When can you make noise? When can renovations be done in an apartment building?


Who is too lazy to read a useful and interesting article, then here is the general answer - from 9.00 to 19.00 on weekdays, you can make noise. Reconstruction of an apartment associated with vibrations and noise is completely prohibited on holidays and weekends (this is an administrative matter). If you want to receive detailed and truly valuable information, then read the treatise written below.

Neighbors set up an underground stone processing workshop? Moving furniture every night? Does the child living above constantly drop a steel ball and jump on the floor in wooden sneakers? Music, dancing and other noise from evil neighbors keeping you from falling asleep?

Comes to the rescue

In Belarus Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus “Article 21.16. Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises.”

In Russia, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2018) “Article 7.21. Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises.”

For those who are going to do renovations, or live in a panel house and are experiencing difficulties with neighbors who are constantly undergoing renovations, it is useful to know which walls in your house cannot be demolished, for your safety, powerful arguments in a dispute. Read about it in the article “Illegal repairs”.

How long can you make noise and make repairs on weekdays and weekends in your apartment?

1. The law states that work related to noise and vibrations(redevelopment of apartments) is allowed to be carried out in a residential building, from 9.00 to 19.00(working days of the week). On holidays, weekends, from 0.00 to 24.00, categorically work on the reconstruction of the apartment is prohibited (i.e. 24 hours a day), these are days of silence (although quite recently, repairs were allowed to be done on weekends, the main thing is to stop it at 19.00 and endure until 9.00).

2. Stop music, dancing, singing, slamming refrigerator doors and other sounds. at 23.00 and wait until 7.00, during the specified periods of time, a curfew is set, you cannot make noise in the apartment. You can tiptoe, quietly watch TV, or sleep from 11 pm to 7 am.

WITH 23.00 to 7.00 , the noise level should not exceed 40 decibels is the sound of the computer system unit; whichever is louder is automatically illegal.

If the neighbors make noise within the limits of the law (snoring, creaking, coughing), then only good relations will lead to silence in the disturbing apartment. The valiant police take calls to such events extremely negatively. Even a call for a full-fledged administrative offense (remodeling an apartment on the weekend) can bring a lot of unpleasant impressions to the caller, so stock up on extracts from the administrative code.

My neighbor makes noise on the weekend, what should I do?

Important news for those who live in Russia and interesting for residents of Belarus. In the Duma of the Russian Federation, the LDPR party discussed law prohibiting making noise on weekends and holidays until 11:00 am day, as people these days want to get some sleep after hard days at work. This means all noise over 40 dB, and not just that created by a hammer drill. A serious fine has been prepared for violators; they say that it will be equal to 10,000 rubles for ordinary people and 200,000 for legal entities. Let us remind you that, according to the law, noise was prohibited until 7.00 in the morning, and fines were in the region of 3000.

By the way, another law was being considered in Russia, with the help of which, Troublemakers will be imprisoned for 15 days, read the new law in the article.

It’s good not to make enemies and always try to come to an agreement with noisy neighbors through peaceful means. Example below.

How to solve everything quietly so that they don’t find out who is outraged?

Of course, if at one in the morning you are woken up by the noise of a moving sofa, barking dogs, meowing of a cat, music, the stomping of feet in tarpaulin boots with a hint of a repair mess, then you need to keep a note of the number of the district police officer, in extreme cases, remember that excessive noise will be dealt with and service 102. But this is in case, when trying to pacify your rowdy neighbors on your own, you were sent very far away. There are times when a faucet burst, well, it happened at 3 o’clock in the morning, what can you do, endure the screams and the ringing of wrenches? No, you need to partially understand the situation of the people, if possible, provide moral assistance and turn off the water supply, let them endure until the morning, this is not a reason to make noise.

How to calm down your neighbors a good example.

What is the penalty for making noise at night, or what punishment will follow for repairs at prohibited times of the day.

Making noise at night is punishable by administrative punishment, a fine of 1 basic unit, imprisonment, and if you resist and insult officials, you will be hit in the torso with a rubber truncheon. You need to prepare evidence, noise recording, witness testimony, because the cunning neighbor will pretend to be a prudent citizen and you will have to bear responsibility for the false call. The first time, when called, officers in uniform or a local police officer will arrive, explain the bad neighbors in words, and write papers that will be sent to the housing department. If the incident repeats, then the troublemakers cannot avoid punishment; they will be given a fine of 1 base, this is regarded as petty hooliganism. In general, if your neighbors have a lot of money, are angry and love renovations, then you are out of luck. Buy a house outside the city.

