Treatment and prevention of constipation after childbirth while breastfeeding the mother. Treatment of constipation after childbirth in a nursing mother Glycerin suppositories during lactation


Constipation with breastfeeding after childbirth is a fairly common occurrence. Usually the cause of defecation retention is birth trauma. Intestinal function is further disrupted by poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Constipation during breastfeeding is considered a fairly common and dangerous problem for the baby, so such conditions must be eliminated at the first sign of occurrence.

Causes of constipation after childbirth while breastfeeding

Constipation is a process in which there are no bowel movements for 2-3 or more days, or are accompanied by severe pain due to too hard stool. Mothers breastfeeding their babies experience problems after childbirth for various reasons.

  • Perineal incision during natural delivery. When trying to empty the intestines, the patient experiences unbearable pain, so she holds back bowel movements, which leads to fecal stagnation.
  • Postpartum hemorrhoids also often cause defecation delay.
  • Postpartum fatigue, when the patient does not have the opportunity to get a full night's sleep.
  • Delivery by caesarean section.
  • Psychological fear of straining after delivery.
  • Psycho-emotional stress after childbirth, caused by accepting a new role as a mother.
  • Weakening of the abdominal muscle tissue.
  • Dehydration or against the background of active lactation and insufficient fluid intake.
  • An increase in the size of the uterine body, when the organ contracts for a long time to its previous size and compresses the intestines with its tissues.
  • Improper diet combined with decreased activity, abuse of fatty, sweet, salty or spicy foods.
  • Postpartum hormonal changes.

After cesarean

After surgical delivery, patients have many problems than mothers who gave birth naturally. One of the postpartum complications is digestive disorders. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract system work abnormally, causing mommy a lot of painful discomfort.

In general, the reasons after cesarean section are similar to those after natural delivery, as already mentioned above. In addition, it may be due to the patient’s natural fear that when she strains, her stitches may come apart. Constipation can also occur due to changes in the location of the intestines.


Constipation in new mothers is divided into anatomical and spastic.

  • Anatomical constipation occurs due to surgical delivery. The risk of such constipation increases if the mother does not eat properly during breastfeeding. As a result, muscle tone decreases, causing constipation.
  • Spastic constipation occurs due to nervous fatigue. Many patients experience emotional shock after delivery, which causes defecation difficulties.

Therapeutic actions

If it occurs during lactation after childbirth, it is necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate the disease. If you cannot solve the problem on your own with the help of a diet, then you need to contact a specialist. Treatment is necessary because toxins from decomposing feces enter the body through the intestines.

If mommy constantly experiences intestinal discomfort, pain in the abdomen and, which is typical for constipation, then lactation may stop altogether. Therefore, new mothers should not let delayed bowel movements take their course.


As a rule, to eliminate it in nursing patients, it is enough to adjust the diet. A balanced diet is considered the key to successful breastfeeding, excellent condition of the baby and the patient herself. It is necessary to exclude all salty foods and fried foods, soda and smoked foods, baked goods and spicy foods. Flour and sweets should be strictly limited.

Fruits and vegetables should be eaten only after heat treatment such as baking, steaming or boiling, or stewing. Raw vegetables take much longer to digest, complicating bowel movements. And such food does not have the best effect on the baby’s body, causing allergic reactions, colic or poisoning.


If diet therapy does not help, then they resort to medications. Not all laxatives can be taken by nursing patients, so you cannot prescribe any medications yourself; leave this to a specialist.

The safest for such patients are:

  1. Fortrans (Forlax) is a free-flowing powder with macrogol as an active ingredient. The drug helps to increase the volume of stool and dilute it, which activates the urge to defecate. You need to take the product one sachet per day, diluting the powder with a liter of water.
  2. (Normaze, Portalac) – lactulose-based syrup. The drug activates peristalsis of the intestinal walls, softens fecal lumps and removes toxic substances.

If the baby is bottle-fed, then the mother can afford to take medications like Bisacodyl, Dr. Theiss, Regulax or Gutalax. You cannot exceed the dosage, nor use these drugs too often, since the intestines get used to such stimulation and are already too lazy to function independently.


A simple and effective solution for lactation after childbirth will be rectal suppositories:

  1. Glycerol(Glycelax) is the best treatment option for constipation after cesarean section. These suppositories stimulate peristaltic intestinal functions and dilute feces. Defecation after using glycerin suppositories is soft and painless.
  2. Calciolax and Ferrolax– suppositories cause an increase in carbon dioxide in the intestine, which helps to effectively eliminate spastic type constipation.
  3. Sea buckthorn candles– a natural drug, safe during lactation, especially useful for anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

Suppositories should be inserted into the anus once a day after the morning meal. If you overdo it with the dosage, you can provoke the development of diarrhea, which is also extremely undesirable with hepatitis B.


