What circus acts. What is a circus - history, description, types and interesting facts. Why is it worth ordering circus performances from our company?


Exotic Show by Dmitry Nikolaou

from 8,000 rub.

Circus performer

Original genre

The entire Exotic Show program, a journey across countries and continents, lasts from 1 hour 10 minutes; it is not only a visual program, but also an educational one. The entire program is structured in such a way that, together with children and adults, we travel across countries and continents. In my arsenal I have 4 or more numbers, united by one theme - EXOTIC SHOW: South America, Fabulous East, Africa, Papua Island New Guinea, Russia. The first trip, we go to the island of Papua New Guinea - this is an extreme show, I work in the image of a native Papuan (in the room there is fire, knives, sabers, nails, glass, sticking of metal objects, hypnosis, etc.) a lot of humor, interaction and laughter. The duration of the room is from 15 minutes. Second trip, we go to the fabulous East, where a guest from the east not only dances Eastern dance, but also tames a large tiger python. Duration from 10 minutes. Third trip, we're going to South America, which symbolizes this region by the Indian population. And also the sacred animal Lama. The first part of the presentation is training, then interactive on the topic of where these animals live, where they live, the closest relatives of these animals, etc. Whoever guesses the riddles rides and communicates with the llama. Also, the birthday boy makes a lap of honor, and then together with the children national dances Indians The duration of the room is from 15 minutes. The fourth trip is Russia, an illusionary attraction (macromagic) - I work with a partner, ballet part, sawing, disappearing, etc. The birthday boy himself takes part in the performance, where he does the cutting himself. Duration from 10 minutes. The fifth journey is Africa, a master class of Latin dances, together with a monkey (life-size puppet). Throughout the program, children take part in performances, and there is also a photo shoot with animals. If you wish, you can select the entire program or individual numbers. Transport costs and delivery included up to 40 km. from MKADA. More detailed information can be obtained by phone. 8-916-686-53-53. www.nikolaudmitriy.ru

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You did not end up on the circus artists’ website, but on a section of the artists’ Internet portal Artist.ru, which provides information about Moscow circus artists. If you want to invite circus artists to an event you are organizing to participate in various show programs, you have come to the right place.

Work for circus performers

You have to organize festive event, and you want to make it truly original and unforgettable, invite circus performers and you will be surprised at how they will lift the spirits of your guests. After all, the main task of circus performers is to surprise and amaze the audience with their talents. For circus performers of the highest category, there is nothing easier than to delight their audience. If you invite circus performers to your holiday, you can count on the success of the event. If the holiday is for children, then the invited circus performers will be the key to not just a successful holiday, but bright and colorful impressions for a very long time. Perhaps it is the performance of the circus performers that will become that element of the holiday that children will remember for a long time. After all professional artists circus is a real pearl children's party, which amazes and surprises with its unusualness. Invite a juggler or an acrobat, an illusionist or a rider, a trainer or a tightrope walker - everyone will demonstrate a magnificent performance that will become a real highlight of the holiday.

If you are a circus performer and want to take part in holiday show programs entertainment events, register on the Internet portal Artist.ru, and the questionnaire with your personal data will become available to your potential employer. A job that interests you will not take long to arrive.

Spectators imagine the circus arena as a place of entertainment, where gymnasts, clowns and trainers, replacing each other, give a bright show. However, for workers in this field, creating beautiful numbers is a deadly job, which often leads to tragedies. Gazeta.Ru has compiled a list of 10 cases when the circus was no laughing matter.

Many people have loved going to the circus since childhood: to admire the performances of trained animals, laugh at the antics of mischievous clowns, or hold their breath while watching complex acrobatic acts. But behind the superbly performed numbers there are not only years of work and rehearsals, but also real human tragedies, the cause of which is someone’s mistake, an absurd accident or animal instincts.

Death under the hooves

On August 30, 2015, circus rider Anastasia Maksimova and her group took part in a performance at the sports complex in the village of Abrau-Dyurso near Novorossiysk.

While performing an acrobatic stunt, the 24-year-old girl fell out of the saddle, catching her foot in the stirrup, after which the horse dragged her several times across the arena. Then the horse jumped onto the podium.