It is well known that breaking the silence in multi-storey buildings at night is fraught with punishment. What does the law say about outdoor noise?

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Until what time in 2019 is it allowed to make noise on the street? Living in society involves taking into account the needs of surrounding citizens.

There are generally accepted norms of behavior, and some of them are approved at the legislative level.

This is how “silence time” has been officially established, that is, hours when the permissible noise level cannot be exceeded.

But if most people know about the ban on noise in residential premises after 22.00, then many do not think about the ban on noise outside premises. How long is it allowed to make noise on the street in 2019?

General points

According to Russian law, violating silence at night is punishable by punishment. But the ban is imposed only on certain types of sounds that can disturb the silence.

More precisely, the noise level matters. The current “Law on Silence” requires the observance of silence in the period from 22.00 to 07.00 hours.

However, time slots may vary by region. In some places the “quiet” period is longer, in others it is shorter.

Restrictions on actions that disturb peace do not only apply to residential premises.

This is exactly what many citizens think. Like, of course, you can’t make noise in the apartment. But on the street these norms do not matter.

In fact, the law does not distinguish between places where silence must be maintained or not.

Existing requirements boil down to the fact that citizens must be guaranteed peace at certain hours. And the location of the noise source is a secondary issue.

What you need to know

What is meant by “excessive noise”? Violations of public order include such actions as:

  • loud music, no matter where it comes from - from the windows of an apartment, a car, or a cafe located next to the house;
  • loud singing on the street;
  • the use of pyrotechnics, with the exception of New Year's holidays, when the use of fireworks and fireworks is allowed until 4.00 am;
  • loud screams, unless it is a cry for help;
  • everyday situations that disturb the silence - parties, weddings, etc.;
  • construction and repair work;
  • industrial and household, loading and unloading operations;
  • alarm if it goes off without a good reason.

Silence must be maintained in the vicinity of:

  • private houses;
  • sanatoriums;
  • hospitals;
  • recreation centers;
  • boarding houses;
  • dispensaries;
  • orphanages;
  • homes for the elderly and disabled;
  • dormitories;
  • hotels.

That is, it is prohibited to make noise near any residential premises, regardless of whether the facility is private or municipal.

This doesn't mean you can't have parties, listen to music in the car, or do production work at night. It is possible, but only if the permissible noise level is observed.

Who sets the standards?

Permissible noise standards are determined at the federal level. The current Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” is aimed at ensuring the peace of citizens, maintaining silence during the day and at night and protecting the health of the population from harmful noise exposure.

Moreover, the federal standard strictly separates permissible noise levels by day and night, defining the boundaries of each period.

In addition, according to this law, there is a distinction between residential and public housing, which helps prevent disagreements regarding the permissibility of noise.

The law also explains the procedure for carrying out repair and construction work without causing damage to the surrounding population.

Despite the existence of a national standard, in many regions of the Russian Federation, standards established at the regional level are added to the current law.

The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can increase or decrease the “quiet period” depending on the characteristics of a particular region and time zone.

In addition, depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, fines for violating silence at night may vary.

For example, for legal entities the amount of an administrative fine in St. Petersburg is about 50,000 rubles, and in Moscow for the same violation a fine of up to 300,000 rubles can be imposed.

Legal grounds

The main provisions for limiting noise at night and during the day, as well as defining time limits, are regulated.

In accordance with the law, in the period from 7.00 to 23.00 the noise level should not exceed 40 dB, and from 23.00 pm to 7.00 am - 30 dB.

The application of the Silence Law comes down to the fact that a silence violator can be complained to law enforcement agencies.

Of course, an examination will be required to establish the noise level, the availability of special equipment for measurements, witness testimony and other evidence.

But based on the report drawn up based on the results of the inspection, you can go to court and demand the restoration of order.

The fine for breaking silence varies depending on the identification of the offender.

So, for ordinary citizens, the amount of punishment is limited to 100-500 rubles, but in this case, the role of punishment is also played by the need to participate in a court hearing, which for an ordinary citizen in itself is not the norm.

