Lesson summary “Sister Fox and Wolf. Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group. Reading the Russian folk tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf Lesson stages, time


Nina Zhukova
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group. Reading the Russian folk tale “The Little Fox and the Gray Wolf”

Target: Introduce Russian folk tale«» , help evaluate the actions of heroes, dramatize an excerpt from a work, teach how to build extended statements;

Program tasks:

Continue to develop the ability to answer questions based on the text in complete sentences.

Cultivate moral quality: respect, kindness, honesty towards other people.

Integration of educational regions: Speech development», "Cognitive development» , "Social-Communicative development» .

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales and stories about animals, looking at paintings "Who Lives Where", books about wild and domestic animals, educational games "Who's screaming", "Who is missing", modeling and drawing about animals, memorizing poetry.

Equipment: illustrations for fairy tale: "The Fox Eats the Fish", "The fox is going to wolf» , "The fox throws out the fish on the cart", "The fox teaches wolf fishing» ; coloring illustration where the wolf carries the fox, colored pencils, fairy tale edited by M. Bulatova; illustrations for fairy tales"Kolobok", "Zayushkina's hut", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Chicken Ryaba".

Progress of organized educational activities.

I. Motivational and incentive stage.

Educator: Guys, he came to visit us wolf and wants to tell a story, which happened to him, and he was left without a tail.

II. Organizational and search stage.

Educator: But first, let us remember what fairy tales and we read poems.

Children list what they remember.

Educator: Now let's warm up our neck.

Breathing exercise: “Granny bought beads for Marusya”

Educator: This tongue twister must be pronounced while exhaling. We inhale through our nose and speak as we exhale!

Children repeat after the teacher.

Educator: Guys, now I’ll read you excerpts from the works, and you can tell me by the first words what it is fairy tale, poem or story.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had a chicken, Ryaba.

Children: Fairy tale

Our Tanya is crying loudly. She dropped a ball into the river.

Children: Poem

Winter has come. The first snow fell.

Children: Story

Educator: Today we will talk about fairy tales. Guys, do you love fairy tales? Which fairy tales you know? Now I'll see if you can guess fairy tale from the picture and name its characters (show pictures)

Educator: Guys, you are so great! Of course there are many fairy tales about people, about magic, about animals. Today we will read fairy tale, and who you will find out about by guessing the riddles.

Educator: Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is a beauty, and her name is...

Children: fox

Educator: Who wanders in the forest in the cold winter, angry, hungry.

Children: wolf

Educator: Who are the heroes? fairy tales?

Children: Fox and wolf.

Educator: So, fairy tale which I will now read to you is called “ Fox - sister and gray wolf(reading a fairy tale) .

Questions about fairy tale:

Educator: Did you like it fairy tale?

Educator: Who remembers what it's called?

Educator: What is the personality of a fox?

Children: cunning, cheat, deceiver

Educator: Which one fairy tale wolf?

Children: hungry, kind, trusting

Educator: Tell me how the fox advised you to fish?

Educator: Why did the fox deceive wolf?

Educator: Did the fox do the right thing?

Children: No, you need to respect other people and treat them kindly, especially the fox and the wolf were friends.

Educator: What time of year does the action take place? fairy tales? How did you understand this? By what words?

Children: Cold and frosty.

Educator: Are you afraid of frost?

Educator: Then let's play with you.

Physical education minute: “I’m not afraid of frost”

I'm not afraid of frost

I will become close friends with him.

The frost will come to me

Touch your cheeks, touch your nose

So you shouldn't yawn

A lot of jumping and skipping.

Educator: Guys, you remember well fairy tale? Let's remember how it ended? I'll remind you now. Reading a fairy tale.

What said the fox? What does she need the wolf replied? Let's act out this passage now. Here are our participants.


The fox is riding wolf.

Children: one holds on to the other and sentences.

Fox: The beaten one brings the unbeaten one.

Wolf: What are you telling me, little fox?

Fox: The beaten one is lucky!

Wolf: Yes that's right.

Educator: Got it wolf fox to the hole, she jumped off, hid, and she herself wolf...What?

Spectators: Laughs - chuckles.

Educator: Did you like the performance? Let's give our artists a round of applause.

Educator: Now, guys, let's complete the next task. On your tables there are coloring books, pictures where the wolf carries the fox, but they lost their colors along the way. Let's decorate them. Let's take pencils.

(Children’s independent work.)

