How does rap influence a person? Music that influences human consciousness. Club, electronic music


Hard rock is music for sullen teenagers who are aggressive and not very educated. Classical music is preferred by calm and sophisticated people, while pop and R"n"B are listened to by partygoers and fun-loving people.

Do you think this is true? Scientists have been studying the influence of musical preferences on intelligence for many years. The results of their research surprise many. In fact, pop music fans are hardworking, and rockers have the highest IQ.

In the not so distant eighties, rockers in our country were equated almost to Satanists. Gloomy guys and girls in leather jackets with studs struck fear into the surrounding grandmothers and young mothers.

Because of the attributes and inherent rebellious spirit of rockers, a stereotype has become stronger in the minds of ordinary people: fans of this music are dangerous, almost asocial individuals. Cultured and educated people were required to listen to classical music, or at least blues or jazz.

To the fans dance music They were treated a little more leniently, but they considered them slackers who could only have fun. Another popular belief was that happy music lifts the mood, while sad and dark melodies, on the contrary, they drive you into depression.

At some point, scientists became interested in the question. They decided to check whether there really was a connection between music and the mood, character and even the level of intelligence of its listeners. The results of their research were a big surprise.

Firstly, not all people in a bad mood are recommended to listen to invigorating pop music or major-key classical works. The dissonance between the performer's mood and his own can drive a person into even greater depression.

But hysterical songs give a feeling of empathy. So if your friend is out of sorts and listening to sad ballads, don't blame him for wanting to open up his wound. Perhaps this is his personal way of therapy.

Earlier, scientists from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, led by Professor Adrian North, head of the department of applied psychology, also decided to test the connection between musical preferences and the intelligence and character of listeners.

During the study, scientists interviewed 36 thousand people from different countries peace. To determine the level of intelligence of volunteers, scientists used classic IQ tests, as well as a list of questions according to the program secondary school.

Perhaps scientists set out to prove to teenagers that listening to heavy music and rap is unsafe for their brains. But the results surprised the researchers themselves.

"One of the things that amazed us the most is that the fans classical music And hard rock very similar,” admitted Adrian North. To the delight of teenagers and to the chagrin of parents, the most high intelligence demonstrated by fans of classical music... and rock!

"There is a stereotype in society of a hard rock fan as a person in deep depression with suicidal tendencies, it is generally accepted that rockers are dangerous elements of society. In fact, they are harmless and even useful for society as a whole. This is very subtle natures", the scientist emphasizes.

However, as life shows, in adulthood many rockers join the classical works, and without giving up your favorite metal. Not surprisingly, the characteristics of fans of both genres were similar. “Both are creative, laid-back individuals, but not very sociable,” says North.

Fans of rap, hip-hop and r"n"b were recognized as the most narrow-minded - they showed the lowest results in IQ tests. But they, like reggae fans, demonstrate enviably high self-esteem and sociability. Fans of jazz and blues do not suffer from self-criticism - their self-esteem is also high.

Hard Rock- music for gloomy teenagers who are aggressive and not very educated. Classical music people prefer calm and refined, and pop and R'n'B listen to partygoers, fun-loving people. Do you think this is true? Scientists have been studying the influence of musical preferences on intelligence for many years. The results of their research surprise many. In fact, pop music fans are hardworking, and rockers have the highest IQ.

In the not so distant eighties, rockers in our country were equated almost to Satanists. Gloomy guys and girls in leather jackets with studs struck fear into the surrounding grandmothers and young mothers. Because of the attributes and inherent rebellious spirit of rockers, a stereotype has become stronger in the minds of ordinary people: fans of this music are dangerous, almost asocial individuals. Cultured and educated people were prescribed listen to classical music, as a last resort - blues or jazz.

TO dance music fans They were treated a little more leniently, but they considered them slackers who could only have fun. Another common belief was that cheerful music lifts the mood, while sad and gloomy melodies, on the contrary, drive away.

At some point, scientists became interested in the question. They decided to check whether there really was a connection between music and the mood, character and even level of intelligence of its listeners. The results of their research were a big surprise.

Firstly, not all people in a bad mood are recommended to listen to invigorating pop music or major classical works. The dissonance between the performer's mood and his own can drive a person into even greater depression. But hysterical songs give a feeling of empathy. So if your friend is down and listening sad ballads, don’t blame him for wanting to open up his wound. Perhaps it's his personal way of therapy.

And not so long ago, scientists from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, led by Professor Adrian North, head of the department, also decided to test the connection between musical preferences and the intelligence and character of listeners.

