What is the real name of the singer Iowa. The lead singer of the group IOWA got married. Which of your songs is currently your favorite?


The whole country knows her voice from Moscow to the very outskirts. And this is not a joke. First there was “A Simple Song”, then “Mom”, “Smile”... And now the ubiquitous “Minibus” is tearing up the charts, and with them the speakers of both broken “sixes” and “Cayennes” polished to a shine. Meet the lead singer of the super popular group IOWA Ekaterina Ivanchikova.

As often happens, recognition of the IOWA group, led by soloist Ekaterina Ivanchikova, first came in the regions. For a long time, satiated Moscow did not notice the nuggets from the Belarusian Mogilev. But when the first album, called Export, entered the top five best-selling albums on iTunes, the capital could not resist their charm. But here’s what’s surprising: only loyal fans and visitors to their concerts know the IOWA group by sight. What’s even more surprising is that this fact only makes the band’s frontmen happy. the site met with Ekaterina Ivanchikova and found out how to catch up with a dream by hitchhiking, live for 2 weeks on 500 rubles and why home and work are one thing for her.

Together with my mother, our guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko and friends, I vacationed in Thailand. This is a place where you can't escape anything. You will definitely be caught up with sunrise and sunset, entertainment and new experiences. I remember the 80-meter waterfall on Koh Samui. First we went through its horizontal part, and then the vertical part began. That's where we had to climb. Usually no one climbs to the top, but our team placed their flag in the form of a photograph at the peak. This path strengthens team spirit. Responsibilities are distributed and relationships within the team change. It seems exciting game, but that's life.

E.I.: If we talk about the group IOWA, then our guitarist Lenya paved the way for us. But in life I prefer to find my own path. I don’t like it when someone leads me - then I lose control and fall asleep.

E.I.: I didn’t see myself in anything else. I started singing as soon as I spoke. It feels like someone made a choice for me and decided everything.

Since childhood, I have had a thirst for music. Despite all the doubts, my mother always supported and helped me prepare for concerts. As a child, I performed on the stage of the House of Culture in Mogilev. She constantly took part in shows and competitions because she quickly memorized texts and got into the desired image.

website: How was the IOWA group born?

E.I.: Everything happened by chance. At the age of 15 I started writing songs, but I didn’t do anything with them. And in the tenth grade, I began to run to Mogilev every weekend, getting there by hitchhiking. Then I lived in the neighboring small town of Chausy...

E.I.: I just always tried to get the drivers to talk, asking about their childhood. And our conversation created positive energy, I stopped being afraid.

Grown men are generally not very talkative. They communicate with their wives only on business, they are constantly working, and they have no one to chat with mentally. And here I am. Accordingly, if a person opened up to me, then he had no intention of offending me. And these trips up big city I was tempered. You can say that then I learned to communicate with people and learned the basics of psychology.

website: So what happened in Mogilev?

E.I.: There I met people, went to their concerts, and realized that I could perform better. Then I wanted to create my own team. Gradually I was drawn into the rock scene. I met a guy who made arrangements for me. He helped me find Lenya (Leonid Tereshchenko today is the guitarist and songwriter of the IOWA group, - website note).

website: How did you and Leonid find a common language?

E.I.: In general, everyone used to call him “Lenya the Dynamo,” because he could not answer calls if he became uninterested, and would disappear for several days. It was simply impossible to do business with him. Now he is the complete opposite of his past image.

Lena liked my material then, and already at the second rehearsal he politely kicked out all the other musicians and invited Vasya (Vasily Bulanov - drummer and DJ in the IOWA group - website note). And thanks to Lena, the group started playing what was in my head. I still thought that this was impossible. And now I understand that our meeting is a miracle.

E.I.: For some reason, the guys from the rock crowd started calling me that, even before our team appeared. The band Slipknot has an album with this name, and from there I got this nickname. Everyone around suddenly began to say: “You are IOWA!”

website: Why, after moving to Russia, did you stop in St. Petersburg?

E.I.: I had been there more than once before moving and fell in love with this city. I've never seen anything like it. Pictures of Venice, Rome and Paris do not count.

St. Petersburg never seemed to me somehow slushy and gray. We arrived in the summer, at that moment there was no cloudy days at all. It just happened that we were invited there by a novice concert organizer to perform at an apartment building. I don’t know how he took the risk, because he could have invited a local group. This was in 2011. We took with us 100 dollars for three (laughs).

