Laima Vaikule real name and surname. Brief biography of Laima Vaikule. Alla Pugacheva and Laima Vaikule


Laima Stanislavovna Vaikule- famous Soviet and Latvian pop singer and actress. People's Artist of Latvia (1995), singing voice- contralto. She is known for such songs as “Vernisage”, “It’s Not Evening Yet”, “Fiddler on the Roof” and “Sherlock Holmes”.

Early years and education of Laima Vaikule

In the family of Laima Vaikule, except for the grandmother who sang in church choir, no one had anything to do with music.

Father - Stanislav Vaikulis- was a worker.

His mother, Yanina, worked as a saleswoman and later became the director of a large store.

Laima Vaikule has an older half-sister and a brother, and one sister.

When Laima was three years old, the family moved to Riga.

Laima Vaikule’s biography on Wikipedia states that, according to the singer’s recollections, she sang almost from the cradle: “In kindergarten I didn’t like sleeping in the afternoon, so I sang. My parents also asked me to sing when guests came. I sang in a low voice, which was funny, unusual, so I was a Diva.”

But as a child, Vaikule did not intend to be a singer; Laima dreamed of becoming a doctor.

“I was the favorite of the family, but very willful. And she always did only what she considered necessary. Difficult child, terrible. At the age of five, I “punished” my parents: I packed my things and left home. At the same time, the older sister said to her mother: “Do you really believe her?” Where will she go!’ But I still left. Around the corner of the house. My parents went looking for me and, thank God, they quickly found me. And I was waiting for them and thinking: “Why are they looking for so long?” But I’m stubborn, if they hadn’t been found, I would have sat there until the morning!” — Laima Vaikule said in an interview.

In the first grades of school, Laima had straight A's in her subjects, but when the girl became interested in singing, the lessons were forgotten.

At the age of 12, Laima first appeared on stage. Vaikule took part in a competition for young singers, which was held at the cultural center of the Riga VEF plant. At the same time, Laima Vaikule received her diploma and began performing with the group.

Still dreaming of becoming a doctor, Laima Vaikule, after finishing the eighth grade, entered the local medical school.

Creative career Limes of Vaikule

But during her studies, at the age of 15, she became a soloist of the Riga Radio and Television Orchestra, which was directed by Raymond Pauls .

Laima Vaikule's talent was noticed Leonid Zahodnik, who, at the time, was working with Raymond Pauls. The walker sang and provided voices for all the singers from Raymond’s orchestra. Leonid took Vaikule to audition with Pauls. After listening to Laima, the maestro approached her and said, clapping her on the shoulder: “Baby, I’ll take you,” Vaikule recalled.

From that moment on, medical education and the idea of ​​becoming a doctor were over.

Laima Vaikule began performing in the popular variety show “Juras Perle” (translated from Latvian as “Sea Pearl”). At first the singer was in a dance orchestra, but gradually became a soloist in a variety show.

Having decided to improve her education, Laima Vaikule entered GITIS. There she studied directing. Except Western material and a host of modern songs, the singer, together with the Laima ensemble, performed Latvian songs. In particular, Vaikule performed the composition “Verokoko” by Raymond Pauls. Performed a song in Russian Valery Leontyev.

Vaikule’s first album “First Season. The Eighties” is dated 1986 in her biography.

Soon, Laima’s career began to achieve success on an all-Union scale. In the mid-80s of the last century, Vaikule was noticed by a songwriter Ilya Reznik. He invited her to record and present it on the radio new song called "Night Fire". With this composition, Laima appeared on the radio, as well as on the TV show “Song-86”. In the same year, Laima Vaikule and Valery Leontyev performed together famous song“Vernissage” (joint work of Pauls and Reznik) at the Soviet-Italian concert of pop stars.

In 1987, Laima took part in creative evening Raymond Pauls. That’s when everyone recognized and fell in love with the singer Soviet Union. True, as Laima Vaikule said, already living in independent Latvia, she does not feel nostalgia for the USSR. And ordinary, benevolent Soviet spectators were attracted to Laima by its “European charm.”

By the way, Laima Vaikule’s attitude towards her Soviet fame and colleagues in show business can be judged by these lines from her biography on the official website. “The name of Laima Vaikule flashed on the musical horizon in the mid-eighties. Unexpected and bright. Everything about the aspiring singer was amazing. She sang differently from everyone else, behaved on stage differently from everyone else, she was unlike anyone else! Laima Vaikule radically stood out from the line of “pop idols” of that time. At that time, there was simply no one in the USSR to compare her with.”

