Mosquitoes and flood description of the picture. Essay based on the painting “Flood” by Komarov. Teacher's opening speech


Essay-description based on the painting by A.N. Komarov “Flood”

Objectives: - to introduce students to the description of the animal depicted in the picture;

Prepare them for an independent written essay on a similar picture;

Introduce the word “animalist” into the schoolchildren’s dictionary.

During the classes:

1. A story about the artist.

Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov - Honored Artist. Komarov’s favorite topic is various animals in the natural environment in which they live in the wild. Komarov is an artist and animal painter. A great connoisseur of nature, he knows how to subtly and reliably convey the character and habits of animals.

All works of A.N. Komarov are imbued with love for native nature, her living world.“After all, the same fox, the same hare,” according to the artist, “is an adornment of nature! Like a diamond!”

2. Conversation based on the picture.

Tell us how it could happen that the hare ended up on the tree?

The long-awaited spring has arrived. The sky is turning blue like spring. Loose snow can no longer withstand the warm rays of the sun. Talkative streams flow and ring everywhere. The water rises above the banks, flooding fields, meadows and bushes, forming small islands. On one island, under a bush, a hare was sleeping. He slept so soundly that he did not hear the noise and seething of the rising water. And only when the water touched his paws did the bunny jump up and look around. In fear, he began to rush around the island, and the water kept rising and rising. It seemed to the hare that nothing could save him. And suddenly he saw a dry, mighty tree. It was an old branchy oak tree. The hare ran up to him and began to jump onto the thick lower branch. Several times the poor thing jumped onto the tree, but each time he broke off and fell down into the cold water. Finally he reached his goal. So the hare ended up on the tree.

3. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Compose sentences with the words “animalist”, “watercolor”.

Animal artist Komarov depicts animals truthfully and lovingly.

In their paintings, animal artists give animals human traits character.

The painting “Flood” by A.N. Komarov was made in watercolor.

4. Making a plan.

1. Appearance(head, eyes, ears, body, coat color).

2. Posture.

3. Habits.

4. Character.

5. My attitude to the picture.

5. Description of the picture.

The painting “Flood” by A.N. Komarov depicts a hare in trouble. During one of the big spring floods, the hare found himself on a flooded island. Fleeing from the flood, he guessed and managed to climb a tree.

With bated breath, the bunny sits on a thick branch of an old oak tree and waits for what will happen next: will the water rise?

He shrank all over from fear, tucked his long hind legs under him, and stretched his front legs forward so as not to fall from the tree into the cold water. He arched his flexible back, and the fluffy fur on him stood up straight.

The hare's chest is yellow with a pinkish tint, the belly and sides are gray. The fur on the back is of different shades: it is brown, and gray, and brown, as if speckled. The hare's head is large. Round eyes look scared. Long reddish ears with black spots at the ends stand alert.

The brown hare looks with fear at the water, which approaches the tree itself. The dark silhouettes of trees are reflected in the water, as if in a mirror.

I like the picture and I don't like it. I like it because it depicts the life of nature in spring and its beauty very well. I don’t like it because the fate of the poor bunny is unclear. Will the water subside or rise, will the hare be saved or drown?

Lesson objectives:



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Russian language lesson in 5th grade.

Essay - description based on the painting by A. N. Komarov “Flood”.

Lesson objectives:


teach students to describe the animal depicted in the picture;


prepare students for an independent written essay on a painting;

enter the word into the schoolchildren's dictionary “animal painter”, “watercolor”, “flood”, “high water”;


nurturing love for native nature, for all living things, nurturing the ability to see beauty in life and art;


creating a situation of success in the lesson, positive emotional mood, physical education, eye exercises


Reproduction of A. N. Komarov’s painting “Flood”.

Reproductions of paintings by animal artists, presentation.

During the classes

1.Org.moment. "A moment of kindness."

1.Psychological attitude.

- I want to wish you



  • Independence;

    Good luck.

