Summary of direct educational activities in the educational field “Speech development” sections “Vocabulary development” and “Formation of the grammatical structure of speech” in older preschool age. Lesson summary on the formation of grammatical structure


GCD in the preparatory school group for speech development
Summary of GCD in the preparatory school group on the topic “Spring”
Topic: “Hello, Beauty Spring!”
Goal: To consolidate and clarify students’ knowledge about spring.
Improve the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of nouns with adjectives and verbs); consolidate the skills of using comparative phrases in speech, consolidate the ability to correctly construct complex sentences with a causal conjunction because.
Practice intonation expressiveness of speech using different voice strengths.
Enrich children's active vocabulary with nouns denoting the names of spring flowers.
To develop the ability to write a descriptive story based on a picture, to consolidate the ability to figuratively talk about nature in spring.
Reinforce the rules of safe behavior on the pond in the spring.
Continue to introduce the work of A.K. Savrasov, develop the ability to see means of expression in a painting: the color and shape of objects, features of composition.
Exercise the ability to feel a picture (“enter into it”) by conveying your feelings, sensations, and moods.
Develop cognitive interest in nature and imagination.
Improve speech hearing and attention.
Develop coordination of speech with movement through logorhythmics and sound gymnastics.
Develop the ability to creatively apply previously learned methods of paper construction.
Cultivate speech activity and emotionality.
Cultivate a respectful attitude towards adults and peers: listen, do not interrupt.
Form an emotional response to works of fine art and the natural world.
Integration of educational areas: “Social-communicative”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.
Vocabulary work: thawed patches, drops, swell, snowgon, pollen, reproduction.
Preliminary work: observing children in nature, reading fiction, looking at reproductions of paintings about spring.
Materials and equipment: laptop, multimedia projector, mnemonic tables and cards on the topic, a cloud, paper for making boats, a stream, a stand “Rules of Conduct on a Reservoir,” a flower meadow.
1. Organizational moment.
Sketch “Good morning”
Invented by someone and wisely
Say hello when meeting
- Good morning!
- Good morning! - the sun and the birds.
- Good morning! - smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind
May good morning last until evening.
- Let's take each other's hands and say kind words.
Emotional game “I like you”
- Did you feel the warmth of your hands? It’s so nice to hear good words; you don’t want to quarrel and be offended. Let our whole day go like this.
2. Poem “Who came so quietly and quietly”
- Listen, don’t you hear anything? Who was that walking so quietly outside the window?
Who passed by so quietly?
Well, of course, not an elephant,
And, of course, the hippopotamus
I couldn't go through this quietly.
And none of you heard
Like a leaf coming out of a bud,
And you couldn't hear
Like green blades of grass
Taking off my green shoes,
They quietly emerged from the ground.
And the snowdrop quietly came out.
And there is silence everywhere.
This means, this means
Spring has come quietly.
-Have you already guessed what we will talk about today?
- So spring has come to us.
The sky is lighter, the snow is melting
We will tell you about spring,
How birds fly to us from the south,
Like streams running and ringing.
- After what season of the year and before which does spring come?
3. Spring fairy tale.
Guys, look, something unusual has appeared in the group today. What do you think this is? (cloud) What does she want to tell us about? Let's get a look.
Cloud invites us to a fairy tale. (viewing on multimedia equipment)
Once upon a time there were four seasons. Did you recognize them? The seasons lived together and took turns ruling the world. But one day Winter decided that she was the most important and did not want to give way to Spring. The plants became sad under the blanket of snow. The birds stopped singing. People are tired of heating their houses just to stay warm. Summer and Autumn became worried. Spring said: “Don’t worry, I have a miracle that can defeat the cold!”
- What kind of miracle is this? Maybe the cloud can tell us? (fire, light bulb, sun).
- Which of these do you think could be a miracle that will help Spring? Why do you think so?
- Will spring come if the sun does not shine and warm? What will happen?
4. Didactic game “Select signs, actions”
- The sun is the most important helper of spring. It is the biggest and kindest miracle. But somehow our sun is sad. Do you want to cheer him up? Give him kind words.
- What sunshine?
- What does it do?
5. Didactic game “Compare and name.”
The sun is yellow like
The sun is round like