In those years, Laima Vaikule often appeared on television and gained all-Union fame.

Then Vaikule on international festival The Bratislava Lyre in Czechoslovakia received the Golden Lyre award.

While still studying at GITIS, Laima Vaikule prepared her large solo program, which premiered at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in 1988.

Soon American producer Stan Cornelius in 1989 he invited Laim Vaikule to the USA. There she worked on the album for 7 months and recorded in the studio Michael Sembello. In the USA, Vaikule took part in the filming of American programs and signed a contract with the famous recording company MCA/GRP. In the same year, it appeared on American television screens documentary about Laima Vaikul, which was filmed by the Videofilm studio and American filmmakers.

The Western press even called Laima the “Russian Madonna,” according to Vaikule’s biography on the Find Out Everything website.

During her career, Laima Vaikule recorded 10 music albums in Latvia and Russia, 20 million of her discs were sold out by fans from Russia, European countries and the USA. At the annual World Music Awards "93" she received a special prize from the Prince of Monaco.

Laima Vaikule also proved herself as an actress. She began acting in films in 1979.

Her first role was as a singer in a bar in the film “Inspector Gull.” In total, the actress’s filmography includes 13 roles in different paintings. Laima Vaikule appeared in New Year's films on Russian channels, in particular, in "Old Songs about the Main Thing." Vaikule also played Snow Queen in the same name New Year's musical.

Laima Vaikule was a regular guest on music competition « New wave" In addition, the singer constantly appears on television and radio, as well as on holiday concerts.

In 2011, Laima Vaikule became a holder of the Russian Order of Friendship - for her great contribution to the development and strengthening of Russian-Latvian cultural ties, the popularization of modern Russian musical culture in the Republic of Latvia.

Laima Vaikule was awarded the honorary titles “Honored Artist of the Latvian SSR” (1990) and “ People's Artist Republic of Latvia" (1995).

Business Laima Vaikule

Laima Vaikule’s income from concerts in Russia and corporate events is not all that the singer earns.

In 1993, Vaikule decided to go into business. Laima became the founder of the perfume and cosmetics company Laima-Lux International.

Personal life of Laima Vaikule

Laima Vaikule lived in a civil marriage with her producer and former bass player of her ensemble Andrey Latkovsky since 1978. A little later, the couple had a modest wedding in Las Vegas.

In 1991, the artist suffered serious illness. The illness helped her come to faith. Laima Vaikule became an Orthodox Christian.

Laima Vaikule has no children. Show business news reported that Laima Vaikule sacrificed motherhood for the sake of her career, having two abortions. Then Vaikule tried many times to get pregnant, but it didn’t work out. The artist also thought about taking the child from the orphanage, but her confessor dissuaded her.

“I was always sure that I would be the best mother in the world,” said Laima, “it’s in my blood. And there were chances! Twice! But both times the pregnancy ended in abortion. I regret it so much, because I committed murders! Killing my own children... I had to choose between a child and a career, I was just starting to sing, and I had everything ahead of me... Unfortunately, I chose a career. Some time after the second abortion, I decided that it was time to have a child, but all attempts were in vain,” Vaikule was quoted as saying by the Ukrainian channel TSN.

Vaikule’s biography also states that in 2010, at the age of 56, Laima was pregnant using artificial insemination, but suffered a miscarriage.

Laima is a vegetarian for ethical reasons. Laima Vaikule is an active animal defender.

For the last 20 years, the artist has not worn fur and constantly opposes circuses with trained animals.

In the biography on the official website of Laima Vaikule, the singer is rarely satisfied with herself, often changes her home, hairstyle, and clothing style.

Scandal with Crimea

Singer Laima Vaikule honestly answered the question about the possibility of her performing on the Crimean peninsula. The singer gave a mini-interview before the concert in Odessa.

Vaikule replied that she was following political events in the world and the former CIS, therefore he will not conduct provocative conversations, much less discuss topics in which he is not an expert.

The journalist also asked whether Vaikule would give a concert in Crimea.

“I understand perfectly what you are asking me. In general, I am far from politics, but regarding Crimea I can say unequivocally - I will not go there, no matter what fee they offer me,” Vaikule answered.