At the station, when we tried to exchange currency for rubles, we were deceived. Instead of two and a half thousand at the current exchange rate, we received only 500 rubles. I think this is how the city tested us.

website: How did you manage to survive at first?

E.I.: Local girls came to our concert. We got to talking with them, and they invited us to their three-room apartment. We lived there for two weeks. After that, with money from apartment owners, we rented a couple of rooms from a friend of mine in a five-room apartment on Petrogradka.

E.I.: I worked in a toy store. She made candles and toys from cotton wool with her own hands. True, I didn’t make money from them, but gave them to customers who came to us but couldn’t afford to buy anything. But then they brought with them entire delegations of friends. And they were already taking something.

website: In St. Petersburg you met your producer Oleg Baranov, and he helped you become popular. Are you recognized on the streets today?

E.I.: Few people yet identify me with the image from songs or videos. And this is so good, because I can calmly walk the streets and take the subway.

A year ago I was flying on a plane, a girl was sitting there and listening to the song “Smile.” She looked at me and didn’t know that it was me singing it. And this is a very interesting feeling. The main thing is that at the concert the fans recognize us, and then they don’t bother us. I like this period, I hope it lasts as long as possible, because you need to relax and be yourself.

website: How are your relationships in the team now?

E.I.: Vasya and Lenya are my dearest people, and I love them very much. Without this feeling nothing is created in my life. I feel good with my team. I’m ready to work and relax with the guys.

E.I.: All conversations about my personal life are now taboo for me. I know that someday I will talk about her, but not soon. In general, I believe that love can be built in a team, because it does not interfere with work.

Now I'm happy. Although for me, as a girl, it is important to have my own separate corner where my things are and the cat lives. In St. Petersburg I found such a place.

website: What qualities should your man have?

E.I.: First of all, he must have a sense of humor and wisdom - that is it, and not just intelligence. You can know everything in the world, but still not be able to use the knowledge. I also always liked it when a man can be a kind of lion. His subordinates should respect and fear him, but with me he can be a kitten. Being strong and strong-willed, he should not be afraid to be open, soft and gentle. Such men do exist, but most of our defenders were previously brought up with a belt. The boys were told not to cry, but to always be strong.

website: How do you manage to maintain a peaceful relationship with your lover?

E.I.: You need to talk a lot with your partner about what you like and don’t like, how you feel and what words hurt you. It is important not to accumulate all this in yourself.

If you endure for a long time, emotional breakdowns will constantly occur. Many people say that life without quarrels is not interesting. I think this is nonsense. I prefer to live and build healthy relationships, without scandals. And I like to spend most of the day with my loved one. You just need to try not to fill all the space.

website: How do you separate home and work?

E.I.: Creativity is not work. I don’t understand why it is necessary to separate life into work and home. Everything is much easier and simpler, you just don’t have to think about categories. If you both breathe music, then this will definitely not be a problem for you. And you need to be able to laugh at difficulties in time, then wise man will understand what really lies behind it.

E.I.: I've been wanting children for a long time. I even know who I will have. It feels like they are already standing in line. I will give birth first to a boy, a real lion. I don't know where I got this feeling from. This is probably my inner intuition. Only the time has not yet come. It’s always been the case in my life that if you want something, you are driven to it.

Iowa (Ekaterina Ivanchikova)

Singer Date of birth August 18 (Leo) 1987 (31) Place of birth Chaursa Instagram @gruppa_iowa

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is an energetic, bright soloist and one of the creators youth group"Iowa". She is originally from Belarus. The girl not only sings, but also writes lyrics for the group, and also plays the piano. About Us early years gravitates toward music and creativity in general. As a child, the singer dreamed of having thousands of fans and touring with performances.

Biography of Ekaterina Ivanchikova

Ekaterina Leonidovna Ivanchikova happened to be born on August 18, 1987 in the city of Chaursy, Republic of Belarus. She was brought up in ordinary family, however, her parents always supported the girl in all her endeavors.

Katya often brought home stray animals. She lovingly cared for her pets. Ekaterina can be called the “life of the party”; she was always surrounded by friends.

Even in childhood, the parents noticed the child’s interest in music and sent the future lead singer of the group “Iowa” to music school. But Katya’s hobbies did not end there; she practiced singing, drawing and dancing. Despite her busy schedule, the girl managed to get positive grades at school.

