What guy's name goes with the name Evgeniy. Evgenia. names - the meaning of the name. compatibility of female and male names. full description of the name. the secret of the name


A person's name influences his character and behavior in society. Name compatibility allows you to understand which person is suitable for communication and building a family. The sensitive Eugene reacts emotionally to what is happening around him; many things can seriously unsettle him. He is amorous, so the issue of building a family is sensitive for him. The characteristics of name compatibility will show which woman will become Eugene’s only companion for life.

Relationship between Evgeny and Olga

Zhenya and Olya have similar characters. They are united by common hobbies and common causes. For friendly communication choose trips to the theater and cinema, picnics. They understand each other and can have intimate conversations for hours.

Endowed with the same character traits:

  • perseverance;
  • patience;
  • practicality;
  • rationalism;
  • love for nature.

In love, Zhenya and Olya show themselves with the best side. They suit each other, they are interested in spending time together, there are always topics for conversation. Their relationship is not built on passion; most likely, trust and understanding prevail.

Two similar person who share joys and experiences with each other, find solutions together difficult situations. The union is built on mutual understanding and sincerity.

The compatibility of Evgeny and Olga provides them with a strong marriage. A friendly atmosphere prevails in the family, both partners are comfortable and disagreements bypass the couple. They do everything together: they raise children together, do household chores and go for walks. Having entered into marriage, Olga and Evgeniy try with all their might to maintain stability and harmony in the family.

Tandem of Evgeniy and Anna

The friendship between Zhenya and Anya is built on mutual attraction. They intuitively look for each other, try to communicate more and be together everywhere. They are in no hurry to move on to a serious relationship and enjoy friendly meetings with pleasure.

Love compatibility between Eugene and Anna is based on physical attraction, passion and tender feelings. Zhenya’s chosen one becomes his ideal woman and makes him want to take care of her. But due to Anya’s secrecy, Evgeniy has misunderstandings and suspicions. If Anya compromises and becomes more open, then the love union will be successful. Sex life The couple is intense, both are passionate about each other and are able to give pleasure to their partner.

Thanks to the fact that Anya and Zhenya are monogamous, they manage to build a strong union. Loyalty, devotion and attentiveness to their partner comes first for each of them.

Family ties bind the couple together; they become more caring and attentive to each other. With the advent of children, they try to spend more time with the family, surrounding them with care and affection. Over time, the couple overcomes periodic differences and can live happily together for the rest of their lives.

The meaning of the name Evgeniy is “noble.” This is exactly how this name is translated from its native ancient Greek language. The average Evgeniy is hardworking and clearly moves towards his intended goal. Perhaps it is precisely his focus on results and a certain straightforwardness that prevents him from being flexible - any obstacle can bring him to a standstill, since it destroys the picture of the world built in his plans. Most often, from childhood, Evgenia chooses a profession that involves the use of knowledge from the field of exact sciences - for example, electronics. “Spring” Evgenias are more flexible - they more often than others find themselves in literature - they write poetry, prose, and become journalists and artists.

When choosing a life partner, Evgeny pays attention to those women who intrigue him with their mystery and amaze him with their spiritual purity. Having met such a woman, Evgeniy without hesitation creates a family, and quite a strong and friendly one. Without sharing homework into male and female, he does not even pretend to be the authoritative head of the family - for him there is nothing more expensive than peace and comfort family life. However, it is often precisely because of this that Evgeniy’s families collapse, since women see him as spineless and weak person. They are partly right - in emergency situations you can’t expect help from Evgeniy, but they good fathers and always take an active part in raising children.

Other forms

IN different countries There are various variations of the name Eugene: these are Eugene, and Owen, and Eugene, and Eugene, and Eugenio, and even Eugenios. Diminutive form: Zhenya or Evgesha.

Name day

Eugene can celebrate his name day several times a year, 6 times in winter: December 7, 23 and 26, January 21 and February 3 and 25; 3 times in the spring: March 4, 10 and 20; 2 times in summer: August 3 and 31; and also 7 times in the fall: September 20 and 23, October 8 and 29, November 11, 20 and 24.

