What are the names of the dwarves in the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”? Favorite characters: the names of the dwarves from the fairy tale about Snow White What were the names of the seven dwarfs from the fairy tale


They accompany us throughout childhood and help us believe in miracles and love, even when we become adults. Can you remember the names of the dwarves from the wonderful fairy tale "Snow White"? Let's remember together.

Who are gnomes?

Dwarves can be found on the pages of Scandinavian and German folklore. They are human-like, short in stature, and have beards. The occupation of fairy-tale creatures is associated with the mining of diamonds and jewelry deep underground. Dwarves do not really like people, but, as a rule, they do not do evil.

How fairy-tale creatures got names

The names of the dwarfs for "Snow White" were invented by the one to whom most adults owe a fairy-tale childhood, namely Walt Disney. In the original, written by the Brothers Grimm, these cute fairy-tale creatures did not have names. There were also a few other differences: for example, in the original, the queen dies after dancing in hot shoes. But such a plot is not suitable for a small viewer, it was decided to change it a little. Here are the favorite names of the dwarves from Snow White:

  1. Smart guy. This is the eldest of the gnomes and, as expected, the most important. To make him look respectable, he has glasses on. Knows everything and about everything. True, he stutters during conversations.
  2. Grumpy. This gnome is always dissatisfied with everyone. Everywhere he suspects a trick. The only fairy-tale creature who is unkind to Princess Snow White.
  3. Veselchak. This darling gnome is the life of any company with an infectious smile. Sweet and kind.
  4. Sonya. This gnome always wants to sleep everywhere. He yawns constantly and is slightly lethargic.
  5. A modest person - here he is - an example of shyness. At the same time, the gnome always turns very red.
  6. Sneeze. The gnome clearly suffered from allergies. Especially when smelling flowers. He sneezed so much that at the mere sign of it, the dwarves ran to stop him, and in one episode they even tied his beard in a knot.
  7. Vyalenky or Simpleton. The youngest of all the gnomes. Very cute and funny. This is the only one of all the gnomes who has not yet grown a beard. And he doesn't have hair either.

Which of the gnomes is the best?

The names of the seven dwarves have been refreshed in your memory, but can you remember which was your favorite dwarf? The winner among the little fairy-tale heroes is Vyalenky! This is not surprising, because he is the youngest of all seven dwarves, very kind and simple-minded, which is why kids love him the most.

Each fairy tale has its own story, which is written during the creation of the animation. Some interesting facts about the creation of the cartoon "Snow White":

Who removed Snow White from her throne?

Despite criticism and skeptical reviews, Snow White remained the box office leader until the appearance of the film Gone with the Wind. This was the first color film. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is an Oscar winner.

We sincerely hope that the names of gnomes helped you briefly return to childhood and take a break from the complexities of the adult world.

The Simpleton is the only dwarf from the cartoon who does not have a beard. This gnome is very clumsy and never talks. They say he simply never tried to speak due to his character. Simpleton is a very cute, but a little stupid gnome. He wears a pink cap and a green suit. Simpleton has blue eyes and a very friendly appearance.

Sneezy (Sneezy)

It’s not for nothing that Sneeze got his funny name. With one sneeze, this gnome can accidentally blow away even the heaviest object in the room. They say that this hero began to sneeze after he had a fever. He can sneeze at absolutely any moment, even at the most inappropriate moment. And every time his brown cap flies into his eyes.


Shy is the shyest and timid dwarf of the seven. Despite the long white beard that adorns the faces of almost all gnomes, the Shy One always looks very cute and modest. As soon as someone pays attention to the Shy One, he immediately begins to feel awkward. This dwarf wears a green cap and often smiles shyly.

Sonya (Sleepy)

Sonya is the slowest and sleepiest gnome not only in the cartoon, but also, it seems, in the whole wide world. He always looks tired. If Sonya is not sleeping, then he constantly walks around yawning. This hero's favorite pastime is, of course, sleep. This gnome wears a green cap and a suit of the same color. Sonya is easy to recognize by his slowness and sleepy appearance.