During the postpartum period, intense physical activity is contraindicated for patients, but no one forbade leading an active lifestyle. Mothers are advised to walk more. And if there are no contraindications, then do gymnastics in the morning.

These have a positive effect on the patient’s condition. You need to do gymnastics on an empty stomach, after drinking a glass of water. First you need to do easy elements, gradually moving on to more complex exercises.

It is useful to perform crunches, pelvic lifts from a supine position, as well as scissors and bicycle exercises, cat exercises.

Folk remedies

Mothers will also be available to help. They will relax the intestines without affecting the quality of milk or the intensity of lactation.

  • Herbal infusion. Anise fruits, mint, chamomile, valerian rhizome, strawberry and nettle leaves are mixed in equal parts. A large spoonful of the mixture is poured into a thermos, and boiling water (0.2 l) is poured into it. Brew for 2 hours. The resulting drink is taken in 2 doses. This composition is recommended for the treatment of spastic retention of defecation.
  • Gooseberry decoction. A spoonful of berries is poured into 0.2 liters of boiled water and brewed for a quarter of an hour. Then the berries are poured into boiling water and cooked for 7 minutes. The broth is filtered and taken after cooling, ½ cup 2-4 times a day.
  • Figs The berries are finely chopped. Two large spoons of raw material are poured with 0.2 liters of water or milk, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. You need to take the medicine in a large spoon 4-5 times a day, the intestines will begin to work “clockwise”.
  • Dill seeds, which are poured with boiled water, infused, filtered and taken little by little throughout the day, are extremely useful for constipation.
  • Mix equal parts of cumin, anise and fennel and measure out a large spoonful of the mixture per 0.2 liters of boiling water. Brew the mixture in a thermos and leave for 2 hours. The resulting amount of medicinal infusion is drunk in 3 doses during the day.
  • Useful for constipation. Dried plums are infused in boiling water for some time, and then the liquid is drunk, preferably before meals several times a day.

Some patients are embarrassed to go to the doctor with such a delicate problem, trying to solve the problem on their own. If the problem is resolved, then that's great. It is much worse if constipation worsens.

If, after correcting the diet, using a suppository and an active lifestyle, the stool does not return to normal, then you need to urgently run to the doctor. Particularly alarming symptoms that require urgent medical intervention are considered to be unremovable pain in the abdominal area, defecation less than once every 4 days, and anal bleeding.

Delayed bowel movements may indicate tumor processes or. Therefore, timely assistance from a doctor in solving such a problem is extremely important.

Constipation is a common problem in women after childbirth. And if an ordinary patient can resort to old and classic methods (taking laxatives, using suppositories, etc.), then women after childbirth should treat treatment more carefully.

Although many people pay attention to the effect of drugs only during pregnancy, monitoring their effect during lactation is no less important.

Thus, not all suppositories for constipation after childbirth can be used, but only a small part of them, since in some drugs the active substances pass through breast milk to the baby.

Types of laxative suppositories

Due to the particular prevalence of constipation among the population, especially the elderly, pharmaceutical companies have developed a sufficient number of different products in the form of suppositories. The most common include:

  • bisacodyl;
  • glycerin suppositories;
  • containing rhubarb;
  • calciolax;
  • Ferrolax;
  • containing lithium carbonate;
  • sea ​​buckthorn candles, etc.

This rich list can be used by absolutely healthy people. But women after childbirth have slightly different physiological processes (in particular, lactation), which do not allow them to take some of these drugs.

Suppositories contraindicated after childbirth

Not all suppositories can be used after childbirth. Bisacodyl is contraindicated in nursing mothers, as its active substance can pass through the milk to the baby and affect its digestive system. The remaining suppositories, although relatively safe, should be used only after consultation with a doctor.

What suppositories should nursing mothers use?

Laxative suppositories, which are based on natural substances, are indicated for constipation in nursing mothers. These include:

  • glycerin suppositories;
  • candles containing rhubarb;
  • lithium bicarbonate;
  • sodium carbonate (calciolax, ferrolax).

But in this case, it is possible to use sea buckthorn suppositories, which, in addition to a laxative effect, have an antihemorrhoidal effect.

