Painting by artist and Komarov flood. Essay based on the painting: A. N. Komarov “Flood. Teacher's opening speech


The famous animal artist Alexey Nikanorovich Komarov was born on October 14, 1879 in the village. Skorodnoye, Efremovsky district, Tula province. He was illegitimate son landowner P.F. Rosetti and his housekeeper, peasant woman D.K. Inshakova. He was raised by his father's sisters, his aunts Ekaterina Feliksovna, Daria Feliksovna and Margarita Feliksovna.

Komarov spent his childhood first on an estate in the village, and when he grew up and the time came to study, his aunts moved with him to Tula, where they rented an apartment first on Pavshinskaya and then on Rubtsovskaya Street. Studied in Tula in private school A.N. Konopatsky and real school, then in Moscow at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

A.N. Komarov worked a lot, participated in exhibitions, illustrated magazines and books, and carried out various orders. He traveled a lot. Visited Sweden. He was in the north in the Arkhangelsk province, in the Urals, in the Astrakhan steppes, in Central Asia, in Altai. Paintings by A.N. Komarov decorate the exhibitions and are stored in the funds of the State Biological Museum named after. K.A. Timiryazev, State Darwin Museum, Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, Museum of Horse Breeding, Literary Museum and other museums in the country.

Alexey Nikanorovich illustrated with his drawings children's books and magazines, in particular "Murzilka", scientific publications, for example, the book of Professor V.N. Shnitnikov “3 animals and birds of our country”, “Atlas of game animals and birds” and others. And millions of children studied from the textbooks he illustrated. Postcards, envelopes and stamps were published with his drawings, and reproductions of his paintings were published in newspapers and magazines.

In his works A.N. Komarov achieved high skill by creating works of art lasting value. He was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR". A.N. Komarov died on March 31, 1977, and was buried in the village of Peski, Kolomensky district, Moscow region.

Hare on a tree The hare lived on an island in the middle of a wide river. It was still a young, not very smart hare. He didn’t even pay attention to the fact that the river around his island was shedding ice with a crash. That day the hare was sleeping peacefully under his bush. The water in the river began to rise quickly. The next morning, only a tiny piece of the island stuck out of the water. A thick, gnarled tree grew on it. The hare began to jump onto the tree, but each time he broke off and splashed into the water. Finally he managed to jump onto the thick, lower branch. The hare perched on it and began to patiently wait for the end of the flood.

Once I went in a boat to get firewood, a lot of them from the river. When the spring floods come to us in the spring, I go and catch them. The water is coming. I see one small island. Hares have gathered on it in a crowd. With every minute the water was approaching the poor animals; Already under them there was less than an arshin of land in width, less than a fathom in length. Then I drove up: their ears were chattering, They didn’t move; I took one, commanded the others: jump yourself! My hares jumped, nothing! As soon as the oblique team sat down, the entire island was lost in water: “That’s it! I said: don’t argue with me! Listen, bunnies, to grandfather Mazai!” Just like that, we sail in silence. A column is not a column, a little hare on a stump, Paws crossed, stands, poor thing, He took it and his burden is not great!

Look carefully at the reproduction. Who is the main character of the picture? At what moment did the artist capture the hare? Describe the animal: what kind of eyes, head, ears, fur it has. Where is he sitting? What does he feel and experience? Think about whether the moment depicted in the picture will be used at the beginning or at the end of the essay?

The brown hare has brown eyes, long, large ears, and stiff whiskers. The hare's fur is thick, brownish-yellow on top, with dark specks. On the neck it is yellowish-brown, behind it is gray-white. The color of the coat changes in winter and summer. Coloring helps rodents hide from enemies. Determine the style of this description.

Define the style of these descriptions. Which description is the best? The bunny's head is oblong, its muzzle is white, and there is a dark brown stripe in the middle. The eyes are round, shiny, dilated with fear. The ears are long, sensitive, and stand erect. The fur on the back is fluffy, dark gray in color, on the chest it is yellowish, with a pink tint. With bated breath, the bunny sits on a thick branch of an old oak tree and waits for what will happen next. He shrank all over from fear. The fur on it stood up straight. The hare's breast is yellow. The animal's head is large. Round eyes look scared. Long reddish ears with black spots at the ends stand alert. The brown hare looks with fear at the water, which approaches the tree itself.

