How to do therapeutic fasting on water. Water fasting



Today, the so-called water healing fasting is very popular, the essence of which is to completely refuse food and consume exclusively liquids (water).

Attitudes towards fasting are quite controversial. Many doctors are inclined to believe that hunger is a serious stress for the body, which can have an extremely negative impact not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of a person.

Adherents of therapeutic fasting, on the contrary, claim that this is an effective way to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and increase muscle tone.

Well, let's look at what external and internal changes fasting for 3, 7, 21 and 40 days will lead to.

Fasting 3 days

A three-day fast is considered the mildest and safest option for cleansing the body of waste and toxins.

On the first day of fasting You should not expect significant changes in the body. Of course, you will feel hungry, but the supply of nutrients and energy is quite enough to not only overcome the desire to eat at least something, but also to complete daily tasks.

To relieve hunger and feel good, it is recommended to drink 250 ml of water every hour on the first day of fasting.

On the second day of fasting , which is better to start with a glass of water and a morning walk, your vigor will undoubtedly decrease, and the feeling of hunger will clearly make itself felt. In addition, you may feel very thirsty. You can drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day.

Third day of fasting will be marked by the appearance of nausea, weakness, unpleasant taste in the mouth, white coating on the tongue (in people with problematic health, the coating can be yellow, gray and even brown). Water will help relieve the above symptoms somewhat.

According to those who endured such a three-day fasting marathon (and not everyone can do this), the following changes occurred in their body:

  • The body has been cleansed of toxins, waste and mucus.
  • Excess fluid came out, resulting in swelling of the legs, arms and face.
  • I managed to lose 1 to 3 kg of excess weight.
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract has normalized.
  • Pain sensations (especially in the joints) have decreased significantly.
  • The condition of the musculoskeletal system has improved.

Let's be objective and voice the negative consequences of a three-day fast, because of which many abandon this idea, fearing for their health.

  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate to 120 - 140 beats per minute) and bradycardia (decreased heart rate below 60 beats per minute).
  • Nausea and dizziness.
  • Daytime sleepiness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Irritability and aggressiveness.
  • Headache.

Similar manifestations can appear both on the first and third days of fasting.

  • Read also: 10 little tricks on how to tame the hunger hormone ghrelin

Fasting 7 days

Adherents of water fasting say that a person experiences an acute and painful feeling of hunger on the 2nd or 3rd day of such a strict diet.

Fourth day of fasting brings with it lightness and a charge of vivacity, aggravation of the senses and activation of mental processes. But many say that during this period they are left with a feeling of fatigue and nausea.

Fifth day of fasting brings relief because nausea and headaches that could arise due to hunger disappear. But this does not mean that you can give up water or reduce the amount of its consumption.

Sixth day of fasting can be called a kind of crisis, characterized by the appearance of weakness (especially in the evening) and a white coating on the tongue, which should be gotten rid of. It is interesting that for some the feeling of hunger becomes worse again (although it is easier to overcome than in the first three days of fasting), while for others the desire to eat food disappears altogether.

Seventh day of fasting begins with a feeling of vigor and emotional uplift, but towards the evening a wave of weakness sets in, and the temperature can rise to high levels. Advice: drink plenty of fluids!

A week-long refusal of food affects the state of the body as follows:

  • The stomach decreased in size, which is why the desire to eat large portions of food disappeared.
  • The skin became smoother, the number of acne on the face decreased.
  • Weight loss is about 500 g per day.

At the same time:

  • The amount of plaque on the tongue increases.
  • An unpleasant odor of acetone appears from the oral cavity.
  • Urine and sweat acquire a pungent odor.
  • Existing diseases worsen.

A seven-day water fast helps to rebuild and prepare the body for a longer period of abstinence from food. The fact is that it is by the end of the seventh day of fasting that the body switches to internal (or energy) nutrition.

  • Read also: 4 signs of false hunger

Fasting 21 days

Three-week water fasting is a complex process and requires not only willpower, but also a competent approach.

If you decide to fast for more than 7-10 days, you should at least consult a doctor and undergo a series of examinations that will help you decide whether your body is ready for such serious stress.

Eighth day of fasting , like the seventh, begins quite cheerfully and energetically. But, unfortunately, you rarely have enough energy for the whole day, so by the evening you will begin to experience severe fatigue. Tip: Get plenty of rest and go to bed earlier.