For organizations, violating the silence can result in a fine of 20-40 thousand rubles, and sometimes suspension of activities. In addition, the amount of the fine may increase in accordance with regional amendments to legislation.

From what time and until how much can you make noise on the street?

When silence is disturbed at inappropriate hours, the citizen whose peace is disturbed has the right to file a complaint with the police, court or prosecutor's office.

Initially, an application is submitted to the nearest police department or local police officer. It states:

  • name of the institution where the application is being sent;
  • details of the applicant and the offender, indicating full name, address, contact details;
  • a statement of the situation that has arisen;
  • the amount of moral damage suffered as a result of the harm caused;
  • conclusion on the level of excess of permissible noise;
  • the number of the protocol drawn up by the police officers called to the scene of the violation;
  • available evidence (photos, audio or video materials, witness statements, etc. are attached).

The submitted appeal is considered, the facts are verified, and if confirmed, the police send the case to court, where a decision is made on the measure for the violator.

However, it must be taken into account that the applicant himself may be held liable if:

  • will try to resolve the conflict using force;
  • make noise yourself in order to shout down the intruder;
  • threatened with physical harm;
  • slandered a neighbor due to personal hostility;
  • during the conflict caused harm to other people.

Safe and dangerous decibels

The noise level can be dangerous or harmless. But how can we determine which sound can be harmful to human health? The noise level is measured with special instruments and expressed in decibels.

Their impact on human health differs according to medical and legal standards. According to medical standards, a person can tolerate noise of 50 dB without pain. This is the average noise level.

But legislators do not proceed from how noise will affect the health of citizens, although this point is also taken into account, but are more focused on the comfort of coexistence in society.

By law, the permissible noise level should not exceed 40 dB. Of course, the established standards do not mean that any noise above these values ​​can be considered illegal.

For example, no matter how hard you try, some sounds cannot be reduced to an acceptable level.

You can't reduce the noise of a subway train or the roar of airplane engines, turn down the volume of traffic, or prevent squealing brakes.

If we compare the noise level by decibels, the noise on a street with busy traffic reaches 80 dB, a car signal corresponds to 120 dB, and the noise of road works is estimated at 100 dB.

Established standards

The time until you can make noise is the same for both apartment buildings and the private sector.

But the noise levels according to the standards differ. According to SanPin standards, a person can tolerate constant noise of 55 dB during the day and 40 dB at night.

But physiological norms differ from the values ​​​​established by law for the purpose of comfortable living. According to the Silence Law, the standard is 40 dB during the day and 30 dB at night.

However, it is possible to bring the violator to justice both under the Silence Law and under. For violation of sanitary standards, the violator faces liability for,.

A request to restore order should be addressed to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities. It is the Rospotrebnadzor authorities that draw up a violation protocol and measure the noise level.

Administrative punishment is expressed as a fine of 100-500 rubles for citizens and 10-20 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days for legal entities.

Otherwise, issues of protecting the population in relation to the right to peace and quiet are regulated by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And here the time when the “period of silence” operates is of considerable importance.

On weekends

The Federal Law on Silence defines only the general scope of time periods for which certain noise levels are established.

Basically, each individual region has its own standards, taking into account the characteristics of living in a particular area, the lifestyle and needs of the bulk of the population.

So, using Moscow as an example, the period of silence on weekends is from 22.00 to 8.00. During these hours on Saturday and Sunday, the established noise standards must not be exceeded.

But in addition, on weekends there is a so-called “quiet hour” during the daytime, this is the period from 13.00 to 15.00 daily.

If we are talking about carrying out repair work related to the reconstruction of apartments, then on weekends such work is prohibited around the clock.

It is also considered a violation of public order to turn on sound-amplifying devices too loudly on weekends.

On weekdays

Basically, quiet hours on weekdays are the same in all regions. It is prohibited to make noise from 23.00 to 7.00. But in some regions the time frames are shifted in accordance with regional amendments.

The silence period may vary by 1-2 hours. For example, in the regions the following periods apply:

That is, the period of silence can be quite long or short, depending on the characteristics of life in the region.

If silence is disturbed at night on weekdays, the issue is resolved by calling the police. It is not necessary to measure the noise level.