To make the use of suppositories as effective as possible, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Insert candles once a day, half an hour after breakfast.
  2. Use the drug only occasionally, as course use leads to a worsening of the situation.
  3. Consider contraindications to medications, especially if you have hemorrhoids.
  4. If any side effects occur, stop taking the drug.

During pregnancy, a woman faces many troubles, such as heartburn, vomiting, nausea and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Expectant mothers believe that after the birth of the child everything will pass. But during lactation, a woman may encounter such an unpleasant problem as constipation, which provokes psychological and physical discomfort.

Constipation is considered incomplete or difficult bowel movement.. This pathological condition appears when there is no bowel movement for two or more days. To get rid of the problem and improve your stool, you need to know the reason for its occurrence.

Causes of constipation during breastfeeding

With constipation, a small amount of feces is released. Often the process occurs painlessly, but in certain cases there may be a small amount of blood in the stool and damage to the skin in the anal area.

Difficult excretion of bowel movements does not allow the intestines to be completely emptied and leads to increased bloating, flatulence and subsequent intoxication of the entire body.

A number of reasons can provoke constipation during lactation. These include:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. When breastfeeding, after the birth of a child, a woman begins to produce special hormones, as a result of which the process of contraction of the intestinal walls slows down and the removal of feces becomes more difficult.
  2. Intestinal pathologies. These may be developmental abnormalities or various tumors.
  3. Decreased elasticity of the muscle tissue of the abdomen and vagina.
  4. Fear of damaging the stitches during bowel movements. During childbirth, there may be ruptures of the uterus or perineum. Many women are afraid that during the act of defecation the stitches may come apart.
  5. Psychological reasons. New mothers often suffer from postpartum depression.
  6. Insufficient fluid. During breastfeeding, it is very important to maintain water balance in the body.
  7. A diet that was chosen incorrectly.
  8. Uterine pressure. After the birth of the child, the uterus continues to put pressure on the intestines, since it returns to its normal state only after six to eight weeks.
  9. Intestinal displacement. May occur due to enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy.

In addition, constipation can also occur due to the fault of the nursing mother herself. For each person, the frequency of going to the toilet is individual. You can perform an act of defecation either several times a day or once in two days. If there is no discomfort, then this is considered normal.

There is a high risk of addiction to a laxative if a woman takes it regularly for the purpose of frequent bowel movements.


In medicine, constipation is divided into two types depending on the signs and causes of its occurrence.


It is characterized by increased flatulence, lack of appetite and the occurrence of paroxysmal pain in the left side of the abdomen. The woman feels constant fatigue, nervousness and irritability. In some cases, nausea may occur. The feces are dense and always come out in small round portions.

This type of constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding occurs with increased intestinal tone due to the compressed state of the small intestine. The urge may appear several times a day, but emptying occurs rarely and in small portions. Often the reason is the psycho-emotional state of the woman.


With atonic constipation, a woman experiences aching and nagging pain in the abdomen. Characteristic features are:

  • nausea;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • depression;
  • feeling of fullness in the intestines;
  • increased level of gas formation.

The atonic type of constipation appears due to decreased tone of intestinal muscle tissue and insufficient peristalsis. Usually occurs after a cesarean section procedure and as a result of an incorrectly selected diet.

When constipation goes away

The duration of constipation depends on the reasons for its occurrence. It passes after the negative factor ceases to affect the body. That is why you should not wait for the intestines to improve, you need to help the body.

If constipation is caused by physiological reasons (intestinal displacement or enlargement of the uterus), then the problem will disappear when the body recovers after childbirth. The uterus returns to its natural size only a few weeks after the birth of the child.. Therefore, by this time the process of defecation should improve on its own.

If the cause of constipation is a woman’s poor diet, the problem will disappear after a diet is selected. Only a doctor can tell you what to do if this problem occurs.

But whatever the reason, you shouldn’t wait for the process of bowel movement to improve itself. Modern medicine can offer several ways to solve a delicate problem for women during breastfeeding.

Treatment of constipation

Only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of constipation. During breastfeeding, self-medication can be dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the baby. In addition, improper treatment can lead to the development of a pathological process.

In order to determine a treatment regimen, the doctor determines the cause of constipation. The method of therapy and medications are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Drug treatment

It is very important during lactation to choose a medicine that will be safe for the baby and will help the mother cope with a delicate problem. Drug therapy involves taking laxatives and using rectal suppositories. Approved medications for breastfeeding include:

  • Forlax;
  • lactulose syrup.

Before using any drug, you should consult a doctor, as the child may experience colic or increased gas production.