From the ninth to the fourteenth day fasting occurs against the background of the absence of a feeling of hunger, the body feels light. In this case, an exacerbation of the sense of smell is often observed. However, sometimes the mood may sharply deteriorate, and aversion to food may be replaced by severe bouts of hunger.

Fifteenth and sixteenth days of fasting – a period of cleansing of the skin, which acquires a smoother surface and a healthier appearance. Plaque on the tongue and a strong odor from the mouth are still present (the plaque must be removed, and special herbal rinses must be used to combat oral odor).

On the seventeenth day of fasting bad breath disappears, as does the coating on the tongue. However, by the evening your overall health may deteriorate noticeably: weakness and dizziness appear, and body temperature rises.

Eighteenth and nineteenth days of fasting may become the beginning of a second crisis, which may last one day, or may stretch for three days. At this time, the fasting person may experience weakness, nausea and discomfort in the digestive tract. Let us note that this crisis is easier to bear than the first.

In the last two days fasting, the mood improves noticeably, although the body is weakened. In addition, with prolonged fasting, by this time the speech, movements and reactions of the fasting person slow down. A person does not experience hunger.

Benefits of a three-week fast:

  • Deep cleansing of the body.
  • Skin regeneration: increasing skin firmness and elasticity, smoothing out fine wrinkles.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Losing excess weight.
  • Activation of mental activity.

However, it should be remembered that each person’s body is individual, so it can react to such a long-term lack of food with the following symptoms, when they appear, you must urgently consult a doctor who will help you properly break the fast.

  • Severe dizziness accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • A sharp decrease or increase in pressure.
  • Flashing of midges before the eyes.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Depression.
  • Loss of more than 40 - 45% of body weight.
  • The appearance of pain syndrome.
  • Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Among the less dangerous, but no less unpleasant symptoms of fasting, I would like to highlight the following:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant thoughts about food against the background of hunger;
  • weakness;
  • irritability and mood swings;
  • hair loss;
  • brittle nails;
  • bruises under the eyes.

During prolonged fasting, purulent nasal discharge and a wet cough may appear, but people with experience of fasting are advised not to pay special attention to these symptoms, which indicate cleansing of the body.

In general, it is believed that in the first three days the kidneys are cleansed, by the seventh day of fasting on water the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, and by the 12th day the lymphatic system and blood vessels are cleansed. If you want to cleanse the skeletal system, then you will have to give up food for 21 days. The nervous system will be brought back to normal after 36 days of fasting. And only by day 40 the body will be completely cleansed.

The water-only diet is a world-famous method that helps not only to lose extra pounds from the body, but also to cleanse the body. In addition, the technique is also used for health purposes to preserve youth and restore health.

Benefits of water fasting

Refusal to eat food in any form has a positive effect on many body functions. So, the benefits of fasting on water are undeniable, because during this period the intestinal microflora improves, the skin rejuvenates, and you get rid of many chronic diseases. If you do everything according to the recommendations, you will get an excellent result: the frequent need for food and night snoring will disappear, your health and well-being will improve, and most importantly, you will quickly say goodbye to those hated kilograms.

This method of therapeutic fasting can even change the functioning of human hormones: for example, fat is burned due to the fact that when drinking water alone, the insulin level decreases very sharply. It is also worth noting that during the period of fasting, the level of growth hormone can increase up to 5 times, which also helps reduce body fat.

How long can you fast on water?

When fasting, you may experience frequent headaches, a feeling of nausea, weakness, dizziness, you may also experience a sharp change in mood or an unpleasant odor from the body or from the mouth. Most of the symptoms will disappear if you regularly but correctly fast on water, strictly following all the recommendations for preparing for and exiting the diet. In general, cleansing with a fast can be carried out for either 1 day or a month - the doctor will create a regimen for you individually.

How to survive a water fast

When fasting, the basis is water, and you need to drink it constantly and in the quantity you want. It is worth noting that fasting on water will be even easier than when you consume a minimum amount of calories - not eating at all is easier than eating little by little. When you start to break down and try to eat something, remember your main incentive - to lose weight and help the body cleanse itself, so change your activity: walk, listen to music, read.

