Who is the most beautiful on this earth. The most beautiful people on the planet according to People magazine. Margot Robbie is a beautiful woman from Australia


The Almighty chose the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) from among all His creations, both for external beauty, and for the coherence of the body, and for all-round perfection. Those who were lucky enough to see the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), describing him, said: “My eyes have not seen, as probably the eyes of others have not seen, a more perfect and beautiful person than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).”

The companion of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him!) noted: “I have not seen anything more beautiful than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). It seemed that his face was the sun. When he smiled, the walls lit up.”

Ibn Abu Khalat (may Allah be pleased with him!) said : “His face radiated a radiance like the moon on a full moon night.” Muaz said to his son: “O my son, if you saw the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), it would seem to you that he is like the rising sun.” Jabir bin Sumrat noted: “One night I looked at the full moon and at the same time at the face of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). I swear by Allah, it seemed to me that his face was more beautiful than the full moon!”

Amr bin al-Asi said: “I couldn’t get enough of the amazing beauty and charm of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). If someone asks me to describe his face, I will not be able to do it.”

The elders and closest companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), being fascinated by his beauty, were unable to describe it. Basically, his beauty was described by those companions who were younger in age. One of them described it with these verses:

Meaning: “Allah created you pure from all shortcomings, as if asking you yourself: were you created the way you wanted?”

The noble hadith says, that Allah gave Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) only half of beauty. Seeing its beauty, the women whom Zuleikha invited to visit cut their hands with the knives they used to peel the fruit. That is, enchanted by his beauty, they did not feel pain. This is mentioned in the Holy Quran. If the Almighty gave the Prophet Yusuf (peace and blessings be upon him) half of beauty, then He gave the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) complete and perfect beauty. However, Allah, taking pity on his community, covered his beauty with greatness. If it were not so, then people fascinated by him would cut not only their hands, but also their hearts.

Describing the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Husayniya Muhammad from the village of Gigatl (may Allah be pleased with him) writes:

“Beautiful in body, bright in face,

Our holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is of medium height.

Everyone is embarrassed by the beauty of his eyes,

And his eyebrows are like the Arabic letter “nun”.

And the speech is perfect, like the trill of a bird of paradise,

And every word is sweeter than bee honey.

And the cheeks are the most beautiful rose,

And his figure is slimmer than a golden arrow.

And the skin is whiter than the whitest paper,

hair blacker than ink,

Thick beard, braids - as if made of silk.

Shining like the sun illuminating the earth

He sees everything - both in front and behind.”

Alihaji from Inkho (may Allah be pleased with him) writes:

More beautiful in appearance than Yusuf (peace be upon him), son of Yakub (peace be upon him).

Even though he eats and sleeps, he is always in the bath,

Whether you eat or drink, everything comes in like light.

No one can describe his height,

And our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is like a mirror.”

He also writes:

Scientists are losing knowledge, thinkers are losing their minds,

Except for the Creator, all people are fascinated by him.

I want to praise - my tongue gets tired,

I want to think - my brain gets tired,

Your hand will get tired of writing, it is impossible to describe it.

His pearl shoulder blades, and between them a seal,

It says “Muhammadun Mansurun” in large handwriting.

His head is round, and his neck is like a silver vessel,

Mahmudun, Hamid, Hashir, Akib,

Mahi, Siraj, Munir.

The mouth is beautiful, the tongue is eloquent, and the teeth are amber,

Although the eyes sleep, the heart never sleeps.

The straight and thin nose is beautiful, and the eyebrows are like the Arabic “nun”.

Energetic and lively - this is Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) - our Prophet.

No one can really describe our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

The care and attention that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) paid to personal hygiene

The beloved Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) bathed every week. He always washed his hands before eating, trimmed his mustache and nails once a week, and said that faith and religion are based on cleanliness.

The smell of his sweat was more fragrant than musk. He combed his hair and anointed it with oils, tinted his eyes with antimony. After eating, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) brushed his teeth, every time before going to bed and waking up, before performing prayers and after them, he cleaned his teeth with a siwak (a natural toothpick made from the roots of the arak tree). He always kept his clothes clean and wore them neatly and neatly, called on people to maintain cleanliness, and ordered them to keep their houses, courtyards and mosques clean.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was constantly in ablution, monitored body hygiene and always maintained cleanliness in appearance.

