How to survive the first year of college. Is it difficult for students to pass the session Session at a technical school


Answer from Neurologist[newbie]

Answer from Andrey Egorov[newbie]
no fucking* who cares

Answer from I am Human[newbie]
1 month of exams
The session occurs at the end of the semester (4 academic months), there are two sessions a year (in January and June)
no, they don’t study, but you can take the final tests within the session...

Answer from Albatross[active]
No, they don't study.
Only here at my university the session is a little different))
The winter session begins on December 1 (sometimes later, depending on the number of exams) and ends in December. In January we start studying again, and so on until May. All May session (summer). After which a wonderful THREE months of rest!! ! And back to school in September))
Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.)

Answer from Elena Shestakova[newbie]
A session is like a big exam, or a big test (as you like). Happens 2 times a year - in winter and summer. In winter - somewhere from the end of December, and in summer - in June. Lasts about a month. During the session, students do not study.

Answer from Nikum[guru]
But I know for sure!
Students live happily from session to session,
And the session is only twice a year!

Answer from Nadezhda Chistyakova[guru]
look at the exam schedule and find out how long the session lasts Between exams, usually 1-2 days

Answer from British[guru]
A session for a student is like exams for a schoolchild...

Answer from Galina Bogomolova[guru]
no training, only consultations. The session lasts a month.
But for correspondence students, the session may also include lectures. They quickly read something to them, a quick exam.

Answer from Desperado[guru]
session is the time during which students pass all exams. The session lasts about a month, 2 times a year. Students learn mainly during the session))

The academic year begins on September 1, unless it falls on a weekend, and ends at the end of June. The university has a five-day school week and you will spend about 6 hours here every day. Classes start at 8:00 or 8:30, go in pairs, between pairs there are breaks from 10-15 minutes to an hour. Starting from the 3rd year, classes go in cycles (when you study only one subject for several days).

What are the student's main documents?

These are a student card, a library card and an academic record book. A student card allows you to enter the university; this is your main document. As a reader, you receive textbooks and additional literature in the library. Your grades are recorded in the record book, and you need to come with it to tests and exams. You will be given your record book and student's card at the ceremony on September 1, and you will receive the reader's card at the library along with your textbooks.

When and where to receive textbooks?

Each faculty receives textbooks on its own day in the library on Gagarin, 18A (next to the main building), the schedule is usually posted on the university website in the news. You need to have your passport, pens and large bags (2-3 pieces) with you.

When and how are they assigned to groups?

At the end of August, the deans distribute the applicants into groups of 9-11 people and appoint prefects. Usually, the same group includes applicants who studied together at the Medical or Medical-Technical Lyceum, applicants from the same city, etc., but this is not necessary. To get into the same group as a friend, you need to approach the dean together on the twentieth of August and write an application.

Where will the classes take place? How to get there?

Classes are held in different buildings (section “Academic buildings”), so you will have to move from place to place, sometimes several times a day. There will be enough time between pairs to get to another building. We recommend that before the start of the school year, you and your relatives or friends tour the main buildings to remember their location. Most are located along bus routes 24, 34 and 41.

What will you need for classes?

First of all, a white medical gown and cap, which will need to be worn for most classes. Gowns are sold in special stores or medical clothing departments; there are many of them around the city, so you can easily choose something to suit your taste. A robe with the SamSMU emblem looks more beautiful, it can be purchased in university buildings. You will also need second shoes and stationery - pens, general notebooks (10-15 pieces), colored pencils, a sketchbook. Starting from the 3rd year, medical students will need a medical suit (jacket and trousers) and a phonendoscope.

Where can I have lunch?

All main buildings have canteens and buffets; you can have lunch there during breaks.

How many sessions are there per year and when are they?

The year consists of 2 semesters, each of which ends with a session of several exams. The winter session for most students begins in mid-January and ends in the last days. The summer session begins in mid-June and ends in the last days.

Can everyone take the session? What is a permit?

All students who have received admission to it can take the session. To obtain admission, you need to pass tests in all subjects studied in the current semester (usually 10-11 pieces). Admission is entered into the student's record book by the dean of the faculty.

What should I do if I fail the exam?

Don’t panic, it’s better to prepare and come for a retake at the end of the holidays.

When holidays?

