What are the life values ​​of the writers in the novel. True and false values ​​in M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”


In his immortal novel “The Master and Margarita,” Bulgakov raised eternal questions of various kinds. For example, he considers the problem of true and imaginary values ​​in human life. According to Bulgakov, one of the most important values ​​in this world is true art, true creativity. At the very beginning of the novel, the writer introduces us to two heroes - representatives of the “writing fraternity”. One of them is the chairman of the board of the largest Moscow literary association, the other is a poet published in this magazine. The author clearly shows us the narrowness, stupidity, and limitations of Berlioz. For him, talent is measured by devotion to the word of the party. Berlioz has no idea about true art. Berlioz’s young friend, Ivan Bezdomny, agrees with him in everything, but he has a chance to rethink his views, including his “poetry.” That is why Homeless ends up in a mental hospital, where his rebirth takes place. For the author, assessing the truth of art is especially painful; it is no coincidence that many literary scholars guess Bulgakov himself under the mask of the Master. The writer shows us members of MASSOLIT, caring only about filling their stomachs. They are not creators, the ideals of these hacks are their own, purely material, well-being. The master is expelled from this environment because he is different. Bulgakov is sure that the artist has no right to sell himself, otherwise he will lose his gift. This is the main moral law of a true creator. If the Master is the embodiment of true creativity, then Margarita is the ideal of “real, true, eternal love " I believe that in to find someone she loved “a long time ago.” And it was not beauty, but the “unseen loneliness in the eyes” of Margarita that struck the Master. It must be said that this heroine embodies the author’s ideal of love and beauty; Bulgakov painted a truly worthy girlfriend of the great artist. The master cannot stand the persecution and wants to leave life, hiding in a clinic for the mentally ill. But Margarita remains faithful to him. Her love can crush all barriers. With the help of her image, Bulgakov revealed the theme of true devotion., So, the Master wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri. The Master’s Yeshua is not a “divine appearance”, but simply wandering philosopher bringing to the world with its teachings simple but eternal moral values. Through the biblical line in the novel, Bulgakov continues to affirm the theme of true and false values ​​in human life. Thus, using the example of the image of Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, the author illuminates the issue of conscience in the novel. Pilate sees that before him during interrogation stands an innocent man, capable of bringing only good to people. The procurator faces a serious choice - true or false value - truth or career. Frightened of losing his high position, the hegemon sentences Yeshua to the terrible death penalty. The payback for cowardice for the procurator was immortality and eternal torment of conscience.

It is important that in the “real” Moscow of the 20s of the 20th century, Bulgakov observes only people who were possessed by vices. Styopa Likhodeev, Varenukha, Rimsky, Georges Bengalsky - they all forgot about morality, about simple

human values

. Self-interest, bribery, lust, drunkenness and gluttony - all these, as Bulgakov shows, are typical traits of Muscovites of the early 20th century. And it is for them that they bear punishment - each to their own, but terrible.

Thus, in his brilliant novel M. A. Bulgakov touched upon

great amount

eternal topics and questions. Thus, among others, in his work the writer touches on the problem of true and false values. He argues that moral - biblical - attitudes are eternal. Only they are capable of keeping a person’s soul immortal. educational material, lesson-conversation.

Supporting: God's commandments, Gospel, parable.

New: words - “money-raising”, “charity”, “covetousness”, “charities”

Methods of action:

Supporting: verbal and visual methods training

New: partially – search method.

Didactic materials and equipment:

Educational complex "Orthodox Culture", computer, cards for self-analysis of students

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment


Good afternoon, dear guys; We are starting our lesson on Orthodox culture. Today we have guests, and a lot awaits us ahead interesting work, which I really hope will be successful and fruitful.

II. Repetition

We start the lesson with repetition. (Slide 1)

Who wrote these lines?

In a difficult moment of life

Is there sadness in my heart:

One wonderful prayer

I repeat it by heart.

There is a power of grace

In the consonance of living words,

And an incomprehensible one breathes,

Holy beauty in them.

Like a burden will roll off your soul,

Doubt is far away -

And I believe and cry,

And so easy, easy...