IN school times Catherine fell in love for the first time and it was then that she began to write her first poems. She realized that all the emotions she had experienced could be captured on paper and conveyed to listeners.

Katya has been thinking about future profession. She preferred a stable and clear option - she submitted documents to Minsk University. A few years later the girl had two diplomas in her hands higher education majoring in Journalism and Philology.

In 2009, Katya realized that she could not live without music. She found two talented young people and created with them musical group"Iowa". At the beginning creative path the girl was the bass guitarist of the group, but this role faded into the background over time.

During the year the group traveled around major cities Belarus, and then migrated to St. Petersburg. Russia quickly adopted the new creative team. And this is not surprising, because Katya charges the audience with her energy and positivity.

The name of the group “Iowa” appeared because of Katya’s nickname. This is what her colleagues called her because of her passion for metal bands. The name came from the album foreign group"Slipknot" The abbreviation stands for “Idiots Out Wandering Around”.

Movie review: what to go to the movies for

The lead singer of the group IOWA Ekaterina Ivanchikova secretly got married

Ekaterina Ivanchikova - vocals
Leonid Tereshchenko - guitar
Vasily Bulanov - drums
Andrey Artemyev - keyboards
Vadik Kotletkin - bass guitar

IOWA Group – This is a bright, original group that combines unique female vocals and melody, sincere feelings and charisma, beauty and femininity. The guys appeared unexpectedly out of nowhere, and also unexpectedly they were recognized by all the leading media structures of the country. Unexpected, but deserved. It is impossible to escape fame if you really deserve it. Their debut video Several tens of thousands of people watched it on the Internet in a couple of days.

Their works were immediately put into rotation on MTV and many other channels and radio stations, reports./../.. They are invited to all major city festivals. In just a few months they have already visited many cities in Russia. People loved them.

About the Group

I.O.W.A. (Idiots Out Wandering Around) is an American idiom.

Translated: “You can’t hide the truth.”

Examine every cell of the human body and you will not find the gene responsible for the perception of music... Having gathered together, the group members formed a unique gene I.O.W.A., becoming one, alny whole.

The group was born in 2009 in Belarus. And already in 2010, after a series of successful acoustic concerts in St. Petersburg, the vocalist of the group, together with the guitarist, made an informed decision to move to Russia. To St. Petersburg.

For whom and what is our music about?

We do not fall into the search for what is visible to the touch, we do not try to add mysticism to our songs. We quickly write small, but nevertheless significant stories about positive melancholy, beautiful solitude, in which a person is able to create; about LOVE, without which he is not able to create. Our music is for everyone who cares about it.

I.O.W.A. – this is more, wider and more diverse than music limited by one genre. This is also evidenced by the fact that our instrumental music is heard in the one-act play “... means I’m alive,” which was presented at the international festival IFMC in Belarus.

IOWA is ready to make your holiday unforgettable and play a special New Year's program!

Order only through LenArt Event Agency.
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Katya "I.O.W.A." Ivanchikova (vocals, lyrics, set design)
Even in the 8th month of pregnancy, my mother danced in a group, the Russian dance “Round Dance”.
So, I can say that I started performing on stage in the 8th month of my mother’s pregnancy...
1992 – First time on stage. Took 1st place in the regional competition among kindergartens;
1994 – Started keeping a diary. First entry: “I know that I will become a singer!” I started writing my first poems;

2002 – Studied academic singing at a music school;
2003 – Graduated from music school with a degree in choreography and drawing! Started writing my own songs;
2005 – Became a finalist in the Belarusian television projects “Stargazer”, “Star Stagecoach”, “Hit-Moment”;
2007 – Became a soloist Russian musical"PROPHET" / St. Petersburg;
2008 – Performed as an opening act for the group “Animal Jazz”, became a participant in a one-act performance based on the music of the group I.O.W.A. “...that means I live,” which won the international competition “IFMS”;
2009 – Starred in the short film “Meeting”

