How I spend my day. Planning frees up your brain. way: Plan complex tasks for the peak of your activity


Not everyone understands the importance of daily planning. But those people who started planning were very quickly able to appreciate the advantages of this approach to the distribution of personal time. If you haven’t fallen in love with planning yet and don’t know why you need it, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of benefits it provides.

1. Planning disciplines.

The ability to discipline oneself is very valuable for a person who strives to achieve success in various fields life. But learning this is not easy. Daily planning helps us discipline ourselves, because we will act within the established limits. Over time, daily planning will help build discipline habits that you can use in other areas of your life.

2. Planning simplifies the workflow.

By starting work according to a plan drawn up in advance, we will be able to cope with its implementation much easier, because we will have clear instructions. Thanks to this, you can be less tired from everyday activities and not overload yourself emotionally and physically.

3. Planning makes us more effective.

By following a plan drawn up in advance, it is much easier to receive good results V as soon as possible. Planning allows us to realize our maximum potential, because it directs our energy in a clear direction, preventing us from wasting it in vain.

4. Planning reduces stress.

The daily activities of every person are inevitably associated with stress. Stress deconcentrates, disrupts the normal functioning of the body and nervous system, reduces productivity. But, working according to the list can significantly reduce stress levels.

5. Planning develops punctuality.

Making a daily to-do list helps you learn how to properly evaluate and distribute your time. Thanks to this, punctuality gradually develops, and the ability to clearly determine how much time and what task will take. If you want to be the master of your time, start by making daily to-do lists.

6. Planning frees up free time.

Many people today complain about the lack of time for their personal life, leisure, recreation or any other activities. Planning can help with this. Because it increases your productivity and allows you to use your time wisely, you will work faster. Due to this, you will regularly have free days in order to spend them the way you want.

7. Planning puts things in order.

Where there is order, everything is always simple and clear. Where there is no order, problems always accumulate that are difficult to untangle, like an unwound ball of thread. Daily to-do lists keep your work clear, simple, and always organized. Of course, planning does not exclude the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances, but they do not have such devastating consequences, as in the case of chaotic activity.

8. Planning frees up your brain.

And thanks to this, it works much better and faster. If you don't write down the necessary tasks, you make sure to keep them in mind. Because of this, you cannot use your mind to the maximum because it is busy with other tasks - trying to remember what needs to be done next. But, if all your tasks are stored on paper, your brain is freed from the need to remember everything and will work at its maximum.

9. Planning promotes inspiration.

Probably, many people like to work in a state of inspiration. When you are inspired, filled with creative energy and inspiration, any task seems within your power. And you can handle it. Inspiration reveals creative potential and helps solve even the most difficult problems. complex tasks easy and relaxed. To stay in this state more often, you should start practicing daily planning. While you write down your tasks, you tune in to them, and your worry-free head is easily filled with inspiration.

10. Planning helps achieve goals.

Any successful person in their life will tell you this. Without a clear plan, of course, you can achieve your goal, but the process of achieving it will take much more time and effort. Having a clear action plan in front of you, achieving your goal is easy and simple!
As you can see, there are many advantages of daily planning, and this article describes not all, but the most basic ones. By developing the habit of planning, you will bring order to your life once and for all!

How often does it happen to you that you are simply overwhelmed with a bunch of things and don’t have time to deal with them? It seems like this needs to be done, then finish it, and then move on to another - new job. But you just don’t get around to it, or you don’t know what you need to deal with first! In short, a complete mess!!! And the most interesting thing is that all that needs to be done is the super important things!!!

In this article I will answer the question - How to manage everything? I will tell you how to use your precious time correctly and effectively, plan your day wisely and set priorities. This article is for wide range readers, especially for those who constantly find themselves overwhelmed with unfulfilled or unfulfilled tasks.

How to manage everything?

The first thing you must do in order to keep up with everything is plan your affairs in advance. On this site I already wrote about. If you still don’t know how to plan your day, then it’s time to learn!

Take a piece of paper and write down all the most important things you wanted to do for tomorrow. It happens that there are things that never disappear from view, but they are all put off until later. I thought I'd do it tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and again it is transferred to tomorrow, then to the day after tomorrow and so on until the roast rooster pecks. This is exactly what you shouldn’t do. Why? Imagine that every day a new task will appear, the implementation of which is mandatory. And you will put it off until tomorrow, and the next day a new matter will arise again, which you also want to put off until tomorrow. And thus the day will come when you will need to complete a lot of these pending tasks in one day. This is a disaster!!! Therefore, plan and execute.