III. Reflexive - corrective stage.

Educator: What did we do today? What did you like? Using the example fairy tales we are convinced that one should not offend friends. That's why we read fairy tales to better know which actions are good and which are bad. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Cheburashka" of a compensating type, Korolev. CONSPECT Direct.

Summary of a lesson on reading the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf” Organization of continuous direct educational activities for children in the middle group

Sections: Primary school

Target: formation of the basis of reader independence.

Lesson objectives:


  • summarize and systematize students’ knowledge about fairy tales;
  • introduce the Russian folk tale “Fox - Sister and Wolf”, its content;
  • expand your understanding of animal tales;
  • learn to evaluate characters by their actions and speech patterns;
  • continue to work on improving reading skills: accuracy, fluency, speed.


  • develop: students’ oral speech, figurative and logical thinking, articulatory apparatus;
  • ability to analyze and generalize;
  • interest in reading, curiosity.


  • cultivate respect for the origins of the culture of one’s people;
  • education of morality through analysis of the content of a work of art.

Equipment: Textbook “Literature for first-graders” anthology. 1st grade, book exhibition, “Teremok”, projector, computer.


I. Organizational moment (physical minute).

The bell has rung for us.
Everyone calmly entered the classroom.
Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
We greeted each other politely.
Sit down quietly, backs straight
I see our class anywhere.
We'll start the lesson, friends.

– Let’s smile at each other and wish a good mood.

II. Motivation.

Children today we will go on a journey through an amazing country that is not on any map of the world. We will go to the Land of Fairy Tales. (Slide 1. Presentation - available from the author)

Let's go on a trip,
Let's go to the land of fairy tales,
Listen, think, watch,
Guess our fairy tale.
You will find yourself in this fairy tale.
On the carpet, on the plane.
Close your eyes together,
Let the fairy tale into your soul
And until I tell you,
Don't open it.

I count to 5, the children open their eyes.

The presenter, the mouse, and the frog come out.

In an open field there is a little teremok.
He is neither short nor tall.
Like a mouse running across a field,
She stopped at the door and knocked:


Who lives in the little house?
Does anyone live in a low place?

No one answered the mouse.
She entered the little mansion and began to live in it.
Like a frog jumping across a field,
I saw a little house and knocked:


Who lives in the little house?
Does anyone live in a low place?

Mouse: Pee-wee-wee, I’m a little mouse. Who are you?


Kva-kva, I am a croak frog!
Let me live!

Mouse: So be it, perhaps it’s more fun to live together in a house!

Teacher: What fairy tale heroes met us in fairyland?

Children: These are the heroes of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”.

Teacher: Why is this fairy tale called a folk tale?

Children: Written by the people.

Teacher: What other fairy tales are there?

III. Working with a book exhibition.

Teacher: What groups would you divide all the fairy tales that you see at the exhibition into?

Teacher: Which fairy tales appeared first?

Children: Folk tales appeared earlier.

Teacher: How have folk tales survived to this day?

Children: They were told by adults to children.

Teacher: How do fairy tales differ from other literary works - stories, novellas, etc.?

Children: Fairy tales begin with the beginnings: “once upon a time,” “in a certain kingdom”... In fairy tales there are sayings and proverbs: “Soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.” In fairy tales, animals, plants, and objects talk. In almost all fairy tales, good wins. There can be magic in fairy tales.

IV. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Who are the heroes of the RNS “Teremok”? Guess which folk tales we will talk about in our lesson?

There are no magical transformations in these fairy tales, but they are very funny. In them there is a good-natured bear, a cowardly hare, a cunning fox, and an evil wolf. Today we watched an excerpt of this type of fairy tale.

Children: These are tales about animals.

Today in Fairytale Land we are greeted by the Russian folk tale “Little Fox and the Wolf”. (Slide 3)

Teacher: Now listen carefully to the fairy tale and prove whether this is really a fairy tale about animals?

V. The teacher’s telling of a Russian folk tale is close to the text. (Slide 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

VI. Checking primary perception.

Do you agree that the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf” is a fairy tale about animals?

Prove it!

Are the Wolf and the Fox the main characters of the fairy tale or minor ones? What can you say about people?

Who in a fairy tale can be called smart?

What is a fox like? How is this said in the fairy tale?

Who did she outsmart?

Prove that she is smart, enterprising, cunning, and mocking.

What is the Wolf like? (Stupid, gullible, simpleton)

As it is said in a fairy tale.

Teacher: Did you like the fairy tale? How?