U. What mood is conveyed in the final part of the poem? What is it about?

D. It is about the enlightenment, the joy, the peace that comes in a person’s soul after communicating with God.

U.What kind of music was this against which the poems sounded?

D.This is the romance "Prayer".

U. How many composers have set this poem to their music?

D. It is very lyrical, so it was set to music by more than 40 composers

U. - What is prayer in your understanding?

In what cases does a person turn to God in prayer?

(in joy, in sadness, in illness, when it’s difficult or we don’t know what to do...)

In what fairy tale does the heroine find herself in difficult situation turns to God with the prayer “Our Father”? ("The Snow Queen")

In front of you famous work Russian artist Namerovsky A. ...

Which historical event depicted on this canvas?

Why do you think the Russian army defeated the Mongol army?

What is a blessing?

(overshadowing with a cross, an icon, a word of prayer)

Who can give a blessing?

(priest, parents)

Prince Dmitry with his army committed feat of arms, and what was the feat of Sergius of Radonezh? (prayer, spiritual feat)

In what gospel parable did Jesus Christ show an example of true prayer?

(parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector)

Why was the prayer of the publican more pleasing to God than the prayer of the Pharisee?

U. People turn to God with different requests. Let's read some of them written by your peers:

· I want to be rich, but do nothing but receive money.

· I want to be given pocket money until I grow old.

· I want to become a superman, just so that I don’t have to train or do exercises in the morning. This is all I hear every day from my father.

What do all these requests have in common? Yes, become rich, but do not put the slightest effort into it.

The following requests:

· I want to earn a lot of money to cure my sister.

· I would like to have my own profitable business.

· Get ​​a job that pays a lot to feed poor people.

What do these wishes have in common?

Topic message.

Open the worksheets. Write down the number. Read the topic of the lesson.

“True and false values.” What do you understand by the word value?

Value- what has great importance for the individual and society as a whole.

In the children's requests you read out, you saw the children's different attitudes towards wealth.

What if you had a lot of money, what would you do with it? How would you spend it?

We will write the result in table No. 1.

III. Working on new material

In the worksheets, you need to distribute the listed words in the table into two groups. In one group everything that relates to material values, in another to spiritual values. Be careful!

Today in class the word rich and wealth were heard many times. How do you understand the meaning of these words?

In the word wealth - main part words God.

What does Holy Scripture say about the attitude towards wealth? Let's turn to the Gospel.

What does the word Gospel mean?

(good news)

What does the Gospel say?

(about the earthly life of Christ)

How should we approach the Gospel?

(reverently - i.e. with the deepest respect)

Despite the fact that the words of Christ were spoken almost 2000 years ago, they are important for a person of any time. Most often, Jesus Christ spoke to his disciples in parables.

What is a parable?

(short instructive allegorical story)

Let's listen to the parable of the foolish rich man(Luke 12:15-21)

(Slide with audio file).

One rich man had a good harvest in his field; ion reasoned with himself: “What should I do? I have nowhere to gather my fruits.” And he said: “This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and I will gather there all my bread and all my goods, and I will say to my soul: soul! You have a lot of good things for many years: rest, eat, drink, be merry.” But God told him: “You fool!” This night your soul will be taken from you; who will get what you have prepared?

What qualities do you think are characteristic of a rich person?

For whom did the rich man collect treasures?

What should a rich man do to please God?

They say about such people that they have developed money-grubbing - love of increase, luxury and whim.(Slide).

People like this rich man are well spoken of in the spiritual alphabet of Demetrius of Rostov. But to find out, you need to read the text in Church Slavonic.

“Oh, foolish man, how long will you gather your wealth like a bee? Soon it will perish like dust and ashes: but seek rather the Kingdom of God.”

Reference: “Uglebaeshi” - to get bogged down, to drown

The Monk Samson the Receiver used his wealth completely differently. After the death of his parents, he inherited great wealth, all former slaves he was released with security. He settled in the city of Constantinople, built a house in which he received the poor, the sick and strangers. He treated the sick, fed and clothed the poor, and gave shelter to wanderers. The Patriarch of Constantinople performed the sacrament of the priesthood, and Samson became a priest.

