Who is the winner of the last battle of psychics, season 18. Timofey Rudenko became the winner of the “Battle of Psychics”


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In the article you will learn short biography all the winners of the show Battle of Psychics on TNT, as well as what the participants are doing after the project.

17 seasons of the Battle of Psychics project have already passed, each winner is remembered by television viewers.

Often, the winners of the project take part in another show on the TNT channel - Psychics conduct an investigation, where they help investigate criminal cases or mystical stories.

Season 1 - Natalya Vorotnikova

Natalya Vorotnikova is a healer, an extraordinary personality, the winner of the 1st season of the reality show “Battle of Psychics.”

Natalya was born in the spring of 1976 into a family of hereditary healers. As a child, the girl experienced two clinical deaths, after which she began to exhibit psychic abilities. Vorotnikova predicted destinies with extreme accuracy different people. Having received a matriculation certificate, the girl entered a medical university, from which she graduated with honors.

In 2007, Natalya decided to prove to the whole world that she really has super powers. She passed the casting in new project Russian channel TNT “Battle of Psychics”. From the first episode, Vorotnikova showed what she was capable of and immediately broke into the top three of the most powerful magicians in Russia. In the finale of the show, the clairvoyant described in great detail the plane crash and the surviving girl and deservedly took first place.

After the end of the project, Vorotnikova flew to America to participate in similar show James Randy. In 2011, the healer returned to Russia and appeared in the program “The Investigation is Conducted by Psychics,” where she helped law enforcement agencies establish the causes of mysterious incidents.

You can find out more about Natalya Vorotnikova.

Season 2 - Zulia Radjabova

Zulia was born in the fall of 1985, although this is not the exact date of her birth because the girl hides her age. As a child, she was fond of judo.

Having received her matriculation certificate, Radjabova entered the faculty of " Practical psychology" After graduating, she went to get a second education in Moscow, where she became a certified psychotherapist.

Zulia began to guess about her unusual abilities back in early age , but the girl was afraid of them like fire. Having experienced 3 clinical deaths, she began to listen to her thoughts and feelings. Show the world your secret abilities The Dagestani woman decided only in 2007.

Radjabova became the brightest and strongest participant in the rating project “Battle of Psychics.” She coped brilliantly with all the tests, leaving no chance for the other participants in the show to win. After the end of the transmission, the seer continued to practice magic. You can contact her for help on her official website and social network Vkontakte.

You can find out more about Zulia Radjabova.

Season 3 - Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

The Iranian clairvoyant was born in the summer of 1973 into a large family. From an early age, Mehdi saw unusual images, felt the energy of living people and objects. At first, the boy was afraid even to tell his parents about his visions, but gradually he learned to interpret them.

At the age of 9, Vafa predicted tragic events that happened in his family and country. At night he was tormented by terrible nightmares, he screamed and unintelligibly told some terrible things.

At the age of 18, Mehdi Ebrahimi left parents' house, and went to the mountains, where he lived alone for several years. Then he went to Moscow, where he received two higher education specialty: dentist and psychologist.

In 2007, Vafa became a member of the popular television show"The fight of extrasensories". The most difficult test for the magician on the project was the final search for a girl who was hidden in one of the capital's 16 high-rise buildings.

Mehdi Ebrahimi went in search of her late at night, and coped with the task brilliantly. This is how he received the coveted cup for the winner of season 3 of the “Battle of Psychics.”

Now Vafa is trying to practice extrasensory perception less, because it takes a lot of vital energy. The healer studies psychology, writes poems, paintings, and parables.

Season 4 - Tursunoy Zakirova

Tursunoy was born into a family in which her mother’s grandmother and sister had supernormal abilities. At the age of 18, Zakirova got married and lived with her husband for 27 years. They had three children.

As a result of a difficult birth, Zakirova developed a breast tumor. Treatment did not bring any results for 14 years, and the death of her mother aggravated the disease.

In despair, the woman prayed day and night, when she suddenly saw a rosary made of 121 grains. The next day, Tursunoy went to the local shaman and asked to make the same ones. From that moment on, Zakirova has not parted with them. The rosary was as if under a spell, the woman’s illness was relieved, and she began to practice healing.