On the screen there is a picture with the inscription “Have a nice day!” ( Slide 2,3)

Hello guys! I wish you a good day. What does it mean Have a good day? This means, I wish you to feel good in class, Have a good mood, work well in class and learn well new material. I wish you success, and you wish me luck, because I have an interesting lesson to teach you.

2.introduction teachers.

Listen to the riddle and guess:

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming.
When does this happen?

Of course, this happens in the spring.

What do you think we will talk about today?

(Today we will talk about this time of year.)

So, let's begin. At home you had to write a mini-essay “Signs of Spring”. Let's listen to the essays.

Reading essays, 1-2 essays.

Question to the class: - What mood are in the essays about spring?

If you were given a brush and paints, what colors would you choose?

This time of year can be different: sunny and gloomy, bright and gray, cheerful and menacing. And artists depict it in different ways.

3.Message of the topic of the lesson.

- What do you think we will do in class? We will talk …

Today in class we will get acquainted with the work of the wonderful Russian artist Alexei Nikanorovich Komarov. Komarov is an artist and animal painter (Slide 4-6).

4. Vocabulary - stylistic work.

Who are animalists? Let's try to guess from the clue. Let's look at reproductions of paintings by animal artists. ( Slides 7-15).


An animalist is an artist who depicts animals (Slide 16).


Write down the word animal painter, his lexical meaning in a notebook;

Oral work. Add to offer(Slide 17).

A. N. Komarov - artist - ....

5. A story about an artist (checking homework) (slide 18).

Complete the text (students receive cards). Everyone works independently, then the texts are read out.

The famous animal artist Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov was born (when?) ... (where?) in ... province. Early childhood spent (where?) ... . At the age of four or five years, he drew and sculpted (who?) ... . Finished (what?) ... painting, sculpture and architecture. Illustrated children's (what?) ... and ... .

Listen and repeat the phrases (auditory-visual)

famous artist, wonderful artist, animal artist, depicts truthfully, depicts with love

6.Exercise for the eyes . Health-saving technology V.F. Bazarny(19-22)

Before we continue, let's help our eyes. Let's do exercises for them. Look at the screen. Follow the movements of the figures on the screen with your eyes.

7. Conversation about the painting. (Slide 23)

Let's look at a reproduction of A. N. Komarov's painting “Flood” (slide 23).

What time of year is shown in the picture? (Early spring)
- Why is the picture called that?

1) Working with the Explanatory Dictionary.
- What is a “flood”?

FLOOD(cf. gender)- flooding of an area as a result of rising water levels in a river, lake or sea, usually a natural disaster.

What synonyms can be found for the word "flood"? (slide 24)

flood - flood, big water, flood, spill;

- Who is depicted in the picture?(slide 25-26)

The hare climbed a tree. He escapes from the flood.

Let's select synonyms for the word:

hare - hare, bunny, animal

2)Working with a little teacher

Why did the bunny end up on the tree?

How did he get there?

Card 1

The spring sun melted the snow, and the ice on the river melted. The water rose high, flooding the bushes and roots of tall trees. Frightened animals leave their flooded holes and try to escape the flood on the islands of the hills. But not everyone has time to get there, not everyone has enough space on the ground. Here the hare climbed onto a gnarled branch of an old tree. He is very scared.

Card 2

The painting “Flood” by A. N. Komarov depicts a hare, in trouble. During one of the big spring floods, the hare ended up on a flooded island. Fleeing from the flood, he guessed it and climbed the tree.

3) -Tell me where and how he sits(slide 27).

Group work: Make up phrases with verbs that describe the bunny’s actions.

is sitting on a thick branch of an old tree, out of fear cowered , snuggled up to the trunk, tightened up paws

Writing sentences in a notebook (slide 28)

The poor thing is sitting on a thick branch of an old tree, low above the water. The hare cowered in fear, pressed himself tightly to the tree trunk, and pressed his paws. It's a pity for the animal that is in trouble.