Zodiac compatibility

This name fits most harmoniously into the character of a person born under the signs of Aries, Leo, Virgo, Cancer and Pisces.

Phonosemantics of the name

The word "Eugene" evokes the association of something safe and small in size.

Eugene's mascots

Geometric spiral shape, beige color, pearl.

Compatibility of the name Evgeniy

Eugene will create a good and lasting union with women who bear the names,

Eugene, translated from Greek, means “noble.” From the very early childhood Evgeniy pleases his parents with his calm, balanced character, kindness and obedience. Evgeny has a particularly close relationship with his father, who is for him best friend. He tells him about all his thoughts and experiences. Evgeny also enjoys communicating with his peers, but he prefers to play with one or two friends than in a group. He also does not like noisy fun and pranks, preferring quiet entertainment. It is not so easy for Evgeniy to choose a profession for himself, since he is interested in many things, and all of them are interesting to him. He can become a journalist, a psychologist, and an engineer. Sometimes Eugene needs help in self-determination, which consists of advice from a person who knows him well.

Compatibility of the name Evgeniy in love

Evgeny is not looking for short-term, non-binding romances; on the contrary, his view of relationships is very serious. In relationships with women, Evgeniy is respectful, tactful, and sincerely convinced that there are no ugly and uninteresting women. He is ready to get married, quite consciously, at a fairly young age, but he does not do this, because he believes that for this he needs to become financially independent. Eugene's chosen one should be cheerful, have a light, unforgiving character, and be able to forgive. Eugene does not idealize his beloved, love does not blind him. On the contrary, he sees every minus of her, but for him there are always more pluses, the main one of which is kindness.

Evgeniy takes marriage seriously: having chosen the woman with whom he would like to connect his destiny, he will keep an eye on her for some time. It is important for Eugene that his wife be modest and virtuous, undemanding - it is difficult for him to communicate with self-confident, capricious young ladies. Evgeny will willingly help his wife with housework and provide support in everything. He loves to go somewhere with the whole family, travel, go to various events. He also enjoys spending time with children, playing with them, walking, and inventing all sorts of entertainment. Evgeniy is a wonderful father who really wants to become part of his children's world. He is not afraid of the difficulties of upbringing; on the contrary, he is ready for them. As a rule, Eugene’s relationship with his children remains close even when they grow up and leave their home.

Evgeniy Compatibility with Female Names

Eugene has the greatest likelihood of a strong relationship with names: Alevtina, Alina, Amalia, Ariadna, Bella, Vera, Vita, Gella, Henrietta, Greta, Gulmira, Juliet, Evdokia, Elena, Elizabeth, Zhanna, Zoya, Irina, Kaleria, Clara, Larisa, Lydia, Lina, Maria, Nina , Polina, Sofia, Taisiya, Ulyana, Elvira.

Eugene is least likely to have a strong relationship with names: Akulina,

The name Eugene comes from the Greek Eugenius, which means "from good kind" That is why men from a noble family bore the name. In our country the name appeared in the 4th century. And then the female form of the name was formed - Evgenia. The name gained wide popularity in the 18th century. Came into fashion French, and the children began to be called. The Russian nobility really liked the name Eugene. It is assumed that the short form of the Russian name - Zhenya - was formed from this name. So, what does the name Eugene mean at the present time, let's figure it out.

Description of character and fate

The male name Evgeniy has many contradictions. This is due to female form this name. Eugene combines strength and weakness at the same time. Weakness is manifested in character, and strength is in appearance. The “strongest weakness” of such a man is stubbornness. This character trait helps Evgeniy achieve good results in life.

Eugene is hardworking, but gets tired quickly. They are in a hurry to finish the work quickly. Zhenya is not afraid of difficulties and easily overcomes them. But life's troubles can unsettle him and ruin his mood.

Zhenya is distinguished by her emotionality and sensitivity. They sincerely sympathize with loved ones, but are in no hurry to help them. Evgenias are maximalists, which prevents them from achieving high results. Wives constantly stop because they are dissatisfied with their actions and results.

