How to remove a sharp chin. How to remove a double chin at home? — Reviews, advice


Double chin- deposition of fatty tissue that forms under the chin on the neck.

Recently, a tendency towards the development of such an uncharacteristic trait has arisen due to hormonal imbalances, poor diet and disease-related factors.

In this article we will look at what methods exist to remove an unaesthetic fold.

Is it possible to remove a double chin quickly at home without surgery?

Before getting rid of unnecessary folds, you need to understand the cause.

  1. A double chin appears in people who are obese, and this can occur at any stage.
  2. The fold may remain if the weight loss occurred too quickly and the tissue did not have time to tighten.
  3. With insufficient collagen production, the tissues have a more flabby structure and sag.
  4. The fold may be a consequence of a disease of the thyroid system.
  5. Weakening of the muscles leads to their sagging.

In the fight against an extra chin, you need to act comprehensively: restore your diet and diet, stimulate collagen production, add physical activity and use any methods to eliminate the fold.

How to quickly remove a double chin in a week: effective ways

  • Facebookbilling
  • Exercises
  • Massage
  • Masks
  • Sport
  • Nutrition
  • Posture.

If you take all the steps to combat excess wrinkles, you will not only get rid of them, but you will also feel better and more energetic.

How to remove a double chin: a selection of the best exercises

  • Fists- stand up straight, clench your hands into fists and rest your chin. At the same time, strain your jaw muscle, holding back the pressure of your fists. You need to keep your neck straight, without tilting it anywhere. You need to resist 10 times for 10-15 seconds.
  • Tongue to nose- tilt your head back as much as possible and stick out your tongue, pointing it towards your nose. In this case, the muscles of the jaw floor will tense well. Do 10 times for 10-15 seconds.
  • air catcher- tilt your head back as much as possible and perform the movements of opening and closing your mouth. Train the muscle 10 times for 10-15 seconds.

With regular exercise, the unnecessary chin decreases or disappears altogether.

How to remove a double chin with massage?

Before starting self-massage, lubricate the skin of the area with baby cream, then begin to perform the following movements:

  • Stroking, directed from the center of the chin to the ears.
  • Pulsating, along the lower part of the chin.
  • Pinching, from the central part of the chin to the earlobes.

Perform a massage in a relaxed state regularly, then your face shape will be more sculpted.

How to remove a double chin with a towel?

  • Take a small terry towel and place it under the problem area.
  • Your goal is to warm up the area where the fat deposits are located.
  • Grasp the towel with your hands and move it left and right.
  • Gradually increase the pace, but be careful not to cause any discomfort or abrasions.

How to remove a double chin with cold?

This method involves applying ice to the fat fold. A cold compress must be applied regularly.

  • Wrap the ice cubes in a waffle towel.
  • Apply to the problem area.
  • Hold for 3-5 minutes.

How to remove a double chin with soda?

A soda compress can help with an aesthetic problem:

  • Prepare gauze pads, baking soda and water.
  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.
  • Wet the wipes and apply to the area.
  • Leave for 25 minutes and rinse with warm water.

How to remove a double chin with vacuum cups?

Vacuum cups, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, help in the fight against excess deposits in the neck area.

  • Steam and cleanse the skin, then apply oil.
  • Attach the can and move from the collarbone to the chin.
  • Perform soft, smooth movements.

After using this product, marks remain on the neck, reminiscent of youthful hickeys.

The best masks to remove a double chin

  • Mask No. 1- dissolve the yeast in milk and let it rise, placing it in a warm place. Then apply to the excess part of the chin and wrap with a towel for 20-30 minutes.
  • Mask No. 2- mix boiled potatoes, 1 tsp honey and 1/3 tsp salt in milk, then apply to the unwanted area for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
  • Mask No. 3- mix clay with yolk and milk. Apply to skin for 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Mask No. 4- combine a few tablespoons of lemon juice, salt and a glass of water. Wet the towel and pat the underside of your chin.
  • Mask No. 5- combine oak bark and St. John's wort in equal proportions and cook for 15 minutes. Decant and cool, then wet the towel and apply to the lower saggy part.