One day Emperor Justinian happened to fall ill. When all the attempts of skilled doctors were unsuccessful, the emperor turned to the priest Samson, who successfully cured him. The emperor wanted to reward the healer, to which Samson replied that he did not need wealth. And if the emperor wishes, he can build a house for the sick and poor. “This will please God and make me happy.” A house was built and a hospital attached to it. So the priest Samson set the emperor up for a charitable cause.

What do you think charity is?

Charity showing compassion for one's neighbor and providing

free assistance to the poor.

There have always been philanthropists in Russia and today we will learn about some of them.

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov - created famous museum « Tretyakov Gallery" The museum is located in Moscow. Both adults and children love to visit it. Pavel Tretyakov began collecting his painting collection in the mid-1850s. In August 1892, Pavel Mikhailovich handed over his art gallery as a gift to the city of Moscow. By this time, the collection included 1,800 works of the Russian school, 75 paintings European school, 15 sculptures and a collection of icons. On August 15, 1893, the official opening of the museum took place under the name

"Moscow City Tretyakov Gallery ».


Nesterov M. V

4. "



Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist. Born into a merchant family, he was the fourth child. The Mamontov family lived richly; when Savva was 8 years old, they moved to Moscow, where Savva’s father was engaged in the construction of railways.

continues the work started by his father. The name of the Russian industrialist is closely connected with the history of the Northern Railway. With his own funds he built railway to Yaroslavl, Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

Each city had and still has its own philanthropists who invested money in the construction of churches, schools, hospitals, and shelters.

And in our modern life There are also philanthropists. For example, thanks to one of them - Mishustin Yuri Nikolaevich director, you and I guys have such great opportunity– study Orthodox culture using a computer and new educational literature.

IN modern language The word philanthropists is heard less and less often, and the word sponsor is heard more often.

Do you think the words “philanthropist” and “sponsor” are equivalent?

Is it really necessary Russian word replace it with a cold, foreign word?


So, today in class we talked about true and false values. What makes a person truly happy?

And the goal of human life is not to get rich: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where no moth destroys and where thieves do not steal, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

“Treasures in Heaven” are the good that man has done, but which God always remembers. Such a treasure cannot be stolen. Your money or phone may be stolen. But the good deed you have done will remain yours forever.

2. Assessment of work in the lesson.

Several people evaluate their work.

What new did I learn about the topic of the lesson? What did you learn?

V. Reflection

If you were interested in the lesson, if what we talked about touched your soul, raise Sun. And if you didn’t like the lesson, seemed boring, left you indifferent, then raise cloud.

You did a good job in class. Well done! Thank you for your work!

And now we will do a little virtual tour to Tretyakovskaya state gallery. And our guide will be Ksenia.

IN exhibition halls you can see world-famous paintings by Russian artists:

1. "Old Testament Trinity". Andrey Rublev.

The greatest creation of Andrei Rublev was the Trinity icon, painted for the church of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery near Moscow. At that time, in the 20s of the 15th century, unprecedented disasters struck central Rus' - widespread pestilence and famine. And again life seemed unbearable and gloomy to people. And in the Trinity Church there remained an icon of Rublev, shining with unearthly peace. Great icon painter created the image of an indissoluble heavenly union, full of silent meekness and selflessness.

2. “Vision to the youth Bartholomew.” Nesterov M. V

"Vision to the Youth Bartholomew" - the most famous work artist. It is based on an episode from the Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The shepherd boy Bartholomew (the future Sergius) lost his foals in the forest. Having set out on a search, he wandered into a deserted place and met an unfamiliar old priest. He gave the boy a piece of prosphora and, with it, a craving for
teaching and enlightenment. This canvas opened the so-called
"Sergius Cycle", which also included "The Youth of St. Sergius",
"Works of Sergius of Radonezh", " Venerable Sergius Radonezh".

