Treatment of bruises at home: folk recipes. Bruises - treatment at home Help for bruises - folk remedies


Bruises are closed injuries that occur as a result of strong traumatic effects on soft tissues: skin, periosteum, muscles, subcutaneous fat. It is almost impossible to predict a possible fall or blow, which is why no one is immune from this type of injury.

The main symptoms of a bruise are:

  • pain in the damaged area;
  • bruise;
  • presence of swelling.
  • In the case of the first degree of injury, the human skin is slightly damaged. In such cases, folk remedies for bruises are very effective and help speed up healing;
  • The formation of hematomas and bruising occurs in the second degree;
  • The third degree is characterized by a violation of the integrity of muscles, joints and tendons;
  • At the fourth degree, soft and bone tissues and organs are severely damaged. As a rule, their performance is impaired.

It is possible to treat bruises and sprains with folk remedies in cases where a 1st or 2nd degree injury has occurred; the third and fourth stages are treated with the help of a prescribed therapeutic course.

Treatment of bruises at home is allowed only after a visit to the doctor, who will confirm the absence of injury to internal organs and the appearance of cracks.

Emergency medical care

Emergency care includes the following steps:

At the first stage, it is important to ensure absolute rest of the affected area of ​​the body. The wounded person should take the most comfortable position for him and exclude all movements.

  • consumption of alcoholic beverages that promote vasodilation;
  • massage the affected area;
  • hot compresses: they are used no earlier than 24 hours later.

The next step is to apply a cold compress, which will prevent the hematoma from spreading and reduce pain and swelling. In such cases, the main assistant will be ice wrapped in a terry towel, gauze or bag. You are also allowed to use any food product from the refrigerator - a carton of milk, frozen vegetables or a bottle of water - as long as the product is clean. Exposure to cold should not exceed 20 minutes, after which you need to take a short break and repeat the manipulation.

The final stage includes taking painkillers.

Further treatment at home

After two days, treatment of the bruise is carried out as follows:

  1. The affected area needs warm compresses to help relieve pain, reduce irritation and restore normal blood circulation. For example, it is recommended to take a warm, but not hot, bath.
  2. A massage will be helpful. It is important to remember that you need to act without pressure, only lightly massaging the injured area.
  3. Exercise is used to improve blood circulation.
  4. It is important to continue treating the affected area with folk remedies: various ointments, lotions and compresses.

Depending on the damaged area, a bruise can be treated using the following methods:

Traditional therapy

A folk remedy such as compresses made from various herbs will help relieve swelling:

Ointments, the preparation of which is not difficult, are effective in the fight against bruises.

  1. Place equal amounts of spruce resin, birch tar and unsalted lard into a clay pot. Place a thick layer of dough on the lid and place the pot in the heated oven. Leave the ointment there until the stove cools completely. After final preparation, the ointment is applied to a cloth that needs to be warmed up in advance, and applied to the affected area. The ointment effectively helps in the treatment of severe bruises with bone damage and suppuration.
  2. It is necessary to melt 200 grams of interior fat and add 50 grams of dried hop cones, and then strain this decoction. This ointment is good for resolving bruises.
  3. Grind 75 grams of burdock roots and combine with 200 ml of vegetable oil. Let the mixture brew for 24 hours, then heat it over low heat and strain. The prepared composition should be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. Bruises can be effectively resolved with regular butter. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the bruise every 30 minutes.

Treatment of bruises with folk remedies completely eliminates painful discomfort.

  1. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of nine percent vinegar. Next, generously moisten a piece of cotton cloth and apply it to the bruise for 30 minutes.
  2. In order to create the following medicine, you will need a vinegar solution, boiled water and any type of vegetable oil. Each ingredient is dosed with one tablespoon. Soak a piece of cotton cloth in the resulting liquid and apply it to the injured area. Next, we apply cellophane to the injury site and bandage it with tissue material for fixation. If these manipulations are performed regularly, soon there will be no trace of the bruise;
  3. You can heal a bruise using heat from the stove. At the end of the furnace fire, you need to extract golden heat from the furnace. The victim lies down near this heat for an hour and warms up. It is important not to overdo it and follow safety rules so as not to get burned.

For bruises, it is recommended to use badyagu, which is sold in any pharmacy. To prepare, mix the greenish-gray powder and water, strictly maintaining a 2:1 ratio, and then apply to the sore spot, changing the bandage at least twice a day.

A popular remedy for bruises, called “applying a nickel,” is a long-proven and very effective method. To enhance effectiveness, the coin must be moistened with cold water.

Therapeutic tactics for bruises at home also include massages. The affected area must be gently rubbed using the “Star” balm. You can create your own embalming agent using various vegetable oils from eucalyptus, tea tree or mint bush. To do this, you will need to take a spoonful of Vaseline, 5 drops of an alcohol solution and add 2 drops of various essential oils available in your home. All this must be mixed and stored in a special container until needed.

