Beautiful simple drawings on cells. Ideas for decorating checkered notebooks


At school, children often decorate their checkered notebooks with various designs. These can be intertwined colored braids, ornaments, and checkered patterns. I offer you a selection of templates for such patterns and drawings to decorate your notebooks.

Drawings by cells

Using colored pencils or felt-tip pens, you can draw a beautiful picture in a notebook (or in a personal diary). For example, this charming kitten.

You can draw anything using the cells. Here is another drawing in which an apple core is formed. Isn't it funny?

You can even draw computer game characters using the cells.

For fans soft toys and Teddy bears - such a cute bear with squares.

Braids and ornaments for checkered notebooks

In addition to drawings, you can beautifully design the fields of notebooks in checkered patterns. The simplest ones are braids. See how easy they are to draw in the cells.

In addition to braids, you can make very original colored ornaments. Here is an ornament with hearts and simple ornaments for 3 squares.

You can not only draw patterns in the cells, but also color them in different colors. Look how beautiful the ornaments are when you add colors!

And in addition to the usual patterns in the cells, you can add smooth lines and then you will get a masterpiece.

You can not only redraw ready-made patterns, but also come up with your own unique patterns. Try it, it’s very interesting to draw a pattern on checkered notebooks!

I never thought that the popular student pastime of drawing pictures in squares means not only while away time at lectures!

This, of course, is not very good - not listening to lectures, but sometimes (in rare cases and if there is good reason) is acceptable.

Then we didn’t think at all that this was not a simple pastime, but an action that also had psychological significance, and it will be so popular nowadays!

It turns out that drawing by cells in children develops fine motor skills, imagination, logic of thinking. However, all this can be attributed to teenagers and adult representatives of humanity, well, maybe with the exception of motor skills. Now this fun (drawing in cells) has even received a beautiful name - pixel art.

The benefits of drawing by cells in a notebook for children and adults

In addition to killing time and a cure for boredom, developing fine motor skills and imagination. Drawing by cells helps in affirming one’s self.

How does self-affirmation occur? It's simple. There are people who love to draw, but they are bad at it. Well, God didn’t give them talent! And this is where pixel art comes to their aid. You can draw! You can transfer your vision of the world onto a piece of paper and illustrate your thoughts!

It’s also a great way to focus and calm down, which is very important in our fast-paced age of stress and passion.

Drawing by cells is very simple; you can do it in two ways:

  • on a piece of paper in a box (this can be a simple piece of paper from a math notebook)
  • apply cells of a certain size to the drawing you like and then systematically transfer it to another piece of paper

Of course, the second method is akin to plagiarism, but no one claims to be the author of this or that copied picture, but you get enormous moral satisfaction from your creativity.

The first method is great not only for children of all ages - from preschoolers to teenagers, but also for adults.

In addition to all the listed “benefits,” drawing in cells helps develop a sense of color. The drawing can be made in color using the entire palette of colors.

Pixel art does not require any expensive supplies - every person has a checkered piece of paper, a pencil or a pen. If you want to add color, take colored pencils, pens, crayons (although they are not very convenient for drawing small details).

If the paper or piece of paper you took is thin, or the markers are printed on the other side, place a thick sheet of paper or cardboard so as not to spoil the surface of the table at which you are working or other blank slate paper.

Graphic dictation

Let us explain to those who read this phrase for the first time - “graphic dictation”. This is drawing in cells according to a predetermined algorithm. For example, you dictate to your child which direction (right, left, up, down) and how many cells to draw the line.

You need to prepare for such a dictation in advance. You should have a piece of paper with a clear plan, dictation algorithm and end result(what kind of drawing the child should ultimately get).

Positive aspects of such a dictation:

  • development of mindfulness
  • development logical thinking, orientation in space
  • preparing the hand for writing (development of fine motor skills)
  • development of perseverance (which is important for modern hyperactive children)

Start off graphic dictations you need to start with simple drawings (for example, from a ladder) and gradually move on to more complex drawings.

At the very beginning of the dictation, clearly state from which point you start the drawing, for example, 9 cells on top, 9 cells on the left and put a dot. This is the starting point.

An example of a graphic dictation "Klyuchik".

Retreat 5 cells from above and to the left, put a point - it will be the starting point.

  • 1 cell right, 1 cell up, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 1 cell down
  • 8 cells to the right

one cell at a time:

  • up
  • right
  • up
  • right
  • right
  • right

12 cells to the left and one cell each:

  • left
  • left
  • up
  • left

3 squares up.

The drawing is ready!