Preparing for a water fast

This stage is even more important than how many days you will fast. So, preparation for fasting on water should be thorough, and not immediately after a hearty feast. A week before the diet, it is recommended to give up meat, and three days before starting to eat only fruits and vegetables. Immediately before starting a therapeutic fast, it is better to skip dinner and give an enema or drink a laxative in the morning.

One-day water fasting

A smaller belly is the result that you will notice after a fast that lasts a day. After you start practicing one-day fasting on water regularly for a couple of months, you will also receive a healing effect: the body will be cleansed, rejuvenated, immunity will increase, and the intestinal microflora will improve. In addition, periodically refusing to eat for a day is an excellent preparation for a longer fast on the water.

Breaking out of a one-day water fast

Even after one day when you consumed only pure water, you need to properly switch to your normal diet. So, breaking a one-day fast on water is no less important than preparing and following the diet itself. At the end of the hunger strike, you need to drink juices diluted with water, then replace them with whole fresh juices. On the 3rd day, you can introduce fruits, salads, vegetables, and then start eating your usual food, but for a few more days exclude salty, sweet and fried foods.

Three-day water fasting

If you want to start the internal fat burning mechanism, then during a fast, drink water without additives in the form of honey, sugar or juice. A three-day water fast is the best way to cleanse the body for beginners. The liquid must be consumed every three days, 1 glass every hour - this is the only way the process will be beneficial. It is imperative to do an enema the night before, which will remove from the intestines all secretions that can poison the body.

On the 2nd day, the acidity of the foods remaining in the stomach increases, so it must be rinsed with water in the morning. If you experience discomfort or belching with an odor, you can do more rinsing. If on the 3rd day you want much less liquid, then do not force yourself, but drink as needed. With a three-day healing diet, you can do your daily work, but you should give up hard work.

Breaking out of a three-day water fast

It is recommended to take a drug in advance that helps restore intestinal microflora. In general, the recovery from a three-day fast on water will take twice as long, while the portion and variety will increase every day:

  1. On the first day, you need to drink juices every hour: two servings diluted with water, all subsequent servings should be 100 ml without water.
  2. Breakfast on the 2nd day will be 100-200 ml of juice. You need to drink it hourly before lunch, which will be liquid unsalted oatmeal, or bananas, or raw grated vegetables or fruits (except carrots, oranges). For an afternoon snack, you can drink juice or eat an apple. If you want to eat, then make vegetable stew, soup, and boil potatoes for dinner. You can add a little sunflower oil to any of the dishes.
  3. On days 3-4, limit yourself from fats, salt, sweets, animal foods and orange fruits.
  4. On the 5-6th day of release, follow a fruit and vegetable diet, avoid confectionery, alcohol and animal foods.

Water fasting for 7 days

In order not to endanger the body, before a week-long fast, it is important to accustom the body to the fact that it knows how to eat little by going on a diet 1 and then 2-3 days a week. In addition to preparation, fasting on water for 7 days includes two more stages - the process itself and the exit:

  1. On the 1st day, you are allowed to drink only water, the total volume of which will be about 2.5 liters. Remember that the body will begin to feel cold, so it is better if the liquid is warm. You definitely need to do an enema.
  2. The daily diet on the 2nd and 3rd days does not differ from the 1st day, but brushing your teeth with a brush and toothpaste is no longer recommended: you can only use gauze. In the evening it is worth repeating the enema.

Exit from a 7-day water fast

The fourth day is the beginning of the last stage of the therapeutic diet. So, the exit from a 7-day water fast should be gradual:

  1. After being on a diet for 3 days, you can start drinking unsweetened juices, which are diluted in equal proportions with water. The total volume of liquids drunk (including plain water) should be 2.5 liters.
  2. On the 5th day, the diet should also include undiluted natural juices, decoctions of chamomile or mint.
  3. On days 6-7, the lunch menu can include liquid porridge and a little boiled or baked vegetables (except cabbage). The amount of water cannot be reduced.

Water fasting 21 days

The main purpose of fasting is to treat certain diseases and regulate the chemical balance in the body naturally, and eating food or even vitamins can contribute to disrupting this process. Fasting on water for 21 days is not an easy way to lose weight and, as the experience of some people shows, such a long fast can lead to mental disorders (bulimia or anorexia), exhaustion and many other problems.