4) Description of the animal. ( Slide 29 -30)

How did the artist depict the bunny? Describe him: what is his head, eyes, ears, fur like? Choose complete adjectives for these words and write them down. Students select the necessary cards (work at the board)

1.The bunny's head is _______________, _____________. There are ____________ spots around the eyes. The eyes _____________ _____________, shining with fear. ______________ ears stick up, ______________ spots are visible on their tips. The hare has _____________ fur. On the neck it is ____________________, at the back it is _______________. Back ______________. _______________ tail tucked

(Head at the bunny'slarge, brownish . Around eyes -white pyatna.Eyes dark round , shining with fright.Long ears upright, at their tips visibleblack spots . U hare thickfur. It's on her neck yellowish brown, behind - gray-white. Back dark. Smalltail tucked in.)

5) What condition is the bunny experiencing?

From these adjectives, select those that describe the state of the animal. Write it down according to the word bunny(the teacher names adjectives, students write them down in their notebooks).

Funny,alarming , calm, joyful,frightened , indifferent,timid.

Notebook entry:

The bunny is anxious, scared, timid.

6) Task: - How does the artist relate to to this hare in trouble? (slide 31-32)

What feelings does this picture evoke?

Copy the sentence, insert the missing letters. (Slide 33)

TO artina A. N. Komarova “N...flooding” pr no love yu to w to the world and all sort of.

7. Restoring the plan.

- “Restore the plan.”

Collectively we draw up and write down a plan for describing the animal:

4. How our hero behaves ?

(head, eyes, ears, fur)?

The teacher reads example of a verbal description of a painting .

The painting “Flood” by A. N. Komarov depicts a hare , in trouble. Fleeing from the flood, he guessed it and climbed the tree.

Heads A The bunny's is large and brownish. There are white spots around the eyes. Eyes dark, round, shining with fear. Long ears erect, with black visible at the tips spots. The hare has a thick fur. It is yellowish-brown on the neck and grey-white on the back. The back is dark.

A. N. Komarov’s painting “Flood” is imbued with love for the animal world and all nature .


Let's compose oral history from the picture, remembering everything they talked about. Let us turn to the issues that we discussed while considering the painting “Flood”. We use the plan we have drawn up.

Summing up the lesson (slides No. 12 - 14)

Reflection. Final word teachers. Homework: write an essay.

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Essay - description based on the painting by A.N. Komarov “Flood”

I wish you to feel good in class, have a good mood, work well in class and learn new material well.

I wish you success!


One of the most talented artists animalists.

Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov 1879 - 1977





Look at the works of animal artists and guess:

who are they

are animal artists?

A. N. Komarov – artist - …. He studied..., their behavior in nature, shared his observations with the help of a brush and canvas.

Animal artist Komarov truthfully and lovingly depicts animals in his paintings: ..., ..., ...

A. N. Komarov – artist - ….

Animal artist Komarov truthfully and lovingly depicts animals in his paintings: ..., ..., ...

Complete the sentences:

A.N. Komarov - artist - ... Artist - animal painter Komarov truthfully and lovingly depicts animals in his paintings: ..., ..., ...

Tell us about the artist.

The famous animal artist Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov was born (when?) ... (where?) in ... province. He spent his early childhood (where?) ... . At the age of four or five years old he drew and sculpted (who?)…. Finished (what?) ... painting, sculpture and architecture. Illustrated children's (what?) ... and ... .

This is interesting!

  • In the spring, when snow and ice melt, the water in the rivers rises (overflows its banks), flood.
  • Come up with a synonym for this (a word close in meaning).

High water

big water



  • At what point did the artist capture the hare? ?

  • Who is the main character of the picture?
  • At what moment did the artist capture the hare?

The painting “Flood” by A.N. Komarov depicts a hare. He got into trouble.

The hare climbed up a tree.

He escapes from the flood

  • Tell me where and how he sits?
  • Is sitting …
  • Snuggled...
  • Shrunk...
  • Pushed...

(paws; on a thick branch of an old tree; towards the trunk; out of fear)

The bunny sits on a thick branch of an old tree, low above the water. He shrank all over from fear, pressed himself tightly to the trunk, and pressed his paws. It's a pity for the animal that is in trouble.

Describe the animal:

what kind of eyes does he have?