Leonid "LENNY" Tereshchenko (rhythm and solo guitar, music, arrangement)
Since childhood I have shown creativity and a craving for the stage. As a child, according to his parents, he took a broom in his hands and sang M. Boyarsky’s songs throughout the apartment. Graduated high school with an aesthetic bias. In high school I drew guitars and names on my desk famous rock bands. For which I was an active participant in general cleaning of the classroom... and all creative evenings...
1999 – One day, having seen a guitarist play live at one of the concerts, he fell ill with music. Being extremely interested in the guitar, I decided to take private lessons. Entered Mogilev music school them. Rimsky-Korsakov. During his studies he became a laureate of prestigious international competitions and festivals. Actively led concert activities. In parallel with classical music was actively interested in the art of arrangement.
2004 – After graduating from college, he was invited to perform concerts in the USA. All efforts and aspirations were directed to this area, however, leaving for several years was impossible, since a visa was refused more than once.
2005 – Received an invitation to work at the Spamash production center in Minsk. He worked as an arranger and session man with “Belarusian pop stars”. I give private guitar lessons. I work in the group I.O.W.A.

Vasily “VASE. M" Bulanov (drums)
The first thing that seriously shocked me in my life was King Michael ( Michael Jackson). I tried to copy him, found shirts, hung all sorts of danglers on them. In front of the mirror I tried to repeat his movements. Made wigs from laces...
Somehow I found out that one institution was recruiting musical ensemble. This was the Palace of Pioneers. There I picked up drumsticks for the first time and realized that I would like to do this in the future. Reporting concerts in the districts of the city and other performances drew me more and more into creative activity. The first group was moving in the “punk” direction, and that’s when I first felt the drive and power of rock music. This attracted me, and I decided on the style that I would like to perform. Tried myself in different groups and projects. From everything I extracted what I needed for further growth. Over time, playing drums became more than a hobby. Video school classes have yielded results. I give private lessons in playing percussion instruments.
Since 2009 I have been working in the group I.O.W.A.

Official (updated) biography on./../..
Official page of the IOWA group on VKontakte: https://vkontakte.ru/club20548570
Facebook: no.
Twitter: no.
Mail.ru blog: no.
Official website: no.
YouTube channel: no.
Livejournal: no.
MySpace: no.
IOWA group in Odnoklassniki (official group): no.
Photo on FLICKR: none.
Community on LIVEJOURNAL: none.

Materials used to create the biography:
1. Official press portrait of the IOWA group in the media.
2. Wikipedia.
3. Media.
4. Photos from open sources.

A year ago, the lead singer of the group IOWA Ekaterina Ivanchikova told our portal about the difficult path to fame and casually mentioned her lover, but did not reveal his name. A couple of months ago it turned out that Ekaterina Ivanchikova and the band’s guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko got married. This time, in a conversation with the site, the singer spoke not only about her creativity, but also about her new role as a wife.

Until recently, the IOWA group remained a mystery to us. The members of the group - Ekaterina Ivanchikova, Leonid Tereshchenko and Vasily Bulanov - could talk for a long time about their path to fame, creativity and relationships in the group and almost nothing about their personal life.

Of course, Katya never hid that her heart was occupied, but she refused to name her lover. Fans suspected that the lead singer was having an affair with one of the members of her own group. Not long ago, the guesses were confirmed - Katya said that she married Leonid, and yet the young people have been together for 10 years. Therefore, in an interview with Ekaterina, we talked not only about creativity, but also about her new role as a wife. But first things first.

I have a diary where I write down all my poems, songs, thoughts. I used to write on the first pieces of paper that came to hand, and, of course, it all got lost. And it’s a shame, because even if the song didn’t turn out completely, sooner or later the inspiration will return and it can be finished. Therefore, now that my thoughts are collected in one diary, I randomly open any page, find the words, and a song is born in my head.

website: Do you have a stage image, or is what we see the real you?

E.I.: It is very difficult to embody an image all the time - sooner or later your real essence will appear, and people will immediately start writing about it. I think that's how the yellow press came into being.

“I’m lucky - my creativity is inseparable from myself. I don’t separate the concepts of personal life and stage.”

website: Can you imagine yourself in any other profession?

E.I.: I think I could be an artist who creates performances. I would definitely “weave” music, people, light into my creations and would do it in front of the audience. Or maybe I would become a dancer... You see, I still imagine something related to the stage. I really need people, their immediate reaction, interaction with them. This is such a feeling of euphoria, adrenaline... Once you experience these emotions, you will no longer be able to refuse them.

E.I.: Scenes - never. Rather, I was afraid of people’s reaction - how they would accept the song, its style, whether they would understand the idea.