“We are not allowed, we Europeans,” she added.

This mini-interview caused a great resonance in Russia. For example, the Free Press reported that Joseph Prigogine- a well-known Russian producer - believes that singer Laima Vaikule could have offended many of her fans with her statement about her reluctance to go to Crimea under any pretext. Therefore, in his opinion, she should no longer perform in Russia.

Prigozhin also recalled that the Laima Vaikule “Rendezvous” festival was organized instead of the “New Wave” competition, which was moved to Sochi due to the fact that some Russian stars banned from entering Latvia.

Grigory Ioffe- the head of the Public Chamber of Crimea - commented on the words of Laima Vaikule: “It is unacceptable to consider the Crimean situation through an open or closed wallet. Quality of soul creative person is not measured in pieces of silver,” emphasizing that for many years he was a connoisseur of Vaikule’s creativity.

According to him, you don’t have to perform in Crimea, but you need to understand what’s happening. And approaching the Crimean issue at the level of some kind of sales is intolerable, RIA Novosti reported.

At the same time, he emphasized that Laima Vaikule will soon be included in the “Crimean dossier” by decision of a special monitoring group.

Sergey Tsekov- Senator from the Republic of Crimea, head of the Russian community of the peninsula - made a proposal to punish the singer Laima Vaikule for her refusal to perform in Crimea.

“As for the response, I think she should be banned from performing in our country,” he said. At the same time, Sergei Tsekov is convinced that Vaikule’s words have a political connotation.

Trainer Edgard Zapashny also criticized the statement of the Latvian singer Laima Vaikule that she would not go on tour to Crimea for any money and was glad of the collapse of the USSR.

“Crimea is the territory of Russia, and have the conscience to admit it or have the courage not to visit Russia for concerts at all if your views differ from ours!!! It’s unfortunate when people like you bite the “feeding hand,” but it continues to feed you!” — the trainer wrote on his Instagram, commenting on the news about Vaikul.

According to him, if it were not for the Soviet Union, Vaikule would never have sung like that in Russian, which “fed and watered” the singer throughout her career. As Zapashny noted, the artist does not have a single recognizable song in her native Latvian. He also noted that Vaikule had a chance to refuse the title “Honored Artist of the Latvian SSR,” but at that time she “loved” the USSR.

Famous Soviet and Russian actor Stanislav Sadalsky also spoke about Laima Vaikule.

According to the actor, he, in turn, will not perform in Ukraine while Russians are being insulted in Square.

He also emphasized that he himself had just returned from Latvia, and there he observed a “disgusting attitude towards Russians.”

But Yuri Loza reminded of Laima Vaikule’s Latvian citizenship, as well as the fact that it is in the Baltics that she has a business and even her own festival. Therefore, there is no need for her to spoil relations with her leaders, Loza noted.

“If she were Russian, we would have the right to say something about this. But she is a resident of another country. Why condemn her? It doesn’t go and doesn’t go,” he noted.

Director of the Latvian singer Alexey Yakovlev said that everyone perceives this statement to the extent of their depravity.

“I think it's all twisted and overblown. I think this is not entirely correct,” said director Laima Vaikule.

Well, Laima Vaikule herself said that she was shocked by the reaction to her statements about Crimea. The Latvian singer believes that all her critics are zombies and animals.

“I had no idea that people were such animals. I'll be honest. Maybe because I never watch TV. I think people have gone crazy. They are absolutely zombified. They don’t even hear what they say... Journalists are provocateurs and liars, these are my impressions,” news reports quoted Laima Vaikule as saying in a conversation with Latvian journalists.

Weight loss- 6-7 kg

Application period- 9 days.

Any woman should pay close attention to this diet famous woman. If our other stars allowed themselves to be overweight, then Laima Vaikule was not noticed. With a height of 176 cm, her weight ranges from 50-53 kg . This once again speaks of her correct attitude to nutrition, as well as a thoughtful diet.

It is possible that Lyme was forced to take such careful care of her health by the Illness. But in any case, the singer’s results are impressive.

Laima Vaikule is a vegetarian. Her diet is quite strict. Very often she limits herself to 2-3 meals a day, but she always drinks tea with lemon and honey several times throughout the day to replenish her water balance. In addition, she tries to eat organic foods and practices weekly one-day fasting. He doesn’t eat at night and always tries to get enough sleep. All this allows her to be in good shape, cheerful and energetic.

