Where will the Circle of Light be on September 27th? "Tsaritsyno" will become one of the brightest venues of the "Circle of Light" festival


The opening ceremony of the Circle of Light festival will take place in Ostankino. An incredible show is being prepared using lasers, light, fountain choreography and video projections, the height of which will reach 330 meters. With the help of all this, viewers will take a journey through the most beautiful places of our planet: from Lavender fields to the Sahara Desert. They will also see how the Ostankino Tower will be transformed into the Eiffel and other high-rise buildings around the world. The performance will be clearly visible from all sides. The show will be shown on September 23 and 24, starting at 20:00, duration - 40 minutes. At the end you will enjoy a 7-minute pyrotechnic show.

st. Academician Koroleva, 15, building 2

theatre square

We will see interesting classics on the facades of the Bolshoi and Maly theaters, combined into one stage space. The works of Russian classics will come to life in cascades of light and visual effects on the walls of historical buildings: fragments from Chekhov, Ostrovsky and Gogol. Performances will be held every day, starting at 19:30. Here you can also see the works of the finalists of the Artvision competition: architectural video mapping, 3D projections and new art directions.

pl. Teatralnaya

"Tsaritsyno" 0+

During the festival days, it’s worth getting to Tsaritsyn. Facade Grand Palace“comes to life” with the help of light and music and tells the audience about his feelings. There will be a show on Tsaritsynsky Pond dancing fountains to the accompaniment musical works Russian composers. The park will feature incredible light sculptures created by designers from all over the world. The Soprano project will perform on September 24. Every day starts at 19:30.

st. Dolskaya, 1

Strogino 0+

The most large-scale show will be shown on the Stroginskaya floodplain on closing day. Hundreds of pyrotechnic charges will be launched from barges placed on the water. Japanese fireworks are distinguished by their brightness and variety of colors - this is a must see. Only on September 27, from 21:30 to 22:00.

Stroginskaya floodplain

Competitions between light and sound teams will be held in concert hall"World". Each participant will present a 10-minute set. New works will be created in real time at the intersection of video, light and music. The event will take place on September 24, starting at 20:00, entry by

Unique programs will be held at six venues in Moscow. Guests, for example, will be able to travel to different countries and learn how fountains sing.

VII Moscow international festival“Circle of Light” will take place from September 23 to 27. Large-scale video projections and installations will be shown at several city venues. It is planned that about six million people will be guests. You can attend the performances for free.

Ostankino: Sahara desert and lavender fields

“Circle of Light” will open on September 23 at 20:00. The musical and multimedia show will be shown on the surface of the Ostankino pond and on the TV tower. They will repeat it the next day.

Viewers will go on a journey to different countries of the world. Using pyrotechnic technology they will see lavender fields in France, Yellowstone national park in the USA and the Bamboo Flute Cave in China, will be transported to the foot of Niagara Falls, the Sahara Desert, Lake Baikal and the Ural Mountains.

The performance will end with a 15-minute show, during which the Ostankino Tower will alternately turn into the TV towers of Tokyo, Toronto, Shanghai, the Burj Khalifa skyscraper (UAE) and the Eiffel Tower. The height of video projections is 330 meters.

Theater Square: Art Vision and Past Centuries

The site will unite two buildings - the Bolshoi and Maly theaters. All days of the festival there will be thematic shows light shows“Celestial Mechanics” (about loneliness and love) and “Timeless” (sketches based on the works of outstanding Russian playwrights). The finalists' works will also be displayed on the façades. international competition Art Vision, held as part of the festival.

How do 2D and 3D light-color projections interact on a building? What discoveries have been made in this area? Participants in the Art Vision competition will answer these and other questions. On the facade Bolshoi Theater they will show works in the “Classic” nomination, and on the Maly façade – in the “Modern” nomination.

“Tsaritsyno”: water orchestra and “Palace of Senses”

The performance “Palace of Feelings” will be shown on the façade of the Grand Palace. The building will come to life thanks to a unique combination of light and music. The art group Soprano by Mikhail Turetsky will perform against the background of the video projection. This is a team where different women's voices- from coloratura to mezzo-soprano. On all days except the first, the group's compositions will be performed in recordings. And on September 25, Dmitry Malikov will come to Tsaritsyno, who will perform famous classical works. They will be transferred to visual images. This is the first time such an experiment will take place at the Circle of Light.

A fountain show will take place on Tsaritsynsky Pond - accompanied by works by Russian composers, they will turn into a water orchestra. In the park, guests will also see original installations by leading lighting designers from around the world.

Digital October: robots and mathematics

Light artists and professionals in the field of visual art will meet at the Digital October site. Discussions, seminars and lectures will be held here on September 23 and 24.

