Suitability categories. Categories of suitability for military service: how to decipher them on a military ID Where can you find out?


To determine fitness for military service, based on the results of a medical examination, each citizen is assigned a certain category of fitness for military service. It is on the basis of the assigned category that a decision is made on fitness for military service, on deferment, on exemption from military service. You will find more detailed information about eligibility categories (including in 2019) in the article.

How is fitness for military service determined and assigned category?

In accordance with Russian legislation, every citizen subject to conscription undergoes a medical examination. Based on the results of such an examination, the citizen is assigned a category of fitness for military service.

Let us remind you that in accordance with the law on conscription and military service, male citizens aged 18 to 27 years who are registered with the military or are required to be registered and are not in the reserve are called up for military service.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. Citizens are not conscripted for military service:

  • exempted from military duty;
  • exempt from conscription for military service;
  • who have been granted a deferment from conscription for military service;
  • not subject to conscription for military service.

To conduct a medical examination and examination, a military medical commission is created, which assigns each citizen a category of fitness for military service. These rules have not changed in 2019.

During the examination, diagnostic measures, laboratory, instrumental, morphological and other studies are carried out.

During the examination, the state of health and physical development of a citizen is studied and assessed in order to determine his suitability for military service, training in specific military specialties, etc.

Medical examination of citizens upon conscription for military service is carried out by specialist doctors:

  • surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • dentist;
  • doctors of other specialties (if necessary).

As a general rule, examination in absentia (based on documents) is prohibited.

The conclusion of the military medical commission is made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the commission members present at the meeting.

The suitability of citizens for military service is determined according to the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2013, N 565 “On approval of the regulations on military medical examination.”

Based on the results of a medical examination, a citizen may be recognized as:

  • fit for military service;
  • fit for military service with minor restrictions;
  • limitedly fit for military service;
  • temporarily unfit for military service;
  • unfit for military service.

Therefore, based on the results of medical measures, a citizen is assigned one of the provided categories of fitness for military service (these categories are also relevant in 2019):

  • A - fit for military service;

In this case, a conclusion on temporary unfitness for military service (category D) is issued for a period of up to 12 months.

In case of disagreement with the conclusion of fitness for military service based on the results of a medical examination, that is, in case of disagreement with the assigned category, a citizen has the right:

  • undergo a control medical examination organized by the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • undergo an independent military medical examination;
  • appeal to court the decision of the draft commission, including the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting that going to court does not exclude the conduct of an independent military medical examination as part of the trial.

Note. If, during a control examination, deviations in the state of health are detected that change the category of fitness for military service, the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation cancels the decision of the draft commission, which is reported to the citizen and the appropriate draft commission.

What are the influence of fitness categories for military service?

So, based on the results of passing a medical commission, the citizen was assigned a category reflecting his suitability for military service. How does this appropriation affect the fate of the citizen?
Depending on the assigned category, there are three possible options for a citizen’s further attitude towards military service:

  • he is recognized as fit for military service;
  • he receives a deferment from conscription for military service (in fact, this means a temporary exemption from conscription, which is given only to citizens subject to conscription);
  • he is exempt from military duty.

Each of the listed options is based on the corresponding decision of the military medical commission. And the commission makes a decision based on a medical examination and a conclusion on the state of health in relation to fitness categories.

Let us recall that the law on conscription and military service defines the following categories of military suitability:

  • A - fit for military service;
  • B - fit for military service with minor restrictions;
  • B—limitedly fit for military service;
  • G - temporarily unfit for military service;
  • D - not fit for military service.

Those who are declared unfit or partially fit for military service due to health reasons (categories B and D) are exempt from conscription for military service.

Please note that for citizens classified as category G, a deferment is granted for a period of no more than 12 months. After this, a repeat military medical examination is scheduled.

Completing military service in the army is associated with various factors. And one of these is the distribution of all employees into different categories of fitness for military service in the Russian Federation in 2019.

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Some diseases do not give the right to serve, but you need to understand the classification of health indicators that give the right to a deferment, or complete exemption from military service.

General information

Before sending a recruit to the army, a special commission determines his state of health.

After all, some diseases or characteristics of the body do not give the right to serve only in some troops, while in another case the fighter may be completely fit.

Therefore, medical specialists evaluate the person’s condition as a whole, and make a verdict according to which the soldier either enters service or is sent home.

At the military registration and enlistment office at the medical commission, instead of the category of unfitness, they can establish another category that allows the person to be drafted. Such a decision can be challenged in court, especially if a previous examination established the presence of the disease.