In 2008, Tursunoy took part in the 4th season of the reality show “Battle of Psychics”. The magical attributes of the Tajik healer: a knife, a scarf, a rosary, frightened all the participants, presenters and television viewers. She demonstrated the wonders of skillful knife use.

After the final test, which the healer won, she was taken to the hospital in a pre-heart attack condition. The woman was very nervous and spent a lot of energy, which did not have time to recover.

Now Zakirova works at the center " Magic power", helps ordinary people cope with various life circumstances and illnesses.

Season 5 - Liliya Khegai

Lilia Khegai was born on July 4, 1965 in sunny Tajikistan. A woman hides all personal information about herself in every possible way, protecting herself and her loved ones from ill-wishers. In 2008, Khegai met numerous fans and television viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” project, where the woman introduced herself as a clairvoyant, multidisciplinary diagnostician, healer and magician.

For most of the participants in season 5, Lilia was the toughest and strongest opponent, because the woman didn’t communicate with anyone, she just smoked on the sidelines. Khegai's ability to foresee the future and return to the past led her to victory.

Many famous businessmen turn to the Tajik seer for help in order to negotiate a deal for a successful outcome or to identify dishonest partners. Khegai also helps ordinary people: relieves them of various harmful addictions, removes damage and the evil eye.

Now Lilia continues to engage in psychic activities, raises two sons and meets with her beloved man.

You can find out more about Lilia Khegai.

Season 6 - Alexander Litvin

Alexander is a native of Troitsk Chelyabinsk region. Since childhood, he was a calm, reasonable, inquisitive child. He did well at school, which helped him get admitted medical school. After graduating, Litvin went straight for the second and received a pharmacist’s diploma.

Then he entered the armed forces as a military doctor. Due to his length of service, the man was demobilized and returned to hometown, where he got a job at customs.

Litvin skillfully applied practical knowledge in psychology - he identified lawbreakers. Then, he got bored with this type of activity, he created his own website - “Alexander Litvin’s Laboratory”, where Alexander helps people accept complex solutions or do right choice. His entire methodology is based on basic knowledge physics, chemistry and own intuition.

In 2008, Alexander passed the casting for season 6 of the “Battle of Psychics”, became a leader among magicians, healers, clairvoyants and sorcerers of the project.

The man went through all the tests with his eyes closed, relying on his own intuitive methodology. So Litvin became the winner of the sensational show “Battle of Psychics.”

Now Alexander conducts online consultations, is engaged in scientific and historical research, and is also raising two young sons.

You can find out more about Alexander Litvin.

Season 7 - Alexey Pokhabov

Alexey was born on November 28, 1983, and was raised in a simple, poor family that had nothing to do with magic and extrasensory perception. At the age of six, the boy first experienced an extraordinary feeling - his soul left his body and then returned. After 13 years, a similar transformation occurred with Alexey, caused by severe stress.

This time the guy took it seriously, shared it with his close friends, but they didn’t understand him. Ignoring this, Pokhabov began working on his gift and completed Boris Mamonov’s extrasensory perception courses. The young man changed his social circle to like-minded people.

In 2009, Alexey decided to audition for the “Battle of Psychics”, and became a participant. Pokhabov has repeatedly spoken out about the paraphernalia and various tinsel that many participants use.

The magician considers this a decoration, because all the power is in the human mind. A young and handsome clairvoyant from Achinsk became the winner of the 7th season of the reality show “Battle of Psychics.”

Now the stately self-taught magician Alexey Pokhabov runs his own specialized center for extrasensory abilities “Arcanum”, writes thematic books and buys expensive cars.

You can find out more about Alexey Pokhabov.

Season 8 - Vladimir Muranov

Vladimir was born in the winter of 1974 in one of the cities near Moscow. Muranov's childhood was cheerful and carefree. On weekends, he and his family visited parks, the circus, exhibitions and concerts.

After graduating from school, Alexey entered the motor transport college. Then he was drafted into the army, after service he got a job in a construction company.