After you have made a list, you need prioritize what business to take on first, second, third, and so on. Place numbers next to each task and complete them in order. By the way, I recommend you read the book. In this book, the author tells how he succeeded in life through planning.

After you have planned everything, set priorities, it’s your turn - do these things. Make an action plan for completing these tasks (what exactly will you do, on what days and times, how many hours will you spend on completing any task). This is very, very important! You can make an action plan in in writing, or you can think it through in your head. Whatever is more convenient for you. I recommend doing this in writing, although I do it in my head.

Rule two - aim at one point. What does it mean to aim at one point? And it’s very simple!!! Never do several things at the same time. For example, you decided to clean up your wardrobe, and suddenly you received a message from vkontakte. You are distracted by the sound, and instead of putting things in order, you start texting with a friend. As a result, the correspondence lasted two hours, the wardrobe was not cleaned, and you had to sit down to do your essay.

Your focus is lost, you move on to one task without completing it, then to another, then to a third. Time goes by, but nothing has been done. I think this is even very familiar to you!!! Therefore, if you take up any business, then fully concentrate on it. You can turn off the phone, lock yourself in the room - Nothing should interfere with you and nothing should distract you. In addition, always complete the work you start, if not to the end, then the part that you planned.

The third rule is: accept your responsibility for completing something within a specific time frame. Every task must have a deadline for its completion, and if you haven’t set a deadline, it means you haven’t taken full responsibility upon yourself. And sometimes it happens that you set a deadline, for example a month, but a month passes and the task is still not completed. You say to yourself: “Well, I didn’t do it in a month, but okay, I’ll do it later.”. This again means that you have not taken responsibility!

To make it easier for you to complete something on time, you need to promise an acquaintance, relative, or friend that you will do such and such a thing within such and such a period. For example, you can repair your car by the end of July 2013. Call your friend and say: “Anton, I promise that I will repair my car in July. If I don’t do this, then you can take this car for yourself.”. I think Anton will be happy and you will be motivated.

These were the main three rules that will help you keep up with everything. This article is not finished, as there are others important rules. To fully answer the question - “How to manage everything?”, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the following rules.

And the fourth rule - get rid of time wasters. Everyone has time wasters. Sit down at the table and write down everything that took away your precious time, but did not bring any benefit. For example, telephone conversation with a friend, third cup of coffee, TV series "Happy Together", looking at pictures with abstruse phrases on a friend’s vkontakte wall, making faces in front of the mirror, quarreling with husband / wife, and so on. Take a look at this list. Do you like what is written there? Next to these things, write down an action plan that will help you get rid of these time wasters. For example, turn off the TV half an hour before going somewhere (for example, to work), so that TV series and HOUSES 2 do not stop you when you should already be going out.

Rule number five - solve all your problems on time. You always need to solve problems on time, because they can later become a hindrance for you. Never put it off until later, it won’t make things better. When a problem arises, sit down at your desk, take a piece of paper, and write down an action plan to fix the problem. For example, a car breaks down. Think about what you need to do to fix it! Just don’t give it to Anton. Better find someone who can help bring this wreck to the auto repair shop. Remember, problems can become time wasters.

The following rule does not suit everyone, but if possible, then delegate responsibilities. If it is possible to entrust someone with something that you do not want to do, then let someone else do it for you. For example, you don’t want to wash the dishes because you need to go to the grocery store. Entrust the washing of dishes to your children or wife. Remember - there is no man in the field, and if there is someone who can help you, take advantage of this unique chance.

Rule seven - stop being a perfectionist. For those who don’t know who perfectionists are, I’ll explain – these are people who strive for everything to look perfect. How will you manage to do everything if you get stuck on one thing just because it doesn’t seem perfectly done to you? Allow yourself to not be perfect, stop bringing things to a brilliant result. This takes too much time, and there are other things that need to be done too!

That's all I wanted to say in the article - How to keep up with everything? Use these tips until they become your habit. After this, you will manage everything on autopilot, which is what I wish for you.

How to keep up with everything


Hello friends! Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you. I, and probably you, have often had to deal with situations when you don’t have time to do something. Complete the promised project, spend time with your family, finish some planned things.