Look carefully at the reproduction.

Head The bunny has _____, ______ ___ spots around his eyes.

Eyes _______ __________ ,

shining with fear.

_______ ears upright, _______ spots are visible on their tips. The hare has ___________ fur. On the neck it is _______, at the back it is ______. Back _____. ____ tail tucked in

Look carefully at the reproduction.

How does the artist feel about a hare in trouble?

The artist loves animals, sympathizes with the hare, takes pity on him .

Copy the sentence, insert the missing letters.

TO Rtina A.N. Komarova “N...flooding” pr. …-

no love yu to w to the world and all kind.

Restore the plan.

1.Who did A. N. Komarov depict in the painting “Flood”?

2. How did the bunny end up on the tree?

3. What condition is the poor thing experiencing?

4. How our hero behaves ?

5. How the artist depicted the animal ( head, eyes, ears, fur )?

6. What feelings does the picture evoke?

Oral description of the painting “Flood”.

The painting “Flood” by A. N. Komarov depicts a hare , in trouble. During one of the big spring floods, the hare found himself on a flooded island. Fleeing from the flood, he guessed and climbed a tree.

A bunny sits on a thick branch of an old oak tree. He shrank all over from fear, pressed himself tightly against the tree trunk, and tucked his long hind legs under him.

Heads A The bunny's is large and brownish. There are white spots around the eyes. The eyes are dark, round, and sparkle with fear. Long ears stand up, with black spots visible at their tips. The hare has thick fur. It is yellowish-brown on the neck and grey-white on the back. The back is dark.

  • Painting by A. N. Komarov
  • “Flood” is imbued with love for the animal world and all nature .

Thank you for the lesson!

It was nice to work with you!

Description essay on the painting “Flood”

Objectives: - to introduce students to the description of the animal depicted in the picture;

Prepare them for an independent written essay on a similar picture;

Introduce the word “animalist” into the schoolchildren’s dictionary.

During the classes:

1. A story about the artist.

Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov - Honored Artist. Komarov’s favorite topic is various animals in the natural environment in which they live in the wild. Komarov is an artist and animal painter. A great connoisseur of nature, he knows how to subtly and reliably convey the character and habits of animals.

All works are imbued with love for our native nature, its living world. “After all, the same fox, the same hare,” according to the artist, “is an adornment of nature! Like a diamond!”

2. Conversation based on the picture.

Who is shown in the picture?

A hare who climbed a tree to escape the flood.

Tell us where and how he sits.

He sits on a thick branch of an old strong tree, low above the water that has flooded the island. The hare shrank all over with fear, tensed up, pressed himself tightly to the tree trunk, and pressed his paws.

How did the artist depict the hare? Describe it.

The hare's head is oblong, its muzzle is light, with a wide dark brown stripe in the middle. The eyes are large, large, the pupils are dilated with fear. The ears are long, erect, sensitive, alert, with black spots on the tips of the reddish ears. The hare's fur on the chest is yellowish, and on the belly it is light gray.

What else can you say about this hare? How did he prove himself?

He is smart, cunning, quick-witted, resourceful. He didn’t get confused at a dangerous moment and found a way out of the situation.

Tell us how it could happen that the hare ended up on the tree?

The long-awaited spring has arrived. The sky is turning blue like spring. Loose snow can no longer withstand the warm rays of the sun. Talkative streams flow and ring everywhere. The water rises above the banks, flooding fields, meadows and bushes, forming small islands. On one island, under a bush, a hare was sleeping. He slept so soundly that he did not hear the noise and seething of the rising water. And only when the water touched his paws did the bunny jump up and look around. In fear, he began to rush around the island, and the water kept rising and rising. It seemed to the hare that nothing could save him. And suddenly he saw a dry, mighty tree. It was an old branchy oak tree. The hare ran up to him and began to jump onto the thick lower branch. Several times the poor thing jumped onto the tree, but each time he broke off and fell down into the cold water. Finally he reached his goal. So the hare ended up on the tree.

3. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Making sentences with the words “animalist”, “ watercolor ».