Winter - after the winter session, usually 2-3 weeks. Summer - after the summer, but practice takes one month.

Who will receive the scholarship?

In the first semester, all students of budget education receive a scholarship, and then it is awarded based on the results of the session to good and excellent students. The scholarship is transferred to plastic cards that will be issued to you in the first semester. Students of extra-budgetary education do not receive a scholarship.

Why are people expelled from the university and how to avoid it?

The main reason is poor academic performance. Unlike school, you are now entirely responsible for yourself. A missed subject or a failed exam is your problem and no one else’s, so you shouldn’t relax too much. Believe me, there is nothing too complicated in the training courses, the teachers treat students well and are true professionals, and students have been successfully mastering the medical profession for almost 100 years.

This will be one of the best periods of your life that you will remember forever. Several years at the university will fly by unnoticed, but this is where you will make new good friends, find yourself in life and profession, and, perhaps, meet your love. Believe me, it's worth a lot!

For almost every person, the student years are a time associated with a huge amount of positive emotions. But there is, perhaps, the only thing that overshadows these pleasant memories. This thing is a session. Such a simple word, but how much stress and sleepless nights are associated with it, textbooks read from cover to cover and cheat sheets hidden in the most intricate places! Let's take a closer look at what a session is and what a student who is about to prepare for it should prepare for.

That scary word "session"

In general, a session is nothing more than several exams in the disciplines that the student completed during the semester. Moreover, if there were, for example, seven subjects, it is not at all a fact that there will be the same number of exams. As a rule, you will need to get credit for some of them. This procedure is often much easier than the session itself. Often, tests are given automatically. However, there are times when it is very difficult to achieve such a mark with a certain teacher. And this is necessary, because without tests you will not be able to find out first-hand what a session is, because the student simply will not be allowed to attend it.

How long will it take to suffer?

The duration of the session in most educational institutions is about three weeks, which makes it possible to more or less conveniently spread out all the exams. This is to ensure that students have enough time to prepare. Traditionally, there are three to four days between exams, during which you can intensively read notes and textbooks, or just as diligently write cheat sheets, whichever is closer to you.

There is no pattern as to when “difficult” exams are given: at the end of the session or closer to its beginning. The fact is that the complexity of a subject is an extremely subjective thing, and for teachers there are usually no difficult disciplines at all. However, Murphy’s law usually works here: the most difficult exam will be on the most inconvenient day.

Two semesters, two sessions

The academic year at a university usually consists of two semesters, each of which is followed by an examination period. The winter session usually occurs after the New Year holidays and ends in early February. It may seem that taking exams after a long, fun holiday will be very difficult. In fact, many students enjoy the summer session much less, because the weather is great, the sun is bright, and they have to cram and prepare for exams. The only good thing, perhaps, is that there are only two such periods of particularly intensive study per year. It’s even scary to imagine if there was still an autumn session, or even a spring one...

It's not easy for teachers either.

Teachers have their own opinions about what a session is. For them, of course, this is not such stress, but they work no less. After all, they have to listen to a huge number of students who sometimes say something completely different from what the answer to the exam question implies. And checking written work takes a huge amount of time, and students are always trying to rush or beg for a good grade.

Don't be afraid to fail

Many students' greatest fear is to fail a session - to fail one or more exams. I would like to reassure them and say that even if you do not pass the exam the first time, you will have at least a couple more attempts to prepare well and “conquer” the impregnable discipline. There's nothing wrong with retaking exams, just try to master the material better and be confident in your abilities.

There is a lot more that can be said about this, but it is enough to find out once what a session is, from your own experience, and 99% of the questions will disappear immediately, as well as exactly the same number of fears.

Nesterov A.K. How to pass the session // Nesterov Encyclopedia

The winter examination session is a difficult time for all Russian students. The session is especially intense, as always, for freshmen. For them, the winter session is the first in their lives. In this article I will look at 7 great tips on how to pass the exam.

Will I pass the session?- a question that worries every student, especially freshmen. After each session in each university there will be a dozen or two boys and girls who are discouraged by their results in the exams.

Why does this even happen? This also applies to excellent students. It often happens that at school I was an excellent student, passed the exams without much effort, but at the first session at the university I failed the exam and even more than one, a couple of failures... And how to live now?..