What is it

People with poor health who will not be able to effectively master weapons and methods of defending their homeland do not enter the ranks of the military. The commission allows you to avoid health problems, even the most severe ones, including during service.

Each category of fitness is clearly regulated; it contains a certain list of diseases, injuries and other medical problems that, if a conscript has, may serve as a reason for his non-involvement in the service.

Thus, a person who has absolutely no health problems is considered ideal; such conscripts are recommended for enlistment in the elite troops of the Russian Federation.

Those who have minor deviations from the norm also go to serve, but in other, less prestigious troops.

Schedule of illnesses

There are quite a lot of illnesses that give the right to a deferment and final exemption from military service.

They will not be accepted into the army if the conscript has problems with vision, hearing, skin or the digestive tract.

When there are injuries, poisoning or other short-term deterioration in health, the conscript is not released from service, but is given a deferment until the next conscription, counting on the person’s recovery; the same applies to officers.

At the next medical examination, he is checked again, and if his health is good, then he is recommended for military service.

The complete list of diseases is called the disease schedule, and it is this that the military registration and enlistment office employees are guided by after the doctors’ verdict.

Diseases are presented in the form of articles, and each includes diseases of a certain group. If a conscript shows signs of illness from the classifier, then he is released from the army.

Photo: medical report upon dismissal from the Armed Forces

What regulations governs

The main document defining fitness categories is the Schedule of Diseases, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and medical services. It contains 88 articles, which corresponds to about 2 thousand diseases in different manifestations.

The Schedule is presented in the form of a table, from which you can easily determine the eligibility category of a conscript in accordance with the identified disease or absence of health problems.

This document also contains requirements for the ratio of height and body weight. If, according to the formula from the Schedule, a conscript is underweight or overweight, then he will not be accepted for military service, given a temporary deferment with the hope of correcting the situation.

The rules for conscription and examination of a person are stipulated in Law 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service.”

Thus, it stipulates how military registration and medical support for a future conscript should be carried out, as well as how conscription is carried out.

Separately, information is given on methods for studying the health of a person who is planned to be registered as a military personnel and, of course, there is data on the registration of a deferment if suddenly the conscript does not meet the medical requirements.

What are the categories of fitness for military service?

To form a combat-ready army, all conscripts undergo a medical examination, at which they are classified into one of five categories - A, B, C, D or D.

Categories A and B indicate the presence of good health or minor problems that will not become an obstacle to military service. But the other three categories serve as a reason for granting a temporary deferment or deregistration.

After all, they show that a person has serious health problems, be it injuries, chronic diseases in the acute stage, incurable diseases, or simply a frail body that often gets sick.

Where can I find out

First of all, you can find out about the types of diseases and injuries that interfere with service directly at the military registration and enlistment office. You can check with your health care provider or any other employee for the most current version of the Sickness Schedule.

Such information is distributed on the Internet, and is even provided with useful comments on when illness can be considered a reason for canceling service or assigning a non-combatant position.

If a medical examination shows that a person has health problems that prevent normal service in the army, then the military commissar issues a so-called “white ticket”.

It is a military ID, where the head of the commission puts a mark on unfitness for service. Later, this person is added to the list as unfit and is either drafted in the event of hostilities breaking out, or is not drafted at all.

What types are there (A, B, C, D, D and their interpretation)

They are not difficult to remember, especially since the suitability of a conscript is determined only by the first two categories, and the rest one way or another do not allow a person to enter military service.

Category Suitability
A A citizen can be drafted into the army with absolutely no restrictions on troops. This category stipulates the complete absence of health problems and even recommends the conscript to serve in elite units or under contract
B Conscription is possible, but with restrictions on types of troops. The recommendation for specific troops is determined by the number after the category:
  • B1 - indications for special forces units, marines, airborne forces, airborne assault troops and border guards;
  • B2 - submarines and ships, as well as drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled guns and engineering vehicles;
  • B3 - drivers of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, guard units, chemical and missile troops;
  • B4 - engineering troops, protection of missile systems, signalmen and radio technicians, other parts of the RF Armed Forces
IN The citizen is enlisted in the reserves and is exempt from conscription in peacetime. At the same time, he is issued a military ID with the appropriate mark
G A delay of up to a year is provided, during which the disease can be eliminated. The next commission will re-examine the category of suitability for military service.
D Complete exemption from military service. Conscription cannot be carried out either in peacetime or in wartime. A military ID with the appropriate mark is issued

Factors preventing conscription

One of the main reasons for delays may be full-time studies at a higher educational institution. In this case, the conscript is released from service for the entire period of training, but in case of expulsion, the deferment is lost and the person is called up for service.