At the discussion “When will robots replace designers?” representatives of IT companies will discuss what advantages and dangers new technologies can bring to creative professionals. Will they replace the artist or provide new opportunities?

At the lecture “Fulldome Revolution,” Portuguese media artist Pedro Zaza will talk about the history of 360-degree dome projection and virtual reality. He will also address the issue of using augmented reality technologies in contemporary art.

Media artist and programmer Ilya Derzaev will conduct a master class “Touchdesigner: elementary mathematics.” Is it true that mathematics will never be useful in life? After all, even in computer graphics The programs do everything for the person. How hard is it really? It turns out that complex visualizations can be created with only knowledge of the high school curriculum.

The lecture “From Phantasmagoria to Sensory Reality” will be given by Olga Mink from Holland, VJ and curator of many festivals. She will talk about artists working at the intersection of technologies, optical illusions, sound, performance and cinema. She will explain how science and art are connected.

Graphic and motion designer Ivan Gorokhov will hold a presentation “Video mapping. Entertainment and efficiency." It concerns not only general aesthetic issues, but also technical nuances and problems. He will tell you how to solve them and what to do with them.

A detailed schedule of classes is on the festival website.

Concert Hall "Mir": music battle and VJ sets

The best light and music teams of the Art Vision competition in the VJing category will compete on this site. Participants will show guests VJ sets, which will last ten minutes. To the music, the contestants will create their own masterpieces using visual images and video clips. You can register.

Strogino: Japanese fireworks and unique designs

The festival will close on September 27 in the Stroginskaya floodplain. Japanese pyrotechnicians prepare a half-hour fireworks display. Hundreds of charges will be launched from four barges. The largest of them is 600 mm caliber. This has never been shown in Russia before. The charges will open at an altitude of more than 500 meters, the diameter of the light domes is about 240 meters. Each shot is a special trajectory of the charge and a unique pattern. The choice of site was taken very seriously: the Stroginskaya floodplain is the safest for such a show. In addition, about 300 thousand spectators will be able to come there.

Japan produces fireworks that have no analogues in the world - they are brighter than all others.

Records and achievements

In 2015 and 2016, the festival was included in the Guinness Book of Records in the category “Largest video projection”, last year in the category “Largest luminous flux power when projecting an image.” This time, the President of the World Federation of Tall Towers, Daniel Thomas, plans to present the Mayor of Moscow with the award “For his contribution to the formation of the cultural and tourist image of the great towers of the world.” The organization, created in 1989, unites high-rise buildings. The list includes only those with observation platforms. These include the Guangzhou TV Tower in China, the Empire State Building in the USA, Torre de Collserola in Spain, the Ostankino TV Tower and others.

Over the years of the festival's existence - it has been taking place since 2011 - the number of its guests has increased from 200 thousand people to more than six million (last year). Of these, 100 thousand are foreign tourists.

Theater and musical classics, masterpieces of world high-rise architecture, world human feelings and the natural pearls of the planet will form the basis for the scenarios of light and music shows that will take place in the capital from September 23 to 27 as part of the VII Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light”.

The Circle of Light festival will take place in Moscow for the seventh time and promises to become one of the most spectacular events of the coming autumn. According to tradition, all performances, as well as training seminars by lighting design masters, are held at city venues in a publicly accessible free format, annually attracting an audience of millions, including residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, Russian and foreign tourists. Thus, in 2016, “Circle of Light” achieved record attendance figures - more than 6 million people in five days.

In 2017, the Circle of Light will be held at six venues. The opening ceremony of the festival will take place on September 23 in Ostankino. The country's main television tower in this year celebrates its half-century anniversary. Projection technology volumetric images to an architectural object - video mapping will allow the birthday girl to “try on” the images of the seven tallest buildings in the world. The famous skyscrapers and TV towers of France, the UAE, Canada, the USA, China, Japan and Australia will appear before the audience against the backdrop of the natural attractions of these countries, due to the Year of Ecology taking place in Russia. Fountains, burners, and lighting devices will be installed on the Ostankino pond. Guests will be presented with an extraordinary multimedia show combining light, lasers, choreography of fountains and fire, as well as a grandiose pyrotechnic show. An ice rink will be built on the pond for figure skaters to perform.

Theater Square, familiar to regular viewers of the Circle of Light, will use the façades of both the Bolshoi and Maly theaters for performances for the first time this year. All days of the festival, two thematic light shows will be shown here: “Celestial Mechanics” - about loneliness and love, and “Timeless” - plots based on the works of outstanding Russian playwrights. Also on the facades of leading theaters in Russia will be shown the works of the finalists of the international competition Art Vision, held as part of the festival.