Hello, dear friends!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you!

Our winter brings surprises in the form of thaws and, conversely, severe frosts. There is heavy ice on the roads. A month ago, while walking to work in the morning, I fell and slipped and received a severe bruise to my leg. She cured, of course, mainly with folk remedies, namely the silver bridge.

Now I will tell you in more detail my story of treating bruises with folk remedies, what helped me and what didn’t, and I will also remind you what to do after a bruise, what folk remedies exist for bruises and bruises.

What is a bruise

Bruises are injuries to soft tissues resulting from a fall or blow; they vary in severity from mild, which we sometimes don’t even pay attention to, to severe, accompanied by wounds and abrasions and even damage to nerves and bones.

In severe cases, of course, you should definitely seek medical help.

But even with a mild or moderate injury, the resulting bruise (hematoma) must be treated. After all, when a bruise occurs, internal hemorrhage occurs, the released blood accumulates in the tissues or vessels. If the hematoma is not treated, it can lead to various kinds of complications and diseases of the internal organs.

It has long been known that a harmless bruise or minor contusion can even develop cancer after a few months.

What to do if you are injured

Let's remember three rules of first aid for bruises.

First rule. It is necessary to provide rest to the damaged organ. Do not move your arm or leg, then the pain will be less. It is recommended to make a bandage and apply a medical elastic bandage.

Second rule. Cold should be applied to the injury site as soon as possible.

It could be ice, snow, cold water, any cold object, even a coin. Copper coins have been used for bruises since ancient times by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

For some reason, I often come across an iron at home. Its cold metal sole helped more than once.

If there is a bruise under the eye, you can apply a spoon.

Ice can be scraped off the walls of the refrigerator, you can take out a pack of dumplings or something else from the refrigerator. Another option is to fill a heating pad with cold water.

Cold is used in the first 24 hours after injury. The sooner the better, because cold constricts blood vessels and prevents bruising, stops the growth of edema and prevents secondary damage to soft tissue.

But you also need to use it correctly. In order not to injure the skin, ice should be wrapped in cloth and used only in this form.

You can apply cold for no more than 10-15 minutes to avoid hypothermia and frostbite of the tissues. Then you should take a break of 2-3 hours and apply again.

Rule three. A bruised arm, leg or finger needs to be raised up so that swelling does not increase and blood flows out so that the damaged segment feels better.

Make an iodine net at night, it will have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, improve blood circulation.

In a day after the swelling is removed, the damaged organs already need heat, you can heat regular table salt in a frying pan, then pour it into a linen bag, or just a cotton sock will do, and apply it to the sore spot for 10-15 minutes. Warming up can be done 2-3 times a day.

You can, of course, buy ointment for bruises or at least bodyaga powder.

Bodyaga is perhaps the best remedy for bruises and hematomas; it is produced specifically for these purposes.

If you have bodyaga powder on hand, you need to dilute it with water to obtain a creamy paste and apply it to the bruise as a compress for an hour.

There is also an ointment for bruises and hematomas based on bodyagi. If you use it immediately after an injury, then the appearance of a bruise can be avoided, and if one appears, you can get rid of it quite quickly. The ointment is called “Bodyaga”.

Here is another list of popular ointments:

Ointments for bruises

  • troxevasin - has a resolving effect and strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • heparin ointment – ​​relieves inflammation, swelling, as well as pain, promotes rapid resorption of the bruise
  • bruise-off - also perfectly helps relieve inflammation and swelling, and also has a masking effect like a foundation
  • Lyoton – prevents the development of inflammation, strengthens vascular walls
  • and this list can also be supplemented by Vishnevsky ointment, “Arnica”, “Rescuer” and others.

Ointments should be applied according to instructions, usually several times a day.

But you still need to go to the pharmacy to get them, and we like to be treated with what we have at home.

So, let’s continue treating bruises with folk remedies.

Nfolk remedies for bruises and bruises

Folk remedies for treating bruises can be found even in our kitchen, and herbs can be used.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take the first measures after my fall, since I spent the whole day at work, and there wasn’t much pain.

And in the evening I discovered a huge hematoma.

The first product I remembered was food foil. I was just too lazy to make the silver bridge right away. I just put a piece of foil on my leg.

I happened to have Bodyaga ointment at home and started using it. In addition, I tried to make salt compresses and a compress from golden mustache tincture.

But the fact is that a very uncomfortable place was bruised - the upper part of the thigh, on which no bandages would hold, especially since it was necessary to go to work.

That's when I already did it silver bridge for 3 days. And oh, miracle! I didn’t even expect that the bruise would disappear so quickly. But since the adhesive plaster still peeled off a little, only in this place, not covered with foil, there was still some blue.

