How to prepare a solution for blowing soap bubbles. Soap bubble solution. How to make huge bubbles


Good afternoon to all guests who decided to drop by for a sneak peek!
The sun is warming up, the birds are singing, the first dandelions have appeared, the days are getting brighter and longer and the mood is completely summery. It's time to get ready for summer fun. Today you will learn how to make a composition for soap bubbles, what is the best way to blow them, and what wonderful games you can come up with with your children. Everyone associates happy times with childhood, reckless joy and uncontrollable fun.

And what could be more beautiful, brighter and happier than blowing soap bubbles? There is no such person who would not do this at least once in his life. And if we blew rainbow balls out of a straw or dandelion stem, and made foam from laundry soap, now the industry has put this business on stream, taking advantage of the latest inventions of chemistry. But is new always better than old?

It is not known for certain who first decided to blow transparent bubbles. But the rainbow foam remaining after washing or bathing apparently fascinated more than one person. It is known that in ancient manuscripts and rock paintings there are drawings showing the process of blowing balloons using a tube. The special solution was first made in England in the mid-nineteenth century and gradually became very popular.

The magical activity was enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults. Now soap bubbles are an affordable toy, an exciting activity for shared leisure time or a holiday, and also an enchanting show. Masters have created real art out of a simple hobby and stage a truly mesmerizing spectacle on large stages.

Secrets of soap solution

Currently, soap bubbles can be distinguished:

  • industrial production
  • home made.

In the store you can choose either a small bottle of soap solution or a large one, enough for an entire performance. At the factory, special surfactants (surfactants) are added to the liquid for soap bubbles, which make the film strong, iridescent and light. But it should be remembered that such solutions are not safe; if they come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, they can cause a serious chemical burn. Therefore, when playing with industrial bubbles, you need to be careful.

With your own hands

It is much easier, cheaper and safer to make the solution yourself. In addition, knowing the recipe, you can always organize games with soap bubbles for children wherever you are: at home or in the country.

The recipe for the soap composition is simple, because abundant foam is obtained by mixing water and any detergent. You can use regular baby shampoo, bubble bath or shower gel. You need to mix them with water in a two to one ratio. This is the easiest way. Such bubbles are blown out easily, but burst quickly.

It is better to take boiled water, because the more impurities it contains, the worse it is. This is especially true for water with increased hardness; it will have to be boiled a couple of times. After this treatment, all the salts fall to the bottom in the form of sediment, and the liquid becomes soft and suitable for creativity.

To make strong bubbles that won't burst quickly, add a few drops of glycerin to the solution. It can be freely purchased at a pharmacy.

For example: for one hundred milliliters of liquid soap, take twenty ml of water, mix well, let it sit so that the foam settles (we don’t need it). Then pour in 10 drops of glycerin. These rainbow balls turn out to be quite strong.

A durable film can be obtained without glycerin; the recipe for such bubbles, in addition to soap, includes sugar syrup. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to two glasses of warm water, stir well until dissolved and pour in half a glass of any detergent.

If you don’t have anything suitable at hand, regular soap, even laundry soap, is enough. You need to grate it on a fine grater, add hot water and let it brew, stirring until smooth. It is advisable to leave for at least 8 hours, after which you can add glycerin or sugar.

You can complete simple recipes with your child, because the young “chemist” will definitely enjoy the wonderful transformation of a cloudy liquid into an airy, sparkling miracle. And if you add a few drops of food coloring, you will get multi-colored shiny balls.


Store-bought bottles have a special blowing loop. At home, they use various improvised means: cocktail straws, the body of a ballpoint pen, wire loops. Even a cut plastic bottle will do. The tube can be rolled out of cardboard or several layers of paper, however, it will have to be changed more often, since the paper gets wet in water.

All these devices are called rackets; professionals use up to ten different rackets during the show: in the form of a circle, heart, triangle and other shapes. You can make a racket for soap bubbles with your own hands from ordinary wire, preferably with a vinyl coating, or wrap it well with thread.