During the study, scientists interviewed 36 thousand people from around the world. To determine the level of intelligence of volunteers, scientists used classic IQ tests, as well as a list of questions regarding the general education school curriculum. Perhaps scientists set out to prove to teenagers that listening to heavy music and rap is unsafe for their brains. But the results surprised the researchers themselves.

“One of the facts that amazed us most is that fans of classical music and hard rock are very similar“Adrian North admitted. To the delight of teenagers and to the chagrin of parents, the highest intelligence was demonstrated by fans of classical music... and rock! “There is a stereotype in society of a fan of hard rock as a person who is deeply depressed with suicidal tendencies; it is generally accepted that rockers are dangerous elements of society. In fact, they are harmless and even useful for society as a whole. These are very subtle natures,” the scientist emphasizes.

However, as life shows, in adulthood many rockers turn to classical works, without giving up their favorite metal. Not surprisingly, the characteristics of fans of both genres were similar. “Both are creative, laid-back individuals, but not very sociable,” says North.

Fans of rap, hip-hop and r'n'b were recognized as the most narrow-minded - they showed the lowest results in IQ tests. But they are just like fans reggae, demonstrate enviably high self-esteem and communication skills. Do not suffer from self-criticism fans of jazz and blues- their self-esteem is also high.

The most creative were dance music fans, all the same rock, blues and jazz, as well as opera experts. And the most hardworking were fans of country music and fans of trending pop hits - people who, when asked about musical preferences They answer, “I listen to what’s on the radio.”

The influence of music on the human psyche

Music has taken over our entire planet. We cannot imagine our life without music. She's all so different. Like the colors of the rainbow, like the days of the week. There is an incredible amount of difference. And the quality did not disappoint. Everything is in music: the city, the people, and virtual world, and people's relationships. Even poetry can be set to music.

Music that influences the psyche. What kind of music do you prefer? Rock, jazz, popular, classical? Or maybe you are interested in a field about which little is known?

Impact of Rock Music. Rock music is “destructive”. Many novice researchers think so. They remember the incident when, at a concert famous rock band, a raw egg, which was under the column, after three hours, was soft-boiled. Could the same thing really happen with the psyche?

But It's rare to meet people who love classical music. They perceive it very hard and feel uncomfortable.

Real case example. One young boy decided to conduct a very interesting experiment on himself. He gave all CDs with your favorite music to my friends. He didn’t give it, he just gave it away. For a while. So that there is no temptation to listen to what you like and are used to. He planned listen to classical music the whole day. But he couldn’t stand it: it lasted literally for several hours. Here's what stopped the listening:

1. Blood pressure has risen.
2. I was tormented by a migraine.
3. It became difficult to breathe.

The guy wanted to escape from the music. This is how he “cured his Bad mood" After such an experiment, the young man never listened to the classics again. She remained only in memories.

At all, music affects the human psyche depending on what kind of person he is. Temperament and personal qualities are woven into this.

People of the older generation, for example, relax their souls when they immerse themselves in classical melodies. They can listen to classical music all the time and will be happy to be able to listen to classical music online for free, 24 hours a day and at any volume. This seems very incredible, but it only seems. All people are different. Remember how the older generation tried to understand the younger generation’s love for rap culture, for example. It was impossible to understand. Understanding replaced humility. Yes, I had to come to terms with it. What was left to do?

Human psyche– patient, but flexible. Sometimes, it is impossible to predict where it will “take”. Sometimes incredible things happen to her: something that would seem to cause irritation, unexpectedly, serves as a means to calm her down. Yes, this happens too. It is important to be able to correctly accept and perceive this or that accident.

In truth, hardly anything in modern life is already capable of “infinitely” shocking humanity. What “shocks” could there be? musical world when people strive to combine notes with incompatible sounds, thereby obtaining a very good melody.

What to do if you really like the music, but it is condemned and criticized? Treat her the way you want, and not the way others expect you to treat her. Having a love for any direction in music, you are doing absolutely nothing wrong, you are not bothering anyone with your “predilection”. So what's the deal? Are you afraid of being judged? If yes, give up the music and “change” to something else. If not, enjoy what is so dear and valuable to you.

There is another option: write the music yourself! Put your whole soul and all its “depths” into the music. Perhaps you will become famous person. Perhaps you are on the verge of a “great” future? Time will put everything in place. //,,

If you miss the long-winded introductions about positive impact classical music and details of various studies, we get the following. In psychology there is such a term as “AUDITORY PATHWAY”. This is the path from the beginning of the sound to the result, which is achieved by irritating one or more nerve centers of the brain. Every word, musical composition or simply sound have their own auditory pathways. Accordingly, sounds that differ in frequency, rhythm, timbre, and vibration have different effects on a person, because this is directly related to the rhythms of the brain.