At the age of 27, Muranov became very ill, but medicine was powerless. Therefore, the guy turned to traditional healers and witches for help. They helped him get back on his feet and discover beyond his abilities.

Vladimir came to the “Battle of Psychics” project by accident. Initially he came to support his close friend, who was casting. There Muranov met Alexei Pokhabov, the winner of the 7th season of the reality show. At his insistence, Muranov passed the selection and became a participant in the 8th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

All the tests were very difficult for Alexey; his external calm was the result of taking large doses of sedatives. The guy pulled himself together in time and became the winner of the project. After the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexey received a certificate as a traditional healer and became the author of his own methodology, which he uses to conduct training seminars on clairvoyance and healing.

Season 9 - Natalya Banteeva

Natalya was born on February 16, 1975 in Leningrad. At the age of 4, she acquired supernatural abilities, which manifested themselves in the girl after the death of her grandmother, a hereditary sorceress. Banteeva grew up as a secretive, uncommunicative child.

The relationship between Natalia and her mother was difficult. The woman repeatedly took the girl to a mental hospital, where she was treated for schizophrenia. At the age of 18, Banteeva found herself without a roof over her head and without a means of subsistence. To survive, the girl used her gift to gambling. Then Banteeva went to prison, where she served almost three years.

Natalya’s mother decided on a desperate act - she declared her daughter missing, and later identified her in an unknown corpse. Upon release, Banteeva went to a monastery, where she stayed for about a year. Having restored her health, the sorceress began to help ordinary people resolve various life situations.

After the first episode of the 9th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” aired, old acquaintances recognized the deceased Natalya in one of the participants in the project. The woman sincerely expected that her mother would see her and want to meet her, but, unfortunately, this did not happen. Strong, tough, wise Banteeva flawlessly passed all the tests that led her to victory in season 9 of the “Battle of Psychics.”

Now Natalya Banteeva runs her own center for personal development where it provides assistance to all those in need. She hosts receptions and teaches talented people esoteric sciences. Natalya is also the leader of the “Wake Up” movement, within which she has traveled to many Russian cities with seminars and performances.

You can find out more about Natalya Banteeva.

Season 10 - Mohsen Norouzi

Mohsen was born in early December 1960, raised in a large family with five boys and three girls, but only he received the mysterious gift. The Noruzis lived poorly, not being able to pamper their children even with sweets.

At the age of 13, the boy turned to God with a prayer to lend him a few tomanas, as soon as Mohsen opened his eyes, money lay at his feet.

When the military conflict between Iran and Iraq began, Norouzi served in the army. Prayers and meditation helped the guy stay alive. After returning home, he married and soon became the father of two daughters. In one of his visions, Mohsen foresaw a move to another country, but he did not know which country.

So the man ended up in Moscow for a casting mystical show“Battle of Psychics,” which he passed with ease. During all the trials, the Iranian Norouzi prayed and fingered his rosary.

In the final, the magician met with two strong participants: Elena Lyulyakova and Tatyana Karakhanova. According to the results audience voting the victory went to Mohsen.

After the end of the reality show “Battle of Psychics,” Norouzi made incredible predictions: war in eastern Ukraine and the collapse of the American empire, and peace and stability will come only in 15 years.

Season 11 - Vitaly Gibert

Vitaly was born in the capital of Kalmykia in the spring of 1988. He was brought up in a large and friendly family. He first learned about his unusual gift at his mother’s funeral, when he saw her ghost. The guy was not afraid; this event pushed him to study esotericism. The father did not share the interests of his son, and did not suspect his super abilities.

Gibert decided to take a drastic action, Casting for the 11th season of the reality show “Battle of Psychics” took place in secret from my family.. A few hours before the premiere of the first episode, Vitaly called his father and asked him to turn on the TNT channel.

The head of the family was taken aback by what he saw, and although he had never watched this program, this time he did not miss a single episode. More than forty thousand television viewers cast their votes for the victory of the red-haired Kalmyk in the 11th season of the show “Battle of Psychics.”

After the project, Vitaly changed his image - long hair and thinness were the result of his recluse. This is due to the popularity that fell on him, which distracted him and prevented him from calmly doing what he loved.