Games and entertainment

Soap bubbles will be a wonderful addition to a child’s birthday, creating an atmosphere of celebration, lightness and ease. You can offer children different games. For example:

  1. Give the children colorful cups of solution and cocktail straws, ask them to blow through them into the glass. A head of foam will rise. You can even compete to see who has the highest foam or who can get the most out of the glass.
  2. When blowing bubbles, ask the children to blow on them; the one whose blown balloon will fly farther and not burst will win.
  3. Pour the liquid onto the table and blow out the slide directly on it. Whoever gets the bigger number or the higher slide will win.
  4. If you want to make a real soap show, then the recipe for soap bubbles will need to be more complicated. Take fifty grams of gelatin and soak in a small amount of water. After it swells, heat in the microwave until dissolved, add fifty grams of sugar, eight hundred milliliters of distilled water and two hundred milliliters of liquid detergent. Mix well and let stand so that there is no foam. This recipe is suitable for blowing giant soap bubbles.
  5. To please the kids, pour the resulting liquid into a basin or tray, dip an ordinary hoop into it and lift it up - a strong sparkling film will follow it. By swinging the hoop and releasing huge balls, you will be able to organize a whole performance. Such bubbles can be easily held in your hands, especially if you first wet your palms with the soapy mixture.
  6. Although foam extravaganza is considered a summer activity, it is just as exciting to do in winter. In the cold, the magic bubbles freeze and become like glass. You don't have to sit in the room to see this. They will lie and shimmer for a long time if you carefully lower them onto soft snow.

Safety precautions

While enjoying aerial foam activity with your child or arranging a festive performance, don’t forget about safety. What troubles may await you:

  • allergic reactions;
  • poisoning when taking the solution orally;
  • contact with eyes.

All products used to prepare the composition: shower gels, shampoo or dishwashing liquid contain fragrances, dyes and other chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction. It is advisable to choose a children's series that is hypoallergenic, without dyes or strong odors.

Children over three years old can play with soap bubbles by blowing them themselves. Under one condition - the baby understands exactly what needs to be done and does not suck the solution into himself through the straw. Don't panic if your child does swallow soap bubbles. You need to rinse the stomach with plenty of water and induce a vomiting reaction. Additionally, give defoamers (espumisan) and sorbents (for example, activated carbon). The former will destroy the resulting foam, and the latter will help remove all harmful substances from the body.

If soap bubbles get into your child's eyes, rinse them with plenty of water. Under no circumstances should you rub with your hands or a dry cloth. Instill sodium sulfacyl solution or sofradex. You can put hydrocortisone eye ointment behind your eyelid.

In any case, if trouble occurs, be sure to consult a doctor. Timely, qualified assistance will relieve the consequences and preserve the health of your baby.

We hope that what we have told you today will be useful to you in organizing holidays at home or simply spending leisure time with your children. And summer, sun and games with flying magic balls will give you a feeling of boundless happiness. Subscribe, share with friends and come again. You are always welcome here.

Soap bubbles are a simple, fun and exciting entertainment that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Therefore, many are interested in how to make soap bubbles at home. You can make bubble fluid without breaking the bank and in almost any quantity. There are many ways to prepare the composition with your own hands. Let's look at some of them, and you will choose the recipe you like.

Classic recipe


  • 500 ml water;
  • 50 g of laundry or glycerin soap without fragrances and dyes;
  • 2 tablespoons glycerin.

If you don’t have the last component at home, then a jar of glycerin can be bought at almost any pharmacy. First, grind the soap by grating or finely cutting. Pour hot water over it and stir until completely dissolved. If the soap does not dissolve well, you can slightly heat the water, stirring it constantly. But do not bring the solution to a boil! If necessary, strain the mixture through cheesecloth. After this, all that remains is to add glycerin to the soap solution.

This is a fairly simple and affordable recipe. You will most likely find all the components in your kitchen. Plus, you don't have to wait for the soap to dissolve.

Required ingredients:

  • 400 ml water;
  • 100 ml dish soap;
  • 2 teaspoons regular white sugar.

It is better to use regular dishwashing liquid without dyes or flavors. The detergent is not suitable for dishwashers. So, to make a bubble solution, add dish soap and sugar to warm water. After this, mix the ingredients well. That's it, the solution is ready!

Washing powder solution

It will take you several days to prepare a solution with the addition of washing powder. Therefore, if you want to please yourself and your child today, this recipe will not suit you.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 ml water;
  • 100 ml glycerin;
  • 8-10 drops of ammonia;
  • 20-25 g of washing powder.

Add washing powder to hot water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then add the rest of the ingredients. The resulting soap solution should stand for about 2 days. After waiting a couple of days, strain the solution and put it in the refrigerator for several hours (or overnight). After this, the composition will be ready for use.

