Cupcake “Marble. "Marble" cupcake: recipes and cooking methods. How to cook a “marble” cake in a slow cooker A simple recipe for a marble cake in the oven


Prepare classic cake dough.

First you need to beat the butter (200 g) with sugar until almost white. Don't forget, the butter should be slightly melted so that it whips well. But at the same time, I would not recommend preheating the oil. Otherwise, delamination may occur already at the initial stage. Add vanilla sugar or vanillin to the whipped sweet butter - use the product you are used to.

Now you need to beat the eggs into the dough one at a time, beating the mixture thoroughly each time.

The time has come for torment. The flour must be sifted for baking, then the dough will be porous and rise well. After all, when we sift flour, we not only get rid of random debris, but also saturate it with oxygen.

So, add the sifted flour, baking powder and milk (don’t forget, the milk must be at room temperature, so, like butter, it must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance). Knead the dough well until smooth. Ready!

It's time to move on to the magic: we will turn an ordinary vanilla cupcake into a marble one. To do this, you need to make another type of dough - chocolate. But don't worry, you don't have to start all over again. Divide the vanilla dough into equal parts. Set one aside temporarily; we won’t need it for now.

But to the second part of the dough you need to add cocoa powder. If you like a pronounced chocolate flavor in the dough, then add a little more cocoa. Just in this case, do not forget that when increasing the amount of one dry ingredient, you need to reduce the amount of another dry ingredient by exactly the same amount. What do I mean by this? If you decide to add not two teaspoons of cocoa, but all four, then you need to put 2 teaspoons less flour in the dough than originally planned. Then the balance of products will be perfectly maintained.

So, mix the dough with cocoa powder well. We get the second type of dough - chocolate.

It is very convenient to use special muffin tins for baking cupcakes. But if you have not yet acquired similar forms, then bake a marble cake in absolutely any form, you are unlikely to have any unpleasant surprises. If you are using silicone molds, then just rinse them with cold water and you can immediately fill them with dough.

I have a glass mold, like a metal one, it needs to be prepared for baking. I’m used to doing it the old fashioned way: I grease it with a piece of butter, then sprinkle it with flour. To ensure that there is no excess flour left on the pan, feel free to turn the pan over and shake it lightly: all the excess will immediately fall off, and only the necessary minimum will remain. Don't forget that it's time to turn on the oven.

Now put the dough into the mold. There are a great many ways to arrange dough for a marble cake: you can put it randomly, you can clearly layer the dark and light layers, you can use a cornet and give the future cake any design. I usually follow the simplest path: I alternately spoon out the vanilla and then the chocolate mixture with a spoon, placing them on top of each other, and the spots of dough themselves spread into weird shapes.

In order for the dough to be evenly distributed in the pan, you need to lightly tap the pan with the dough on the table several times, in this case you will avoid voids and unevenness during baking.

It is better to bake a marble cake at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for about 45-50 minutes. But in any case, you need to focus on your oven, and check the readiness with a wooden stick (as soon as the stick is completely dry, you can turn off the oven - the cake is ready).

While the marble cake is baking, prepare the chocolate frosting (you can, of course, do without the frosting, but ask your child if the cupcake needs frosting, I think you know the answer).

You need to time the preparation of the glaze so that it is not yet frozen when the cake has almost cooled down.

We will make the glaze in the most basic way: melt butter (50 g) and dark chocolate (60 g). It's insanely rare that I make a water bath or put a bowl on the stove. I usually use a microwave oven for these purposes. Adjust the microwave power, reduce it by about half from the maximum mark. Mix chocolate bars and pieces of butter into a glass bowl. Melt for a few minutes, stirring occasionally until smooth. The glaze is ready, let it cool.

The delicious marble cake is a delicious take on the popular Zebra Pie, which is usually made with sour cream. Only the recipe proposed here is slightly different. We will knead the dough using milk and butter. But believe me: the baked goods will turn out no less tasty, tender, and crumbly. Achieving an original pattern that resembles the stone of the same name is quite simple. To do this, you need to prepare the dough, divide it into 2 parts and add cocoa powder to one of them. That, in fact, is the whole secret. All that remains is to alternate vanilla and chocolate compositions. In the thickness of the dough, they will amazingly intertwine with each other, creating an exquisite pattern.

Cooking time – 45 minutes.

Number of servings – 8.


