How to remove the curse. How to remove a generational curse yourself


Curses can be cast in completely different ways.

  • The gypsy “gifted” some with negativity.
  • Others were targeted by enemies.
  • And there are curses that are inherited.

The latter are passed down from their ancestors. And in this type of negativity, in fact, the person himself is not to blame in this life.

He earned such a difficult task with sins that he does not remember and cannot even imagine what they are.

This program is called a generational curse.

It's difficult to work with him.

Remove the family curse yourself or turn to a sorcerer?

First of all, the curse should be diagnosed.

To do this you need to delve into the pedigree.

After all, one of our ancestors had a similar fate. But often this fact remains unknown.

Family ties have weakened these days.

Here you know:

  • how did your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers live,
  • what were you doing,
  • What did you think and feel?

Not to mention aunts, uncles and other distant relatives, whom we don’t even know about, much less about their lives.

The specialist will identify the problem and tell you about it.

Many even offer their help. If you trust them, be sure to agree.

But without faith in the powers of the magician, you should not experiment. It won't help.

Then take on the ritual yourself.

By the way, it is believed that independent work is necessary in any case.

After all, this is the task of the individual for this incarnation. There is no other way to get a family curse. It is only given according to deeds, as they say, to the strongest.

Let's look at how to remove a generational curse.

The method should be selected, like any magical weapon, according to your inner feeling.

Read the rituals carefully. The one that will cause a pleasant feeling in your soul is yours.

People with good intuition even find sources using their inner preference.

For example, since you are reading these lines, it means that this is exactly the method described here that will definitely help you.

Check it out, don't be lazy.

Wax casting is very common these days.

But there is also a ritual against wax curses.

It is quite possible for any person to do it.

  1. We need to go to church on Sunday.
  2. Buy candles there.
  3. Be sure to put three for health at different icons.
  4. Donate as much as you can to the community candle.
  5. And go home.

That same evening you should clean the house with a candle.

For this you need a special icon. It's called "Trinity". If you don't have one like this in your house, buy it.

Walk around the house with the icon and a lit candle, reading the “Our Father.”

Then proceed to your own ritual to remove the curse.

To carry it out you will need two enamel bowls.

  • You will melt the wax in one and pour it into the other.
  • Fill the second one with tap water.
  1. Place a couple of broken candles in the first one.
  2. Melt over low heat.
  3. To turn the wax into a liquid, pour it straight into water.
  4. And you should read the words:

“Like a spring flood, the waters overflow and the dirt is cleared from the earth. So the Lord gives me cleansing, the wax takes away all the evil dirt with it. In the name of the Lord, not the Devil! Amen!"

  1. Melt the frozen wax again and pour it out, repeating.
  2. And repeat a third time.
  3. Then bury the lump of wax deeper into the ground.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t be able to buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Maybe the generational curse won’t go away the first time, but it will weaken.

The ritual will have to be carried out in a year.

For this ritual you will need:

  • candles. You need seven pieces;
  • iron dish or brazier. We will burn photos on it.
  • mirror (small);
  • the whole family.

Find one where as many relatives as possible have gathered.

And if there is none, then glue them together from different ones.

Perform the ritual completely alone.

And don't tell anyone about him. Otherwise, the cleaning program may fail.

  1. Light the candles.
  2. Place them in a semicircle in front of you.
  3. Place a mirror in its center to reflect in it. Don't take the big one. A small mirror, the kind ladies carry with them in their cosmetic bags, is enough.
  4. Place the photo opposite. Let the relatives look at him in the mirror.
  5. Read the Trinity prayer three times.
  6. Now set fire to the photo from the four corners of the central candle.
  7. Throw it on the broiler and let it burn.
  8. Look in the mirror yourself and read “Our Father.”
  9. As only ashes remain from the photo, drop your own blood into it by piercing your finger with a needle.
    • You need from one to seven drops, depending on the size of the mirror.

  1. Stir until you get a black mixture.
  2. Cover the reflective surface with it while reading the formula.
    • The mirror must be completely blackened.
  3. Read the words:

“Everything that was inherited from the evil family remains on the other side of the mirror! Whoever washes it off will return my curse to me again! Amen!"

