What colors need to be mixed to get purple. ​How to get purple color


Every person who has ever held a brush and paint in his hand knows that you can get a lot of shades from two or three colors. The rules for mixing and matching colors are determined by the science of coloristics. Its basis is known to many color circle. There are only three primary colors: red, blue and yellow. Other shades are obtained by mixing and are called secondary shades.

What colors of paint should be mixed to get brown?

Brown is considered complex; when creating it, you can use all the primary colors. There are several ways to get brown:

  • Classic: green + red in proportions 50:50.
  • The main trio: blue + yellow + red in equal quantities.
  • Mixing: blue + orange or gray + orange. You can vary the intensity of the hue by adding less or more gray.
  • Optional: green + purple + orange. This shade has a pleasant red or red tint. You can also mix yellow + purple - the color will have a yellowish tint.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get purple?

The easiest way to get purple is to mix equal proportions of red and blue. True, the shade will turn out a bit dirty, and it will need to be adjusted.

To make the tone cooler, take 2 parts blue and 1 part red and vice versa.

To achieve lavender and lilac, the resulting dirty purple needs to be diluted with white. The more white, the lighter and softer the shade will be.

Dark purple can be obtained by gradually adding black or green to the original color.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get red?

Red is considered a base color and is present in any artistic palette. However, you can get red by mixing violet (magenta) and yellow in a 1:1 ratio. You can also mix a carmine shade with yellow to create a more intense red. You can make it lighter by adding more yellow and vice versa. Shades of red can be obtained by adding orange, pink, yellow, and white to the base red.

What colors of paint should be mixed to get beige?

Beige is a neutral and independent color; it has many shades, which can be achieved by varying the amount of white and yellow shades added.

Most easy way get beige - mix brown and white.

To make the color more contrasting, you can add a little yellow.

Flesh beige can be obtained by mixing scarlet, blue, yellow and white. The ivory shade is created by mixing golden ocher and white paint.

Green color can be achieved by mixing equal parts yellow and Blue colour. The result will be a grassy green hue. If you add white color to it, the mixture will lighten. By mixing brown or black pigment, you can achieve emerald, marsh, olive, dark green shades.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get gray?

The classic tandem for getting gray is black + white. The more white, the lighter the finished shade.

  • You can also mix red, green and white. The color will have a slight yellow tint.
  • A blue-gray shade can be created by mixing orange with blue and white.
  • If you mix yellow with purple and white, you get a gray-beige shade.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get black?

Black is a basic monochrome color. It can be obtained by mixing magenta with yellow and cyan. Also, artists often mix green and red, but the resulting shade will not be jet black. Rich black color is produced by a mixture of orange and blue and yellow and violet. To get the shade of the night sky, you can add a little blue to the finished color, and a drop of white to lighten it.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get blue?

Blue is the main color in the palette and it is quite difficult to obtain it by mixing. It is believed that it can be obtained by adding a little yellow to green, but in practice the result is more of a blue-green tint. You can mix purple with blue, the shade will be deep but dark. You can lighten it by adding a drop of white.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get yellow?

Base yellow cannot be obtained by mixing other shades. Something similar happens if you add green to orange. Variations of yellow are obtained by adding other tones to the basic one. For example, lemon is a mixture of yellow, green and white. Sunny yellow is a mixture of basic yellow, a drop of white and red.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get pink?

The easiest option is to mix red and white. The more white, the lighter the shade. It is important to know that the tone depends on which red you choose:

  • Scarlet + white will give a pure pink color.
  • Brick red + white - peach pink.
  • Blood red + violet give a fuchsia shade.
  • Orange-pink can be obtained by adding yellow paint to scarlet and white.

What colors of paint need to be mixed to get orange?

Orange color can be obtained by mixing red and yellow.

  • A less saturated shade will be obtained if pink pigment is added to yellow paint.
  • Terracotta orange is the result of mixing base orange with blue or purple.
  • Dark shades are achieved by mixing red, yellow and black.
  • If you add brown instead of black, you get red orange.

We vary the intensity of the tone by adding more white or black.

