How do you understand the meaning of the word choice? formulate and comment on the definition you have given. write an essay-argument on the topic “what is choice”


Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian linguist A. A. Reformatsky: “A pronoun is a convenient link in the structure of language; pronouns allow you to avoid tedious repetitions of speech, save time and space in the statement.” To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A.A. Reformatsky.

A work written without relying on the text read (not based on this text), Not Evaluated.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “I have chosen military career. Was this the result of fortune telling? Don't know..."

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CHOICE?

Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is choice”, using the definition you gave as the thesis. Arguing your thesis, give

2 examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) In the first year of my life, on the day of some holiday, according to an old belief, my parents arranged a fortune telling: they laid out a cross, a child’s saber, a glass and a book. (2) Whatever I touch first will determine my fate. (3) They brought me. (4) I immediately reached for the saber, then played with the glass, but I didn’t want to touch anything else.

(5) When telling me about this scene later, my father laughed: (6) “Well, I think it’s bad: my son will be a slasher and a drunkard!”

(7) This ancient fortune-telling, however, both came true and did not come true. (8) The saber, indeed, predetermined my path in life, but I did not renounce book wisdom either. (9) At the age of fourteen, he enthusiastically read and wrote poetry, at fifteen he switched to Anna Karenina, and at sixteen he read and analyzed everything with his comrades. (10) But, fortunately, he did not become a drunkard.

(11) The stories of my father, who went through a thorny path from a soldier to a captain, children's games - all this set me in a certain mood. (12) As a boy, I spent hours in the gymnastics town

1st Infantry Battalion, shot at the border guards' shooting range. (13) I walked about three miles to the shooting range of rifle companies, made my way with the soldiers who were counting the holes to cover in front of the targets. (14) Bullets whistled over our heads; it was scary, but very interesting. (15) On the way back, together with the arrows, he sang a soldier’s song:

(16) Thunder, glory, with a trumpet

Beyond the Danube, beyond the river.

(17) My hobby gave me weight in the eyes of the boys and aroused their envy...

(18) In a word, he settled down in a military environment, making friends among the officers, and even more so among the soldiers.

(19) The future life of an officer seemed to me then in an aura of sheer fun and daring, and not in the burden of work and worries, as is the case in reality.

(20) As I moved into the higher classes, my free time, of course, became less, other interests appeared, and my military exercises almost stopped. (21) The only thing I didn’t give up was gymnastics and excelled in the “military system,” which was introduced into the real school program in 1889.

(22) In any case, when I graduated from college, although high scores in mathematical subjects promised an easy opportunity to enter any higher technical institution, there was no question of this. (23) I chose a military career.

(24) Was this the result of fortune telling? (25) I don’t know...

(According to A. Denikin) *

* Denikin Anton Ivanovich (1872-1947) - Russian military leader, political and public figure, writer, memoirist, publicist and military documentarian.


15.1 Each part of speech has its own merits. According to Russian linguist A. A. Reformatsky, the role of pronouns in our speech is interesting. It is no coincidence that he asserted: “Pronouns are allocated to a special class of substitute words, which, like “replacement players” ... enter the field when significant words are forced to “free up the game.” Let's try to prove this using the example of the text of Anton Ivanovich Denikin.

With the help of pronouns, phenomena and concepts are concretized in the text. Already in the first (In the first year of my life, on the day of some holiday, according to an old belief, my parents arranged a fortune-telling: they laid out a cross, a child’s saber, a glass and a book.) the author uses possessive, indefinite, personal pronouns that help avoid unjustified repetitions make our speech more varied, expressive, and literate. The indefinite pronoun “some” has a generalized meaning.

Sentence 2 is connected to the previous one using the relative pronoun “to what,” which acts as a conjunction. In this case, the pronoun acts not only as a substitute for another part of speech, but also as a grammatical device.

After analyzing the text, we easily found confirmation of Reformatsky’s words about the role of pronouns and their importance in our speech.