You need to prepare carefully for a three-week fast, even if you have already practiced it. Beginners are strictly prohibited from switching immediately to 21 days. A week before the diet, give up unhealthy foods, give preference to light salads and fresh juices. When you decide to completely give up food for 21 days, remember that during this time you also need to forget about smoking, alcohol and coffee.

All three weeks you need to drink exclusively water, and it should be clean, preferably distilled. At first, you may have an irresistible desire to eat at least something, but if you endure it for several days, then your body will understand that it will not see food yet and will begin to use internal resources, enriching you with energy obtained from its own fat reserves.

Breaking out of fasting

The transition from such a long fast on water should be equal or greater than the diet itself. The correct way out of water fasting is to gradually restore the diet:

  1. From days 1 to 3, drink apple or carrot juices, but diluted.
  2. For 4-5 days, drink only juices, but undiluted.
  3. On days 6-7, eat vegetables and introduce fruits.
  4. From 8 to 10, add more porridge with walnuts and seeds, and puree.
  5. From 10 to 21 days, start introducing dairy products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

Video: water fasting

After you learn to tolerate it calmly (usually this takes 1-2 months), you can begin to master three-day fasting.

Preparing for such fasting does not differ significantly from preparing for daily fasting.

After a light dinner, about 2 hours before bedtime, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema or use a saline laxative. For the next three days you drink only water and do enemas every day. They will help cleanse the body, cope with inevitable intoxication and facilitate overall well-being. In the future, as you gain experience in fasting, you can refuse daily enemas, but for beginners they are required.

All three for fasting, try to drink more water, up to 1.5-2 liters per day. It is advisable to be in the fresh air as much as possible. Water procedures, bathing, and feasible physical activity are indicated. But try not to overwork yourself.

The first three-day fast is best done on vacation. If this is not possible, then having the experience of one-day fasting, you can calculate the fast so that you spend the first day at work, and the second and third days fall on the weekend. This will allow you to more easily endure all the disturbances in general well-being that may arise at this time, as well as calmly engage in cleansing procedures.

During a three-day fast, changes in the body are already more significant. The transition to internal nutrition begins. In this case, various changes in the state of the body may be noted: increased heart rate during physical activity, poor health, headaches, dizziness, especially when standing up suddenly, nausea, heartburn. If such symptoms occur, do not be alarmed. Enemas, walks in the fresh air, and simply resting in bed can help ease fasting.

Deterioration in well-being is a common occurrence during fasting, especially for beginners. People with experience can engage in various activities during fasting without much problem.

Alternatively, you can do a three-day combined fast. For the first one or two days, do a dry fast, and spend the third day as a normal water fast. Such fasting can be even easier than water fasting. This is due to the fact that in the first days of fasting, the body begins to intensively break down its own fats and a lot of water is formed. Therefore, there is practically no thirst. But still, it is advisable to do this if you have experience of fasting.

Coming out of fasting after 3 days should be longer than after a 24-hour fast.

On the morning of the 4th day, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice or fruit tea with honey. Then a fresh cabbage salad with carrots.

For lunch, the same salad, stewed vegetables, oatmeal.

Dinner juice, salad, stewed vegetables.

On the second day, you can eat as usual, but it will be very healthy if you stick to porridge or stewed vegetables for a couple more days. This will not only help you lose weight, but will also allow you to better cleanse your body. In addition, you will learn to better control your appetite, which is especially important when emerging from longer fasts. After all, even the wrong exit after a three-day fast will not cause significant harm to your body. But if you allow yourself to become weak after fasting for 7-10 days, this can already be dangerous for your health.

Fasting for a period of three days can be used for emergency weight loss, cleansing the body and as mandatory training before longer fasts.

Having carried out several successful three-day fasts with the right way out, you can try fasting for a period of 7-10 days.

Fasting is the most effective method for deep cleansing the body, but it has some contraindications and prohibitions. To avoid complications, you must follow the recommendations of experts. A scheme that involves fasting for 3 days is considered a gentle, safe method of cleansing the body of toxic, chemical deposits. In addition, there is a unique opportunity to improve your health and lose weight. The fact is that fasting stimulates mental and physical rejuvenation.