Color mixing table

Primary colors (blue, yellow, red) are almost impossible to obtain by mixing other shades. But with their help you can create the entire color palette!

How to get a?



Green + red


Red + blue

Magenta (violet) + yellow

Brown + white

Blue + yellow

White + black

Magenta + yellow + cyan

Yellow + green

Green + orange

Scarlet + white


Red + yellow

Knowing the basic rules of color, it will be easier to understand the decoration and get the desired shade!

Experienced artists are able not only to draw various objects and unusual images very believably, but also to create completely new and original colors and shades, using the usual mixing of paints of different proportions.

How to make a lilac shade from watercolor paints by mixing other colors

Lilac light is obtained by combining violet with other shades and tones. Essentially, lilac is a desaturated, pale purple. Craftsmen working watercolor paints, create a lilac color by simply diluting purple with regular clean water. To make the color brighter and more saturated, add blue paint, also diluted with water.

How to mix gouache to make a lilac color

You can also get a variety of shades from gouache paints. lilac color. To do this, you can use both purple ready-made paint and one prepared by combining red and blue. A cool lilac color can be easily achieved by diluting purple with a little white. A rich lilac color with a metallic tint can be obtained by combining purple with a light gray color.

Delicate still lifes require more varied colors and shades. Thin lilac shade can be done by combining pink and blue colors. In addition, instead of pink, you can use a brighter one - raspberry. Instead of blue - indigo color. If in a still life in some areas you use diluted lilac with yellow, then the picture will be bright and colorful like summer.

Soft transitions between flowers and leaves can be achieved by diluting lilac with green.

The picture will look more picturesque, beautiful and rich if complex colors are involved in the work. An artist who has mixing skills different colors, he will be able to create lilac by combining shades. To do this, two colors are prepared on the palette - pink and purple. Purple color is obtained by combining red and blue. Pink can be made by combining red with white or gray if you need a thicker color. After which both colors obtained as a result of the combination can be mixed on the palette with the addition of white. If the result is satisfactory, it can be applied to the canvas.

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You don’t always have the right paint at hand, but do you have a couple of others? Let's use the magic available in everyday life and find out how to get the color purple by mixing other colors.The editors of the online magazine website invite you to plunge into artistic realities and get the necessary shade.

Such a different purple

Our eye sees short-wave monochromatic radiation with a wavelength of 380-440 nm as violet.Since this tone is obtained mainly by combining blue and red, it means that it has absorbed hot passion and deep serenity. A person in a room with a lavender hue begins to philosophize, hear himself better, and relate to problems more calmly.

What colors do you need to mix to get purple?

How to get purple? What colors should you mix to enjoy the shades of lilac and lavender?It all depends on what tone we want to achieve: light, dark or rich.

What colors to mix to get dark purple?

How to get dark purple color? Only by adding dark colors to the tone.

If the desired shade is not there at all, then we will go the long way. First, mix red and blue in equal proportions or 100% of one color, 50% of the other. Using more blue will result in a cooler tone, while using 100% red will result in a warmer tone.We will gradually add black or green to the resulting shade. The key word is a little bit!

How to get light purple color

What colors can make light purple?

Whitewash will turn the usual tone into a light lavender or soft lilac. If you take the colors in half, you will get a medium-saturated shade. The more white, the lighter the final result.

What colors should be mixed to get a bright purple shade?

If you don’t have the entire possible palette, but you do have pink, cornflower blue or blue, you can experiment and get a beautiful rich shade.

How to adjust the shade of purple

We've sorted out the combination of red and blue. But if you change the proportions, then the shade will change: when mixing paints, be sure to notice what has been added and in what quantities.

  • to make the tone closer to burgundy, add more red;
  • excess blue will give purple;
  • scarlet and blue will give a beautiful purple tone;
  • By adding a little yellow, brown or green, you can get original shades.

When mixing, take into account the type of paints: correcting a defect when working with gouache is much easier than correcting watercolor stains.

How to make purple: we work with different types of paints

We learned how to get purple color. It's time to move on to the nuances.