  1. After this, you should drip the mirror with wax, just like covering it with varnish. Then the soot and blood will certainly not be washed off.
  2. Bury the mirror somewhere deep in the forest. So that no one will find it for sure.

The curse will leave you.

We turn to prayers to remove the curse

Who would be sorry to spoil family photos, because they need real ones, not modern scans, there is a way to remove the generational curse.

It will, of course, require more time, but valuable property will remain intact.

The ritual also requires seven candles. Buy them at the temple.

And be careful not to buy thin ones. They need to be thick and burn for a long time.

The ceremony is performed only on Wednesday.

  1. Place a towel on the table.
    • It’s good if it was preserved from the wedding of older relatives. No, then buy a new one. Don't use yours.
    • By the way, you can replace it with a towel or a piece of an old sheet that your grandmothers used in the family.

  1. Attach candles to this fabric.
    • Do not use candlesticks. Simply melt the bottom of each candle and glue it to the fabric.
  2. Light them up.
  3. While they are burning (and this is a long time), read the prayers:
  • “Our Father” - three times,
  • “May God rise again” - seven times,
  • Psalm 90 - the same amount
  • Psalm 94 – once.

Then repeat in the same order until the candles burn out.

Write it down during the service or find it online.

The sounds of church hymns also help.

In principle, you should choose something that pacifies and inspires sublime thoughts. Some people voice the priest’s sermons at the moment the curse is lifted. It’s easier for them to tune in this way.

  1. When all the candles burn out on their own (do not extinguish them), collect the fabric and bury it in a remote place.

She will rot and the curse will go away.

If the fabric began to smolder from the candle, then the ceremony was not a success.

Stop. We'll have to repeat it another time.

The most common cause of a family curse is the grave act of one of the ancestors. For this he is cursed by the people affected by his deed. The curse is pronounced directly or imposed using magical rituals. It passes from generation to generation. The anathema is practiced either by all members of the clan, or only by women or men. Generic damage poses a serious danger to human bioenergy, his physical and spiritual health. But there are rituals and prayers that allow you to get rid of this curse forever.

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      Main signs of negativity

      Generic damage prevents a person from taking advantage of life’s opportunities. His family life does not work out, he fails to take advantage of career opportunities. The woman cannot bear children, the man abuses alcohol. Successful events in life pass by, but problems and misfortunes invariably attract.

      • A generational curse can be determined by a series of similar events passing from generation to generation. As a rule, these are diseases, early deaths, and suicides. The presence of anathema can be judged if in the family:

        • They were dispossessed or exiled.
        • There is no respect for elders.
        • There are cases of deaths of children under 3 years of age.
        • The lives of children repeat themselves exactly according to the negative parental scenario.
        • Tensions between mother and daughter, son and father.
        • There are people with six fingers with fused joints.
        • There are infertile marriages.
        • Many family members suffer from poverty and have serious financial problems.
        • There are alcoholics or drug addicts.
        • There are many atheists or those who have fallen away from the faith.
        • Close relatives are suing each other.
        • Everyone envy each other and are at odds.
        • They deliberately refuse kinship, saying: “You are not my mother (daughter, sister, brother...).
        • Of their own free will, they renounce their father’s threshold, saying: “My feet will no longer be here.”

        Effective rituals against ancestral corruption

        Before performing any ritual, you must take a shower and put on clean clothes.

        Prayers are read - “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God”, “May God rise again”, Creed.

        Ritual from Altai Old Believers

        A month before the sacrament, you should fast and visit the temple every day, light candles in the church for the repose of deceased relatives. Seven days before the sacrament, communication is strictly limited. You can’t go on a visit or invite people to your place. Old trash is thrown away. If possible, debts are paid off.

        On the day of the ritual, all mirrors in the home are covered with cloth. The windows are curtained. For the ritual you will need:

        • 3 church candles;
        • holy water;
        • flour;
        • red wool thread;
        • 2 new towels.

        The candles are placed on the table and lit, and the prayer “Our Father” is read. A very stiff dough is kneaded from flour and water. Two small figures are molded from it - a female and a male. Sprinkling them with holy water, they pronounce the words of the conspiracy:“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I ask You, Lord, protect and free the soul of this person from sorcerer’s slander, damage, the evil eye, curses, and all evil spirits. Let the flesh of Jesus Christ follow the red thread along the path of God. Reward each person according to his words, his thoughts, and his deeds. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

        Then they tie a red thread around a male figure and rotate it for several minutes over burning candles counterclockwise. The same is done with the second figure, but clockwise. Then both figures are wrapped in towels and buried in a deserted place. At the same time the conspiracy is read:“Mother of cheese earth, accept your goodness. Do not give it to the evil one - the monster of man. Do not let me out of your palace forever and ever. Amen".