Teacher: What kind of fairy tale is this - funny or sad?

Teacher: What saying from the fairy tale do you remember?

Children: The beaten one is lucky.

VII. Physical education minute.

We just entered a fairy tale
Mosquitoes appeared.

Ahead from behind a bush
The sly fox looks
We'll outwit the fox
Let's run on our toes.

The wolf is prowling quickly in the field,
He is very formidable in the wild.
We imitate the wolf
Fidgety kids
But the game is over
And it's time for us to learn.

Teacher. They stood up straight. They sat down quietly and wanted to work.

VIII. Work from a notebook.

I know you love games, songs, riddles and dances.
But there is nothing more interesting than our fairy tale.

Teacher: Open your notebooks according to the bookmark.

Teacher: look at picture 1 of the task. Tell an excerpt from a fairy tale for this picture. (Listening to children's stories)

Teacher: Read task 2.

Read the passage yourself and determine where the words are wolf and where are foxes.

Find and read the words of the wolf.

Find and read the words of the fox.

Let's read the passage by role.

IX. Consolidation of the studied material.

Student modeling of the cover.

Teacher: What did we listen to in class today?

Children: A fairy tale.

Teacher: Correct. What substitute exists for a fairy tale?

Children: Circle.

Teacher: Who is this fairy tale about?

Children: About animals.

Teacher: If we are talking about animals, then what color should we paint the circle with?

Children: brown.

Children: no. This is a Russian folk tale. (Slide 10)

Teacher: How does this fairy tale end?

Children: Sad?

Read the statement by A.S. Pushkin: (Slide 11)

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

How do you understand these words?

What lesson did you learn from the fairy tale?

  • be honest, kind;
  • respond to good with good.

XI. Lesson summary.

Teacher: Look, here is a fairy-tale box, there are letters in it, only there are no return addresses on them. Who wrote these letters? Maybe you guys can tell me?

(Takes out letters and reads them)

1. I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
Ran away from the bear
And the fox's teeth
Still got caught... (“Kolobok”)

2. Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (“Three Bears”).

3. Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf... (Kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”)

4. Oh, Petya - simplicity,
I messed up a little.
Didn't listen to the cat -
Looked out the window. (“Cat, Rooster and Fox”)

5. Everything ended well,
Only my tail remained in the hole... (Wolf from the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf”)

Teacher: Well done.

What do all these tales have in common?

Children: All these Russian folk tales are about animals.

We close our eyes again,
We are flying away from a fairy tale.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
We will return to class again.

X. Reflection.

What do you want to say about the lesson?

What grade does our lesson deserve?

You have two pictures on your desk: a smiling Fox and a crying Wolf. If you were interested in the lesson, then pick up the fox, and if you are sad, uninteresting, then the Wolf (Children show cards with pictures of animals) (Slide 13, 14)

Lesson summary on literary reading in 1st grade

Chapter: Fairy tales.

Subject: Russian folk tales. "Fox - sister and wolf."

Lesson type: Lesson on introducing new material.

Objective of the lesson: systematize students’ knowledge on the topic “Russian folk tales”; learn to evaluate the character of the characters, their actions, mood.

Planned result: systematization of students’ knowledge of fairy tales; the ability to evaluate heroes by their actions.


- development of independence;

Development of cooperation skills.


Development of oral speech; figurative and logical thinking, articulatory apparatus;

ability to analyze and generalize


Personal UUD:

Formation of educational motivation, adequate self-esteem, awareness of the meaning of learning and personal responsibility for future results; willingness to openly express one’s position in the classroom.

Regulatory UUD:

Formation of the ability to carry out actions according to a model; evaluation of the process and result of activity.

Cognitive UUD:

Summarizing the concept based on identifying essential features; implementation of semantic reading; search and selection of necessary information from the text; filling out the proposed diagrams based on the text read; working with two sources of information

Communication UUD:

Formation of the ability to hear and listen to a teacher, classmate; conduct oral dialogue; role reading; collaborate with others to solve learning problems; adequately evaluate oneself and the work of other students.

Lesson objectives:

    the formation of educational and information skills (the ability to work with text, with tables, to find the main, essential); learn to evaluate characters by their actions and speech patterns

    development of communication skills (ability to communicate, interact with each other);

    cultivate respect for the origins of the culture of one’s people; morality through analysis of the content of a work of art;

Basic concepts of the lesson: fairy tale, character.