The sun is gentle, like
The sun is cheerful, like
The sun is warm like
The sun is bright like
- The sun smiles at us, and we smile at him.
Let’s say the sentence “In spring the sun shines brightly” quietly, loudly, joyfully.
- Indeed, the sun rises higher, shines brighter, warms stronger.
And what spring months does it bring with it? Guess the riddle:
A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who knows?
- What do people call this month? Why?
6. Didactic game “Be careful”
- Listen, what is this sound?
Let's get closer to the stream, but first look at what these pictures are? What are they warning us about? (reinforcing the rules of behavior on a pond in the spring)
7. Stories about spring.
Brook has prepared a surprise - “spring pictures on a piece of ice”:
white - mnemonic tables - telling poems (for children with a low level,
blue (for children with an average level) - compiling mnemonic tables that will help talk about spring,
blue (for children with a high level of reading) - compiling proverbs about spring from individual words.
Spring turned out different for everyone. Listen, the stream is making noise and calling us to follow it.
Listen to another riddle:
The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And the snowdrop suddenly woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?
- What do people call this month?
8. Physical exercise “Flowers”
As soon as the snow melts, the flowers bloom.
Go out into the clearing.
Straighten your backs
Give me your palms.
Let's name the flowers
And play with your palms.
Whom I touch with my palm,
He names a flower.
- One two Three! The children turned into flowers.
- What kind of flower are you?
- There hasn’t been spring rain for a long time, our flowers have completely withered.
First they lowered their heads,
Then the leaves.
And then the whole stem bent
All the way to the ground.
Suddenly it began to rain,
And the flowers began to come to life.
The breeze blew
The stems rustled.
The breeze has died down.
- One two Three! You have become children again.
- Let's smell what the flowers smell like. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and as you exhale say: “Oh, how wonderful the flower smells.”
And our stream makes noise and runs on, and listen to another riddle:
The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings,
The garden is dressed in white,
Birds fly in flocks
Thunder rumbles, guess what?
What month is this? What do people call it?
9. Didactic game “Find a mistake and correct it”
- My mischief maker! Painted the world in different colors. And I want to play with you. Listen carefully to the sentences, is everything in them correct?
- It became warm because birds flew in from the south.
- The sun warmed up because the flowers bloomed.
- The ground has thawed because trees are being planted.
- Spring has come because
The bear woke up.
10. Examination of the reproduction of A. K. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”
- Many beautiful words have been said about spring, many paintings have been painted by artists.
Now let’s prepare our eyes to see one famous picture.
Gymnastics for the eyes.
The eyes see everything around
I'll circle them.
The eyes can see everything
Where is the picture, where is the window.
I'll draw a circle with them,
I'll look at the world around me.
- Look, guys, who recognized this picture? Who wrote it?
Let's look at it carefully.
One morning the artist was awakened by restless bird cries. He looked out the window and was shocked. Outside the window the sky was blue and the puddles were glistening. But the main thing is the birds! With a jubilant piercing cry, in packs and alone. They circled in the clear spring air. The dull black nests came to life: long-awaited guests who had flown in from overseas were fussing around them.
- This picture of nature was captured by the artist.
11. Conversation on the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”
- How did the artist show the approach of spring?
- Look at the sky. What is it like?
- Look carefully, is there a sun in the picture?
- How do you see the snow?
- Tell us about the birch trees.
- What do you see in the distance?
- Imagine that we now suddenly found ourselves there in this picture, so that we could see and hear?
Close your eyes and imagine that you are there.
12. Making a paper boat - origami
- Our stream began to rustle louder. He has grown big and will soon reach the River of Desires. I suggest you make a boat, make a wish and send it on its way. And then all your dreams will definitely come true.
13. Reflection
- Guys, I liked the way you worked today, you completed all the tasks. What do you remember most?
The ships will sail along the magical river and all your dreams will come true. And my wish has already come true. Look carefully at what kind of basket this is standing on the shore. Let's see what's in it. Spring gives everyone a little sunshine. May your soul always be light and joyful.