How to remove a double chin with mesothreads?

This procedure involves the introduction of threads under the skin, which serve as a frame for the skin, preventing it from sagging.

  • The operation is performed painlessly within an hour at a hospital level.
  • The effect after this technique lasts for 3-5 years.
  • The threads can be absorbable or gold. In the first case, unnecessary deposits are naturally removed from the body. And in the second, a repeat operation is performed after 3-5 years for reinstallation.
  • The essence of thread lifting is that threads are introduced under the skin, which stimulate the production of collagen and elastane. Connective tissue is formed around the mesothread, which causes blood flow and saturation with nutrients.
  • The composition of the thread is synthetic, made from artificial polydiaxone fibers, which is identical in composition to human tissue.
  • There are three types of threads for tightening the chin: spiral, braided and needle.
  • It is possible to combine it with other types of cosmetic procedures, since this procedure has the effect of tightening and not combating excess deposits.

How to remove a double chin with injections?

  • In practice, injections based on deoxycholic acid, the substances of which actively fight fat deposits in the chin and other parts of the body. To do this, injections are given at a distance of 1 cm from each other over the entire surface of the area.
  • Preparation ATX-101 successfully used by American and domestic cosmetologists in the fight against excess chin. This technique is aimed at eliminating fat deposits in the desired area.
  • Kybella- a new product from American cosmetologists. Injections with the new product cause fat burning and reduce or completely eliminate the double chin.

How to remove a double chin with lipolytics?

Lipolitics or lecithin is an active soy supplement for the breakdown of fat cells.

  • INNO-TDS Dtaining ppc- a Spanish drug whose action is aimed at breaking down fat cells throughout the body.
  • Aqualix- an equally effective remedy, injected through special cannulas directly into the affected area.
  • OneTwoSlim- a comprehensive system for the breakdown of fat in all parts of the body, designed taking into account the female biorhythm.
  • ECO Slim- the product includes B vitamins, which accelerate the process of breaking down fat cells.
  • Eco Pills- tableted sweets aimed at combating extra pounds.

How to remove a double chin using hardware cosmetology?

Hardware cosmetology copes with unnecessary folds much more sparingly than injection cosmetology. There are several options:

  • Vacuum technique, which aims to get rid of unwanted creases through negative pressure called vacuum. Fat deposits are burned, as more blood flows into this area and the metabolic process is established. As a result, the skin becomes tightened and elastic.
  • Ultrasound therapy represents the penetration of ultrasound into the skin layer, which breaks down fat cells. The process stimulates the production of collagen, which tightens the skin naturally.
  • Microcurrent technique, during which a low-frequency current acts on the fat layer. As a result, you can observe the stimulation of elastane and collagen, due to which the skin becomes elastic.
  • Radiofrequency therapy, aimed at a natural lifting effect by releasing radio particles that stimulate collagen production.

Removing a double chin using Dubinina’s method

Galina Dubinina's technique is aimed at facial rejuvenation using gymnastics. Her course is based on the methods of German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz, American cosmetologist Carol Maggio and her own proven practices. With the help of gymnastics you:

  • gain healthy skin color;
  • remove flabbiness;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • correct the oval of the face;
  • restore the elasticity of the muscles of the face and neck.

Advantages of Dubinina’s technique:

  • Blood circulation is activated, which promotes the flow of oxygen. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • The contour of parts of the face and the oval itself is aligned.
  • Toxins are removed from the body, as lymph flow and the function of sweat glands are stimulated.
  • Fat cells are broken down, resulting in smaller cheeks and chin.
  • Breathing exercises lead to an overall healthy appearance.

How to hide a double chin with makeup

With the help of makeup you can remove almost any flaws and imperfections. Even a double chin can be corrected using light correction.

How to tighten your face and remove a double chin in 3 days: useful tips and reviews

A double chin is not a diagnosis, so with an integrated approach, and most importantly desire, you can get rid of it. The main rule in any approach is regularity. Therefore, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, facial exercises and cosmetic procedures for as long as possible.