Veselchak's name fully reveals his character. This dwarf laughs more than all the other heroes and is always in a great mood. You can immediately notice his friendly disposition even with the naked eye. And his plump cheeks and round tummy only emphasize Veselchak’s glorious character.


Grumpy is the most distrustful of the seven dwarves. At first, Grumpy is very disapproving of Snow White's presence in the dwarves' house. But then it is he who warns Snow White about the danger and rushes to her aid, despite the risk and his grumpy nature. Among all the gnomes, Grumpy has the largest nose, he often squints one eye and, of course, grumbles a lot.

Smart guy (Doc)

Egghead is the leader of the Seven Dwarves. This hero of the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is distinguished by incredible intelligence and intelligence. The smart guy knows everything about everything, it’s not for nothing that he was given just such a nickname. This hero always wears glasses, as every scientist should. And Clever Man often confuses his words, which does not prevent all the other gnomes from treating him with respect.

News and society

Let's list the names of the dwarves from Snow White. How many do you know?

March 17, 2017

Based on a fairy tale written a long time ago by the Brothers Grimm, in 1937 the Walt Disney film studio produced a full-length cartoon, keeping its original title - “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. The plot tells us about an orphaned girl who is expelled from her own home by her evil stepmother-witch. Wandering through the forest, she meets seven Lilliputian brothers who offer her shelter. Absolutely all children and adults know how this fairy tale ends, but not everyone remembers the names of the gnomes, who are the main characters. So we decided to introduce ourselves to these funny characters.

Smart guy

Let's start listing the names of the gnomes with the main one, the bearer of which was the leader of his brothers. In the English version of the cartoon, he is called “Doc” from the word “Doctor”, since only he knows everything and always. A distinctive feature of this brother was his stuttering. But this defect did not at all prevent him from teaching everyone and giving invaluable advice.


It’s easy to guess what kind of character this hero has. The grumbler is always dissatisfied with what is happening; he does not like the weather, the people around him, and even the food. Moreover, he is the only one of his brothers who believes that a woman brings misfortune to the house. Therefore, he is categorically against Snow White living in their hut.

It is worth noting that this character is one of the main ones in the series “Once Upon a Time.” Using his example, we are shown how the names of gnomes appear and even how they change. Grumpy, for example, previously called himself a Dreamer, and after his dreams did not turn into reality, he became what we always knew him to be.


This gnome is a concentration of positivity. He sees only good in everything. At every opportunity he dances or sings. He constantly hums Tyrolean tunes, often listing in them the names of the gnomes - his brothers.


In Russian translation, this sounds like a woman’s name, but if not for it, it would be impossible to convey the entire essence of the character of this Lilliputian brother. Sonya constantly yawns, spends all her free time dozing, and if she needs to do something or go somewhere, she will show fatigue and lethargy with all her appearance.


You probably already guessed a long time ago that all the names of the dwarfs from Snow White are an accurate description of the heroes themselves and their main qualities. Here is the Shy One we come to, an extremely shy person. In any conversation, he lowers his head, draws in his neck, and it seems that he does not have the strength to listen to the end of his interlocutor. The Shy Man's peculiarity is that every time he turns red and looks like a big tomato.


Sometimes it seems that in this hero the authors have concentrated all types of allergies to which a person can react with a runny nose. For this gnome, flowers and dust, fluff and snow, rain and even food are unbearable. Sometimes he likes to sneeze just to amuse his brothers.


Or “The Simpleton,” as Snow White affectionately calls him, is the smallest of all the Lilliputian brothers. The only character in the fairy tale who doesn’t tense up at all, to such an extent that he doesn’t even speak. He either uses gestures or makes characteristic sounds by which he is understood and heard. But despite all this, the Simpleton always looks funny and complements the overall picture.

If you remember the names of the seven dwarves from Snow White, you can safely say that you have met the main characters of this fairy tale. Each name fully reveals the character and characteristics of its owner and even makes it possible to guess how they will act in different situations. However, sometimes the dwarven brothers surprise the viewer, showing us courage and courage, which, as it may seem at first glance, are not at all inherent to them.