In 9 cases out of 10, it is not a lack of ability that is to blame for all this, but an incorrect approach to organizing your work. Yes, preparing for exams is also work.

I'll give you 7 great tips. how to pass the exam.

1. Don't waste your time

So it's here session and students take the exam, how to rationally approach your time?

Difficulties arise for students because the organization of the educational process in universities differs significantly from the approach that was in school. There are no daily homework assignments; intermediate control of assignments is carried out in the form of seminars, laboratories, etc., but they do not take place every day and not always regularly throughout the semester.

Therefore, students must organize their time and studies themselves. You need to plan the time when to study, when to relax - this is difficult and not easy for everyone.

The result of insufficient organization of your time: night vigils during the session, hassle with “tails”, nervous tension. All this reduces mental performance and only complicates the session.

In general, preparation for exams and the educational process itself at a university are incompatible with assault.

The granite of science must be gnawed with your teeth, and not tried to break it with your forehead.

You can, of course, read a textbook or lecture notes in a day, but you will not be able to master it, since a tired brain does not perceive the material well. Before the exam, you will look like a sleepwalker.

The brain is the main organ of the nervous system. Nerve cells do not have unlimited performance. Therefore, trying to increase it by staying up all night before exams will backfire.

If you consider that it also happens that during a session you have to pass, or even more than one, it is obvious that the load is very heavy.

What to do?

The only sure way is systematic work with educational materials every day during the semester.

If it were normal for the human body and brain to complete a course within 2-3 days, then everyone would receive an education in 3-4 months. In practice, a semester is allotted for this.

To pass the session– You need to prepare for exams in advance.

First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenova repeatedly conducts research into the problems of the educational process, and based on their results, they publish recommendations on organizing students’ work, how to simplify their lives and pass the exam without failing grades.

To increase the efficiency of using your time when studying, you need to:

  • Train memory, attention, willpower.
  • Consider your daily routine: sleep 8 hours, eat 3-4 times a day at the same time, spend at least 2 hours in the fresh air every day, including at least 20 minutes before bedtime. In general, it helps well in studying.
  • Treasure your time. How students steal their time: social networks, videos, level 80 elves, etc. In addition to wasting time, in the constant “twitching” mode, it is more difficult for the brain to absorb information from a textbook or course of lectures. And so at first 1.5-2 hours were lost, then another two hours and plus the head square from the flow of information mixed up. Allocate time according to your priorities.
  • Take notes during lectures. By taking notes with the teacher, you will learn the lecture material much better than just listening. Then it will be enough to look through the notes to refresh the lecture material. Copying someone else's notes is much less effective: first you need to spend time on rewriting, then on analyzing the lecture material, since it will be perceived as completely new and unfamiliar.
  • Control yourself. There is less control at a university than at school, but this does not mean that during lectures you can look at pictures on social networks or chat on your phone. After all, a strong person has willpower. Are you a strong person? Or do you want to become a weak-willed loser?

2. Take notes in lectures

Never have fun during lectures! There is free time for this.

You also need to take notes correctly.

  1. There is no point in mechanically recording the teacher’s lecture; this is of little use. Try to write down in your own words, quickly, clearly and straight away.
  2. Use conventions: common discipline-specific abbreviations and abbreviations. Just don’t forget to write them down somewhere with a transcript. Examples: CNS - central nervous system, ACS - automated control system, - increases, ↓ - decreases, etc.
  3. Writing down the gist of a lecture helps focus your attention. When taking notes, hearing, vision, and hand are involved. This means that different types of memory are mobilized and trained. By recording lectures, you not only master the subject, but also improve your mental performance. In turn, this will help in preparing for exams and passing the exam.
  4. Taking notes from the textbook is also useful. A person remembers the text he reads better if he makes notes along with reading.
  5. Theses. Train yourself to write down material in the form of simple and complex theses. A simple thesis is complete sentences, formulations of the author’s thoughts, i.e. understanding the material read in the textbook. A complex thesis involves logical conclusions, inferences and analysis of cause-and-effect relationships. Such work requires serious thinking about the text and therefore contributes to a more solid assimilation of the material.
Approximately half of the student’s time to prepare for the session is used to master the course program as part of independent work.

Then the student no longer has problems with how to pass the exam.