Sometimes witness testimony is enough when neighbors confirm that the noise limit has been exceeded. Fines collected from violators go to local budgets.

in winter

The hours during which it is forbidden to make noise on the street at night in winter usually correspond to generally established standards. But regional laws may provide different time periods for winter and summer.

For example, in the Samara region in the summer it is allowed to make noise until 23.00, but in winter the period of silence increases, and exceeding the night standard is allowed only until 22.00.

In addition, you need to take into account that disturbing the silence includes not only loud music, shouting or repair work.

Public order is disrupted by the loud barking of dogs and the failure to turn off a car alarm that constantly goes off.

Video: Duma. Silence law

It is also advisable to take into account the fact that in winter any street noise spreads over a large area.

That is, noise that reaches the same level in summer may seem louder in winter.

When can you ignore the law of silence?

Failure to remain quiet is punishable by monetary fines, but sometimes the rules can be violated without prosecution.

Situations where the Quiet Law may not be respected include situations such as:

  • emergency prevention;
  • the occurrence of noise due to an emergency or natural disaster.

Let's say a car owner's alarm went off because robbers broke into the car. Or a person is attacked on the street by a hooligan, and the citizen loudly calls for help.

Sound sleep is the basis of human health. Living in apartment buildings can reduce the quality of your vacation. Not every neighbor is ready to respect the personal time of others. To avoid such situations, the legislator provided for the Law on Silence, which was duplicated by many regions. Let’s take a closer look at how to deal with trespassers.

The permissible level of noise and vibration in residential premises is regulated by sanitary and epidemiological standards and GOSTs. They are based on studies that have shown the harmful effects of increased noise levels on the human body.

Moscow legislators adopted Law 42, which is colloquially called the Law on Silence in Moscow. They establish the following standards:

  • a period of time during the day when noise cannot be made (quiet hour);
  • a period during which you can do repairs and listen to music loudly;
  • a list of sounds that cannot be made at night (singing, moving furniture, etc.);
  • exceptions.

Silence law in 2019

The law of silence in Moscow defines a list of sounds that are considered noisy and prohibited at the time established by regulations:

  • music from recreation organizations located near residential premises;
  • rearrangement of furniture, loading work;
  • scandals and quarrels;
  • dog barking;
  • baby crying;
  • carrying out repairs and redevelopment;
  • music and TV shows played with poor sound levels.

An additional advantage of the new law is the establishment of an hour of silence from 13.00 to 15.00. This period is designated for children's daytime sleep.

How much noise can you make on weekdays and weekends?

The law separates the ability to make noise on weekdays, weekends and holidays. The period of free time from restrictions is established by Moscow legislation. You can rearrange, play with the dog and drill the walls on weekdays at certain times:

  • from 09.00 to 13.00;
  • from 15.00 to 19.00.

Exceeding the established noise level on holidays is possible in the following cases:

  • on Saturday;
  • when carrying out repair work related to the safety of residents;
  • prevention and elimination of natural disasters;
  • when holding events by religious organizations.

In other cases, it is illegal to exceed the noise level on weekends.

The law on silence in the Moscow region provides for a larger gap. It amounts to:

  • from 09.00 to 13.00;
  • 00 to 21.00 (on weekdays);
  • 00 to 22.00 (on weekends).

One can note the diametrical approach of legislators in Moscow and the Moscow region to ensuring silence in residential buildings. In addition, weekends are not grounds for suspending repairs.

When can you renovate your apartment?

To avoid disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens, the law establishes a period for carrying out repair work. The issue of silence is problematic for Moscow residents. Since 2002, there have been repeated attempts to regulate it in various regulations. The first law on silence in Moscow did not regulate the issue of repair work, which, given the volume of construction in the city, was initially a mistake.

After several unsuccessful options, changes were made to the new silence law:

  • night time is the period from 23.00 to 07.00;
  • the list of works that are classified as noisy has been added;
  • there is a ban on redevelopment and noisy renovations on holidays and Sundays;
  • the period for noisy activities is from 09.00 to 19.00;
  • from 13.00 to 15.00 there is an hour of silence;

The exception is new buildings. Repairs can be carried out in them at any time, within 1.5 years from the date of delivery of the house.