Source: fb.ru



Based on a fairy tale written a long time ago by the Brothers Grimm, in 1937 the Walt Disney film studio produced a full-length cartoon, keeping its original title - “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. The plot tells us about an orphaned girl who is expelled from her own home by her evil stepmother-witch. Wandering through the forest, she meets seven Lilliputian brothers who offer her shelter. Absolutely all children and adults know how this fairy tale ends, but not everyone remembers the names of the gnomes, who are the main characters. So we decided to introduce ourselves to these funny characters.

Smart guy

Let's start listing the names of the gnomes with the main one, the bearer of which was the leader of his brothers. In the English version of the cartoon, he is called “Doc” from the word “Doctor”, since only he knows everything and always. A distinctive feature of this brother was his stuttering. But this defect did not at all prevent him from teaching everyone and giving invaluable advice.


It’s easy to guess what kind of character this hero has. The grumbler is always dissatisfied with what is happening; he does not like the weather, the people around him, and even the food. Moreover, he is the only one of his brothers who believes that a woman brings misfortune to the house. Therefore, he is categorically against Snow White living in their hut.

It is worth noting that this character is one of the main ones in the series “Once Upon a Time.” Using his example, we are shown how the names of gnomes appear and even how they change. Grumpy, for example, previously called himself a Dreamer, and after his dreams did not turn into reality, he became what we always knew him to be.


This gnome is a concentration of positivity. He sees only good in everything. At every opportunity he dances or sings. He constantly hums Tyrolean tunes, often listing in them the names of the gnomes - his brothers.


In Russian translation, this sounds like a woman’s name, but if not for it, it would be impossible to convey the entire essence of the character of this Lilliputian brother. Sonya constantly yawns, spends all her free time dozing, and if she needs to do something or go somewhere, she will show fatigue and lethargy with all her appearance.


You probably already guessed a long time ago that all the names of the dwarfs from Snow White are an accurate description of the heroes themselves and their main qualities. Here is the Shy One we come to, an extremely shy person. In any conversation, he lowers his head, draws in his neck, and it seems that he does not have the strength to listen to the end of his interlocutor. The Shy Man's peculiarity is that every time he turns red and looks like a big tomato.


Sometimes it seems that in this hero the authors have concentrated all types of allergies to which a person can react with a runny nose. For this gnome, flowers and dust, fluff and snow, rain and even food are unbearable. Sometimes he likes to sneeze just to amuse his brothers.


Or “The Simpleton,” as Snow White affectionately calls him, is the smallest of all the Lilliputian brothers. The only character in the fairy tale who doesn’t tense up at all, to such an extent that he doesn’t even speak. He either uses gestures or makes characteristic sounds by which he is understood and heard. But despite all this, the Simpleton always looks funny and complements the overall picture.

If you remember the names of the seven dwarves from Snow White, you can safely say that you have met the main characters of this fairy tale. Each name fully reveals the character and characteristics of its owner and even makes it possible to guess how they will act in different situations. However, sometimes the dwarven brothers surprise the viewer, showing us courage and courage, which, as it may seem at first glance, are not at all inherent to them.

Slim, with wheat-colored hair, nut-brown skin and startlingly turquoise eyes, Buergel was half the size of Aeron, and had to climb onto a stool to look through the peephole. Like most houses in Auble, this one was built for people, and the lesser inhabitants coped with the inconvenience as best they could.
But the size of the apartment just allowed Bürgel to accommodate all his dwarf-sized accessories. The front room was his workshop and housed an incredible variety of tools: hammers, chisels, saws, lockpicks, multi-colored lenses, jewelry loupes, jars of powders and crushed ingredients for casting spells. A fat gray cat, the magician's familiar, lay curled up on the grimoire. He opened his yellow eyes, looked at Aeron with a contemptuous look, then fell asleep again.
- Richard Lee Byers Black bouquet

The endless hum of industry can be heard where close-knit societies of gnomes live. The rumble pierces and louder sounds: here and there there is the grinding of gears, echoes of an explosion, exclamations of surprise or triumph, and, especially often, ringing laughter. Dwarves delight in life, enjoying every moment a new invention, discovery, exploration, creation or mischief.