E.I.: Absolutely. You know, there are people who go through life with a smile and glow, come to the company, and everyone notices them. Just don’t confuse this with importunity and selfishness. I'm talking about people who set the pace, smile, joke, lighten the mood, give sincere compliments. I am somewhat similar to such people.

website: I generally got the impression that you are a kind, open, maybe even a little naive person. Do my feelings deceive me?

E.I.: Friends say that I can be 12 years old (smiles).

“It is believed that only children believe in miracles, and adults know that life disappoints, breaks down, and in general it is not sugar and not a fairy tale. But I’m sure that only what you believe in happens.”

For example, you need to learn to give, because this is the only way you can get something in return. Previously, I couldn’t understand this: “Well, how can I go on stage now and spend all my energy? I won’t have anything left.” But in 2012, at the “New Wave”, I decided to give my all, it didn’t matter to me whether I would get a return or not. A performance is more than just an “artist sings - people listen” scheme. This is an exchange of energy, and at the New Wave I learned how to manage it. Then I realized that I wanted to give, because such creative energy always comes in return. Sometimes fans write letters telling us how they have changed under the influence of a song or our performance. Some give back through hugs when they come into our dressing room.

website: Not long ago you and your husband Leonid declassified your relationship. Has this fact affected your creativity?

E.I.: Yes, sure. Our whole life intersects with our creativity. We just released the song “Your Poems, My Guitar”, and in the video we showed it famous couples and wrote themselves into this story. Moreover, everything happened completely by accident, but as if on purpose. It’s not for nothing that they say, everything has its time.

E.I.: Initially, we were absolute opposites, it took us a long time to adjust, but we sincerely wanted to change for each other. We began to do one thing, and then feelings arose that seemed inappropriate to us in working together. And at some point we sat down at the table to talk about it, trying to figure out whether it would be possible to combine personal and work (and then we were serious about work). In the end, we decided that it would be better and more correct not to meet... And we kissed for the first time (smiles).

In a relationship, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, so you need to enjoy every day. Lenya, by the way, is a “professional” in asking for forgiveness, he apologizes every day, and he doesn’t do it automatically, but really worries about any little things.

“My husband is the most well-mannered and gallant person on earth - he constantly gives me his hand, opens the car door, takes care of me. It feels like we just met and he's trying to impress me. I have never met such people in my life and, of course, I am happy that Lenya is my husband. I never tire of telling his mother words of gratitude and I am amazed how she managed to raise such a person.”

website: I’ll assume that you quarrel quite rarely.

E.I.: In all the 10 years that we have been together, we have only quarreled once. Because of our cat. When we first got a kitten, we still couldn’t domesticate it. We lived on the first floor, and the kitten often ran through the window into the yard, and always into the same sandbox, so we knew exactly where to look for him.

But one day Lenya and his band (then he was a member of a rock band) went on tour to Kyiv, and I went to Minsk to see a vocal teacher - I had four planned school days. And then the cat ran away again, but this time someone offended her - Lenya found her shabby. In general, we had a big quarrel over this - the cat was our child, whom I did not keep track of, moreover, I did not come home straight away, but stayed in Minsk. He, of course, was offended, because the cat, in his opinion, was more important. Then we broke up for two days, then, of course, we made up. Don't worry about the cat, everything is fine with her, she feels great.

E.I.: No. From now on, if any misunderstandings or grievances arise, we just talk about it right away so that there are no breakdowns.

“People usually wait, accumulate everything within themselves, and then make a scandal. I think this is the main mistake.”

website: You’ve been together for quite a long time, haven’t you thought about children?

E.I.: The fact is that many members of our team have children, and if I give birth now, the group will cease its activities. I like what's happening now so far. Today I think in one direction, but with the birth of a child my thinking will change. I don’t know... Maybe it’s fear, because a child is a big responsibility, a different life. I'm not ready to step into the unknown yet. Or maybe, at the end of the conversation, I’ll think about it and understand: “She’s right.” (smiles). Let's see.

Ekaterina Ivanchikova is known as the soloist of the popular music group IOWA. In Russian and Belarusian show business, the singer stands out for her expressiveness and originality. The compositions, the poems for which the talented girl writes herself, are extraordinary and emotional. This allows the group to remain at the top of the charts for a long time.