Receiving audio information through the organs of hearing, the brain analyzes it by comparing it with its own rhythms. Each person has rhythms at their own frequency. This is why tastes in music are so different. Let's go through the genres.

Rock music.

In many classical works we find information about the harmful effects of rock and similar music on the body. Not surprisingly, in the not-so-distant 80s and earlier, rockers were equated almost to Satanists. In the minds of the “ancestors” the image of terrible, prone to violence, practically asocial personalities was strengthened (which we see in our Nikita), therefore in those years it was common for cultured and educated people to write only “correct” articles.

However, later a curious fact about rock music was discovered - scientists have proven that rockers have the highest IQ of all music lovers.

IN modern rock music frequencies that affect the brain are used, such as narcotic substances, as they combine from ultra-low frequencies of 15-30 hertz to ultra-high frequencies of up to 80,000 hertz. It's quite exciting nervous system person.

The strength of sound also plays a role here. Our ear the best way perceives sound at 55-60 decibels. A sound of 70 decibels is considered loud. The sound volume at the site, where walls with powerful speakers used during rock concerts are installed, reaches 120 dB, and in the middle of the site up to 140-160 dB. (120 dB corresponds to the volume of the roar of a jet plane taking off in close proximity, and the average values ​​​​for a player with headphones are 80-110 dB). In this situation, the adrenal glands also secrete a stress hormone - adrenaline. You can imagine the effect on the body. But why it is generally accepted that this is bad, I don’t know. Personally, I am for adrenaline and all sorts of psycho-glitches - we already deal with them every day, so why divide them into “good” and “bad”? This is stupid!

Electronic music, trance

Here, of course, the main role belongs to rhythm. Rhythm is generally one of the most strong ways impact on human body. Simple but powerful rhythms force a person to respond (movements to the rhythm), from ecstasy to hallucinations, from hysteria to loss of consciousness.

The influence of pop music on a person

Well, what can you say about her? Pop music often adapts to the heart rate and slows it down rather than vice versa, unless of course it is music for a party. I don’t see much psychotropism in this music, and I don’t see any evidence to the contrary either. Here the effect is more “pleasant” - “not pleasant”. The words resonate or not. Pop music has never been strong point. In general, it is “considered” that popular music extremely negatively affects intelligence. No offense to anyone, but I personally have been convinced of this more than once - it’s called “sliding” for a reason...

Jazz music influence

Jazz has virtually no effect on mental condition person. He simply relaxes in the “waves” of this musical direction. But relaxation very quickly “evaporates” and dissolves in the melody of the music. You too can dissolve with them. But on one very small condition. Condition: this music is close to you. That’s why he has so few followers, that’s why this is music of taste, but I want to note that it’s excellent, because in this music a person is not looking for sensations, he enjoys the music itself

The influence of classical music on a person

All the best words are, of course, given to this musical formula. There is an opinion that classic style music is ideal for the individual and society as a whole. It harmonizes feelings, thoughts, mind, emotions, and drives away all sorrows from you. Whatever you listen to, find something of your own in classical or contemporary instrumentals. How good it is, you will find enough information on the net.

The influence of rap and hip-hop style on the psyche

In turnip, rhythm and words are in the foreground. Those. he can trance in his own way. But at the same time, the leading role here is given to the texts and the key is rather their subtext. I love rap, but its influence is more at the pop level - words decide everything, there is no sound depth here. They make you freeze, and they can turn the essence of the rhythm into fun.

Horror movie soundtracks.

The main purpose of music for these films is to evoke fear, unpleasant emotions and create tension. To achieve this goal, this music must be broken periodic structures and their synchronization. Horror films can create fear and anxiety in many people, the main thing is to have more tension and surprise in the sounds.

Something like this. Let’s not forget that music affects a person’s psyche depending on what kind of person he is. He chooses what is closest to him. Actually, that’s why you can often recognize a person’s characteristics through music. Personally, if I want to learn more about a person, I definitely look at his audio recordings. There is something to pull out from his psychotype.

By the way, another fact has been established that in people, rabbits, cats, guinea pigs In dogs and dogs, under the influence of music, blood pressure may change, the heart rate may increase, and the rhythm and depth of respiratory movements may decrease until breathing stops completely. Among other dogs, for some reason these changes are stronger in dogs from the Pinscher breed group than in other dogs. I don't know why, but it's interesting.

Jazz touches many sides human life: from the deep emotional feelings of an individual listener to a culture of thinking on a large scale. As one of the brightest trends in art jazz music more than one decade has inspired people to numerous historical musical studies, to progressive methods in composing jazz improvisations, to educational activities, this is where the great influence of jazz lies.