If the chin is too large, the face looks rough and unnaturally massive. The situation can be corrected using reduction mentoplasty. During the intervention, the size of the chin bones and the angle are changed, thus solving not only aesthetic problems.

Read in this article

Indications for chin reduction

Plastic surgery to reduce the size of the chin is performed in the following cases:

  • congenital defects, that is, too large a size, an excessively protruding lower jaw, massive angles, etc.;
  • deformities caused by injury or illness;
  • asymmetry of this area;
  • malocclusion.

The operation also has disadvantages:

  • the result does not always meet expectations;
  • In most cases, the intervention is performed under general anesthesia;
  • the patient will have to endure pain during the recovery period and comply with restrictions;
  • there is a possibility of complications developing.

Preparation for mentoplasty

Before surgery, the patient should undergo a number of tests:

An ECG, fluorography and x-ray examination of the lower jaw are also required.

If the absence of contraindications is confirmed, the doctor models the patient’s new chin on a computer, taking into account his wishes, anatomical capabilities and aesthetic needs. During the consultation, recommendations are given on preparation:

  • 2 weeks before surgery, stop taking blood thinning medications and dietary supplements;
  • It is advisable to give up smoking and alcohol;
  • physical activity should be limited for 3-4 days;
  • You cannot use cosmetics on the day of surgery;
  • You are allowed to eat no later than 6-8 hours before the intervention.

Method of operation

After the anesthesia has taken effect, antiseptic measures have been carried out, the operation proceeds in the following sequence:

The operation takes 2 - 3 hours. It can combine osteotomy and bone removal.

To learn about what chin reduction surgery is (a method of resection of bones on the sides of the jaw), watch this video:

Recovery period

During the rehabilitation period, which has different durations depending on the complexity of the reduction mentoplasty, the patient must:

These rules are valid for at least 3 weeks. The first days you will feel pain and discomfort, and your face will become swollen. But after 14 - 20 days you can see positive changes. They will be more obvious after 2 - 3 months. And the final result is assessed after six months.

Possible complications

Mentoplasty may result in a new round of problems:

  • severe swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • development of an infectious process in the surgical wound;
  • changing the sensitivity of the adjusted zone;
  • damage to the facial nerve.

To avoid complications, you need to follow the surgeon’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period and monitor your well-being. If after 3-4 days the swelling does not go away, the pain increases, and the body temperature rises, you should quickly consult a specialist.

Cost of plastic surgery

The price of the operation is determined by its complexity, as well as the qualifications of the surgeon and the level of the clinic. In some cases, the patient pays 90,000 rubles, in others, mentoplasty costs 170,000 rubles.

Chin reduction has a 100% effect that lasts for life. After the operation, the face acquires complete harmony of features. Therefore, the majority of patients who have undergone it do not regret the decision to undergo mentoplasty.

Useful video

About chin plastic surgery (answers to questions from the operating plastic surgeon), watch this video:

There are several ways to get rid of a double chin at home or through surgery. We'll talk about the latter a little later, but for now let's figure out what arsenal of tools will help.

How to quickly remove a double chin


Often the cause of a double chin in women is weak facial muscles - the muscles simply do not sufficiently support the skin, which creates such an unaesthetic fold. There is good news: your favorite muscles can be toned with exercise!

Show your tongue

Please don't laugh! Take the process seriously. The main thing is to wait until you are alone in the room and start exercising. Oddly enough, exercises with the tongue can tighten the muscles of the neck and in the area of ​​the double chin. Stretch your tongue as hard as you can - try to reach the tip of your nose until you feel a strong tension. Then, on the contrary, lower your tongue down, as if you want to touch your chin. Repeat several times. And so every day! We assure you that the result will be noticeable - the skin will tighten.


From the first exercise, immediately proceed to the second - lightly tap your chin with the back of your hand, not too hard, but noticeably.