To bake a marble cake, we don’t need to look for products in the supermarket for a long time and spend fabulous money on them. You can find the full list of ingredients below:

  • pasteurized milk – 100 ml;
  • butter – 140 g;
  • large chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • premium flour – 200 g;
  • granulated sugar – 150 g;
  • cocoa powder – 20 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder for dough – 1.5 tsp.

How to bake a marble cake in the oven

The technology for making marble cake is simple and straightforward. The main thing is to grasp the essence, and kneading the dough will not be difficult for you.

  1. Immediately place the softened butter, cut into small cubes, into a deep bowl for kneading the dough. Add regular sugar to it. Thoroughly grind the products together. Break fresh large chicken eggs here.

  1. Warm the pasteurized milk slightly. Just don't boil it! The liquid should be like fresh milk. Pour it into the composition in a thin stream. Mix everything thoroughly.

  1. Mix wheat flour with baking powder. Sift the dry mixture. Add it into the dough in small portions, thoroughly mixing the mixture after adding each new batch of flour.

  1. Divide the resulting dough into 2 parts. Let them be approximately equal in volume. Pour cocoa powder into one batch and mix thoroughly until the chocolate composition becomes homogeneous. Add vanilla sugar to the second part. Mix this batch of dough thoroughly.

  1. Now you need to prepare the cake pan. Coat it thoroughly with butter. Place the vanilla and chocolate batter alternately into the prepared pan. Shake the container a little, but not too vigorously. You can rotate the pan several times on the table so that the dough settles evenly. Place the marble cake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes. Check the readiness of the baked goods with a skewer or match.

Pay attention! Some housewives sometimes draw a pattern directly into the thickness of the raw dough using a knife or skewer. Then the drawing of the finished cupcake turns out to be even more original and expressive.

That's all the wisdom of preparing a delicious, deliciously tender and endlessly airy marble cake in the oven. With such a delicacy, your tea party will definitely be a 100% success!

This marble cupcake is one of my favorites. It is very easy to prepare and has an extraordinary taste, interesting appearance, and attracts the eye. Its author is the famous French chef Paul Bocuse.

To prepare a cupcake, you need to decide on the proportions and be sure to use scales. The first step is to weigh the eggs in their shells, and then take the same weight for the rest of the products, except chocolate.

4 eggs from my refrigerator weighed 250 g, which means you also need to take 250 g of flour, sugar, and butter. If the weight of the eggs is less or more, then the remaining ingredients are reduced or increased accordingly.

To prepare marble cake from Paul Bocuse, we will take all the products on the list.

To beat eggs faster, use powdered sugar, but I use regular sugar. Beat eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt until fluffy. This takes at least 5 minutes.

Sift all the flour with vanilla.

Mix with a hand whisk until you obtain a smooth, homogeneous dough.

Then stir in soft butter.

Melt the chocolate in an acceptable manner. I microwave this for a minute and then stir until completely combined and smooth.

Add chocolate to the dough.

Mix it with a couple of movements, no more, to get a “marbled” dough.

Place the dough into a baking dish. I do not grease the mold or parchment with anything. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about an hour. If browning too much, cover with foil or place foil under the bottom of the pan.

Check the readiness of the cake with a splinter; it should come out completely dry.

Cool the cake in the pan and then remove it.

Marble cake from Paul Bocuse is ready. It turns out very loose without baking powder and at the same time dense, it just melts in your mouth.

Marble cake is so called because of the original design on the cut. Thanks to the combination of two types of dough - light and with the addition of cocoa, wavy lines interspersed with winding inserts are obtained.

The pattern really resembles natural stone, but to create it, the pastry chef needs to master the technique of making it.

To prepare this cute pastry, you need to mix all the ingredients, divide the mass in half and add cocoa powder to one part.

The cake is formed by alternating dark and light dough and then placed in the oven to bake. Right now we will look at the baking recipe for each day.

DIY Marble Cake Recipe

Ingredients: 0.2 kg flour; 0.180 kg sl. oils; half a glass of sugar; 15 g cocoa; 3 eggs; 100 ml milk; 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder; a packet of vanilla sugar.