Equipment: textbook by E.E. Kats “Literary Reading”, projector, computer,

Lesson stages, time

Teacher activities

Student Actions

I . Self-determination for activity And setting a learning task.

(organizational moment)

Goal: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level; speaking the topic and purpose of the lesson in the form of questions.

Methods: dialogue leading to the topic.

The bell rang again.

We are starting our lesson.

Curious children in the classroom

They want to know about everything in the world.

Good morning!

The day has begun.

First of all, we drive away laziness.

Don't be bored in class

Today in the lesson we will not only begin to get acquainted with a new work, but also remember the classification of fairy tales, and also work on enriching our vocabulary. Throughout the lesson, you will not just be listeners, but attentive, thoughtful readers and researchers.

What does it mean to be attentive readers?

II . Updating knowledge.

Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge of the classification of fairy tales.

Method: dialogue.

Productive task: circuit addition

Motivational technique: riddles.

Here are illustrations for works you are familiar with. What genre of literature do they belong to?

How does a fairy tale differ from other genres of literature?

Look, into what two large groups can all fairy tales be divided?

Name folk tales.

Complete the proposed diagram.

Fairy tales ask:

And now you, friends, get to know us!

1. And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy.

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie...

2.Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

3. There is neither a river nor a pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In a hoof hole!...

4. Pounded and pounded

On the plate with your nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose.

Think about which fairy tale will be “extra” and why?

These are all fairy tales.

In a fairy tale there is always everything unusual and magical; there are animals, birds and things that can talk and wear clothes. There are also various magical things: a flying carpet, a magic mirror, a self-assembled tablecloth and others. There are unusual creatures in fairy tales: Baba Yaga, gnomes, Koschey the Immortal, etc.

- “Doctor Aibolit”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

- “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Cat, Fox and Rooster”.

Tales about animals, everyday tales and magic ones.

"Masha and the Bear"

"Three Bears"

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

"The Fox and the Crane"

“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, because this is a fairy tale, and the rest are about animals.

III . "Discovery of new knowledge"

Methods: dialogue, pair work.

Motivational technique: quiz

Guess the rebus and you will find out the name of the fairy tale hero we will talk about. The fox is one of the most famous heroes of Russian folk tales.

Let's do a little quiz. Hint: in all fairy tales the main character is a fox.

1) The little fox-sister is coming.

She knocked on the window and asked: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

2) And she told them from the stove: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets! The dogs got scared and ran away!

3) They let her in. The fox lay down on the bench, its tail under the bench, and the rolling pin under the stove.

4) The hare ran to the fox. And the bear and the wolf began to think about where to hide.

The bear says: I will climb the pine tree.

What should I do? - asks the wolf. Hide me, Mikhailo Ivanovich, somewhere! The bear covered the wolf with dry leaves and climbed up the pine tree.

Today we will get acquainted with another fairy tale, the heroes of which will be a fox and a wolf. This is a Russian folk tale, “The Little Fox and the Wolf.”

Open your textbook to page 66.

But first, let's do a vocabulary warm-up.

Vocabulary warm-up:

feeling of co-feeling


How do you understand the words: "curl up"?

Look up the meanings of the words in the dictionary: SMART, IMPROVE TIME, SLIGHTLY.

We got acquainted with new words and their meanings, which we need to remember for further work.

This is a fox.


"Zayushkina's hut"

"Fox with a rolling pin"

"Kotofey Ivanovich"

Squeeze, bend your knees, press your head tightly.

IV . Primary consolidation.


Methods: frontal work.

Lesson summary on literary reading

Chapter: Fairy tales.

Subject: Russian folk tales. "Fox - sister and wolf."

Objective of the lesson: systematize students’ knowledge on the topic “Russian folk tales”; learn to evaluate the character of the characters, their actions, mood.

Planned result: systematization of students’ knowledge of fairy tales; the ability to evaluate heroes by their actions.


- development of independence;

Development of cooperation skills.


Development of oral speech; figurative and logical thinking, articulatory apparatus;

ability to analyze and generalize


Personal UUD:

Formation of educational motivation, adequate self-esteem, awareness of the meaning of learning and personal responsibility for future results; willingness to openly express one’s position in the classroom.

Regulatory UUD:

Formation of the ability to carry out actions according to a model; evaluation of the process and result of activity.

Cognitive UUD:

Summarizing the concept based on identifying essential features; implementation of semantic reading; search and selection of necessary information from the text; filling out the proposed diagrams based on the text read; working with two sources of information

Communication UUD:

Formation of the ability to hear and listen to a teacher, classmate; conduct oral dialogue; role reading; collaborate with others to solve learning problems; adequately evaluate oneself and the work of other students.