Gnomes are very energetic, and every inch of their tiny body seems to radiate enthusiasm and zest for life. On average, gnomes are slightly taller than 3 feet. (90 centimeters), and weigh between 40 and 45 pounds (18 and 20 kilograms). Their dark or brown faces are usually adorned with wide smiles (overhung by their prominent noses) and their light eyes sparkle with excitement. Their brown hair usually sticks out in different directions, as if expressing an unflagging interest in everything in the world.

The individuality of gnomes is clearly expressed in their appearance. Male gnomes keep their beards, as opposed to their wild hair, neatly trimmed, but often comb them into several strands, or into a funny pointed shape. Their clothing, usually in soothing brown tones, is exquisitely embroidered, embossed, or embellished with precious stones.


According to the gnomes, life is a wonderful thing, and they are ready to drain such a source of pleasure to the last drop within the three to five centuries measured by it. People may wonder how not to die of boredom after such a long life, elves can savor the beauty of the world around them for many years, and it seems that only the gnomes are worried that even in such a generously allotted time they are not able to redo and revise everything they want .

Dwarves talk as if their thoughts do not have time to get out of their heads. However, even when they share ideas and opinions on various topics, they manage to listen carefully to others, interjecting appropriate exclamations of surprise, and showing respectful signs of attention.


Dwarves make their homes in hilly, wooded lands. They live underground, but enjoy fresh air more than dwarves, enjoying surface wildlife whenever they can. Their homes are well hidden with clever devices and simple illusions. Welcome guests quickly find themselves in bright, warm holes. Those who are not expected are unlikely to even be able to find these holes.

Dwarves who settle in human lands are typically gem cutters, engineers, sages, or tinsmiths. Some human families keep gnome teachers so that their students can enjoy a combination of serious learning and joyful fun. A gnome can train several generations of the same family over the course of its long life.

Although gnomes enjoy jokes of all kinds, especially puns and pranks, they also devote themselves to solving the more serious problems they set for themselves. Many gnomes are skilled engineers, alchemists, tinsmiths, and inventors. They are willing to make mistakes and laugh at themselves as they improve their craft, make bold (sometimes desperate) decisions, and dream big.


Dwarves love names, and most of them have half a dozen names or so. The gnome's mother, father, clan elder, aunts and uncles: each gives the gnome a name, as well as various nicknames that may or may not stick for a long time. Dwarven names are usually variations on the names of ancestors or distant relatives, although some of them invent completely new ones. When gnomes deal with humans and others who are name-stuck, they use no more than three names: a personal name, a clan name, and a nickname, choosing among them those that sound the most fun.

Male names: Alvin, Alston, Boddinock, Brock, Buergel, Varrin, Wrenn, Herbo, Gimble, Glim, Jebeddo, Dimble, Zuk, Kellen, Namfoodle, Orrin, Rundar, Sibo, Sindri, Fonkin, Frug, Eldon, Erki

Female names: Bimpnottin, Brina, Weywaket, Donella, Duvamil, Zanna, Karameep, Carlin, Lilly, Lorilla, Loopmottin, Madnab, Nyx, Nissa, Oda, Orla, Roivin, Tana, Shamil, Elivik, Elijobell, Ella

Clan names: Beren, Garrick, Daergel, Mörnig, Knuckle, Ningel, Raulnor, Timbers, Touraine, Folkor, Sheppen

Nicknames: Badger, Barefoot, Two-Lock, Beater, Ku, Nim, Ashheart, Beerbread, Cloak, Pook, Gem, Stumbleduck, Fnipper


Curious and impulsive, gnomes may go on adventures to see the world or for a love of exploration. As lovers of gems and other small objects, some gnomes view adventure as a quick, if dangerous, path to wealth. Regardless of what prompted them to adventure, gnomes who embrace this lifestyle enjoy it as much as any other activity they engage in, sometimes to the great displeasure of their fellow adventurers.


It is rare to find a gnome who is hostile or angry unless he has suffered severe trauma. Dwarves know that most races do not share their sense of humor, but they enjoy any company, as in everything they do.


Your gnome character has the following traits, common to all gnomes.

