Cat - golden forehead - Belarusian folk tale. Lesson cat golden forehead Belarusian folk tale.


For the expectant mother

Lesson plan for 2nd grade

Literary reading

Subject: Subject: Hungarian folk tale

"Two Little Bears"

Target: Educational:

formation of students' ideas about the fairy-tale genre (fairy-tale beginning and end, fairy-tale heroes). Developmental:

development of speech and vocabulary of students through the introduction of new words; long listening skills; the ability to answer questions about reproducing events in the text. Educational: nurturing the desire to commit good deeds

and business. Equipment:


During the classes

1. Conversation with the class.

What animals are found in fairy tales?

    What animals are mentioned when they say:

    clumsy as...

    slow as...

    cowardly as...

cunning as...

2. Retelling of the fairy tale “The cat has a golden forehead”

3. Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting educational objectives. Today we will continue our acquaintance with oral folk art , let's take a journey into the mysterious and beautiful world

fairy tales

Look at the blackboard. Let's read the poem that is written there.

Find yourself in a wondrous fairy tale

Everyone wants it, believe me.

Open up in a book of fairy tales

Maybe a fairy door Who,

reads fairy tales

It often goes there About everyone

fairy-tale heroes

He will find out everything there.

A. Okhmatova4. Preparation for primary perception "

The Fox and the Crane." 1) Form of preparation: introductory talk

on this topic.

Tell me, in your life you have often heard the word “greed”. What does it mean?

What color can you use to represent greed?

Now listen to the poem.

Greedy! Hands up!

Greedy greedy people!

No hands...

Suddenly there were no more greedy people,

As if it never happened.

Well, at least it’s not enough!

Two or three pieces!

Hands up,

Greedy girls

Greedy boys...

At least raise your fingers!

How many are greedy?

You should know!

Five? Twenty five?

How many greedy

Look carefully.

Are there any greedy people?


E. Moshkovskaya Guys, you can call greedy man


Why is it great if there are no greedy children in the class?

2) Are there greedy animals in fairy tales?

Vocabulary work:

Well done, now we’ll get acquainted with another fairy tale, but first, let’s look at the new words, look at the board. More

stronger, bigger. Cheat

- a cunning liar. Reproachfully

- condemningly, reproachfully.

5. Primary perception and verification of primary perception. 1) Method of organization: expressive reading

2) Questions to check primary perception:

    Did you like the fairy tale?

    What heroes met in the fairy tale?

    Which moment was your favorite?

6. Preparing for re-reading.

1) Reading words that differ by one letter:

Table - pillar;

Ox – stake;

Pain is salt;

Goats - braids;

Ball - scarf;

Home - away.

2) Preliminary reading of words with additional marks:



On / ka / for / la;

Spo / ri / li.

3) Reading the pyramid:


To me






We've run out

7. Re-reading and analysis of the work.

1) Type of re-reading: chain reading.

2) Conversation-reflection on what you read.

    Where did the old mother bear and her cubs live?(In the forest)

    Why did the cubs leave their mother?(Because they wanted to find happiness)

    What order did they receive?(Never be separated from each other)

    Where did the cubs go immediately?(To the edge of the forest, and from there to the field)

    What happened soon?(All supplies have run out)

    What did you find? bear cubs on the road?(a wheel of cheese)

    Did they manage to divide the cheese equally? Why?(No, because greed got the better of them)

    How do you understand the expression “greed has prevailed”?(They began to feel greedy)

    What were the cubs afraid of?(That someone else will get most of it)

    Who came to the aid of the animals?(Fox)

    Did the fox divide the cheese equally?(No)

    How did she decide to fix the fact that she broke the cheese into a large and small piece?(She took a bite from the larger one so that the smaller piece became larger)

    Did this help?(No)

    How did the further division of cheese proceed?(The fox took a bite of each piece of cheese in turn)

    By the time the pieces were even, was there any cheese left for the bear cubs?(No)

    What did the fox say to the cubs?(Read out)

    What did the fox teach the bear cubs?(Because you can't be greedy)

    Choose words that are close in meaning to the words “despondent”, “very little”, “came across”.