After the second procedure, there was no more hematoma at all. Since the bruise was still severe, I continued treatment with the Almag device, purchased it several years ago and am very pleased that I have such a doctor at home.

In general, of course, there are many folk remedies for bruises and hematomas.

While I was preparing the material and studying what they were writing on the Internet, I even laughed a lot. There are such tips that you need to cook something there for a long time, leave it and simmer it in a Russian oven, and also smear the bruise with viper fat!

I have selected only the most accessible and simple methods of treating bruises with folk remedies, proven and effective.

After all, everyone chooses his own, which he likes from what is at hand, and depending on the situation and location of the injury.

Remedies for bruises from our kitchen

Table salt. If you are wondering how to treat a bruise, choose regular salt. We already know about salt treatment recipes. This is also the case when a salt compress will help cure almost any bruise. To prepare it, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of warm boiled water and soak a piece of cotton or linen cloth in this solution. Cover the damp cloth applied to the bruise with polyethylene and wrap it with a warm scarf. Leave this compress on all night.

Potato. Everyone has potatoes at home. A wonderful doctor, simply wonderful! I even devoted a separate article to potato treatment.

We clean it and grate it on a coarse grater. Place the resulting mass on a linen cloth or gauze folded in four and apply to the bruise. We fix it with something - a bandage, a scarf, a handkerchief.

Leave this until the potatoes dry, about 30 minutes. Then we make a new compress. After the third or fourth procedure, the pain will subside significantly.

It is possible potato starch use. Dilute it with water until you get a paste and make a compress, covering it with cellophane and securing it with a bandage.

Cabbage. White cabbage is also suitable, but if you love red cabbage and you have it at home, then this vegetable is three times better, since it contains three times more nutrients than white cabbage.

We tear off a leaf from the cabbage and knead it thoroughly in our hands until the juice releases.

Apply to the sore spot and secure with a bandage.

All such compresses made from natural homemade products are applied in the same way: until the mass dries, 2-3 times a day.

Onions. The onion needs to be peeled and finely chopped with a knife or grated on a fine grater, add one teaspoon of salt. Place the pulp in a gauze bag and make compresses. Each time you need to prepare a fresh compress.

Garlic. Compresses for bruises can also be made from chopped garlic.

Horseradish and radish. The bruise will quickly disappear if you make compresses from finely grated horseradish or radish.

Beetroot and honey. The beneficial properties of beets are also useful for treating bruises and bruises. Grate the beets, add a tablespoon of honey to it and you will get a wonderful compress. Only this method can be used if you are not allergic to honey.

Beans. Mash the boiled white beans well and make a compress from them.

Pineapple and banana. Even exotic fruits help with bruises and bruises. Pineapples and bananas contain enzymes that help quickly resolve bruises. Apply the inside of a banana peel to the bruise, and you can simply wipe the bruise with a piece of pineapple.

Laundry soap. Although this is no longer an edible product, it is also in our kitchen, or in the bathroom. Soap is an excellent folk remedy for bruises that will help relieve pain.

It needs to be grated and mixed with egg yolk. Make a compress from this paste. Change every half hour.

You can use soap in another way: rub it on a damp cloth and apply it to the bruise.

Apple cider vinegar. I use it mainly to rinse my hair. And to treat bruises, dilute 2 teaspoons of vinegar in a liter of water, soak a cloth in it and apply compresses. It is enough to keep it for half an hour. In a few days you will forget about your illness.

Treatment of bruises with medicinal herbs

There are quite a few medicinal herbs that can be used to treat bruises.

Tinctures of calendula and golden mustache

It is most effective to use herbs in the form of compresses from their alcohol tinctures. But there is one nuance here: preparing these tinctures still takes time. But we can’t wait a few days. Therefore, it would be good to always keep at least a tincture of calendula or golden mustache in the house, just in case.

You could make calendula tincture yourself in the summer, but it is also sold in pharmacies. We use it for bruises in the form of compresses or lotions.

And I always have a jar of golden mustache tincture. I advise everyone to grow this plant; we will talk about its beneficial properties later.

Dry herb infusions

Fortunately, not only tinctures, but also decoctions of dried herbs can be used for bruises. It can be coltsfoot, chamomile, celandine. It will be better if you mix them together. Pour a teaspoon of herbs into half a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes in a water bath, leave and cool for an hour, then strain and use for lotions.

Fresh plant leaves

In summer you can pick a leaf of plantain, or burdock, or wormwood. Finely chop the leaf, squeeze out the juice and apply to the sore spot just like a cabbage compress.

You can simply wipe the bruise with the juice of these plants.

At home, you can use ficus or aloe leaves, which also have absorbent and healing properties. Juice from a ficus leaf is applied to the bruise for 1 minute using a cotton swab, and a cut piece of aloe leaf is secured to a small bruise with an adhesive plaster.

