Flight school what you need to take. Starting to become a pilot: advice for applicants and addresses of educational institutions


What profession is it - a pilot, where can you get a document certifying that you belong to it, what you should know before making a choice. What is needed to lift a plane into the sky? ? Is a certain amount of knowledge that is obtained in flight training schools or universities sufficient? These and many other questions are of interest to the young male generation.

Unfortunately for applicants and airlines, everything is not so simple. Moreover, the situation in the profession is extremely confusing - on the one hand, there is a shortage of pilots, on the other hand, graduates are not hired. But, everything is in order.

Selection criteria.

Educational institutions of this kind mainly exist on the basis of budget places, but not everyone who wants to get into them. The reason is to undergo a medical examination; any deviation from the norm may be a reason for refusal.

The future pilot must have a healthy heart, blood vessels, lungs, normal blood pressure, and the vestibular apparatus is without disturbances. During educational process, students, or rather, cadets, will repeatedly undergo a commission; with any health problem, you can part with the profession.

Pilots undergo a medical examination not only during training, but throughout their entire working life, they undergo it carefully, looking ahead with bias. Probably for this reason, in our time, much fewer representatives of this profession are graduating than literally a couple of decades ago, this leads to the fact that, for example, over a five-year period of time, twice as many pilots retire compared to those entering the service.

What are pilots taught?

The life of a flight student is very interesting and eventful. First, he gets acquainted with the structure of airplanes various types. Studies the methods and possibilities of operating and managing a vessel, professional language this is called navigation, the scope of which includes the theory and practice of aircraft control methods, as well as routing - orienting it in the optimally chosen spatial path.

They study the design of aircraft and their engines, meteorology, and aerodynamics. They learn to provide first aid, jump with a parachute, and master lifeguard skills. And every pilot must know English to work on international flights.

Practice usually takes place in educational and training complexes on special simulators.

What awaits graduates?

But, despite the shortage of specialists in this profession, not every company opens its doors to young graduates, or rather, they won’t open it at all. After graduating from an educational institution, where cadets acquire a small number of hours spent at the controls, they should begin to improve their qualifications: increase their flight hours and obtain a flight license. The more hours a graduate flies, the more favorable the light he will appear to a future employer.

And this is where the graduate pilot faces big problem. Back in the last century, all this was very easy and simple, but educational organizations, which issued the license and helped to fly the hours, were closed or transferred to private management. Because all this is incredibly expensive - fuel, equipment, repairs and simple maintenance.

How to become a pilot without an educational institution.

As mentioned above, there are flying clubs that provide piloting courses and flight hours, mostly commercial, where a graded training system operates.

    The first stage - upon completion, you are given a certificate as an amateur pilot, with which you can fly, but you will not be able to get a job, so to speak - you are your own pilot.

    The second stage is a commercial pilot. Prior to obtaining a certificate of this level, students are allowed only if they have a certificate from the previous level. A pilot already has the right to work, fly light aircraft, and go on commercial flights on aircraft that have only one engine. Such commercial pilots are usually hired by small airlines to fly short distances.

    The third stage is line pilots. A certificate of this category also cannot be obtained without the first two or a pilot’s diploma from any educational institution. A line pilot has ten times more flight hours than a university graduate and the right to fly all aircraft; these are the kind of pilots that airline employers are looking for. And they are not just looking, but literally, tracking and waiting.

To help future applicants, a list of the main higher and secondary educational institutions.

The profession of a pilot is considered prestigious and well-paid, as it involves responsibility for the lives of passengers and the entire crew. What do you need to pass to become a pilot?



Since in Russia there are not so many universities training pilots compared to other specialties, in order to specifically determine what needs to be passed in order to become a pilot, you can first go to school. There are only two universities: “St. Petersburg state university GA" and "Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation", they have branches in Russian cities. Let’s take a closer look, using the example of a St. Petersburg university, as to what you need to pass to become a pilot. For majors such as “Aircraft Operation and Air Traffic Management” you need, and if you are interested in education at the University of Civil Aviation as a manager, economics, service specialty, etc. - Russian, mathematics and social studies.

If you enroll as a pilot after 9th grade at a flight college (Buguruslan LU GA, Sasovskoye LU GA, Krasnokutskoye LU GA) you will be accepted based on exam results in , and physics. After college, you can enter the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation at the command department.