    “He who is greedy will lose everything.” Explain the meaning of the saying.

Physical education minute

Hands raised and shook -

These are trees in the forest.

Hands bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We’ll also show you how they sit down,

Fold the wings back.

8. Final conversation on the works.

Did you like this fairy tale? How do you feel about the heroes of the fairy tale?

2) Identifying the main idea.

What do you think this fairy tale teaches?

(That you can’t be greedy, you need to share, do it so that everything is equal.)

Let's read the tongue twister on page 39.

Did you like this tongue twister?

Why do we need tongue twisters?

9. Creative activity following what I read.

Dramatization form:

analysis of illustrations from the point of view of the expressiveness of facial expressions and pantomime of the characters depicted on it.

Let's look at the illustrations that hang on the board.

Do they fit our fairy tale?

What animals are depicted?

Do you like bear costumes?

Describe the nature you see in the pictures?

What emotions do we see in the fox?

Why is she happy?

What kind of bears?

What feelings do they experience?

10. Summing up the lesson.

What work did we meet today?

What did this fairy tale teach you?

11. Homework.

Page 34-39, vyr. Thurs., retelling.

The cat has a golden forehead. Belarusian fairy tale

There lived a grandfather and a woman. They were so poor, so poor that they had nothing to eat or cook.

So the woman says to the grandfather:

“Grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour.” Let's bake some bread.

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, and began to cut down an oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak tree - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

“Well, my little cat, my little dove, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.”

- Go home, grandfather: you will have flour! Grandfather arrived home, and lo and behold, his bin was full of flour!

The woman baked bread, ate it herself, fed her grandfather and said to him:

“It wouldn’t hurt to cook the grout now.” But here's the problem: there is no salt. Grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

- Yes, my little cat, my little dove: there is bread, but no salt!

- Go home, grandfather: you will have salt too! Grandfather arrived home, and lo and behold, he had a whole tub of salt!

The woman made the grout, ate it herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

“It wouldn’t hurt to try some cabbage now.” Grind, grandfather, hatchet, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandfather sharpened his ax, went to the woods, knocked on the oak... A cat jumped out - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

- Yes, my little cat, my little dove: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

-Go home, grandfather: there will be cabbage for you! I came home and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

- Oh, how good! Now if only we had some more salsa... You and I would cook cabbage soup and season it with salsa. Don’t be lazy, grandpa, take an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat with a golden forehead will jump out: ask him for some salsa.

Grandfather took an ax, went to the forest, knocked on the oak... A cat jumped out - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

- Yes, my little cat, my little darling: the woman is asking for more salt for the cabbage.

- Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be lard!

Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole cube of lard!

Happy grandfather, happy woman. They began to live without bothering, telling fairy tales to children.

And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and for me a bunch of bagels.

Topic: “The story of L.N. Tolstoy "Kitten"

Objectives: to introduce students to the instructive stories of L.N. Tolstoy; learn to make a plan; develop attention, logical thinking, Creative skills; improve reading technique; the ability to characterize characters based on their actions; development of creative thinking through student-student interactions, foster honesty, good relations to animals.

Planned results:

Students must be able to listen works of art;

correlate the meaning of the proverb and prose work;

draw up a story plan, retell the text in detail, selectively;

characterize heroes based on an analysis of their actions, author's attitude to them.

Personal learning outcomes:

- (emotionality) formation of the ability to recognize and identify one’s emotions;

- (empathy) formation of the ability to recognize and identify the emotions of other people, sympathy, empathy;

Formation of interest in reading, need for reading;

Formation respectful attitude to the preferences of other people, - orientation in the moral content and meaning of one’s actions and the actions of other people.

Meta-subject learning outcomes:

Regulatory UUD:

Formation of the ability to independently formulate the topic and goals of the lesson, to plan ways to solve the problem;

Develop the ability to evaluate your work in class.

Cognitive UUD:

Formation critical thinking;

Formation of the ability to extract information presented in different forms, build reasoning.

Communicative UUD:

Develop the ability to express your thoughts orally, express and justify your point of view;

Mastering dialogic and monologue speech;

Formation of the ability to ask questions, negotiate in joint activities, and come to a common decision.