Increased characteristics. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Age. Dwarves mature at the same rate as humans, and most likely settle into quiet adulthood by age 40. They are able to live from 350 to almost 500 years.

Worldview. Dwarves are most often kind. Those who strive for order usually become sages, engineers, explorers, scientists or inventors. Those more prone to chaos become minstrels, rogues, travelers, or skilled jewelers. Dwarves are kind-hearted, and even the swindlers they make are more playful than malicious.

Size. Dwarves stand between 3 and 4 feet (91 and 122 centimeters) in height, and average weight is 40 pounds (18 kilograms). Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base movement speed is 25 feet.

Dark vision. Adapted to life underground, you have excellent vision in the dark and in dim light. At a distance of 60 feet. you can see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. In the dark, you cannot distinguish colors, only shades of gray.

Dwarf cunning.

Varieties. There are two types of gnomes in D&D worlds - rock gnomes and forest gnomes. Choose one of these types.


Forest gnomes have a natural ability for illusion, and are inherited agility and stealth. In D&D worlds, forest gnomes are rare and secretive folk. They gather in communities hidden deep in the forests, and use illusion and deception to hide from danger or hide their escape if discovered. Forest gnomes are usually friendly with other good forest folk, and consider elves and good fairies to be their main allies. These gnomes are also friends with small forest animals who warn them of danger.

Increased characteristics. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Natural illusion. You know the spell minor illusion. The basic stat for using it is Intelligence.

Communication with small animals. With the help of sounds and gestures you can convey simple concepts to Small or even smaller animals. Forest gnomes love animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers and other animals as pets.


Rock gnomes stand out for their ingenuity and tenacity. Most gnomes in D&D worlds are rock, including the crafting gnomes from the world of the Lance Saga.

Increased characteristics. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Craft knowledge. When making an Intelligence (History) check against a magical, alchemical, or technological object, you can add twice the proficiency bonus to the check instead of the normal one.

Tinsmith. You are proficient with craft tools (tinsmith's tools). With their help, you can spend 1 hour of time and 10 gp worth of materials to create a Tiny Mechanical Device (AC 5, 1 hit point). This device stops working after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour keeping it working). You can use an action to disassemble it; in this case you can get the used materials back. You can have no more than three such devices at the same time.

When creating a device, select one of the following options:

  • Wind-up toy. This wind-up toy depicts an animal, monster or creature such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon or soldier. When placed on the ground, it travels 5 feet. in a random direction for each of your turns, making sounds corresponding to the creature depicted.
  • Lighter. This device produces a miniature flame that can be used to light a candle, torch or fire. Using this device requires action.
  • Music box. When opened, this box plays a medium volume melody. The box stops playing if the melody ends or if the box is closed.


A third subrace of gnomes, the deep gnomes (or svirfneblin), live in small communities scattered throughout the Underdark. Unlike duergar and drow, svirfneblin are as good as their surface cousins. However, their humor and enthusiasm are tempered by their oppressive environment, and their inventive skill is mainly expressed in working with stone.


Addition:"Princes of the Apocalypse"

Born underground

Svirfneblin are more creatures of stone than of flesh. Their skin is typically gray, brown, or dun in color, which acts as a natural camouflage with the rock around them. Their bodies are angular, heavily muscled or outright fat, and despite their small stature, they are heavier than they appear; svirfneblin often weigh 100 pounds or more, but rarely grow taller than 3 feet.

Male svirfneblin are bald from early childhood, although as adults they can grow stiff beards or mustaches. Women have a lot of hair on their heads, but they usually braid it or cut it off so that it does not interfere with their work.

Svirfneblin are well adapted for underground existence. They have excellent vision in the dark, and many of them have magical talents that rival the innate abilities of the drow and duergar. They are surprisingly strong for their size, and are also resistant to hard work and dangers that would break most other creatures.

Magnificent miners

Despite their cautious nature, svirfneblin are not joyless. They admire fine workmanship and fine craftsmanship as much as any other gnome. Svirfneblin love gems of all kinds, and they bravely search for gems in the deepest and darkest tunnels. They are also experts in cutting and mining, and value rubies above other gemstones.