Target: Expand and clarify children's ideas about forest animals




Summary of the integrated lesson

on the formation of grammatical structure of speech in the senior group

Goal: Expand and clarify children’s ideas about forest animals


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the wild animals of our forests: remember their names, external signs, habits, what they eat, what their home is called (“Knowledge”).

2. Improve the ability to form possessive adjectives; practice selecting definitions for nouns; by keeping children active, encourage the formation of complex adjectives (“Communication”).

3. Develop grammatically correct speech based on answers to questions. Exercise in the formation of words with the same root (fox-fox), continue to form generalizing concepts, the ability to form words using suffixes (paws-paws-paws) (“Communication”).

4. To develop in children the skills of cooperation in joint activities, to carry out assigned tasks, to interact, negotiate and coordinate their actions, and to develop phonemic hearing. ("Socialization")

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet: “Good morning”

Good morning to the sun and birds

Good morning to smiling faces!


“Hello, girls and boys! I invite you to visit! I will be very glad to meet you. Forester."

Do you know who this is? Where does he live? What is the name of his house? (gatehouse)

(A forester is a person who watches over the forest so that no one offends animals in the forest, throws garbage, breaks trees, or picks flowers)

Do you agree to go?

And who will show us the way?

Look - a bee! Let's ask her!

Bee, bee - show me

Bee, bee - tell me

How to find a track

To the forester's lodge?

I'll show you, of course. But first I want to ask, do you know the mosquito song? (z-z-z), beetle song (z-z), wind (sh-sh-sh), water (s-s-s)

Let's play. I will say the words and you should clap your hands if you hear

Song of a mosquito (h) – zebra, car, umbrella, winter, snow, fence.

Song of a beetle (f) - belly, giraffe, house, apple, beetle, hedgehog, knife.

Wind song (w) – hat, fur coat, candy, cone, car.

Song of water (c) – table, chair, hand, elephant, plane, tree.

Squirrel, squirrel - tell me

Squirrel, squirrel - show me

How to find a path

To the forester's lodge

D/I “Name it in one word”

Butterfly, beetle, mosquito, fly, bee, dragonfly - insects.

Birch, oak, spruce, maple, pine, cedar are trees.

Starling, bullfinch, owl, magpie, cuckoo, swallow - birds.

Fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog - animals

Chamomile, bell, cornflower, rose, lilies of the valley - flowers.

Well done! Another game “Big - small”

A hedgehog has small paws, and a bear has large paws.

A hedgehog has a small nose, and a bear has a large nose.

A hedgehog has small eyes, and a bear has big eyes.

A hedgehog has a small head, and a bear has a large head.

D/I “Call me affectionately”

Leaf - leaf

Mushroom - mushroom


Bush - bush

Berry - berry


Caterpillar - caterpillar

Beetle - bug

Christmas tree - Christmas tree

Flower - flower

Rain - rain

Word game "Who was who?"

Fox - fox cub

Wolf - wolf cub

Bear - bear cub

Squirrel - baby squirrel

Hare - little hare

Hedgehog - hedgehog

Hedgehog, hedgehog - tell me

Hedgehog, hedgehog - show me

How to find a track

To the forester's lodge?

I’ll show you and tell you, just play the game “Fourth Wheel” with me.

Name the extra animal and explain why.

1. Cow - wolf - fox - bear.

2. Fox - camel - wolf - bear.

3. Wolf - fox - rooster - hedgehog.

4. Fox – bear – wolf – walrus.

5. Wolf-cat-fox-hare.

Now answer my questions:

Who lives in the forest?