If you have the skills to draw by cells or have a lot of imagination, you can draw the picture yourself and then create an algorithm. You can do it differently - buy a collection of graphic dictations. Such collections can be for children of a certain age, for girls or boys. Drawing by cells and graphic dictations are interesting game which helps develop the skills the child needs.

Examples of drawings for a simple graphic dictation.

Watch a video example of a graphic dictation.

Drawings by cells in a notebook, easy and complex

You need to start drawing in cells with easy drawings, gradually moving on to more complex options. Easy drawings are easy to do and accessible to young children. Below are easy drawing options that small children can handle.

Having mastered the technique of drawing by cells, you can proceed to more complex options.

Well, and finally, having learned “cellular” drawing, begin to master the color design of the drawing.

Drawings by cells in a notebook for children

When it comes into being little man, parents have added troubles and worries. Raising a child is not just about feeding, clothing and putting on shoes. Education is also the development of his abilities.

Much has now been developed in various ways and methods for this, but all experts agree that it is best to engage in child development in a playful way. Using a method with game elements, basic knowledge of mathematics is taught, native language and much more, what is necessary for harmonious development child.

One of the ways to develop a child’s logical abilities is to draw by cells. You need to start with the simplest drawings, for example, such as a Christmas tree, a steamboat, a flag.

Box drawings will help you learn letters. Having drawn a letter in cells, the baby not only perceives it by ear, not only sees its writing, but also, as it were, touches it. All types of memory are included - auditory, visual and mechanical (draws a letter).

In addition to the letter, you can write sticks, ladders and other shapes, thereby training the child’s hand and preparing it for writing. Such exercises will help your child at school.

What does a child learn by drawing in squares? Correctly holding a pencil, correct algorithm of actions, counting, creative approach to business, attentiveness and perseverance.

Gradually it is worth complicating the graphics of the picture and introducing colors. The child can choose for himself color scheme, thereby developing a sense of color and color combinations. By the way, such drawing helps to identify creativity children.

Drawings by cells, easy and complex for girls and boys

You already understand that drawings by cells or pixel art is a useful activity. When choosing drawings, they can be selected according to interests, separately for girls and separately for boys. Using this drawing technique, you can, even without drawing skills, realize whatever you want on a piece of paper.

Here are some examples of drawings for boys.

And any girl can draw such drawings on a piece of checkered paper.

Drawings for a personal diary

What's happened personal diary? For some it is a way of self-expression, for others it is a recording of events happening in their lives, a personal assessment of these events, people, incidents. Someone writes down ideas and thoughts that suddenly came to him. Many people keep personal diaries - boys, girls, adult women and men.

Some events occurring in the lives of great people became known from their personal diaries. Often entries in personal diaries were accompanied by illustrations drawn by the authors. By the way, such illustrations of great people often became rare and helped to reveal the personality of this person more deeply.

What if you have no talent for drawing, but want to express your emotions not only through words, but also through drawing? And how can you illustrate your notes in this case? In this case, cell drawings can come to the rescue. Drawing them is simple and requires nothing more than a checkered piece of paper and a pencil. You can use ready-made drawings. Transfer them to your personal diary in the following way:

  • make a grid of cells in the selected picture
  • in a notebook (diary) draw the same grid according to the number of cells (the cells can be of a different size - larger or smaller)
  • start transferring the image from each cell in the selected picture to the same cell on the sheet

There are many examples of cell drawings on the Internet - you just need to choose and draw.

It’s up to you to decide what kind of drawings to “revive” your personal diary. Below are a few interesting drawings by cells.

Let the children draw, create, and fantasize! Not every one of them will become an artist, but drawing will give them pleasure, they will learn the joy of creativity, and learn to see beauty in the ordinary. Let them grow up with the soul of an artist!

Almost anyone can learn to draw pictures by cells. You don't need any special skills or tools for this. All you need is time, a regular school notebook and with a simple pencil with a sharp stylus. For beginners better first time not to use the pen, because if you make a mistake, it cannot be erased.

Rules for drawing by cells

This is interesting: Gouache lessons for beginners step by step: drawing flowers and landscape + 100 PHOTOS

Drawing is useful for both adults and children. This process develops fine motor skills with the finger, teaches concentration and gives peace of mind. It is not necessary to draw at the master level, but this article will discuss options for learning professional and stylized drawing.

Example of simple and complex drawings, drawn on notebook cells:

As a rule, first you need to make the outline of the drawing black or brown. Then certain fragments need to be filled with color. Standard size 1 square in a notebook - 5 by 5 mm. There are notebooks with large cells for first and second graders. They are ideal for beginners.

Those who like to draw by cells often use markers rather than pencils. Why? This way the drawing turns out brighter and more “juicy”. Bad markers or simple felt-tip pens can leak, which is especially inappropriate when a person is just learning to draw. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy markers for drawing or sketching in specialized stores.