People magazine traditionally named this year's most beautiful person in the world, and the winner once again was actress Julia Roberts. Perhaps there are more obvious candidates for this role, but the magazine’s jury is categorical and not always objective. We explain how selection occurs and what is needed to win the competition.

Julia Roberts, 2017.

Jennifer Aniston, 2016.

Michelle Pfeiffer, 1999.

Cindy Crawford, 1993.

Courteney Cox, 1993.

To be on People's list, you only need three things. We're not sure that's how People defines the world's most handsome man, but the 27 winners of the title (first awarded in 1990) share three main traits.

1. Be famous.

Nicole Kidman, 2002.

To be famous in this case means that the candidate meets at least one of these criteria: he receives the attention of the press, played a major or minor role in a sensational American blockbuster, or is a superstar known all over the world.

2. Be a woman.

Christina Applegate, 2009.

This must be a heterosexual woman - at least this is how she needs to position herself in public space.

Kate Hudson, 2008.

It's better to be blonde.

Meg Ryan, 1994.

Jodie Foster, 1992.

But you can also be a brunette.

Catherine Zeta-Jones, 2001.

Angelina Jolie, 2006.

3. Be a white woman.

Gwyneth Paltrow, 2013.

Drew Barrymore, 2007.

Michelle Pfeiffer, 1990.

As is usually the case with rules, there are exceptions. You can be black - but only if you are the first black woman to win an Oscar for best actress.

Halle Berry, 2003.

There is another option - to be one of the few black actresses to receive an Oscar for a supporting role.

Lupita Nyong'o, 2014.

Among the 179 women who won the Academy Awards for Lead Actress and Supporting Actress, only eight actresses were black, making the disparity even starker than among People's Most Beautiful People: three were black out of 27 winners.

A win-win is to just be Beyoncé Knowles. 2012

It's okay to be Latina, but only if you're one of the most powerful female performers in history. Jennifer Lopez is the only Latina to top People's Most Beautiful People list.

Jennifer Lopez, 2011.

Another exception on the list is the white male. His excuse is that he is one of the highest paid actors of all time.

Leonardo DiCaprio, 1998.

Of the 27 most beautiful people in the world, 24 are women. Only Mel Gibson (1996), Tom Cruise (1997) and Leonardo DiCaprio (1998) managed to successfully compete with them.

So, for People to name you the most beautiful person in the world, you have to be truly famous for being a straight white woman.

Sandra Bullock, 2015.

It's great if you're Jennifer Aniston or Michelle Pfeiffer: both have topped the People list twice.

And the best thing is to be Julia Roberts: she was recognized as the most beautiful in the world a record five times. In 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2017.

Flipping through bright pictures of magazines, we constantly see beautiful faces. Having asked ourselves the question why many beautiful faces disappear like a mirage, while some remain in people’s memories forever, we began to look for an answer. And they found it in a quote from a classic: “No outer charm can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty.” And then we compiled the TOP 10 celebrities who, in our opinion, are the most beautiful people in the world.

Princess Diana

This is a woman who did not have perfect appearance. But the light coming from the depths of her soul illuminated everything around. A woman with such a difficult and tragic fate is a woman with a capital letter. She was able not to lose kindness on her difficult life path. And the love she gave to the world was immeasurable. Diana devoted her short life to charity. While engaged in peacekeeping activities, the princess became an active fighter against AIDS and a member of the movement fighting to stop the production of anti-personnel mines. Lady Di rightfully bears the name Queen of Hearts.

Angelina Jolie

The most popular actress and director. A woman with such attractive facial features that it is impossible to take your eyes off. Mother of six children, three of whom are adopted. Think about how big a person’s heart must be to decide to raise a child that is not their own. Angelina actively participates in humanitarian missions. He is a goodwill ambassador and founder of several charitable organizations.


Pop queen of the scene. She is used to shocking the audience with her stage images. But little is written about this singer’s charity, because she prefers not to advertise such actions. But Madonna donated funds for the construction of a school in Malawi, helped victims of the earthquake in Haiti, and provided assistance to a boarding school for sick children.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey - who hasn't heard this name? The most famous TV presenter and public figure. A woman born into a poor family was able to independently reach heights in the media space. Recognized as one of the most influential women in the world. Oprah once promised to help poor children and kept her word. Oprah donates hundreds of millions of dollars to education, including paying for about 400 grants at Atlanta College.