3. "". Orest Adamovich Kiprensky

The artist in 1827 creates one of the best portraits. This is the image of a mature man, a poet who has already survived the Decembrist uprising. He seems to be thinking about their fate, about himself, about Russia. In Russian art, Kiprensky paid a lot of attention to self-portraits, trying to convey the state of a person’s soul.

4. "Bogatyrs." Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

This is the most famous painting artist. He was the first artist who, with such visual power, reflected in painting the poetic world of Russian folklore - the world of heroic events, fairy tales, legends and traditions carefully preserved by the people. What are the names of the heroes? In the center is the oldest and most powerful - Ilya Muromets, sitting on right hand– Dobrynya Nikitich, and on the left is Alyosha Popovich. Take a close look at their faces. Hasn't the war left an imprint of the ferocity of cruelty on their faces? No. Why? What kind of war are they fighting? The heroes perform the holy task of defending the Motherland, their faces are stern and inspired by this lofty idea.

5. "Christ in the Desert" Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.

We present to your attention two paintings by “Dostoevsky” by Vasily Grigorievich Perov and “Christ in the Desert” by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy. Pay attention to the almost literal similarity in the poses of such different characters. But Kramskoy, who created his painting independently of Perov’s portrait, did not by chance come to a similar result: his Christ is both a divine character and an image of a person of any era, making a choice between good and evil.

Samson the Stranger

The Monk Samson the Receiver used his wealth completely differently. After the death of his parents, he inherited great wealth; he freed all former slaves with security. He settled in the city of Constantinople, built a house in which he received the poor, the sick and strangers. He treated the sick, fed and clothed the poor, and gave shelter to wanderers. The Patriarch of Constantinople performed the sacrament of the priesthood, and Samson became a priest.

One day Emperor Justinian happened to fall ill. When all the attempts of skilled doctors were unsuccessful, the emperor turned to the priest Samson, who successfully cured him. The emperor wanted to reward the healer, to which Samson replied that he did not need wealth. And if the emperor wishes, he can build a house for the sick and poor. “This will please God and make me happy.” A house was built and a hospital attached to it.

The universal nature, both on Earth and in space, manifests itself in two aspects, one of which we call the higher nature, corresponding to the Divine truth, the other aspect of it we call the lower nature, which on the surface appears to be opposed to the Divine. If the highest nature embodies the idea of ​​absolute knowledge and universal unity, then the lower nature, under the cover of ignorance, strives for maximum universal division. The higher nature is mainly the kingdom of the gods or devas, and in the lower nature the asuras rule the ball, having their own hierarchy of powers. For gods or devas (In Indian Vedic cultural tradition devas are gods, but in the Avestan tradition, asuras are called devas. The author adheres to Vedic terminology - approx. ed.) the perception and awareness of the reality of the world from within is characteristic, while at the same time asuras perceive the reality of the world only from its outside. Hence, the devas realize the essence of events in their unity and the meaning and purpose of everything that happens in the world; asuras, separated by a veil of ignorance from the true essence of everything in the universe and from its purpose, are able to perceive and manipulate only the material values ​​of this world. Comprehension of the true goal is inaccessible to them, since this is possible only by perceiving the reality of the world in its indissoluble unity, from which they are separated by ignorance. In this regard, they use division to understand and master it. Devas and asuras can be compared to people with normal and myopic vision. When looking at a picture, devas see it as a whole, but asuras can look at it in parts and, therefore, the whole picture is inaccessible to them. They are like three blind men studying an elephant, each of whom perceives only part of it. After this kind of perception, based on the results of their research, they could express their opinions, each of which was only part of the knowledge, but not the whole knowledge. From here it follows that people who are guides and executors of the Asuric will cannot know the true purpose of all things in the Universe and, of course, on Earth. Not knowing the true goal, they replace it with various plans, the implementation of which becomes their goal.

Asuric forces, stricken by the blindness of ignorance, are unable to realize the irresistible flow of Divine evolution, in which they are only executors of the Divine will, and the few of them who are given the opportunity to realize this flow try to resist it. But both those and others do not know that any of their actions are sanctioned by the Divine for his own purposes, which they are not given to know in full.