What are the names of the animals that live in the forest?

Which animal changes its winter coat to a summer one?

What do birds do in spring?

Which trees are green in summer and winter?

What should you not do in the forest? (In the forest you cannot break anything, chase insects and animals, you must protect the beauty, you must not pollute the forest.)

Well done! You made me happy with your answers, each of you distinguished yourself in something, you know a lot! And here comes the forester!

Hello guys! What a great fellow you are for coming to visit me. My residents told me by mail that you played with them and did not offend them! Who did you meet in the forest? What games did you play?

Abstract of GCD on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech on the topic “Home electrical appliances”

in the older group

Target: formation of grammatical structure of speech


Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases;

Formation of plural nouns and adjectives in the nominative and genitive cases;

Agreement of nouns with adjectives;

Children's vocabulary development.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we will have a very interesting conversation. And what we will talk about, you will find out by guessing my riddles:

We have a robot in our apartment.

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it hums like a TU airliner.

He willingly swallows dust,

Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze. (Vacuum cleaner.)


Admire, look -

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there.

Forever this winter for us

Brought from the store.(Fridge.)


Strokes everything it touches

And if you touch it, it bites.(Iron.)

Well done boys! How can you call a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator, and an iron in one word?(Electrical appliances.)

What other electrical appliances do you know? (listen to the children's answers)

Why do we need electrical appliances?

What electrical appliances are in your kitchen, bedroom, or living room?(listen to the children's answers)

Electrical appliances are our assistants and we must treat them with respect: do not break them, do not play with them. Let's now try to remember all the electrical appliances that make our lives easier, and let's call them affectionately.

Game “Name it kindly”:

Telephone - telephone,

vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner,

floor lamp - floor lamp,

lamp - light bulb,

refrigerator - refrigerator,

iron - iron,

tape recorder - tape recorder,

slab - tile (tile).

Well done boys! You know. It seems to me that one friend is good, but two are even better! It’s the same with electrical appliances: when there are a lot of helpers in everyday life, this is very good. You agree with me?

Then I suggest you playgame "One - many":

TV - TVs - TVs,

tape recorder - tape recorders - tape recorders,

vacuum cleaner - vacuum cleaners - vacuum cleaners,

chandelier - chandeliers - chandeliers,

telephone - telephones - telephones,

radio - radio - radio,

floor lamp - floor lamps - floor lamps,

lamp - lamps - lamps,

computer - computers - computers,

refrigerator - refrigerators - refrigerators,

iron - irons - irons,

slab - slabs - slabs,

oven - ovens - ovens.

Did a great job! But let’s not just say that there are a lot of electrical appliances, but also tell us what they are and count them?

The game “Count” is played:

One color TV - two color TVs - ... - five color TVs,

one crystal chandelier - two crystal chandeliers - ... - five crystal chandeliers,

one tall refrigerator - two tall refrigerators - ... - five tall refrigerators, etc.

Well done boys! Now answer me - why do we need electrical appliances? What can you do with them?

Game "Name the action":

Iron - ironing,

vacuum cleaner - collects dust,

the stove is cooking,

the lamp is shining,

TV – shows, etc.

What great fellows you all are! Now I suggest you complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the word. I will start speaking and say a word, and you will repeat the entire sentence, changing only the last word.

Game "Finish the sentence":

Mom washes clothes in the washing machine... (machine).

Dad is cleaning the carpet... (vacuum cleaner).

The daughter is ironing clothes... (iron).

Kolya toasts bread in... (toaster).

Grandma in the kitchen takes out food from... (refrigerator).

Masha is preparing dinner on... (stove).

Vanya is talking to a friend on... (phone).

Films and cartoons are shown on... (TV).

Nastya is reading a book under the wall... (lamp).

Guys, you worked out very well today! Well done! Remember that electrical appliances are not a toy, but our assistant.

Anisimova Tatyana Viktorovna

Topic: “Who lives in the zoo?”