If this occurs, taking medications based on Alexandria leaf or senna is strictly prohibited. These include: Glaxenna, Sennalax, etc. They significantly increase the contraction of the intestinal walls.

Candles for constipation

Popular with women. Due to their composition, they help soften stool. Most of them are approved for use during breastfeeding, since the components included in the composition do not pass into breast milk. They are prescribed already on the third day of absence of normal stool.

Important! Long-term use of suppositories can cause no effect and are an emergency method for severe constipation after childbirth.

Today, medicine can offer a number of rectal suppositories, but when breastfeeding it is necessary to approach the choice of medicine with all responsibility.

Before using suppositories, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid negative consequences and not harm the baby, since many substances can pass into breast milk.

Experts recommend using candles that contain natural ingredients during lactation. Glycerin suppositories are very popular among nursing mothers. They are easy to use, accessible to every woman and do not cause allergies in the child.

But it is worth considering that in case of hemorrhoids or the presence of cracks in the anus, the use of suppositories is prohibited.

In this case, the best option would be sea buckthorn suppositories for constipation after childbirth. They contain natural ingredients that heal microcracks, prevent the development of hemorrhoids and promote bowel movements.

Diet for constipation

In order to get rid of such a delicate problem as constipation, you need to follow a special diet. It will help improve the process of digestion and bowel movements. But during breastfeeding, it is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of an allergic reaction in a baby to certain foods.

  • rye bread;
  • muesli;
  • oat bran;
  • sunflower or olive oil;
  • pearl barley, oatmeal and wheat cereals;
  • carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • spinach;
  • fruits;
  • cherries.

Dried fruit compotes, yoghurts, fermented baked milk, kefir and other fermented milk products also help improve the bowel movement process. A good remedy against constipation is gooseberry decoction.

If a nursing mother finds it difficult to defecate, she should avoid:

  • white bread;
  • strong tea;
  • peas, beans;
  • walnuts;
  • blueberries;
  • semolina porridge.

Hard cheese significantly slows down peristalsis, and its use for constipation should be minimal. In addition, currants, strawberries, polished rice, pears and slimy soups have a negative effect on intestinal function.

If a woman suffers from constipation after childbirth, she should definitely consult a doctor.. The specialist will find out the cause of this problem and determine a treatment regimen that will be safe for the baby. All medications should be taken only after consultation.

This will help prevent the baby from developing allergies, colic, or bloating. To get rid of such a delicate problem, complex therapy is needed, including taking medications and following a diet.

Along with the joyful event, the birth of a child, some women begin to have new problems. A common occurrence during pathological births are ruptures, after which there is a need for stitches. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth can provide an invaluable service. Before using the drug, it would be good to become familiar with its pharmaceutical properties.

Composition and effect of candles

The effectiveness of the drug lies in its instant action. Suppositories slightly irritate the intestines, which in turn improves peristalsis. With the help of a reflex reaction, defecation occurs without problems. Glycerin has a softening effect on feces, which is another positive feature of the medicine.

The suppositories contain glycerin, stearic acid and crystalline sodium carbonate.

Instructions for use

The drug is prescribed for constipation of any nature, as well as for people with limited mobility, and for those who cannot take oral laxatives. The method of using glycerin suppositories after childbirth is quite simple, which is important for a woman who has experienced emotional and physical shock.

Usage. The procedure should be carried out 15 minutes after eating. You need to put on a glove, remove the suppository from the foil and insert it so that it goes into the rectum. It is necessary to hold the candle for about 5 minutes so that it does not come back out. The slippery texture allows for smooth and painless administration of the medication. Thanks to this property, suppositories can be used in any position. A bowel movement should be expected within a few minutes. The remaining medication is excreted in the feces.

Contraindications. Hemorrhoids in the acute stage, inflammation of the intestines, fissures and cancer of the rectum and inflammation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, suppositories are prescribed if necessary and under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects. Stomach pain, intestinal upset and inflammation. In case of such manifestations, the drug is immediately discontinued.

Sometimes gynecologists prescribe glycerin suppositories after childbirth. The two main reasons why the medicine is prescribed are described below.

In what situations can glycerin suppositories help after childbirth?

Disturbance of intestinal motility is a common occurrence in women in labor. And if perineal sutures were applied, then pain creates new obstacles. Psychological stress is a strong factor that aggravates the situation. Because of the fear that the stitches may come apart, the woman is afraid to strain, and bowel movements do not occur on time. Over time, the established rhythm gets lost, and the urge to defecate may no longer appear at the usual time. Glycerin suppositories are an excellent help in coping with this problem after childbirth. The instructions mentioned that they affect reflexes and cause bowel movements.