There is one very important feature of the influences and interactions of all things in the Universe - they occur in harmony. And the consequence of this feature is the transformation human personality when it is in some way consonant with the forces of universal nature.

Man, unlike the asuras and devas, contains within himself all the infinite possibilities of the Universe, and those of them that are in tune with the vibrations of the asuras, under their influence, not only open up, but also grow, pushing aside all other human qualities. At the same time, a person cannot change anything in an asura, who has only those capabilities that are aimed at revealing everything low and destructive in a person. Hence, the external manifested world is a field of lower nature, in which opportunities that have low destructive vibrations are revealed. This disclosure is necessary in order to separate the “wheat from the chaff”, and for people walking the spiritual path - awareness of their imperfections in order to transform them.

Man belongs to universal nature; accordingly, he is also divided into two poles - one of which is influenced higher nature, the other - inferior. And if the first is turned to Divine truth and is influenced Divine powers, then the second one, which refers to outer part human being, is turned to the values ​​of the manifested world and is in the power of the asuras. This asura tried to seduce Jesus Christ when he told him that he would give him power over all the kingdoms of the earth if he fell to worship him. It was about him that Jesus Christ said to those who accused him: “Your god is the devil.” Don’t people who strive for power and wealth fulfill the will of the asura? Is it not through them that he satisfies his passion for undivided power and worship of him, and is it not they who quite consciously prepare humanity for the coming of the beast (Antichrist), corrupting religions and corrupting human souls? Currently, the symbol of his name is spreading everywhere - “666” (Apoc. 13, 18.). these people not only prepare humanity for the coming of the beast, creating an atmosphere that is consonant with it, but by placing symbols of its name everywhere, they seem to invite it to hurry up with its arrival. An example would be a barcode. Next, I take a quote from the book by S.V. Valtsev - “The Decline of Humanity”: A bar code is a number like a number, if not for one BUT. Each barcode contains the encrypted number 666. This means that any product, and now our documents, are marked with the sign of the Antichrist. Is this really true? Everyone is familiar with the white label on the packaging with black stripes and numbers underneath...

This method of writing numbers was invented in the 19th century in the USA. The barcode indicates the country of origin, quality, name, and sometimes the cost of the product. A modern barcode is a computer type of notation, where each number corresponds to lines of different thickness.

Anyone can verify that each barcode has thin nearby parallel lines at the beginning, middle and end that are slightly longer than all the others. They are called “security parallels”. True, these lines are not signed with any numbers, but they are graphically identical to only one number - six. It turns out that absolutely any barcode includes three sixes. Many specialists working with computer technology assure us: “there was no need to use the number 6 sign as a dividing line.”

Thus, the “prince of this world” and the executors of his will are building their own paradise on Earth, which, of course, will correspond to their basic essence. For example, a frog, if it were possible for it, would build its own swamp paradise on Earth. What are they doing in modern world executors of the will of the asuras, director Daneliya Georgy Nikolaevich showed very well in his film “Kin-dza-dza”.

When Sri Aurobindo said that one must live from within, he meant that a person should rely on his heart in his activities in this world. Understanding the world from the inside is the way gods or devas perceive the reality of the Universe. Living from the inside means not being attached to this manifested world, living according to Asuric principles that lead humanity to degradation, and at the same time, using the reality of this world to ascend consciousness. For a person living from within, no moral rules or laws are required, because to live from within means to be in highest harmony with the whole world

Human consciousness has two poles - one of them is facing the outer world, the other is facing the inner world. And if the lower nature reigns in the outer world, then the higher nature reigns in the inner world. Asuric forces are not interested in a person perceiving the world of external values ​​from the inside, since in this case he leaves from under their influence.

Only those values ​​of this world can be true, which are in tune with divine truth. Those that sound in dissonance with it are false values. Another definition is also possible: true values ​​do not tie a person to values material world and do not make him dependent on them. And there is one more important feature - movement towards true values ​​always requires volitional efforts, at the same time, false values ​​are tempting in themselves and no effort is required from a person to move in their direction, all that is required is silent agreement, which they will immediately use and make him dependent on themselves, and accordingly, subsequently transform his worldview. In this case, a kind of mental castration of a person occurs, after which he ceases to notice everything that is consonant with Divine truth, and the voice of conscience subsides in his heart. Now a person will not seek high harmony in his interactions with the world, and he will be completely satisfied with either sensory harmony or mental harmony, based on the ego and external laws and rules.

