What is the name of Martirosyan from gum. Garik Martirosyan: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Early years, childhood and family of Garik Martirosyan


Garik Martirosyan is a Russian and Armenian showman, TV presenter, comedian, artistic director, co-producer and resident of the popular show “Comedy Club”. He is the author of the idea for the “League of Nations” project, as well as the producer of the “Show News”, “Our Russia” and “Laughter without Rules” projects.

A man with an excellent sense of humor, a generator of new ideas and projects, bright and talented - he burst into the world of Russian show business, took a stable position on its Olympus and is still in his conquered place today, delighting fans with his creativity.

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan was born in February 1974 in the heart of Armenia - the sunny city of Yerevan. Since the boy was born on the 13th, his parents, out of superstitious motives, recorded his birthday as February 14th. Since then, the artist has been celebrating his name day for two days in a row.

As a child, Garik was an incredibly active and restless child: he broke sets, played pranks, and created bedlam in the house. In addition to Garik, another son was growing up in the family - Levon. At the age of 6, the parents sent the boy to music school, from where he was soon kicked out due to bad behavior. But the exile did not become for young musician an obstacle to independently mastering your favorite instruments - guitar, drums and piano. In addition, Martirosyan began composing music.

IN school years Garik Martirosyan, although he was not the first ringleader in various tricks and pranks, was known as a great inventor. For example, in the first grade he told his classmates that he was a grandson. And the young prankster showed artistic talent early on: Garik played his first role in the sixth grade, portraying Archimedes in a school play.


After graduating from school, Garik Martirosyan entered the Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU), where he received the specialty of neurologist-psychotherapist. For three years future star"Comedy Club" was a practicing doctor, and he liked this work. But artistic talent still prevailed. Today Martirosyan does not regret the years devoted to medicine and psychiatry: he assures that now “you can’t fool him, because thanks to specialized education he sees people through and through.”

As for humor, Garik Martirosyan joked everywhere, always, with or without reason - it’s in his blood. He probably would have continued to see patients if he had not met the KVN “New Armenians” team. Now we can say with complete confidence that it was this acquaintance that became the defining moment in Garik’s fate, giving him a ticket to television.


The young neuropathologist met the KVN team in 1992. Perhaps this year should be considered the point from which creative biography Garik Martirosyan. The club of cheerful and resourceful people radically changed life and determined future fate future artist.

In an interview, Garik Martirosyan shared his memories of that time. According to him, soon after entering the medical university, a military conflict began in Armenia (). There were serious power outages in the country, there was no gas, and bread was issued on ration cards. It was during that period that KVN began - young people gathered in someone’s apartment, stocked up on candles and wrote comic texts.

“We had fun with ourselves. Well, we simply had no other choice,” says the artist.

In 1993, Garik became a player in the Armenian KVN League, on the basis of which the “New Armenians” team was created in 1994. Martirosyan started as an ordinary player, and in 1997 he led the team.

Playing KVN filled everything free time artist, so it makes perfect sense that he started making a living with humor. In the late 90s, the main income came from KVN tours, but even then Garik Martirosyan tried himself as a screenwriter. Even when he was not playing in KVN on stage, he continued to play as a producer. Then the Sochi team “Burnt by the Sun” appeared, for which Martirosyan wrote scripts.

As a member of the “New Armenians” team, Garik performed in total nine years. During this time the team became a champion Major League(1997), twice received the Summer Cup (1998, 2003), was repeatedly awarded at the Jurmala festival “Voting KiViN”, and also became the laureate of many other awards from the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

As Garik Martirosyan himself noted, the experience that KVN gave him in his youth became a real school of life for him.

A television

Garik first appeared on television in 1997 as a screenwriter for the Good Evening program. Unbeknownst to himself, he became an active participant in various shows.

In 2004, Garik Martirosyan took part in the popular show “Guess the Melody” together with Polina Sibagatullina and reached the third round of the game.

Musical talent The artist has come in handy more than once. In the “Two Stars” project, the comedian demonstrated excellent vocal abilities, winning a well-deserved victory in the duet.

And in 2007, in the program “Minute of Glory,” Garik Martirosyan tried himself for the first time as a TV presenter. He had never had anything like this before big project– the program gave me a feeling of self-confidence.

In December of the same year, Martirosyan participated in the recording music album"Respect and Respect."

In 2008, the humorous series “Our Russia” produced by “ Comedy Club Production". The directors created the sketch inspired by the English TV series “Little Britain”. Garik was the producer of “Our Russia”, where he also starred as cameraman Rudik.

First released in May 2008 humorous project SpotlightParisHilton. The show was broadcast on Channel One until 2012. Garik Martirosyan was one of the hosts of the popular project along with, and.

