What legends does Prague evoke? Stories and legends of old Prague


Arriving in Zlata Prague, travelers will certainly wander along the well-trodden tourist path. You should definitely walk across the Royal Charles Bridge, decorated with a string of statues of saints, and take a picture of yourself against the backdrop of the Vltava embankment. You definitely need to wait until the famous astronomical clock the ancient city hall on Old Town Square will begin their small performance. You can't miss the changing of the guard near the palace where the president's residence is located. And finally, get to one of the ancient breweries, for which Bohemia is famous. High quality beer is guaranteed by a long tradition. Since the 14th century, unscrupulous beer producers would sit in the city square wearing a collar and chain and pour their own low-quality drink on any passers-by who wanted to take revenge for the spoiled pleasure. After a day's walk around the city, there is no need to rush back to the hotel or stay too long in one of the many l famous restaurants, because Prague reveals all its mysteries and secrets at midnight.

As soon as dusk falls on the city, and darkness envelops the ancient medieval streets, everything around is transformed. It was this gloomy Prague that inspired Franz Kafka and Gustav Meyrink to create mystical works. Every house, every door, every garden in the old city has its own history. Many of them have become the property of all humanity, and not just lovers of Czech folklore. World famous received the story of Doctor Faustus and the legend of Rabbi Loew, the creator of an artificial creature - the Golem.

Mystical elements are organically woven into the history of Prague, adding a special flavor. Even the very foundation of the city is shrouded in a very peculiar legend. The prince's daughter Libusha, who lived in the 9th century, possessed an extremely useful skill for rulers - clairvoyance. One day, standing on a hill above the Vlatva River, she felt another surge of “power” and immediately uttered a prophecy that a city would soon be founded, the glory of which would reach the heavens. The foundation site was supposed to be the threshold of a house, which at that moment was being made by some man.

The prince's servants went in search of this place and soon found a simple plowman named Přemysl, who was just making a prag (“threshold” in Czech). Taking him as her husband, the princess founded not only the dynasty of the Přemyslid princes, but also the city of Prague. Who knows whether that prophecy was a revelation or simply the desire of a noble lady to commit an eccentric act by marrying a low-class man, but thanks to this mystical-romantic story, the beautiful city of Prague appeared in the vastness of Bohemia.

But the city became the real capital of mysticism during the time of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II. This very unusual monarch devoted his life not to wars, nor to the discovery of new lands, as was fashionable in his era, but to the search for philosopher's stone, capable of turning any metal into gold. Since 1583, when Rudolf moved to the new capital, scientists, alchemists, astrologers, metaphysicians, healers and simply charlatans began to flock to Prague Castle from all over Europe, hoping to gain favor with the emperor.

Rudolf invited some of them personally, sponsoring not only their move to the capital, but also their accommodation. Such scientists as Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, famous astrologers Edward Kelly and John Dee worked under his patronage. According to legend, Golden Street was precisely the place where scientists, astrologers and alchemists of all stripes worked miracles at night. It’s no wonder that every house was a real alchemical workshop, shrouded in secrets.

However, not only Zlata Street is famous creepy stories about the alchemical experiments of medieval scientists. There is a house on one of the corners of Charles Square. Locals We are sure that the notorious doctor and warlock Johann Faust lived there for some time - the prototype of many literary and musical works. In general, many mysterious personalities lived in this house; it seemed to attract everything strange. There is still a terrible cold in the attic of the damned house, and its gloomy garden is considered the last refuge of Faust’s soul, which never found peace. Studying magic formulas In ancient books, Faust found the opportunity to summon the devil. Having concluded an agreement with him, Faust sold his soul and received in exchange the fulfillment of any desires. When the time came to repay the debt, the warlock begged the devil to wait, but he was inexorable. He grabbed Faust and flew out of the house with him right through the roof, knocking out a hole in the tiles. No matter how the subsequent inhabitants of the house repaired this hole, the next day it opened up again. Today the cursed house houses a hospital. But traces of the presence of Faust and the devil still remain in the upper part of the house: a non-disappearing and irreducible stain marks the place from where the devil flew out with the unfortunate soul of the doctor.