Acceptable noise level

Due to the fact that the concept of “loud sound” is figurative, the legislator has provided for a more specific expression of noise. The unit of sound measurement is the decibel.

The official text of the document provides for the following norms:

  • during the day – from 40 to 55 dB;
  • during the night – from 30 to 45 dB.

To understand the noise level at a household level, compare it with a car alarm. Its level is 80 dB.

What to do if neighbors violate the law on silence

The law defines a list of bodies that ensure control over violation of the peace and quiet of citizens. All Moscow citizens who believe that their peace of mind has been disturbed have the right to contact them. Main organs:

  • police;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • management company;

In most cases, noisy work in a residential building is carried out by neighbors. This is one of the main reasons for disturbing the silence in the city. You can combat this using the following methods:

  • conversation with the culprit of the noise;
  • contacting the police;
  • statement to the local police commissioner;
  • written appeal to the Housing Office;
  • lawsuit.

The possibility of administrative punishment encourages citizens to carry out work in Moscow during the daytime. However, first you need to use peaceful methods.

Peaceful settlement

The first way would be to have a peaceful conversation with the offenders. It is often possible to agree with neighbors on the period of work to be carried out without involving specialized authorities.

If the conversation does not reach a result, it is necessary to begin a pre-trial procedure for resolving the issue. At this stage, it is necessary to involve Rospotrebnadzor.

The main function of this organization is to protect the rights of citizens. Breaking the silence will be a reason for specialists to visit the house and measure the level with a device. However, the event is paid.

As a result, Rospotrebnadzor will issue a conclusion that the level has been exceeded. The district commissioner will draw up a protocol on the administrative violation.

Calling the police

In accordance with the law, citizens can involve police officers in any case of non-compliance with silence in apartment buildings. In practice, residents of high-rise buildings resort to this measure only when their rights are systematically violated.

The police squad will draw up an administrative protocol. If the violation is repeated, neighbors will receive a fine.

An effective method is the residents of the house. A competent resident or initiative group fills out an application and collects signatures from other residents. The document is handed over to the district police officer at a personal reception.

Drawing up an application

To draw up an application, you can contact a lawyer. A competent specialist will help in the proper preparation of the document.

However, if desired, the initiative group can independently draw up a statement in free form. It includes:

  • name of the district police department;
  • data of the district commissioner;
  • Full name applicant or initiative group data, including contacts;
  • name of the application;
  • description of a conflict situation (for example, a neighbor violated an hour of silence);
  • indication of the time of violation;
  • reference to noise law;
  • statement of request.
  • date of application and signature of the applicants.

When submitting an application to the district police officer, you must ask for a copy of the document with a mark of acceptance for consideration. In the future, in case of going to court, a full list of statements to the police, management company, housing office, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities will form the evidence base.


The main goal of the applicant is to bring the violator to justice so that the sanctions imposed will lead to compliance with the time of silence according to the law. Violation of the law is subject to a fine.

The size of the fine for noise at night varies for:

  • private citizens;
  • officials;
  • legal entities.

By violating the hour of silence, a citizen will pay from 500 to 5,000 rubles, an official from 500 to 40,000 rubles, and a legal entity from 10,000 to 300,000 rubles.

The first time offender can get off with a minimal punishment. Each subsequent time the fine will increase.

In other regions, the penalty will be a smaller amount. For example, breaking the silence in the Moscow region for legal entities will cost 50,000 rubles.

Moscow's law on silence protected the rights of citizens to rest at night and on holidays. To punish violators, you can contact the police, management company, housing office, Rospotrebnadzor. In extreme situations, citizens can involve the judiciary to help. To avoid conflict situations, Moscow residents need to maintain silence and negotiate with neighbors peacefully. Amount and procedure for calculating penalties and fines under the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights How to correctly draw up a collective complaint - sample application and procedure for registration

Many Muscovites have a vague idea of ​​the content of capital law No. 42, so we remind you: from 23.00 to 7.00 you cannot make noise in any way. Playing the guitar and watching a movie with loud sound is also noise. The only exception is compliance with religious requirements. But this does not mean that you can turn on the audio recording of the Koran at full volume or read the “Our Father” at an open window all night long. There are no other rules if the HOA or housing cooperative has not established internal rules. For example, there is a taboo on repair work at lunchtime - the same time when small children have a nap. “This is a very common practice in Moscow,” says Evgenia Yunisova, executive director of the Association of Homeowners' Associations and Housing Cooperatives. “Moreover, both young mothers and pensioners insist on introducing a “quiet period” lasting about three hours.”