It is not easy for a wife to make a choice in any area of ​​life. It takes them a long time to choose their occupation. They are good at exact sciences. Therefore, they can achieve success in electronics, technology, and can become engineers or aircraft technicians.

Evgeniya is sensitive. This helps them in the creative field. They can achieve success and recognition in society.

Zhenya is ambitious. This character trait helps him in business. He manages to open and develop his business thanks to strategic thinking, hard work and perseverance. But Evgenia doesn’t know how to trust people. This leads to a lack of partners and disappointment in the idea itself.

Name meaning in numerology

In numerology, the name Evgeniy means one. It denotes people who, through their diligence, win the respect of others. Such people know how to value themselves and celebrate the merits of other people. But their demands on others are too high. They do not tolerate untidy people who do not take care of themselves and do bad work.

A few may make risky decisions. But they will choose their partner carefully and for a long time. They will marry a girl who does not fly in the clouds and stands firmly on her feet.

Characteristics of the name by letter

Analyzing the nature of the name, It is also necessary to do a letter analysis:

Love relationships and compatibility

Zhenya is a sensual and gentle man. This is why women love him. He is gallant and courteous with the ladies, always emphasizing his respect. Evgeniy often falls in love. He does not have unrequited feelings.

Zhenya is inclined to idealize his girlfriend, which does not always coincide with reality. This upsets him. He won't sort things out. He is repulsed by rude, insincere and ill-mannered girls.

As for marriage, this is ideal husbands. For Zhenya, family always comes first. There should be no quarrels or reproaches in his house. That is why he always smoothes out conflicts.

Evgenia - jealous partners. This happens due to lack of self-confidence. He often displays weak character and infantilism. This irritates his significant other. Evgenia rarely gets divorced. They will not be able to decide to take such a step if there are children in the family. But at the same time, he can easily cheat on his wife. Of course she won't know anything. In everyday life, Evgeniya is happy to do everything men's work. These are the kind of men who love traditional families. The husband should be the breadwinner, and the wife should be the keeper of the hearth.

For a harmonious union, the compatibility of people is very important. A special place is occupied by name compatibility.

Compatible with female names:

Horoscope and influence of the zodiac sign

Eugenes are born under the auspices of two planets - Venus and Mercury. And also under the auspices of two zodiac signs - Pisces and Taurus. They have two talismans - jasper and ruby. Two plants - linden and forget-me-not. Two animal totems - seahorse and pearl barley. Name days are celebrated twice a year - March 4 (February 19) and December 26 (December 13).

Men's horoscope according to zodiac signs:

  • Aries- self-confident, does not create authority for himself. He always knows what to do and is assertive. Practicality and common sense are not enough to achieve the goal. At the same time, he is kind and charges with optimism. Has a good sense of humor. For the rest of his life he will be vulnerable and touchy. In any area of ​​life he must be a leader. In love he shows passion, romance and honesty. A good union will turn out with a calm girl.
  • Taurus- charming, attractive, patient and gentle. Differs in thriftiness and accumulation. This applies to both money and knowledge. It is difficult to share his savings. He doesn't like haste and quarrels. But there is no need to anger him. In the financial sphere, he is doing well, as he knows how to attract money to himself. Despite his down-to-earth nature, he shows care and knows how to look after beautifully. In family life he is reliable and will not dare to cheat. At the same time, he himself is very jealous.
  • Twins- optional, intellectual, complex character. Such a man will only do well for himself. Does not like difficulties and responsibility. Due to his tendency to deceive, he will not be able to build a business. But such men earn good money. As for love, Geminis will marry more than once. It's all because of their lack of commitment and superficial feelings. Girls in such relationships need to be both a mother, a lover, and the head of the family.
  • Cancer- impressionability, vulnerability. Such a man will be gallant and polite only if he is treated the same way. Women born under this sign constantly delve into themselves. They are capable of exaggerating the size of the “tragedy”. They get along well with money and quickly find additional sources of income. They never get involved with crime, everything is fair and legal. In a family, such men show devotion and can suppress their significant other.
  • Lion- openness, sincerity, cordiality. Such men do not like second place; they are leaders in everything. And they don't care that not everyone agrees with it. He is confident and calm. This gives him respect. Such a man is distinguished by nobility, charisma, and devotion. His worst enemies- this is pride and narcissism. He constantly needs love and support. If a woman can give him this, he will become faithful and reliable to her.
  • Virgo- good nature, sociability, frivolity and carelessness. This is a real homebody, does not like adventurous undertakings. Eugenie-Virgos earn good money. They spend a long time looking for a companion, but they become wonderful husbands.
  • Scales- timidity, calmness, restraint. This is a driven man, the opinions of others are important to him. He works best in a team. This is a real heartthrob. Even in marriage he will not stop.
  • Scorpion- complex character, full of contradictions. Such a man will be successful in any profession. He always needs support and love. For family life, he needs a calm, flexible girl.
  • Sagittarius- emotionality, passion. Such a man is the least suitable for family life. He values ​​his freedom too much.
  • Capricorn- always looks at things realistically and is distinguished by insight. Fully capable of providing for his family. But he can cheat in a relationship.
  • Aquarius- intelligence, talent, versatility, intellectuality, independence. Will not do anything in public. He enters into marriage reluctantly.
  • Fish- impressionability, vulnerability, vulnerability. This is a good sign for Evgeniy. It brings him a lot of happiness.