15.2 It is not difficult to notice some irony at the end of A.I. Denikin’s text: “I chose a military career. Was this the result of fortune telling? Don't know. . . "What is the meaning of this irony? Let's try to understand the content of the text.

Denikin's hero tells what to think about the choice life path The parents started their child almost from birth, jokingly using even an ancient fortune-telling that allegedly predetermined the narrator’s future military career. This is stated in sentences number 1-6. Is it really that simple to determine the choice of life path? Of course not. Sentences number 11-14 reveal real reasons this choice. The boy was influenced by his father's stories, classes in the gymnastics town of the Rifle Battalion, and the harsh romance of shooting ranges. All this not only strengthened the childhood dream, but also helped achieve real results in military affairs.

What about fortune telling? Fortune telling, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with it, which is why the final lines of the text sound ironic. Man makes himself and his life his own with my own hands. Understanding this, you can achieve the desired results.

15.3 Choice - main stage decision-making process, consisting of selecting one option from several possible ones. Shakespeare was right in emphasizing the exceptional importance of such moments in life: “To be or not to be, that is the question...”. A person often finds himself in a situation of choice: profession, institute, loved one and friends, worldview... He has to give preference to some values ​​and norms, rejecting others.

Main character According to the text of A.I. Denikin, he becomes a military man not at all because this destiny once befell him according to an ancient belief. To realize his childhood dream, he needed perseverance and great desire. The boy was influenced by his father's stories, classes in the gymnastics town of the Rifle Battalion, and the harsh romance of shooting ranges. All this not only strengthened the childhood dream, but also helped to achieve real results in military affairs.

We also have to make our first serious choice after finishing ninth grade. And this choice for me, for example, did not arise today, not this minute. I have long dreamed of connecting my life with medicine, to benefit people, to help them when there seems to be no escape from pain and suffering. That's why I'm going to medical school. I hope that everything will work out for me - I can fulfill my dream and be happy man, going to work in the morning and home in the evening.

Choice is making one decision from many options. Often all the options are so attractive that it is unclear which is the best and correct. It happens that the right choice entails dire consequences. This problem has been raised in the literature and encountered by each of us.

  1. (55 words) In the story by N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa"faced a difficult choice main character. The peasant woman Lisa sincerely fell in love with the nobleman, and she had to decide: to surrender to her feelings or to submit to the arguments of reason. The girl entered into a relationship with Erast. She chose, at least briefly, happiness, but bitterly regretted her frivolity after the betrayal of her beloved. What is more pleasant is not always better.
  2. (60 words) Sophia, heroine of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit", chose between slandering her childhood friend and Chatsky, who was in love with her, or dispelling rumors about him. But the main character denounced Sophia’s lifestyle and her relationship with Molchalin. The girl decided to take revenge, and with her help, a rumor about Chatsky’s madness spread. Her choice is a mistake, because she soon realizes that the one she offended was right.
  3. (53 words) In the story by A.S. Pushkin " Stationmaster“Dunya, the daughter of the main character Samson Vyrin, faced a choice. Quiet home life or crazy escape in the name of love? The girl chose the second, crossed Samson out of life and thus drove him into the grave. In such a situation, there is no right choice, because the heroes could not find some kind of compromise and agree.
  4. (47 words) Pyotr Grinev, the main character of the novel by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter", faced a choice between military duty and life itself. The young man chose the path of honor, and he even benefited from this, since he earned the respect of his enemy, who not only did not kill Grinev, but also helped him save Masha Mironova.
  5. (46 words) Mtsyri, hero poem of the same name M.Yu. Lermontov, chose between freedom and imprisonment in a monastery. The young man dreamed of his native Caucasian villages, of freedom, so he chose the first option. Yes, the happiness lasted only three days, but Mtsyri remembered them as real life, the opposite of the false and oppressive monastic existence.
  6. (51 words) Pechorin, the main character of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Hero of Our Time” faced a choice between testing his luck and safety. Pechorin decided to check whether predestination really existed: he helped detain a drunken Cossack, risking himself. The hero did not value his life, so his choice was not painful, but his example in this case should not be followed.
  7. (44 words) Zhilin, the main character of the story by L.N. Tolstoy " Prisoner of the Caucasus“, in captivity, he constantly chose what to do: surrender and reconcile, or fight and run. The hero decided to help himself on his own, for the sake of this goal he passed all the tests, overcame pain and fatigue. In his situation, action is a vital necessity.
  8. (57 words) Matryona, the main character of the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin Dvor“, was faced with a choice: remain faithful to her fiance who disappeared in the war or marry his brother and help his family. She chose the second option, since people lived poorly in the village, and her workers were needed on the farm. Therefore, the girl sacrificed her feelings to help the family of her loved one.
  9. (56 words) In the story by M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of Man" tells the story of the Great Patriotic War. In struggle, every day a person faces a choice between “surrender” and “fight.” The main character Andrei Sokolov always fought and did everything in his power to repel the enemy's attack, while remaining human. He went through the front, captivity, concentration camp, but did not give up, making the right choice.
  10. (58 words) Before Vasyutka, the hero of the story by V.P. Astafiev’s “Vasyutkino Lake”, he faced a choice on which his life depended. The boy got lost in the taiga, what should he do - wait for help or save himself? No one would judge the child if he chose the first option. But he himself began to make his way to the Yenisei, the main landmark, overcoming fear, using all his survival skills. His choice is respectful.