They were able to stop the frightened animal only after a couple of minutes, but during this time Maksimova received several severe blows to her hooves and to the head. She died from her injuries in the ambulance.

During the investigation, it turned out that Maksimova was far from a beginner in equestrian sports: she had been doing it for six years and had numerous awards for horse riding. At the 2012 World Championships in this discipline, she received a silver medal. Some experts then put forward a version that the cause of the incident was a violation of safety regulations during horse riding: the girl’s second leg, contrary to all the rules, was rigidly secured in a tarpaulin loop. This was probably done to make it easier to perform the trick. But it is precisely because of the fixation of the leg that the athlete cannot jump off the horse in time.

Last straw"

In the spring of 2013, the “Drop” act was held at the circus on Vernadsky Avenue. According to the scenario, a group of acrobats had to jump from 30 meters (which corresponds to the eighth floor of the building) straight into the arena upside down. In flight, they managed to perform complex acrobatic figures. The act was performed by a group of athletes from Kenya. According to the author's idea, the first to land was 23-year-old Caro-Christopher Kazungu.

Everything went well, the audience, including numerous relatives of the acrobat, who specially came from Africa, were delighted. But the falling Kenyan was not stopped by the safety net or cable as they should have been, and he collapsed into the arena. The acrobat was urgently taken to the nearest First City Hospital, doctors diagnosed him with a concussion, a comminuted fracture of the first spine and a number of other injuries. Kazungu miraculously survived.

The State Labor Inspectorate found out that, firstly, the victim was not a professional acrobat, but in his homeland, together with a group of colleagues, he was engaged in dancing. Secondly, he jumped without a safety rope.

In the circus itself, the incident is not associated with the gymnast’s low qualifications: supposedly no one performed the “Drop” better than Kazungu. Allegedly, everything was in order with the net before the Kenyan’s performance, and the point of the act, according to the head of the aerial acrobats’ act at the circus on Vernadsky Avenue, Vladimir Doveyko, was precisely to jump without insurance. Eventually official reason The emergency was recognized as a defective net, and the circus management paid for the artist’s subsequent treatment.

Falling on ice

The performance of Yulia and Alexander Volkov, who performed in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow, ended in an accident. In 2009 they rehearsed the number " Aerialists on canvases”, it lasts 5.5 minutes and is performed without insurance. Yulia was sitting in the splits, her legs were secured with rings of fabric, her hands were holding onto the fabric, and belts were attached to her waist, which Alexander was holding on to. But at some point, the artist’s leg slipped out of the ring, and the acrobats fell onto artificial ice (the circus also held an ice show at that time): Alexander from six meters, Yulia from eight. The couple survived, but received numerous injuries. After a long rehabilitation, the artists returned to the arena.

"Flight" is over

Also in 2009, a gymnast from the Moscow Starfish Circus crashed in Khabarovsk. The 26-year-old acrobat was rehearsing the “Flight” routine.

For some reason, his colleagues did not have time to catch the gymnast flying under the dome and he, working without a safety harness, fell onto the net.

He fell so badly that he suffered a dislocation of a cervical vertebra and damage to the spinal cord - but remained alive.

Tiger-tiger, burning fear

In 2006, during a performance at the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, trainer Artur Bagdasarov wanted to push one of the tigers towards the rest of the animals with a stick, but approached him too quickly. As a result, when the man raised his hand, the tiger raised its paw at him, and then crushed Arthur under itself and squeezed his head with its teeth. They tried to drive away the predator with whips, but he only responded to several shots from a pistol into the air. Doctors put about a hundred stitches on the trainer’s head alone. The tiger, by the way, who even refused to eat for a while due to stress, was not punished: they decided that Bagdasarov himself had violated safety regulations.

Lions on the hunt

Trainer Alexander Shatirov was attacked by two lions during a performance in the Ufa circus in 2005. One of the animals tore the man’s leg, the second threw him into the arena. Assistants tried to ward off predators cold water from a fire hose, but it was not possible to do this right away.