Here is a comment from the singer herself, which reflects the main principles of her nutrition:

"Sometimes I need to lose 4 kg. Then I start taking active measures, because when light weight losing 4 kg is much more difficult than losing 100 kilograms. Sometimes I fast for a couple of days - I drink only water, tea and coffee and don’t eat anything at all. If this doesn’t help, I go on a 9-day diet.

Laima Vaikule diet menu .

First 3 days- only rice, empty, no salt, no oil, maybe with soy sauce and seasonings.

Second 3 days- only white chicken meat. Under no circumstances is it a chicken leg!

Last 3 days- only apples. 1 day - minus 1 kilogram.

While dieting, try to drink more water, better than spring. You can also use fruit teas without sugar.

In general, I have a long-standing habit that does not depend on the weight category in at the moment: I fast one day a week."

The Laima Vaikule diet is a mono-diet. Its calorie content is limited and therefore such a diet is quite difficult to tolerate, especially the first three days, when one gets used to such a limited diet. Try to go for more walks these days. fresh air and don't overwork yourself.

Repeat the diet no more than once every 1.5-2 months.

Celebrity biography – Laima Vaikule

The Soviet and Latvian pop star, actress, has the title of Knight of the Russian Order of Friendship.


On March 31, 1954, in the small town of Cesis, which was located in the Latvian SSR, a girl was born. Her parents and family as a whole were unremarkable. Dad worked as a worker, and mother began her career as a simple salesman, but rose to the rank of store director. The family had nothing to do with music, but Laima’s grandmother sang in the church choir, perhaps it was from her that her granddaughter inherited her love of music.

In addition to Laima, the family also brought up stepbrother, who was older than her and two also older sisters, one full and one half-step. Lyme was youngest child. When the girl was 3 years old, the family decided to move to Riga.

Laima remembers her childhood with great warmth. She grew up active child and somewhat of a tomboy, she was more attracted to boyish games. She enjoyed playing “Cossack Robbers” and other games involving boys.

Since childhood, she was interested in music and participated in various competitions. Already at the age of 12 she performed in a cultural center from one of the Riga factories. The girl received a diploma for participating in the competition. But no matter how much she liked the music, she continued adult life she did not connect with her even in her thoughts. After finishing 8th grade, Laima entered medical school.

And already at the age of 15 she performed as a soloist in the Riga Orchestra, led by Raymond Pauls. Their acquaintance happened by chance. Laima's teacher brought her to an audition, where the girl managed to impress the composer.

Path to glory

Since 1979, the singer began performing in Jurmala, it was a fairly famous variety show “Juras Perle”.

Collaboration with Raymond Pauls allowed the singer to achieve all the success that awaited her. He contributed to the creation of her image, which was completely non-Soviet, which attracted the attention of the viewer. The songs were also full of vibrancy and personality.

Five years later, Laima decides to continue her education at GITIS, choosing the directing department. The singer's repertoire included songs mainly in Latvian.

Studying allowed the singer to also become a director of her own concert programs, which could be remembered thanks to the bright show.

In the same year, the singer received the Golden Lyre prize; she performed with the song “Vernissage” in Czechoslovakia at an international festival.

In 1988, Laima co-founded the Jurmala competition, which has been running successfully for many years now. Young talented singers can take part in this competition.

Over the following years, music albums were recorded that were destined to become successful; they were sold not only in the USSR, but also far beyond its borders, for example, in European countries, America and Japan. Laima has fans all over the world.

The singer is often invited to the New Wave competition for young talents.

In total, the singer has 10 recorded music albums. Millions of fans from all over the world post-Soviet space she is idolized. However, the greatest peak in her musical career can be called the 90s of the last century.

In 1991, Laima Vaikule was treated for a serious illness. These difficult days helped her find her worldview, rethink it and come to faith in God. The singer converted to Orthodox Christianity.

Since 1993, the singer decided, in addition to concert activities also do business. She was one of the organizers of the Laima-Lux International company, which produced cosmetics and perfumes.
In 1995, the singer’s album entitled “I went out to Piccadilly” was released; it brought her mega fame and the love of the audience.

The next step in conquering the pinnacle of her career was Laima’s acquaintance with Igor Krutoy, who brought her work to the forefront. new way, combining modern musical style and the classics inherent in the singer’s performance style.