Examples from life, cinema, media

  1. (54 words) In the film Groundhog Day by Harold Ramis, the main character Phil Connors is forced to relive the same day dozens of times. How to get out of a vicious circle? Just break out of the routine and change your life. How? Make the right choice that will fill your life with bright colors. The main character succeeded, and this makes the audience think about their own existence.
  2. (59 words) The heroes of the film “Divergent” by Neil Burger were forced to choose between factions: Sincerity, Fearlessness, Erudition, Friendliness or Abnegation. It is easier for the state to manage those who have been sorted, it punishes non-standard people. This is Tris, who cannot be classified as one faction. And the heroine faces a new choice: fight against the system or submit and die. Tris fights and tries to overcome danger to save herself and the whole society.
  3. (50 words) Fiona, heroine animated film Andrew Adamson's "Shrek" had to marry the prince to break the curse. However, the girl fell in love with the green giant Shrek, who was supposed to lead her to a potential husband. Their communication showed that appearance is not the most important thing. Fiona chose love, although she lost her human appearance, she became happy.
  4. (51 words) Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov became a great Russian poet, contrary to the advice of his father, who wanted for his son military service. The young man had a choice: an unloved job and material support, or a calling and poverty. Nikolai chose the second, lived in terrible conditions, surviving on bread and water, but he understood the Russian people from the inside and became their main defender.
  5. (50 words) Yulia Efimova, a Russian swimmer, was admitted to the Olympics in 2016 in last moment. The athlete had to fight not only for a place on the podium, but even for the right to go to the start line. She could have given up and not gone anywhere, but Julia chose to fight to the end, despite the pressure surrounding her.
  6. (54 words) The authors of the Soviet serial film “The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson” had a choice between two actors on main role: Alexander Kaidanovsky and Vasily Livanov. He got the second role, thanks to this, viewers around the world can enjoy the best Sherlock Holmes, according to the BBC. The brilliant performance of the Soviet actor was noticed in the writer’s homeland, which is a reason for pride.
  7. (55 words) My friend couldn’t choose between two guys; she found their pros and cons in each and would like their qualities to be combined in one person. As a result, I lost both of them when they found out about each other. The right choice in this situation there was a separation from both, because real feelings would not have led to such a situation.
  8. (47 words) Mine cousin Dima didn’t know whether to go to a class with a humanitarian focus or a technical one. After a long weigh-in various options he gave his preference to mathematics and physics. Now Dima is a successful engineer who free time loves to read fiction, he is happy with his life and the perfect choice.
  9. (53 words) My grandmother faced the choice of her future job when she graduated from university. IN Soviet time there was a distribution, that is, she had to work in one of the places proposed for distribution for three years. Grandma chose Vorkuta and stayed there for the rest of her life. She was satisfied with the salary, the team at work, she was happy with her career, the choice turned out to be the right one.
  10. (53 words) My mother had a choice: career or family. She studied at the institute and found out that she was pregnant. My mother had to leave her studies and she gave birth to me. My mother received her diploma only after many years, but she was still able to build successful career. Her example shows that if you want to achieve something, then no worries or troubles will interfere.

