How to find out the return percentage of slot machines. How is the fairness of a slot machine guaranteed? Increasing the percentage of returns in online slot machines


RTP (return to player), literally “return of money to the player.” The software manufacturer indicates the return of the slot machine in the range from 92 to 97%.

To an inexperienced player, it seems that the higher the return, the better. And it would seem that a slot with a return of 98% should at least be very generous and give money back. That's not really how things work. Even the difference between 92 and 98% return is a cosmic distance.

Let’s take as an example a slot with a return of 95%. Where does the remaining 5% go? This is our fee for the game; for each spin made, we lose this percentage to the house. Example: bet $1, from each spin 5 cents go to the casino, after making 200 spins we will lose the entire amount. If we make 10 spins of $10 each and we are unlucky, we will lose all the money, and the casino will earn $5 of it, the rest goes into the pool for players, that is, for payouts.

The casino will never be in the red, it will always take its percentage. So the idea is simple, the more time a player plays, the more likely he destroys the money pool. It seems to me that it is profitable for the casino for the player to play longer and at a small bet, just like in online poker. It looks like a rake. Rake is a commission fee charged by a casino or poker club for each pot played.

Imagine, a pool of money has accumulated, and you need to distribute a little bit of it to everyone, but one high roller comes and takes the entire pot at a bet of $200. The rest of the players suck and save up the bank again, and at the same time shout - fuck your mother, where is the return of 98%?

In fact, those who roll big on a special casino account are profitable and valued. And here the fact of casino turnover comes into play. The more people and the turnover of money, the less such a $200 major harms the environment when it takes the entire pool, and if he is a seasoned gambler, then on the contrary, he makes a good return for other players in the casino. Therefore, I am not a supporter of playing in newly opened casinos, this also includes poorly promoted ones.

All my big wins, as well as those of most of the players I know, confirm the theory that you can never make a good profit from small things. Only when playing at higher limits are slots given away.

A few words about the pool and my game. I lost $45,000, the last $3,000 gave me a bonus of exactly $45,000. Further, in another casino, having lost $30k in an evening, two bonuses returned my deposits in the amount of exactly $30k. Moreover, you make 10 deposits, and on the last one you excuse yourself and receive the amount of all the money deposited over the last 24 hours. Why? And this is not a coincidence, the software keeps you within the limits of your deposits, compensating for the costs of 5% per spin from the general money pool.

Why is there no return?

The casino pool principle is like Winnie the Pooh: in order to sell something, you need to buy something. The casino does not give away money from its own pocket; the bank is created by the players. What does the percentage of return on slot machines have to do with it?

I noticed that many players did not care about this percentage. Imagine, they go to play the most “giving” slot, but it doesn’t give. Miracles) TTR posted screenshots from the casino admin panel. There the RTP in fact was 30 percent and 150.

Dispersion is a deviation from the mathematical expectation. The manufacturer does not indicate the variance of the slot, only the RTP percentages, which in fact do not say anything. Two completely different slots with the same payout percentages will play differently: one with low variance, the other with high variance. Only the player doesn’t know about this and it’s not written anywhere. It is also silent at what distance the return percentages will be maintained. Maybe on 100,000 spins, but more likely on millions) The software developer keeps this secret, but figures are known that the RTP is observed on several billion spins made by all players.

The main idea is that we don’t look at the payout percentage of the slot machine, it means nothing and does not provide any advantages when playing. Each slot has its own character, its own return, which will be observed for the reasons written above, rather than by RTP numbers. And the variance can be found out indirectly by looking at the table of the slot’s winning lines. The more you pay for a max line or combination, the higher the dispersion, which means there will be rare matches in the game, and a lot of idle, empty spins.

In fact, everything here is simple and clear; once you get used to it a little, you can intuitively determine the properties of a slot. Variance can be small, low, medium, high, very high. Accordingly, the behavior model of the slot itself will be different. But in any case, all this mathematics does not work when there is simply nothing to pay with) This means that the first place is to choose a normal establishment with turnover, and then a slot to suit your mood and your budget.

Most people who visit online casinos want to get from a gambling establishment not only relaxation, but also entertainment, for which they can earn a substantial amount of money.

The main goal of almost every player in an online casino is to make a profit. At the same time, when choosing a game, gamblers are guided by such an indicator as the percentage of the slot’s RTP. So, let's look at what it is and how to increase your chances of winning at slot machines.

What is the return percentage of slots

Each slot machine is configured to return a certain amount of money to the players (from those that were lost in it) - this percentage indicator is the slot’s RTP.

If you take the data for a specific slot on the number of bets and winnings, you can see the following picture: the amount of funds deposited is slightly more than what was paid out. The minuscule amount that remains on the slot balance is the income of the establishment. RTP in translation means “return to player” - returning money to the player. You can also come across such concepts as: “theoretical return” and “payout percentage”. All of the above comes down to one thing - the percentage of funds paid out to the player from the deposited money.

Typically, the RTP percentage in slot machines ranges from 82 to 99%. And the higher the indicator, the more profitable the game will be for the player and vice versa, the lower it is, the more money will go into the casino’s treasury.