Dwellers of the Deep

Svirfneblin are known as deep gnomes because they prefer to live deep below the earth's surface. Most svirfneblin have never seen the light of day. Their homes are cleverly hidden behind maze-like passages and cunning illusions. Svirfneblin settlements are surrounded by vast networks of mining tunnels, filled with deadly traps and hidden gatehouses. Once the traveler passes through the outer defenses, the tunnels lead into stunning cave towns carved from the surrounding rock with great grace. Svirfneblin are strict in their comforts compared to their surface brethren, but they take pride in their stonework.

The deep gnomes do everything they can to remain hidden. Even if a surface traveler is successful in finding the svirfneblin, gaining their trust may be an even more difficult task. Those rare travelers who were able to make friends with deep gnomes understand that they are loyal and brave allies against any enemy

Scouts and spies

Superficial gnomes are drawn to the life of an adventurer out of a desire to learn about the world around them, see new things, and meet new people. In comparison, most svirfneblin rarely wish to travel. They see the surface world as a crazy place without boundaries, filled with unknown dangers. However, some of the svirfneblin realize that they need to know something about what is happening on the surface near their secret hideouts. As a result, some svirfneblin become scouts, spies, and messengers, going on risky missions and doing whatever they can to avoid attention. They do not like to talk about their goals or their home, but if they are kind to them, they can trust the surface dwellers.

Some svirfneblin become traders, doing business with other races above and below the earth. Drow, duergar, and other peoples know that svirfneblin are neutral in their views and are generally honest in trading matters. Acting as an intermediary between warring races that cannot deal directly can be extremely lucrative, and they serve this function. Svirfneblin brokers tend to know more about rumors and threats between merchants on opposing sides than anyone else.

Deep Dwarf Names

Svirfneblin prefer less colorful names than their related rock or forest gnomes. Clan names reflect the skill or profession the family is associated with, but may change if someone succeeds in a new direction.

Male names: Belvar, Brickers, Valshud, Durtmek, Krieger, Kronkhad, Tulvar, Firble, Shneiktik, Shnelfek

Female names: Beliss, Darzii, Friknati, Ivridda, Krivi, Lyulziss, Nalvati, Shnella, Tilmarra, Versidda

Clan names: Crystalfist, Gemcutter, Ironfoot, Rockheaver, Simfinder, Stonecutter

Features of the deep gnomes

When creating a gnome character, you can choose the svirfneblin as an alternative subrace for the gnome. For your convenience, the features of the gnome and deep gnome are described together here.

Increased characteristics. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age. Deep gnomes live shorter lives than other gnomes. They, like humans, reach maturity and are considered adults by age 25. They live between 200 and 250 years, although the hard work and dangers of underground life can lead to their early demise.

Worldview. Svirfneblin believe that survival depends on understanding with other creatures and try not to make enemies, and therefore prefer a neutral alignment. They rarely wish others harm and are unlikely to risk their lives to protect the interests of another.

Size. Svirfneblin typically stand between 3 and 3.5 feet tall. (91 to 106 centimeters) and weight from 80 to 120 pounds (36 to 54 kilograms). Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base movement speed is 25 feet.

Excellent dark vision. Your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.

Dwarf cunning. You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Stone camouflage. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when trying to hide in rocky terrain.

Languages. You speak, read, and write Common, Dwarven, and Underworld. The Dwarven dialect of the svirfneblin is more guttural than that of the surface gnomes, and most svirfneblin know Common very little, but those who deal with outsiders (this includes you as an adventurer) know Common well enough to travel.

Optional trait

If your DM allows you to use traits from the Player's Handbook, then your deep gnome has access to the special trait described below.

Svirfneblin magic

Requirement: Gnome (deep gnome)

You have inherited the innate magical ability of your ancestors. This ability allows you to cast a spell on yourself indefinitely. undetectability, without the need to use material components. With this ability, you can also cast the following spells once each: deafness/blindness , blurry image And disguise. You regain the ability to cast these spells when you finish a long rest.

The base stat to use these spells is Intelligence, and you cannot level up these spells.

    • Material taken from the pdf version of the translation "Player's handbook" from the studio "