It can be quite difficult to make a choice; you are tempted to choose something convenient and familiar. However, often a sudden change can help change your life for the better.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Andria, youngest son Taras Bulba, it was necessary to make a choice: to remain faithful to his father and Motherland or take the path of betrayal, going over to the side of the enemy for the sake of love. The young man did not hesitate to choose love, betraying the people truly dear to him. In this situation of moral choice, Andriy’s true inner qualities emerged. His father, Taras Bulba, found himself in a situation of moral choice later. He could have left his traitorous son alive or killed him, regardless of family ties. For Taras Bulba, honor is most important, so he kills his unworthy son without betraying his principles.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Moment of capture Belogorsk fortress became decisive for Peter Grinev in many ways. He had to make a choice: go over to the side of the impostor Pugachev or die as a proud and worthy man. For Pyotr Grinev, the betrayal of the Motherland was shameful; he did not even think of saving his life by dishonoring himself. The hero chose execution and only due to circumstances remained alive. Even with a choice on which his life depended, Pyotr Grinev remained faithful to his country. The situation of moral choice showed that he is a man of honor.

His complete opposite is Shvabrin. This unworthy man immediately recognized Pugachev as the sovereign, saving his life. People like Shvabrin are disgusting. In situations of moral choice, they are ready to betray anyone in order to make themselves better.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

Andrey Sokolov showed his best moral qualities in situations of moral choice. For example, in captivity of the Germans, being summoned for interrogation by Müller, he refused to drink to victory German weapons, although these minutes could be the last in his life. Andrei Sokolov, exhausted by hunger and overwork, remained true to his moral principles. He showed Muller the character of a real Russian soldier, which earned him respect. The German did not shoot Andrei Sokolov, recognizing him worthy person, and sent him back with bread and lard.

Arguments to the problem of moral choice can be found in almost every work. Are these three books not enough? Read short works by A.P. Chekhov or A.S. Pushkin. It is worth reading “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, if you are not afraid of large texts. No bank of arguments will give you the “foundation” with which you can easily find arguments for almost every problem.

The novel “The Scaffold” by the Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov (published for the first time in 1986 in the magazine “ New world»):
The main character, Avdiy Kallistratov, gets a job at a publishing house and goes to the Moyunkum savannah to describe the drug trade developed there. He could have simply collected information, but he chose a different path - a specific path of fighting marijuana collectors. On the train, Obadiah calls on the “messengers” to repent and throw away the bags of hemp, but he is beaten and thrown out of the train. In the Moyunkum desert, he sees how saigas are being killed in order to fulfill the meat procurement plan. He tries to interfere, and they crucify him on saxaul.

additional information

Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov (1928-200 8) - Kyrgyz writer. People's Writer of Kyrgyzstan. Winner of numerous not only state but also international awards.
Jamila (195 8)
My poplar in a red scarf (1961)
First Teacher (1961)
Goodbye Gyulsary (1966)
White Steamer (1970)
Early Cranes (1975)
Piebald Dog Running by the Edge of the Sea (1977)
Stormy stop (And the day lasts longer than a century); (1980)
Scaffold (1986)
and etc.