Let's return to Emperor Rudolf. After the mass expulsion of all Jews from Spain and Portugal at the end of the 15th century, they found refuge in the possessions of Rudolf, since he was more interested not in astrology or alchemy, not in Western European science, but in the ancient Jewish mystical teaching - Kabbalah. In the quarters of the Jewish ghetto of Prague in the 16th century lived an outstanding expert in Kabbalah - the learned Rabbi Yehuda ben Bnzalel, known as Rabbi Loew. For thirty years he was the head of the Jewish community and rabbi of the Old New Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in Europe. Rumor attributed to him exceptional wisdom and possession of secret knowledge of the formula from the mystical book Zohar (“Radiance”). Containing just over a thousand words, this book contains the secrets of God's name, creation, and the meaning of life. Thanks to knowledge of the formula, Lev was able to create a Golem from clay - a living creature that follows the orders of its creator. A peculiar medieval robot bore the word “truth” on its forehead, bringing it to life. Every Friday, Rabbi Loew “deactivated” the Golem so that it would not accumulate excessive energy and cool down. One day he forgot to do this and the Golem, rebelling, almost destroyed the synagogue and the entire ghetto. Lev had to erase the first letter on the Golem’s forehead, turning it into the word “death.” In an instant, the Golem turned into a pile of clay. The rabbi collected it and placed it in the attic of the Old New Synagogue. He walled up the entrance to the attic. Today the Synagogue is open to the public and it is said that the shadow of the Golem can still be seen looming in the attic at night.

A mystical aura envelops Prague even today. If you dare to go to Visegrad at midnight, you have a chance to see a lot of creepy and mysterious things. There are witnesses to meetings with the dead who appear during midnight masses. The sentries of one of the artillery depots located next to the old cemetery abandoned their post more than once, hiding from the black afterlife carriage, driven by a headless coachman and drawn by headless black horses. A black ghostly dog ​​with bloody eyes and fiery tongue. If you are lucky enough to survive the encounter with the dog, and you notice the place where he was spinning like a wheel, you have a chance to find the entrance to the cellars of the Visegrad Mountain, where countless treasures are stored.

In one of the city cemeteries there is a grave with the image of the girl Anichka. They say that during the birth of a child, a mistake occurred in the family of a poor musician, and the soul of a restless angel was infused into the newborn girl. So an angel appeared on earth, illuminating everything around with his beautiful soul. Anichka’s life was not easy, she felt in her heart that she had to help everyone - and honest people, and criminals. Many often abused her kindness. Finally, God had mercy and took the angel back to heaven - Anichka was playing by the window and, reaching for a toy, fell out of it.

Text: Hanna Rolinska

Prague is an ancient city, and Old town- especially. And where else if not here can all sorts of ghosts appear - in palaces and old houses, in gardens and on roofs, or even just in the middle of the street.

Prague is an ancient city, and even more so. And where else if not here can all sorts of ghosts appear - in palaces and old houses, in gardens and on roofs, or even just in the middle of the street. Old town - old legends...

Nun without a head

A rich nobleman, the owner of gold mines, dreamed of marrying his only daughter to a nobleman from the family Rozhmbergov, but she fell in love with a young, poor rural nobleman. Angry, her father sent her to the Dominican monastery, which at that time was located on Lilac Street. The guy in love walked around the monastery for a long time, seeking a meeting with his beloved, and in the end agreed with her to escape. But the girl’s father found out that the lovers were planning to run away and, lying in wait for them, cut off his daughter’s head with a sword, while uttering a terrible curse. So, ever since then, the unfortunate woman has been walking headless through the streets where there once was a monastery...

Chariot of Fire

This chariot is not pulled by horses, it is harnessed by fiery goats. She leaves the Jewish Ghetto after midnight and goes to the Goat's Patch. This is a scary but harmless ghost, you should not be afraid of it. There is only one known case that ended tragically. On Goat's Patch there lived a girl who was beautiful and who loved only music and dancing in life. This is how I would dance day and night. And then one day she ran away from home to a dance and stayed there until midnight. The girl's mother guessed where to look for her and went looking for her. The girl, having learned that her mother was looking for her, ran home and had almost reached the Goat Patch when a team of fiery goats, whose fur was blazing with flames, jumped out right in front of her. The girl fell out of fear and died, right in front of her mother. But the cart did nothing to her; in three steps the goats stopped in front of the lying girl and disappeared along with the chariot.