        On the third day after performing the ritual, you should go to the temple and light candles for the repose of your deceased relatives. Sweets, apples, and bread are placed on the funeral table.

        If after the sacrament your health worsens, before going to bed you should read the prayer: “My guardian angel, God's servant! I girded myself with a cross and covered myself with prayer. Strengthen me, the humble servant of God (your name), for a bright day, for a dark night, from the unclean and the evil one, from the dark soul. I will never forget, I will glorify God. Amen".

        Using this method, the spell is gradually lifted over the next six months. The ritual will be more effective if you make a vow to yourself before performing it. For example, quit smoking, start going to church regularly, and do charity work.

        Morning prayer

        To get rid of ancestral damage, a prayer is read at dawn. The ritual is performed for 12 days, according to the number of holy apostles. It is not recommended to read the plot during Lent and major church holidays. If it is necessary to remove a curse from a woman, then the conspiracy is read for the first time on Women’s Day - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. If from a man - on Thursday or Tuesday.

        During these 12 days, it is prohibited to eat meat or any food with blood. After such a reprimand, you cannot lend bread and salt for a year.

        Conspiracy text:“All-merciful and Great Lord, Son of God, Jesus Christ! Have mercy on me, Your humble servant. Amen. Archangel Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, who watch at the door of the Lord, saw many of the wiles of the evil one, and spoke with the Great God about driving away the evil one. And they expelled them and cast them into the underworld irrevocably. And I address you, humble servant of the Lord (name), to the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Come and help, bring out the evil machinations. Take out and drive out all evil and devils, leprosy and evil from demons. Free (name) the body, whiten (name) the soul and free it.

        They would never touch (name), neither in the day, nor in the night, nor in the field, nor at the feast, nor in the temple of the Lord, nor in the house. They wouldn’t bother him (name) with illnesses, they wouldn’t drink his blood, they wouldn’t bother him with fierce grief. Holy Mother of God Mary! Forbid the unclean to torment (name) with damage. Let the evil depart from (name) and not continue in the family. Angels, Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim! Help, heal God’s servant (name) with your prayers. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

        Prayer by the water

        To lift a family curse, you need to go on Maundy Thursday to any body of water with running water - a river or sea. A pond or lake is not suitable. Having sprinkled themselves with water, they pronounce the words of the conspiracy:“The beginnings of the Lord! Speak with me, O Lord, with most pure lips. You, Master God, do Your will and be merciful to me forever and ever. Amen. I'll get up early in the morning and go out in the evening. I go to the Holy City, I will cover it with gold. I'll come closer, I'll lean lower. Come to me, Mother of God. I pray to You, remove all spells from me, the servant of the Lord (name).

        My Most Holy Master, be always with me from now on. On the sea-okiyan, on the island of Buyan, in an ancient hut sits the dashing old man. That famously destroyed my entire bloodline. Grant me, Lord God, to be freed from it, and for my family to be reborn in Your light. Glory to Thee, Lord, for now, for centuries, for holy times. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

        Then they return home silently and without stumbling. After this conspiracy, the entire clan is freed from the spell.

        Powerful ceremony at the cemetery

        If other ways to get rid of the curse on your own do not help, you can use the following method. Experienced sorcerers resort to it only as a last resort. The person performing the ritual goes to the grave of an unbaptized person. Such a soul remains in the places where the deceased lived for up to 9 years.

        Approaching from the left side, you need to stand at the head of the grave and direct your gaze to where the chest of the buried person should be. Mentally say the words three times:

        “Your heart stood up and stopped beating.

        The eyes do not look, the ears do not smell, the body does not breathe.

        You, mortal blight, come down from the servant of the Lord (name)

        Yes, go to this deceased body.

        How can this unchrist not be in heaven?

        The doors of heaven cannot be opened

        So also the servant of the Lord (name)

        Don’t get sick and don’t grieve from bad damage.

