Beautiful coffins for girls. Options for unusual beautiful coffins for non-standard people. Modern and fashionable coffins


None of the people living on earth knows what awaits us after death. The grave puts an end to a person’s earthly life, however, in some cases, even in it the deceased cannot find peace. Next you will find the most mysterious burial places in the world, around which there are many mystical legends.

Rosalia Lombardo (1918 - 1920, Capuchin catacombs in Italy)

At the age of 2 years, this girl died of pneumonia. The inconsolable father could not part with his daughter’s body and turned to Alfredo Salafia to embalm the child’s body. Salafia did a tremendous job (drying the skin with a mixture of alcohol and glycerin, replacing the blood with formaldehyde and using salicylic acid to prevent the fungus from spreading throughout the body). As a result, the girl's body, located in a sealed coffin with nitrogen, looks as if she had fallen asleep.

Cages for the Dead (Victorian era)

During the Victorian era, metal cages were built over graves. Their purpose is not exactly known. Some believe that this was how the graves were protected from destroyers, others think that this was done to ensure that the dead did not leave their graves.

Taira no Masakado (940, Japan)

This man was a samurai and during the Heian era he became the leader of one of the largest uprisings against the rule of Kyoto. The uprising was suppressed and in 940 Masakado was beheaded. According to historical chronicles, the samurai's head did not rot for three months and all this time he quickly rolled his eyes. Then the head was buried, and later the city of Tokyo was built on the burial site. Tair's grave is still preserved, as the Japanese believe that if it is disturbed, it can bring disaster to Tokyo and the whole country. Now this grave is the oldest burial place in the world, which is kept perfectly clean.

Lilly Gray (1881-1958, Salt Lake City Cemetery, USA)

The inscription on the tombstone reads "Sacrifice of the Beast 666." Lilly's husband Elmer Gray called the US government that way, which he blamed for the death of his wife.

Chase Family Crypt (Barbados)

The family crypt of this couple is one of the most mysterious places in the Caribbean. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was discovered on several occasions that coffins had been moved after being placed in the crypt, but it was established that no one had entered the crypt. Some coffins stood upright, others were on the steps near the entrance. In 1820, by order of the governor, the coffins were transported to another place, and the entrance to the crypt was closed forever.

Mary Shelley (1797 - 1851, St Peter's Chapel, Dorset, England)

In 1822, Mary Shelley cremated the body of her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley, who died in an accident in Italy. After cremation, the man’s intact heart was discovered among the ashes; his woman took it home to England and kept it until her death. In 1851, Mary died and was buried with her husband’s heart, which she kept in the manuscript “Adonai: Elegy of Death.”

Russian mafia (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

Many of us have seen life-size monuments installed on the graves of representatives of the criminal world. At some monuments you can even find video cameras protecting them from vandals.

Inez Clark (1873 - 1880, Chicago, USA)

In 1880, 7-year-old Inez died from a lightning strike. By order of her parents, a sculpture-monument in a plexiglass cube was installed on her grave. The sculpture is made in the height of a girl, depicting her sitting on a bench with a flower and an umbrella in her hands.

Kitty Jay (Devon, England)

The nondescript hill overgrown with grass is called Jay's grave by locals. At the end of the 18th century, Kitty Jay committed suicide, and her grave became a cult site for ghost hunters. Since suicides could not be buried outside the cemetery, Kitty was buried at a crossroads so that her soul could not find a way to the afterlife. To this day, fresh flowers constantly appear on her grave.

Elizaveta Demidova (1779 - 1818, Père Lachaise cemetery, Paris, France)

At the age of 14, Elizaveta Demidova was married to the first prince of San Donato, whom she did not love. The unfortunate woman was one of the richest women of her time, and she bequeathed her entire fortune to the person who could spend a week in her crypt without food. Until now, no one has done this, and therefore her fortune remains unclaimed.

Seeing a coffin in a dream foretells obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for the young - a wedding and a long, comfortable life.

A coffin seen in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a sign of a cheerful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. Seeing a friend in a coffin means receiving important news. Lying in a coffin means acquiring a calm occupation and a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of illness that will darken the upcoming celebration. Seeing others carry him is a sign of sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave is a tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Burying a coffin is a chronic disease. To nail up a coffin means to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin means quarrels followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin means incurring large expenses.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it finding good luck. Being locked in a tomb in a dream means disappointment and withdrawal from business.