All these described folk remedies help with bruises of the arms and legs, as well as other parts of the body. By the way, many of them are also effective in treating boils.

We figured out how to treat bruises with one remedy or another. I will briefly dwell on some individual points and features.

Bruised finger. Folk remedies

If you bruise your fingers, unpleasant consequences can include bruising under the nails and painful sensations, and you can even lose a nail.

Therefore, if you bruise your finger, immediately use ice or pour a stream of cold water on your finger. You can put your hands in salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Then dry your hands and make a tight bandage. Change it periodically until it is completely healed.

In order to prevent blackening of the nail, you can make an iodine mesh or completely lubricate your finger with iodine.

Turmeric ointment also helps a lot: mix turmeric powder with a small amount of water to form a paste and lubricate your finger with this mixture. Thanks to its antibacterial and healing properties, turmeric will help in rapid recovery and healing.

Knee bruise. Treatment with folk remedies

A knee injury is a serious matter. If the knee is swollen, tissue functioning may be impaired, inflammation may form, which can lead to the development of arthritis, inflammation of the meniscus and other unpleasant consequences.

First of all, if you bruise your knee, you need to apply a cold compress to ensure the joint is immobile, while the leg should be in an elevated state. And then you should see a doctor, take pictures and make sure there are no fractures.

If there is no severe damage, you can try to treat the knee at home with folk remedies.

You can make the same compresses described above, from cabbage leaves, for example, or a vinegar compress by mixing a tablespoon of vinegar, vegetable oil and water.

A week after the swelling is removed, more physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated.

I once had an incident where I hit my knee hard on the corner of a table. At first I didn’t pay much attention to what happened. But then the pain in my knee arose periodically and bothered me for a long time, until I took treatment seriously.

For a month I made compresses with golden mustache tincture at night and at the same time treated my knee with Almag.

The pain is gone forever. I don’t know what played the dominant role here, I think both procedures together helped.

Treatment of a bruised tailbone with folk remedies

This is also a very unpleasant and painful condition. Pain from a bruised tailbone can occur both when walking and when sitting, radiate to the legs, and there are frequent cases of spinal cord injury. So it’s better not to postpone a visit to the doctor.

For minor bruises and the appearance of a hematoma, we use ice and compresses from wormwood or onion juice.

Head injury. Folk remedies

Again, with a minor injury, if you are sure that there is no concussion or other complications, we apply cold first of all.

After a day, the cone can be warmed up a little with salt in a bag.

Also use cabbage leaves or thyme leaves as folk remedies.

Chest bruise. Folk remedies

The delicate skin of the breast really needs careful and careful care.

Be sure to see your doctor to make sure there are no complications.

Folk remedies for chest bruises include salt lotions, cabbage leaves, potato starch diluted with water, and bodyagu.

And if the first symptoms of mastopathy appear, turn to other folk remedies for its treatment.

Bruised eye. Treatment with folk remedies

If there is a bruise under the eye area, immediately apply something cold, such as a spoon or ice, to avoid bruising. Next, use bodyaga and other folk remedies.

If the cornea is bruised, immediately consult an ophthalmologist!

Conclusion. We looked at the treatment of bruises with folk remedies of mild and moderate severity. In principle, folk remedies for severe bruises can be used the same, but in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

It is difficult to say which of them is the best remedy for bruises. All of them are good, they differ only in the duration of exposure, their use depends on the size of the hematoma, the degree of bruise and location. In some cases it is more convenient to use one remedy, in others – another.

Both a salt compress and a golden bridge compress helped me at different times, but I liked the silver bridge the most. It is convenient to use and helps very quickly. The only trouble is that the adhesive plaster may cause irritation on the skin, which, by the way, quickly relieves castor oil.

Take care of yourself, may you never need to treat bruises either with folk remedies or in medical conditions.



A bruise is understood as the appearance of closed injuries on the body caused by some destructive influence (blow, strong pressure). In this case, the soft tissues of the body suffer. It is practically impossible to protect yourself from accidental injuries, and for sure, everyone in their life has suffered a bruise at least once.

Symptoms of a bruise appear in the form of pain in the affected area, bruising and swelling of the injury site.

Classification of bruises

In medicine, it is customary to determine the severity of injury in degrees, starting with the first, the mildest degree, and up to the most serious, the fourth.

  • 1st degree. Mild damage to the skin at the site of impact. It is with such a bruise that it is possible to use home treatment using folk methods.
  • 2nd degree. In the second case, hematomas and bruises may occur in the injured area
  • 3rd degree. As a result of damage of this nature, a violation of the integrity of tissues and joints occurs.
  • 4th degree. When severe trauma occurs, damage to soft tissues, internal organs and bones leads to a change in the ability of the body to function normally.