In 2017, the show, beloved by millions, came out again after a five-year break. The lineup of presenters has not changed: to the delight of the huge television audience, Garik Martirosyan appeared again with his former colleagues, jokingly explaining the long break.

Martirosyan is not only a wonderful artist, but also a producer. In this capacity, he first tried his hand at it in 2008: viewers saw the premiere of the full-length film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny." But Garik Yuryevich is not only the producer of the project, he wrote the script for it. Martirosyan managed to prove his talent as a producer once again when he released new project called "Show News".

Garik Yurievich performed as a presenter on the musical television project “ Main stage”, which he hosted in 2015, as well as in the tenth season of the show “Dancing with the Stars” on “Russia-1”.

"Comedy club"

Garik Martirosyan's career, which started in KVN, opened doors for him in Russian show business. So, in 2005, the artist, together with his KVN comrades, initiated a new comedy project.

A program called “Comedy Club”, made according to the template of American stand-up show, soon began airing on the TNT channel. Garik was one of the producers, while also performing in the show. Soon Garik Martirosyan became cult person for domestic youth.

Unfortunately, Martirosyan himself always spoke very sparingly about the creation of the program. Modestly, the artist says that all the participants of the Comedy Club got together and decided to organize a humorous program, although his colleagues claim that it was he who was the founder of this successful project.

The artists did not immediately make it to television with their programs. The test episode of “Comedy Club” collected dust in someone’s desk for about a year before it was watched and approved. Not everyone liked the sharp jokes of the residents (as the artists themselves called themselves), but, fortunately, the program was broadcast.

Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of “Comedy Club”, despite the fact that Garik Martirosyan himself at first did not believe in the success of this project. The showman demonstrated an excellent sense of humor not only as an artist of the project, but also as a host: Martirosyan became famous for his ability to introduce guests.

In 2016, Garik Martirosyan again delighted his fans with hilarious skits as part of the Comedy Club. Viewers consider his performances in a duet with the most successful: their parodies “Eurovision Casting” and “Conversation between and” received thousands of views on Youtube.

IN New Year's Eve from 2016 to 2017, TNT viewers enjoyed watching the Comedy Club show, which was made in karaoke format. Garik Martirosyan not only made everyone laugh, but also surprised everyone by performing the hit of the year from Rostov rapper Pika called “Partymaker”.

For the new season of the “Our Russia” project, “Comedy Club” residents Garik Martirosyan and Pavel Volya pleased fans with a surprise - the humorous song “Our Russia is a terrible force.”

At the end of 2016, the comedian gave his fans a pleasant surprise by visiting Georgia. On the air of a national comedy show, he shared the most funny jokes and incidents from life. The video of the show appeared on YouTube and received great amount views.

Today, Garik Martirosyan continues to remain at the peak of popularity and delights viewers with his appearance in new projects, and not only television ones. The showman changed his principle of not registering on any social network and opened a working account in Instagram. But, as he claims, not at all in order to look for new friends and communicate with them: his circle of friends is already incredibly wide. It's all about a new project called “Insta Battle”.

Every day Garik Martirosyan asks his subscribers one question, and then, after analyzing the answers, selects the funniest one, the author of which is awarded a prize by the MEM Media agency with which the artist works.

Martirosyan’s plans for 2017 include the emergence of new Internet humorous programs, which Garik plans to create specifically for YouTube, RuTube and Facebook.

In February 2017, Garik Martirosyan appeared in the 758th episode of the humorous show “ Evening Urgant", where he told what he did for five years after the closure of the ProjectorParisHilton project.

In February 2017, the artist celebrated his 43rd birthday - the age when a person is at the peak of his creative powers and is full of new ideas and plans.

Personal life

Garik Martirosyan is married, and thanks to KVN - this program played main role and in the personal life of the popular comedian. During his student years, his wife Zhanna Levina was a big fan of the Stavropol Law University team. In 1997, she traveled to Sochi to support friends at the annual festival. There, at one of the parties, Zhanna met Garik. Then they were unable to communicate normally, but it seems that it was fate.

A year later they met again: a dizzying romance began, which culminated in the desire to get married. Garik Martirosyan and Zhanna Levina got married in Cyprus: all members of the KVN team “New Armenians” were witnesses.

Today, the family has two children: daughter Jasmine and son Daniel, born in 2004 and 2009. Garik Martirosyan’s personal life was happy: for 19 years, the couple never gave food to the yellow tabloids.

The artist managed not only to create strong family, but also to provide it well: in 2010, Garik Martirosyan, together with colleagues Pavel Volya and Sergei Svetlakov, was included in the rating compiled by Forbes. In 2011, the artist's fortune was estimated at $2,700,000. His estimated income is approximately $200,000 per month.