Moreover, reinstatement in studies does not give a delay again and the summons can come even in the middle of the school year, after the start of the next conscription.

If a criminal case has been opened against a person, or he has an outstanding criminal record, he is also not conscripted until he is clean before the law.

But the most common reason for delaying or canceling conscription is precisely a health problem.

Restrictions on further professional activities

If a man does not complete military service, then it will be impossible for him to find employment in law enforcement agencies, military structures, and even security. It is these three professions that require military training.

Some illnesses will not allow you to get a specific job in the future. These are problems with vision, hearing, neuromuscular system and psyche; employment with cardiovascular diseases will also be questionable.

Removal from military registration due to health reasons

When a medical examination reveals that a conscript has health problems and can be classified as category D, he is removed from the register. After this, he is still given a military ID, but with the mark “unfit”, and a corresponding entry is also made in his personal file.

In 2018, the list of diseases for which people are not allowed to serve for the good of the Fatherland is quite long. The most important reason for unfitness is serious dysfunction and severe congenital diseases.

Categories of suitability for military service

In 2018, there are five categories by which the commission determines the degree of suitability of a conscript.

  • fit;
  • suitable with minor restrictions;
  • has limited validity;
  • temporarily unfit for military service;
  • no good.

In case of controversial issues, the citizen is prescribed an additional examination and, if necessary, treatment in a hospital.

After its completion, a second commission is appointed, where the final decision is made:

  • for military service;
  • call him up for alternative civil service;
  • grant a deferment;
  • carry out exemption from conscription;
  • enlist in reserve;
  • according to legal grounds, grant freedom from military service.

The law of the Russian Federation states that the conscription age for men lasts up to 27 years, after which they are not subject to service.

A citizen may also be declared unfit if there are significant dysfunctions due to peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, hernia, or psoriasis. Conscripts who lack limbs or fingers on their feet and hands, which impede movement, have flat feet and chronic kidney disease, cannot serve.

Army eligibility categories play a huge role for conscripts. They determine how suitable a person is to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. The category also reflects the general health of the conscript: whether he was seriously ill or not. What features should be taken into account? How is a citizen's suitability for conscription determined? More on all this further!

Medical examination

If you have received a summons to join the army, do not be alarmed. The first appearance at the military registration and enlistment office is necessary in order to establish your category. That is, determine how fit you are for service. This will help send you to the appropriate troops to repay your debt to the Motherland.

Categories of suitability for the army are established when passing a medical commission at the military commissariat. Just for this purpose, all adult men in the country are called upon to report to the military registration and enlistment office at their place of residence. There, each conscript undergoes the following doctors:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • dentist;
  • psychiatrist.

As a rule, therapists are the last to be examined. They will need to talk about their illnesses (what and when they were sick with, whether they have any diseases now). Based on the conclusions received from other “narrow” specialists, a decision will be made on how fit you are for service. In the end, based on the data received about your health, it will be possible to assign you to certain troops of the Russian Armed Forces.

What are they?

The Federal Law "On Military Service" (dated March 28, 1998) establishes the exact classification of the suitability of conscripts. They play an important role in the distribution of men among military units. What categories of suitability for military service exist in Russia? Currently there are:

  • A (A1-A3);
  • B (B1-B4);

This is exactly the classification that takes place. What does each of these points mean? They are worth dwelling on in more detail. Especially if you want to find out for yourself where they can assign you to serve with this or that “assessment” of the conscript’s health.

Category "A"

So, the first option is complete suitability. It is marked with the letter "A". Such people have perfect health, do not get sick, and have no problems at all. An extremely rare phenomenon in the modern world, but it does occur. This category has subcategories. They make some clarifications regarding the conscript and the characteristics of his body.

The A1 mark simply means excellent health. That is, when the conscript never had any serious illnesses at all. He is fully fit for service. Such people are usually sent everywhere, even to elite troops (presidential regiment, marines, airborne troops, ships and submarines).

What other eligibility categories are there? The Russian Army is formed from people with different health conditions. Sometimes they are assigned A2 fitness. This rating is assigned to a conscript if he has had any serious illnesses or injuries (concussion, fractures). We can say that such citizens are fit, but with restrictions on the load.

A3 - the person is in generally ideal health, but has some vision problems. The load is limited. Indicator "3" allows you to send a conscript to special and special forces.