You need to spend about 4 hours a day working with textbooks and lecture notes. There is less time on Saturday and Sunday, or even exclude them from the school schedule of your own work. Sunday is best devoted to relaxation, walks, cinema, theater, sports training or outdoor games, skiing, skating rink in winter.

3. There is no hope for the last day

Leaving everything until the last day is a bad idea.

The logic here is simple. You need to prepare in advance, then problems with passing the exam will not arise.

Monotonous work tires you out faster than varied work, so on the last day before the exam, when you try to learn everything, you will get tired very quickly. Again, we remember that the brain’s performance is not unlimited.

For self-study to be productive, you need to plan it rationally. Taking into account that the brain gets tired of monotonous work, use the recommended 4 hours a day to prepare for two or three disciplines.

It would not be amiss to repeat the obvious fact. You won’t be able to do everything on the last day before the exam.

4. Different subjects require a different approach

Disciplines that require memorization, such as a foreign language, need to be given attention every day. It is more profitable to work with such items each for half an hour than once a week for three hours.

Fractional portions of material and frequent repetitions contribute to more effective memorization, allowing better use of the physiological characteristics of memory.

Disciplines whose material requires thinking, analysis, comprehension, and calculations should be given 1-1.5 hours or more. The productivity of mental labor is not the same: at first it increases, the so-called working period, then the maximum is reached, then the efficiency decreases. During the period of development, a person is gradually drawn into work, and the period of maximum efficiency is the most productive period of mental work, then the most stable performance takes place. This period can last from two to four hours without a break.

Productive mental work contributes to the effective assimilation of educational material, analytical work and calculations.

5. Class conditions

To speed up the onset of a state of stable performance, you need to suppress extraneous stimuli affecting the brain, or even better, remove yourself from them.

  1. Do not chat on the phone or in instant messenger.
  2. Don't look at the TV screen.
  3. Don’t look at social networks (even “just look at it for a couple of seconds”)!
  4. Don't look at online stores either!
  5. A level 80 paladin will wait, and tanks will wait too.
  6. Don't think about anything extraneous.
  7. No distractions.

Concentration is facilitated by the familiar environment of classes and the start of work at the same time.

If there are no suitable conditions at home or in a hostel, study in the library or reading room. At home - relax. A walk to the library and back is a great opportunity to get some fresh air.

The brain is very sensitive to a lack of oxygen, and a sitting position limits its supply to the lungs. If a person sits for a long time, blood stagnates in the lower parts of the lungs, abdominal organs and legs, which also reduces the performance of the body, primarily the brain.

Every hour, take a break for 5 minutes: get up, walk around, warm up, do a few simple muscle stretching exercises. It will be just great if you open the window during this time! We worked out for a total of 4 hours - a break for 1 hour. Let's go to the fresh air!

An important point is the lighting of the workplace. Most often, independent work for students occurs in the evening. If the workplace is lit insufficiently or unevenly, then the eyes will quickly get tired, which will cause a feeling of general fatigue and headaches. The hygienic standard of desk illumination is provided by one 40-60 W light bulb, covered with a lampshade or shade. The location of the light source should be on the left side of the desk. It is better not to neglect these rules - your eyesight must be protected.

6. Work plan

Class conditions also include planning work for the semester. This way you will develop willpower and organization.

How to compose work plan for the semester:

  1. Take a calendar with the ability to make short notes in it (the cells should be large enough). You can make your own calendar on your computer.
  2. In the cells, mark the disciplines you will study. Do this by analogy with how a class schedule is drawn up at a university. Use even and odd weeks for convenience.
  3. As you complete your planned work, make notes on successfully completed tasks on your calendar.
  4. At the end of the week, you control yourself whether you did everything or not. The results of the month are similar.
  5. If possible, set yourself small rewards for completing your weekly plans: going to the cinema, to a cafe, in general, give yourself something that makes your soul happy.

As an alternative, you can start a daily planner with an organizer in which you write down what you did each day. By comparing it with planned work, you will be able to objectively assess your performance.

It doesn’t matter if the plan needs to be adjusted later, it doesn’t matter – it’s up to you will help a lot to pass the exam.