Subject results:

development of the level of reading competence, general speech development(reading aloud and silently, basic techniques of text analysis), use different types reading, the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content of the text, participate in discussion, give and justify a moral assessment of the actions of the characters.

Equipment: tutorial literary reading for grade 2 (part 1) auto. Klimanova L. F. and others, cards, computer, multimedia projector, presentation


1. Organizational moment.

- Hello guys! Let's smile at each other and rejoice at our meeting. Sun. Remember: “Smile at the world, and the world will smile at you.” (Slide1). Today guests came to our lesson, we will greet them with our smile and give them a piece of Have a good mood. Let's greet our partner on the shoulder (high five), in the face. .We tuned in and got ready. Let's wish each other fruitful work in the lesson.

My signal is the structure of Kopi KLEP

Draw conclusions and reason

And so that everyone can benefit from the lesson,

Get actively involved in the work, my friend!

2. Articulation exercise

- To work, we need an assistant - our tongue. Let's get it ready to go.

Let's try to cheat balloon, and suddenly it blows away at (1, 2), (1, 2, 3).

Breathing exercises. Now we will warm up our vocal cords:

blow a snowflake from your palm

“Radio theatre”: narrating a fairy tale (the wind is blowing, insects are buzzing, a horse is galloping)?

    Checking homework.

Compilation verbal portrait of the main character by structure (Slide 3). Round Table

(Slide 4). Brave (went to school alone), fearless (not afraid of dogs), timid (embarrassed in front of stranger), inquisitive and smart (he learned to add letters when his brother was reading), purposeful (he really wanted to learn).

Repeat.I am brave, fearless, timid, inquisitive and smart, purposeful

4. Studying new material.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of L.N. Tolstoy, and which work will you find out if you guess the riddle:

Reading a riddle to students.

(Slide5) . What kind of animal is playing with me:

Doesn't moo, doesn't laugh, doesn't bark,

Attacks the balls

Does he hide his claws in his paws?

Which work by L.N. Will we meet Tolstoy in today's lesson? (L.N. Tolstoy “Kitten”)

What goal will we set today in class?

The purpose of our lesson – Why accounting is a product

Leo Tolstoy called this work a true story

- How do you understand the meaning of this word?

(Slide 5). Fact is what actually happened

5. Listening to the text (audio recording)

6. Unfamiliar wordsPrez.

– In the text you came across words that we rarely hear now, but maybe you know their meaning

barn– a barn where grain is stored;

near- near, near;

away- On the other side;

sorrel– an edible plant with leaves with a sour taste;

whatever was in the spirit- very fast.

7. Reading in a chain

    Conversation on content.reading

When did the cat go missing?

Where did Vasya find the kittens?

How many were there?

How did the kitten end up alone?

What danger was the kitten in?

Who saved the kitten?

– Were you worried when you listened to the story?

– Who were you worried about? (For the kitten, for Vasya).

– Who were you more worried about? (For a kitten)

    Primary consolidation according to the structure of Jot Tots

Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in new situation(problem tasks)

Now let's do a mental technique called Sort Cards (a mental technique that develops the skills of classifying information.) Let's repeat everything together. Great! We need to divide the cards from 1 to 3 groups. Look carefully at all the words and try to find connections between them. How are they similar and how are they different? Create and divide your ideas into groups. You have 2 minutes to do this.

Think about what you can call these groups. You have 30 seconds to do this.

Write the names of each group on separate pieces of paper and place them above the list of words. You have 1 minute to do this. Go! (copy clip)

What character traits do our heroes from the story have?

What do you think L.N. Tolstoy wanted to tell us, the readers, with his story?

Yes, L.N. Tolstoy wanted to show with this story that we should take care of our pets. And if we don't do this, they will die

What is the main meaning of this work? How do you understand now?

Answer: - This story is about the fact that we must be responsible for the animals we get. This story is about responsibility to our little brothers.

A pre-prepared phrase opens on the board:

Does the phrase reflect French writer A. Saint-Exupery main idea were Leo Tolstoy?