I think this happens because we do not know how to properly and competently organize our time, but this is a very important component of our life.

Today I would like to talk about how to plan your day so that you can manage everything and complete your planned tasks exactly at the time at which you planned them.

So why do we need this skill? After all, it’s not bad anyway. You'll think you rescheduled your meeting with friends next week, and some things for tomorrow.

I didn’t have time, so what can you do?!

No, everything is not as simple as it seems to you at first glance. Many people suffer greatly precisely because they treat time with such disregard.

Firstly, they are constantly in a state of stress. Yes, yes, it seems that stress has nothing to do with planning, but it is not so! The fact is that when you constantly put something off because you don’t have time, unfinished tasks turn into a huge snowball, which eventually falls on you with all its weight and haunts you day after day. It is precisely this moment that causes stress.

Secondly, failures at work. If you constantly fail to complete one or another work task, then this, of course, negatively affects you. As a rule, such people rarely achieve anything both at work and in life.

Thirdly, problems family character . There are those who do not care about work, and there are those who put it in the foreground, forgetting about their family and not having time to spend time with them. And often conflicts and quarrels occur on this basis. A woman, just like a man, needs attention and care.

To avoid all of the above problems, you just need to start planning your day.

Why do I need planning

Let me share my thoughts on this matter. I am simply convinced of the need to plan my time. I think this is especially true for people working from home. Since it is at home that there are a lot of distractions that prevent you from concentrating on doing your work.

What planning tools do I use? – Yes, I don’t use anything special. Just a diary and notepad. Anyone can afford these helper items. Despite their simplicity, they are a great help in planning your time and monitoring the completion of each planned task.

I used to neglect planning, but later I realized my mistake. I simply stopped keeping up with anything, was constantly distracted by something, forgot that I had planned to do something the day before, etc. In general, I was wasting my time inappropriately. Time passed - things hung on me like a dead weight, and every day they became more and more. And I said to myself: “Stop! We need to do something about this."

And then I came across wonderful book D. Allen “Getting Things in Order: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity”.

I will talk about it in detail in the next article. so as not to miss.

You can buy this book at this link and it will be delivered to you by mail. You can get the digital version of the book Here .

I also started keeping a diary. A regular paper diary is much more convenient for me than all electronic equivalents. I admit, I tried a lot, including the famous Evernote, but it’s not for me.

Now I have everything under control, I began to use my time more productively and manage to complete all my planned tasks. It turned out that everything is not so difficult.

Why does this happen?

The science that deals with the distribution of time resources is called -. And, as a rule, people who want to learn this art turn to specialists who help for money.

It will be easier and free with us.

First you need to determine why task distribution fails:

  1. Human irresponsibility. It doesn’t matter to him at all what he has time to do today and what he doesn’t.
  2. Perfectionism. When a person wants to do everything at once, and most importantly, with high quality. By devoting all the time and energy to one thing, the rest become stuck.
  3. Reassessment of one's own capabilities. There are too many different tasks that are difficult to cope with and manage to do everything.

These are the main reasons that can prevent you from living life to the fullest. What is needed to fix this problem?

How to solve the problem

Actually the solution is very simple. In order for you not to get tired at work and to keep up with everything at home, you need to analyze your time and plan it correctly.

I will dwell on this in more detail.

1.Make a to-do list. As a rule, I do this either in the evening or the next morning. I'm just listing what I need to do.

2.Make a distribution of tasks. I rank things in order of importance.

3.Make a schedule, which will correspond to business.

That's it, your day is ready!

I would add one more important point - self-discipline. After all, without it, even the most well-written schedule will remain only on paper. You can’t give in to your weaknesses and put things off until later. You need to strictly follow the schedule and then you yourself will notice how efficiently and productively your day goes.

In addition to the diary, they can also help you in carrying out your planned tasks. mobile phone and a computer. For example, on your mobile phone you can create various kinds of reminders, which will not allow you to spend extra time on something. And if you constantly sit at a computer or laptop, then you can use a variety of electronic planners ( Evernote, Google Task, Todoist, Trello etc.)

Although it seems simple, sticking to a schedule is actually quite difficult, so give yourself incentives. Then it will be easier with the schedule, and in the future, if you want, you can completely abandon it, because you will learn to manage to do the planned things without it.