We present to your attention an example of an essay based on Komarov’s painting “Flood” for grade 5. Komarov is an animal artist who depicted animals on his canvases. One of the reproductions of his paintings lies in front of me. The title of this painting is “Flood”. Based on this work by Komarov “Flood” we have to make a description of the painting.

Description of the painting Komarov Flood

The painting “Flood” by Komarov depicts early spring. This is the period of time when there is still snow, but the bright sun is already warming up. Sometimes this leads to rapid melting of snow, which is accompanied by flooding. More often than not, a flood comes unexpectedly, catching everyone by surprise, including animals. During this period of time, forest dwellers have to escape by leaving their burrows, climbing to heights, and some escape by climbing trees. One of these animals was depicted in the painting “Flood” by Komarov, and it is a frightened, fluffy bunny in a light fur coat.

True, on the back and on the ears, which are raised up, appears dark color. The hare climbed onto a tree branch to protect himself from the water that covered the entire earth over long distances. The animal is scared and this fear is reflected in its large eyes. The animal froze, pressed against the bark of a large tree, its paws tucked in, its claws holding tightly to the branch, its fur standing up. He watches with panic and fear as the muddy water rises higher and higher. In the distance we see a grove that is displayed in the water and we understand that water is everywhere, there is no salvation. But not everything is so bad, because there is always hope, you just need to believe.

In my essay on Komarov’s painting “Flood,” despite the fact that the work evokes a feeling of anxiety, I want to end with a positive thought and faith that the bunny will remain alive, the water will recede very soon, because the sun’s rays quickly dry it up.

Komarov is considered one of the most talented animal painters. Animal painters are artists who skillfully depict animals in their works. It’s not for nothing that they say that in order to depict an animal, the artist needs to know not only about appearance them, but also about the characteristics of their characters and even sometimes their habits. This kind of knowledge helped this artist create his bright and expressive masterpieces, one of which. The painting “Flood” appears.

And in my opinion, this work is about a bunny who is most likely in trouble. The canvas depicts early spring, when the warm sun melted the snow and a flood occurred, which always comes suddenly. On such days, the water in the river begins to increase at incredible speed and floods everything around. Not only people suffer from the flood; the animals that are forest dwellers. Most animals have to quickly leave their burrows and look for new shelters from the water, finding hills or other places where the water cannot reach them. In this canvas we see the artist depicted a hare, who, out of fear of the flood, climbed onto the branch of a large tree and froze, clinging to the bark. His big eyes filled with fear of what is happening. He raised his ears warily upward, and most likely listens to what is happening around him. It seemed to me that the bunny sometimes glances down at muddy water, which rose very close to his branch. I felt sorry for the poor hare, because there was no way for him to escape, the water was about to rise to his branch. Even if the hare can climb to a higher branch, he will inevitably starve to death. If the flood does not begin to subside, the hare will remain hungry.

I wanted to think good continuation pictures that the water began to recede, and the hare was saved. It's a pity that with such natural phenomena, innocent animals have to die.

Essay based on the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood"

Description of material: This essay written for younger children school age. Therefore, it will be interesting for teachers primary classes, parents, students.
Target: Formation of ideas about the spring flood through reading an essay based on A. Komarov’s painting “Flood”.
- tell children about the signs of spring in nature, about what happens in the forest with the arrival of spring;
- develop memory, imagination, curiosity, attention, cognitive interest in the surrounding world;
- cultivate a desire to love and protect nature, to be kind and sympathetic.