True and false values ​​have their differences only within a person, but in the external world they are indistinguishable. In the outside world, these are only facets of the same reality. Therefore, if a person lives by his mind, supported by the body of desires, then for him false values ​​will be true, and true values ​​will be false. Among false values, fetishism occupies a special place. A fetish is something that is the subject of unconditional recognition, blind worship (Dictionary foreign words L. P. Krysin ed. Eksmo 2008). Fetish includes many facets of the reality of this world, which can be both creative and destructive for a person. This is due to the fact that a fetish narrows a person’s consciousness and thereby does not allow him to perceive reality as it really is. For example, on a social level it is authoritative for us social status person, although this position is only a mask that replaces true face this man. But we are not critical, because the fetish causes us to unconditionally recognize the social status of a person and his corresponding status. psychological characteristics. We are completely uncritical of the so-called holy scripture. We believe that it is sacred even when it affirms lies, aggression, betrayal and many other low aspects of human psychology. Blind faith is dangerous because a person does not see reality as it really is. Various statements by people who are authoritative for us, even if these people are unpleasant for us, can significantly change our attitude towards the reality about which these authorities speak. And what about the various holiday dates that act as a trigger on a person. And we ourselves don’t really understand why we feel festive on the appointed holiday. They will show us fireworks and we will come to festive mood. We give true semantic meaning the word “democracy”, although this word has long been only a mask behind which lawlessness and lies reign. If you look closely at everything that surrounds a person, it is easy to discover that people live among symbols, a largely symbolic life, among which the fetish occupies an honorable place.

1) I. Bunin in the story "Mr. from San Francisco" showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed the man by: he died without ever knowing what life was.

2) The name of a simple peasant girl Joan of Arc today everyone knows. For 75 years France waged an unsuccessful war against the English invaders. Jeanne believed that she was destined to save France. The young peasant woman persuaded the king to give her a small detachment and was able to do what the smartest military leaders could not: she ignited people with her fierce faith. After years of ignominious defeats, the French were finally able to defeat the invaders.

When you reflect on this truly wonderful event, you realize how important it is for a person to be guided by a great purpose.

3) Few people know that during filming famous film N. Mikhalkova “Burnt by the Sun”, The weather turned bad, the temperature dropped to minus six. Meanwhile, according to the scenario, it should be a sultry summer. The actors portraying vacationers had to swim in icy water, lie on cold ground. This example shows that art requires sacrifice and complete dedication from a person.

4) French writer G. Flaubert in the novel "Madame Bovary"talked about the fate of a lonely woman who, entangled in life's contradictions, decided to poison herself. The writer himself felt signs of poisoning and was forced to seek help. It is no coincidence that he later said: “Madame Bovary is me.”

5) Loyalty to your calling cannot but command respect. Narodovolets Nikolay Kibalchich was sentenced to death for attempting to assassinate the Tsar. While waiting to die, he worked on a jet engine project. More than own life, he was concerned about the fate of the invention. When they came for him to take him to the place of execution, Kibalchich gave the gendarme the drawings of the spacecraft and asked him to hand them over to scientists. “It’s touching that the person in front of terrible execution has the strength to think about humanity!” - this is how K. Tsiolkovsky wrote about this spiritual feat.

6) “I have always been amazed at the immense hard work and patience of Kirill Lavrov,” recalls director Vladimir Bortko about the outstanding actor: “We had to film a 22-minute conversation between Yeshua and Pontius Pilate, such scenes take two weeks to film. On film set Lavrov, an 80-year-old man, spent 16 hours in chest armor weighing 12 kg, without uttering a word of reproach to the film crew.”