Interpretation of dreams from

Relatives choose the most beautiful coffin to honor the memory of the deceased person. The idea of ​​stylishly seeing off a deceased person on his last journey is not prohibited in the Holy Scriptures, but not every glamorous option corresponds to the canons of the church. A preliminary conversation with the priest will help minimize the likelihood of error.

Original and beautiful design options came to Orthodox countries from Italy and the USA. The first model was a product with two halves. The upper section opens, and the lower one is fixed in one position. In the early 90s of the 20th century, beautiful coffins appeared among representatives of the criminal community. During their lifetime, they demanded that their grave be the most beautiful.

Show business stars did not stand aside. Singers, composers, sculptors - everyone wanted to go into eternity in style. It is not surprising that funeral processions appeared at the cemetery, where people carried the coffin in the form of speakers, guitars and music awards.

By the end of the 20th century, non-standard products ceased to be a curiosity. The Church began to look at such innovations more liberally.

Those who can afford it order original coffins. Unusual beautiful funeral boxes appear at the funerals of show business representatives, politicians, business people, and crime bosses. Priests do not recommend using such products when it comes to minors, representatives of religious communities, and public figures. The body is placed in a classic coffin when another option is inappropriate for moral and ethical reasons.

What shapes and types of coffins are considered fashionable?

Countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the New World have created their own burial traditions.

A country Common shapes and types
Ghana This is where the fashion for unusual coffin models originated. The local ruler wished for a litter bed in the shape of an eagle. The order was delivered on the day the leader died. Relatives, wanting to please the deceased, sent him on his last journey in the eagle he ordered.

Not so rich Ghanaians used the so-called beautiful box of wisdom. Its surface is decorated with quotes that the deceased liked. Depending on his level of income, the letters were gold or simply carved on the lid.

United Kingdom England became the first country in Europe to adopt the African tradition. There, a coffin was made in the shape of a box of beer. The cost of the product exceeds 5 hundred pounds.

Business did not stand still. The deceased with an average level of income were offered a model in the shape of a hot dog. Over time, unusual options for coffins were supplemented by glass products. The transparent product was complemented by a removable glass lid.

For low-income deceased people, they offered beautiful boxes that resembled decorated cardboard boxes.

Fans of the TV series Doctor Who go to the afterlife in products in the shape of a police telephone box.

USA Most of the beautiful custom designs are handcrafted. There are no standard options. Each order is unique.

Beautiful boxes in the shape of a bottle, bench, racing car, laptop, book, and so on have become more widespread.

The coffin for Michael Jackson is considered the most beautiful and luxurious. The product is decorated with precious stones and gold inserts.

Germany Supporters of caring for nature choose an option made from environmentally friendly materials - water-based enamel and jute. Over time, the unusual coffin dissolves in the soil.

In the premium price segment, beautiful models are made of precious metals.

Italy Craftsmen from the Iberian Peninsula are leaders in making coffins that are fashionable, beautiful and environmentally friendly. One of the models is made in the shape of an egg. The body is placed inside in the form of an embryo. The bioplastic capsule is buried. A tree is planted at the burial site.

The system is built in such a way that the substances that are formed as the body decomposes feed the tree.

Non-standard materials for creation

There are no restrictions on materials for creating a beautiful coffin. The only caveat is that the finished product should not offend moral standards. IN

In Ghana they use the wawa tree. Soft pliable fibers make the carpenter's work easier. The second most common material in countries with hot climates is limba wood.

Budget products are made from mahogany. In other countries, they order the most beautiful and unusual coffins from the materials listed below:

  • USA: bioplastic, wood, glass, precious metals;
  • Italy: degradable plastic, wood;
  • Germany: ecoplastic, wood;
  • UK: glass, bioplastic, timber, rattan, recycled paper.

In addition to creativity, there is also a financial component. The choice of material for a beautiful box will determine the cost of the product.

How to decorate a coffin

In society, funerals have ceased to be a symbol of asceticism and conservatism. If previously only blue or red fabric with slight drapery was used, now there are no restrictions. Show business workers choose a coffin with rhinestones. Representatives of the military department are sent underground wearing items decorated with khaki fabric and symbols of the regiment or military unit in which the deceased served.

A beautiful pink box with rhinestones or diamonds became the final resting place of several pop divas in Europe and the USA, and a coffin was created for the famous French clown, covered with orange velvet and clown paraphernalia. Recently, artificial green spaces that are placed on the roof have come into fashion.

Sometimes rhinestones are placed on the lid, creating visual accents. Velvet is a neutral material that is used for beautiful drapery of the coffin and interior decoration.