        The sun sets, the month rises.

        My job, get it done,

        Touch the servant of the Lord (name).

        The sun is the key

        The moon is a castle

        The agreement is a seal.

        Then they silently return home. You are not allowed to talk to anyone until dawn the next day.

        How to determine the culprit of anathema through the church

        You can determine who the generational curse comes from as follows:

    1. 1. On a piece of paper, all the known names of deceased blood relatives are written down in order (if the curse was made through the female line, all known women in the family are written down).
    2. 2. A church memorial service is served for the listed members of the clan. One candle is placed for each person.
    3. 3. While the clergyman is conducting a memorial service, the names of those whose candles are smoked more than others are written down separately.
    4. 4. When the perpetrators of the anathema are identified, a funeral service (sorokoust or annual) is ordered in their names.
    5. 5. If it is possible to visit their graves, take funeral food there: bread, vodka, boiled eggs. When the food is laid on the grave, the words are said: “You (name) have no bread, take your curse! »
    6. 6. When the anathema is lifted, the person will immediately feel great relief. Everyday affairs will quickly improve, quarrels and problems will go away.

    This method of removing a generational curse is suitable if the anathema was spoken in the heat of the moment. Strong witchcraft slander is removed by other, more complex rituals. At the same time, one cannot do without generous ransoming and monetary donations to the church.

    A radical way to get rid of damage

    The method is suitable only for internally strong people with endurance. A person experiencing the effects of negative generic programs can completely sever ties with his family and thereby save himself from damage. To do this, it is not necessary to stop communicating with family or leave the country. The severance of connection occurs on a spiritual level, and not on the physical. After this, the person is deprived of the support of the clan, but he stops experiencing the negative effects of damage.

    Renunciation is carried out at the ancestral grave or mound. For the ceremony you will need:

    • chicken egg;
    • a new knife, specially purchased for the ritual;
    • canvas bag;
    • a strand of your own hair;
    • candies.

    A person visits all the burials of relatives known to him. A handful of soil is collected from each grave. Sweets are left in return. The words are spoken:“This is not my land, not my blood. I renounce you, I don’t know you.”

    The collected soil is poured into a bag. After this, you need to find any unmarked grave. They roll an egg on it, saying:

    “Born from a mother, united with a father, communed with a grandmother, appropriated by a grandfather, fed by brothers and sisters with the same milk - you, dead man, and not me. I renounce my mother and father, my grandmother and grandfather, my brothers and sisters. From their children and sons-in-law, daughters-in-law and godfathers, aunts and uncles. From blood relatives and half-blood relatives, relatives and strangers - everyone who pulls from me, turns their eyes to me, considers me family. I renounce my maternal and paternal lineage. I renounce their blood, I cut myself off from them - from my arms and legs, my head and my belly. I will no longer know or take them into account; I will become a stranger forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

    The egg is placed in a bag of soil. A strand of hair is also placed there. Then everything is buried under the nearest living tree. A knife is stuck into the ground up to the hilt, and the words are spoken: “I am cutting myself off from the tree of my family. Let the blood be absorbed by the roots and free me from captivity.”

    Upon returning home, everything that has a connection with relatives is burned - photographs, gifts. What cannot be burned is given to homeless people. At the same time, the words are mentally pronounced: “Just as you have no home, I have no clan.”

    After the ritual, you are not allowed to maintain contact with any relatives other than your own children for six months. The generation born from the sorcerer is not cut off. If the performer of the ritual does not decide to re-establish contact with relatives, over the next six months the connection with the family will be severed. Symptoms of damage and generational curse will leave the person forever.

    Curses on the female line

    The family curse, transmitted through the female line, is one of the strongest. In addition to special rituals, to remove it, it is necessary to undergo the rite of unction in the temple for three years. It is strongly recommended to attend services, give alms to the poor, and read prayers.

    Main signs

    The main difference between such a generic spell is the duration and power of its impact on women in the family. Main signs of damage:

    • Unsuccessful marriages, inability to build a strong relationship with a man. The lady is constantly looking for a partner, the children are growing up without a father.
    • Often sick children who die violently or take their own lives.
    • A woman is drawn to cheating, which leads to the birth of “fed up” children with difficult destinies.
    • Husbands abuse alcohol or end up in prison.
    • Childlessness.
    • Neuroses, mental disorders in the female line.
    • Chronic diseases of the genital and endocrine spheres.
    • Poverty brings a woman to complete poverty and lack of a roof over her head.
    • At a certain stage, the life of each of the relatives begins to collapse.