Season 12 - Elena Yasevich

Elena was born in the winter of 1978 in the Belarusian city of Volkovysk. The girl inherited the gift of clairvoyance from her great-grandmother, who was a hereditary witch.

As a child, Yasevich overturned a pot of boiling water on herself, long time was under the supervision of doctors. This event led to the girl learning to see the aura of people.

Having matured, Elena began to become interested in magic and esotericism, she liked to read minds and see signs. One day a girl had a big fight with her brother and out of anger told him stupid things on the way.

A couple of hours later it turned out that he was in terrible accident, and remained disabled for life. Yasevich left her parents' house because she blamed herself for what happened.

On September 22, 2018, the 19th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” began airing on TNT. Clairvoyants, sorcerers and shamans from Russia and countries near and far abroad competed for the title of winner of the Battle of Psychics and the main prize - a blue crystal hand. Filming for season 19 began on July 31, 2018 and ended on December 16, 2018. All episodes of “Battle of Psychics” can be watched online at high quality Here: link

Participants in the Battle of Psychics Season 19

1. Timofey Rudenko - clairaudient schizophrenic
2. Aida Grifal - inherited the gift from her gypsy grandmother
3. Grigory Kuznetsov - owns runic and sex magic
4. Yuliy Kotov - singer, counter tenor
5. Manana Marshunova - Georgian clairvoyant from a remote village
6. Maria Shweide is an orphan, her parents were killed
7. Varvara Panina - learned magic on the Internet
8. Natalia Abramovich - witch, born dead
9. Vitaly Bortsov - former police officer, served in hot spots
10. Svetlana Nazarova - eats cemetery soil
11. Artemy and Vladimir Nikara are twins
12. Georgy Malinovsky - sorcerer, participated in season 16

Battle of Psychics Season 19 - who won?

The name of the winner of the eighteenth season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT became known on the night of December 15-16 during the filming of the award ceremony. He became (45.13%). Second place - Aida Grifal (27.92%). Third place - Grigory Kuznetsov (26.95%).

The winner of the nineteenth Battle of Psychics will be announced on TNT on December 22, 2018. The results of the popular vote in VK radically diverged from the official results:

Filming of the BE-19 finale took place in Stakheev’s mansion, located at st. Novaya Basmannaya 14 building 1, also known as the Central House of Children of Railway Workers. You can see how the final was filmed in this video:

Battle of Psychics season 19 - all episodes

Battle of psychics season 19 episode 1 09/22/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 2 September 29, 2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 3 10/06/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 4 10/13/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 5 10/20/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 6 10/27/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics season 19 episode 7 11/03/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 8 11/10/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 9 11/17/2018 (

Fans of the most anticipated TNT show of 2015 were eagerly awaiting the outcome of the battle between the strongest witches Season 16 of the “Battle of Psychics” project And now it’s happened. On December 25, the final episode of the program was aired. As a result, it became known who became the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics”.

Tense finale

The final was very tense: no one could even guess who would become the winner of the project and take their well-deserved cup. There were three strongest finalists left in the show, who were in no way inferior to each other and went head to head throughout the entire project: the dark Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, the white witch Nicole Kuznetsova and the priestess of the ancestor cult Victoria Raidos.

According to the producer of the show, Maria Shaikevich, even she could not imagine until recently who would win the championship in a difficult battle. The tension was growing and everyone was getting nervous. This became a real test of the endurance of the finalists and their support groups.

I was surprised by the scale of the battle finale: this time it broke all records in the entire history of the show. Crowds of fans, guests, relatives and friends of the finalists were literally looking for a place to wait. Even the eliminated participants came to congratulate the winner of the 2015 Battle of Psychics.

Who won the 16th “Battle of Psychics”?

TV viewers gave the largest number of votes to Victoria Rydos. The unique and very talented girl calmly accepted the victory, as if she had no doubt that she would win Grand Prize. Victoria Raidos is the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics”.

Unexpected second place

Before the audience and guests found out who became the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics” on TNT, another finalist of the project, Marilyn Kerro, was counting on her victory. She came to prove to the whole country that she deserves first place. Before this, Marilyn participated in the project and took second place, losing the victory to her lover Alexander Sheps.