The comedian’s favorite and long-time hobby is football: Garik Martirosyan is a fan of Lokomotiv Moscow. Recently, a resident of the Comedy Club made a promise before the match between Manchester United and Tottenham: if his favorite team, in which Henrikh Mkhitaryan plays, is in the lead, he will shave his head.

Manchester United won, and Martirosyan – according to the terms of the dispute – became bald, posting a photo of himself with a new “hairstyle” on Instagram as proof.


  • 2005 - “Our Yard 3”
  • 2008 - “Our Russia”
  • 2009 - “Univer”
  • 2010 - “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny"
  • 2013 - “HB”

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan is known not only in his hometown of Yerevan, but also far beyond its borders. Thanks to his excellent sense of humor and dedication to his favorite work, he is known to a multimillion-dollar public.

Garik Yuryevich never ceases to delight people with his jokes; he is the producer of numerous humorous shows and television programs. Along the way, he acts as a presenter and manages to act in films.

Martirosyan has every second planned out, despite this, he is an exemplary family man, loving son and father.

Height, weight, age. How old is Garik Martirosyan

Height, weight, age, how old is Garik Martirosyan? All fans of the Comedy Club resident's sharp humor know the answers to these questions. The presenter's height is 1 meter 86 centimeters, and his weight is 85 kilograms.

The artist himself does not play football, but among his friends he is known as an ardent fan of Lokomotiv Moscow. Of all sports, he prefers running. Due to his busy work schedule, he doesn’t always manage to work out, but Garik still tries to run at least twice a week.

Photos of Garik Martirosyan in his youth and now make it clear to everyone that the star has incredible charisma and penetrating eyes. Over the years, he only becomes more confident and courageous.

Biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan

The biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan are closely connected with humor and practical jokes. The future KVN player was born in 1974 on February 13th. Everyone knows the superstition about this date, so the parents wrote down their son’s birthday for the next day - February 14th. The artist himself often jokes about this, saying that this situation gives him the right to celebrate quite officially for two days in a row.

Garik and his younger brother Levon grew up in an intelligent family: their father, Yuri Mikhailovich Martirosyan, worked all his life as a mechanical engineer, and his mother, Jasmine Surenovna Martirosyan, became a doctor of sciences and worked as a gynecologist.

Besides secondary school, the brothers also attended music classes at the same time. However, Garik was soon expelled from the latter. The reason was not the child’s lack of talent, but his bad behavior on lessons. Subsequently, the young man himself mastered many musical instruments: guitar, piano and others.

Already at school, Garik began to take part in various productions. However, when the time came to decide future profession, he decided to enter Yerevan State Medical University. After graduating from university, Garik Martirosyan successfully worked as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist for three years.

While still a student, he began performing in the KVN team “New Armenians”. Participation in this group can rightfully be considered the starting point in the career of a future comedian.

Garik played with this team for nine years. During this time, “New Armenians” managed to win many awards and become laureates of various competitions held by the Club of the Merry and Resourceful.

Garik's participation in KVN opens the door to show business for him. In 2005, the “Comedy Club” program began airing on the TNT channel. This project was loved by all TV viewers.

The talented Armenian is a co-producer of such projects as: “Our Russia”, “Laughter without Rules”, “Show News”. The project “ProjectorParisHilton” won four times in the category “Best Infotainment Program”.

Garik Martirosyan not only skillfully jokes and comes up with new humorous programs, but also copes well with the role of presenter.

In 2015, the comedian became the host music project Main stage"

Since 2016, he has been the host of the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

This year Martirosyan Once again pleased his fans: on April Fool’s Day - April 1, Garik’s new author’s project “Martirosyan Official” began on the TNT channel

It remains to wish the talented Armenian to “stay on the raft” for a long time, so that the humor and jokes never end.

Family and children of Garik Martirosyan

The family and children of Garik Martirosyan occupy the most important place in life famous comedian. Garik has not separated from his wife Zhanna for twenty years. During all this time, they were never written about in the yellow press: no public statements about the alleged divorce or any affairs on the side.

The Martirosyan couple are raising two children - a boy and a girl. The husband and wife devote all their free time to themselves and their children.

The showman cares not only about the spiritual “microclimate” of his family nest, a and o financial side. It is known that in 2010 his name was included in the list of one of richest people in the world.

Son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel

The son of Garik Martirosyan, Daniel, was born in 2009. The TV presenter was incredibly happy about the birth of his second child, and even a boy. The father of the family is proud of his children and tries to give them the best, but at the same time he does not spoil them and raises them in severity.

Garik's parents often come to visit their beloved grandchildren. He has been calling them to move to Moscow for a long time. permanent place residence. However, they prefer to stay in their hometown.

The public's favorite could change his field of activity by becoming a politician, like his brother Levon. Garik refused such a drastic step - because then he would have to move to his native Yerevan. He did not want to leave his family and continues to delight fans of his work with new projects and jokes.