    Removing the curse through the female line

    It is held on the waning moon. For the sacrament you will need:

    • Holy water.
    • 3 wax candles from the temple.
    • Chicken egg (store-bought is not suitable).
    • Your photograph.

    Candles are arranged in a triangle. A photo is placed in its center and the sign of the cross is made three times with the right hand, having first moistened the fingertips in holy water. The words are spoken:“Lord, have mercy and bless. Thanks to the Higher powers, I will forever close the generational curse.”

    An egg is placed on the picture and spun clockwise. While it is spinning, they say:

    “The continuous circle collects evil, spoilage and all the evil and drives it into a chicken egg. Like the red sun, it spins. It will not stop for a moment until terrible destruction hides within it. Let the magic not spread to loved ones, to small children. Let it turn the yolk black and leave the women of our kind forever.”

    The plot is read until a feeling of internal relief arises. The egg is taken to a deserted place and buried. The hill is irrigated with holy water. After 6 days the ritual is repeated. On the seventh day, the photograph is burned. In this case, the candles should burn out completely. Over the next six months, you should attend church, offering prayers for health.

    Casting a curse on wax

    To carry out the ritual you will need the Trinity icon. You must first go to church on Sunday and buy candles. Any amount should be donated to the church.

    Upon arrival from the temple, three candles are immediately lit at different icons, and the ritual of cleaning the house begins:

    1. 1. With the Trinity icon and a candle, walk around all the rooms of the house clockwise. In the right hand they hold a burning candle that cleanses the home.
    2. 2. At the same time, read the “Our Father” prayer.
    3. 3. Then take two small enamel containers.
    4. 4. One of them is filled with holy water, in the second you need to melt the wax (one of the candles breaks into pieces, the dishes are kept on low heat).
    5. 5. Wax from the second bowl is poured onto the water in the second.
    6. 6. Say the words: “With spring floods, the dirt goes away, cleanliness comes. So my family receives purity from the Lord God. Let the wax wash away all the dirt and damage from me. I call upon all the Saints, Angels and Archangels, the Mother of God and Jesus Christ as my assistants. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
    7. 7. The collected wax is collected separately and melted again.
    8. 8. The text of the conspiracy is read again.
    9. 9. The ritual is repeated a third time, after which the wax lump is buried deep into the ground in a deserted place.

    The ceremony is repeated no earlier than a year later.

    Technique of deliverance “Journey to the ancestor of the family”

    Visualization is a ritual that belongs to white magic. It allows you to fill the entire female line with love and light, neutralizing the effect of dark forces. First you need to relax, meditate for a few minutes with your eyes closed. The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Remember your mother, her appearance, what she says, what impression she creates.
    2. 2. Imagine her as a young girl, then a teenager and a child.
    3. 3. Imagine her as a microscopic cell in which two lines merge - her mother and father.
    4. 4. Then choose the life line of her mother and mentally go into her past in the same way. Imagine your grandmother as an adult, a young woman, a child, a small cell.
    5. 5. Select the female line again, moving back centuries to the very first woman of the family.
    6. 6. Feel its power and love. Imagine how she blesses, accept her parting words and express respect.
    7. 7. Visualize how all the women of the clan stand on both sides of the ancestress. Give them the love they received, and also accept the light that comes from them.
    8. 8. After taking a deep breath and exhaling, return to real life.
    9. 9. Visualization is carried out several times until a lasting feeling of relief and love for one’s family arises.

    How to remove the mother's curse

    The main consequences of unkind words spoken by the mother are loneliness and the crown of celibacy. Before the ritual of removing a maternal curse or other anathema passing through the female line, fasting is observed for one month. The sacrament is performed in the absence of the mother's home. For the ritual you will need:

    • Plain saucer.
    • A handful of salt.
    • New handkerchief.
    • Wax candle from the temple.
    • Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”.

    At noon, a handkerchief is laid on the table. An icon and a saucer with a mounted candle and a handful of salt are placed on it. First, prayers are read - “Our Father”, Psalm 90 or 50, “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”, “May God rise again”.