Attention! The folk remedy after a bruise can only be used in the first two degrees; with more severe injuries, you should consult a doctor!

Emergency medical care

Pre-medical treatment of an injured person will consist of observing four basic rules:

  1. It is necessary to fix the injured area in such a way that the injured person can feel comfortable, without disturbing the bruised area of ​​the body.
  2. You should not drink vasodilators and drinks, in particular alcohol, you should not try to massage the injury site, and you should not use hot compresses immediately after the injury.
  3. A compress should be applied to the site of the bruise, which will relieve the pain and prevent the hematoma from growing. You can use any available means: ice in a towel, bag or bottle; Briquettes of frozen food from the refrigerator. But when using cold pressure on the site of a bruise, you must follow a regime - no more than 20 minutes in a row, a second compress can be done after 15-20 minutes.
  4. To alleviate the suffering of the victim, you can take available painkillers.

Treatment at home

When more than two days have passed since the injury occurred, you can begin treating the bruise at home. Several methods are used for treatment:

  1. Warm compress. Both a local compress placed on the site of the bruise and warm baths will help restore blood circulation and eliminate sharp pain.
  2. Massage. A light, pressure-free massage will also have a beneficial effect.
  3. Therapeutic exercise. Blood circulation can be regulated by ordinary physical exercises; the main task is to improve blood circulation.
  4. Medicinal ointments, lotions, compresses. The bruise treatment methods listed below can be easily performed on your own.

It is better to use different treatment methods for different parts of the body.

Soft tissues – compress of aloe and honey.

Joints - compresses from wormwood tincture.

Hands - remove the peel from the banana and apply the inside to the sore spot.

Feet – hot bath with wild rosemary infusion.

Fingers - dressing using fir oil.

The knee is an excellent way to apply an ordinary cabbage leaf.

The head is heated salt in a bag.

Shoulder - ointment made from chicken egg yolk and common laundry soap.

Eyes – apply thoroughly washed woodlice.

Traditional therapy


Compresses are the best way to get rid of swelling.

  1. Grind a tablespoon of onion and plantain each, mix thoroughly, gradually adding a spoonful of uncandied honey. Apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes; you can perform this procedure up to three times during the day.
  2. Pour boiling water over a mixture of plantain, wormwood, and St. John's wort herbs and let it brew well. After the mixture has cooled, use it for compresses.
  3. Cut an aloe leaf lengthwise, apply a thin layer of honey, and apply to the sore spot.
  4. Mix vinegar in water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons per liter of water and moisten the compress cloth with the resulting solution.


To successfully eliminate bruises, you need to use various ointments:

  1. Grind fresh plantain leaves thoroughly, mix with petroleum jelly, butter and lard (not salted). The proportions are as follows: 1 part plant to 7 parts mixture of fats. If it is not the season for fresh herbs, you can use dried ones; they are first infused in hot water.
  2. Hops and interior fat in the proportion of 50 grams of dried plant flowers per 200 grams of fat. Chopped hops are added to the melted fat, and the broth is filtered.
  3. Burdock root and vegetable oil. 75 grams of the plant and 200 grams of oil are infused for a day. Then the resulting mass is heated and filtered. Keep refrigerated.
  4. Ordinary butter works great on bruises if you apply it to the injury site every half hour.

Relieving pain

  1. Apply a mixture of table salt in the amount of 12 teaspoons dissolved in 12 cups of vinegar onto the fabric and apply this compress to the injury site for half an hour.
  2. If the house has a stove, then you can use the residual heat after heating. It is necessary to place the victim next to the open firebox of the stove, in which there are some hot golden coals left, but it is necessary to control the time so as not to overheat.
  3. Two spoons of dry bodyagi powder per spoon of water. The resulting mixture is applied to the site of injury.

Badyagi powder is a frequently used folk remedy for bruises.

In addition to the methods of treating bruises described above, we can recall several more folk methods, which are quite simple and reliable:

  • Apply fresh plantain to the bruised area. This is exactly how our grandmothers in the village treated us as children.
  • Apply a copper penny to the bruise; this method works even better if you first hold the penny in cold water.
  • Pour boiling water over dry St. John's wort in a proportion of 400 ml per 20 g, boil until half of the liquid evaporates. The cooled broth must be filtered and taken up to 4 times a day, one tablespoon.

Important! Despite the apparent simplicity of traditional methods of treating bruises, errors may occur in the selection of ingredients and their proportions. If you are not confident in your methods, consult a doctor and use the medications prescribed by the doctor for treatment!

Folk remedies for bruises and sprains: the simplest and most effective remedies

Good afternoon to all those who have visited our blog and are looking for folk remedies for bruises and sprains. You have come to exactly the online page where this will be discussed.