Daughter of Garik Martirosyan - Jasmine

Garik Martirosyan’s daughter, Jasmine, is the first child in the family of a comedy show producer. The girl was born in the summer of 2004. As a little girl, her father’s character began to manifest itself – the same restless and restless child. In addition to behavior, Jasmine also inherited a sense of humor. Even now she loves to make fun of her classmates.

Parents attach great importance to learning languages: they believe that children must know Russian, English is more likely yes than no, and Armenian is generally beyond competition.

Garik Martirosyan's wife - Zhanna Levina

Garik Martirosyan’s wife, Zhanna Levina, is a fairly well-known lawyer in the Russian capital. She graduated from Stavropol Law University. During her student years, the girl fell in love with KVN and often went to various festivals to support her classmates. It was on one of these trips that her fateful acquaintance with Garik Martirosyan took place, who, along with his team, also came to the performance.

Garik and Zhanna started dating only a year later. Pretty soon they realized that this was not just love, a passing infatuation - but real feelings and decided to legitimize their relationship.

Today, the couple still live happily in marriage and raise children. Garik Martirosyan with his wife and children – photo happy family can be found on the Internet in huge quantities.

Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan

Until recently, the TV presenter was not registered in any of the social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia of Garik Martirosyan appeared not so long ago. An Instagram account is an official website where Garik asks subscribers a question, at the end of the day he chooses the funniest answer, the author of which is then awarded a prize. This project was called “Insta Battle”.

Garik Martirosyan is known not only as a man with an excellent sense of humor, but also as a man of his word. So he promised everyone that if his beloved wins football team, then he will shave his head. After Manchester United's victory, Garik posted a photo on the Internet with a new hairstyle, surprising fans with his antics. Article found on alabanza.ru

In fact, his name is Harold, and he is Brezhnev's grandson. My real profession is psychotherapist. He has been observing his colleagues in KVN, Comedy Club, and ProjectorParisHilton for a long time, noticing the phobias and oddities of his colleagues. He knows many secrets: that Tsekalo is a tsekalite, that Ivan Urgant will soon change his last name to “Ogurtsov”, and Sergei Svetlakov is unable to calmly pass by a dry closet... Martirosyan has serious knowledge of such a science as gelotology - practically this is a transfer of humor to distance. Don't believe me?..

Interviewed by Olga Genina

Let's not ask me questions that I have already answered hundreds of times.

- Do you have skeletons in your closet that you are ready to talk about?
- Oddly enough, no. In this regard, I am a rather boring person - respectable and honest, I have never even had problems with the police. What I really regret is that it would have been a great experience of negative communication with government officials.

- Garik, do you have a Moscow residence permit?
- Tell me, how can I not have Moscow registration with my appearance? I am one of those Caucasians who are first taken to the police to establish their identity, and only then asked to present documents. And now you can act out a skit in front of a policeman or “get a piano from behind the bushes” and sing in the voice of Sting... And then bow and leave with the dignity of a true Armenian. They will clap, ask for an autograph and let you go in peace. And before, my face “didn’t say anything” to anyone. By the way, my documents were always in in perfect order, from the very first day of my stay in Moscow. Each time I regularly carried with me tickets from Yerevan or other cities, which allowed me to be in Moscow for several days, and then I registered myself. And with registration it was interesting story- I had already bought myself an apartment in Moscow, lived there and was registered. No one prohibits anyone from owning an apartment in the capital, even if they are registered in another city. And so every three months, as the owner, I went to the local police station and wrote a statement: “I, Garik Martirosyan, the owner of the apartment at such and such an address, authorize Garik Martirosyan, passport number such and such, to register on my territory for a period of three month. I undertake to provide full assistance in ensuring that this person leaves the territory after three months Russian Federation" He registered himself and was forced to promise to expel himself from Russia. It was very romantic.

Now they would recognize you and let you go, you say. In general, do you avoid the attention of fans or are you happy about it?
- What, my recognition is nowhere near the popularity of Misha Galustyan! Here he really walks around the city in dark glasses, wearing a cap and covering himself with a newspaper. In fact, it is small, small, but attracts attention, like the Eiffel Tower. If we walk side by side, no one will recognize me. But he will be torn to pieces.

I doubt it... In an interview with our publication, Mikhail Galustyan said that his real name is Nshan. And Misha sounds more convenient to the Russian ear, so he “renamed”. What is your real name?
- Harold. No, Igor. Or not: Gargen Martirosyan! Here. Actually mine full name According to the passport - Garik. In Armenia, “ik” is not a diminutive suffix.

- So your children are Garikovnas and Garikoviches? Certainly.
- Daniel Garikovich and Jasmine Garikovna. What bothers you?

