Which mineral water is good for the kidneys?


For diseases of the excretory system, methods are chosen that eliminate the causes of organ dysfunction and cleanse them. Kidney treatment with mineral water can be called ideal, since it meets the above criteria. What water is suitable for kidney and bladder diseases? Do you need to drink a lot of it if you have bad kidneys? What is the impact on the process of their purification?

Healing properties of mineral waters

A lot of them. For example, they remove salt deposits, remineralize the body’s bone tissue, have a positive effect on the nervous system, regulate water-salt balance and, thus, affect blood pressure. They are divided into three groups:

  • tableware - mineralization less than 1 g per liter, suitable for daily use, prevention for bladder disease;
  • medicinal-table - mineralization 1−10 g per liter, without a doctor's prescription a healthy person can drink for a short time for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases;
  • medicinal - the mineralization rate is more than 10 g per liter, it is recommended to drink only as prescribed by a specialist.

Indications for use of mineral waters

For pyelonephritis, the use of mineral waters is effective.

Disturbances in the functioning of the excretory system are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of phosphates, oxalates, and urates. As they accumulate, they form suspensions that irritate the walls of the bladder and eventually turn into sand and stones. How is the result of treatment achieved? First, purulent and mucus formations are removed and pathogenic microflora is eliminated. Next, a colloidal equilibrium is established in the kidney reservoirs, in which salt deposits begin to dissolve, and the possibility of the formation of insoluble salts disappears. This treatment is effective for kidney disease:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis, diathesis;
  • cystitis.

Are there any contraindications?

Although medicinal water may seem harmless, it is not. It is useful only if prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination. Based on the diagnosis, he decides which water to treat, what dosage to take, in what form and when. You cannot drink medicinal liquid:

  1. during a period of acute exacerbation of the genitourinary system;
  2. conditions accompanied by acute renal failure;
  3. in the presence of large salt deposits;
  4. at ;
  5. with macrohematuria;
  6. with difficulty urinating;
  7. with atrophy of the renal parenchyma (hydronephrosis).

If you ignore this rule, then treatment with water will only cause harm, you may even lose one or both kidneys. The fact is that taking medicinal waters in itself causes an exacerbation. If in the kidney it is already previously caused by irritating agents - infection, salt deposits, then the additional factor from treatment will only aggravate the condition.

Which one is good for the kidneys?

The effect is achieved by drinking low-mineral waters, since the main task is not to fill the body with minerals, but to correct ion exchange in the kidneys. Water with a low concentration of minerals (Table 1) and moderate concentration (Table 2) is beneficial. The tables do not list all types for kidney treatment. Water with a low mineral content can be used to correct the ion balance in the kidneys.

Let us briefly describe their properties. To begin with, let’s take “Essentuki”: No. 4 - extremely useful, has a pleasant taste, has a complex effect not only on the kidneys, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver; No. 17 - water with high mineralization, combined with No. 4, but use is only possible as prescribed by a doctor. In contrast, No. 20 is low-mineralized, clean, table grade, improves metabolism, intestinal and kidney condition.

Berezovskaya water is widely used to treat diseased organs.

“Berezovskaya Mineral” is widely used to treat diseased digestive organs, the genitourinary system, the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system and for conditions that require cleansing the body of toxins. “Naftusya” (known as “Truskavetskaya”) is also used in the treatment of not only the kidneys, but also the biliary system.

Let's move on to the characteristics of waters with a high concentration of minerals. The Atsylyk spring contains water that tastes good and treats diseases of the genitourinary system, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. “Narzan” is unique, naturally carbonated. Its main use is the treatment of renal dysfunction: it dissolves phosphate stones of the bladder and has a pronounced diuretic effect. "Borjomi" promotes detoxification and is a diuretic. Its mineralization is 5.5−7.5 g/l; for the kidneys it should be taken in diluted form. The concentration is selected individually, taking into account the chemical composition of urine, including the pH level and concomitant diseases.