Natalia Vodianova

The most popular Russian model. Looking at the figure of the fashion model, you can’t tell that this is a mother of three children. In addition to her own career, Natalya organizes charity events taking place in London and Moscow. The collected funds are transferred to sick children. Vodianova is also the president of her own charitable foundation, Naked Hearts.

Brad Pitt

Successful actor. Conqueror of women's hearts. Darling of fate. All this can be said about one side of Brad Pitt's life. The tabloids never tire of covering his past relationships (Jennifer Aniston) and present ones (Angelina Jolie). But there are other interesting aspects of his life. After all, Brad is one of the founders of a foundation that helps people in need around the world. The actor annually donates millions of dollars to charity: the restoration of New Orleans from a hurricane, cancer research, a program to reduce mortality in the world and much more.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Handsome man. His name makes women tremble with delight. The actor heads a wildlife rescue company. He is a UN Ambassador. Donates funds to create nature reserves in the oceans.

Matt Damon

The famous actor is the co-founder of an organization that deals with the problem of providing clean water to residents of developing countries. In his busy schedule, Matt finds time for charity.

Justin Bieber

Popular singer. Handsome young man. Despite his rather young age, Justin is already actively involved in charity work. The singer donated funds to a New York children's hospital. And participates in the construction of schools in developing countries.

Konstantin Khabensky

His charismatic appearance attracts the attention of his fans. The images he created make women fall in love with him again and again. But few people know that this actor is the founder of a fund to help children with cancer. Khabensky is also an active participant in the movement for the rights of orphans.

“Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart,” D.H. once wrote. Gibran.

Beauty has always been a rather relative concept. Despite this, from time to time periodicals allow themselves to create and publish various ratings. No matter how subjective they are, they still have their own meaning for people. Let's try to create our own version of the rating. Let's start, perhaps, with the beautiful half of humanity.

1., a talented actress, and recently also a producer. She has starred in more than a hundred films and has won the prestigious Academy Award for Best Actress. She is the highest paid actress in the world. Despite such a busy work schedule, Julia has three children.

2., actress and sex symbol of our time. The “beautiful people of the world” rating cannot do without her, because, in addition to becoming a producer and director of excellent films, she is also a mother of many children. At thirty-five years old, Angelina is for many the standard of female beauty.

3., another blockbuster star. She became known for her roles in the films “Star Trek” and “Avatar”. She began her acting career by acting in theaters and very soon was noticed by film producers because of her extravagant appearance, which mixed several nationalities.

4. The fourth place in our ranking is occupied. Many beautiful people would dream of being as popular as she is. At twenty-five years old, she not only starred in a huge number of films, but also already managed to become a professional director. Together with her legal husband Ryan Reynolds, Scarlett makes the most beautiful couple in Hollywood.

5., was born in California and became famous thanks to her role in the very popular TV series “Friends” at the time. It was for this that she was awarded the prestigious Golden Globe and Emmy awards. At one time, she even received a personal star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

1. . Born in 1980. He started his career by working in the modeling business. The first debut on the screen was a video for the song by Ricky Martin. After this, there were many roles in various films, often in duets with equally famous actors.

2. . Actor, model and musician rolled into one. He became famous on the wide screen thanks to the vampire saga “Twilight”, where he played one of the main roles.

3.. He began acting in films at the age of eleven, and was a contender for an Oscar. Now he not only plays roles in films, but also takes an active part in many social programs.

4. Brad Pitt, a handsome guy whose photo never leaves the pages of glossy magazines. Famous actor, screenwriter and director. He was nominated four times for the most popular cinematic award, the Oscar. Became the winner of the Golden Globe. He has been breaking women's hearts for many years, but remains faithful to his wife Angelina Jolie.

5.. Born in Scotland, in the family of a plumber and a secretary. He honed his acting skills in several theaters. In 1996 he made his debut in the film “Little Faces”. Then there were roles in several TV series and large-scale historical films. Married, has two children, a boy and a girl.