Bubbles recipe for little ones

It happens that while playing with a child, drops from bursting bubbles get into the eyes. And then entertainment no longer brings any joy. The liquid with the addition of mild baby shampoo, when it gets on the mucous membranes, does not cause pain or burning in the baby. How to make soap bubbles at home for little ones?

Required ingredients:

  • 500 ml water;
  • 200-250 ml of baby shampoo;
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar.

Dissolve the shampoo in warm water. The prepared liquid should infuse a little. Leave the solution overnight, or better yet, for a day. Then add sugar to the mixture and mix everything well. The bubble solution is ready.

Recipe for extra strong bubbles

If you want unpoppable bubbles, you will need the following components:

  • 800 ml water;
  • 350-400 ml glycerin;
  • 200 g laundry soap;
  • 80 g sugar.

Rub the soap and fill the resulting shavings with hot water. Stir the liquid until the soap is completely dissolved. After this, add sugar and glycerin to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. From the resulting solution you can make not only strong bubbles, but also various soap figures, for example, by blowing balls onto a smooth table.

Original recipe: solution with syrup

Corn syrup can replace sugar or glycerin. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 600 ml water;
  • 200 ml of shampoo or dishwashing liquid;
  • 70-80 ml corn syrup.

The recipe for this composition is very simple: you just need to add syrup and dishwashing detergent to the water, and then mix everything well.

It’s easy to check the quality of a soap liquid: blow a bubble, dip your finger into the foam and gently touch the bubble with it. If the ball bursts, then you should add a small amount of glycerin or sugar. If the bubbles are difficult to inflate and appear too heavy, add a little water to the solution. If the bubbles inflate well and do not burst, then the solution is prepared correctly and nothing else needs to be added to it.

Recipe for making a composition for large bubbles

Nowadays, various bubble shows are very popular and can be seen at weddings, birthdays and other festive events. You too can arrange such a show for children or friends.

To prepare the composition with your own hands, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 ml water;
  • 200 ml dishwashing detergent;
  • 150 ml glycerin;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • sachet of gelatin (30-40 g).

Before you make soap bubbles, you will need to prepare the gelatin. Soak it in a small amount of water (check the recipe on the bag) and leave it to swell, then strain. Mix gelatin with sugar and melt the mixture without bringing it to a boil. This can be done in a water bath or in the microwave. Add the resulting mixture of gelatin and sugar to 800 ml of warm water, and then the remaining ingredients. After this, all that remains is to mix everything thoroughly.

The solution can be prepared in a wide basin. And they form giant bubbles using a hoop or large frame made of flexible material. True, you won’t have to blow out the balloons. Simply dip the frame into the liquid and gently pull out any large bubbles.

If you want to get good bubbles that won't burst while blowing, consider the following guidelines.

  1. To prepare the solution yourself, it is recommended to use boiled or bottled water rather than tap water.
  2. When choosing soap, dishwashing detergent or powder, pay attention to the composition. The fewer dyes and perfume additives in the product, the better the quality of the bubbles.
  3. Glycerin, like sugar, affects the density of the solution and the strength of the blown balls. But do not overuse glycerin, otherwise the solution will be too dense and it will be difficult to inflate bubbles.
  4. Bubbles obtained from a less dense solution are not as strong, meaning they burst faster. But they are much easier to blow out. Therefore, this composition is more suitable for children.
  5. If possible, keep the prepared solution in the refrigerator for 1-2 days before use.
  6. Before inflating, you must wait until there is a solid film on the surface of the solution without foam or bubbles. You can remove the foam or wait until it disappears on its own. Cooling the liquid is the easiest way to get rid of unnecessary foam.
  7. Blow the ball slowly and evenly, otherwise the soap film will quickly tear and the bubble will burst.

Optimal conditions

If you blow bubbles outdoors, be prepared for the results to largely depend on the weather. Strong wind and dust are the real enemies of bubbles. Also, they should not be allowed on a dry and hot day when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees. But high air humidity, on the contrary, will be an excellent assistant in the “soap” business. It is believed that the best results are obtained in the morning or evening after rain or watering the lawn.

If you blow bubbles at home, avoid strong drafts. Also, the room should not be too hot, dry or dusty. It is important to note: in some cases, when bubbles burst, they can leave marks on parquet, linoleum or furniture.