    Then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

    “To the Virgin Mary, our long-suffering Mother!

    Forgive Your ignorant servant (mother’s name),

    She didn’t wish me harm, she didn’t want to start a dark sorcery!

    Forgive me too, Thy sinful and humble servant (your name),

    I don’t want to while away a century alone.

    Help me, O All-Blessed One, to find my betrothed,

    Walk the paths and find your happiness.

    Yes, a happy child to give birth to.

    Help me, Holy Mother,

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    The icon is wrapped in a handkerchief and hidden under the pillow. She must stay there for three days. Then it is placed in a prominent place. You should read prayers in front of the icon as often as possible.

    After the ancestral curse is removed, the processing of ancestral “karma” and existing negative programs accelerates. Against the backdrop of cleansing rituals and prayers, life’s difficulties may worsen. You need to be prepared for this, because this strengthening is a sign of imminent cleansing from damage.

This is some kind of curse, life is not going well. There is no husband, no children either. There is no way who was guilty in the family. A magical spell to help you. Read it with intonation.

The ritual will not destroy anyone.

You will not take sin on your soul.

So don't worry about anything.

Father or mother, my grandmother or grandfather,
Which have not been around for a long time.

Once upon a time they received a spell,
Now I'm carrying a family curse.

It was born along a family chain,
Like an evil ulcer settled inside me.

I want it to stop as soon as possible
And it returned to the bowels of the earth forever.

When midnight comes, I will light the candles,
After reading these lines, I will burn the paper.

I will leave the innate evil to the earth,
And tomorrow morning I will light candles in the church.

Seven pieces so that our ancestors may rest in peace,
And seven for health - to divine powers.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

1). You go to church and buy seven expensive candles.

2). Fill a pre-prepared container with holy water.

3). If it is not available, then purchase Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Blessed Elder Matrona and the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon from the church shop.

4). Be sure to wear a consecrated cross.

Never take it off.

5). At exactly midnight, lock yourself in your room and light the candles.

Place a vessel with holy water and Orthodox icons nearby.

6). Read the Lord's Prayer “Our Father” seven times in a row.

7). Drink a small amount of holy water.

8). Read a magical plot to remove a family curse from a page seven times in a row.

There is nothing terrible in the fact that in this case Christian prayer and a conspiracy are intertwined, which does not manipulate evil forces, but is aimed at attracting the light energy of the deity for independent deliverance from a terrible illness.

9). Wait until the candles burn out completely.

10). Wrap their remains in a sheet with a spell and set fire to the package, placing it on a pre-prepared saucer.

11). Drink holy water again.

12). Wear disposable gloves and place the combustion products along with the saucer in a plastic bag.

13). Bury him in a deserted place, burying him securely.

14). Return home without looking back or engaging in conversation with a random passerby.

15). Drink holy water for the third time.

16). Put away the Orthodox icons and get rid of the gloves.

They won't harm you.

17). In the morning, go to church and give a note of repose to your deceased relatives by buying fourteen candles.

18). Give a note about health not only to yourself, but also to those who are connected with you along the karmic line.

These are your children, grandchildren and parents, of course, if they are living peacefully.

19). Place seven candles on the eve and the same number for the Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Blessed Elder Matrona and the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

20). Go to church more often, try to observe fasts and spiritual traditions, then no evil intentions can harm you and your children.

May the Lord deliver you from the curse of the family that has settled inside your soul.

#100HappyDays Day 12

Today we will talk about how to recognize whether there is a generational curse on you and, if there is, how to remove it yourself. You will find the main recommendation in any source: contact a real magician, psychic, wizard, etc. And a sign of “authenticity” will be a lot of “real” reviews;)

In the distant times of our ancestors, witches were considered those who simply had the necessary knowledge, knew how to communicate with the surrounding nature, knew how to feel and developed the necessary abilities.