Moderation is the key to success. Funerals should not be turned into a fashion show or jewelry show. The Christian religion recommends focusing on the spiritual component rather than on a beautiful material form.

How do priests feel about such coffins?

The body is interred in a coffin - a requirement that is recorded in the Holy Scriptures. There are no other restrictions. Conservative church ministers are skeptical about crooked or multi-colored boxes. Relatives of the deceased purchase beautiful and original models of coffins, depending on their faith.

A preliminary trip to the temple will eliminate the possibility of conflict. The priest is asked if he is ready to conduct a service if the coffin has a non-standard appearance.

Any disagreements that arise are easy to resolve. It is enough to contact another temple. If it was not possible to find a common language, then the beautiful model will have to be replaced.

Funeral agencies offer coffins of various shapes and sizes. There are no restrictions in terms of color choice. Fashion, which originated in Ghana, has spread across all continents in 45 years. Today, relatives of the deceased choose beautiful boxes based on aesthetic preferences, the personality of the deceased and financial capabilities.

Of course, dead people have no sense of humor. But a person has it while he is alive, his friends and relatives have it. And it is precisely the sense of humor that can explain the presence in the world of sometimes very unusual things. We will tell you about the ten most unusual similar products in our review today!

Even death can't stop some people from their love of beer. It is for such beer lovers that a coffin in the form of a bottle with a favorite drink was created.

There are still people in the world who prefer vinyl records to digital music recordings. Therefore, it is quite logical that they should leave for another world in a special coffin, stylized as a vinyl player.

The production of goods for people with non-traditional sexual orientation is gaining momentum. Even a special coffin for them, decorated with images of naked guys with the bodies of Apollo, was made.

Those who throughout their lives could not tear themselves away from the computer can continue to do so in their afterlife. For this purpose, even a special coffin with a monitor, keyboard and mouse was created.

It is not necessary to bury a person in a coffin - you can also place your bad habits there (cigarettes, alcohol, gambling). This is why the symbolic Bury the Habit Recordable Coffin coffin was created.

Some old Nokia phones are still in active use by their owners - they are simple and reliable. It is for such people that a coffin was created in the form of a Nokia mobile phone with a design from the early 2000s.

For the most part, no amount of admonition will force a smoker to quit his favorite bad habit. But perhaps a pack of cigarettes in the shape of a coffin will cope with this difficult task. Very clear!

Coffin for Nikon camera lovers
The dispute between fans of Canon and Nikon photographic equipment can be so fierce that some participants in the conflict would happily see their opponents in a coffin. Unless, of course, it’s a coffin stylized to resemble the owner’s favorite camera.

According to Orthodox and Catholic traditions, the body of a deceased person is placed in the ground in a coffin. The choice of the final resting place for the deceased usually falls on the shoulders of relatives who organize the funeral ceremony. The most beautiful elite coffins, like real works of funeral art, allow you to effectively conduct a burial ceremony, expressing respect and paying your last tribute to a loved one. Although for such a ritual attribute you will need to pay more than one thousand dollars.

Ritual attributes of the world

The classic coffin is an oblong box of a rectangular, hexagonal or octagonal shape with a wide head, narrowed downward. Today, funeral homes around the world offer not only a wide variety of mourning products for every taste and budget, but also non-standard solutions for funeral rituals.

One of the most expensive was considered the coffin of the King of Pop Michael Jackson, worth $25 thousand, but the Xiao En Center funeral home (Malaysia) presented the world with a more expensive product, the price of which exceeded $36 thousand.


In pre-Christian times, the ancient Slavs-Old Believers buried their dead in peculiar crypt-houses dug in the ground. In such a structure they left clothes, food, money and everything that might be needed in the next world. Only with the advent of Christianity did they begin to use wooden houses, which over time began to be painted and upholstered with various woven materials. There was also a tradition of making sarcophagi from stone.

In the middle of the 19th century, coffin shops began to appear, offering products for ceremonial burials and extremely expensive products, luxuriously inlaid with silver, gold, precious stones and decorated with angels and cherubs. Moreover, it was possible to order a funeral of any level with generals and counts walking in a mournful cortege, singers from the imperial theaters for the funeral service, and speakers delivering a speech over the grave. Of course, all kinds of luxuries of the Russian funeral industry were intended only for the rich segments of the population.

Currently, double-lidded coffins, in which one lid remains open during farewell, are especially popular among Russians. Such products are manufactured according to foreign, in particular American and Italian samples.