Oil paint

The most important thing in mixing oil paints is the quality of the material itself. If it turns out to be of poor quality, then you shouldn’t complain that what ended up on the canvas was not a wonderful purple tone, but a dirty mess.

There are three mixing options: complete, glaze, and completely original, when the colors are not mixed, but are simply drawn with strokes close to each other. To get purple, you can use the first method if you lack skills in the other two.

Acrylic paint and gouache

The principles of working with acrylic paints and gouache are the same. Therefore, the tips on how to get a purple color when mixing acrylic gouache are the same.

To create purple, lilac or lavender shades, take a base blue and add either pink or red to it. If you also include a little black or white, the tone will become darker or lighter.

Mixing different colors and shades, which we were taught in school, is actually more than just combining two or more colors. This the whole world, filled with many shades, tones and colors. Today we invite you to consider the process of creating lilac, gray and red colors.

How to get lilac color

How to get gray

The gray color is a slightly darkened white. From a physics point of view, grey colour occurs when a white surface gives off less light than it absorbs. If we judge from the outside visual arts, then gray is diluted black. Therefore, to obtain shades of gray, it is enough to dilute black with water or add a little white to it. That's all, now you know how to get gray color quickly and without much effort.

How to get red color

Red color in most cases interests girls who have decided to change their hair color. However, this shade is also used in other areas, for example, in construction painting of surfaces. At its core, the red color is bright and rich, but with its own twist. How to get red color? Basically the same as orange - mixing red and yellow. However, real red is still more red, so when combining colors, do not be afraid to experiment and add more bright scarlet pigment - then you will get a real fiery red color.

Since school days, everyone knows how to get the color purple - you need to combine red and blue. But the result is not always suitable for use - sometimes the shade is too dark or grayish. Professionals have their own secrets for creating purple color when mixing paints, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with them.

Purple in the color palette

Purple is not a basic color: it only includes red, yellow, blue, white and black. Simply put, it can be obtained by mixing other colors, which is what artists use when painting. It is impossible to produce the basic colors of the palette by combining other shades.

According to chromotherapy data, violet has a beneficial effect on the human body, especially on the senses. Visualization of this color leads to an increase in the production of endorphins - joy hormones. Violet also helps with insomnia, migraines, and nervous disorders due to its calming effect. It is believed that it has a positive effect on the immune system, pituitary gland, and visual organs. But you shouldn’t overload the space with this shade - it can provoke melancholy.

Historical reference

The purple tone has always symbolized mystery and mysticism. Its history has royal “roots” - in Byzantium the color was considered imperial, in England only royalty and members of their families had the right to wear purple clothes. Purple robe is still used by Catholic bishops, and in the Middle Ages the shade was the main one in decorating cathedrals.

An easy way to get purple

In colorism there is simplest method, allowing to produce purple tone. To do this, you need to take equal proportions of red and blue watercolor or acrylic paint, gouache, mix them together. The dyes must be mixed thoroughly so that no streaks remain. The depth and brightness of the resulting paint will depend on the tones of the original colors and the accuracy of calculating proportions.

Sometimes the artist ends up with a purple color – it is very similar to violet, but has a more pronounced red tint.

Different shades of purple Do new paint Can different ways , there are many options. Simple actions

you can get shades - from dark to light purple, lilac, violet, cold purple, etc. This is especially important for artists who use a rich color palette.

Light purple and soft purple from paints, gouache

Getting the right shade to perfection is difficult. It is usually obtained experimentally by making strokes on paper, adding components until the desired result is obtained. It is especially difficult for those who mix tones for tinting walls - they must act carefully. You cannot mix paints in large proportions and apply them directly to the canvas. Pre-testing is required. The easiest way is to take ready-made pink gouache or watercolor, drop a couple of drops onto a plastic palette, and then add blue paint. There is a more difficult option when blue and pink are not available. Then they take red and blue paints, dilute them with white and get the corresponding tones. Then, when they are combined, a soft purple color emerges.

The most beautiful shades come out when using these paints:

  • cobalt red;
  • azure;
  • ultramarine;
  • phthalocyanine.