Much of the size and quality of the bubbles depends on the tools used to blow. Today in the store it is easy to find many ready-made tools of different shapes and sizes. But you can make them yourself. For example, wire twisted into a loop is perfect for these purposes. Some people use a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off or shaped dough molds. You can also use a cocktail straw. To make the balls larger, you can make several longitudinal cuts at the end of the tube.

Safety rules

  • When working with the solution, be careful: it should not get into your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • If you made bubbles for your baby, make sure he doesn't taste the solution.
  • Blow soap bubbles in a direction where there are no people or animals.
  • If splashes from the bubble do get into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with clean running water.
  • After preparing the composition and experimenting with soap bubbles, do not forget to wash your hands under running water.

If you want to give a holiday to your child or just cheer up your loved ones, use one of the recipes presented. As you can see, you can make beautiful bubbles with your own hands without much effort and serious expense.

Soap bubbles are one of the most favorite pastimes of children and adults, known to mankind since ancient times. With a high level of attractiveness, this fun does not require large expenses, and is also available at any time of the year. Today, there are many ways to make bubbles at home, because they have long become not just entertainment, but an entire art.

What are soap bubbles?

A soap bubble is a thin film of soap filled with air. Its surface is initially transparent, but over time it becomes iridescent. Its shape can be different and depends on the tools that are used for blowing.

The basis of the solution is soap and water. To acquire certain qualities, auxiliary substances are added. For example, a dye will help give the bubbles a certain color; for greater durability, you can add sugar syrup. By experimenting with the ingredients for preparing the solution, you can make bubbles of any quality and color, changing the shape from spherical to oval, and the lifespan from short-lived to long-lasting. Let's look at the most popular ways to prepare liquid for soap bubbles.

Solution recipes

Classic way

  • 100 ml liquid soap;
  • 20 ml of purified water.

Mix the ingredients, then let it brew for 2 hours.

With glycerin

  • 500 ml water;
  • 50 g liquid soap;
  • 2 tbsp. l. glycerin.

First, shake the soap with water, then add glycerin (you can buy it at any pharmacy). Let the liquid sit for 2 hours.

From shampoo or shower gel

  • 1 tbsp. shampoo;
  • 2 tbsp. clean water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. glycerin.

Mix all the ingredients one by one and let it brew for 1-2 hours.

From bubble bath

  • 1 tbsp. clean water;
  • 30 ml bath foam.

Mix the ingredients, leave the mixture in a cool place for a short time.

From dishwashing detergent

  • 100 ml purified water;
  • 30 ml dishwashing liquid;
  • 30 ml glycerin.

For this method, choose a premium detergent that will provide a quality formula. If the bubbles are not strong enough, add a little more glycerin than stated in the recipe.

Colored bubbles

To make colored soap balls, use paint. Gouache is the best option - it can be easily wiped off.

  • ½ liter of distilled (or simply purified) water;
  • 150 ml dishwashing detergent;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • Gouache.

First you need to mix the paint with water, then add sugar and a base of dishwashing detergent. You need to add gouache gradually to understand how concentrated the mixture will be.

  • ½ liter of clean water;
  • 150 ml liquid soap;
  • 20 g powdered sugar;
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • Food coloring.

Add powdered sugar mixed with gelatin to the resulting liquid. Leave for at least 7-8 hours.

  • 1/3 liter of water;
  • 50 ml laundry soap;
  • 30 ml glycerin;
  • Gouache;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Terry sock;
  • Household tape.

Mix the ingredients, add gouache. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle, put a terry sock on it, and secure with tape. Pour the solution into a wide and flat container, and, dipping the edge of the bottle, blow out the bubble.

From laundry soap

One of the safest ways to make soap solution:

  • ½ tbsp. purified water;
  • 10 g laundry soap;
  • 30 g of pure glycerin.

The soap should first be grated or cut into small pieces so that it can completely dissolve. Strain the solution through cheesecloth and mix with pure glycerin. If the balls burst quickly, add a little more glycerin than 30 g.

With sugar syrup

  • ¼ liter of clean water;
  • 20 g liquid soap;
  • 30 g sugar.

Mix the ingredients and let them brew for at least 4 hours.

  • 1/2 tbsp. distilled water;
  • 10 g liquid soap;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 15 g gelatin granules.

Mix gelatin with sugar, add water and soap. Leave the mixture for at least 5 hours.

With ammonia

We will need:

  • ½ tbsp. purified hot water;
  • 50 g glycerin;
  • 15 ml of liquid soap (or any other soap base);
  • 3 drops of ammonia.