Calling nun

There was once a lady in Prague who was evil and greedy and treated her maids very poorly. And among the maids there was a very pious girl, and when she heard the bell that was nearby, she folded her hands in prayer. The evil lady, seeing that she was praying instead of working, tortured her to death. But after the death of the girl, the lady’s conscience awoke and she became a nun, distributing all her property to the poor. But she bequeathed part of it to be spent on a new bell of the Tyn Church. And now at night on the Tyn Tower, with her own hands she swings the tongue of the bell, which she herself gave.

Butcher with a fiery ax

Old Town butchers are serious people. More than once they are rich Prague history left their mark, speaking out in defense of the city. It was the butchers of the old city who let King John of Luxembourg into the city by cutting through the city gates. The memory of this remained in their professional banners - a red banner with a white lion.

Skeleton begging

One strange Prague doctor was very fond of collecting human skeletons. And he especially dreamed about the skeleton of his servant - he tall man He was there, bending down and entering the door, and sleeping in two beds. The doctor persuaded him to bequeath his skeleton, promised to place it at the entrance to the anatomical hall and give him a staff with a gold tip, but the servant did not agree. But he really loved to drink and, when there was no money for drinks, he agreed and signed the contract. All the same, I thought I would outlive the doctor. And he went to the tavern, where he drank himself to death, and died with a mug in his hand.

The doctor kept his word, the skeleton stands in a place of honor. But only until midnight - as soon as twelve strikes, he takes his staff, goes out into the streets and stops passersby: politely asks for money - to buy his skeleton back.

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Prague is a romantic and medieval city Czech Republic. It is also called the city of a thousand spiers, and for good reason. Prague is a magical town with ancient castles, fairy-tale towers and knights.

This city is so beautiful
That looks down on the sky and the earth.
Proudly the needles of its towers
Soaring above the world and piercing the clouds.

This is the city fairy houses, ancient piers, crooked streets and great bridges. A city where every building has a secret, a city that you just fall in love with once and for all. Prague is so beautiful that you treat it like a fairy tale, full of the miracle that people are always looking for.

Explore magical Prague.

Prague is imbued with mysticism. Here alchemists still extract gold from lead. The townspeople make deals with the devil from time to time. The streets of this city keep unsolved mysteries. Prague is a city with history. A city that is ready to lift the veil of its secrets and legends for a while.

This is the most mysterious city in Europe, where there is a ghost in every house, where every quarter has its own belief. To learn at least something about Prague, you need to wander for hours through the narrow streets, absorbing the spirit of antiquity, looking at Gothic houses and fantasizing about the fairy-tale streets along which alchemists, magicians and clay Golums once wandered.

Prague is a journey into the past. Are you ready to get into the time machine? Then we’ll walk through Mala Strana, go up to Vysehrad, and then take a walk along the Old Town Square, which is never deserted even at night.

Feel the time on Old Town Square.

Crowds of travelers gather here, waiting for an unusual sight. They take a seat at a table in an outdoor cafe in advance and wait. Every hour the town hall clock comes to life. Not much, not little, but 500 years ago, here, as now, a mini-play was performed, the main characters of which were the figures of the apostles emerging from a secret door. An incredible sight, I tell you. Even without a concert, these hours are wonderful. Isn't it true?

It is not surprising that Death, ringing the bell and dancing the wooden apostles, gathers such a crowd every hour. By the way, it was not far from this place that Charles IV was born.

Take a postcard photo of Charles Bridge.

There is hardly a person today who does not know what the Charles Bridge is. This is probably the most famous photo Charles Bridge, which everyone has seen, but perhaps not everyone knows interesting legend. The first stone of the Charles Bridge was laid by Charles the Fourth on July 9, 1357 at 5:31 am (astrologers assured that this was the most favorable time). In those days great value was given to numerology, and in order for the bridge to stand forever, Charles the Fourth was advised to lay the stone on this very day and time, because these numbers yield a palindrome: 1357_9_7_5_31. Prague has survived more than one flood, but the bridge still stands.

There are many legends about the bridge. They say that they searched for cement for a long time until they realized that egg white has similar properties, and messengers scattered to all corners of the Czech Republic with orders to collect chicken eggs. In one village they didn’t understand the order (they were afraid that the eggs would rot on the way), so they sent a cart boiled eggs. The eggs were still useful (to feed hungry builders), and the name of that village has since become a household name.

There are 30 sculptures on the bridge. But the most popular is the figurine of John of Nepomuk. Everyone rubs him and makes wishes.