- No, nothing... Beautiful names. Did you come up with it yourself?
- Jasmine - in honor of my mother. Beautiful flower. It sounds elegant and sonorous. And Daniel is a figment of Steven Seagal's sick imagination. I didn’t know until recently who we would have. I wanted it to be like the old days good times. To be blissfully unaware until the very end, and then see your wife in the maternity hospital window shouting: “We’re having a boy.” Or: “You’re having a girl!” When it turned out that a boy would be born, Steven Seagal, being the hero of our program, recommended - call him Daniel. I couldn't refuse. You see, he’s twice as wide at the shoulders as I am and a hundred times stronger. I'd rather name my son whatever he wants Hollywood actor than I will be left without ears or with broken ribs.

- Is the intellect timid before physical strength?
- And how! Is it possible to fill your face with intellect? I'm generally very humble person, even shy. After all, all my childhood dreams were completely destroyed. I wanted to be a blue-eyed blond with long hair, but became a brown-eyed brunette with a high IQ.

- Are there any Armenians who are blonde?
- Real Armenians are generally red-haired - look at my daughter. She is red, like an orange, and just as lively. And there are blondes too. For example, Dmitry Kharatyan. I still envy him black envy. Black because he himself is black.

- You don’t give the impression of a person with a difficult childhood.
- So he never was. Our family did not live in poverty - the house had all the attributes happy life. A VCR, good clothes, juices, candies, even two cars. My brother and I were spoiled, but in moderation. That is why I had no desire to stand out - everything was for a happy childhood and so it was. He could joke, play pranks - but no more. There were hooligans worse than me. I remember once, in first grade, I said that I was Brezhnev’s grandson. Classmates came to visit us with terrible force, and my grandmother, when they began to ask her clarifying questions, correctly got out that, they say, we are all, to some extent, the grandchildren of the Secretary General. Then, when the guests left, of course, the first day hit me.

- Did you fall in love when you were young?
- Of course, I fell in love. But everything is somehow frivolous. I had other priorities then - to become “the coolest in humor.” The most famous and most professional. There was no time for strong loves.

- Do you share the opinion of some former KVN players that Evgeny Petrosyan borrows jokes from you?
- By definition, I can’t think anything bad about Evgeniy Vaganovich. PetrosYAN, MartirosYAN - do you feel what’s wrong? But in fact, I would not be lying if I say that I grew up listening to Petrosyan’s jokes, that I began to learn humor from his performances. To some extent, he is my correspondence teacher. When I was a child, there weren’t many satirists and comedians, so their performances were recorded on tape and memorized. And as for the level of jokes... You know, if a person has a sense of humor, then he will be interested in both Petrosyan’s concert and “ProjectorParisHilton”. On the other hand, look at how full the halls are during Yevgeny Vaganovich’s concerts. That's the same! They are overcrowded. This means this artist is doing everything right.

Garik, you don’t feel sorry for your own people musical abilities? You use them only in an “applied” form, as a supplement to the work of the presenter.
- I’ll tell the readers one secret. I'm not like that genius musician. I don’t know how to play the wind instruments at all, can you imagine? On the piano - please. Guitar, drums - with pleasure. But the saxophone or trumpet - full pipe. It’s even embarrassing to look people in the eyes. But seriously, six months ago Ivan Urgant and I and the great guitarist Roman Miroshnichenko recorded a joint single “Senegal”. This is music in its purest, professional form. I hope that this experience will not be the last, and we will even be able to organize joint performances.

- They say that the heroes of “Our Rashi”, Ravshan and Dzhamshud, were copied from your real friends. This is true?
- Well, acquaintances - that's a strong word. It’s just that many years ago, back in Armenia, two migrant workers did my repairs; I don’t even remember what their names were. Here they are - real prototypes. One to one. I come home and see that the window sill is flush with the wall. I say: “Is this how the window sill should be?” They nod together: “Pakalotnik.” Pakalotnik." I continue the questioning: “Should it be flush or stick out?” They: “Vrovini. Or vipirati." To this day, in that apartment, the window sill merges with the wall on one side, and sticks out about ten centimeters on the other.

- Please continue the phrase: “Not every Russian knows that...”
- ...real kebab should be removed from the skewer not with your hand or a fork, but with real Armenian lavash, and placed in the same form in the bowl, certainly covering it with another lavash on top. So that the meat does not cool down longer and does not dry out. And what does the lavash itself become after it is soaked in kebab juice! Mmm...

- Garik, don’t you regret leaving your homeland and moving to live in Moscow?
- But I didn’t leave my homeland. Flying from Yerevan to Moscow for two hours is almost the same as being stuck in a traffic jam on the way from home to office. I am a citizen of Armenia. Armenia is my Motherland, this is the country that made me, with which all the good memories in my life are associated. After all, my relatives are there, my parents and friends are there. We go there every holiday, sometimes even weekends. Every second I am ready to break away and leave for Yerevan.

