Cabbage with zucchini and meat in a slow cooker. Stewed cabbage with zucchini in a slow cooker. Cabbage with zucchini in a slow cooker: recipe


White cabbage is friends and gets along with almost all of its fellow vegetables. Today I made her friends with zucchini. But we know that the more friends you have in a company, the more interesting and fun it is. Therefore, I added a beautiful maiden carrot, a mischievous onion and a strict lord of a tomato. Of course, this is an allegory. In reality, I prepared a vegetable stew in a slow cooker. And today I will share with you a recipe for making stewed cabbage with zucchini and tomatoes in a Redmond slow cooker.

As its basis I took banal stewed cabbage, to which I added zucchini. Instead, squash is perfect. After all, cabbage really goes well with other vegetables, including zucchini and squash. The dish turns out healthy, light, dietary and at the same time satisfying.

And even a person who has acquired a “miracle pot” for the first time and has just studied the instructions for his brand new multi-cooker can cope with its preparation. And, if you are an experienced multi-cooker cook and have experience in stewing cabbage, then you will be able to handle it in a time or two.

Here are a few more different recipes for making vegetable stew:


  1. ½ medium head of cabbage
  2. One (or half) zucchini or squash
  3. One medium carrot
  4. One or two tomatoes
  5. One large onion
  6. Salt to taste
  7. Ground black pepper to taste
  8. To taste: regular cumin or kalinji
  9. Vegetable oil for frying

1. Prepare half a head of small cabbage, one or half a zucchini (depending on size and maturity), carrots, onions and tomatoes. To pre-fry the vegetables, prepare the oil (I used olive oil, you can use whatever you like). You will also need salt, pepper and cumin. I prefer black cumin or kalindzhi.

2. Wash all the vegetables. We cut out the stalk of the cabbage, then chop the vegetable as usual. Peel the onion. Peel the carrots. We also cut off the peel from an overgrown zucchini and also remove large seeds. The tomatoes can be left with their skins on or removed if desired. There are no special requirements for cutting vegetables into shapes. For me, carrots cut into thin slices and zucchini into cubes are more appetizing in this dish.

3. Pour oil into the multivac bowl. Let’s install “Frying” with the product selection “Vegetables”. We leave the time at 18 minutes. First, cook one onion for 5-6 minutes. Then add the carrots and continue frying for another 5-6 minutes.

4. Then lay out the cabbage. Stir and fry until signal.

6. And our last vegetable is zucchini. Next, don’t forget to add salt, pepper and cumin. Mix everything and close the lid. Set the mode to “Stewing” - “Vegetables”. Cabbage with everything else will be stewed for 40 minutes. Note. I didn't add water. However, I know that in some multicookers the program may go wrong if there is no liquid in the bowl (the mode will turn off on its own and switch to heating). If your multicooker is one of these, then add ½ (or a little more) a multi-glass of hot boiled water and turn on the program again.

7. The time for the “Extinguishing” mode has expired. After the signal, we'll stop by and check the dish. If you have the desire and time, leave the bowl on the heat for 20-30 minutes (this will only make it tastier).

8. And our last steps - put the stew on plates, sprinkle with chopped green onions or other herbs if desired.

Every year the time comes when zucchini and early white cabbage ripen in everyone’s gardens (by the way, in general, all vegetables are present on store shelves in any season). I brought fresh zucchini and cabbage home from the dacha and I immediately wanted to process them into a delicious vegetable dish. I offer a quick and very simple recipe for making stewed cabbage with zucchini in a slow cooker. Although for me a multicooker is something of a form of entertainment (what can compare with skillful women’s hands?), but sometimes I use it to save a little time. I really like to stew vegetables without any meat,( chicken fillet doesn’t count) and cabbage and zucchini are no exception to this, although my male pets are somewhat against it and prefer it more (for those interested, recipes with meat ).

Ingredients for the recipe “Stewed cabbage with zucchini in a slow cooker”

  • white cabbage - medium fork,
  • zucchini - a small young one,
  • three medium carrots,
  • hot pepper - pod,
  • garlic - a small head,
  • tomato,
  • greenery.

How to cook "Stewed cabbage with zucchini in a slow cooker" recipe

Turn on the multicooker to the “Baking” mode. We start cutting the carrots into strips, then sending them into a heated bowl.

Next, chop the cabbage and add to the carrots.

We do the same with hot pepper.

We cut the zucchini into strips (so to speak, so that it does not stand out from the crowd).

Add it to the slow cooker and switch it to the “Stew” mode. I immediately set the minimum time to 1 hour, and it suits us perfectly.

When 30 minutes have passed, add all the greens (wash them) and peeled garlic to the vegetables.

Pour boiling water over the tomato, remove the peel, chop finely and place it in the slow cooker.

Don't forget to season the entire mixture in the bowl with salt and pepper, if you wish. Closing the lid, we wait for the signal about the end of the program.

Cabbage and zucchini look natural, do not change their original color and retain their taste as much as possible.

Beginner housewives, cook with pleasure, and with such an assistant as a multicooker, it’s very simple and fast.

Step-by-step recipe for zucchini and cabbage in a slow cooker with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Number of servings: 6 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 261 kilocalories
  • Occasion: For breakfast

Zucchini and cabbage are one of the most common vegetable crops in our country; they go well with each other and with other vegetables, they make very juicy and incredibly tasty dishes. Try it!