Sketching is a type of very quick drawing. In fact, using this technique you can make very stylish and beautiful drawings. The most important thing is to have the necessary skills. Sketching is performed with professional high-quality tools.

Step-by-step instructions: where to start?

How to draw? You need to choose any image you like. To begin with, it is better to choose simple schemes. It's quite easy to draw hearts, geometric shapes, vegetables and fruits.

Count out the required number of cells (focus on the selected image). Next, you need to place dots along one side of the outline of the future drawing.

Points need to be put in stages, otherwise you can make a mistake.

The dots are marked. You need to start outlining.

You don't have to try to draw perfectly straight lines. Drawing by cells should not be complicated and tedious; on the contrary, this process should be enjoyable.

After tracing, we paint over the column. Using the example of this drawing, you can do anything, so it is not necessary to repeat it. The most important thing is to understand how the process of drawing by cells works.

Place your finger and count out the required number of cells again.

Place the reference points again. In this case, a person paints 4 rows of cells - you should be guided by your drawing.

We put down the dots and paint them over.

If necessary, you can paint over individual cells. As in the example of Figure 9.

Let's continue drawing

The outline of the future drawing is already clearly visible.

Places 9 more points parallel to the already shaded line. Stroke and paint

In this case, you can observe drawing with a ladder. A huge plus is that this scheme is easy to repeat.

A few more cells are painted in, and now the future picture is emerging

This is the heart. It can be drawn separately, made larger. The circuit has already been demonstrated in this manual.

The final stage. Filling with color.

Using this instruction as an example, you can see that drawing by cells is easy. And, it is worth noting that the author of the above drawing did not particularly try to do everything carefully. Therefore, you should not worry too much about small mistakes, they will be painted over later, and big picture it will turn out exactly the way you want it to be.

Drawing on the asphalt

When we're talking about When it comes to drawing on asphalt, many people think of children's pictures - houses, suns, flowers. But in fact, many artists around the world specialize in three-dimensional 3D paintings. And they often paint them on the asphalt in order to impress passers-by and make a statement about themselves.

Such artists are called masters optical illusions. Indeed, at first glance it is difficult to distinguish some pictures from reality. Naturally, to draw something like this, you need a lot of experience - both practical and theoretical.

Often, various large holdings order works from such artists. This kind of activity pays very well.

How to draw three-dimensional paintings: theory and practice

First you need to make a sketch on paper. Naturally, you need to know the basics of drawing, in particular academic drawing. It's worth starting with simple shapes, geometric shapes.

The 3D image “comes to life” when you change the viewing angle. That is, if you look at the picture, for example, from above, it will seem three-dimensional. Moreover, if you look at it from below or from the side, it will again become an ordinary flat pattern. This is the trick with 3D images.

Three-dimensional drawing - perspective with a distorted angle of view

Tools you will need:

  • pencils with leads of varying hardness;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet;
  • desk lamp;
  • any object (the one you will draw).

Naturally, you need to take something simple - for example, the same eraser. It must be placed on a clean sheet, then turn on the table lamp and direct its light onto the paper. What should happen after performing these steps? The object will begin to cast a shadow, which can later be outlined.

This is what it looks like in practice. The object casts a shadow, which ultimately becomes a hint for the artist.

Similar tricks can be used by beginners. But, in fact, for drawing complex volumetric paintings, you will have to learn all the theory that is taught in art schools.

The play of shadows and light is very important, since it is this, coupled with an optical illusion, that makes the drawing three-dimensional. Shadows should be soft and shaded.

At the very beginning you need to choose a point of view. That is, the angle from which a person will look at the drawing. The viewing angle cannot be changed during the drawing process, otherwise there will be no illusion of three-dimensionality of the image.

Eye position or perspective is the basis of perspective

For greater effect, you can change the position of the sheet. It is not necessary for it to lie straight; it is even better if it is slanted.

Correct position of the sheet to achieve the “optical illusion” effect

Further actions are intuitive. The selected item must be circled on all sides. As a result, you will have an outline of the future drawing.

After tracing, you need to place the object on the sheet again. You need to mark all its corners. To begin with, you can simply put points that will indicate the position of the corners.

Squint and look at the object. This will make it easier to mark the corners.

The end result should be something similar. This picture shows the outline of the future drawing.

You can constantly apply the selected item to the paper. This way you can make sure that you are doing everything correctly or find and correct an error.

In practice it looks like this. The drawn edges are marked in black

Up close

Now you need to erase the inner rectangle. It's pretty here interesting point, since the internal edges are only needed for 3D construction.

Now you need to outline the shadow. To do this, the lamp light should be directed directly at the object.