If a slot has a 96% RTP, then all the amounts spent in it will be circulated among the players, except for 4%, which the casino will receive as dividends as a gambling platform.

Slots with the highest payouts

The slot machines on the list have from 97 to 99% RTP.

We consider it very important to tell online casino players about the return percentage of slot machines, because... Many people don’t understand these words. We will now talk about how the payout coefficient is formed and how it affects the player’s winnings and the advantage of the slot machine. Some players believe that the online slot has a special function that prevents them from winning more than they could. They also believe that the gaming slot is programmed only for small wins and only during short-term play.

To this we will simply answer that all this is fiction, because... such software would be considered fraudulent, leading to the liquidation of the company that produces it. Today, there are several organizations that monitor the quality of products produced by well-known brands in the gambling industry. Reputable online casinos will not use such slots. For those who don’t know how much software from any well-known company costs, let’s tell you, several hundred thousand dollars, so draw your own conclusions.

Where can you find slots that do not allow players to win? They are found on one-day sites that allow players to deposit money, but they will not be able to withdraw it, so the player can either lose the money or accept the fact that it will be impossible to return it.

How to identify such sites or online casinos? Very often, scammers create “mirror” sites for well-known online casinos that have justified their trust. Therefore, check this site in the WebMoney system, as well as the age of its domain, by contacting any online service. Read reviews, and also share information about such sites yourself to stop these lawbreakers.

How to win an online slot? Return percentage of slot machines

We have reached the main topic. Now specifically about the percentage of payments. Let's reveal the secret. It is installed when creating a slot in the control mechanism and has a specific percentage rate, say 95%, i.e. The casino keeps 5% for itself, and divides the rest between the players, and then, depending on their luck, everything will be decided by a random number generator. Someone will win and someone will lose, but it is worth considering that in addition to 5%, the casino will have 0.2% from each player’s bet. Ordinary mathematics or mathematical expectation, which determines the percentage of payments. Therefore, with a 95% return on the slot, it can be considered quite generous, because... in some online casinos you can find slots and 90%.

It should be taken into account that a high percentage is on slot machines that are already particularly popular, and those slots that are new, but have the best characteristics, have a low percentage, so the casino wins due to such machines. After all, players will be interested in new slot machines in any case. Today, slot machine manufacturers produce them with fascinating stories (Hulk, X-Men), as well as 3D graphics, so they will not go unnoticed.

The payout percentage is an important parameter of a slot machine. Is it possible to change it? This question interests a large number of gamblers and casino owners. No matter what game is played on gaming equipment over time, the player always gets back a certain percentage of the invested bets. Each gaming machine has its own payout percentage. In casinos it is approximately 95%. The payout percentage depends on the slot device and manufacturer. Certain standards are also established by law. The installed universal percentage selector will significantly change the output of the equipment.

Each slot has its own random number generator – the so-called “brain” of the machine. When a player plays a slot machine, numbers are continuously generated and used to determine winnings. The game itself is an interface with a PRNG (pseudorandom number) generator. The machine has a dispensing limit, and the slot can adjust the values. As a result, one day the return on the slot machine will be about 100%, and the next time – 50%.

Reducing the return percentage of gaming equipment

The software for changing the return percentage works on any entertainment and lottery machines - Gaminator, Cobra, Novomatic and other machines. The latest models of universal devices support many game builds and interact with original boards and their duplicates.

The latest selector models have a redesigned program algorithm and improved circuits; various problems with incorrect installation have been eliminated. The algorithm for working with the game itself has been significantly expanded. The device also has a fast processor. The upper part of the selector percentage has an LED, which is intended to determine the health of the device. The selector can be installed inside the board. At the same time, the board’s appearance is completely no different from a regular one. There are no noticeable additional changes on it. This allows you to safely show clients the fee in the event of a dispute about undervalued winnings.

New versions of selector percentage models are more advanced and can be programmed to specific settings and parameters. The configurator program controls lines, bonuses and samples. These models are intended for casino owners who want to significantly reduce the return percentage of gaming equipment.

You can also change the payment structure in other ways. For example, the payout values ​​of the slot machine itself change. In this case, the payouts in the bonus rounds change, which allows you to reduce the return by several percent.

Replacing symbols is another way to get rare bonuses. To do this, you need to replace the rare sign with a simple one. However, it is important not to overdo it in this matter, otherwise such a replacement will affect the appearance of small frequent bonuses. Changing the payout system of an online slot is a more complex process.

Increasing the percentage of returns in online slot machines

As for installing a selector on an online slot machine, such software allows you to introduce a certain virus code into the gaming machine program. Such a bug will provide the player with a big win at any time. The presence of a bug selector is quite hidden and impossible to prove. With the latest software, you can quickly catch a bonus and even a jackpot. In this case, you do not need to reset the slot machine. All settings are saved. Bug modules are intended for both one player and for working with a partner. The partner receives a new activator code via message. Each time the activator changes the code after resetting. A selector with a variable activator is sold together with a program that generates new activation keys.