Open your mouth

Another effective exercise: throw your head back, open your mouth wide so that you feel a strong tension under your jaw. Count to 20 and close your mouth very slowly. Repeat several times. Keep in mind that after proper training, your muscles will ache as if you were in the gym!


If the reason for your double chin is not excess weight, but sagging skin, start doing massages. You may be skeptical about the idea of ​​dealing with such a difficult problem through massage, but you shouldn’t rush to conclusions. It really works if you are not lazy and do it every day!


How to remove a double chin at home? Start the massage by applying a rich cream to the problem area. Then the skin needs to be slightly warmed up - do light pinching so as to feel the blood flow, but do not stretch the skin.

Honey massage

Honey is traditionally considered an effective remedy for combating a double chin. If you are not allergic to this product, then do not eat it, but rather have a honey massage! Heat the honey in a water bath so that it is not too hot, but warm and liquid. Then apply to the problem area and start rubbing the honey from the center to the periphery. Massage with your thumbs - move from the center of the chin to the earlobes. In total, the procedure should take you at least 10 minutes.

Massage using hyaluronic acid cream

Any cream that contains hyaluronic acid will help make your skin more elastic. As in the previous option, apply the product to the problem area and do an intense massage with your thumbs.

Salon treatments

If all the methods described above do not give any results, although you have done the exercises honestly, do not despair! Salon procedures can get rid of a double chin quickly and, most importantly, effectively.


One of the surest ways to remove a sagging chin is myostimulation. Electrical impulses will affect the muscles, which will significantly tighten the skin without any exercises or massages. In addition, myostimulation eliminates excess fluid in the affected area, which means that the hated chin will decrease in size.

Radio wave lifting

This procedure is one of the most popular for getting rid of a double chin. The idea is that the tissue is exposed to a special device that produces radio waves of a special range. As a result, blood circulation improves, cells begin to regenerate, the skin tightens, and the volume of adipose tissue, on the contrary, decreases. For a noticeable result, you will have to do 5-10 such procedures.

Lipoliptic injections

We warn you right away: this procedure is quite painful, but the result is worth it - it is lipoliptic injections that allow you to “break” fat cells without surgery, which are often the cause of a sagging chin. You will be given several injections of Soprano Nir, which breaks down fat. Just 2-3 sessions and you will see that your chin has noticeably shrunk and your skin has tightened!

Mini liposuction

The most radical method of dealing with a double chin is mini-liposuction, which is prescribed only in the most difficult cases. Essentially, this is a surgical intervention - excess fatty tissue is removed and sagging skin is eliminated.

In fact, this operation is one of the least traumatic - it lasts about one hour, after which a compression bandage is applied, which must be worn for three days. But when the swelling subsides, you will immediately see that there is no trace left of the double chin!

The problem with a double chin can be easily solved without resorting to drastic steps. It is enough to start doing regular facial exercises at home, supplementing it with massage and masks, and the reflection in the mirror will please you with a toned oval face and the absence of fat folds under the chin.

Methods for eliminating a double chin

The appearance of a double chin inevitably upsets almost any woman. But some ladies give up on the problem, attributing the defect to age-related changes, the force of gravity, and choose suitable clothes or hairstyle that visually mask the defect.

Other representatives of the fair sex decide to radically change their appearance and life, undergoing surgery in order to finally get rid of such beauty in the form of a fatty layer on the face. For still others, it is more acceptable to use advertised cosmetics that promise to eliminate a double chin in just a few procedures.

Each approach to solving the problem has its own real advantages and disadvantages. But the most advanced young ladies are trying to figure out why fat may appear under the chin, and are definitely looking for ways to remove a double chin at home.

There really are effective methods that any girl needs to know. Despite its simplicity and accessibility, proper skin care combined with massage and special exercises can quickly achieve impressive results.

A set of exercises for a double chin

It is unrealistic to completely eliminate a double chin without training your facial muscles. Of course, if the defect is associated specifically with excess weight and has the appearance of a fat fold, you will definitely have to start losing weight. But regular performance of special exercises will significantly speed up the process of tightening the skin on the face by improving muscle tone and local blood flow.

