All Infuriate Me,” with Petrov in the title role, took place.

The actor decided not to stop acting in films and TV series; he is trying himself in new guises, voices a full-length computer animated film entitled "Wolves and Sheep: A Crazy Transformation."

Films of Alexander Petrov

Year Name Role
2010 Don't lie to me

Kirill Filatov

2010 Voices (Episodes 12 and 13) Lyokha, tracer
2012 August. Eighth

Yashka, tank commander, senior lieutenant

2012 While the fern is blooming

Kirill Andreev, journalist of the newspaper “Secret Truth”

2013 Summer holidays Petya Lyutikov
2013 Maryina Roshcha (Episode 9. “Cards”)

Igor Spiridonov

2013 Petrovich (Film 3. “Wolf”)

Denis Volkovsky

2013 Second wind Ilya
2013 Habit of breaking up Denis
2013 Fir trees 3 Slavik
2013 Love in the City 3

Artyom Isaev Jr.

2013 Embracing the sky Ivan Kotov
2013 No right to choose Lyokha
2013 LJ

guy in a baseball cap

2014 Fridge Max
2014 Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure Kryukov, merchant
2014 Crime in Focus

Fedor Mikhailovich Kelsky

2015 Happiness is... Artyom
2015 Excavation filmed
2015 Law of the concrete jungle

Vadik-Machine Gun (Vadim Roslin), rock and roller

2015 Fartsa Andrey
2015 Hijacker Kirill
2015 Method Zhenya
2015 The Elusive: The Last Hero Fanatic
2016 Wolves and sheep: crazy transformation