I look at A. Komarov’s painting “Flood”. I really like her.
On foreground in the picture I see a poor hare sitting on a tree. The hare's eyes are wide open, he is afraid of every rustle. Ears raised high, he listens to every sound. He seems to have pressed himself against a tree and is waiting for help, but there is still no help. His fur is brown and white. The legs are long, the front legs are pushed forward, and the hind legs are pressed against the tree. The bunny has a large head with a small nose. There is slanting water all around. Nearby there is a slender birch tree, also half submerged, it looks like he is sitting on some kind of deciduous tree, perhaps an oak. In the distance you can see that the snow has not yet melted, but the spring haze has already covered everything. The water that flooded many clearings of the forest was blue - black - Brown. Very far away, if you look closely you can see trees. But why are they pink and green? Maybe the author painted this picture at dawn or sunset, or maybe he just thought it would be an interesting idea for his canvas. But where is Nekrasov’s grandfather Mazai, who will help the poor little animal get out of this difficult situation. I can’t judge what happened to the author of the picture, why he didn’t draw help swimming up to the hare, perhaps he wanted to tell the audience about the spring flood, and the hare is just a random witness.
I liked and disliked the picture at the same time. I liked the fact that the hare was drawn so beautifully and unusually, the colors were interestingly chosen, and the idea of ​​spring floods was reflected. But I didn’t like the fact that the little hare was sitting on a tree alone, where his family, his bunnies were. I hope that the water did not last so long and the little animal was able to jump from the tree and run away from this spring catastrophe to its family, to its native forest, and, as usual, gnaw the bark of different trees. I just wish the author would draw a rescue boat and not draw trees pink. But what can I judge, I don’t know what this guy was thinking about wonderful artist at the moment when I wrote this amazing beautiful work about a spring flood or about a lonely hare in trouble?!.

A.N. Komarov "Flood"

Subject: R/r Description of the animal based on the painting by A.N. Komarov "Flood".


  • Educational: teach students the features of constructing a story based on a picture.

  • Developmental: Development creativity, memory and speech, enrichment vocabulary students.

  • Educational: Fostering love for nature, animals, patriotism.
Equipment: reproduction of A.N. Komarov’s painting “Flood”, presentation ( Application ), cards.

During the classes

I. Checking homework

Listen to the riddle and guess:

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming.
When does this happen?

Of course, this happens in the spring. Today we will talk about this time of year. Let's try to find out how nature changes in spring?

So, let's begin. At home you had to write a mini-essay “Signs of Spring”. Let's listen to the essays.

Reading essays, 2-3 essays.

Question to the class: What mood are in the essays about spring?

(Head at the bunny's small, brownish. There are white spots around the eyes. Dark round eyes, shining with fright. Long ears upright, at their tips visible black spots. The hare thick fur. It's on her neck yellowish brown, behind - gray-white. Back dark. Little ponytail tucked in.)

2. What condition is the bunny experiencing? (Slide 8)

From these adjectives, select those that describe the state of the animal. Write them down in short form, consistent with the word bunny.

Sad, cheerful, alarming, carefree, joyful, frightened, indifferent, timid.

3. How does the bunny behave? Select and write down verbs that describe the bunny’s actions.

(Poor little bunny is sitting on a thick tree branch, tightened up little paws under you. He snuggled up back to the trunk and carefully looks to the rising water. I’m very sorry for the animal that is in trouble.) (Slide 7)

Physical education minute

Card 3

Think and answer orally.

  1. What will happen to the hare next?

  2. How can he be saved?

Copy the sentence, insert the missing letters. (Slide 8)

TO A art by A. N. Komarova “Flood” pr O no love b yu to w And to the world and all And sort of .

Exercise: Oral story based on a painting

Now let's remember everything we talked about. These are the questions that we discussed while looking at Komarov’s painting “Flood”. (Slide 9) These questions will be the outline of the essay.

Essay plan

  1. Who is A.N. Komarov?

  2. What time of year is shown in the picture?

  3. Why is the picture called that?

  4. How did the bunny end up in the tree?

  5. How did the artist depict the bunny?

  6. What condition is the animal experiencing?

  7. How is he behaving?

  8. How can he be saved?

  9. What feelings does this picture evoke?
Now let’s compose the whole story based on the picture.


Ex. 599

We have to not just describe the picture, but tell our younger brother, for example, a first-grader, about it. We have already talked about the painting in a letter to a friend.

Think about where you can start. Do I need to use an appeal?