You need to create a muted purple color in a different way. This will require a cool red tone (such as alizarin). Black paint is introduced into it in small portions. After obtaining a rich purple color, it is greatly diluted with whitewash or ordinary white gouache. This will allow you to get different shades of purple, even pastel.

Dark purple color from paint, gouache

Artists use a special spatula - a palette knife - to mix tones. It allows you to mix the gouache perfectly without streaks or spots on the future drawing. A spatula is especially useful for combining bright purple flowers and dark shades.

The easiest way to create a rich color is to mix cool shades of blue and red. But if they have warmer reflections, there is a risk of getting a poor-quality result. The finished paint may be brown or gray shade. In this case, introducing a small amount of black gouache will help correct the situation.

Mixing cool red and black will produce a purple color even without blue dye. The main thing is to use only deep black tones (black resin and others). Black should be introduced slowly, in very small portions. It absorbs red strongly and is required in minimal quantities.

To get the brightest purple tone, you can combine the colors cyan (blue) and magenta. When diluted with white, lighter shades will emerge. On the contrary, ready-made purple can be “thickened” by adding black gouache.

Purple colour

Designers, artists, decorators and even chefs love it very much. To do this, use a white palette or a regular ceramic plate white(so that there is no tone distortion). Masters often carry out such work on a white canvas.

Lilac is considered a cool shade, so it can also be achieved by mixing cool blue and red tones.

Next, the color must be whitened until the required shade is produced. If the finished color glows pink or reddish, add more blue or a drop of black. The latter perfectly absorbs unnecessary redness.

Lilac is the color of violet, lavender, and dark lilac inflorescences. It is reminiscent of purple and lilac, but has a lot of red tones. Professionals have a way to get a real purple tint. To do this, the original red must have a minimum of orange reflection. Pale lilac will come out as a result of combining pink, white and ready-made purple flowers. This tone will resemble the shade of the evening sky. By introducing new portions of blue, white, pink and red colors, the following tones are obtained:

  • operatic mauve;
  • pink-lilac with gray;
  • blue-purple.

In general, all purple tones are divided into categories “K” and “C”. In the first, red dominates, in the second, blue. Lavender-gray shade is obtained by introducing pink and black.

Shades of purple - palette

There is a huge variety of purple shades that are widely used in clothing and interior design. In total, artists use more than 200 tones, where there are bright, delicate, grayish, cold and warm, dull and saturated colors. Their names are different - from simple to fancy. Here are the most popular:

  • dark - eggplant, mulberry, plum, black currant, fig, prune, blackberry, raisin;
  • dark cold – electric violet, indigo, dark purple;
  • fuchsia group – cyclamen, thundercloud, crimson;
  • purple group - beet, peony, phlox;
  • light - crocus, lilac, mallow, orchid, lilac, mouve, iris, hyacinth;
  • the lightest - amethyst, pansies, heather, pearls.

To obtain a number of original shades, experts advise introducing gray, pink, brown and even orange colors - there is no need to be afraid of experiments.

Color Mixing Chart

Artists know very well which colors of paints or pencils combine well with each other, and which ones produce ugly tones. The first ones are called chromatic (they are located nearby in the circle of compatibility), the second ones are called achromatic (they are located far from each other). Therefore, before starting to combine colors, it is important to familiarize yourself with the table and also clarify chemical composition colors - it should be similar.

Regarding purple tones it looks like this:

Features of working with watercolors, oil paints, gouache

Working with gouache is easier than with other types of paints. This type of color is rich and deeply pigmented, so adjusting the shade of purple is not difficult. We must remember that when the gouache dries, it becomes a little lighter, so the desired shade should be made a little darker. Watercolor has a translucent texture. In this case, you can increase the “pallor” of the paint without white, using ordinary water. But in the drawing, watercolor does not look as bright as gouache.

WITH oil paints more difficult to work with, they have a special structure and high fluidity. The composition should be mixed especially carefully so that all layers are combined into a single whole. Artists also use other methods of mixing oil - overlaying tones, optical techniques. In the first case, the strokes are applied on top of each other, in the second, the paint is mixed directly on the canvas. Beginners should start working on creating original shades with gouache - the classes will be exciting and will appeal to children and adults!