It is noteworthy that Shatirov, on principle, did not give his pets special sedatives, although this practice is often used in many circuses: he believed that this had a bad effect on the abilities of lions.

I came, I saw, I bit

On March 8, 2004, in the Moscow circus on Vernadsky Avenue, the tiger Caesar, whom everyone considered harmless (by predatory standards, of course), suddenly attacked the pregnant trainer Svetlana Sobenko. The woman was taken to intensive care with serious wounds and fractures, there was even a threat of miscarriage, but the child, fortunately, was born healthy.

Dodon attacks

In December 2003, a bear named Dodon attacked three people. The tragedy occurred in “Durov’s Corner”, in the room where the animals are kept, when assistant trainer Umar Zakirov was going to feed the pet. Somehow Dodon got out of the cage, bit Zakirov to death, and then attacked two trainers - Timur Shchedov and Vladimir Soshin, who tried to stop the bear and save their colleague. Zakirov died on the spot, Shchedov was seriously wounded, Soshin received a wound to his right hand.

Trampled by elephants

One of the most tragic incidents occurred on February 22, 2001, in the same “Durov’s Corner”. Trainer Alexander Terekhov rehearsed with two elephants - Dasha and Masha. When he tried to put a harness on Dasha, for which, apparently, he got up to some kind of attack. It is still unknown whether he fell off it himself, losing his balance, or whether the elephant accidentally threw him off with her trunk, but in addition, Dasha stepped on Terekhov several times. The ambulance was unable to save the artist.

"The Old Lady on the Lampshade"

Tragedies also occurred in Soviet time. A terrible incident was the death of the clown Irina Asmus, known for her role as Toffee in television program"ABVGDeyka." Asmus was born in April 1941, she miraculously survived the siege of Leningrad. For some time after graduating from school, she was an acrobat, but after an injury she moved to the V.F. Komissarzhevskaya Theater, where she played Cinderella, Juliet and other roles. Then Irina Asmus returned to the circus, but as a clown: she performed in solo numbers under the stage name Toffee.

The tragedy that ended Iriska’s life occurred in 1986 in the circus of Belarusian Gomel. 44-year-old Asmus had a spectacular “Old Lady on a Lampshade” trick: she rotated around her axis right under the dome.

But when the clown spun upside down, putting her leg through the loop and unfastening the safety net so that the rope would not interfere with her movements, she fell off. The body fell like a stone from a 12-meter height. The artist died from numerous fractures and internal hemorrhage. Later it turned out that the spinning machine had broken down: after the death of the circus performer, this type of mechanism was prohibited.

For each of us in childhood, going to the circus was long-awaited and desired. How many positive emotions and pleasant memories remained with us after the end of the circus performance. Not only children, but also adults watch with great pleasure how a circus performer works.

So why not have a circus performance right at your event? Do you doubt that this is possible? Anything is possible with us. Contact us, and any circus artist will become a participant in your event. You will be entertained by acrobats, clowns, magicians, jugglers, gymnasts, trainers. A holiday with the participation of circus performers is always unforgettable and fun.

Circus show options

Animal trainers are always in great demand at various events. For corporate party It is better to invite trainers of large animals, such as tigers or bears. It is quite dangerous, and therefore very exciting and attractive. But remember that such a performance will require a fairly large area. For a children's party, dog or cat trainers are suitable. It will be very cute and fun. These animals are easy to train and show their dexterity and intelligence.

You can order them for any occasion, because they can amuse both adults and children. You will be able to create joyful atmosphere at your event, relax in a fun and exciting way. Children's clowns, as a rule, find an approach to any child, thus the child feels the most important at the holiday, which means he is happy and satisfied.

You can invite aerialists to your wedding or anniversary. It's very romantic and exciting. Aerialists will create a whole show for you, and you will be fascinated by watching the movements of the performers in the air.

Magic show in Moscow

A circus artist such as a magician will add fabulousness and enchantment to your event. This show will definitely be remembered and discussed. Unexpected tricks and illusions, incredible sleight of hand - you will get all this if you order a show program with the participation of a magician from us.