Category "B"

The categories of suitability for the army do not end there. After passing the medical examination, you can see a “B” health assessment mark. Under such circumstances, the citizen is fit to serve in the army, but with minor restrictions. Typically, this category is assigned to those who have been identified by the commission as having minor health deviations that do not interfere with military service. For example, flat feet or myopia less than 6 diopters.

B1 - with a similar rating you can serve in the Air Force, air assault and special units, and border troops.

B2 - allowed to be drivers of tanks and crews, to serve on submarines and ships, to be engineers on the basis of tractors and tank devices.

B3 - usually assigned if you have flat feet. The army (the fitness categories are already known to us in general terms) calls on citizens with certain diseases to be considered by doctors as drivers and crews of combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and launchers. It is also allowed to stay in the internal parts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, guards, chemical and anti-aircraft missile “departments”. Airborne and Marine are some other possible definitions of a conscript.

B4 - citizens with this fitness category are called up to serve in radio engineering and “communications” units. They can also be specialists in the protection and defense of missile systems and are sent to special structures.

Category "B"

Perhaps many people want to receive this particular health assessment. Once conscription has been completed, eligibility categories will play a huge role in the distribution of potential soldiers into units. If the medical commission assigns you a B grade, you don’t have to be afraid of service. Why?

The point is that this criterion indicates limited suitability. In peacetime, the conscript will not serve. He receives a military ID and is drafted into the armed forces only in wartime. To receive this category, you must have a number of special diseases. A complete list of them should be checked with doctors, and it is also set out in the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 “On Military Service”.

Category "G"

What else is worth paying attention to? Army eligibility categories may reflect a conscript's deferment for one reason or another. In this case, you will be given a grade of "G". It's called "temporarily unsuitable".

In this case, the deferment is provided from 6 months to 1 year. After this period, you will have to undergo a medical examination again. As a rule, such a mark is issued in the presence of any diseases that can be cured. In any case, if there is even the slightest probability of such a favorable outcome.

As already mentioned, category “G” is assigned for a maximum of one year. But it has one small feature - confirmation. It can occur until the conscript reaches the age at which he no longer needs to serve. More precisely, up to 27 years old. If instead of category “G” they try to assign you a “health assessment” “B”, you should go to court.

Category "D"

But now the last category of suitability remains. It is designated by the letter "D". This is completely unsuitable for military conscription. And lifelong. As a rule, it is issued in the presence of serious illnesses. A military ID will be issued to the citizen, but there will be a corresponding note on it.

In category “D”, the conscript’s passport also mentions his/her unsuitability for conscription. True, for a citizen in some cases this indicator may turn out to be deplorable. After all, if there are any restrictions on military service, a person will be deprived of the opportunity to find employment in certain areas of activity. For example, related to government agencies.


It is now clear by what principles citizens are drafted into the armed forces. The highest fitness category of the army is "A". In practice, many people try to appropriate it. But most still strive to get a “B” or “D” grade.

Please note that if you suspect that a fitness category has been incorrectly assigned, you must appear in court with a statement of claim. In practice, they try to assign a higher “score” of health to many conscripts in order to attract them to military service. Carefully study the list of diseases characteristic of a particular category, and then file complaints if you notice violations.

During the period of military conscription in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, doctors must carefully examine the health status of each conscript.

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How strong our entire army will be depends on this. Therefore, guys with serious illnesses may be considered unfit for military service.

Although in reality, in almost 90% of cases, even those young people who cannot serve for health reasons are drafted into the army. This is due to the plan for the call that needs to be followed.

Let's try to understand in more detail what categories of fitness for military service exist, who is entitled to a deferment, and who cannot become a conscript at all.

General information

There are several reasons why a young man may not be drafted into the army. All of them are listed in Article 23 of the law under number 53-FZ.

One of the most common reasons is the health condition of a young person, which does not allow him to serve.

Certain eligibility categories were created specifically for conscription into the ranks of soldiers. It is on their basis that it is determined whether a citizen will be able to repay his military duty.

For this purpose, a medical examination is carried out to examine health at the time of service. In addition to health conditions, reasons for not being drafted into the army may be:

  • completion of civilian alternative service;
  • do not conscript citizens who are serving or have already served in the army;
  • if the person has already completed military service in another country;
  • if the citizen has an academic degree approved by special scientific certification;
  • cases where the citizen is the son or brother of military personnel who died as a result of performing military duties;
  • if the citizen at the time of conscription is serving a sentence of imprisonment or forced labor;
  • if a citizen has an outstanding criminal record, an investigation is being conducted against him or he is a suspect in legal proceedings.