The moral responsibility of a person (artist, scientist) for the fate of the world

The role of personality in history

Moral choice person

Conflict between man and society

Human and nature

Supporting theses:

1. A person comes into this world not to say what it is like, but to make it better.

2. It depends on each person what the world will be like: light or dark, good or evil.

3. Everything in the world is connected by invisible threads, and a careless act or an unexpected word can result in the most unpredictable consequences.

4. Remember your High human responsibility!


1. There is one undoubted sign that divides people's actions into good and evil: love and unity of people increases the action - it is good; he produces enmity and disunity - he is bad (L. Tolstoy, Russian writer).

2. The world in itself is neither evil nor good, it is a container of both, depending on what you yourself have turned it into (M. Montaigne, French humanist philosopher).

3. Yes - I'm in the boat. The spill won't touch me! But how can I live when my people are drowning? (Saadi, Persian writer and thinker)

4. It is easier to light one small candle than to curse the darkness (Confucius, ancient Chinese thinker).

6. Love - and do what you want (Augustine the Blessed, Christian thinker).

7. Life is a struggle for immortality (M. Prishvin, Russian writer).

8. They went into the darkness, but their trace did not disappear (W. Shakespeare, English writer).


In everyone's hands fate peace

1) In a military operation near Pervomaisk, fighters repelling an attack by militants rushed to a box of grenades. But when they opened it, they discovered that the grenades had no fuses. The packer at the factory forgot to put them in, and without them, a grenade is just a piece of iron. The soldiers, suffering heavy losses, were forced to retreat, and the militants broke through. The mistake of a nameless person turned into a terrible disaster.

2) Historians write that the Turks were able to capture Constantinople by passing through a gate that someone forgot to close.

3) The twentieth century is the first century of world wars in human history, the century of the creation of weapons of mass destruction. An incredible situation is emerging: humanity can destroy itself. In Hiroshima, on the monument to the victims of the atomic bombing, it is written: “Sleep well, the mistake will not be repeated.” To prevent this and many other mistakes from being repeated, the struggle for peace, the struggle against weapons of mass destruction, acquires a universal character.

4) Sown evil turns into new evil. In the Middle Ages, a legend appeared about a city that was overrun by rats. The townspeople did not know where to get away from them. One man promised to rid the city of vile creatures if he was paid. The residents, of course, agreed. The rat catcher played the pipe, and the rats, bewitched by the sounds, followed him. The sorcerer took them to the river, got into the boat, and the rats drowned. But the townspeople, having got rid of the misfortune, refused to pay what they had promised. Then the sorcerer took revenge on the city: he played the pipe again, children came running from all over the city, and he drowned them in the river.

The role of personality in history

1) “Notes of a Hunter” by I. Turgenev played a huge role in public life our country. People, having read the bright ones, vivid stories about the peasants, they realized that it was immoral to own people like cattle. A broad movement for the abolition of serfdom began in the country.

2) After the war, many Soviet soldiers who were captured by the enemy were condemned as traitors to their homeland. Story M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”, which shows the bitter fate of a soldier, forced society to take a different look at tragic fate prisoners of war. A law was passed on their rehabilitation.

3) American writer G. Beecher Stowe wrote a novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which recounted the fate of a meek black man beaten to death by a ruthless planter. This novel shook up the entire society, an outbreak broke out in the country. Civil War, and shameful slavery was abolished. Then they said that this little woman started a big war.

4) It is unlikely that King Edward III of England fully understood what his insolence would lead to: he depicted delicate lilies on the state emblem. Thereby English king showed that from now on neighboring France was also subject to him. This drawing of a power-hungry monarch became the reason for the Hundred Years' War, which brought countless disasters to people.

Human and nature

1) Man, before our eyes, continues the fatal work that he began thousands of years ago: in the name of the needs of his production, he destroyed forests filled with life, dehydrated and turned entire continents into deserts. After all, the Sahara and Kara Kuma are obvious evidence of human criminal activity that continues to this day. Isn’t the pollution of the World Ocean evidence of this? A person deprives himself in the near future of the last necessary nutritional resources.