The main issue of proper time management is that a person does not know what to prioritize. When you learn to do this, your life will become much easier.

Don't forget to plan your day so that you always have time for your family. After all, this is the most important thing in life!

Now you know how to manage your time to get everything done.

Good luck to you!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Kalmykova

Many of us face a lack of time to solve everyday problems. People who don’t know how to organize their day especially often complain about the lack of hours in the day. This happens because not everyone knows how to clearly plan their vacation.

For those whose tasks remain unfinished or have to sacrifice hours of rest to complete them, it’s time to “optimize” your life. If your activities are chaotic and urgent, it’s time for you to get acquainted with the term time management.

This concept arose relatively recently, but has already become an effective tool in successfully running a business and professional activity. Time management technology (as translated English name“time management”) teaches how to competently manage the number of hours that each of us has available. This concept involves planning your to-do list, setting specific goals, time, and most importantly, prioritizing.

Indeed, how can you organize your day if you don’t distribute tasks according to their importance?

Covey's rule is: "Do first what needs to be done first." He considers priority matters from the second square: self-development, planning, completing current affairs.

Many books on time management are based on the postulates of Dr. Covey’s world-famous textbook.

So, once you've decided what you need to do first, create a flexible plan for the coming week. Cross off each completed task from the list, as a visible reduction in the amount of work will bring you pleasure and inspire you for new work achievements.

Don't forget that proper time management includes rest and communication with your family. Before you organize your day, consider how many hours you can reserve for personal needs. No matter how important work and business are to you, remember that people who do not know how to relax with family and friends quickly “burn out” and their activities become ineffective.

Another secret of time management is the ability to delegate your powers. For example, if you do not have enough time to complete important work, then things that your subordinates can handle must be “handed over” on time. Often, company managers (or even simple housewives) fail to cope with their responsibilities because they are busy with work that can be successfully delegated to others. If you want to know how to organize your day, analyze the entire list of your responsibilities for possible delegation in accordance with the time and energy you have.

And one last piece of advice: those of us who are best able to cope with the daily flow of tasks are those who know exactly what the ultimate goal of their work is. In other words, motivation is the key to your success!

Many people really want to organize their day correctly, but this does not always work out. In the morning we plan to do a lot of things, but in the end sometimes we just don’t have enough time or energy. How to properly organize everything that you have planned, and even with benefit.

List of tasks

Before you get started, write a list of tasks for the day in the morning. It will help you stay organized and not forget everything that needs to be done during the day.

The two most important things

Write down the top two things you need to do for the day first on your list. It’s best to do them first, and then do small things that won’t take up so much of your energy.

Do things on time

It happens that you need to get things done before a certain time. Don’t put it off until later, do it right now, because something might interfere with you later.

Complete only one task at a time

When you are doing something important, you are completely focused on it. You should not be distracted by another task, as you may ruin everything and have to start over.

Remove everything unnecessary

With my working area tidy up everything that distracts you. This will help you concentrate faster.


Look for ways to do one thing or another as quickly as possible, so that you have time left for other tasks.

Create a day planning program

There are programs on the Internet that will help you plan your day, and most importantly, it will remind you of what needs to be done at one time or another. You will receive notifications by email or messages on your phone.

Daily routine

Pay attention to your daily routine. Which things take up a lot of your time, and which are completely unnecessary. Try to remove unnecessary habits that take away your strength and your precious time.


It is important that where you work there is always order. All things and tools must be in their places. Otherwise, you can spend a lot of time searching for them.

Positive attitude

Not everyone can organize their life in one day, but you shouldn’t be upset. With every next day, with positive mood you will succeed.

Let others do it

It is very difficult to do a lot of work on your own, so you can shift some of your worries to your colleagues or your family.

Bright colors

To make your work more interesting and faster, add different colors to your to-do list. Circle and write the main things to do bright colors, and small tasks are dimmer.

Main goal

It is very important that a person has a goal, what he is striving for, so decide what you want.

Completion deadlines

When you have a goal, it is now important to set a deadline for its completion, otherwise you can strive all your life and never achieve what you want.

Make yourself happy

After you complete an important task, be sure to reward yourself. Take a few days off, celebrate with family or friends, or treat yourself to some gift. Positive emotions are very useful for a person and contribute to new strengths and achievements that you will strive for.