The second reason is stagnation and hardening of feces, which is a consequence of poor nutrition. If a woman eats a lot of flour, sweets and fatty foods, and at the same time drinks little water, then constipation is inevitable. Usually the problem begins in the last stages of pregnancy. As a rule, young mothers, realizing their responsibility for the health of the child, do not deny themselves anything. The leading factor in this matter is preference. The resulting constipation continues to bother me after childbirth. Glycerin suppositories promote the proper formation of stool and affect its consistency. Defecation occurs without discomfort.

Glycerin suppositories after childbirth with stitches

After the woman in labor has received stitches, she should not strain. For normal contraction and healing of the skin, it is important that the muscles of the pelvis and perineum are at rest. There is a risk that the seams may come apart. It matters in what area the ruptures occurred or the dissections were made.

Most often, stitches are placed in the perineum. For a woman in labor, going to the toilet turns into an ordeal. In such a situation, gynecologists consider the most optimal option to use glycerin suppositories after childbirth with sutures. The method of using suppositories does not differ from that indicated in the instructions.

This drug should not be used on open cracks or wounds. Therefore, if the seams are in the anal area, then suppositories can cause harm. It all depends on the degree of healing and the timing of suturing. In some cases, sutures may become an obstacle when inserting a suppository. The doctor will determine in what situation you can use glycerin.

Gynecologists advise starting to use suppositories after 2-3 days from the moment of constipation. The best way out is to achieve the act of defecation naturally. To do this, you need to drink a lot of water and eat fermented milk products. The mother's diet should include vegetables and natural fiber.

Positive aspects of using glycerin suppositories

If a woman in labor experiences pain due to constipation, this aggravates an already difficult situation. In addition to natural postpartum pain in the lower abdomen, a woman may be bothered by recently placed stitches. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth are indispensable helpers. They act quickly, which is exactly what is needed in such a situation. Glycerin is easily absorbed by mucous membranes, but is not absorbed by the skin.

During childbirth, there is a lot of pressure on the hemorrhoids. If feces accumulate in the intestines, the load increases, and this can lead to an exacerbation of the problem. The use of glycerin suppositories after childbirth helps cleanse the intestines and thus prevents blood stagnation, which will subsequently protect against thrombosis.

After childbirth, hemorrhoids may worsen. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use candles.

Glycerin during lactation

The use of glycerin suppositories after childbirth does not cause harm during breastfeeding. The main active ingredient is absolutely safe. Glycerin suppositories are being developed in small dosages even for infants.

In its natural form, glycerin is transparent and quite oily. It mixes well with water, and due to this it softens. After introduction into the rectum, its oxidation reaction occurs, and glycerin is converted into the form of carbon dioxide and water. It is because of these properties that it has found its use in medicine. In many preparations it is used as a component that softens irritation. That is why glycerin suppositories are prescribed after childbirth, without fear for the baby. They do not pass into mother's milk.

Negative aspects

Sometimes the use of suppositories is accompanied by a burning sensation in the anus. In such cases, you should not get too carried away with glycerin.

After using glycerin suppositories after childbirth, some women experienced symptoms such as irritation and severe pain. With such symptoms, individual intolerance makes itself felt. In such a situation, you can use a microenema. Vegetable oil significantly reduces pain.

It is important to consider that with prolonged use of glycerin suppositories after childbirth, addiction may occur. In the future, you will need to make a lot of effort so that the body gets used to independent bowel movements.

There are plenty of piquant problems after childbirth, but constipation is beyond compare. The problem especially often occurs in women in labor who have undergone a caesarean section - the fear of pain during bowel movements does not allow them to relax and have a bowel movement. But for other women in labor, constipation is the main problem - this happens not only after childbirth, but also during pregnancy.

Gynecologists note that more than half of pregnant women cannot go to the toilet without problems in the last trimester. Glycerin suppositories after childbirth for constipation are not only a sure way to solve problems after the birth of a child, but also during pregnancy. Glycerin suppositories are recommended for use even after prolonged absence of stool - at least 3-4 days. Defecation is considered normal if it is present every day. If there is no stool for a week, the risk of developing intestinal pathologies increases, so extreme measures should be taken after three days of no stool.