In Tsaritsyno Park every day, from 19:30 to 23:00, visitors will be able to see the impressive audiovisual performance “Palace of Senses” on the building of the Great Catherine Palace and a mesmerizing light and music show of fountains on Tsaritsyno Pond. On September 24, the art group SOPRANO by Mikhail Turetsky will perform here, and on the remaining days there will be unique vocals women's team will be recorded and accompanied by video projections on the façade of the palace. The next day, September 25, he will give a concert National artist Russia Dmitry Malikov. » Tsaritsyno Park will be decorated with amazing installations from the world’s leading lighting designers throughout the festival period.

The finale of the Circle of Light festival will be a grandiose fireworks display - the first Japanese pyrotechnics show in Russia, which will be held in the Stroginskaya floodplain on September 27. To do this, barges will be installed on the water, on which pyrotechnic installations will be placed. The charges of Japanese fireworks are much larger than usual, each shot is made manually, and the design is individual. They will open at an altitude of 500 meters, and the diameter of the light domes will be about 240 meters.

Festival events will be held in parallel at two indoor venues. On September 24, the “Art Vision VJing” competition will take place in the “Mir” theater and concert hall, where teams from different countries compete in the skill of creating light images to music. And on September 23 and 24, the Digital October Center will host free educational lectures by lighting designers and creators of laser installations.

Light shows, the backdrop of which will be the main architectural sights of Moscow, multimedia performances, 3D projections, cascades of lights and fireworks - residents and guests of the capital will see all this at the large-scale “Circle of Light” festival. Last year the festival was included in the Guinness Book of Records twice - let's go to new record! The festival will be held in Moscow from September 23 to 27, 2017.

Venues of the festival “Circle of Light” 2017:

1. Ostankino Tower

The opening ceremony of the Circle of Light festival will take place in Ostankino. An incredible show is being prepared using lasers, light, fountain choreography and video projections, the height of which will reach 330 meters. With the help of all this, viewers will travel through the most beautiful places on our planet: from Lavender fields to the Sahara Desert. They will also see how the Ostankino Tower will be transformed into the Eiffel and other high-rise buildings around the world. The performance will be clearly visible from all sides. The show will be shown on September 23 and 24 at 20.00, duration - 40 minutes. At the end you will enjoy a 7-minute pyrotechnic show.

2. Theater Square

We will see interesting classics on the facades of the Bolshoi and Maly theaters, combined into one stage space. The works of Russian classics will come to life in cascades of light and visual effects on the walls of historical buildings: fragments from Chekhov, Ostrovsky and Gogol. Performances will take place every day at 7:30 p.m. Here you can also see the works of the finalists of the Artvision competition: architectural video mapping, 3D projections and new art directions.

3. Tsaritsyno

During the festival, it’s worth getting to Tsaritsyno. The facade will come to life with the help of light and music and tell the audience about their feelings. A show of dancing fountains will be staged on Tsaritsynsky Pond to the accompaniment of musical works by Russian composers. The park will feature incredible light sculptures created by designers from all over the world. The Soprano project will perform on September 24. Every day starts at 19.30.

4. Patriarch's Ponds

We will see an elegant synthesis of video and music at the Patriarch's Ponds. VJs play here all days of the festival from 20.30 to 21.30. In real time, they will create unusual visual images under live show pianist And on September 25th it will take place piano concert Dmitry Malikov.

5. Bronnaya Strogino

The largest show will be shown on the Stroginskaya floodplain on the closing day of the festival. Hundreds of pyrotechnic charges will be launched from barges placed on the water. Japanese fireworks are vibrant and have a variety of colors that are a must see. Only on September 27, starting at 21.30.

6. Concert Hall "Mir"

Competitions between light and sound teams will be held in the Mir concert hall. Each participant will present a 10-minute set. New works will be created in real time at the intersection of video, light and music. The event will take place on September 24 at 20.00, entry by registration (opens in September).

7. Digital October

Professionals in the field of visual art and lighting artists will gather at a specialized event at Digital October. The program includes lectures and practical lessons. The meetings will take place on September 23 and 24. Entry by registration, which opens on September 9.

MOSCOW, September 24 – RIA Novosti. A light show with music, choreography and pyrotechnics on Saturday absorbed Russian capital: on the facades of architectural monuments at three city sites they showed the lavender fields of France, the Bamboo Flute Cave of China, and the Ostankino Tower was “turned” into the Eiffel Tower, the Tokyo TV Tower and the Empire State Building.

"Circle of Light", which will last until September 27, started on Saturday at several venues: Theater Square, in Tsaritsyno and in Ostankino Park, where the main actions took place.

The Moscow International Light Festival is being held in the capital for the seventh time, and during this time it has become a favorite of many Muscovites. This year it main theme became the Year of Ecology, and the main interactive platform was the Ostankino Tower, which this year celebrates its half-century anniversary.