By the way, about your parents. It is they who need to be thanked for your absolute ear for music and an excellent sense of humor?
- In our family, everyone joked and everyone had perfect pitch. Even Jasmine can say this now, and we laugh for another week. For example, we were recently traveling on a train, and the conductor asked her: “Jasmine, do you go to school?” The daughter, without thinking for a second, replies: “I’m on the train now, how can I go to school?” And I can say thank you to my parents for everything, they deserve it. Thanks to them, I had the happiest childhood in the world. I graduated art school and now I can draw a portrait of my beloved wife, which, in fact, is what I did when we first started dating. Thanks to my dad, I became a psychotherapist - he believed that this profession would help secure my future.

- Could you become a good psychotherapist?
- I think I could. In our team of comedians, everyone has their own shifts - it was very interesting for me to watch them. U normal people- normal shifts, but among the comedy club members, KVN members and projector perishil members - abnormal ones. For example, Misha Galustyan still bows to all the tinted “nines” passing by, Vanya Urgant is always trying to come up with a rhyme for her last name. Because he writes great novel in poetry to himself, but “Urgant” cannot rhyme with anything. In connection with this, he is even thinking about changing his last name to Ivanov. Or Ogurtsov. I don't remember anymore. Every year Tash dresses up as Santa Claus and goes with a bag of gifts to congratulate the children. Everything would be fine, but this usually happens in the summer. Seryozha Svetlakov cannot pass by public dry toilets - he runs in there singing and asks passersby to rock the stall from side to side. And Sasha Tsekalo regularly tsekalits. This, you know, is a most curious syndrome...

- And, excuse me, what does this mean?
- Do you have a medical education? No? So you won't understand.

- You are some kind of unethical psychotherapist - you reveal the medical secrets of your patients, joke about them.
- And I laughed throughout the entire course of medical ethics along with my classmates. Yes. This discipline was taught in the first year, and it was explained to all future students in great detail that the person in the white coat must be attentive, listen to all the patient’s complaints, even if they seem stupid, ask clarifying questions, not allow himself any jokes and, most importantly, Under what circumstances should you not reveal your emotions? We obediently wrote it down and learned it by heart, almost like the Ten Commandments. And so they take us for the first round in our lives and take us to our grandfather with a diagnosis of thrombophlebitis. This is a disease in which the walls of a vein become inflamed with the formation of a blood clot that closes its lumen. Nothing good, in general. Grandfather lowers his pants - and everyone is shocked! Legs from the ankles to the buttocks are covered in tattoos of the most vulgar content. Swear words, explicit drawings. Our entire group, remembering the commandments of etiquette for behavior with a patient, began to study his legs with exaggerated attention, and laughter was already bursting from all holes. They lasted about a minute and a half, probably. And then everyone broke out in unison, even grandpa giggled with us and told us about the history of each tattoo.

- As a failed psychotherapist, tell me: does laughter really prolong life?
- And how! I am simply convinced that laughter heals. There is even such a science - gelotology, which studies the effect of laughter on the human body. In world practice, where laughter therapy is actively used, the biggest difficulty that laughter therapists face is helping a person laugh. As aids humorous programs, audio recordings or speeches are used famous satirists and comedians. One of the main goals of laughter therapy is to help the entire body plunge into a state of deep peace, in which activation automatically occurs. internal forces. Such laughter allows you to “cleanse” stress from the body and, by getting to the subtlest psychological “clamps,” correct them. And then nature itself directs this freed energy in the right direction - for the rejuvenation and healing of a person. Therefore, everyone who watched a humorous program before going to bed will sleep better, breathe more smoothly, and will be able to forget for a while about the chronic lack of money and the problem of Libya.

He reports) was born in the city of Yerevan, on (February 14), in 1974. As a child, he caused his parents a lot of trouble. The boy was noisy and restless. The naughty boy was sent to music school at the age of six in order to slightly moderate his ardor. But that didn't help either. Soon Garik was expelled from musical institution for bad behavior. At school, he, naturally, was the leader, a great inventor and just a cheerful guy. And already during these years, Garik’s artistic talent manifested itself - in the sixth grade he received his first role in a school play.

Where else did Garik Martirosyan study? His biography reports that after school he graduated from the State Medical University in Yerevan. Few of the artist’s fans know that he worked for several years in his specialty, namely as a neurologist-psychotherapist. And, perhaps, his life would have flowed in this direction if one day he had not met the members of the famous KVN team “New Armenians”. Humor has always been his strong point. And since 1993, Garik’s life changed dramatically - he began playing in KVN. He himself claims that it was KVN that made him strong, purposeful, accustomed him to the frantic rhythm and pace of life, and the ability to work in a team.