Biography of the singer

Katya IOWA - many fans call it that talented singer. In fact, IOWA is the name of the group where the girl is the lead singer. The real name of the singer is Ivanchikova Ekaterina Leonidovna.

Katya came from Belarus. She was born on August 18, 1987 in the city of Chausy, Mogilev region, into an ordinary family. Her father worked as a builder, her mother was a teacher in kindergarten. The parents loved their daughter and encouraged her passion for creativity in every possible way. WITH early childhood Katya was engaged in drawing, singing and dancing.

At the age of 6, she first expressed her desire to become a singer. Then, in 1992, the girl took 1st place in the regional competition among children's institutions. Later, her parents enrolled her in a music school to study piano. However, playing an instrument and practicing solfeggio did not interest Katya much. Then her vocal abilities left much to be desired.

Ekaterina grew up as an active and kind girl. As a child, she often brought home and helped sick and homeless animals. The future singer studied well, for which some of her pranks were forgiven.

At the age of 15, the girl fell in love for the first time, which was the impetus for writing her first poems. At this time, she began to often visit neighboring Mogilev. This city is a kind of mecca for rock musicians in Belarus. There Katya made new acquaintances, which later came in handy in conquering the stage.

More and more often she thought about musical career, but to enter the Conservatory or Mogilev School of Culture it was required academic singing. The girl did not have enough data, and she entered the Pedagogical University in Minsk, which she successfully graduated with a degree in philology and journalism.

During her student years, her career as a singer began. In 2005, Katya participated in several Belarusian television projects: “Star Stagecoach” (analogous to the Russian “Star Factory”), “Hit Moment” and “Stargazer”. In 2007, she performed as a soloist in Ilya Oleinikov’s musical “The Prophet”.

More and more often, Katya is thinking about creating own group. After graduating from university, she moved to Mogilev and got a job in her specialty. Then she met Leonid Tereshchenko, the guitarist of the future group, and a little later with Vasily Bulanov, the drummer of the group.

Composition and history of the group name IOWA (IOWA)

In 2008, the guys decided to create a group. At that time, the team consisted of 3 people: Ekaterina Ivanchikova, Leonid Tereshchenko and Vasily Bulanov.

The guys had no money, they had to earn extra money. Katya worked as a waitress and sang in restaurants. Once she was even hospitalized due to tobacco smoke poisoning. The group did not immediately decide on a style. At first the guys got carried away hard rock. Katya sang in a growling manner and almost lost her voice because of it.

Fans are interested in the meaning of the group's name: who came up with what IOWA is and how this abbreviation is correctly translated. The fact is that friends called the young aspiring singer that way because of her passion for the work of the group Slipknot.

IOWA stands for “Idiots Always Walk Around,” which literally translates to “Idiots always walk in circles.” Despite such a strange decoding, Katya liked the nickname. Therefore, the newly formed team had no questions about what they should be called. The guys gave the group this name - the nickname of the lead singer.

Now there are 6 people playing in it. In addition to the 3 founders of the group, keyboard player Andrey Artemyev, drummer Ruslan Gadzhimuradov and bass guitarist Alexander Gavrilov joined the band. The producer of the group is Oleg Baranov.

Musical creativity

Since 2008, the guys have been singing in bars and cafes. Once they managed to perform as an opening act at a concert of the Animal Jazz group. In 2010, they received an offer to perform in St. Petersburg at an apartment show from Vitaly Glushchak. At that moment the guys had no money. They sold some of the instruments, took $100 with them and went to another country.

Difficulties began at the station. At the exchange office they were given 500 rubles instead of 2500. Despite this, the guys liked the city so much that they decided to move to St. Petersburg. The group members recall that they met sympathetic people who were always ready to help. For example, at a concert they met 2 girls who offered them accommodation and then helped them with stage costumes.

The group even performed on the streets, collecting money for numbers from passers-by. Later they got a job at a factory where they painted decorative candles. At this time, their “Simple Song” was already playing on the radio, and a video was shot. It is considered the group's first song. But it was not this composition that brought them popularity.

The group members used every known method to get noticed. They handed out CDs and applied for various festivals. So I noticed them future producer Oleg Baranov. This happened when the team auditioned for a performance at “Scarlet Sails”.

Oleg did not like the group’s creativity at all and the way they behaved on stage. However, he noted the charisma and energy of the guys, which allowed him to see future stars in them. The musicians were delighted with their new acquaintance and agreed to cooperate. After that it started tour life groups. Oleg changed the style of the team, helped determine the images and direction.