Indeed, in everyday life, regardless of status and age, we can often suffer from such injuries. Finding himself in such a situation, a person seeks an immediate independent solution.

Then traditional medicine comes to the aid of many.

What is a bruise or sprain? What are they? What symptoms do they manifest? I will talk about this further on how to alleviate and remove their consequences using folk remedies.

Damage to the musculoskeletal system

In life, not only athletes, but also any person can get injured in the form of a bruise or sprain:

  • Street;
  • Work;
  • Vacation;
  • Transport;
  • Swimming pool;
  • Dacha or home.

Let us take a more specific look at their overview characteristics.


This injury occurs as a result of closed mechanical damage to tissues or organs, which is not visually accompanied by violations of their anatomical integrity.

Superficial tissues are often exposed to these damages:

  • Skin;
  • Subcutaneous tissue;
  • Muscles;
  • Periosteum.

In this case, when a person is bruised, he experiences intense pain and internal bleeding, which can injure neighboring tissues through compression.

Subcutaneous hematomas that appear at the site of a bruise are first blue in color, and then, closer to recovery, change their color from yellow, then green, and then pink.


This injury is the result of overstretching or overloading a longitudinal force along the muscle tissue. Most often it is the ankle or knee joint.

A sprain is caused by injury to the ligaments that connect the muscle to the bone tissue. In this case, individual fibers of the ligament are torn, followed by hemorrhage. The person then feels swelling and joint pain when moving. Sprains or ruptures of ligaments go in tandem with bruises of the joints.

Initial actions

It’s not difficult to get a bruise, but to remove it, you need to work hard. The most effective remedies for bruises and sprains have always been folk recipes. However, when starting first aid to alleviate the condition after a bruise or sprain, you need to know the fundamental points.

  1. Initially, you need to clean the area of ​​the bruise from dirt. If there are scratches or wounds, they are treated with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of slightly pink potassium permanganate.
  2. Then you need to immobilize the affected area, or, if possible, not disturb it.
  3. If a ligament is sprained, it is necessary to bandage it tightly.
  4. If there is a bruise, apply cold to the area to narrow the blood vessels and reduce possible internal bleeding.

After a day since the bruise appeared, it is treated with heat, compresses, and rubbing.

At this point in our story, we want to distract you a little and talk about the seriousness of minor injuries.

Have you fallen on the street, twisting your ankle in a hole in the sidewalk? This often happens to many people. Everyone knows about this problem of our road infrastructure. But that's not the point.

Your bruise is turning purple and not yellow, as it should be, and some strange pulsation has also begun?

Our advice! See a doctor urgently! Perhaps an infection got under the skin through the wound. Don't miss out!

Folk remedies for bruises are always at hand

What traditional methods of treatment for bruises or sprains can be used?

Bodyaga. Everyone knows about it as the most effective and fastest way to get rid of bruises. To do this, bodyagi powder needs to be diluted a little with water, like a paste, and applied to the bruised area. Its action will begin after some of the moisture has evaporated.

Cabbage. Its leaves can be boiled in milk, crushed in a blender or beaten with a hammer. The selected state of cabbage is placed on the site of the bruise, covered with wax paper, and wrapped with an elastic bandage overnight.

Aloe. It tightens wounds very well and saves from minor bruises. To do this, a cut aloe leaf with the inner mucous side is applied to the bruised area for 6 hours, gluing it with a band-aid.

Iodine. A traditional remedy that almost everyone uses already on the second day after the formation of a bruise. To do this, simply draw an iodine mesh on it.

Horseradish, radish, garlic, onion. These ingredients, each individually, are grated in the form of a paste and applied to the bruised area.

Compresses made from alcohol tinctures are good for bruises or sprains:

  • Calendula;
  • Nettles;
  • Cornflower;
  • Arnica.

For rubbing use:

  • Fir oil;
  • Camphor alcohol;
  • Honey with bile;
  • Traditional balm “Star”;
  • Menovazin.

If you want to quickly get rid of bruises or sprains, we advise you to subscribe to our blog. Here you will find really useful information on how to quickly, effectively, and without much expense, get back to normal after bruises. Here in your comments you can still share your personal experience with new friends and together find ways of treatment after accidental injuries.

Take care of yourself!
Goodbye, see you again!

Bruises are closed injuries to parts of the human body, of a closed nature, most often arising due to carelessness or haste in the process of life. All of them, without exception, are accompanied by the formation of a hematoma and pain in the place that was subjected to a strong blow.

The faster the treatment is provided to the victim, the easier the rehabilitation process will be. It is not always possible to quickly receive qualified help, so everyone should know how to act in case of a closed injury at home.