Be dumbfounded by the greatness of St. Vitus.

The heart of Prague is St. Vitus Cathedral. It took more than 600 years to build, and now it is so big that it doesn’t even fit into any photo. It is worth going inside and succumbing to the charm of the stained glass windows and magnificent vaults. Every aspect, every detail, even every terrifying gargoyle of the temple is simply a paradise for lovers of the Gothic.

It was here that all the Czech kings were coronated, and within these walls the main Czech saints are buried, emperors and other nobility of old Bohemia are buried.

And if I were asked about my list of wonders of the world, I would, without even thinking, rank St. Vitus Cathedral among the first places.

The fortress, where the Cathedral of St. Vitus is located, is considered business card cities. And before becoming one of the largest buildings in the world, the Royal Palace was in ruins after a fire. Can you guess what the king's name was and who was able to restore him?

The atmosphere reigning here is not inferior to the Old Town, and in some places even surpasses it. Here, with observation deck reveals itself best view to Prague.

What can you look at endlessly? Fire, water? I would add the red roofs of Prague to this list.

Explore the old streets of Prague.

Every building in Prague is like a work of art. But the thing is that the Prague houses have survived three numerologies, and a lot of confusion arose about how to get to this or that place. The story was resolved this way: Prague residents began to paint their houses and add “house signs.”

Drawings and coats of arms often signified the occupation of the family that lived in the house. Therefore, you are unlikely to find two identical houses in the city. Beauty and practicality combined in one.

A little magic on the streets of Prague...

Treat yourself to berries.

Small stalls with flowers and flowers are scattered throughout the city center. fresh berries. Is it possible to pass by such juicy strawberries, especially when their aroma comes from the other side of the street? So I couldn’t resist)

Be enchanted by Golden Lane.

If you come to Zlata Ulochka after 5 pm, you can walk along it absolutely free. Thereby saving 50 CZK. This street is popular because goldsmiths live here. In the Middle Ages they were called alchemists, who could easily turn even a stone into gold. That's where the name came from - Zlataya. They say that those who knew how to turn metal into gold made a pact with the devil. All the houses here are fabulous, and it seems that not people live here at all, but gnomes.

Get drunk in the oldest pub, U Fleku.

Young people from all over the world are rushing to Prague, in the carefree atmosphere of pubs, among which you can find historical sights. The most iconic place will be “At Fleku’s”, where, as always, smoke rises like a rocker, and songs are sung in all languages ​​of the world.

No less famous is the monastery brewery “U Tomas”, where the wonderful Brannik is brewed.

Pull the strings of the puppet.

All the streets of Prague are hung with these living dolls. You just have to pull the string and the puppet comes to life. They are everywhere here, and they are all so different, from fairy tales, singers, presidents. These are not just ordinary dolls, but a real Czech phenomenon.

They accompany Czechs throughout their lives. Every house has its own puppet theater, on which all generations grow up playing with dolls.

Plunge into the world of the Jewish cemetery.

In the Jewish quarter there is unusual cemetery, where the burials, due to the ban on burying Jews outside the ghetto graves, were arranged in 14 layers. Here is the grave of the famous Rabbi Marachel, the one who invented the clay Golem. They say that he still sits in his coffin and reads magic books. Once upon a time, this warlock breathed life into a clay monster, which later became his assistant. But the magician began to use the Golem not for its intended purpose, but in witchcraft for evil spirits, murders and killings. Now Marachel lives in the cemetery, and Golem lives in the attic of the synagogue. You can laugh, but the Jews have not allowed anyone into the attic for many years.

Find an unusual monument.

Prague is a European city where, as expected, you can find a lot of sculptures. But the most interesting thing here will not be “Pissing Boy,” as in, but immediately “Two Pissing (no longer) boys.” They will write out (directly and figuratively this word) interesting quotes Czech philosophers.

Grab the green serpent's tail.

I'm talking about absinthe. It flows like a river here and is sold everywhere, in any bar and even in stores. For an experience, it is better to go to the Absintherie bar. Here you will be properly served a burning drink and even put on a show.

Well, that's all about Prague. I share useful links.

Prahatur.ru– a guide in Russian with interesting routes.

Dpp.cz– public transport in Prague.

Prazskeveze.cz- Prague towers.

Praguewelcome.cz– official tourist portal of Prague.