Animal artist Komarov depicts animals truthfully and lovingly.

In their paintings, animal artists endow animals with human character traits.

Komarov “Flood” is made in watercolor.

4. Making a plan.

1. Appearance (head, eyes, ears, body, coat color).

3. Habits.

4. Character.

5. My attitude to the picture.

5. Description of the picture.

The painting “Flood” depicts a hare in trouble. During one of the big spring floods, the hare found himself on a flooded island. Fleeing from the flood, he guessed and managed to climb a tree.

With bated breath, the bunny sits on a thick branch of an old oak tree and waits for what will happen next: will the water rise?

He shrank all over from fear, tucked his long hind legs under him, and stretched his front legs forward so as not to fall from the tree into the cold water. He arched his flexible back, and the fluffy fur on him stood up straight.

The hare's chest is yellow with a pinkish tint, the belly and sides are gray. The fur on the back is of different shades: it is brown, and gray, and brown, as if speckled. The hare's head is large. Round eyes look scared. Long reddish ears with black spots at the ends stand alert.

The brown hare looks with fear at the water, which approaches the tree itself. The dark silhouettes of trees are reflected in the water, as if in a mirror.

I like the picture and I don't like it. I like it because it depicts the life of nature in spring and its beauty very well. I don’t like it because the fate of the poor bunny is unclear. Will the water fall or rise, will the hare be saved or drown?

Komarov - Flood 5th grade
The painting shows early spring. The snow has already all melted and the ice on the river too. Winter is giving up its rights, and spring is just trying to warm and awaken all living things. There is no greenery yet, so we can say with confidence that it is not yet warm enough. The earth is not able to absorb all the moisture and therefore the flood began. The artist painted water with gray, soft turquoise and white paints, this is necessary in order to feel how much cold water. The day is not particularly sunny. The sky, although it is spring, is somehow completely unkind, and the gray one makes me sad and cold. The animals are taken by surprise. Everyone is saving themselves as best they can.

The plot of the film “Flood” develops in early spring. The snow melted in the forest, the ice on the river, so the water in the river rose very much. All animals move from their flooded burrows to the hills. But not everyone has enough space on land, and not everyone has time to escape. We see a hare who, fleeing the flood, found a place for himself on a thick tree branch.

The hare is gray with a dark back, fluffy. Green eyes wide open. He looks at the rapidly rising water. I think that he is very scared. He pressed himself against the tree trunk as best he could, his hind legs resting on the branch. The front ones are tucked in, the bunny claws tightly clawed into the bark of the tree. The back is arched, the fur sticks out on it. The bunny is waiting to be rescued! If the water does not recede soon, things will be bad for the hare.

For his painting, the artist chose two types of paints. Dark (black, brown, gray), which indicate a threat to the hare’s life. Bright hues(blue, pinkish, pale yellow), as hope for salvation.

The picture raises concerns for the bunny's life. I want to run to his aid! If there are adults nearby, let them save the hare!

Before us is a painting by the wonderful Russian artist A. N. Komarov “Flood”. It was written in 1952. Let's take a closer look at it.
In the painting, the artist depicted a spring flood. With the onset of warmth, the snow melted and flooded the area where the hare lived. The water was quickly rising, and he had no choice but to climb onto a tree branch to save himself. The artist depicted a large, thick tree. The tree branch is strong. Since spring has just begun, there are no leaves on the tree yet.
The hare sits on a branch, scared. He doesn't know what will happen to him next. Its fur is half white after winter, and its back is already gray. The hare's eyes are large, round and fear is visible in them. There is a bright black stripe under the eyes. The ears are still gray and stand straight up. The hare listens to surrounding sounds. His tail and paws are tucked. He holds on tightly to the branch.
The water around is clear, reflecting the blue sky. She quickly arrives, and almost reaches the branch on which the hare is sitting.
A small forest is visible in the background. Perhaps the bunny lived there until it was flooded with water.
I liked Komarov's painting. I'm very sorry for the hare who got into trouble. I would like to believe that he was saved after all.