7. Rational behavior during the session

To successfully pass the session you need to slightly rearrange your routine:

  • You still need to sleep 8 or at least 7 hours.
  • Distribute your work periods throughout the day as follows: from breakfast to lunch, from lunch to dinner, from dinner to bed. Each period is approximately 3-4 hours. End each work period with a short walk in the fresh air.
  • You can’t stay up late trying to cheer yourself up with strong coffee or tea. As a result, performance quickly decreases, and night vigils disrupt sleep. As a result, your productivity will tend to zero.

Schematically, the mode is shown in the figure. At the same time, take into account a small reserve for breaks. Thus, in three working periods you will have time to prepare for the session.

There is no need to arrive at the university too early on the day of the exam. Firstly, you won’t be able to expand your knowledge a few hours before the exam. Secondly, during this time you will simply get tired and nervous. Thirdly, when it’s your turn to take the exam, how physical and mental stress will inevitably affect your answer. Better use those same few hours to sleep or prepare at home before the exam. Come to the university with a little time to spare.

And a few more words about coffee. Strong coffee invigorates well, but during the session it is better to limit its consumption, since the stimulating effect on the brain has the opposite effect when consumed during prolonged mental stress. Drink no more than 1 to 2 cups of coffee per day in the morning.


Although exams are a significant waste of energy and nerves, you cannot do without them.

A session is not only a test of knowledge and ability to work independently.

During his studies at a university, a student takes several dozen exams and tests - the same number of times he prepares an answer, presents the material coherently, and answers the examiner’s questions. Taken together, all this instills the art of self-control, teaches you to think rationally, trains speech - these are qualities necessary for any qualified specialist.

I hope these tips on how to pass the exam will help you in this difficult task.

The session is the most difficult period of study for any student of a higher educational institution. At this time, the knowledge and skills of students accumulated throughout the semester are tested. A lot depends on whether the exams are passed successfully: the possibility of continuing studies, prospects for receiving a scholarship or

What is a session

A session is the period of passing exams in disciplines taught during the academic semester. The main goal is an intermediate assessment of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. If the exams are passed successfully, the student receives the right to continue studying.

The academic year of a full-time student includes two sessions - winter and summer. The number of exams is determined by the training plan: usually there are no more than six certification tests. Before each of them there must be at least three days of preparation.

How long does the session last?

The average duration is about 20 days, it depends on the regulations and curriculum of the institution. When the summer session for students begins and ends, each institute and university determines independently, but usually it begins in the second week of June. Things are also variable in winter: full-time students begin taking exams in mid-December and finish by the New Year or from the second week of January.

The examination period is usually preceded by a test week, which includes the submission of essays, laboratory work, tests, practice reports, and course projects. Only those students who do not have debts are allowed to take the exams.

If all exams are not passed within the time allocated for the summer or winter session, the university provides time to retake it (in total, no more than three times for one subject - the first unsuccessful attempt is taken into account). After passing all tests and exams, the student goes on vacation. Those students who have not closed the session are subject to...

Correspondence session

The deadlines for taking exams for correspondence students differ from the regulations established for full-time students. The beginning of the session also depends on the university curriculum and is determined by educational institutions independently. In most universities, in winter it falls in January-February, in spring - in April. The session for first-year correspondence students, as a rule, begins a little earlier - at the end of November or beginning of December.

Installation and test-examination session

For part-time students, there are two types of sessions:

  • installation (one to two weeks) - during this time, students become familiar with the features of the subject, receive basic knowledge about the disciplines of the current course, a list of references, teaching aids and assignments;
  • test or laboratory examination: during this period, students must prepare and submit all assignments received at the orientation session.

The duration of the break between the installation and examination periods ranges from two to six months. If the session is not closed, then with the permission of the dean of the faculty, a retake is scheduled, which must be completed before the next test and examination period.

Often the orientation session for the new semester begins immediately after passing the exams.

Current terminology

Most often, the duration of the test week and examination period is determined by each university independently. You can view the study plan on the website of the educational institution or in the dean’s office. In order to fully understand the official schedules, it is necessary to take into account that the concepts of “pre-session test week” and even “session” do not exist in the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the university educational process. Passing or retaking tests and exams, as well as other control tests in the official curriculum are usually combined under the concept of “intermediate certification”.

Successful study at a university is impossible without timely passing of tests and exams. But life circumstances do not always develop in such a way that a student cannot meet the time frame allotted by the university for intermediate certifications. In such cases, or may help.