Garik Martirosyan (his biography tells about this) first appeared on television in 1997. He was the screenwriter of the well-known program “Good Evening” with Ugolnikov. Gradually he became a participant in many projects, shows, and programs. And one of his victories in this field was in the “Two Stars” project. Excellent vocal abilities and a talented partner led him to success. But as a TV presenter, Garik first appeared on screens in the “Minute of Fame” program. This was a huge project for him.

Of course, we cannot ignore the “Comedy club” program, one of the founders of which was Garik Martirosyan. His biography says that it was clean water experiment. Several talented and active people met one day and decided to slightly modify the Russian humor that was familiar to everyone. Among the founders of this program are Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov, and many others. However, the residents were not immediately able to make their way onto television screens. And when the audience was able to see the first episode, despite the huge number of positive and enthusiastic reviews, there were still ill-wishers who were not satisfied with the openly impudent humor of the guys.

Many people are interested in whether Garik Martirosyan is married. The biography (the artist’s personal life, by the way, is not very publicized) reports that his wife’s name is Zhanna Levina, and the couple met back in 1997. And in 2004, the talented artist became a father. The children of Garik Martirosyan are his daughter Jasmine. Although many believe that the Comedy resident has other offspring. Despite his busy schedule, Garik always tries to devote as much time as possible to his family.

Biography of this person - shining example how humor and charisma help you succeed in life. And it doesn’t matter where you are registered, what city you were born in, where you studied. The main thing is a dream, perseverance in achieving goals and a bright outlook on life, optimism.

Garik Martirosyan is a Russian and Armenian comedian, screenwriter, famous showman and presenter, co-producer of many humorous programs and shows on the TNT channel, one of the founders of the Comedy Club program. He is undoubtedly very talented and successful man, with a huge army of fans who are interested in the showman’s personal life, who is Garik Martirosyan’s wife, and whether he has children.

Numerous fans of the comedian are interested in the smallest details of the comedian’s life, how old Martirosyan Garik is, where he lives. Garik Martirosyan was born in 1974, on February 13 in Yerevan, sunny Armenia. The boy's parents were very superstitious and did not want to record their son's birthday on February 13, so they set February 14 as his birthday. Now the comedian celebrates his birthday for two days in a row every year.

Garik is the eldest son, he has a younger brother, Levon. The comedian's father, Yuri Mikhailovich, is a mechanical engineer by profession, his mother, Jasmine Surenovna, is a sought-after gynecologist, Doctor of Science. Garik's family is very intelligent and respected; one grandfather of the comedian, Suren Nikolaevich, was Deputy Minister of Trade in the USSR, the second was a school director. Younger brother Levon headed the United Liberal Party for a long time national party Armenia, assistant to the President of Armenia. All of the comedian’s relatives are old-timers; two of his grandmothers and one grandfather are alive, despite the fact that they are over 90 years old.

Garik was different from his brother from the very beginning early age, was a very active boy, he broke sets and played pranks in the house. The parents tried to take care of their sons, paying them maximum attention, the brothers went to study at a music school, but soon Garik was expelled from it for bad behavior. After school, he enjoyed playing the guitar, piano and drums. All this can be seen in the humorous performances at the Comedy Club, where Garik plays the piano more often than other residents. musical instruments and sings. He composes his own music.

School and student years

At school, Garik studied well, became calmer, however, he was known as a great inventor and the first ringleader. One day, he came up with a story that Leonid Brezhnev was his grandfather, and made all his classmates believe it. Already at school, teachers noticed the boy’s acting talent; he played his first role at the age of 11, portraying Archimedes in a school production.

Then the boy had no idea how his life would turn out, and really wanted to be a doctor, like his mother. After graduating from school, the guy entered Yerevan Medical University and studied to become a neurologist-psychotherapist. After graduation educational institution He worked for three years according to the profile he received. Acting talent and eccentric character still outweighed, but Martirosyan himself says that he does not at all regret working as a doctor. After all, thanks to this work, he can now understand people more deeply and believes that it is difficult to deceive him.

Despite the cynical profession of a doctor, the young man joked always and everywhere. After three years of medical practice, a fateful acquaintance occurred in the life of the young doctor; he met the KVN team “New Armenians”, with whom he began to take part in the game. This acquaintance in 1992 became a ticket to television for Martirosyan. Age and external characteristics were suitable for television career, especially since back in the 90s, when performing with the KVN team, Garik was remembered by many viewers and gained real admirers of his humor.

Work and creativity

At first, Martirosyan was an ordinary player in KVN, but after three years he became the captain of the team. The comedian devoted all his free time to the game; in the early 2000s, the main money for living came from touring and playing in KVN, and then he first tried himself as a screenwriter. Then the promising team “Burnt by the Sun” appeared, for which the comedian wrote scripts.