Second place was a real shock for the Estonian witch. She was counting on support from her fans and fans of their mystical couple, but when she heard who became the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics,” she burst into tears and couldn’t believe her ears. For a long time, the beloved guy could not calm down the upset girl, but she promised that she would return and compete for first place. Rhydos, seeing Marilyn upset, also decided to support her, saying that she was a great fellow.

Nicole accepted third place with love and gratitude. She thanked her fans for their support and congratulated the winner. She believes that even the fact that she made it to the finals is real happiness. Nicole came on the show despite her health. It was truly difficult for her to pass the tests.

Curiosities of the finale

Julia Wang also appeared at the finale of the “Battle of Psychics,” but only on the monitor screen: the girl herself could not come in person, since she was 10,000 kilometers from Moscow. But she reported her predictions about who became the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” of season 16 in a riddle, incomprehensible ordinary people. Even the skeptic Safronov could not decipher the sent code. But Victoria understood everything perfectly: she heard that Julia was talking about her, and, as it turned out, she was completely right.

Also, no one expected Pakhom's extraordinary return. The man who left the show mid-battle at will, nobly saving other participants from leaving, appeared at the finale with a sign “I’m back.” Discouraged spectators could not understand whether Pakhom really returned closer to the final to prove his superiority? When the man appeared with a chair in his hands in the finalists' room, he caused a real shock. But soon Pakhom explained that he simply came to congratulate the finalists and see who became the winner of the 16th “Battle of Psychics.”

Let us remind you that the “Battle of Psychics” in 2015 became the most real intrigue in the entire history of the show. The strongest finalists and the most difficult tests will be remembered by TV viewers for a long time and will make even the most inveterate skeptics think.

Season 18 of the “Battle of Psychics” has come to an end. Konstantin Getsati, Sofya Egorova, Alexander Kinzhinov, Zhan and Dana Alibekov reached the finals of the project. Each participant performed well during the most difficult tests, so they could claim victory.

Before announcing the results of the audience voting, the show organizers decided to introduce fans to each of the season leaders. So, Zhan and Dana Alibekov invited film crew to your home. The mother of psychics said that their abilities began to manifest themselves at an early age. The presence of the gift brought the relatives even closer together.

“For me, my brother is the most main man in life. No other man can take his place. I always rejoice at his achievements,” said Dana.

As it turned out, both psychics are raising two sons. Now the finalists devote all their time to helping people, so they often do not have enough energy to communicate with loved ones.

By the way, before the announcement of the results, Jean told other participants about his prophecy. The day before filming, he saw himself in a dream with the treasured blue hand.

For another finalist, Alexander Kinzhinov, the “Battle of Psychics” became the chance of a lifetime. The man was not only able to show his abilities, but also met love during filming. He met a girl named Anna at one of the last tests.

By the way, Kinzhinov made a bet on Sofia Egorova’s victory. The cards predicted first place for the charming witch.

Egorova herself refused to make predictions. The girl quickly turned into one of the audience's favorites. Sometimes Sophia's words were too harsh, but she almost always coped with the tests. According to the witch, she got the gift from her father.

“He always had the ability to heal with his hands. When dad died, it was a real blow for mom and me. But I feel his support and presence,” said Sophia.

The girl also commented on her alleged affair with Konstantin Getsati. According to the girl, she does not hope for a relationship, because she came to the show to win, but she still has extremely warm feelings for her competitor.

But Konstantin himself is sure that Sophia is in love with him. At least, that's what his intuition tells him. The talented psychic from Alanya was considered the favorite throughout the season. The man passed all the tests with ease, because the spirits helped him.

The Seers of Alanya contacted Getsati at the age of ten. Then the boy almost died, but after his illness he managed to gain supernatural abilities. It took Konstantin a lot of time to learn how to use his gift correctly and realize his purpose.

Now, for the sake of his abilities, Getsati is ready to sacrifice a lot, including his personal life. According to the psychic, he has not had a serious relationship for more than ten years.