Repair by the hour

We will not suggest that you “come to an amicable agreement with your neighbors.” We are sure that this is the first thing you will do if someone behind the wall is constantly making noise. You shouldn’t pay attention to popular advice from numerous Internet forums (such as “I’m fed up with my neighbor, what should I do?”). Why? So, for the most part, they are illegal (such as knocking on the battery at night, damage to electrical wires and panels, cold welding of the front door by rowdies, etc.). The most desperate (those for whom their neighbors decide when to go to sleep) early in the morning turn on the “Hello Neighbors” file downloaded from the Internet (a recording of a squealing drill, a family quarrel, a repeated children's song, or a barking dog).

But there is still a way out. To prevent numerous showdowns “due to noise,” Moscow deputies decided to supplement the capital’s law No. 42 with special requirements for repair work. “We are adopting these amendments based on the wishes of Muscovites,” AiF explained. Alexander Semennikov, Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Legislation. - On the Active Citizen portal, people voted for the proposed changes. Namely: until what hour can repairs be done and whether Sundays and public holidays should be declared “days of silence,” making an exception only for new-built houses. The results are as follows: the majority voted for repairs from 9.00 to 19.00, the introduction of “days of silence” and special conditions for new buildings within 1-2 years after the completion of the house.” Another important innovation is the appearance of a “quiet hour” from 13.00 to 15.00. On December 9, the Moscow City Duma adopted the amendments in the second and third readings at once, which means that in the spring of 2016 the law on silence will become much stricter.

When someone disturbs you with noise:

Call the local police officer. If his number is not available, call the police. The representative of the internal affairs department has the right not to limit itself to a preventive conversation, but to submit the compiled protocol to the court. The magistrate is authorized to sentence the brawler to a fine of 1-2 thousand rubles.

Team up with other neighbors who are also bothered by nighttime noise. If you do not receive help from law enforcement agencies, individually and collectively go to court.

Make additional soundproofing in your apartment (but this will not get rid of noise completely, especially if it comes from above).

If it doesn't help

If there are children in a noisy apartment, write to the police: “I suspect that the children from apartment No. N are in danger. At night and during the day, you can regularly hear their screams and crying, obscene threats from adults, loud music and conversations in raised voices.”

See if rowdies have seized part of the common area (the most common option is to enlarge the apartment by adding a common hall). Furniture and other personal items placed in the hallway are also suitable. Write a complaint to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate about littering the corridor (this can cause a fire) and the seizure of common meters. If everything is in order on the outside of the apartment, but renovations are clearly underway (or have recently been completed) inside, contact the same organization with a complaint: “Check the legality of the redevelopment.”

If it is not the owner who is rowdy, but the tenants, write a statement to the police asking them to check whether the apartment is being rented legally. At the same time, you can also ask the capital’s Federal Tax Service whether your neighbor pays taxes on this income.

If you find out the mobile phone numbers of brawlers, you can not only call them day and night, but also sign them up for advertising mailings from hundreds of companies (this is easy to do via the Internet).

When you disturb your neighbors

  • Make additional sound insulation, lay carpets, glue special pads to furniture legs, adjust doors. In many houses, the sound insulation “according to the design” is very weak, so audibility of neighbors within 2-3 floors is the norm.
  • After 23.00 watch TV and listen to music on headphones.
  • Teach your family that from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. you can’t make noise “even for 5 minutes.”

If you behave quietly, but your neighbor is inappropriate and comes to argue over a fallen cup, you can:

  • write a statement against him to the local police officer (they say they are threatening me with death);
  • turn off the doorbell;
  • turn off your landline, change your mobile number.

Infographics Photo: AiF

Most of us live in apartment buildings and have to put up with fairly poor sound insulation. Such audibility haunts loud music, noisy quarrels, and the sounds of repairs. But do not rush to spoil relations with your neighbors by trying to explain your attitude to what is happening behind their doors. There are rules according to which you can make noise in your own apartment, but within a certain time frame. Let's find out when this won't result in liability.