Ingredients needed to bake the cupcake:

The “Marble” cake is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Soften the butter in a bowl.
  2. Add granulated sugar there and, using a fork, stir the mixture until smooth.
  3. Beat in the eggs and stir everything again.
  4. Combine baking powder with flour, sift and add vanilla sugar.
  5. Add the resulting mixture little by little to the butter-egg mixture.
  6. Using a spatula, knead the dough; the consistency should be viscous and quite thick.
  7. At the end of the mixing process, pour in milk at room temperature.
  8. Now divide the dough by placing half in each of the two bowls.
  9. Add cocoa powder, previously sifted through a sieve, to one of them, and leave the second light.
  10. We begin to form the baked goods, but first we prepare the mold; it must be greased with a piece of butter.
  11. Place a layer of half of all the light dough on the bottom. Smooth the surface with a spatula or spoon.
  12. Place ½ of the cocoa dough on top, ensuring an even layer.
  13. Next you need to repeat the layers.
  14. Take a wooden skewer and make wave-like movements across the dough. This way you will mix multi-colored layers, and the cut of the cupcake will have a marble pattern (see photo).
  15. Preheat the equipment, and when the temperature in it rises to 170 degrees, send the cake to bake in the oven.
  16. After 60-70 minutes, pierce the baking surface with a wooden toothpick. If it remains dry, without sticking of raw dough, then the baked goods are considered ready.

Once the cake has cooled, cut it into pieces and serve on dessert plates. If desired, decorate the dish with powdered sugar mixed with cocoa powder.

Did you like the recipe? Then we continue to study ways of baking marble cupcakes further.

Cupcake recipe with frosting

Even a novice housewife who has never encountered baking flour products before will now know how to make Marble Cake.

The pattern on the cut never turns out the same, and all because it is almost impossible to make the same movements with a skewer.

I suggest learning how to make Marble cake, but first remember the complete list of ingredients for kneading the dough:

0.50 g sugar; one and a half cups of flour; 3 eggs; 250 g sl. margarine or butter; a dessert spoon of cocoa and the same amount of vanilla sugar; 100 ml milk and a packet of baking powder. In addition, you will need 60 g of dark chocolate.

Method for preparing baked goods in the oven:

  1. Take 200 g of butter and bring it to a soft state.
  2. Add granulated sugar and use a mixer to beat the mixture until fluffy.
  3. Add flavoring - vanilla or vanillin, and beat well again.
  4. Beat the eggs into the dough one at a time, remembering to mix the mixture thoroughly with a whisk each time.
  5. The flour needs to be saturated with oxygen so that the finished cake is airy and porous. To do this, mix it with baking powder and sift through a fine sieve twice. Pour flour into the dough, stir until it becomes sticky.
  6. Pour in the milk, heat it to a temperature of 22-23 degrees and beat the dough.
  7. Now divide it in half by placing the parts in different bowls. As you can see, the process is simplified and accelerated, since you do not have to knead the dark and light mass separately from each other.
  8. Mix one part of the dough with vanilla sugar, and the second with cocoa powder. If you prefer a very dark chocolate color, you can double the amount of cocoa powder. But in this case, you definitely need to reduce the weight of another bulk ingredient - flour.

Let's say the recipe contains a dessert spoon of cocoa, and the balance of all products is maintained. But if you decide to put two spoons, then subtract exactly the same amount of flour from the total weight.

For baking cupcakes, it is more convenient to use special molds, thanks to which the cupcake turns out with a hole in the center and is well baked.

Any form must be prepared, that is, greased and sprinkled with flour. If you feel like there is too much flour, just tap the sides of the pan with your palm and turn it upside down.

All excess flour will spill out onto the table, and the cake will never burn and will be easy to remove.

The most interesting moment has come - forming a pattern on the baked goods. To make it original, you can use several ways to put the dough in the mold.

For example, make the first layer light vanilla, the second chocolate. Alternate layers until all the dough is gone.

Then use a long skewer to make streaks, trying to cover all layers: from the first to the last (see photo). You should have a pattern that is clearly visible on the cut of the baked goods.

There is another secret to creating an interesting pattern inherent in natural marble. You need to lay out the dough one spoon at a time, layering portions of different colors on top of each other.

Fill the mold until the vanilla and chocolate mixtures are gone. The stains will spread and blend at the edges, as a result you will get a completely different marble pattern than in the first case.

To ensure that the cake does not have voids or unevenness, tap the pan filled with dough on the table. This will release any air bubbles and ensure a perfectly even cake.

The recipe calls for baking the Marble Cake under certain conditions. That is, the oven should be at 180 degrees, and the baking time in it should be up to 50 minutes.

Focus on the technical capabilities of your kitchen appliances and, to know that the cake is well baked, pierce it with a skewer after 50 minutes. This way you will make sure that there is no raw dough inside the cupcake and it is time to remove it from the oven.