Dexterous jugglers will show you wonderful performances, and you will enthusiastically watch the movements of their hands. Want to try it yourself? The jugglers will give you several lessons in skill and compete with everyone in their skills.

Circus performers can offer you this unusual number, How . This spectacle is becoming increasingly popular in Lately. Fire attracts and fascinates, and in combination with the plastic movements of the artists, you become a witness to a stunning spectacle.

Are we interested in you? Then the circus is already coming to you! Meet and enjoy!

Every child knows what a circus is - it's laughter, fun, clowns, smart animals, magicians and clever acrobats. But rarely can any adult explain what the features of circus as an art form are. After all, we most often imagine it as a fascinating spectacle, a show. But in reality circus performers Throughout their lives they master not only skill, but also art - the ability to convey emotion and evoke aesthetic feelings in viewers.

The emergence of the circus

The name "circus" comes from the Roman oval grounds, where various events were held. folk holidays, competitions, shows were shown. In those days, the Romans loved to watch people compete in strength, dexterity, and various skills. This is how a special type of spectacle appeared, which today is called a circus. But it only became the way we know and love it in the 18th century. In Paris, a special round building was built to display the art of horse riding and acrobatic sketches. Later Italians picked up this idea and added numbers with animals and mimes to the performance program. What a circus is, people in Russia learned at the end of the 18th century. In 1764, an English rider visited Moscow on tour, and this show marked the beginning of the opening of several stationary circuses. By the mid-19th century, such sites were built in many Russian cities. Gradually, the scope of the show expanded, traditional programs were formed and circus professions emerged. The modern circus is a complex synthesis of the entertainment industry, art, management and technology.

Circus as an art form

Researchers see the origins of the circus in ancient competitions of strength and dexterity. It was formed as a way to demonstrate special skills that often did not have practical application. Experts who characterize circus as an art primarily pay attention to the lack of any effectiveness in the actions of the artists. They do not compete to win prizes, but rather allow one to see a person’s capabilities and experience aesthetic pleasure. The main expressive means of circus art is a trick, it is designed to evoke emotions in the audience: laughter, surprise, fear, delight. All this makes the circus similar to other types of performing arts: theater, cinema. In the arena, a person shows nature’s ability to metamorphose, only the object of these transformations is not stone, clay or paint, but the person himself. He creates eccentricities according to the laws, demonstrating the highest The main principles of circus art are: reprise, trick, act, super task, eccentricity.

Circus structure

Special art requires a special space. The circus is more than just a building round shape, but a complex design with numerous possibilities. The circus arena is the heart of the site. Traditionally, it is round in shape, about 13 meters in diameter. The spectators' seats rise up from the stage like an amphitheater. In modern, stationary circuses there are often several arenas for different types performances: equestrian, illusion, light, ice, water. But the arena is only visible part circus Behind the scenes there are many office spaces: dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, areas for keeping animals, costume rooms. Also play a big role in the design of the theater technical services: light, equipment mounting, scenery, curtain - all this serves to ensure that the viewer sees an unusual and complex performance.

Circus professions

When we hear the question “what is a circus,” we remember people different professions. Each of them requires special skills and abilities from the artist and is special art, with its own laws, secrets and traditions. The classic circus program includes performances by various artists, they can be classified according to the main expressive means and materials. So, there are people who work with animals - these are trainers, with human body- jugglers, tightrope walkers, gymnasts, tightrope walkers. There are also special professions that are at the intersection of skill and technology - these are illusionists. The highest level in the circus professional hierarchy is occupied by clowns, who combine acting, pantomime, and buffoonery. But circus performers cannot work without theater servants, who take upon themselves the provision of various services and assistants.


As is already clear from the name of the profession, jugglers first appeared in France. This word literally means "amusement". Initially, people of this profession sang songs and danced in market squares and fairs. But as a type of activity, juggling appeared in Ancient Egypt. Clever manipulations with many objects fascinated the audience, causing surprise and admiration. Rare today circus show without these artists, their performances have become an essential element of circus art. In their performances, jugglers surprise the audience by tossing many various items, and also use balancing act, comic and acrobatic elements to make the trick more difficult. Juggling can be paired or solo; performers not only throw and catch objects, they can simultaneously rotate them, alternate them rhythmically, throwing them to a partner. The rhythm of juggling forces the audience to keep an eye on the flying objects, and the artist’s dexterity evokes feelings of delight in them.