Schedule of illnesses

The list of diseases for which people are not allowed to serve is constantly updated. In 2014, the country's military leadership introduced an amendment to the law regarding diseases that would not qualify for military service.

It is still relevant in 2019. In total, there are more than two thousand diseases that exempt people from service. Among the most common are the following:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system Flat feet of the third form, severe form of scoliosis and others
Problems with the gastrointestinal system Polyps, all types of stomach ulcers
Cardiovascular diseases
Neurological problems Paralysis, epilepsy, consequences of serious injuries
Genitourinary diseases Urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, nephritis
Diseases of the endocrine systems Excessive obesity, diabetes mellitus
Serious vision problems
Severe food allergy
Inadequate physical activity

If the conscript finds his illness on the schedule, then he will be able to determine whether he can count on receiving a full exemption or whether he is entitled to a deferment. A schedule of illnesses is available.

The question of whether a young man’s illness allows him to serve in the army is decided by a special selection committee. It all depends on how severe the disease is and on the decision of the medical board.

Legislative framework

All questions regarding the procedure for conscription into the army of the Russian Federation are considered in the Federal Law under number 53 of 1998, as amended on March 7, 2018. The list of diseases is listed in the special disease regulations.

It is compiled annually. The reasons why a person cannot be drafted into the army are listed in Article 23 of the law under number 53-FZ.

Medical indicators of suitability for the army

If you just received a summons to join the army, then you shouldn’t be scared right away. The first summons is needed to evaluate your category. This is necessary to find out whether you are fit for service and whether you were fit for what particular type of army.

Where can I find out the health categories?

It strictly evaluates the health status of a potential conscript. No one is involved in making any diagnosis or prescribing the necessary treatment.

The main purpose of this commission is to determine the degree of fitness and the assignment of a suitable branch of the military in which a particular young man will be most appropriate.

After receiving the summons, the conscript must appear at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of his registration. There he will have to undergo the following doctors:

  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • therapist;
  • dentist

There they talk about their state of health, whether they have any diseases and what diseases they have suffered from before.

Based on the conclusion from each individual specialist, a decision is made on the category and suitability for service. This allows you to determine which type of wax to send the future soldier to.

What types are there (A, B, C, D, D and their interpretation)

At the moment, there are only 5 categories for assessing the suitability of potential military personnel:

Factors preventing conscription

If we talk about factors preventing service due to health reasons, the following categories are considered not conscript:

He is automatically enlisted in the reserves and receives a military ID. If you have this category, a repeat medical examination is not required, even if your health status changes in the future.

“B” is assigned only if the citizen can confirm the presence of the corresponding diagnosis. Another category that allows you not to serve legally is “G”.

It does not completely exempt from military service, but only provides a short deferment. Deferment from military service is granted due to injury or illness.

It can be provided for a period of six months to a year. Subsequently, the conscript once again undergoes a medical examination, based on the results of which he can go to serve.

According to the provisions of the legislation of 2005, if there is a category “D”, no further commissions are required to confirm the disease.

To assign a fitness category “D” to a young man, it is required that his diagnosis sound exactly as it is indicated in the Schedule of Diseases.

If the chairmen of the commission have the slightest suspicion about the extent and seriousness of his illness, then he will be sent for additional examination.

If a citizen refuses to undergo a consultation at a special clinic, then the commission has the right to make a decision on the fitness category based on the actual condition at the moment. In this case, instead of category “D”, category “B” will most likely be assigned.

Restrictions on further professional activities

If a young person has been assigned category “B” or “D”, then in the future he may have some difficulties when applying for a job.

This especially applies to attempts to get a job in the following bodies:

However, after the updated regulation on conducting a medical examination was introduced, the situation changed a little.

Now the procedure involves re-passing a medical commission to identify the likelihood of changes in the health of citizens who were previously classified as fitness category “B”.

If the re-examination reveals changes, then a corresponding note is made on the military ID indicating the new category.

In some cases, this procedure still allows you to get a job in the units listed above without serving in the army.

However, this does not mean at all that military commissions will stop requesting data on why a citizen did not perform military service.

Data from these commissions will continue to be taken into account when deciding whether to accept a citizen into a particular unit or not.

There is a common myth that citizens declared unfit are subject to restrictions on obtaining a driver's license. This is not entirely true.