Most often, neighbors are annoyed by the sounds of renovation work being carried out. But this cannot be avoided if the house is multi-story. Someone is constantly improving their comfortable living conditions, someone is moving and updating their furnishings. Repairs are frequent and noisy. Therefore, when planning such work, everyone must know the legal regulations and strictly comply with them.

Let's start with what is meant by noise. By their nature, loud sounds are divided into:

  • repair (most often produced by power tools, for example, a hammer drill),
  • musical (loud singing, playing on musical installations and instruments),
  • screams, quarrels, parties.

At the same time, residents should not be disturbed by loud sounds at night, both inside the house and on the street. This also applies to various nightclubs, restaurants, and shops located in residential areas. The silence time limit includes work using large equipment, except for those related to the elimination of emergency situations on pipelines, as well as when ensuring the safety of residents in emergencies, fires, etc.

Law on noise in apartment buildings in 2019

If during the day it is difficult, almost impossible, to deal with loud sounds, since this involves taking measurements of the noise level, then at night irritating sounds are subject to regulations. Annoying noises at night are regarded as an encroachment on the peace of citizens.

There is Federal Law No. 52-FZ, also called the law on silence, which establishes the optimal volume for safe noise in decibels:

  • during the day - 40 - 55 dB;
  • at night - up to 30 dB.

There is no single legislative act defining the hours when silence is established for all regions of Russia. But many of them have introduced restrictions at their level. For example, in some of them, including the Moscow region, there are also daytime hours when it is forbidden to disturb people’s peace.

From when and until how much you can make noise in an apartment according to the law of the Russian Federation

Regional local governments in 2019 determined hours of silence based on reasonable standards, as well as population surveys and frequent complaints from citizens. Almost everywhere they start from 22:00-23:00 and end at 6:00-7:00 am on weekdays. On weekends, rest time increases to 9:00-10:00 am.

In the capital region of the Moscow region, the time when you can make noise in an apartment or on the street differs significantly from many:

  • night hours are set from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays and from 22:00 to 10:00 on weekends,
  • Every day from 13:00 to 15:00 it is also prohibited to disturb the silence.

In Moscow Quiet times range from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am.

In St. Petersburg it is impossible to disturb the peace of citizens on weekdays from 22:00 to 8:00, and on weekends - from 20:00 to 12:00.

Peace and quiet in Russia by region, when you can’t make noise.

Regions Time for peace and quiet
Moscow Weekdays from 23 00 to 7 00.
Repair work from 19:00 to 9:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00 (does not apply if the apartment building was built within 1.5 years).
Moscow region Weekdays from 21:00 to 8:00.
Weekends and holidays from 22:00 to 10:00.
Every day from 13:00 to 15:00.
Repair work:
  • on weekdays from 19:00 to 9:00
  • on weekends from 19:00 to 10:00 (does not apply if the microdistrict was built within 6 months).
St. Petersburg Weekdays from 22 00 to 8 00
Weekends, holidays, repair work from 22:00 to 12:00.
Leningrad region Weekdays from 23 00 to 7 00
Not working days, repair work from 22:00 to 10:00.
Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk Weekdays from 22 00 to 7 00
On weekends, holidays, repair work from 22:00 to 9:00.
Repair work:
  • on weekdays from 20 00 to 7 00
  • weekends from 20:00 to 9:00.
Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterenburg Weekdays from 23 00 to 8 00
On weekends, holidays and repair work from 18:00 to 11:00.
Nizhny Novgorod Weekdays from 22 00 to 7 00.
On non-working days, repair work is carried out from 23:00 to 10:00.
Every day from 13:00 to 15:00 (except for country and garden areas).

You can find out the exact time when your actions will not be considered a violation of peace on the official website of the administration of the territory where you live.

How long can you listen to loud music in an apartment?

Loud music coming from behind a neighbor's wall annoys many residents of apartment buildings. It is quite difficult to combat this phenomenon, since it is sometimes impossible to explain to young people that these sounds do not allow small children or elderly people to rest peacefully.

Inviting representatives of Rospotrebnadzor during the day or evening to measure noise levels is an option available to few. More precisely, not everyone will contact the offender in such a radical way. If you just run out of patience. Although according to the law, sanitary standards strictly stipulate permissible noise level limits, measured in decibels. Having made measurements, it is necessary to draw up a conclusion and hold the offender accountable.