Lesson objectives:

    the formation of educational and information skills (the ability to work with text, with tables, to find the main, essential); learn to evaluate characters by their actions and speech patterns

    development of communication skills (ability to communicate, interact with each other);

    cultivate respect for the origins of the culture of one’s people; morality through analysis of the content of a work of art;

Basic concepts of the lesson: fairy tale, character, cluster.

Equipment: textbook “Literary Reading”, signals, cards with tables, images of animals, projector, computer,

I . Self-determination for activity And setting a learning task.

(organizational moment)

Goal: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level; speaking the topic and purpose of the lesson in the form of questions.

Methods: dialogue leading to the topic.

The bell rang again.

We are starting our lesson.

Curious children in the classroom

They want to know about everything in the world.

Good morning!

The day has begun.

First of all, we drive away laziness.

Don't be bored in class

Today in the lesson we will not only begin to get acquainted with a new work, but also remember the classification of fairy tales, and also work on enriching our vocabulary. Throughout the lesson, you will not just be listeners, but attentive, thoughtful readers and researchers.

What does it mean to be attentive readers?

II . Updating knowledge.

Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge of the classification of fairy tales.

Method: dialogue.

Productive task: circuit addition

Motivational technique: riddles.

Here are illustrations for works you are familiar with. What genre of literature do they belong to?

How does a fairy tale differ from other genres of literature?

Look, into what two large groups can all fairy tales be divided?

Name folk tales.

Complete the proposed diagram.

Fairy tales ask:

And now you, friends, get to know us!

1. And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy.

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie...

2.Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

3. There is neither a river nor a pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In a hoof hole!...

4. Pounded and pounded

On the plate with your nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose.

Think about which fairy tale will be “extra” and why?

These are all fairy tales.

In a fairy tale there is always everything unusual and magical; there are animals, birds and things that can talk and wear clothes. There are also various magical things: a flying carpet, a magic mirror, a self-assembled tablecloth and others. There are unusual creatures in fairy tales: Baba Yaga, gnomes, Koschey the Immortal, etc.

- “Doctor Aibolit”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

- “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Cat, Fox and Rooster”.

Tales about animals, everyday tales and magic ones.

"Masha and the Bear"

"Three Bears"

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

"The Fox and the Crane"

“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, because this is a fairy tale, and the rest are about animals.

III . "Discovery of new knowledge"

Methods: dialogue, pair work.

Motivational technique: quiz, “magic box”, listening to a fairy tale performed by actors.

-Guess the rebus and you will find out the name of the fairy tale hero we will talk about. The fox is one of the most famous heroes of Russian folk tales.

Let's do a little quiz. Hint: in all fairy tales the main character is a fox.

1) The little fox-sister is coming.

She knocked on the window and asked: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

2) And she told them from the stove: As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets! The dogs got scared and ran away!

3) The fox climbed into the attic and ate half of the honey. She returned again and lay down, and the bear asked her: godfather, what was your godmother’s name?

4) They let her in. The fox lay down on the bench, its tail under the bench, and the rolling pin under the stove.

5) The hare ran to the fox. And the bear and the wolf began to think about where to hide.

The bear says: I will climb the pine tree.

What should I do? - asks the wolf. Hide me, Mikhailo Ivanovich, somewhere! The bear covered the wolf with dry leaves and climbed up the pine tree.

6) And the fox collected all the scattered fish into a pile, sat down on the road and eats for itself. The Gray Wolf comes to her.

Now you will get acquainted with another fairy tale, the heroes of which will be a fox and a wolf. This is a Russian folk tale, “The Little Fox and the Wolf.”

But first, let's do a vocabulary warm-up.

Vocabulary warm-up:

feeling of co-feeling


How do you understand the words: "curl up"?

Find the meanings of the words in the dictionary: SMART, IMPROVE TIME, EASY, HOLE, ROCKER, REVENTIVE.

We will put all these words into our magic box.

And now we will listen to the first part of this fairy tale performed by the wonderful actress T. Peltzer.

This is a fox.


"Zayushkina's hut"

"The Fox and the Bear"

"Fox with a rolling pin"

"Kotofey Ivanovich"

"Sister Fox and the Wolf"

Squeeze, bend your knees, press your head tightly.

IV . Primary consolidation.


Methods: frontal work.