Mix the ingredients until completely dissolved. Leave for at least 72 hours, then strain and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Ammonia is necessary for the transparency of the solution.

From washing powder

  • ½ liter of water;
  • 20 drops of ammonia;
  • 30 g washing powder.

After stirring, leave the mixture for 48 hours. The result of this expectation will be large, strong bubbles.

From baby shampoo

  • 1/3 l of clean water;
  • 1 tbsp. baby shampoo;
  • 40 g sugar.

This option is ideal for young children, as it is safe and does not require long infusion. Also, baby shampoo does not contain additional ingredients that could affect the quality of the bubbles.

Without glycerin

Replace glycerin with sugar and gelatin.

  • 200 ml water;
  • 100 ml soap;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 50 g gelatin.

If the bubbles are not strong enough and burst quickly, add more sugar.

Figured soap bubbles

For this we need a powerful solution:

  • ½ liter of water;
  • ½ l glycerin;
  • 200 ml laundry soap;
  • 100 g sugar.

Mix the ingredients and let it brew for 10-15 hours. Use frames to blow shapes.

Large bubbles

The recipe is similar to the previous one, with one amendment - the number of ingredients is larger, and it is better to replace laundry soap with dishwashing detergent - it will give a stronger and higher foam:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1 liter of dishwashing detergent;
  • 200 ml glycerin;
  • 200 g sugar.

Use a wide container to prepare the solution. Afterwards, leave in a cool place for a day.

Bubbles that don't burst

Such bubbles are no different from ordinary ones, except that they do not burst upon contact with the surface. It is difficult to make a solution that is not inferior in quality to store-bought, but for a spectacular show it is worth trying:


  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 200 ml glycerin;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 100 g gelatin;
  • 50 ml soap.

First, dissolve the sugar over the fire, gradually adding gelatin to it. Then add the remaining ingredients, mix and leave for 14 hours.

Non-bursting bubbles can also be made using a gel sold in specialized stores.

How to check a solution for quality?

To check the quality, just blow a bubble and touch it with a wet finger. If it bursts, the solution is not strong enough, add more glycerin, sugar or soap. A ball with a diameter of 30 mm must remain intact for at least 30 seconds.

Blowing tools

Among the tools for blowing soap bubbles, the straw is considered a classic. You can replace the straw with a cocktail straw or the body of a ballpoint pen. To adjust the size of the balls, it is enough to make longitudinal cuts on the sides of the tube. If you want to blow a large number of bubbles, spending a minimum of time on it, secure several cocktail tubes with tape.

Use paper as a blowing tool, namely thick cardboard. It is enough to twist a funnel out of it. This method is short-lived, but convenient for a short game in the absence of other options.

To blow large shapes, plastic bottles with the bottom cut off, a funnel, a carpet beater, or your own hands are suitable.

You can also make blow molding frames from available materials. They can be in the form of simple figures, or they can have the outlines of your favorite fairy-tale characters. For such frames it is better to use wire.

How to make giant soap bubbles

  1. A hoop wrapped in fabric. The solution should be prepared in a large container, preferably a children's pool. Dip the hoop into the solution and, when the fabric absorbs the liquid, pull. Instead of a hoop, a cable or wire will do. The wire can be pulled through cocktail straws, creating not just a circle shape, but a variety of complex shapes - from an asterisk to fancy shapes.
  2. Tennis racket. You should first remove the net, wrap the base of the racket with cotton cloth and, dipping it in the solution, pull it up.
  3. "Bubble rope." You will need two sticks and a rope. They need to be connected in such a way that the rope forms a triangle. Holding the sticks with both hands, dip the rope into the solution prepared in a wide container. When the rope absorbs the soapy liquid, pull up. Hang a small weight on one side (a regular nut will do).
  4. Hands. Dip your palms into the soapy solution and, forming a ring with your thumbs and forefingers, blow!

Fun with bubbles

Let's consider various options for entertainment related to soap bubbles.