When I was little, it was impossible to force me to eat vegetables, especially if they were stewed, but with age, various vegetable dishes became an indispensable part of the diet for me, and now I can’t even imagine a day without them, especially in the summer. The recipe for cooking zucchini with cabbage in a slow cooker, which I want to offer you, is my favorite and may already be familiar to many of you. This is a very juicy and quite healthy dish, and its taste is probably familiar to everyone since childhood, but now it has become much easier to prepare it - we have a multicooker. You simply load the vegetables into the bowl and go about your business, you no longer need to run to the kitchen in fear that something has burned or boiled over, with this simple recipe for zucchini and cabbage in a slow cooker, making a delicious dinner will not be difficult.

Number of servings: 6

Ingredients for 6 servings

  • Young zucchini - 1 piece
  • White cabbage - 1/1, Pieces
  • Potatoes - 1-2 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Grated tomatoes - 1 Cup
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Spices - To taste
  • Salt - To taste

Step by step

  1. First, wash the zucchini, cut off the peel, remove the seeds and cut it into cubes. We also peel, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes, put the vegetables in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Now chop the cabbage, grind it with salt and place it on top of the zucchini and potatoes.
  3. Add grated carrots and a little more salt.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, put the grated tomatoes (without skin) and butter into the bowl, add spices. We select the “Baking” mode and the time is 1 hour, about half an hour from the start of cooking, you need to open the lid and mix the contents of the multicooker.
  5. The finished dish can be served with meat or, say, fish, or as an independent dish. Bon appetit!

The theme of today's recipe will be vegetable stew in a slow cooker with zucchini, potatoes and cabbage. In the summer, first of all, I try to relax and gain strength, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to travel thousands of kilometers from home. Sometimes I come, after a working week filled with meetings, planning meetings and business trips, to my parents’ dacha and understand that for the next two days I will simply relax with my beloved family, doze off in an old hammock, bask in the scorching rays of the sun in the shade of a huge luxurious mulberry tree.

Indeed, by the end of such a weekend, I am not only fully recovered, but also full of strength to help my mother with the harvest and can even cook dinner for the whole family. At the dacha, we have a special diet: throughout the day, whoever wanted anything, took it from the refrigerator, and for dinner, mom will definitely prepare something tasty and appetizing. But the main thing is that we take all the products directly from the garden beds - our own cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini, herbs and fruits. My parents buy dairy products and eggs in the village, so in the summer we mostly eat natural products, and we also try to prepare for the winter.

The most common dish on our table at this time is vegetable stew. This is obvious, since it is easy to prepare, all the ingredients are at hand, and the taste is wonderful. This dish can be either a main dish or a side dish for baked meat or fish.

At home I like to cook in a slow cooker, but at the dacha it’s simply an irreplaceable assistant. It’s so simple and quick: I add the necessary ingredients, set the routine, and you can continue to do your own thing while she prepares a delicious lunch.

- zucchini fruits – 700 g.,
- potato fruits – 1 kg.,
- white cabbage – 500 g.,
- carrots – 200 g.,
- sunflower oil – 30 ml.,
- garlic – 5 cloves,
- soy sauce – 30 ml.,
- tomato paste – 30 g.,
- water – 200 ml.,
- mayonnaise – 40 g.,
- salt - to taste.

Recipe with photos step by step:

So, . We wash the young potatoes to remove sand and dirt, and then scrape off the thin skin. Wash it with cold water and cut it into large pieces.
Remove the top leaf from the cabbage fork and then cut the cabbage into squares.

If we take young zucchini, we just wash them and, without peeling the skin, cut them into cubes approximately the same size as potatoes.

We clean the garlic from dry scales and rinse it from sand. Then finely chop it.

Peel the carrots and cut into small cubes.

Now pour the required amount of oil into the bowl and cook the carrots for a couple of minutes on the frying program.

Next, add the chopped zucchini and continue frying, making sure to stir the vegetables.

After 5 minutes, add chopped garlic to the bowl.

Then we prepare the sauce - in a separate bowl, mix tomato paste and mayonnaise, add soy sauce and water.

Pour this sauce into the bowl.

Next, prepare the dish in the stewing program for about half an hour.

Last time we cooked

The cooking process will take no more than 1 hour. You will need the entire list of products and a slow cooker. Vegetable stew is prepared using the “Stew” mode.

Preparing, as already mentioned, is very simple. First, let’s thoroughly wash all the vegetables we need to prepare the dish. Thinly peel the potatoes.

We cut all the vegetables one by one into fairly large cubes, and then lay out all the vegetables in a certain order (the arrangement of layers is described below), which need to be lightly salted. You don't need to salt just the eggplant layer. After we cut them into cubes, put them in a separate bowl and add salt, leave them to stand for 10-15 minutes. Then we rinse them under water, preferably running water, and lay them on a towel to drain off excess moisture. You can leave it in a colander.

So, let's start putting our dish into a miracle machine - a multicooker, which has become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen of a modern housewife.

Place the layers in the multicooker bowl in the following order:
First, chopped potatoes.

This is followed by cabbage into our slow cooker.

Place chopped peppers on it.

The next layer is zucchini, after which they go into the bowl - eggplant

Place the last layer of tomatoes.

Having placed all the layers in a bowl, sprinkle them with spices, salt, and you can also sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Add a little vegetable oil (1 -2 tablespoons).

After all this, set the multicooker (Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris) to stewing mode for 60 minutes, and wait for the aromatic and very tasty dish to be prepared - vegetable stew with zucchini and cabbage.

Vegetable stew in a slow cooker is ready. Place on plates and enjoy the taste of summer. Bon appetit.