In 2012, the guys appeared on the TV show “Red Star” on Channel One. After this, they shoot a video for the song “Mom”. This composition becomes their first hit. The video quickly gained a million views on the Internet. The same year was released for the “Smile” video, the song from which Katya sings in a phone advertisement.

And in the middle of the year the group receives a special prize at the competition “ New wave"and the title "Discovery of the Year" at the Belarusian National Music Award.

At the beginning of 2013, the guys took part in the TV show “Let’s Get Married” with the song “Looking for a Husband” and in “Big Dance” with the song “Mom”. In 2014, the group’s first single, “The Same Thing,” was released, and the song itself was featured on the soundtrack to the sitcom “Kitchen.” A little later, the song “Smile” appears in the same series. And “A Simple Song” ends up in the series “Fizruk”.

More and more often, Katya and the group are invited to various ceremonies and festivals. The guys are collaborating with famous brands. In 2014, the group released their debut album “Export”. The team continues to conduct active concert activities and shoot videos. A year later, IOWA received the first award at the Golden Gramophone 2015 award. At the beginning of 2016, the group released their mega-hit “Marshrutka”.

Katya also worked on the voice acting for several cartoons. speaks in her voice main character film "Wolves and Sheep: A Mad Transformation." The title soundtrack “Stay Yourself” is also authored by the singer.

Published in November 2016 new album"Import" group. Ekaterina Ivanchikova performed the song “Beats the Beat” on the 5th season of the show “The Voice” together with Mikhail Zhitov and Sardor Milano. "IOWA" performed in "Big Love Show" and " Evening Urgant", and their new album was awarded in the category "Best Belarusian Pop Album" by the portal "Experty.by".

In 2017 the group went to tour“It’s bad to dance” and gave the opening concert in St. Petersburg. In the same year, the guys were lucky enough to record a joint composition with the soloist System groups of a Down by Serj Tankian.

It was the soundtrack "A Beautiful Day to Die" for the film "The Legend of Kolovrat". By the end of the year, the team received several more awards and starred in “ New Year's Eve on Channel One."

In 2018, the guys released a new single, “Silent on Me,” and recorded a duet with Elena Temnikova.

Personal life

First love

Katya fell in love at a young age. She was only 15 years old, her chosen one was older. Then, under the influence of her first feelings, the girl began to write poetry. The romance was short-lived. However, he left a mark on Katya's work. The girl’s desire to become a singer became even stronger.

Leonid Tereshchenko

At the beginning of her career, Catherine did not reveal the secrets of her personal life. According to the singer, she had no time to think about romance, because after moving to St. Petersburg and starting performances, their days were scheduled minute by minute.

However, already at that time she had developed romantic relationship with the band's guitarist Leonid Tereshchenko. From the first days they understood each other perfectly. For a long time, their relationship was friendly, and later grew into love. A romance began between the guys.

Katya always dreamed of having a reliable and sensitive man nearby. This is exactly what her chosen one turned out to be. According to the guys, working together does not interfere with their relationship at all, and even brings the couple closer together.

Candid photographs of the artist for men's publications did not affect the feelings of young people. Katya's photos appeared on the pages of Maxim and Playboy magazines. According to the couple, they understand that this is the price they pay for fame.

Despite the singer’s tall stature and her model figure, Katya rarely spoils her fans with candid photos. She recently posted on Instagram a photo in a swimsuit in which she is relaxing with Leonid.


The couple's romantic relationship lasted 10 years. Leonid proposed in 2012. According to Katya, this happened in shopping center when he and his mother were shopping. Lenya unexpectedly presented the bride with a huge bouquet of roses and a ring. The girl agreed.

The guys signed the same year at the Chaussky registry office. However dense tour schedule did not allow the couple to immediately arrange a celebration. Another 4 years passed before the newlyweds had a real wedding.

This happened in the fall of 2016. The guys secretly got married in Karelia in an abandoned church from 1935 in the village of Lumivaara. The date of the ceremony was not made public, so the guys only had close relatives and friends at the wedding. Journalists and fans learned about the event only a few days later, when Katya posted a photo on Instagram wedding dress. The guys admit that the celebration took place in a warm and romantic atmosphere. And the guys from Comedy invited as hosts didn’t even charge the newlyweds.