The first results can be noticed after a couple of weeks of training. To completely remove the defect, you will need patience and time, but after just one month you can count on a change in the shape of your face, which will definitely become more toned and expressive.

Walk with a book

But such a simple method not only helps to straighten the back, but also makes the neck and facial muscles tense, which, if repeated daily, will certainly help in the fight against an unusual oval face.

Loader exercise

You'll have to imagine yourself as a loader. But you will have to lift the load not with your hands, but with your chin. Of course, there is no need to cling any heavy objects to your face. It will be enough to imagine this weight and try to move it upward at a slow pace, raising your head and throwing it back. Without changing the tension and pace, we return the load back. We repeat such lifts daily at least six times.

Language to help

It is your own tongue, that is, exercises with it, that will help to effectively work the muscles of the neck and lower face:

  • reach your nose with your tongue;
  • reach the bottom point of the chin;
  • draw eights;
  • pull towards the upper palate with your mouth closed and open.

Such games with the tongue can be performed several times a day, which will only enhance the effect.

Adding lips

Facial gymnastics necessarily involves the use of various “grimas”. To strengthen the neck, movements are suitable when the head is thrown back and the lower lip is pulled up. You can change the direction of the lip tension, directing it down or over the upper lip.

Speech training

Speech exercises are good for training your facial muscles.

There is no need to learn special quatrains or chants. It is enough to clearly pronounce any vowels, stretching your lips as much as possible and opening your mouth.

Air games

By taking air into your mouth, you can perform various manipulations with it:

  • roll in the mouth;
  • release sharply upward with sound;
  • squeeze your cheeks with your hands.

Repeat each air exercise at least 10 times.

Tilts and rotations

Any warm-up before training includes exercises to warm up the cervical spine.

It is precisely these bends in different directions, the floor, or full rotations of the head that will allow you to remove a defect in the form of a double chin. Therefore, you can perform such movements not only before the main workout, but also purposefully when you have a free minute.

Static exercises

Not only dynamic movements can force muscles, especially deep ones, to work intensively.

Try any head tilt while creating resistance with your hand or fists. Such loads inevitably provoke muscle tension, which tones the tissues.


Like any workout, it is better to finish facial gymnastics with stretching. To do this, exercises that allow you to stretch your neck muscles will be useful.

Place your palm on the opposite ear and begin to slowly tilt your head. Stretching the arm opposite the tilt slightly to the side and down will help to increase muscle stretching.

Double chin massage

Neck massage is an affordable way to correct cosmetic defects. Thanks to active treatment of the problem area, fat deposits are broken down. The bonus will be improved blood flow and activation of local metabolic processes. The massage effect on the skin helps to rejuvenate tissues, accelerate collagen synthesis, which ultimately will not only give the effect of slimness and fit, but also remove fine wrinkles.

Of course, you can contact specialists who can select professional massage treatments. But most women do an excellent job with this part of their care at home.

Self-massage should become a mandatory element of daily cosmetic procedures. A light massage can be done when applying the day cream, and a deeper massage in the evenings. It is important to study the direction of the massage lines on the face and neck. If you do not follow the recommendations for the direction of movement, you can achieve the opposite effect and stretch the skin even more. Massage the chin from the middle to the ears:

  • after applying a fatty base in the form of a massage cream or oil to the skin, you can begin smoothing movements, gradually increasing the pace;
  • we proceed to tapping the skin with our fingertips, without changing direction;
  • We supplement self-massage by pinching the skin and kneading;
  • We finish the procedure with soothing stroking.

Perform self-massage daily and within a week you will enjoy the first results.

In addition to self-massage, you can use other massage techniques:

  1. Massage with a towel. To do this, you need to moisten a terry towel in a saline solution and place it directly under the chin so that its middle sag slightly. By sharply pulling the ends, we hit the skin with the cloth. We repeat these claps for a couple of minutes.
  2. Hardware massage. Of course, this technique applies to salon procedures. But you can purchase special devices that, thanks to various attachments, allow you to independently massage not only the neck, but also the face.
  3. Cupping massage. Vacuum action on the skin really allows you to eliminate many problems. But to massage the chin and neck, you will have to practice so that you don’t end up with hematomas instead of tightened skin.