The final preparation step is to glaze the baked goods. Chocolate glaze will make your cupcake tastier and give it an appetizing look.

Making decoration is very simple, the main thing is to accurately calculate the moment when it can be poured onto the surface. The consistency of the glaze should be moderately liquid, and the cake itself should be almost cooled.

Preparing the chocolate frosting for the cupcake:

  1. Place 50 g butter and dark chocolate in a saucepan.
  2. Place the pan over low heat and stir the contents until it melts. You can also use a more modern method of preparing the glaze by placing the bowl with the ingredients in the microwave. By adjusting the appliance to half the maximum power, you can prepare a shiny, homogeneous glaze in a few minutes.
  3. Cool the mixture until warm

Cool the cake in the pan first. To make it easy to remove, run a knife between the edges of the baked goods and the inner walls. You need to do this while the cake is still hot.

Then moisten a kitchen towel and fold it in several layers on the table. Place the cake pan on top and set aside for 30 minutes. Turn the pan over and remove the baked goods. To cool, the recipe calls for placing it on a wire rack.

When the cake is warm, pour the chocolate frosting over it. The hardest part is waiting for the glaze to harden. To make the process proceed at an accelerated pace, the recipe included a little trick.

You need to put the dessert dish in the refrigerator for a few minutes. And, voila! The Marble cake is ready, it’s time to divide it into portions and serve.

By the way, it goes well with many drinks, the choice is yours. If you like coffee, please. Tea is also good.

Serve the treat with milk for the children; they will be happy to feast on the result of your work, and then ask for more.

Did you like the recipe? And this is no coincidence; it will definitely help you out when you have very little time allotted for preparing dessert.

My video recipe

If you want to surprise and delight your household with delicious homemade baked goods, then you should make a marble cake. The cupcake received this name due to the combination of two types of dough: light and dark.

This cupcake is very reminiscent of the famous Zebra Pie. But the layers in the cake are not clear, but wavy. This adds a piquant appearance, thanks to which such pastries can be prepared not only as an everyday dish, but also for special occasions and events.

Delicious marble cake is relatively easy to prepare. Therefore, even a novice cook can prepare it. All you need is to have all the necessary ingredients, equipment and the desire to create a culinary masterpiece in your kitchen.

Taste Info Cupcakes


  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 250 g butter or butter margarine;
  • 350 g of premium wheat flour;
  • 100 ml (1/2 cup) milk;
  • 3 tsp. baking powder;
  • 3 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • powdered sugar for decoration.

Preparation time 15 minutes + 35-40 minutes for baking.

How to make marble cake

Remove butter or quality margarine from the refrigerator in advance, cut into cubes and leave at room temperature for 10 minutes.

Place the melted margarine into a deep bowl, add sugar and mash the mixture until smooth with the back of a spoon or the blades of a food processor. You can also use a regular blender.

Beat and add eggs into the sweet-butter mixture one at a time, stirring them in until the mixture becomes smooth and more liquid.

The mass will turn out airy, like cream. Pour in the entire amount of milk and stir the future dough again, this time not with a spoon, but with a culinary whisk (or equipment, if you are using one).

In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients except cocoa - wheat flour, starch and baking powder. It’s better to sift all these components through a sieve; this will enrich the baked goods with oxygen and break up the lumps, because we don’t need them in the dough.

Pour the sifted flour into the egg-sugar mixture and stir. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream, even a little thicker.

Divide the dough into approximately two equal parts. Add cocoa to one of them and mix.

Prepare a springform cake pan. My Teflon-coated mold is 24 cm in diameter. To be completely sure that the cake will not stick to the sides and bottom of the mold, grease it first with butter, or use baking (parchment) paper.

Place one spoon at a time into the center of the dark and light dough alternately. It will spread beautifully to the edges of the form.

When you have laid out all the dough, lightly tap the pan on the table, the dough will spread even more towards the edge and the mound in the center will level out.

Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Check the readiness of the baked goods with a dry match - if it remains dry, then the marble cake can be taken out.

Cool the marble cake in the pan, then remove from it and sprinkle with powdered sugar or frosting.

Teaser network

Cut the cake into pieces and serve with tea. Bon appetit!


  • You can decorate the baked goods with crushed nuts or mint leaves.
  • You can prepare a marble cake not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. To cook in this miracle oven, you will need to grease the bottom with butter so that the baked goods do not stick to the pan. In the multicooker, select the “Baking” mode or manually set the time to 1 hour.