We are learning magic and therefore here we share the necessary knowledge, and your task is to communicate with nature, feel it and, most importantly, believe in yourself;)

Now on topic :)

This phenomenon occurs, which is usually called a “family curse,” when one of the distant ancestors greatly offended another person and he, in turn, wished a hundred misfortunes in his hearts for this person and his entire family. The power of words can be very destructive, and this will be transmitted through generations. Especially if this word contains powerful energy. In order to impose a curse, you do not need to perform any special rituals; this is done with words and thoughts. The most severe curse can come from parents or older relatives. A word spoken in a state of passion can break the destinies of generations. The effect of the curse can extend to the entire family as a whole, or be transmitted either through the female or male line, or “turn on” at a certain age, or through a generation. There are a lot of action scenarios, but you can deal with them and it’s actually not that difficult;)

It has its own obvious signs:

1. Many family members have serious problems with the psyche and nervous system: increased levels of irritation, suicidal tendencies, depression, aggressiveness, apathy, addiction, etc.

2. Early or unnatural deaths in the family (not isolated cases). This can happen in both the male and female lines, and can be tied to some events or dates. There can also be many scenarios here, and in each case it is necessary to look and analyze: is it an accident, a coincidence, or is there some kind of program at work.

3. Younger generations repeat the fate of older generations. If you look at destinies, you get the feeling that everyone lives according to approximately the same scenario, adjusted for the passage of time and new technologies.

4. The same disease occurs along some line or is transmitted through generations in a scenario. Most often it manifests itself at a certain age, plus a couple of minutes, and this scenario can also be traced. Make sure it's not a coincidence.

5. It is very difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex. People often become lonely. For no apparent reason they are abandoned or become widows/widowers. Here you also need to analyze and make sure that these are not accidents or coincidences. If a generic curse is in effect, then the script and the underlying program will be clearly visible.

These are the most obvious signs. If you suddenly find them, then we will get rid of the misfortune :)

We remove the generational curse. As always, I tell you methods that you can do yourself at home and that will be effective.

First, let's take family photos. One of the photographs should be a general family photo, in which all the people depicted are alive. If you have determined that negativity is transmitted only through the female or only through the male line, then collect as many photographs of women or men (respectively) of your family as possible. Those who are alive. Do not put photographs of the living and the deceased side by side. On a blank piece of paper, make a list of living relatives for whom you are praying. Start the list with your name. You must include everyone you are asking for, regardless of whether these people are in the pictures or not. We write only living people.

Place the photographs and list in a book of holy scriptures. The list should extend slightly beyond the edges of the book. It could be the Bible or the Koran, it doesn't matter. It is important that this book resonates in your heart. You can choose a page with a particular chapter and put photographs there, or you can randomly put photographs between the pages. The universe itself will lead you to the right chapter and the right lines;)

The ritual is performed strictly on the waning moon. You can complete the ritual on the new moon or the first quarter of the waxing moon. But we begin to lift the curse during the waning moon.

For a week the photographs and names lie in the holy book, and every evening you light a candle or several candles and read prayers. The photographs have not been taken out of the book for a week. But the list must be taken out and revealed during each prayer. During this reading period, place the book with photographs next to you and place your left hand on it. The prayer that is closest to you should come first, it could be the Our Father or the Angelic Greeting, it doesn’t matter. This should be YOUR prayer, which will come from your heart.

Next, we read the plot three times: "God, I pray you, bless your children(read out the names from the list, starting with your name. If at the time of reading you remember that you forgot someone from your family, say his name and then add it). God, grant us support and protection. Take away slander and slander from us and our entire family, deliver us from the curse and bring us to the light of God. Help us, Lord, according to our faith and our deeds. I believe in you and trust you with my destiny, and through myself I instill faith in my family and with good deeds to those in need I will thank you for your help. So be it. Amen."

After this, we read the same prayer with which we started, or any other that your heart asks for.

The last day of reporting should fall on either the new moon or the waxing moon.

And so, after a week of reprimands, take the photographs and go to the temple. Light candles for the health of everyone living in your family (you can have one for each person, you can have one candle for your favorite icons for all members of your family). Again, the main thing here is that everything comes from the soul and from the heart. Pray for your health and for theirs and ask God to remove the generational curse from you and your family. In gratitude, promise (and then fulfill) to help those who need your help, regardless of whether they are relatives or random passers-by. It is best to pray in your own words, which come from the heart. There is no need to take out photographs, they just need to be with you.

If you go to a Catholic church, the best place for such prayers is the benches near the Blessed Sacrament, and the best time is Mass, no matter what language it is held in. Talk to God, he will hear and help. If you start to cry during prayer, it means that very soon everything will pass and God will send angels to help you.