Bruises are classified by severity:

  • first – slight damage to skin tissue;
  • the second is the appearance of swelling and;
  • third – injury to the joints of the limbs, muscles, ligaments;
  • fourth – extensive damage to soft tissues, affecting internal organs.

The use of traditional medicine as the main method of treatment for the first and second stages is quite advisable, but for more severe injuries it is indicated for the purpose of auxiliary rehabilitation.

Therapeutic measures using traditional medicine involve the use of complex procedures, which include: rubbing, poultices, herbal and compression therapy.

Folk remedies for leg injuries

A slight injury to the leg, accompanied by a hematoma and pain, is perfectly relieved by drugs based on herbal components.

  1. As herbal medicine, wild rosemary is used to prepare a decoction of strong consistency, which is added to the main amount of water and the sore leg is steamed for about 20 minutes.
  2. Onion gruel or juice will help, soak a gauze bandage with it and apply it to the bruise for 30 minutes.
  3. Wormwood is an indispensable remedy; it is pre-soaked, finely chopped and used as a compress.
  4. Effective preparation for future use will help with a closed leg injury. Prepared with 0.5 liters of vinegar and 2-3 heads of chopped garlic, it stores well. The components are mixed, kept in a shaded place for a day and used to rub the limb.

Elbow bruise, treatment with folk remedies

To provide immediate assistance in this situation, it is impossible to do without effective traditional medicine.

  1. Grated raw potatoes must be applied to the bruised area for 30 minutes. Or the second option is to apply a banana skin to the area of ​​the injury for a couple of hours.
  2. Bodyaga, a medicinal powder that is diluted 2:1 with water, is applied to the painful area and left for 15 minutes, is a good help in the event of an unpleasant incident.
  3. An infusion of arnica, prepared according to a generally accepted recipe or purchased at a pharmacy stall, is used for bruises as a lotion. Prepared gauze wipes are soaked in the liquid and kept in the elbow area until completely dry.

Folk remedies for knee injuries

When bruising the knee area of ​​the leg, white cabbage leaves help well, which are applied to the area affected by the blow, additionally fixed and replaced every half hour.

Significant benefits are provided by treatment with an ointment based on the herb wormwood and medical petroleum jelly, taken in equal proportions - the components are mixed and simmered in the oven for a couple of hours. The finished product is rubbed into the sore area of ​​the knee with light massaging movements at least three times a day.

Foot injury - treatment with folk remedies

Unfortunately, foot injury is the most common type of injury compared to other parts of the human body.

First aid is cold. In the event of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended to immediately apply an ice compress or something like that to the affected area. Cryotherapy should be applied at intervals of 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. If you get a foot bruise, it is recommended to immediately lie down and elevate your leg, thereby ensuring the flow of blood.

After a blow to the foot, a hematoma occurs, therefore, to speed up the resorption process, it is recommended to use a medicinal tincture. To prepare: grind aloe leaves, mix with a small amount of granulated sugar and keep in a warm place for three days.

Herbal lotions, for which dried raw materials are used: linden blossom, wormwood, celandine infused in water for 24 hours, help relieve the inflammatory process.

These folk remedies also effectively help with bruised fingers and toes.

Shoulder bruise and its treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of bruises of the shoulder area and costal part with folk remedies

As a result of domestic injuries, bruises of the shoulder girdle are no exception. In folk medicine, there are several ways to treat this type of damage.

In the home bins, of course, there is a bar of laundry soap, which is crushed using a grater and mixed with whipped yolk foam.

The resulting mass is applied to the painful area in the morning and evening for a certain number of days, depending on the healing process.

Burdock has medicinal properties in folk medicine - you will need 75 g of it per 200 ml of any oil to grow
body origin. Components: mix in a suitable container, leave for 2 days and heat for about 15 minutes, without bringing to a boil. The finished drug is used for its intended purpose as an ointment.

Rib injuries. Due to carelessness or other reasons, closed rib injuries occur in life, which are accompanied by ruptures of small capillaries, hemorrhage in the soft tissues and the formation of swelling.

The first thing you need to do is take a reclining position and lean an ice bladder against the painful area. It is recommended to perform it for no more than three days; subsequently it is replaced with warming compresses. A tight bandage applied to the rib area effectively relieves pain during regular breathing.

  • Arnica herbal decoction - taken as a drink;
  • camphor alcohol - rub the bruised area;
  • Epsom salt - used for lotions per 1 liter of water, 30 g are needed;
  • cabbage leaves (plantain) - for compresses in the morning and evening;
  • bodyaga - a sachet of 120 ml of water as a lotion;
  • radish juice – for compression treatment at least 5 times a day;
  • aloe and honey – reduces the inflammatory process.

The recovery period for a closed injury depends on the specific complexity of the injuries and timely assistance provided.