To become a pilot, it is necessary to take into account that there are certain health requirements (physical and mental); deterioration of the condition may cause dismissal.

Aviation is not only about ease of transportation, high-tech transport and travel around the world; this is a calling. Modern Russian airlines are experiencing an acute shortage of qualified personnel. The times when schools and institutes lacked teachers and equipment are long gone. Today, everyone can receive a comprehensive aviation education by learning on modern aircraft and simulators. Each educational institution is also equipped with laboratories, workshops and modern classrooms. There are civil aviation institutes and flight schools in many regions of Russia. Let's take a closer look at them.

To obtain higher education in the aviation field, you should enroll in a higher civil aviation flight school or a corresponding civil aviation institute. There are a lot of them in Russia. The most prestigious universities are located in the following cities:

  • Ulyanovsk;
  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Samara;
  • Kazan;
  • Chelyabinsk.

Today, university education programs include time-tested methods and modern European teaching technologies. The list of subjects that future graduates will encounter includes general and humanities, foreign languages, physical training, as well as specialized subjects.

Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (UI GA) is one of the most prestigious universities countries.

Future specialists, bachelors, and graduate students can get an education here. Here they study both full-time for 5 years and part-time (5.5 years). Students who already have specialized secondary aviation education or higher education behind them are trained in a shortened form. The institute offers a wide range of specializations including piloting, maintenance, flight control and management, and security. Cadets are provided with food and dormitory; The institute has a military department. The branches of the UI GA are several schools located in Sasovo, Omsk and Krasny Kut.

Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (UI GA)

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) is a large research university. Not only does student training take place here, but also design and development the latest achievements aviation, rocket and space spheres. You can study for a fee or free of charge, full-time and by correspondence. Special preparation courses for admission are organized for applicants.

MAI faculties include not only specialized disciplines and areas: there are opportunities for teaching social engineering, foreign languages, applied mathematics and physics. The remaining faculties graduate specialists in the field of radio electronics, management, computer science, aviation components, etc. A dormitory has been created for nonresident students. The military department is also present at the university.

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)

State technological institute them. Tsiolkovsky, or MATI, trains students in the development and operation of equipment for astronautics, as well as humanitarian fields. IN current moment The university merges with Moscow Aviation Institute. The forms of education correspond to the previous institutes; there are training courses for schoolchildren and graduates, and a military department.

The State Aerospace University in Samara has the status of a research educational institution. Future designers of aircraft and their components, engineers and technologists, specialists in the field of printing, economics, energy, etc. are trained here. The university has a branch located in the city of Tolyatti. The university has the opportunity to receive correspondence education, and also runs preparatory courses.

St. Petersburg is home to two venerable universities, one of which is dedicated mainly to aerospace instrumentation, and the second to civil aviation. The lists of faculties and specialties here are similar to similar universities in the country.

The cost of paid training depends on the specific institute and faculty. At MAI, for example, the first year of study will cost at least 144,000 rubles for a full-time course and 59,000 rubles for a part-time course. In St. Petersburg, full-time training costs from 2000 USD. e. and from 1000 cu. e. it costs correspondence.

Samara State Aerospace University

How to enter an aviation university

Rules for admission to aviation institutes and universities are similar in some respects to entering civilian institutions. Applicants take the Unified State Examination necessary items(most often this is the Russian language, mathematics and physics). In addition, a flight medical examination is required, within the framework of which a detailed examination of the health status of the future student is carried out. Passing the selection is possible only after passing the commission and a successful psychological interview.

If the scores are the same, applicants are selected based on their success in passing specialized subjects. Applicants who did not qualify for the budget can apply for paid study. Girls can also study at universities, but they are often not accepted for training to pilot aircraft.

Benefits upon admission may be provided to orphans and representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population. The practice of targeted direction is widespread, when the enterprise provides the applicant with a guarantee of employment upon graduation.

Secondary specialized educational institutions in the field of aviation

In addition to universities or institutes, numerous civil aviation schools in Russia provide educational opportunities. They are located in different cities, have options for admission based on grades 9 or 11, and have different lists of specialties of study. Leading secondary educational institutions in the aviation sector are located in the following cities of Russia:

  • Red Kut;
  • Omsk;
  • Buguruslan;
  • Sasovo.