The effectiveness of a hunger strike

How to properly endure a three-day fast? It is important to note that fasting treatment has been used for a long time, providing excellent results and positive reviews. Many people are familiar with one-day body cleanses, so the feeling of terrible hunger will be familiar.

A three-day fast follows the same pattern. In simple words, you need to give up any food not for one day, but for as many as 3. For some, fasting for three days will be real torture and hard labor. However, if you take advice from a specialist, the effect will be immediate.

How to fast properly? When using two-day and three-day fasting for the sake of losing weight, and not for cleansing, it is advisable to abandon such an irresponsible idea. Despite the fact that therapeutic fasting for several days will help you lose extra pounds, it is only liquid. As for cellulite and fat deposits, they are not going away.

Important! When breaking a three-day fast, a person cannot control himself, so he begins to eat a lot. The lost kilograms will return with interest. To prevent such a sad result, you need to make the right exit from a 3-day fast.

It should be noted that three-day dry fasting has many contraindications, so most people prefer the water regimen.

How to fast on water

In order for the results of therapeutic, health-improving fasting to have good results, it is important to do everything correctly. Some drink water not 3, but 4 whole days, but this is not necessary.
A 3-day water fast has the following properties:
deep, high-quality cleansing of the body from toxic and harmful substances, mucus, excess fluid and toxins;
if you allow excess fluid to come out, the problem of leg swelling and cellulite will be solved;
lose excess weight;
the stomach is reduced to a tiny size, so the desire to abuse large portions of food will disappear.

It is important to remember that the third day is the most important, as it is intended to prepare for breaking the fast. Many people are concerned about the question, how many kilograms can you lose weight with water? There is no definite answer, because it is the individual structure and characteristics of the body that are important and fundamental. Some people can boast of three kilograms that have disappeared, while others will lose only one.

Basic rules of water fasting

Oddly enough, the moment of entry and exit is much more difficult than fasting itself. To combat a stressful situation, you need ideal conditions for the body. Nobody wants to lie in a hungry faint.

Proper preparation for a hunger strike:
1. Exactly one week in advance, remove sweets and fried foods, alcoholic drinks, and high-calorie foods from the diet. Unfortunately, it is necessary to give up milk, eggs and meat for a while.
2. In order for the stomach to shrink in size, it is necessary to consume food in small and balanced portions. The smaller the volume of this organ, the more flexible and resilient it is during fasting.

3. Drink plenty of fluids.
4. It is important to remove any provocative foods from sight: baked goods, cakes, favorite dishes.
5. The day before day X, it is forbidden to eat meat if you neglected the first proposed rule. Please note that such products help slow down the digestive process. Against this background, there is an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, heaviness and even pain in the epigastric region.
6. It is advisable to warn your household that you will not be cooking for three days. Prepare the food ahead of time or have them do it themselves.
7. Rest. It is harmful to work while fasting, so you can devote time to yourself and your favorite hobby.

It would be a good idea to cleanse your colon, but it is not necessary.

Negative effects of a three-day fast

Having decided on a radical method, it is important to prepare for unpleasant surprises. They can appear during all 3 days and even after this time.

Harm of fasting:
aggressiveness, irritability and nervous excitability;
lack of mood;
depressed mood;
attacks of nausea and frequent rumbling in the abdomen;
weakness, fatigue and drowsiness;
presence of unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
yellow or gray plaque on tooth enamel.

Interesting! As you can see, you should not plan therapeutic fasts on the eve of important events, competitions and sessions, weddings or birthdays. Otherwise, you will be in a bad mood. This period is ideal for relaxation so that no one can disturb you.

Optimal plan of action

The only important condition for the cleansing process is to prepare psychologically, otherwise everything will not go according to plan. To do this, you need to free your brain from bad thoughts, read a book, visit a sauna or beauty salon.
alcoholic drinks;
unhealthy foods;
horror films and thrillers;
coffee and toxins;
computer games.

Step by step plan:

1. Thursday. Avoid heavy and unhealthy foods. For dinner, choose a dish with minimal fat content. Vegetables, fruits and salad are great. After which only water is allowed. Forget about any food until Sunday.
2. Friday. It is advisable that the day be a day off. It is forbidden to worry and be a passive smoker. If you work, then under no circumstances give in to temptations. Only clean water is allowed in unlimited quantities.
3. Saturday. There is a high-quality cleansing of the intestines, gall bladder, and liver. You can do yoga. It is advisable to take at least a liter of water, which has a laxative effect, or give an enema.