Constipation is a lack of mobility of the intestines, which, through its movement, moves feces towards the exit of the body. But if there is inactivity, measures should be taken to “accelerate”. Glycerin suppositories cause mild irritation, which causes the intestines to work faster and constipation can be eliminated. You should not overuse the use of glycerin suppositories. It is even more necessary to study the reasons from which the presented problem develops. It is also important to find out the preventive methods recommended by specialists for women after childbirth.

Causes of irregular bowel movements

Problems with the intestines after childbirth are one of the main ones, since they are more related to changes in diet and the subsequent reaction of the body. Often, women in labor themselves provoke the formation of constipation (including diarrhea) after the birth of a child by abusing the consumption of small amounts of permitted foods.

But this is far from the only reason for the presented confused problem:

  • The first reason is a psychological factor - a woman is simply afraid to go to the toilet, or rather to strain. The cause of fear is the pain that occurs immediately after childbirth, even if it passed without complications - stitches in the perineum, and even more so a caesarean section.
  • The second reason is nutritional disorders. And we are talking not only about eating a meager diet, but also about not considering the menu. So, women in labor who are now determined to breastfeed their baby should pay attention to the menu in the maternity hospital. Based on the proposed dishes, they are guided in the future. Immediately after childbirth, it is important to exclude prohibited foods, dishes and drinks - most of the prohibitions contribute to the stagnation of feces.

This is important: Proper nutrition after childbirth is necessary for improved lactation, intestinal function, and the health of the child. The diet of a nursing mother includes only healthy foods rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements.

How to deal with the problem

Before using suppositories with glycerin for constipation after childbirth, you need to use simple remedies without the use of drugs.

  • You need to drink a lot of liquid - water, compotes, teas, herbal infusions (allowed), soups. The daily fluid intake for a nursing mother is at least 3 liters.
  • Your daily diet should include oatmeal, vegetables and permitted fermented milk products.
  • You should engage in physical activity during the day - walking with your child, cleaning the house and other habitual and obligatory activities contribute to better bowel function.

The presented methods are mandatory to perform immediately after childbirth. This will save the woman from developing constipation and the use of glycerin suppositories.

This is important: If there are no results, after following the recommendations presented above, you should proceed to more significant methods - the use of glycerin suppositories or enemas. Since enemas are addictive, causing slow bowel movements, they are recommended to be used as a last resort. As an emergency measure, the use of a glycerin suppository remains.

Effect of glycerin suppositories for constipation

When asked whether glycerin suppositories are possible during breastfeeding, experts answer positively.

There are several positive application factors here:

  • During breastfeeding, the use of laxatives is prohibited, so “local” drugs are used - suppositories. Glycerin suppositories are inexpensive and more common as postpartum medications.
  • Glycerin has a mild and slight irritation to the intestines, causing it to work better.
  • Glycerin suppositories soften stool, so constipation is eliminated faster.
  • Glycerin suppositories are intended for use during constipation to avoid the occurrence of anal fissures - glycerin envelops the intestinal walls, thereby protecting it from harsh mechanical stress.

Suppositories with glycerin are approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding - they do not affect the production and quality of breast milk. However, taking the drugs presented is allowed only if you have constipation, but without a doctor’s permission.

Contraindications for use

Each package of glycerin preparation contains instructions indicating contraindications for use. It should be studied in full so as not to provoke complications if you have prohibitions for use.

Thus, contraindications for use include the following:

  • Suppositories based on glycerin, although they should be used to facilitate intestinal function, are prohibited for use in the presence of pathologies. If a woman in labor has pathologies in the form of rectal cancer or paraproctitis, the administration of glycerin suppositories should be abandoned.
  • Prohibitions also include the presence of individual intolerance. Since the drugs contain predominantly glycerin, women intolerant to it should avoid using it after childbirth for constipation and other problems.
  • Glycerin suppositories are prohibited for use during periods of exacerbation of hemorrhoids - such administration will only aggravate the situation.

This is important: Suppositories with glycerin cannot be used just like that - to improve intestinal function. Their use occurs in accordance with the instructions - in the presence of already formed constipation, which can be observed for several days. If you are in doubt about the correct use, it is better to consult your doctor.

The intestines of a young breastfed mother are an unusual, but conscientious sensor, which, through its disorder, indicates the presence of errors in the diet. As soon as a woman develops constipation, she should reconsider her diet, and only then start using glycerin suppositories. Of course, they are safe for use in the absence of contraindications - there are even dosages for children. But you should not relax your bowel movements - frequent use of a glycerin preparation can only “relax” peristalsis and face constant problems of lack of stool.