Program content:

1. Clarify children’s knowledge about animals living in the zoo.

2. Continue to teach children to quickly select guess words that match their meaning and rhyme.

3. Activate the ability to coordinate possessive adjectives with nouns.

4. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech.

5. Continue teaching children to coordinate nouns with numerals (two to five).

6. Help consolidate the names of young wild and domestic animals.

Vocabulary work:

learn to comprehend figurative expressions in riddles.


a ball, attributes on children's heads, illustrations for riddles - add-ons, a basket, models or illustrations of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, how many of you have been to the zoo?

What animals did you see there? (bear, fox, squirrel, wolf, camel, etc.)

- Would you like us to go to the zoo today to learn something interesting from them themselves?(Yes)

- But we cannot go empty-handed. Let's get something. What do you think we can take with us to treat the animals?(fruits vegetables)

- Can you feed candy to animals?(No)

- Why?(This food can make animals sick.)

I invite the children to sit on chairs that stand on the carpet in a semicircle.

Game "Two - Five".

2 carrots

2 oranges

-This probably won’t be enough for the animals in the zoo. What if we took only 5?

How shall we say it?

5 bananas

5 carrots

5 oranges

- Now we are great! We took a lot of vegetables and fruits.

The children get up. Magic music sounds.

-Listen carefully and follow the steps:

Turn around, turn around (close your eyes)

Find yourself in a zoo!

Children open their eyes, and animals stand in front of them (children with images of animals on their chests)

I ask a question in poetic form, and the animal children answer me:

1. Why is the little tiger cub

Do you look like our cat?

Because for me a cat is a close relative!

2. Trunk, elephant, why do you need it?

What to douse yourself with in the heat? How should I drink water then? And then what should we blow?

3. Monkey, listen up

What will you eat for breakfast?

The monkey answers:

Bring me some bananas!

4. Won’t you catch a cold in the morning, baby kangaroo?

I won't give him a cold

I'll put my son in my bag!

5. Hey giraffe, answer quickly

Why do you have a long neck?

With such a tall height, it’s easy for me to reach the leaves.

6. Zebra, please tell me

Who borrowed the vest?

This is a gift to me from my beloved mother!

Thank you animals for everything! And we have a gift for you too! (serve a basket of fruits and vegetables)

Under the magic words we return to the group:

P turn around, turn around

Find yourself in the group again!

Game “Say the Word.”

Very slow movements

And the gait is like a slide

He hides in his house from fear,

Tail tucked... (turtle)

He lives among the swamps

He has a big belly.

And a huge scary mouth!

It's thick... (hippopotamus)

Here comes the bun

He has a prickly side

You can't take it in your hands

Because it's... (hedgehog)

Lives in a river in Africa

Evil green ship.

Who wouldn't swim to the meeting?

Will swallow everyone... (crocodile)

Clubfoot, clumsy,

Loves honey, does not like cold.

Until spring I got used to snoring.

What is his name (bear)

Walks in a golden fur coat

The gossip has a fluffy tail

Very cunning eyes

What is her name?. (fox)

Physical exercise “Animal exercise”

Squat once, jump twice,

This is a rabbit exercise

And how do foxes wake up?

They will definitely yawn

Well, they wag their tail,

Well, the bear is clubfooted

With his paws spread wide,

Either one or both together

It's been marking time for a long time,

And our Petya is a cockerel

Raising a red comb

It's important to walk around the yard

Sings his song.

Ball game "Whose, whose, whose"

I throw the ball to the child and start a phrase. The child finishes and throws the ball back.

The bear has a tail... bearish

The bear has an ear... a bear's ear

The bear's paw is... a bear's

The bear has a nose. bearish

The bear has fur... like a bear

The bear is having a dream... bearish

Guys, animals in the zoo give birth to babies.

Do you know who gives birth to whom?