2) In Russians folk tales The selflessness of man is often glorified. Emelya had no intention of catching the pike - it ended up in his bucket. If a wanderer sees a fallen chick, he will put it in the nest; if a bird gets caught in a snare, he will free it; if a wave throws a fish ashore, he will release it back into the water. Do not seek profit, do not destroy, but help, save, protect - this is what folk wisdom teaches.

3) Human intervention in difficult life nature can lead to unpredictable consequences. One famous scientist decided to bring deer to his region. However, the animals were unable to adapt to the new conditions and soon died. But the ticks that lived in the skin of deer took hold, flooded the forests and meadows and became a real disaster for the other inhabitants.

4) Global warming, which is being talked about more and more insistently in Lately, is fraught with catastrophic consequences. But not everyone thinks that this problem is a direct consequence of human life, who, in the pursuit of profit, disrupts the stable balance of natural cycles. It is no coincidence that scientists are increasingly talking about reasonable self-restraint of needs, that it is not profit, but the preservation of life that should become main goal human activity.

5) Polish science fiction writer S. Lem in their "Star Diaries" described the history of space vagabonds who ruined their planet, dug up all the subsoil with mines, and sold minerals to the inhabitants of other galaxies. Retribution for such blindness was terrible, but fair. That fateful day came when they found themselves on the edge of a bottomless pit, and the ground began to crumble under their feet. This story is a threatening warning to all humanity, which is rapaciously robbing nature.

Analysis of imaginary and true values ​​in the novel "The Master and Margarita".

M. A. Bulgakov in the novel “The Master and Margarita” puts his heroes in front of eternal problems existence, forcing us to think about the meaning and purpose of existence, about true and imaginary values, about the laws of life development.

What are true and imaginary values. True Values– this is what is important always, everywhere and under any conditions. They are the same for all people.

True creativity


Freedom of the individual

Imaginary values ​​are an attempt to replace the main and sole purpose human auxiliary purpose. Their implementation brings evil and misfortune to other people into the world.

« housing problem»

Thirst for personal gain


Death and Time reign on earth, -

Don't call them rulers;

Everything, spinning, disappears into the darkness,

Only the sun of love is motionless.

Love... It is this that gives the novel mystery and uniqueness. she is able to change a lot and withstand various difficulties. It is Margarita who reveals the themes of faith, creativity, love - all that from which true life grows. Love moved Margarita, she went through all the obstacles for the sake of the Master. She suffered mortal pain at the ball, not being sure that her wish would come true. And the fact that she sold her soul to the devil once again proves the strength of her love for the Master. Reward: The Master and Margarita find eternal happiness and eternal peace.

True creativity: . At the very beginning of the novel, the author introduces us to two writers: Berlioz, he is the head of MASSOLIT, and Bezdomny, a poet at the same MASSOLIT. From the dialogue it is clear that the work of these writers is one-sided and false.

Punishment: Ivan Bezdomny ends up in a psychiatric hospital. However, he realizes the uselessness of his false creativity and promises the Master not to write anything else.

Money. In the novel, this imaginary value affected two worlds - ancient Yershalaim and modern. Only Woland and his retinue remained indifferent to the money. Judas, who betrayed his friend for 30 pieces of silver, the residents of Moscow who greedily caught money falling from the ceiling in a variety show, Baron Meigel - they all “served” this imaginary value.

Punishment: Judas and Baron Meigel were killed, and the residents of Moscow received good lesson for their passion for money, when their bills turned into simple pieces of paper and their clothes melted before their eyes. Even Bosoy, who could not resist the opportunity to get easy money, was punished.

Freedom of the individual. Let's remember the Moscow Association of Writers. Its leaders created a huge number of useless clubs and circles in order to completely occupy all participants. Moreover, the abilities and talents of people did not matter at all. In other words, a person was obliged to comply with various regulations, and there could be no talk of any freedom here.

Punishment: Woland’s retinue forces all these leaders to sing non-stop to show what it’s like to do something against your will, without desire and ability.

Result: Bulgakov wanted to convey to us readers that there are many false values ​​in the world and only strong personality can resist their oppression. A person cannot be happy if a large number of spends time on imaginary values, because they make his life empty.