Often it’s enough just to wait for the treasured 22:00 or 23:00 hours evenings (as mentioned earlier, this figure is different for each region) and call the police.

The actions of those who like to listen to music loudly at night fall under the Code of Administrative Offences. Which involves imposing a fine, works better than ordinary peaceful negotiations with a loud neighbor.

Is it possible to drill on weekends? Law 2019

In addition to loud music, frequent complaints about disturbances include repair work. The noise from power tools - drills or hammer drills - is unpleasant either day or night. At the same time, neighbors who are construction workers do not allow us to rest even on weekends.

According to the standard on weekends, drilling is not allowed from 22:00 to 8:00.

Frequent complaints from residents tired of repairs forced regional authorities to make amendments regarding their restrictions on weekends and holidays. In Moscow, you can now drill in your apartment only on weekdays from 9 am to 19 pm. Some regions allowed high-profile repair work to take place on Saturday.

However, throughout Russia on Sunday, repair work cannot be carried out.

Therefore, when planning a major repair using power tools, you should think about it and take a number of measures to ensure peace of mind for your neighbors:

  • negotiate with the team or set for yourself the time for noisy work: from Monday to Friday inclusive - until 19:00, on weekends - break,
  • do not use tools whose operation causes noise exceeding 55 dB,
  • complete large jobs that require the use of noisy tools within a period of up to 3 months.

If you carry out repairs on your own in your free time, try to negotiate with your neighbors. And not just talk verbally, but sign an agreement. Not everyone, especially older people, agrees to tolerate this. But if approved, you will be sure that no one will call the police or impose a fine.

How much noise can you make on New Year and holidays?

According to the law of the Russian Federation in 2019, noise can only be made on January 1, celebrating the New Year holiday; on other holidays and weekends, the new law on silence sets a limit from 22:00 to 10:00.

On New Year's Eve, the time allocated for the use of pyrotechnics (firecrackers, fireworks, firecrackers) is from 22:00 to 4:00.

What measures are taken against a silence breaker?

Many first try to negotiate peacefully with those who like parties, loud music or construction. Some understand and behave appropriately. But this happens in quite rare cases. Most often they can simply slam the door, and also be rude in response.

Here all that remains is to call the police in order to calm down the noisemakers, and also to face administrative responsibility. You can file a complaint against malicious partygoers to the local police officer, who, within the limits of his competence, will first hold explanatory conversations with them, and then, if the situation repeats, take punitive measures.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 6.4, determines the imposition of a fine on noisy neighbors in the amount of:

  • 500 - 1000 rubles for citizens;
  • 1000 - 2000 rubles for officials;
  • 1000 - 2000 rubles or suspend activities for up to 90 days for an individual entrepreneur;
  • 10,000 - 20,000 rubles or stop activities for up to 90 days at an LLC.

In the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 6.3 violation of silence entails:

  • for physical persons: 100 - 500 rubles;
  • for officials: – 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs: 500 - 1000 rubles;
  • for legal entities persons: 10,000 - 20,000 rubles.

The fine and penalties for violating silence in different regions of Russia may differ.

Thus, according to the Moscow Code of Administrative Offenses in Article 3.13, violation of silence entails:

  • 1000 - 2000 rubles (for individuals);
  • 4000 - 8000 rubles (for officials);
  • 40,000 - 80,000 rubles (for legal entities).

In St. Petersburg, according to Law N 273-70 “On Administrative Offenses”, as amended on May 31, 2010, it is established that persons disturbing the peace of citizens from 22:00 to 8:00 in the form of various noise are subject to warning or punishment in the form of a fine:

  • 500 - 5000 rubles (for individuals);
  • 25,000 - 50,000 rubles (for officials);
  • 50,000 - 200,000 rubles (for legal entities).

As a rule, such a measure of influence is quite effective. Another time, a neighbor will wonder if loud music is worth the expense. Moreover, repeated violations of peace and quiet can double the fine. If such measures ultimately go unnoticed, the violator of the silence may be arrested for 15 days.

The head of the Kaluga Region police department will tell you what to do if your neighbors violate the “Law on Silence.”