4. Sunday. In the morning, take a warm shower, bath or visit the sauna. Considering that the body warms up, toxic substances will be released with sweat. From 17.00 the first course is allowed: yogurt, vegetables or fruits. You can drink juices.
5. Monday. Light food is preferred, alcohol and coffee are prohibited. You can't smoke.
6. Tuesday and Wednesday. Make a smooth transition to your usual diet. After fasting, it is difficult to eat as before, so it is forbidden to overeat. It is advisable to take any food in small portions.

Against the backdrop of a prolonged hunger strike, many health problems arise. To avoid complications, you need to consult a specialist.

How to get out of fasting correctly

Three full days is a very long period, during which time it is quite possible to forget about the tastes of your favorite food. What can we say about the human body? This is especially stressful, so you will want to catch up. You cannot be led by your own instincts, as they can take precedence over common sense.

Useful and effective rules:
1. The first allowed food is juices, vegetables, fruits, light salads. A great solution is to make a smoothie. It is recommended to eat salads with carrots and apples, seasoned with olive oil, pre-grated.
2. Milk, meat, and eggs are still prohibited.
3. The hunger strike must end in the evening.
The hardest thing is to control yourself and not overeat. It is very difficult to cope with the wild; the stress to which the body has been subjected deserves special attention.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fasting

The benefits and harms of therapeutic fasting are quite obvious. That is why it is worth summarizing the above. All the pros and cons balance on a fine line. First of all, you need to understand whether you can resort to such a technique.
period of lactation and pregnancy;
therapy of pathologies;
presence of problems with the cardiovascular system;
chronic diseases in the acute stage;
stomach ulcer and gastritis;
intestinal disorder;
the presence of stones in the gall bladder.

If there are no problems listed above, you can safely start fasting, after consulting with your doctor. The benefits include weight loss, health improvement and rejuvenation, cleansing of the entire body, increased tone and energy.

Results of therapeutic fasting

There is healing and cleansing of the whole body. The guarantee of such a hunger strike is that the person becomes ten years younger than his current age. A unique, mischievous sparkle of youth and good health appears in the eyes. The visible network of blood vessels gradually disappears, which becomes more pronounced throughout the body and in the eyes with age.

Thanks to fasting, the sense of smell is normalized and significantly improved; it can be compared to the sense of smell that perfumers have. Night snoring stops, attacks of flatulence and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated. There is an opportunity to lose weight, cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

If you were previously concerned about dull and weakened hair and brittle nails, after proper fasting they will acquire new strength and beauty. The functioning of the kidneys and liver doubles. That is why it is impossible to overestimate the healing and rejuvenating function of fasting. With its help, you can return the original appearance and structure of the body systems that were laid down by nature.

This is a healing practice that forces the human body, under the influence of stress, to cleanse itself and start the processes of resorption of tumors and polyps. It belongs to alternative medicine, although the clinical effectiveness of the method has been confirmed by doctors. A person using this type of diet refuses to eat for a certain period of time. During this time, changes occur in the body:

Duration of hunger strike (days)

Positive changes

Appetite increases, the nervous system goes into a state of stress, digestion is rebooted, toxins are removed from the blood

Cleansing the intercellular substance from pus, impurities, degeneration of intestinal epithelial tissue

Relieving the heart, nervous system, cleansing the cells of the liver, intestines, stomach, activating the resorption of polyps and tumors

Salts and mucus are removed, the functioning of the kidneys and liver is normalized, and the renewal of cells in the gastrointestinal tract ends.

How to fast properly

Before starting the practice of fasting, it is necessary to prepare the body for such stress:

  1. 3 months before the hunger strike, make changes to your diet by removing meat, butter, and other animal protein, except cottage cheese.
  2. Gradually move to a plant-based diet, including fresh fruits, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water, and boiled vegetables. Such nutrition will help the gastrointestinal tract system adjust before entering a state of prolonged hunger, removing waste, toxins, and old bile.
  3. Prepare your kidneys: drinking fruit juices, herbal infusions with honey will help them reach their optimal operating mode.