Film career

Besides musical career, Laima Vaikule, starting in 1979, actively acted in films. She has more than 13 films to her credit. The most famous are “The Snow Queen” and “Women’s Happiness”.

Personal life

The singer is married to Andrei Latkovsky, he played with her in the same group and was a bass player. The couple has been married since 1978. No children. Laima met her future husband in 1970, and only 8 years later they began to live in a civil marriage. But a little later they decided to celebrate the wedding in Las Vegas. The ceremony was modest, without pomp and unnecessary luxury. But where there are feelings, there is no point.

Laima loves animals very much and actively advocates for their protection. She is a vegetarian.

Laima Vaikule, at 63 years old, which is how old this actress of Latvian origin turned in 2017, looks great. If we compare the photos of Laima Vaikule early and later years or, as they say now, before and after, you can see that at 50-60 years old, she looked much more interesting and attractive than at thirty or twenty. Unique! Maybe the whole point is that Laima Vaikule changed her hair color? Dyed your dark brown hair blonde? She also changed the shape of her eyebrows, now they are beautifully curved, painted in a color that matches her hair color, wide and moderately thick. An ideally selected stylist does wonders for Laima Vaikule’s appearance. As far as I understand, for more than twenty years Laima Vaikule has been using the services of a stylist and makeup artist Sergei Usov, working under the pseudonym Striga. This guy appears next to Laima Vaikule so often at all sorts of events that if you search for “Laima Vaikule and her husband Andrei Latkovsky,” you will see exactly this guy next to the famous singer, and not her real life partner.

Some media outlets don’t bother and mistake her stylist Sergei for Laima’s husband, because he is almost always nearby. Laima got used to it magical hands and not a single one of her public appearances can be done without him. Indeed, the guy works wonders, he gives Laima Vaikule a variety of hairstyles and makeup, and they all suit her very well. For many years now, Laima Vaikule has never been in trouble with her images.

Did you do it?Laima Vaikule plastic surgery? You won’t find photos online in which the singer looks old and unkempt, there’s nothing like other artists where the oval of her face becomes deformed and her cheeks sag, and suddenly she suddenly looks younger and becomes beautiful, fit and young again. Nothing like that - Lyma is always in shape, the only thing that changes is the number of facial wrinkles, but hyaluronic acid, massages, hardware procedures, peelings, masks can cope with them, now a lot of things have been invented in cosmetology - if only there was money and time. Therefore, it seems to me that there are some gentle procedures, but they are all done very competently with minimal aggressive effects on the body. All to simply maintain beauty.

Although after the age of sixty Laima Vaikule clearly had plastic surgery, because if before the age of 60 it is quite possible to look great thanks to excellent genes and self-care, then miracles usually don’t happen after that. Laima Vaikule is thin, so she did not have any significant age-related changes. Always irresistible and delightful. Competent make-up is discreet, but emphasizing the artist’s merits, the hair is dyed perfectly, the hand of the artist is visible. And Laima Vaikule herself has excellent taste, she is ready to experiment, and that’s what I like - she never exposes her body to everyone.

In the middle is Laima Vaikule.

Well, yes, this happened when she was young, when she worked in a variety show, but already for many, many years All her costumes are extremely elegant, occasionally this artist wears something with a deep neckline and still it all looks decent and dignified People's Artist. I admire the beauty and talent of this woman, her unique voice, pleasant appearance, amazing non-publicity and non-scandalousness.

Laima Vaikule has never been married, but at the same time she has been with her for more than forty years devoted friend and a colleague - Andrei Latkovsky, she met him when she was a 16-year-old girl, she could not stand this guy for a year and avoided him in every possible way, although they worked in the same team, and two years later Laima and Andrei began to live together. Andrei Latkovsky considers Laima Vaikule his wife, but she prefers to say that she is a free woman. What kind of relationship they have there is difficult for the common man to understand. Not everything is as simple and banal as with traditional married couples.