A private topic is BETRAYAL. Intersects with the theme of choice

A private topic is BETRAYAL. Intersects with the theme of choice

Often in life a person has to make a moral choice before own conscience: either submit to circumstances, or show the strength of your character. In the story “Sotnikov,” written in 1970, the Belarusian writer Vasil Bykov analyzes the behavior of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War, revealing the depth of experiences of two partisans who go to the village to get food for the detachment and are captured. Sotnikov remains faithful to his duty as a man and citizen until his last breath. When he is led to be hanged, he still tries to protect innocent people. The fisherman betrays his friend, becomes his executioner and joins the ranks of the police.

additional information

Vasil Vladimirovich Bykov (1924-2003) - Belarusian writer and public figure, participant in the Great Patriotic War. Most of his works are stories about the Great Patriotic War, which show a person’s moral choice in the most dramatic moments of life.


Crane Cry (1959)
Third rocket (1959(
Alpine Ballad (1963)
The Dead Don't Hurt (1965)
Kruglyansky Bridge (196 8)
Sotnikov (1970)
Obelisk (1971)
Until Dawn (1972)
Wolfpack (1974)
Go and never come back (197 8)
Sign of Trouble (1982)
Quarry (1986)
Roundup (1986)
Long road home (2002) – book of memories


(1) There are people who are painfully aware of other people’s successes. (2) This was Senya Golubkin. (3) Everywhere he saw the benefits and privileges that others had. (4) If someone got sick, Senka said: (5) “I see... (6) I decided to rest!” (7) If someone received an A for a homework essay, he asked: (8) “What, did mommy and daddy work hard?”

(9) It seemed to him that any success came to people as if at his expense. (10)Envy, in which lies the source of many human weaknesses and vices, did not leave Senka alone...

(11) It was difficult to find people more different from each other than Vanya and Senka. (12) At that time Vanya still sympathized with him very much. (13) When Senya, confused and tense, wandered through the labyrinths of the famous quatrains, Vanya suffered. (14) And after the lesson, in which Golubkin received another bad mark, this brute pressed the short Vanya: he, it turns out, didn’t give the advice clearly and clearly enough.

(15) One day a “district” dictation was assigned, and Senya Golubkin was in a panic: a bad grade for that dictation threatened him with repeating the year.

(16) After the dictation, Senka ran along the corridor and asked his friends

– (17) How do you spell “during”?

(18) They answered him.

– (19) There is one mistake! - he said and bent his finger. - (20) How did you write it yourself? (21) Right?

(22) If it turned out that it was correct, Senka whined:

- (23) Well, of course, I wrote it myself!

(24) After the “district” dictation, Senka did not have enough fingers on both
hands: he counted twelve mistakes. (25) Except for commas and dashes...

(26) During recess Vanya Belov came up to me and asked:

- (27) Well, Vera Matveevna, should Golubkin stay for a second year now?

– (28) I don’t know. (29) I haven’t checked it yet.

(30) When I sat down in the teacher’s room with my notebooks, it turned out that six papers from the stack had disappeared. (31) Among them were dictations by Senya Golubkin and Vanya.

(32) During the big break, the director and I stood in an empty classroom
to break through to Golubkin’s conscience. (33) It was then, in the midst of our conversation, that Vanya Belov appeared and said:

- (34) I came to bring myself into the hands of justice!

(35) I didn’t believe that he pulled out the dictations, but the director agreed
with Vanya's version. (36) After lessons, six students whose work had disappeared rewrote the dictation. (37) Senya Golubkin received a C, because he had already discovered his mistakes during the break, and moved to the seventh grade.

(38) He was not filled with gratitude to Vanya Belov; on the contrary, it was
From then on I disliked him. (39) Golubkin did not forgive nobility, just as he did not forgive literacy to those who helped him find mistakes. (40) Vanya Belov understood this. (41) After Senka Once again I had annoyed my savior about something, I casually said to Vanya:

- (42) Well... no good deed goes unpunished?

- (43) You never know what happens! - he answered. – (44) Is this why you shouldn’t trust everyone?

(According to A. Aleksin)*

* Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich(born in 1924) – writer, playwright. His works such as “My Brother Plays the Clarinet”, “ Characters and performers”, “Third in the fifth row”, etc., tell about the world of youth.