The she-wolf has a wolf cub (I show illustrations)

The fox has a fox cub

The lioness has a lion cub

The she-bear has a cub

The giraffe has a baby giraffe

The deer has a fawn

What a great fellow you are!

Everyone did it!


Where were we today?

Who did you see?

What games did you play?

Which game did you like the most?

Gorbaneva Svetlana Valerievna ,

teacher-speech therapist of the highest category,

MDOU DSKV No. 22 Yeisk municipal district Yeisk district

TOPIC: “Our home”

Correctional educational goals:

Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic “Our Home”. Clarification and expansion of ideas about the purpose and materials from which houses are built. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation with various materials; use of related words).

Corrective and developmental goals:

Development of coherent speech, attention, thinking; the ability to compare objects, highlighting distinctive features.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of cooperation and interaction skills.


The game “Who lives where?”, pictures depicting a person’s home, one-story and multi-story houses, the game “Construction professions”.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Guys, let's remember who lives where?

Where does the fox live? (The fox lives in a hole)

(wolf, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, bear, pig, cow, dog, sheep, horse, swallow, starling, etc.)

2. - Where does the person live? (In the house)

What can you say about a small house? (house)

About a big house? (house)

A fairytale person who lives in the house? (brownie)

A person who likes to spend his free time at home? (homebody)

What do we call the things we do at home? (domestic)

What do you call a woman who does not work but runs a household? (housewife)

House, house, house, brownie, homebody, homebody, housewife - this is a family of words, related words.

Ball game “Name related words for the word HOME.”

3. - What other kind of housing can a person live in? (in a castle, in a palace, in a hut, in a hut, in a mansion, in a fortress, in a tent)

Who builds houses? (builders)

What professions are people involved in building a house? (bricklayer, plasterer, painter, roofer, parquet floorer, glazier, concrete worker, welder, plumber, electrician, carpenter)

4. Didactic game “Who is doing what?” (the speech therapist shows pictures depicting people in different construction professions, and the children name action words)

What does a mason do? (A mason builds, erects walls), etc.

What other buildings are builders building? (libraries, schools, kindergartens)

5. Physical exercise

Let's play a toy construction game.

We received gifts: The children pretend to lay out

Bricks, bars and arches. items from the box.

From the box we take,

We are building a beautiful house.

We build quickly, we build soon, Children squat down,

Without mortar cement. gradually straightening up,

The house grows higher and higher, and then they stand on their toes.

There is a cornice, a chimney and a roof.

6. - Guys, what is the name of Baba Yaga’s home?

Baba Yaga is tired of living in her hut on chicken legs. She sat down in the mortar and flew into the city to see what kind of houses people lived in.

There are many different houses in the city: one-story and multi-story. Compare a one-story and multi-story house. Find the differences. (house comparison)

What other houses did Baba Yaga see? (children are given pictures of houses with different numbers of floors)

Count how many floors there are in the house, tell me which house?

(This house has 5 floors. It is five floors.)

7. - Baba Yaga liked these houses and Yaga decided to build herself a new house, but she doesn’t know what from.

Tell me guys, what can I build a house from? (brick, concrete, stone, wood, clay, paper, branches, plastic, metal, straw)

A house made of paper, a house made of straw, a house made of bricks. What kind of house do you think will be durable? Why do you think so?

8. Didactic game “Name which house?”

Brick house (what house?) - brick house.

made of concrete - made of plastic - made of paper -

made of stone - made of metal - made of ice -

from clay - from glass - from wood -

9. - Baba Yaga flew into the forest and began to tell Leshy what she saw.

Did she say it correctly, if not, correct it.

He is building a (brick) house near the school.

Olya lives in a (concrete) house.

At the edge of the forest there is a (tree) forester's house.

Mom made a house for the doll (paper).

Multi-colored fish live in a (glass) house.

Piglet Naf-Naf built a (brick) house.

The Snow Queen lives in an (ice) palace.

Barbie doll (plastic) has a house.

Baba Yaga (tree) has a hut.