Laima Vaikule is a unique woman, she is not the kind of wife that most people are married women. That is, she doesn’t boil borscht, doesn’t fry cutlets for future use, doesn’t iron shirts and doesn’t try to please her husband; the most she can do for him is make tea or coffee. This woman is a cat who walks on her own, but who wants to have a cozy home to which she wants to return after a long and tiring tour. Laima Vaikule strong woman, she forces everyone to play by her rules, and her husband Andrei Latkovsky is no exception; she also experimented on him, for example, she specifically punished him with her inattention. Laima believes that there is no one better than her in the whole world. And despite the fact that Laima is still a dictator, her husband still cannot be called henpecked, it’s rare that the demanding Laima Vaikule could stand a man next to her, but she loves when people listen to her, but Andrei Latkovsky does not have a very pliable character, at least so says our heroine.

Today, Andrei Latkovsky remains in the shadow of his wife, many know that he exists, exists, and for some time he was even the administrator of his illegitimate wife, her concert director, but later Laima decided that in this way her beloved was too dependent on her and her will, she was afraid to stop respecting him and insisted that he take care of his own business. Laima Vaikule's husband Andrei Latkovsky and his wife were in both sorrow and joy when many years ago the singer found out that she had cancer, he was the only one she needed at that moment, who was worried almost as much as she was. In the most bitter moment, he said that if Laima had nothing left to live, they would get into the car together, accelerate and crash into the wall. Laima Vaikule appreciated the words of her beloved. It’s an amazing thing, although they are not officially married and Laima Vaikule feels like a cat that walks on its own, she would not want Andrei Latkovsky to ever leave her, she also believes that she will never be able to stop loving her friend and comrade, she is confident in her feelings. And this is no longer just love and respect, it is no longer passion, this is not a banal habit of being close - it is something more. This is some kind of cosmic relationship. Laima Vaikule is confident that Andrei Latkovsky is faithful and devoted to her. Laima Vaikule does not wear gold and diamonds; she believes that her treasure is her husband Andrei, mother and dogs. The couple has no children, but they don’t regret it. The only thing that saddens Laima is that in her youth she had abortions.

Laima Vaikule in her youth had sunken cheeks.

Photoshop changes Laima Vaikule beyond recognition.

In this photo, Laima Vaikule is in the middle.

Photo of Laima Vaikule in her youth.

On the left is Laima Vaikule, this is one of her first performances.

Laima Vaikule's parents.

Children's photos of Laima Vaikule.

As a brunette.

With her husband Andrei Latkovsky.

To the left of the singer is her husband Andrei.

Laima Vaikule – famous singer and an actress who has also mastered production, and simply an amazing woman. Her creative path from youth to the very peak of fame is truly impressive. Many people think that the life of celebrities is cloudless and filled with nothing but happiness, but in reality this is not the case.

As stated in the title of one famous film- The rich cry too. The life of Mrs. Vaikule is also not without bitter moments. But still she managed to achieve incredible success.

Height, weight, age. How old is Laima Vaikule

From the very beginning of her career, Laima Vaikule impressed fans with her appearance, and everyone immediately became interested in her height, weight, and age. She herself does not hide how old Laima Vaikule is. This talented woman is already 63 years old. And she manages to keep it surprisingly good figure. With a fairly tall height of 176 centimeters, the singer weighs 63 kilograms.

She really takes good care of herself. However, if you look at the photo of Laima Vaikule in her youth and now, you might think that she did plastic surgery. At least, this is what fans suspected her of when they saw her video congratulations on March 8 on Instagram.

Biography of Laima Vaikule

Laima Vaikule ( real name- Vaikulis) was born on March 31, 1954, in the Latvian town of Cesis. Her father, Stanislav Vaikulis, and mother, Yanina Vaikulis, were ordinary working people. The singer also has a pair of older sisters and a brother. She herself did not plan to become a singer. The only one in their family who was at least somehow connected with creativity was their grandmother - she sang in the church choir. And Laima simply sang because she liked it.

The family moved to Riga when Laima was only three years old.

The girl’s talent for singing appeared in childhood, but Laima herself saw herself as a doctor. It is worth noting that the girl had a rather rebellious character - she preferred running around with boys to playing with girls, and at times even ran away from home.

If we talk about school years, then studying was very easy for her, however, over time, school lost its priority for the future singer. She began to devote more time to creativity.

Laima Vaikule’s biography as a singer began when the girl was only 12. She performed in a group at a young talent competition.

Without losing her dream of becoming a doctor, after graduation Laima entered the medical university. But even during her training, she did not forget to practice singing. Even when Laima was 15, she was hired to sing in the city orchestra, which, by the way, was directed by Raymond Pauls.