Any intense massage is best done in the evenings after cleansing the skin. But you should not carry out such procedures immediately before going to bed or going outside.

Double chin masks

For those who are really interested in how to remove a double chin at home, mask recipes will come in handy. Of course, masks alone cannot solve the problem, but such care stimulates metabolic processes, which makes it possible to speed up the breakdown of fats and tighten the contour. However, you can achieve a real effect if you repeat the masks at least every other day.


It is made by adding a spoonful of dry yeast to half a glass of warmed, but not hot, milk. This yeast mixture cannot be used immediately. You need to wait at least half an hour for the mass to ferment and increase in size. The paste is applied to the chin under a firming compress and left until completely hardened.


Prepare mashed boiled potatoes, which we season with salt, milk and a spoonful of liquid honey. We put this potato mixture on a cloth and fasten it on the chin, where it will spend at least 40 minutes.


Choose the type of clay depending on your skin type:

  • green is suitable for those with oily, problem and combination skin;
  • black - oily and problematic;
  • white - oily and combination;
  • blue - problematic and fading;
  • red - combination, dry and problematic;
  • pink - sensitive and normal;
  • yellow - oily, combination and fading.

Dilute a spoonful of powder with plain water or milk and apply to the skin for half an hour.


Add a spoonful of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and salt to a glass of water. This solution is used to prepare a compress, which is applied to the problem area for half an hour. It can also be used to wet the tissue intended for massage.

Brine compress

You will need regular brine, which is obtained by fermenting cabbage. Gauze intended for compress is soaked in it. Leave this product on your chin for at least half an hour. Periodically, you can additionally wet the fabric in brine.

Don't forget about regular nourishing, moisturizing masks. Be sure to apply the healing mass to the chin area when making a mask on your face. The main condition for obtaining results is regularity. If you think about the problem once a month, you won’t be able to get rid of your double chin.

The appearance of a double chin is not only associated with age-related, genetic or medical changes. This defect also depends on our habits.

Therefore, it will not be possible to completely eliminate the problem without using behavioral methods:

  1. Watch your posture - it is a proud head position with wide open shoulders and a straight back that will help avoid the appearance of a double chin.
  2. Learn to keep your head slightly elevated not only when walking, but also while working at the computer.
  3. Don't sleep on pillows that are too high. This provokes not only the formation of folds under the chin, but also problems with the cervical spine and headaches.
  4. Adjust your diet and start moving more, do fitness. Extra pounds stick not only to your sides, but also to your face.
  5. Try to chew your food at least 20 times. This method will help to passively train the facial muscles and teach you to control the amount of food consumed.
  6. Smile. Believe me, laughter and smiling are the easiest way to train your facial muscles. In addition, the release of special hormones under the influence of positive emotions helps to improve mood and speed up metabolism.

Don't ignore your double chin problem. Of course, the use of chains, scarves, drawing eyebrows will distract attention from the problem. But no one has canceled the force of attraction, and if a defect has already appeared, it will only progress without much effort.


A double chin can ruin even the most pretty face. And most importantly, this unaesthetic flaw is completely impossible to hide under clothes. Well, don't wear a scarf all the time! In addition, a double chin can develop a huge complex in a woman about her appearance. Therefore, this life-damaging problem should not be ignored.
First of all, you need to clearly understand the cause of double chin. If we are simply talking about excess weight, then it is enough to go on a diet and exercise. All extra pounds will go away, including those that are comfortably placed on your face. After all, as we know, the face is the bottom of the first places that begins to lose weight.

Oddly enough, the situation is worse if a double chin is destined for you. You were born with him and lived together the lion's share of time. And even with a slight physique, there may well be a double chin. No diet or exercise will help here. It's all about your genetics. This type of face simply has too small an angle between the neck and lower jaw. As a rule, people with a round face have a double chin, and they usually also have cheeks. Let us repeat, a person can be completely thin and slender. Before we answer the question “How to remove a double chin at home in a week?”, Let’s look at the most popular myths that have developed around our topic of discussion.