The Omsk Flight Technical College, the Krasnokutsk School and the Sasovo School are part of the branches of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation, and the Buguruslan School operates under the control of the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Aviation. Such mergers of educational institutions help graduates of schools to enter institutes on a short-term basis or get a job in leading Russian companies and enterprises.

Russian civil aviation flight schools after 9th grade train cadets for 3 years 10 months. This opportunity is provided by the Omsk Flight College. It offers several specialties: airplane and helicopter pilot (one of the few institutions that offer helicopter training), flight mechanic, aircraft mechanic, navigation and radio equipment engineer.

The school has about 1,000 students, including both full-time and part-time students. The selection process for college is very strict: as a rule, only half of the applicants successfully pass it. The cadets train on airplanes and the Mi-8 helicopter. For the successful development of the educational and methodological program, there is an airfield, hangars, warehouses, laboratories and workshops on the college territory - all for theoretical and practical classes.

Russian civil aviation flight schools after 11th grade are presented in a wider range of options. Omsk College, mentioned above, provides the opportunity to enroll after 11th grade. In addition to it, the Krasnokutsk School, a school for civil aviation pilots, operates in Russia. Education based on 11 classes lasts for a period of 2 years and 10 months. Future pilots train on 5 types of aircraft and various simulators. In total, about 300 people study in Krasny Kut. Cadets are provided with dormitory, food and uniform. There is the possibility of training on a paid basis, the cost of which for the entire period will be more than 100,000 rubles.

Omsk Flight Technical College

Future commercial pilots receive full-time training in Buguruslan. The duration of study is standard for the specialty. Each year, the school enrolls about 320 people; Most of the cadets study for free, the rest study at their own expense. The college has a large fleet of aircraft, simulators and other elements of modern equipment. Paid training here costs a lot, more than 2.7 million rubles for the entire time.

Sasovo also provides training for civil aviation pilots and information equipment technicians. Previously, this school was considered especially prestigious due to its proximity to the capital. Its current condition is also not bad: the school is well equipped with everything necessary. You can study for a fee or for free.

All Russian aviation schools, in addition to general course training cadets, provide paid services. This could be staff retraining, various courses, including teaching English language. Each of them is equipped with a dining room and catering unit; cadets are given free meals three times a day. In addition, colleges are equipped with assembly halls, sports complexes with various halls and sections, and dormitories.

Cadets on the territory of schools are required to observe a strict daily routine and rules of conduct, leave the territory at a set time for a certain period, and meet the requirements in study and everyday life. Orphans and socially vulnerable cadets are provided financial assistance, social scholarship, allowances for the purchase of things necessary for study. Students of budgetary departments receive a scholarship.

Sasovo Flight School

The rules for admission to secondary specialized educational institutions are the same. First of all, the average score of the certificate after 9 or 11 grades is taken into account. Among them, mathematics, physics, Russian and foreign language exactly in that order. In case of dispute, grades in these subjects will be the deciding factor for admission. Passing marks may vary from college to college. They are high in Sasovo, Omsk and slightly lower in Krasny Kut and Buguruslan.

No less important factor How to enter a Russian flight school involves a psychological interview and a medical commission. The timing of its implementation is strictly established, since the duration of each certificate may be different. There is a fee for passing the commission. Usually it can be completed either at the educational institution itself or at another medical institution adapted for this purpose. Research includes comprehensive inspection doctors: dentist, psychiatrist, narcologist, venereologist, radiologist, surgeon, etc. In addition, blood, urine, stool tests are taken, X-rays, ECG, etc. are taken. Successful passage of the commission is one of the most important conditions for enrollment in any aviation school.

For admission to both a college and a Russian university, the applicant’s application, identification documents, a certificate, and the results of the Unified State Examination in higher education are required. In addition, you will need an insurance card, military ID and medical insurance.

Employment after graduation from institutes and schools

Graduates of aviation educational institutions have a chance to get a job in their specialty in airlines, factories in the production of aircraft, helicopters and space technology and air hubs. The chances of employment as pilots increase with sufficient flight hours and high level knowledge of a foreign language.

Finding employment after graduation can be difficult, despite the fact that Russian enterprises require employees. As a rule, each secondary school cooperates with a number of organizations and companies that regularly send lists of vacancies. Many graduates choose to continue their specialized studies at the institute or go to military service.

Graduate employment statistics are carefully maintained by each school and can be made publicly available. Meetings with alumni and company representatives are held regularly.