The most expensive coffins in Russia are those made to order. Models for deceased VIPs are made from exotic and valuable woods, as well as other elite materials. Products of noble colors are polished or varnished, upholstered in natural leather, complemented with satin, velvet, silk and lace, decorative religious carvings, reproductions of famous artists and expensive antique-style fittings. Coffins can be equipped with special mechanisms that allow you to fix the bed, built-in lighting and a music system, air conditioning and a refrigerator.

Thus, in the history of Russian crime, the coolest coffin was that of one of the powerful Far Eastern crime bosses, Vasily Naumov, known in certain circles as “Yakut”.

In 2003, he was shot and killed by an assassin in South Korea. In order to carry the leader on his final journey, the Russian gang ordered a mahogany coffin, decorated with engravings, carved elements and gold inlay, and also equipped with an automatically closing lid, lighting and an electronic refrigeration device. The cost of the product was $15 thousand. In addition, Yakut was buried in the prestigious sector of the Yalta cemetery, and the funeral cortege, in addition to a luxury hearse, included expensive Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz cars.


For many centuries, Italian coffin masters throughout the world have been famous for their beautiful coffins of impeccable quality and, accordingly, high cost. In addition, in Italy sarcophagi are often stolen, especially with famous bodies, in order to obtain a ransom from the relatives of the deceased. Therefore, Italian undertakers go to various lengths, equipping their products with web cameras, electronic sensors that react to shifts and signal to Italian law enforcement agencies, as well as navigators that allow them to determine their location in the event of theft. In addition, such equipment will give a timely signal if suddenly the person has not died, but is in a coma or in a state of lethargic sleep.

In addition, the Italians, caring about the environment and trying to preserve the environment, are developing eco-coffins. The designers of the environmental project Capsula Mundi proposed a unique solution - burial in capsules shaped like seeds and made of biomaterials based on cereal protein and starch of plant origin. The deceased is placed in a fetal position in an egg capsule decomposed by microorganisms, which is buried, and a tree is planted in the ground above it. The biocoffin with human remains will feed the woody plant. As a result, instead of traditional cemeteries, of which there are more and more, memorial “Forests of Memory” will be able to grow on the planet. This shocking concept of a green burial ceremony has not received a single disapproving statement and will clearly find its “consumer” who wants to reunite with nature and become part of it.


In the last decade, even the most expensive coffin made of high-quality materials with rich finishes, handmade using complex technologies, has ceased to satisfy the wealthy segments of society. Despite the tragedy of the situation, people with a broad outlook on life are increasingly willing to take care of their final journey into oblivion. Creative funerals are gaining popularity around the world, and many funeral homes pay attention to the wishes of potential clients, offering unique sarcophagi that emphasize individuality and personify the life priorities of the deceased, allowing for a non-trivial departure.

Vic Fearn & Company Ltd, an English funeral company founded over 150 years ago, has opened a division called Crazy Coffins, where they make some truly stunning products. One day, the company received an order for an airplane coffin, and, having learned about such an interesting solution, more and more people want to create a sarcophagus according to their own sketches every year.

Coffins appeared in the form of all kinds of vehicles, tools and books, animals, birds and fish, beer cans and wine bottle caps, sports bags and even trash cans. The cost of unusual ritual attributes starts from £1 thousand.

In addition to beautiful and expensive coffins, many leading companies in the field of funeral services offer creative funeral ceremonies such as theatrical, exotic, enchanting, sea and even space funerals.

Modern and fashionable coffins

The famous Russian designer I. Kadyrov suggested that modern society abandon boring wooden boxes and go to eternity in unique VOYAGER sarcophagi. Coffins created in various fashionable styles and thematic designs, such as luxury yachts or Formula 1 racing cars, which have repeatedly made a splash at the Necropolis funeral exhibition at VDNKh. The filling of ritual attributes is quite diverse, from an oxygen cylinder to a satellite phone.

Modern web technologies and digital devices, which became an integral attribute of a person living in the 19th century, have recently begun to be actively used in the ritual industry. A funeral company in Sweden invited everyone to literally lie in a coffin with music. A special sound system is integrated into the product body, connected to the tombstone, which is connected to the World Wide Web. The buyer can choose musical compositions in advance or completely trust the tastes of relatives. Such a musical coffin can be purchased for only 23 thousand €.

At the same time, the “smart coffin” is the brainchild of the British. The creators plan not only to integrate colored lighting and speakers into the smart coffin to play the deceased’s favorite music, but also to add a screen to the body that will display his photo, display a personal website or page on social networks, where you can leave condolences and virtually say goodbye to your loved one person.