Working with shadows

The shadow must be carefully outlined. This important point, all contours need to be outlined not too strongly. It is enough that they are noticeable to you.

The law of light-air perspective: the shadow will be double. In the picture you can see that it has a lighter and darker part. This also needs to be marked on paper. The shadow is divided into two parts: shadow and penumbra.

Next we hatch. To do this, you need to use the shadow gradation rule. The object must be placed next to the drawing and examined carefully. Where does an object have the lightest shadows, and where are the darkest? This should be shown in the figure.

We shade very carefully. You should try to achieve the effect of shaded shading.

Let's start shading

How to shade? You can actually do this with your finger or a crumpled piece of paper. Shading with your finger will be more convenient for beginners.

How to see where an object is dark sides, and where are the light ones? To do this, you need to look at it with squinted eyes.

Where the tone is lighter than the leaf, you need to add color to the leaf

After this we denote the shadow with using easy shading. Initially, the main shadow should be as soft as the penumbra. Then we will give it a darker color. Don't forget to shade everything.

After this, you need to put the object back on the drawing. It is necessary to designate the inner shadow (the darkest) and the outer penumbra. They can be separated from each other by a light outline. Next, you need to shade the inner shadow, thereby giving it a darker shade.

Add a few lines and strokes, after which our drawing comes to life

There is nothing complicated in this technique. The only negative is that it takes a lot of time. But this minus, in principle, applies to all varieties of fine art.

Watch a video on the topic of 3D drawings. With this video you can draw a three-dimensional butterfly.

VIDEO: Drawing a butterfly

How to draw a butterfly in 3d

How to draw a butterfly in 3d. The illusion of volume WITHOUT A CAMERA and from any angle!!!

How to draw in 3D style and by cells on asphalt?

To do this, you need to apply all the tips and recommendations that were described above. The same can be said about drawing by cells. Of course, there are no cells on the asphalt and it is inconvenient to place any object on it. What to do?

You need to prepare the drawing in advance. In this case, it is better to draw it several times. You can take sheets of A3 or A4 format. First you need to practice drawing three-dimensional geometric shapes - since this is the easiest. It is necessary to thoroughly study the rules for arranging shadows and light.

VIDEO: Rules for darkening areas of the picture

How to apply SHADOWS

How to apply SHADOWS and SHADOW a drawing!

Be sure to choose a relatively flat surface, otherwise it will simply be uncomfortable.

In this video you can see a drawing lesson volumetric images right on the asphalt.

First, practice at home in the technique that you want to implement later. For example - draw 10 different pictures in cells;

  • Choose one drawing and practice with it. You need to redraw the picture over and over again until you get the hang of it;
  • After this, find a flat area. It is advisable that it is not too crowded, as passers-by will interfere. Place your drawing and tools in front of you. Next, just start drawing.
  • What tools should you take with you? First of all - crayons. They are ideal for beginners. After the first drawings, you can buy spray paint. You also need to take a sponge and water - a wet sponge erases chalk perfectly.

    Not everyone managed to graduate from art school to learn drawing techniques. If you want to make a creative card or fill out a diary original drawings, master drawing by cells. Small pictures by cells Even beginners can do it. The main thing is to buy a math notebook with light-colored paper.

    How to draw by cells

    Many people like to solve Japanese crosswords, which are based on drawing in cells. If you have ready-made crossword puzzles or answers to them, you can simply redraw large figures in your notebook.

    Most good way use ready-made diagrams that were specially designed for those who do not know how to draw. You can color in the cells in your own notebook according to the diagram, and then surprise beautiful images loved ones and relatives.

    Among the templates you will find

    Look original fruits by cells. If you paint over the drawing well with bright felt-tip pens, then you can cut it out and use it for interior decoration or applique decoration.

    Want to make a postcard or describe in your diary romantic story, then draw a heart in the cells.

    Sweets, bouquets, flowers - all this can be drawn in cells.

    If you master the principle, then you will be able to depict anything in your own notebook.

    Want to come up with your own drawing? Then make a light sketch, and then start turning it into a drawing by cells. It's best to start with the outline. Then you can highlight small details. Don’t forget to note what color, what detail should be highlighted so that the drawing turns out bright and beautiful.

    3D drawings by cells- This is a good way to spend interesting leisure time and realize your creative abilities.

    Have you ever drawn by cells before? Then be sure to try it. This activity will appeal to both young children and adults. Experts noted that this hobby develops creative thinking, coordination of movements when writing, concentration and logic. Spend your leisure time usefully by inventing new 3D diagrams, simple and complex, for drawing in cells.

    Complex pattern by cells

    We offer photos of several popular schemes for beginners