Another artist without whom it is impossible to imagine a circus performance is the tightrope walker. This genre of circus art is based on a person’s ability to maintain balance on unstable surfaces. Traditionally, tightrope walkers performed various movements on ropes, balls, and cylinders. Often the artist combines the ability to maintain balance with acrobatic, comic actions, as well as juggling. Also in Ancient China The performances of tightrope walkers were very popular. In many cultures of the world, folk entertainments were often accompanied by performances by tightrope walkers. There are such variants of this genre as performances on a ball, on a wire, on reels, on ladders, on a trapeze (stein trap), on unicycles.


Magicians or illusionists are representatives of a profession that has glorified circus art. The basis of the genre was sleight of hand. Artists who knew how to perform magical manipulations with various objects, such as cards, were mandatory participants in medieval fairs. Modern illusionists, in addition to the ability to make amazing movements with their hands, use various technical tricks to mislead the audience. Among the magicians there are real world celebrities, whose names are passed down from generation to generation. Such illusionists include Harry Houdini, Alessandro Cagliostro, the Keogh family, Uri Geller,


Ask any child what a circus is, and you will get the answer: clowns. The masters working in this role have become a real symbol of the circus; without them, performances are impossible. The beginning of the profession was laid in the institute of buffoonery, because jesters were at the court of all royalty. Their task was not only to entertain, but also to ridicule vices, while the jester, the clown, could tell the truth to anyone. The art of a clown is often built not on humor, but on irony, buffoonery and grotesquery. The exaggerated manner of playing goes back to the traditions of farcical performances at fairs. The clown should not only make people laugh, but also mock, but at the same time his performance should not be cruel or offensive. Often clowns perform in pairs, where the roles are clearly distributed. In the Italian theater, these roles were assigned to Pierrot and Harlequin, in the Russian tradition they are the Red (cunning and rogue) and White (an important, prim gentleman) clowns. Conflicts constantly occur between them, which represent funny scenes, which fill the pauses in the performance. In the circus world, clowns are considered to be the artistic elite. They often include elements of juggling, acrobatics, training, and pantomime in their performances. Among them there are real ones, greatest actors. The most famous clowns are M. N. Rumyantsev (Pencil), V. Polunin, Yu. Nikulin and M. Shuidin, who worked in pairs, L. Engibarov, O. Popov. Any circus show can be saved by a clown who appears in the arena whenever there is a pause in the program.

Show in the style of the legendary " Chinese circus", famous for its color and complexity of the tricks performed. Bright costumes, props and skill of the actors will allow the viewer to immerse themselves in the cradle of martial arts. A spectacular, spectacular circus act, with stunt acrobatics.

Acrobatic couple (Supports)

One of the most striking original circus numbers is a dance with elements of acrobatics (lifts).
Filled with rotations, acrobatic paired elements and dance sequences between them. Performed as under slow music, and under energetic. You will be able to see on stage a story (of love, friendship, hatred) that will not leave anyone indifferent.


If you don’t know how to decorate your holiday, then this original circus act is definitely for you! It will fit perfectly into the format of absolutely any holiday - be it a wedding, corporate event or birthday. Performed by one or two gymnasts on special canes (stands).

Air show

The routine is performed by talented gymnasts whose performances are simply breathtaking.This can be an unusually flexible show on the aerial ring “Girl on the Ring”, an amazing “Spiderman (Spiderman)” on belts with its strength and endurance, a couple with their love story on canvases and many other images chosen by you.

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Circus acts: interesting, exciting and intriguing

Circus numbers represent the performance of complex acrobatic and choreographic performances. For a circus performer, this is an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, which are the result of extensive training. For the viewer, circus acts are a colorful performance that sometimes makes you forget about reality and just enjoy the beautiful performance, interesting story and original costumes, sets and special effects.