  1. Drawing abstract paintings. You need to prepare a solution for soap bubbles, add a few drops of watercolor. Using one or more tubes, blow out bubbles on the surface of the solution, then carefully transfer them to paper or cardboard. This painting will serve as an excellent gift or interior decoration.
  2. Blowing foam. Pour a soap solution into a glass, lower a tube into it (you can use several). Start blowing, thus creating fluffy foam creeping out over the edges of the mug.
  3. "Domes". Wet the glass or mirror with water and cool the solution. Using a straw, you can blow a bubble directly on the glass, and then observe the soap “domes”.
  4. "Catching balls." Wet your hands with water and dip your palms into the solution. Catch soap balls and they won't burst! The same thing will happen if you put woolen mittens or gloves on your hands.
  5. Blowing soap balls in the cold. Bubbles freeze at -7 degrees Celsius. To prevent the soap shell from collapsing, make a solution from shampoo (it will also give the bubbles a dull appearance). It is better not to use dishwashing detergent - when the shell freezes, it becomes brittle and the bubble loses its structure. You should blow out balloons at sub-zero temperatures quickly and carefully.


To create your own bubble show, experiment with different ingredients. As tools, use a children's inflatable pool and a hoop wrapped in cotton cloth. Dip the hoop into the solution and place a small chair in the center of it. Invite the guest to stand on it, and slowly raise the hoop so that the person standing on the chair finds himself in a huge soapy “cocoon”. If you want to surprise your guests, add a little medical glue to the liquid and blow bubbles using several straws fastened together - they will stick to your hands and not burst. If you add paint, your show will become not only fun, but also colorful. Do not exclude musical accompaniment and the help of an assistant.

To prepare a high-quality soap mixture, consider the following recommendations:

  1. The quality of the water affects the quality of the solution, which means do not use tap water - it is too hard. Choose bottled or boiled water. The ideal option is distilled water, or at least fresh rainwater.
  2. When choosing a foundation, pay attention to the composition. Avoid products containing perfume additives and dyes.
  3. Monitor the amount of glycerin, sugar and gelatin in the solution. If you overdo it with these components, you will make the solution too strong and dense. Adding too little is too weak, and the bubbles are short-lived. But this mixture is ideal for small children, so base it on your goals.
  4. It is better to infuse the solution in the refrigerator - this will get rid of unnecessary foam and bubbles on the surface of the liquid.
  5. Blow out the shapes evenly. If you feel that your breath is not enough to blow one large bubble, stop by covering the tip of the tube with your finger.

Safety rules

When preparing the solution, you should adhere to some safety rules:

  1. Be careful. Avoid contact of ingredients with eyes, nose, and mouth.
  2. After preparing the solution, thoroughly wash your hands and the area where the preparation was carried out.
  3. Closely monitor the child while playing, to ensure that the solution does not get into the eyes, mouth, or nose.
  4. If splashes of the bubble get into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly under running water.
  5. Make sure that the child does not taste the soapy liquid.
  6. After playing, wash your hands and wipe smooth floor coverings.

Soap bubbles are incredibly fun entertainment. It is suitable for any age and weather conditions. You will find all the ingredients for making them at home, and the tools are easy to make with your own hands. The abundance of games and experiments will not let anyone get bored!

Liquid for soap bubbles is easy to buy at any supermarket and toy store. But it’s much more interesting to experiment with homemade solutions, trying different compositions. Both children and parents will enjoy blowing bubbles made by themselves.

How to make soap bubbles with your own hands at home?

To make them, they used to use both simple laundry soap and shampoos, which were in short supply in Soviet times. Now you can make a variety of mixtures that allow you to obtain a durable and thin, iridescent film of soap.

Classic recipe

The simplest and most common bubble solution recipe involves soap made from natural ingredients. Nowadays it’s quite difficult to find something like this, so you can use Vesna products (toilet, children’s, etc.). It contains natural fats and is prepared using old technologies, without lauryl sulfate, dyes and other additives. Most of these components interfere with the inflation of the bubble.

The ratio of soap and water should be 1:10, respectively. A solution of this concentration makes it easy to blow fairly strong and beautiful bubbles both through a straw and using plastic loops from a purchased liquid.

The soap is grated and mixed with water until completely dissolved. It is best to leave the container with liquid for several hours, and then stir again and start playing.

From dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing detergents have appeared relatively recently. They are based on a potassium composition, reminiscent of liquid soap or shampoo, so you can get bubbles from Fairy or Sorti and other brands. Dishwasher detergent will not work.

To prepare the solution you need to take 1 part of a thick Fairy type product and 4 parts of water. A small amount of sugar, which needs to be completely dissolved, will help increase the density. For 1 glass of water you will need 1 tsp. granulated sugar.

Mix the ingredients until the crystals dissolve and blow out beautiful bright balls.