Moral choice is conscious accepted by man A decision is the answer to the question “What should I do?”: pass by or help, deceive or tell the truth, succumb to temptation or resist. When making a moral choice, a person is guided by conscience, morality, and his own ideas about life. I will prove the truth of my words with specific examples.

One of the heroes of A.G. Aleksin’s text, Vanya Belov, in a critical situation made his moral choice: he took upon himself the blame of his friend, Senya Golubkin, who, out of fear of being left for the second year, stole several notebooks with a district dictation from the teachers’ room. Vanya fearlessly confessed to his crime in front of the director. He did this noble act because he wanted to help his friend move into seventh grade. Vanya acted according to the laws of friendship.

Pyotr Grinev, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” also made his moral choice. When Petrusha lost a hundred rubles to officer Zurin in billiards, Savelich began to convince his pupil not to repay the debt to this swindler. Grinev himself understood that Zurin had fooled him, but still decided to give the money. He acted as his father taught him - according to the laws of honor.

Thus, a person very often finds himself in a situation of choice. And making a decision largely depends on his moral principles. (183 words)

How do you understand the meaning of the expression " inner world human"? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is the INNER WORLD OF A MAN."


(1) When I was about six years old, probably, or six and a half, I had absolutely no idea who I would ultimately be in this world. (2) Then my appetite was whetted to learn how to become an artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for speeding cars. (3) Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler and sail across all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. (4) And the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European Boxing Championship on TV. (5) How they thrashed each other - just some kind of horror! (6) And then they showed them training, and then they hit a heavy leather “bag” - such an oblong heavy ball; you have to hit it with all your might, hit it as hard as you can, in order to develop the power of the blow. (7) And I also decided to become the most strong man in the courtyard.

(8) I told dad:

- Dad, buy me a punching bag! (9) I will train and become a boxer.

“(10) There’s no point in wasting money on nonsense,” dad answered. – (11) Train somehow without a punching bag.

(12) And he got dressed and went to work. (13) And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended and tried to help me.

(14) She took out from under the sofa a large wicker basket where old toys were stored, and took out a healthy teddy bear from it.

- (15) Here. (16) Good bear, excellent. (17) Look how tight it is! (18) Why not a pear? (19) Let's train as much as you like!

(20) I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. (21) And I made the bear more comfortable on the sofa, so that it would be more convenient for me to train and develop the power of the blow.

(22) He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other large white - from a sewn button from a pillowcase. (23) But it didn’t matter, because the bear was looking at me with its with different eyes and raised both paws up, as if he was already giving up in advance...

(24) And I suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this bear for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and put him to bed, and rocked him to sleep like a little brother , and whispered to him different fairy tales right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would have given my life for him then...

(25) And now he’s sitting on the sofa, my ex best friend, a true childhood friend, and I want to train my punching power against him...

– (26) What’s wrong with you? – Mom asked, opening the door.

(27) And I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I raised my head to the ceiling so that my tears wouldn’t be visible, and said:

– I changed my mind about being a boxer. (According to V.Yu. Dragunsky)*

*Dragunsky Victor Yuzefovich(1913–1972) – Russian Soviet writer, author of stories for children.


The inner world of a person is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about the surrounding reality. There are people with a rich inner world, and there are people with a poor one. A person's inner world can be judged by his actions. I will prove my words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text by V.Yu. Dragunsky. The main character - a six-year-old boy - has, in my opinion, a rich inner world. His actions testify to this. When the mother suggested that the boy use it as a punching bag. forgotten toy childhood - a teddy bear, the hero was happy at first, but then he remembered how he loved this bear, how he spent his time with him, as if with a little brother or friend. The flood of memories forced the boy to give up not only training, but also the desire to become a boxer. The hero's behavior indicates that he has a kind and devoted heart.