The most common myths about a double chin

Myth No. 1: Tapping your chin with the back of your hand will help you get rid of a double chin (as well as various types of compression)

Truth: The first time I read an article about this, I laughed out loud. You might as well pat yourself on the stomach, butt, or other places where you would like to clean up a little. It is unlikely that such exercises will burn fat in the problem area or change your genetics.

Myth #2: Getting rid of a double chin is easy! To do this you just need...

Truth: There is no simple method to get results quickly. Losing excess weight, especially locally, has always been a difficult task. If you want to remove a double chin at home, you will have to exercise honestly and eat right for some time.

But it’s too early to give up. There are ways that help to perfectly reduce a double chin, albeit not in a week, but still... The most radical is plastic surgery. This is expensive, fraught with negative consequences and complications, and a long rehabilitation period. But the fact is that a highly qualified surgeon can definitely change the features and contour of the face. But “going under the knife” is an idea for the desperate, so we will look at more “earthly” ways to get rid of a double chin. And so, let's go!

5 effective ways to get rid of a double chin



  • Little effort on your part
  • Quite a quick result


  • Contraindications
  • Fragility


The most affordable method is to buy a regular anti-cellulite, fat-burning cream and actively rub it morning and evening into the double chin area. Of course, it will not be possible to achieve a 100% effect. But still, the fat-burning components included in such creams will have their effect. Therefore, removing a double chin is quite possible. On store shelves you can also find special creams for this area of ​​the face. Be sure to study the composition. There must be fat-burning elements. As a rule, such creams are based on caffeine or cocoa. Peptides, plant extracts, and moisturizing components are also added there. It is also possible that it contains hyaluronic acid, which fights skin sagging. The main thing is not to forget to use creams morning and evening. Consistency is the key to success. In order for the cream to be better absorbed, try to actively rub it in with massage movements for at least 5-7 minutes. The skin should acquire a reddish tint after application. The cream is recommended for use as part of complex measures to get rid of a double chin.


  • Availability


  • Low effect
  • Fragility

Facebook building (Exercises to get rid of a double chin)

There are special exercises designed specifically for the facial muscles. With their help, you can train these same muscles, and also significantly reduce your double chin. But there is a nuance - you need to do exercises constantly, and preferably several times a day. It’s expensive, it takes time, and mother laziness says the opposite. But if you take your will into your fist, then with Facebook building you can really achieve excellent results. There are even courses where a trainer teaches how to perform such exercises correctly. The main thing here is to learn to feel these very facial muscles, to feel how they tense and work. Try to open your mouth, then lift your lower jaw upward, but as if something is preventing it, through force. Do you feel tension in your neck and chin? These are those same ill-fated muscles.

A few simple exercises to remove a double chin in a week:

  • Reach the tip of the tongue to the nose

Relax your lips and the rest of your mouth muscles and move your tongue towards the tip of your nose. Try it right now and feel how the subcutaneous muscles of the neck and the muscles under the tongue tighten. If you want to get rid of a double chin, then the exercise should be done 20 times a day (if you don’t want to get rid of it, then 10 😉)

  • Prop up your chin

We prop up the lower jaw with our fist and smoothly try to open it, overcoming resistance. The exercise is done in 5-6 approaches of 10 seconds. If during the exercise you feel your neck and chin tense, then you are doing everything right.

  • We press the tongue to the palate

Using the middle of your tongue, press (and hold) the upper palate. When you press on the roof of your mouth, your chin will tighten. Do 5 sets of 10 seconds. If, when pressed, your chin does not rise but falls, try moving your tongue a little further, towards the larynx.