The name Evgeniy means “noble”, “notable”.

Origin of the name

Evgeniy – Russian male name Greek origin. The origin of the name Evgeniy is associated with Greek name Eugenios. Given name has two roots - “eu” (good) and “genes” (genus).

Characteristics of the name


Little Zhenya is a great inventor and dreamer. He comes up with games and entertainment for a group of friends, leaving for himself main role, in which evil triumphs. At the same time, little Evgeniy finds it difficult to accept real world, so he is often indecisive. But his indecisiveness is not related to communication. He finds it easily common language with peers.

At school, Zhenya usually studies well; literature and languages ​​are easy for him. He can write poetry, beautiful essays. In addition, Evgeniy most often does not experience difficulties with exact sciences, for example, mathematics.

Personal qualities

At an older age, Zhenya often becomes hot-tempered and very vulnerable. In order not to show his experiences and anxieties to others, he tries to appear indifferent or cheeky. But, at the same time, he is very attentive to his loved ones and will never refuse to help others.

A man with that name is different developed intuition, knows how to pay attention to little things, thanks to which he always feels the situation subtly. He is very artistic, often the “life of the party”, and decorates any party.

Most of all, Evgeniy loves consistent and logical actions. Therefore, he often chooses technical specialties as his profession - designer, architect, programmer, engineer. But often Zhenya’s second side wins – the romantic side. And then he becomes an excellent writer, artist, journalist.

Personal life

The description of the name Evgeniy indicates that he is very picky in choosing a life partner. He is attracted to a spiritually pure, somewhat mysterious girl. Evgeny makes an exemplary husband and caring father. IN family matters He always compromises and prefers negotiations to quarrels. He enjoys working with children and resolving conflicts between them. It is important for him to see rich peace of mind his woman. If he is disappointed in his ideal, his inconstancy in relationships with the opposite sex manifests itself.

Name compatibility

The name Evgeniy goes well with the patronymics Olegovich, Pavlovich, Alekseevich, Vladimirovich, Danilovich, Dmitrievich.

The name Evgeniy is well compatible with such female names as Valeria, Anna, Daria, Valentina, Lyudmila, Ksenia, Yulia, Raisa, Nina, Natalya.

Name day

Orthodox name days for the Evgenies:

  • January – 21, 31;
  • February – 2, 25, 26;
  • March – 4, 10, 20;
  • August – 3, 31;
  • September – 20, 23;
  • October – 8, 29;
  • November – 11, 20, 24;
  • December – 7, 23, 26.

Famous people

Most famous people with the name Evgeniy - Evgeniy Vakhtangov, Evgeniy Mironov, Evgeniy Yevtushenko, Evgeniy Morgunov, Evgeniy Grishin, Evgeniy Leonov, Evgeniy Dühring, Evgeniy Martynov.