Masha Mironova, the heroine of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” also has a rich inner world. This fragile and timid girl at first glance turned out to be very strong and brave. When she learned that Pyotr Grinev was facing the death penalty, she fearlessly went to the queen herself in order to save her lover. A person with a poor inner world would not dare to do such an act.

Thus, in order to find out what a person’s inner world is like, you need to pay attention to his behavior in a given situation. (206 words)

OGE 15.3 Essay on the topic “What is choice” based on the text by E.V. Grishkovets from Open Bank tasks (FIPI)

How do you understand the meaning of the word CHOICE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is CHOICE.”


(1) Mom, when I was not yet in school, worked as an engineer and did a lot of drawing. (2) The drawings were so beautiful, and her preparation cabinet with shiny things was so extraordinarily attractive that I could not pass by. (3) Of course, they caught me and didn’t let me in, but I still ruined several drawings and broke some compasses.

– (4) He is clearly drawn to exact sciences, - my mother said seriously to my father.

(5) At school it immediately became clear that I was not drawn to the exact sciences.
(6) I studied very averagely. (7) Mom said that if I continue like this, I will become a loader. (8) The expression on my father’s face at that time was such that I guessed: he doubted that my mother was telling the truth.

(9) In short, I never considered the profession of a loader as a promising one.

(10) When I was in high school, my parents taught at the university. (11) Mom taught thermodynamics, and father worked as the head of the department at the Faculty of Economics.

(12) But algebra, geometry and physics were still the darkest subjects for me. (13) My parents themselves understood that I would not follow in their footsteps, and did not even hint at it.

(14) What opportunities did I have? (15) University, cultural institute and, of course, medical.

(16) I always liked medical school. (17) Firstly, my beloved uncle taught there. (18) Secondly, my second cousin studied there, whom I also liked. (19) But somehow the so-called anatomist was frightening. (20) I understood: I couldn’t even just enter the building where she was located.

(21) Then I started going to the Institute of Culture. (22) I listened and watched performances of the student choir, concerts of students of the variety department, performances staged and performed by students. (23) Of course, I didn’t understand this well then, but I felt deathly boredom and the terrifying joylessness of what I saw. (24) The smell of the “anatomist” seemed to haunt me, it came from everything there: in all the performances the uselessness of what was happening was visible. (25) Useless to anyone! (26) Neither the speakers nor the audience. (27) This lack of hope for joy made me firmly abandon the idea of ​​​​entering a cultural institute.

(28) But I wanted... (29) I don’t know what I wanted. (30) Nothing definite. (31) I wanted to be a student. (32) I wanted to study not very hard and not very boring... (33) I wanted a fun, interesting, real life. (34) The main thing is real life, with the whole being.

(According to E.V. Grishkovets)*

*Grishkovets Evgeniy Valerievich (born 1967)modern Russian writer, playwright, director, actor, musician. He became famous after he was awarded the National Theater Prize in 1999. Golden mask" He is the author of the books “Shirt”, “Rivers”, “Traces on Me”, “Asphalt”.


Choice is a conscious decision-making from a variety of options offered; it is a preference for one option over another. A person is constantly faced with a situation of choice; it is a vital necessity. It is especially important to make the right decision when choosing future profession, because a person’s future life depends on it. Sometimes making such a choice is very difficult. I will prove the truth of my words with specific examples.

The hero of the text by E. Grishkovets talks about how he chose his future profession. The boy had three options: to become an engineer, like his mother, a doctor, like his uncle and brother, or a cultural worker. He saw pros and cons in every profession. At this point life stage the hero was never able to make up his mind, but we understand that sooner or later he cannot avoid making this important decision.

But A.V. Suvorov did not have to think long about choosing his future profession. Already in childhood, despite poor health and lack of support from his father, he decided to become a military man. Therefore all later life he was dedicated to achieving his goal. The correctness of the path he chose is proven by the fact that the name of A. Suvorov entered the history of our country as the name of a legendary commander.

Thus, making a choice is half the battle; the main thing is not to make a mistake with your choice.(184 words)