The start of the festival was scheduled for 20.00, but Muscovites tried to arrive in Ostankino as early as possible in order to take a convenient place. As early as six o'clock in the evening, families with children, young couples, groups of friends and foreign tourists flocked to the park.

Tatyana Lifantieva: shows at the Circle of Light festival are never repeatedThe Ostankino Tower will turn into the Eiffel, the Catherine Palace into a “canvas” for painting: from September 23 to 27 in Moscow – the VII International Festival “Circle of Light”. Festival coordinator Tatyana Lifantieva spoke about his program on radio Sputnik.

Trains on the “orange” line of the subway ran at minimal intervals that evening, despite the Saturday holiday, and the carriages were crowded with people wanting to go to the show and see the spectacular fireworks display.

Getting there by car was more difficult - already in the morning a number of streets in the area were blocked for pedestrians, so guests who came to the Circle of Light by private transport were forced to leave their cars nearby.

A festive atmosphere reigned in Ostankino that evening: from the speakers came classical music, hits by Michael Jackson, ABBA, Larisa Dolina and Russians folk songs, and famous figure skaters Tatiana Navka and Pyotr Chernyshev, Alexander Smirnov and Yuko Kawaguchi performed on stage. Spectators were able to witness the extraordinary dance show with complex elements of pair skating.

Light circumnavigation

At the vibrant performance, guests were transported to France - the dancing fountains in the Ostankino pond turned into lavender fields, for which the fifth republic is famous, the Ostankino skyscraper itself became the Eiffel Tower for a few seconds, and then transformed into the Dubai skyscraper Burj Khalifa and the New York Empire State Building. Water surface it became either the fabulous Niagara Falls, or the majestic Sahara Desert, or demonstrated the power of the Fuji volcano.

Each reincarnation was accompanied by a story about the country and landmark.

The end point of the interactive" trip around the world"became Russia. When stories about Moscow began to be heard from the speakers, straight from the floors Ostankino Tower fired fireworks that reached the spire of the tower and sometimes obscured it.

Festival record holder

From year to year, the show sets records - first place in the "Multimedia Show" category, in the "Largest Video Projection" or "City Event of the Year" nominations. In 2016, the festival attracted six million people, and the organizers do not rule out that last year’s record could be updated. The main holiday venue was already visited by 250 thousand people on the first evening.

As the organizers said, they spent a whole year selecting the best venues in the capital, drawing up a show program and looking for the most powerful and latest lighting equipment.

The holiday continues

In addition to Ostankino Park, you can see a spectacular show until September 27 on Teatralnaya Square, in Tsaritsyno Park and near the Stroginskaya floodplain. Moreover, this year the light show is shown not only on the facade of the Bolshoi Theater, but also on the Maly Theater. Here Muscovites will see performances based on works that were once performed on these stages: fragments of plays by Alexander Ostrovsky, Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov and others. The finalists of the international competition "Art Vision" will also present their works in the categories of classic and modern video mapping (3D projections onto a physical object, taking into account its geometry).

At the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, all festival days you can admire the show of dancing fountains to the music of works by Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev and other Russian composers.

On the last day of the festival, September 27, a unique 30-minute pyrotechnic show will be shown for the first time in the Stroginskaya floodplain. The fireworks will be launched manually, and each firework will have its own unique design. Fireworks will open at an altitude of 500 meters, and the diameter of the light domes will be about 240 meters.

The Circle of Light festival will also have two indoor venues. On September 24, at the Mir theater and concert hall on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, a competition will be held in which teams from different countries will compete in the skill of creating light images to music.

In addition, the Digital October center will host educational lectures by lighting designers and creators of laser installations on September 23 and 24, which can be attended for free by pre-registration.

Coverings during the festival

Sobyanin received certificates from the Guinness Book of Records for “Circle of Light”The Mayor of Moscow thanked the representative of the Book of Records, the festival team, Muscovites who came to the festival and noted that, when organizing the festival, the Moscow government did not strive for records, the “Circle of Light” is part great job to create a large, modern, beloved city.

As previously reported by the capital's transport department, ten capital streets will be blocked during the festival.

Thus, until September 27, from 17.00 to 23.00, the section on Petrovka Street from the intersection with Kuznetsky Most Street to the intersection with Teatralny Proezd will be completely closed. Traffic will also be blocked from 15.00 to 23.00 on September 24 on Akademika Korolev Street from Botanicheskaya Street to the intersection with Argunovskaya Street, in the passage from Ostankino Square from the intersection with 1st Ostankino Street to Akademika Korolev Street, on Novomoskovskaya Street from the intersection with 1st 1st Ostankinskaya Street to the intersection with Academician Korolev Street, as well as on 1st Ostankinskaya Street from the intersection with Botanicheskaya Street to the intersection with the Ostankino Park passage.