  • From 1993 to 2002, Martirosyan played for the New Armenians team, at the same time he worked in the program with Igor Ugolnikov.
  • In 2005, together with friends from the KVN team Arthur Tumayan, Artashes Sargsyan and Arthur Janibekyan, they created a new Comedy project Club. The comedy show quickly gained momentum and over time became the most popular show in Russia. Martirosyan himself speaks very modestly about his role in the creation of the show; he claims that talented guys just got together and decided to try to joke. However, his colleagues at the Comedy Club claim that it was Martirosyan who was one of the founders of the show.
  • 2006 - participated in the show “Two Stars”, in which he sang together with Dolina Larisa. Their couple won this project.
  • Since the end of 2006, he has been a co-author of the show “Our Russia” together with Semyon Slepakov and Arthur Janibekyan.
  • In 20017, Martirosyan was chosen as the host of the “Minute of Glory” talent show.
  • Since 2008, one of the hosts of the ProjectorParisHilton show.
  • In 2015, he became the host of the musical project “Main Stage”, then he was the host dance show"Dancing with the Stars".
  • On April 1, 2018, a new author’s show “Martirosyan Official” was released on the TNT channel, where Garik became the host.

The comedian proves himself not only as a joke writer, he has written many scripts for comedy films and even took part in some of them:

  • 2005 - played a cameo role in the film “Our Yard”.
  • 2008 - played the role of Rudik in comedy show"Our Russia".
  • 2009 - role in the TV series “Univer”.
  • 2010 - played himself in full-length film“Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny."
  • 2013 - starred in the humorous show of colleagues Garik Kharlamov and “KhB”.
  • 2017 - role in the film “Zomboyashchik”.

The story of meeting Zhanna Levina

The comedian’s personal life is not a secret, but Garik Martirosyan’s wife does not make her biography public. Martirosyan and Levina have been married for almost 20 years; they met back in 1997, when Zhanna, as a student at Stavropol University, came to KVN in hometown Sochi cheer for your favorite team "New Armenians". Even then, sympathy began between the young people, they spent the evening together, walked along the beach. And the next morning the girl left for Stavropol to take the exam, and the next time they met was only a year later, when Zhanna arrived for new game teams.

When Martirosyan saw Zhanna a year later, he was very happy, complaining that she was missing and he could not find her. Zhanna believed the charming guy and fell in love with him. Zhanna herself claims that Garik has not changed at all since the time they met, but she had to break her own character. She was getting a serious profession, she wanted to become a forensic investigator, but she fell in love with a guy who lived for jokes.

Zhanna was very worried about how Garik’s parents would receive her, because at that time he was very popular in Yerevan, everyone knew him and admired him, and then he brought an unknown Jewish girl from Sochi. Zhanna remembers the first time she went to meet Garik’s mother at the hospital, at her work. I bought a huge bouquet of roses for her, my mother received the girl very warmly.

In 1998, Garik made a serious decision: it was time to ask the girl to marry. Zhanna's parents flew to Yerevan from Sochi for the engagement; the couple was very worried about how they would get along, different mentalities, different nationalities. Even their own parents did not believe that Zhanna and Garik’s marriage would last; everyone thought the couple should get a divorce. The couple got married on the island of Cyprus, immediately after the concert; the witnesses at their wedding were the guys from the “New Armenians” team.

As Zhanna recalls, they experienced many difficulties, including distance and endless travel in the crisis year of 1998. After the wedding, life began “in garrisons”; together with the “New Armenians” team, Zhanna traveled half the world - from Los Angeles to Alma-Ata.

The woman remembers how she really wanted to have a child, but with such tour schedule it was impossible. Until Garik decided to move to Moscow, there were more opportunities there. The couple rented an unrenovated apartment in an old building. The girl got a job, but their schedules did not coincide at all, she worked as a lawyer from 9 to 18, and Garik was always a night owl, creative personality, he could write jokes until the morning, and then sleep until lunch. With such schedules, the couple practically stopped seeing each other, and then Zhanna decided to quit and take care of her husband and build a family.

In 2004, the couple had a daughter. She was named Jasmine in honor of Garik's mother, in 2009 her son was Daniel. Today a woman devotes herself entirely to her family and her beloved husband. She is the first listener and critic of his jokes. Zhanna runs Instagram, where she writes interesting funny stories about the life of a comedian's wife.

Zhanna says that the Comedy Club has greatly changed their lives, more opportunities and money have appeared. The couple was finally able to buy a nice, spacious apartment in Moscow. Dream about country house, but can’t afford it yet.

Zhanna is confident to write funny scenarios, Garik should be happy, so she long ago defined her role in his life. She must support in her husband good mood Moreover, it is not difficult, Garik is a great optimist in life.

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