If it’s hard for you to imagine how this is done, here’s a little video, it is clearly shown here:


  • Simplicity of the method
  • Price (lack of it)
  • Long lasting effect


  • Willpower required
  • For a long time

Facial massage

One of the ways to combat a double chin is to massage the face, as well as the muscles of the neck and chin. Typically, this type of procedure is performed in spa salons using special masks and creams. The main goal of this procedure is to tone the flabby muscles of the chin and neck. As you understand, massage alone cannot solve the problem, so this type of procedure is a pleasant addition to the main set of measures. Unfortunately, this method is quite expensive, and it also requires a specialist (or a trained husband will do).


  • Good mood)


  • Low effect
  • High price (service + mask)
  • Need a specialist

Someone will say - But what about folk remedies? Okay, then one more point.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers readily believed that if you rub a lemon or potato on your double chin, it will disappear. At night, they even soaked gauze in lemon juice and tightly bandaged the head in the place of the double chin. But this is unlikely to be an effective method. Besides, if you don’t spend the night alone, then this method is really bad. It’s better to let your beloved see you with a double chin than with gauze wrapped around you. If someone still hopes and relies on this type of solution to the problem with a double chin, then here is some advice for you:

Soak a towel in ice water and then vigorously pat it on your double chin. Although this is not a panacea for the fat fold under the lower jaw, it will give tone to the skin and slightly tighten the contour of the face. True, this also needs to be done regularly. For example, with morning and evening washes.

While you are smeared with cream, pat yourself with a cold towel and press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, let’s figure it out

How to remove (hide) a double chin visually, some tips

  • Posture

You can cheat - try to walk with your head held high, as if stretching your neck and straightening your shoulders. This will help visually give the impression that you don't have a double chin. By correcting your posture, you will see that you look different.

  • Try to always look at the other person directly

(advice from professional photographers). Do not turn your head away from him or tilt it. Then the interlocutor will not notice such a flaw on your face as an extra fold of fat. The same goes for photography. Your best pose is full-face, and it’s better to shoot a little from above, certainly not from below, otherwise the double chin will visually turn into a “triple” or “quadruple”, ending up in the foreground. And lift your nose up, yes, yes, in your case this is the best option - to walk with your nose upturned high.

  • The right wardrobe

It's simply amazing how, with the right selection of things, you can get rid of a double chin. To avoid unnecessary attention to your “imperfections,” wear a deep neckline. It is clear that it is not necessary to wear things with the deepest neckline, it is enough to simply expose your neck and shoulders a little. And besides, it looks stylish and elegant, both with formal trousers and skirts, and with sportswear.

  • Hairstyle means a lot

Wear hairstyles that do not cover the neck, and in which the curls are not close to the chin. Add volume to your hair, this will remove unnecessary attention from your problem area. One of the hairstyles that suits best is a high ponytail. Or something more suitable, in which case you won’t have to think about a new hairstyle every day. A hairstyle that absolutely does not suit girls with a similar problem - when the hair strands end near the chin. In this case, the double chin again increases its tier, up to the 4th.

  • Face sculpting

Yes, you will never be able to disguise an extra chin without makeup. Apply makeup so that it emphasizes your cheekbones, cheeks and eyes. Pale eye shadow should be applied to the eyes. For the cheeks, use a gentle blush, and to correct the oval of the face, use contour pencils and highlighter. Pay special attention to your eye makeup, then all the attention will be focused on them, and not on your chin

  • Lips

Lipstick tone plays a big role in your appearance. It is very important what colors you apply to your lips. If your lips are set low and you have a small chin, then we recommend using neutral tones so as not to focus attention on the lower part of the face, where the object of our experiences is located. The situation is completely different if you have an elongated face shape and rather high-set lips. In this case, to disguise the double chin, use rich colors of lipsticks or glosses, such as purple, wine, etc. This will highlight your face rather than the lower part of it.

That's all the ways to get rid of a sagging chin. They can be combined or used only one. It’s certainly difficult to remove a double chin in a week without surgery, but you shouldn’t give up. Either way, your efforts will be rewarded in the end. And of course we are waiting, what if they finally invent a beauty pill. You ate it - and here’s a new face for you. In the meantime, let’s work on your appearance using traditional methods.

Oh yes, what would it be without Elena Malysheva and her methods:

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