How to break fasting

It is advisable to recover from hunger under the strict supervision of your doctor. This will help avoid the unpleasant consequences of a sudden change in digestion. The first portion of food should consist of fresh vegetables, carrot juice, green apples. These products will not put unnecessary strain on the gastrointestinal tract. On the second day, supplement your diet with a piece of bread, porridge, kefir, egg or nuts. For a week, refrain from eating regular foods, especially those containing sugar. To further cleanse the liver, accompany your recovery from a long fast by switching to a diet of juices.

From a one-day fast

There are no significant changes in vital systems, and there is no need for restorative nutrition. After a short fast, eat plant foods: vegetable salads, stewed cabbage, carrots, you can drink grape juice. Try drinking whey and herbal decoctions for 3-5 days: this will increase the efficiency of the intestines and optimize the suspended digestion process. It is recommended to drink 3 glasses of weakly brewed black tea per day.

Exit from a 3-day water fast

There is a slight inhibition of digestive processes and a slowdown in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In order not to overload the intestines, exclude meat products and sweets from the menu for 3-5 days after the fast. Prepare a salad of fresh cabbage and carrots 2-3 times a day, and consume fermented milk products to normalize the acid-base balance of the stomach. The correct way out of water fasting includes drinking herbal juices that have a laxative effect. This will speed up the bowel movements. For breakfast and dinner, prepare low-fat cottage cheese with kefir, and boil an egg.

From a 5 day fast

A transition to internal nutrition occurs when a healthy body begins to use accumulated resources, getting rid of waste and toxins contained inside fat cells - a reserve source of energy. A temporary transition to a menu is provided to help return all systems to normal operation:

Fresh juice diluted with water

Breakfast – juice. Lunch, dinner – vegetable puree

Fresh vegetables, fruits, you can eat bread, nuts

Boiled vegetables, vegetarian soups, water porridges are introduced

Fermented milk products and butter are added

Salty foods

Eggs, cottage cheese, boiled meat

From a 7 day fast

Exiting a week-long fast should occur gradually, without overloading the gastrointestinal tract and liver. These organs managed to switch to an energy-saving mode and began to use internal reserves of nutrients. A sudden change in diet entails negative consequences. Be careful after dry fasting: do not drink more than 1 liter of liquid per day. The menu for breaking a seven-day fast does not differ from a five-day one, except for entering a meal schedule. Fractional nutrition will help cope with the transition to external energy supply.

From a 10 day fast

A person completely switches from saturation to cell detoxification through the consumption of internal energy reserves. The difference between a seven-day and a ten-day fast is negligible. To better prepare your body for the return of the regular menu, on the last day of the diet, eat 2-3 tomatoes stewed without salt or spices. Postpone the introduction of fresh raw vegetables and fruits for 1 day. Intestinal functions can be stimulated to work with a glass of sour milk, whey or carrot juice.

Exit from a 20-day fast according to G. Shelton

A well-known nutritionist has developed a unique system for breaking a long hunger strike:

Half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice every hour for 12 hours

The interval is doubled, a whole glass is taken

6 ripe juicy oranges. 1 – for breakfast, 2 – lunch, 3 – dinner

Juicy fruit in the morning; lunch menu - vegetable salad, borscht without salt or spices; dinner is the same as breakfast

Borscht is replaced with 2 boiled vegetables, baked potatoes, boiled egg white

The amount of food increases by 30-40%

Normal diet

What not to eat after fasting

After a stressful period, the body needs time to recover and a gradual transition to a standard diet. Forget about junk food like chips, snacks, dried fish. Remember that protein dishes, heavy foods and alcohol can put the body, vulnerable after a diet, into a state of severe intoxication, which can lead to irreversible consequences. To avoid overloading your gastrointestinal tract, stop using the following for a week:

  • fatty foods;
  • sweet;
  • canned food, factory juices;
  • salt, spices;
  • fresh milk, cream;
  • replace coffee with chicory;
  • meat products, sources of animal fat;
  • alcohol, alcohol-containing medications;
  • medications that affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

What does the body's recovery depend on?

Complete restoration of the functions of vital organs occurs within the same period as the fast. Keep in mind that suddenly introducing a wide variety of foods will slow down the process. To speed up your return to normal life, eat small portions, do not overeat, and give up junk food. For the first few days, spend more time in the fresh air, rinse your mouth with a soda solution.