"IN last time I fell in love when I was 17, but then it was not mutual. Now the seers are forbidding me to start a relationship, because it takes up too much vital energy. I know that sooner or later the one and only one will come to me. I only need one woman and she already knows me. But I don’t know her yet,” Getsati shared.

The final filming of the season was intense. Each participant in the “Battle of Psychics” dreamed of victory, but the coveted blue hand ultimately went to Konstantin Getsati. He thanked all the viewers who voted for him. The man took first place with a result of more than 50%.

But Sofya Egorova thanked the organizers of the project. Shortly before this, the girl told the sad news. While filming one of the tests, she heard that the 18th season of the show might be the last. That is why the witch hastened to wish the “Battle of Psychics” longevity on television.

It is not yet known whether the new season of the project will be filmed, but it is obvious that many more people with foresight abilities would like to come to the project.

Many participants from previous seasons came to congratulate the finalists. Among them were Elena Golunova and her son Vlad Kadoni, Swami Dashi, Alexander Sheps, Victoria Raidos and others. Each of them had their own favorites, but most of the stars of the project still bet on Konstantin Getsati to win.

The bright and eventful 18th season of the popular mystical project “Battle of Psychics Season 18” has come to an end. The name of the show's winner will be announced this night, from December 16 to 17, but viewers will see the final episode on air only on next week, December 23.

Traditionally, the name of the show's winner will be known, of course, before the broadcast - already at night, viewers will gather at the finale filming location and will wait with anticipation to see which of their favorites will come out of the building with a blue crystal hand "in the bag." Voting lines will close at 10pm on December 16th - the judges will tally the results and be ready to announce the winner. By the way, everyone will be able to watch the ceremony.

Battle of psychics 18 - final

This is not the first year that the final of the Battle of Psychics has been filmed a week before its broadcast on the TNT channel. All loyal fans know about this feature of the project, and therefore dress warmly and hit the road to be the first to congratulate the winner of the show on his triumph and then in social networks tell the whole country about who won the project this year.

The creators of the show are not fighting this development of events, but, on the contrary, invite fans to meet their favorites.

“Filming of the final of the 18th Battle of Psychics will take place this Saturday, December 16th at the address: Moscow, Novaya Basmannaya str., building 14 (Krasnye Vorota metro station). Starts at 19:00 We are waiting for everyone who wants to support our finalists. And if you love the Battle as much as we love it, be sure to come! Good mood, posters in support of your favorite psychic, flowers, smiles, songs and dances are welcome. There will be a camera working on the street, and if you have something to say to your idol, don’t miss your chance!” the project said on Instagram.

According to the event plan, the finalists will arrive from 19:00 to 19:30 - the winners of the show can be seen in person on the red carpet. After this, other participants from different seasons of the Battle will come, who each time support their colleagues in the finals.

Everyone will not be able to get inside the building where filming will take place. Only close friends and relatives of the finalists, as well as psychics and honored guests of the ceremony are allowed there.

Read also: The finale of the Battle of Psychics turned into hysteria

The award ceremony will begin at 10:45 pm or later, and the voting results will begin to be counted at 10:00 pm. Around midnight, the finalists and guests will exit the building and the public will learn the name of the winner.

The awards will be broadcast on air next Saturday, where they will also tell you something about each of the finalists that society did not yet know about them.

Battle of psychics 18 - who is in the final

For the first time in the history of the project, as many as five strong mediums reached the finals - the judges were unable to determine the strongest among them, and therefore provided this opportunity to the viewer.

Among the finalists is the public's favorite Konstantin Getsati, who passed all the tests of the show with great success and more than once found himself among the strongest in the opinion of the judges.

Sonya Egorova is also vying for victory. The girl was called one of the most beautiful psychics in the entire history of the show, but it was not her appearance that helped her get to the finals - Sonya often surprised with her discoveries during tasks and showed herself to be her strongest side.

By the way, the above-mentioned couple have been dubbed “sex symbols” of the current season and many hope that things will break out between the participants (or have already broken out). passionate romance, as once passion also visited colleagues and finalists of the 15th season, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps. The couple was also then named one of the most beautiful and “mystical” on Russian TV.