In 1984, Laima decided to join GITIS in the directing department. At the same time, the girl continued to sing various compositions, from foreign ones to those that were in Pauls’ repertoire. The style of singing became her peculiar " business card" You can recognize her even with your eyes closed, just by her voice.

Recently, fans began to wonder if their favorite had undergone plastic surgery. Requests like: “Lima Vaikule in her youth photo” often began to appear on the Internet. It is worth admitting that the woman has really changed.

Vaikule began to take her first steps towards fame in the 80s, when she met the songwriter Ilya Reznik. Then the young singer sang completely new songs for the first time, which quickly gained popularity. The young performer was simply bombarded with offers for radio broadcasts and filming in television programs.

But Laima really became famous after her performance at the author’s evening of Raymond Pauls. One of the most popular and truly memorable songs was “Vernissage” - a duet with Valery Leontyev.

In the early 90s, Vaikule became known abroad. Namely, in America. They even released a documentary about the singer, which only strengthened her popularity in the States. Interesting fact: American fans even compared Vaikule to the singer Madonna. But ultimately, Laima decided to return home. At that time, the Soviet Union had already collapsed, and Latvia became an independent state.

Over the course of her entire career, she released ten music albums, which were listened to by fans almost all over the world.

And in the famous competition “Jurmala” Vaikule not only sang herself, but was also constantly on the jury.

One of the most memorable performances was “Baltic Romance” in a duet with Boris Moiseev.

Few people know, but Vaikule even starred in thirteen films, which proves Laima’s talent not only as a singer.

Personal life of Laima Vaikule

If you thought this woman had mass whirlwind romances, you are wrong. Laima Vaikule's entire personal life consists of her first and only husband- Andrei Latkovsky, who, part-time, produces her activities. Vaikule met him back in the 70s and, by the way, was not at all worried about the lack of a stamp in her passport.

They got married only after 30 years (!) of relationship. Moreover, without making a special holiday out of this event. And they still live, soul to soul.

Family of Laima Vaikule

Laima Vaikule's family - her parents and sisters and brother - were ordinary working people. His father worked at the company, and his mother started as a salesman, but eventually rose to the rank of store director. Later, the producer and he became the woman’s family common law husband- Andrey. It is known that in the 90s Vaikule was diagnosed with cancer, but she overcame the disease thanks to the support of her lover.

The singer adores her husband, but it is interesting that she does not express her feelings for him in public, preferring simpler and more modest names for “husband” or “beloved.”

Children of Laima Vaikule

The true reason for this was and remains unknown, but the children of Laima Vaikule are something that the singer and her beloved husband never had and do not have to this day. Maybe it's all about health. Or maybe the reason is that she decided to devote herself entirely to the stage and creativity.

One way or another, both Laima and her husband do not give any clear answers to questions on this topic. And in general they try to avoid this direction. Nevertheless, they have been happy together for more than forty years. And young people should definitely follow their example. The couple live happily, even despite the absence of their own children.

Laima Vaikule's husband - Andrey Latkovsky

Laima Vaikule’s husband, Andrei Latkovsky, is the only man she has ever loved. The current spouses have lived in a civil marriage for three decades. According to the performer herself, she simply did not consider the presence of a stamp in her passport to be something really important. But still, about ten years ago, she and Andrei got married.

For her, Latkovsky is not only a husband and producer, but also a faithful friend, and very close person, who really follows her through both fire and water. The couple is happy together, even despite the absence of children. Although the press suspects that the singer’s infertility is to blame, neither she nor Latkovsky himself reveal the true reasons.

Instagram and Wikipedia Laima Vaikule

The performer does not want to lag behind life and other celebrities, which is why Laima Vaikule’s Instagram and Wikipedia can easily be found on the Internet, in free access. For example, over 180 thousand people have subscribed to her Instagram profile. There, the singer posts pictures and videos from various events and from behind the scenes. Young performers with whom the artist performs in a duet are often included in the frame. Laima is a positive and cheerful person, which is why she always smiles brightly in the photo.

And you can learn a lot about Vaikul from Wikipedia interesting facts. For example, such that Laima does not eat meat. And she is an ardent defender of animals. Also, she does not wear real fur. And also the fact that Laima smokes. And although he admits that the habit is bad, he is in no hurry to get rid of it. Article found on