From laundry soap

A good high-density solution, allowing one to blow large bubbles, was obtained from gray washing soap (sound soap). Now you can use it and experiment with imported varieties with lauryl sulfate. You can not add foreign ingredients to the solution, but use only soap shavings and water, or prepare variations with other ingredients:

  1. For 200 ml of water, take 20-30 g of soap shavings (the density of the solution and the brightness of the balls depend on the quantity). Dissolve and leave for several hours.
  2. For every 1 glass of solution according to the basic recipe, add 1 tsp. Sahara.
  3. As an additive, use 1 tsp. gelatin, soak it in cold water and melt until liquid (do not boil). Mix the gelatin solution with soap.
  4. Add 1 tsp to 1 cup of base soap solution. pharmaceutical glycerin.

The disadvantage of laundry soap is its unpleasant smell. This may not appeal to modern children and will ruin the game.

From liquid soap

Store-bought liquid soap only needs to be diluted a little. Use the same amount of water for 0.5 cups of detergent. After mixing, a lot of foam is formed. When it settles, add about 0.5 tsp. glycerin. Bubbles can be blown out immediately. If the liquid is too thick (depending on the detergent), it will be difficult to blow the balls out of the loop. The composition can be optimized experimentally by adding a little water and bringing the concentration to an acceptable level.

From baby shampoo

Children's shampoo (Eared Nanny, Johnson's Baby, etc.) is good because during games it will not sting the eyes if the child accidentally puts it there. The shampoo is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2. For every 1 glass of water you can put 2-3 tsp. Sahara.

From sugar syrup

High film strength can be obtained using concentrated sugar syrup. It is prepared from 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and 1 tbsp. l. water. You will have to dissolve it in hot water and then cool it.

To make bubbles at home, take 1 part prepared syrup, 2 parts soap flakes, 4 parts glycerin and 8 parts water. Mix the ingredients and let it brew for several hours. Durable film allows you to glue soap balls to the surface of the table and construct figures from them.

From washing powder

The brightest bubbles will be obtained from any washing powder. They will not be as unpleasant as those made from laundry soap and will be able to bring even more joy to children. For 1 glass of hot water you need to take 1 tbsp. l. without a mountain of detergent. Colored granules do not affect the beauty of the balls, so you can use any variety, both expensive and cheap.

Dissolve the powder in hot water until the granules disappear. It is advisable to strain the composition, because some of the grains may remain at the bottom, and when blowing the balls, they will stick in the loop and interfere with inflating a large ball that will fly.

Glycerin based

Soap bubbles with glycerin are characterized by a high viscosity of the solution. This allows you to get large balls using large wire frames. When making a mixture for soap bubbles take:

  • 50 ml glycerin;
  • 100 ml of liquid soap, shampoo or dish soap;
  • 4 tsp. Sahara;
  • 300 ml water.

First you need to dissolve the granulated sugar and then add the other ingredients. This way the mass will be homogeneous. Before the games, you need to conduct tests, inflating the balloons in different ways, so as not to disappoint the children.

Recipe for making a composition for large bubbles

You can learn how to make large bubbles, like in a show or circus, yourself. For this purpose, special compounds and wide frames made of wire or plastic (for example, a hoop) are used. You can prepare the liquid using this bubble recipe:

  • 0.8 l of water;
  • 0.2 l of concentrated dish soap;
  • 0.1 l glycerin;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 50 g gelatin.

Soak the gelatin in a small amount of water (so that everything is absorbed). If liquid remains, drain it. Add sugar to the gelatin mass and heat until the crystals dissolve (do not boil). Mix the mixture with water and finally add detergent and glycerin. Mix carefully, without creating excess foam. The composition is non-toxic and suitable for children's games.

The recipe for giant bubbles may be different. Mix 0.1 liters of gel lubricant and glycerin with 0.2 liters of thick dish soap. Pour in 0.8 liters of water and mix gently. The mixture produces especially strong soap bubbles.

Based on bubble bath

By including bubble bath in your bubbles, you can create a pleasant-smelling solution. Prepare it according to general principles, mixing 3 parts of the foam mixture and 1 part of water. You can give the shell of the balls a colored tint using food coloring: pour a little of the prepared solution into a separate container and add the color diluted in a small amount of water. Using several color compositions, you can achieve a beautiful effect.