Taking into account that, according to the most common description of the concept, “culture of thinking” is a certain synthesis of acquired and improved human qualities, we will highlight the most important of them and trace the relationship of the influence of jazz on their development.

The influence of jazz from a scientific point of view

According to the doctor Robert J. Zatorre from the Montreal Neurological Institute, jazz is a natural and comfortable part of everyday human activity, but at the same time, one of the most complex music for the brain that requires deep analysis.

In other words, thanks to complex trends in jazz, especially such as avant-garde, mainstream, bebop, hard bop, our brain works several times more actively in order to understand changes in musical harmony, instrumental solo improvisations. Along with the above, these jazz styles require excellent reaction speed and constant performance control, and as a result, the neural connections of the brain improve, which is what he explores in his scientific works Dr. Robert Zatorr:

We are considering musical influence on the cognitive properties of the brain and auditory areas, focusing Special attention studying the interactions between these systems in a musical context.

Candidate of Cultural Sciences Konstantin Ushakov created an entire dissertation, in which a significant part is devoted to the direct influence and evolution of jazz itself and, accordingly, to changes in the cultural thinking of people.

The scientist describes and discusses jazz in detail from the time of its formation to its state today, while simultaneously analyzing each turning point in history. Jazz in its influence is able to combine several accents that improve a person’s mental abilities: learning ability, speed of reaction, innovative approach and the development of logical thinking.

The methodological basis of the study was chosen to be a problem-logical method. It allowed us to consider the features of jazz as a cultural phenomenon and identify the elements that characterize it musical language and aesthetics, explore the patterns, mechanisms of the dynamics of jazz and the directions of its evolution, determine the features of the transformation of jazz in Russia and study the possibility of updating the domestic musical culture, through jazz innovation.

Perhaps one of the major “achievements” of jazz is the powerful spiritual power it possesses! Jazz revolutionized racial segregation, reconciling people of different races and colors and uniting them, without belittling the merits of both sides. Rooted in its origins, jazz music owes its existence to black people, whose talents helped create this movement, and whose creative force was able to overcome the majority human weaknesses and passions.

So, we realize that, in addition to everything else, jazz helps people get rid of their moral shortcomings, which in turn leads to the next stage personal development- calmness. This concept can mean a lot, but it is worth highlighting such factors as moral stability and a prevailing positive attitude.

Of course, not all people who listen to jazz music are calm and balanced. However, the mental endurance of such individuals is much higher than that of those who prefer, for example, heavy music.

This explains a large proportion of people who listen to jazz in complex professions that require increased concentration: surgeons, directors of large corporations and enterprises, scientists. In conclusion, I would like to note that jazz music in general has a positive effect on many factors of the human psyche and culture of thinking, but from an artistic point of view, this direction inspires most listeners to strive to expand their preferences, which also leads to the development of good taste.

Jazz represents Musical direction, which is extremely popular. In addition, this original and original genre has a good effect on the psyche. You can relax to its sounds and also get great pleasure from the music. It is not inferior in its popularity to hip-hop and rock, so scientists decided to find out: how does jazz affect the brain?

What are musical sounds?

Sound is actually the oscillatory movements of particles in elastic media, which propagate in waves. A person most often perceives sounds in the air.

Rhythm and frequency affect the body differently. For example, low-frequency sounds increase aggression and sexuality. This is why women start reacting when they hear a deep male voice.

Experiment conducted by scientists

To accomplish this, scientists created a special piano keyboard installed inside a device that reflects magnetic resonance patterns. They connected a brain activity scanner to it, showing the work zones when they play the keyboard. The musicians in this study wore headphones to listen to the melodies they created.

Scientists were able to find out that the central zone of the brain slowed down activity processes, as it was responsible for creating a controlled chain of actions and self-censorship. But in the frontal and middle parts of the brain, an increase in activity was detected. It is these zones that are responsible for self-expression and creativity.

Moreover, not only jazz musicians participated in this experiment. The brain acts in a similar way whenever a person tries to unleash his creative potential:

  • Solve problems;
  • Talks about his life situations;
  • Improvises.

How does jazz affect your health?

Cheerful melodies of this style help get rid of depression and defuse the intensity of feelings. Jazz refers to music that improves mood. Familiar dances such as the Maranga, Rumba and Macarena have a lively momentum and rhythms that deepen breathing, improve heart rate and move the entire body. Fast jazz makes your blood circulate better and your heart rate increase. But slow jazz distracts from many problems, as it lowers blood pressure, thereby relaxing the body.