(Slide6) “You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed...”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

(Slide7). - Which phrase is closest to the topic?

If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

All is well that ends well.

We are responsible for those we have tamed.

12. Let's listen to the poem.

The kitten kept meowing in the yard under the bush,

The kitten just wanted someone to call him into the house.

Suddenly a lonely yellow leaf rustled from a bush,

It seemed to the kitten that they called “kitty-kitty.”

Meowed with happiness, he rushed to the call,

Only the door was bolted.

-Sad poem, isn't it?

-To prevent this from happening, you should never forget your little friend and you need to take care of it.

- Well done! You did a good job in class today. Thank you for the lesson! Ratings.

13 Homework.

(Slide8). Homework


1. Write a story about your pet and draw it.

3. Make up questions for the text.

(Slide 9.) So that the lesson is not in vain

I wish you my friends

May you be friends with books

And they were well-mannered.

13. Summing up, reflection. (Slide 10)

There lived a grandfather and a woman. They were so poor, so poor that they had nothing to eat or cook.

So the woman says to the grandfather:

Grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, and began to cut down an oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak tree - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Well, my little cat, my little dove, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.

Go home, grandfather: you will have flour! Grandfather arrived home, and lo and behold, his bin was full of flour!

The woman baked bread, ate it herself, fed her grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn’t hurt to weld the grout now. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Grandfather, take an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat with a golden forehead will jump out: ask him for salt.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Well, my little cat, my little darling: there is bread, but no salt!

Go home, grandfather: you will have salt too! Grandfather arrived home, and lo and behold, he had a whole tub of salt!

The woman made the grout, ate it herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn’t hurt to try some cabbage now. Grind, grandfather, hatchet, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandfather sharpened his ax, went to the woods, knocked on the oak tree... A cat jumped out - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, my little cat, my little darling: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Go home, grandfather: you will have cabbage! I came home and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

Ay, how good! Now if only we had some more salsa... You and I would cook cabbage soup and season it with salsa. Don’t be lazy, grandpa, take an ax, go to the woods, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat with a golden forehead will jump out: ask him for some salsa.

Grandfather took an ax, went into the woods, knocked on the oak... A cat jumped out - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Well, my little kitty, my little darling: the woman is asking for more salt for the cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be lard!

Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole cube of lard!

Happy grandfather, happy woman. They began to live without bothering, telling fairy tales to children.

And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and for me a bunch of bagels.

There lived a grandfather and a woman. They were so poor, so poor that they had nothing to eat or cook.

So the woman says to the grandfather:

Grandfather, take an axe, go to the forest, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, and began to cut down an oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak tree - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Well, my little cat, my little dove, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.

Go home, grandfather: you will have flour! Grandfather arrived home, and lo and behold, his bin was full of flour!

The woman baked bread, ate it herself, fed her grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn’t hurt to weld the grout now. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Grandfather, take an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat with a golden forehead will jump out: ask him for salt.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Well, my little cat, my little darling: there is bread, but no salt!

Go home, grandfather: you will have salt too! Grandfather arrived home, and lo and behold, he had a whole tub of salt!

The woman made the grout, ate it herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn’t hurt to try some cabbage now. Grind, grandfather, hatchet, go to the forest, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandfather sharpened his ax, went to the woods, knocked on the oak... A cat jumped out - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, my little cat, my little darling: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Go home, grandfather: you will have cabbage! I came home and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

Ay, how good! Now if only we had some more salsa... You and I would cook cabbage soup and season it with salsa. Don’t be lazy, grandpa, take an ax, go to the woods, knock on the oak tree, maybe a cat with a golden forehead will jump out: ask him for some salsa.

Grandfather took an ax, went into the woods, knocked on the oak tree... A cat jumped out - golden forehead, golden ear, silver ear, golden hair, silver hair, golden paw, silver paw.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Well, my little kitty, my little darling: the woman is asking for more salt for the cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be lard!

Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole cube of lard!

Happy grandfather, happy woman. They began to live without bothering, telling fairy tales to children.

And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and for me a bunch of bagels.

Belarusian fairy tale