Bruises are closed injuries that occur as a result of strong traumatic effects on soft tissues: skin, periosteum, muscles, subcutaneous fat. It is almost impossible to predict a possible fall or blow, which is why no one is immune from this type of injury.

The main symptoms of a bruise are:

  • pain in the damaged area;
  • bruise;
  • presence of swelling.

Classification of bruises

This injury is divided into 4 degrees:

  • In the case of the first degree of injury, the human skin is slightly damaged. In such cases, folk remedies for bruises are very effective and help speed up healing;
  • The formation of hematomas and bruising occurs in the second degree;
  • The third degree is characterized by a violation of the integrity of muscles, joints and tendons;
  • At the fourth degree, soft and bone tissues and organs are severely damaged. As a rule, their performance is impaired.

It is possible to treat bruises and sprains with folk remedies in cases where a 1st or 2nd degree injury has occurred; the third and fourth stages are treated with the help of a prescribed therapeutic course.

Treatment of bruises at home is allowed only after a visit to the doctor, who will confirm the absence of injury to internal organs and the appearance of cracks.

Emergency medical care

Emergency care includes the following steps:

At the first stage, it is important to ensure absolute rest of the affected area of ​​the body. The wounded person should take the most comfortable position for him and exclude all movements.

  • consumption of alcoholic beverages that promote vasodilation;
  • massage the affected area;
  • hot compresses: they are used no earlier than 24 hours later.

The next step is to apply a cold compress, which will prevent the hematoma from spreading and reduce pain and swelling. In such cases, the main assistant will be ice wrapped in a terry towel, gauze or bag. You are also allowed to use any food product from the refrigerator - a carton of milk, frozen vegetables or a bottle of water - as long as the product is clean. Exposure to cold should not exceed 20 minutes, after which you need to take a short break and repeat the manipulation.

The final stage includes taking painkillers.

Further treatment at home

After two days, treatment of the bruise is carried out as follows:

  1. The affected area needs warm compresses to help relieve pain, reduce irritation and restore normal blood circulation. For example, it is recommended to take a warm, but not hot, bath.
  2. A massage will be helpful. It is important to remember that you need to act without pressure, only lightly massaging the injured area.
  3. Exercise is used to improve blood circulation.
  4. It is important to continue treating the affected area with folk remedies: various ointments, lotions and compresses.

Depending on the damaged area, a bruise can be treated using the following methods:

Traditional therapy

A folk remedy such as compresses made from various herbs will help relieve swelling:

Ointments, the preparation of which is not difficult, are effective in the fight against bruises.

  1. Place equal amounts of spruce resin, birch tar and unsalted lard into a clay pot. Place a thick layer of dough on the lid and place the pot in the heated oven. Leave the ointment there until the stove cools completely. After final preparation, the ointment is applied to a cloth that needs to be warmed up in advance, and applied to the affected area. The ointment effectively helps in the treatment of severe bruises with bone damage and suppuration.
  2. It is necessary to melt 200 grams of interior fat and add 50 grams of dried hop cones, and then strain this decoction. This ointment is good for resolving bruises.
  3. Grind 75 grams of burdock roots and combine with 200 ml of vegetable oil. Let the mixture brew for 24 hours, then heat it over low heat and strain. The prepared composition should be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. Bruises can be effectively resolved with regular butter. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the bruise every 30 minutes.

Treatment of bruises with folk remedies completely eliminates painful discomfort.

  1. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of nine percent vinegar. Next, generously moisten a piece of cotton cloth and apply it to the bruise for 30 minutes.
  2. In order to create the following medicine, you will need a vinegar solution, boiled water and any type of vegetable oil. Each ingredient is dosed with one tablespoon. Soak a piece of cotton cloth in the resulting liquid and apply it to the injured area. Next, we apply cellophane to the injury site and bandage it with tissue material for fixation. If these manipulations are performed regularly, soon there will be no trace of the bruise;
  3. You can heal a bruise using heat from the stove. At the end of the furnace fire, you need to extract golden heat from the furnace. The victim lies down near this heat for an hour and warms up. It is important not to overdo it and follow safety rules so as not to get burned.

For bruises, it is recommended to use badyagu, which is sold in any pharmacy. To prepare, mix the greenish-gray powder and water, strictly maintaining a 2:1 ratio, and then apply to the sore spot, changing the bandage at least twice a day.

A popular remedy for bruises, called “applying a nickel,” is a long-proven and very effective method. To enhance effectiveness, the coin must be moistened with cold water.

Therapeutic tactics for bruises at home also include massages. The affected area must be gently rubbed using the “Star” balm. You can create your own embalming agent using various vegetable oils from eucalyptus, tea tree or mint bush. To do this, you will need to take a spoonful of Vaseline, 5 drops of an alcohol solution and add 2 drops of various essential oils available in your home. All this must be mixed and stored in a special container until needed.