When you return home from the temple on this day or the next day convenient for you and your family, bake a simple apple pie and set the table with food you prepared yourself, not ordered from a restaurant. Gather your family, whoever is possible, feed everyone, arrange a regular family lunch or dinner. If possible, talk only about good things, remember the departed with good thoughts, say as much good things as possible to each other. You did this ritual and you must set the tone for this feast. Talk about how much you love and appreciate each other. Only those who can will come to the table. Don't persuade or force anyone.

After the feast, collect a piece of pie and leftover food and take it away from home. Do not store any leftovers at home. Therefore, try to correctly calculate the preparation of dishes, do not overdo it;) Away from home, feed animals or birds with this food.

Tell me when you feed them “I take away with this food all the bad things that were imposed on the family. Just as this food reaches you and is spread away from our family, so the bad things leave us, and make room for the good. Take everything with you and leave it far from us. It’s delicious for you and good for us, I’m doing it for everyone’s benefit. So be it. Amen." It is good to feed the birds with bread and a piece of apple pie; everything else can be laid out where the animals will definitely find and eat it.

Well, that's all, come home, take a shower and go to rest. You've done everything you need to do. The result will be quite quickly. Just remember what you promised in return? Do good to others and ask everyone in your family to do the same. Not on purpose, not demonstratively, but spontaneously and from the heart.

From this article you will learn absolutely free of charge how to remove the generational curse in the church yourself.
Don’t be alarmed, but I’m telling you right away that this article will not be short.
Please be patient to read it to the end.
A family curse is nothing more than a blockage of energy channels responsible for marriage, wealth, health and luck.
Ancestral curse is also called congenital corruption.

If your distant relative, who died untimely, became a victim of an evil sorcerer or a rabid ill-wisher, then you automatically become the heir to the curse of the family.
But this is only if your loved one has not broken the bonds of karmic dependence. He could have lifted the curse so that it would not be passed on to you by inheritance.
This was a short excursion into centuries for a better understanding of occult reality.

So, in order to remove the innate negativity in the church with your own hands, you will have to follow these steps:

1). Having accurately identified a generational curse, do not try to subside it. Don't be afraid of it as something terrible. Start cleaning immediately.
2). You need to visit 3 different Orthodox Temples, ordering Sorokoust about Health for yourself in each. You will also have to put 3 candles for the icon of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and for the eve.
3). Give simple notes of repose to the deceased at three churches. Write down every relative you remember on your mother's or father's side.

When you light the candles for the eve, say these charming lines to yourself:

Let me go, dead man, let the curse end. Amen.

In this way you are trying to break what connects you with the deceased.

Do not forget that independently removing the generational curse involves holding all events in three church monasteries.

4). It is very advisable before visiting Temples to observe a strict week-long fast, reading the Holy Scriptures and Orthodox prayers.
5). You will have to receive communion and confession in three different churches, with a short time interval between events. Let's assume that today you visited the first chosen Temple, tomorrow you can confess and take communion in another, and in a few days you can visit the third.
6). After all the work is completed in all three monasteries, you can begin to independently remove the ancestral curse.

Please be careful and don't miss anything.

Self-removal of a generational curse

A). In the third Orthodox Church you buy twelve candles and Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
b). Fill the flask with holy water.
V). You go back.
G). Secluded in a spacious room, light candles. Place icons and holy water nearby.
d). With a calm soul and unbridled faith, you begin to read the plot written on a sheet of white paper:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Break the bonds of the ancestral curse that bind me to the deceased person. For the sins of others, do not punish me, but for my sins, forgive me. Don't let the family curse revive again on my children and great-grandchildren. I beg you, have mercy and cleanse my soul from congenital corruption. Protect me from destruction and do not let the curse destroy me. Thy will be done. Amen! Amen! Amen!

e). You read the plot many times, slowly and with faith in your soul.
and). You watch how the church candles slowly fade away. They melt, cleansing you from the ancestral curse.
h). When all the candles burn out, throw away the cinders, and remove the icons and the sheet with the spell.
And). Drink holy water regularly.

I can’t tell you when a positive result will come.
If nothing changes within two weeks and the signs of the ancestral curse persist, repeat self-removal again.