Extra strong bubbles

To blow soap bubbles that don't burst, you need to use the following recipe:

  • 800 ml water;
  • 350-400 ml glycerin;
  • 200 g of soap shavings (sound soap);
  • 80 g granulated sugar.

Pour hot water over the shavings and leave. Stir until the pieces dissolve, add sugar and glycerin, wait until the grains disappear.

How to determine the quality of a solution?

The solution is tested before mass fun, so as not to upset the children if something doesn’t work out. You need to check all inflation methods. The solution viscosity test is carried out as follows:

  • inflate the balloon;
  • wet your finger in soapy water;
  • touch the shell.

If the bubbles burst when touched, then the viscosity is insufficient. You need to add sugar syrup or glycerin drop by drop until the result is satisfactory: when touched with a finger dipped in the solution, the balls should not collapse.

What and how to inflate a bubble?

The size of the rainbow balls depends on the diameter of the tube or frame used for blowing. You can blow 1 soap bubble using different devices:

  • cocktail straws;
  • wax paper rolled into a tube;
  • long pasta;
  • the hollow stem of a plant (for example, a sunflower);
  • funnels;
  • plastic recess for dough;
  • finger rings;
  • a piece of plastic pipe, etc.

An unusual tool for blowing large balls is a PET bottle. You need to remove the lid and cut off the bottom evenly. You can arrange a show for children for the holiday using frames made of thin plastic tubes, wire, hoops of different diameters, etc.

To blow with a tube, lower its end into the solution, then remove it and blow evenly into the opposite hole. When the ball reaches the desired size, it is shaken off the straw. It is easier to blow a bubble through the frame: immerse the entire loop in the solution, remove it and blow lightly onto the stretched film. If you buy a special bubble gun, you can release a whole flock of flying balls.

Large frames are used for giant bubbles. The viscous solution makes it possible to obtain strong films even on the same devices. To inflate a bubble, the frames are placed horizontally in a wide, shallow basin or cuvette. By lifting the hoop in a horizontal position, the cylinders become more transparent. A gentle flick will allow the large bubble to inflate and lift away from the frame, taking flight.

Safety rules

When playing with a child, you need to make sure that the soap composition does not get into your mouth or eyes. Older children learn to blow their own bubbles and sometimes put liquid in their mouth. She is harmless, but unpleasant. The game will be ruined.

If the soap mixture gets into your eyes or mouth, rinse your mucous membranes with clean water. If a child accidentally swallows a small amount of the solution, give him/her 1 glass of water to drink to reduce the concentration of liquid that enters the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the most exciting, simple, fun and romantic leisure activities is creating soap bubbles at home. Such events can be held both in summer and winter in a large and noisy company. You can buy a ready-made solution at your local store, but it’s much more fun to make it yourself. If you wish, you can make a solution from improvised materials at home.

However, simply purchasing the desired bottle of solution is not interesting, because it is much more fun to make the liquid with children yourself, involving little helpers in an interesting activity. In addition, in nature, a ready-made bottle will only last for half an hour, while a homemade solution will last much longer. Such an activity will not take much time, and all the necessary components are always at hand (sugar, glycerin, soap and plain water). However, to achieve an unsurpassed result, you should first familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the plan. After all, the balls should be easy to inflate and be dense enough to float in the air for some time.

The main factors on which the quality of blown bubbles will depend are a properly made soap solution and auxiliary devices (frames and tubes) that are used for blowing soap bubbles. Before you begin to carry out all the necessary manipulations, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with several basic recipes for their preparation.

Soap bubble devices

Standard type devices include various guns, frames, empty pens, cocktail sticks, field reeds and plastic straws of various shapes and sizes. But original ones include used plastic bottles, photo frames and even pasta!

A device for blowing soap bubbles, made from cut up cocktail tubes

If you couldn’t get all these elements, then your fingers will be enough. If you are planning a grand performance for children or a large-scale celebration, then preparing several large frames will not be amiss. For this you will need wire and beautiful beads.

Making soap bubbles without glycerin

Many adults are delighted to see happy children's faces playing happily with soap bubbles. And not every adult is able to pass by such beauty, because the desire to burst a multi-colored soap ball has been haunted since childhood.

Unfortunately, even a small bottle of liquid will be expensive, and it will be used up extremely quickly. Each person is able to independently, using improvised means, make a solution for soap bubbles at home. Any housewife will have all the necessary ingredients.

Below we will present a large number of different recipes for soap bubbles, from the simplest, consisting of two components, to unusual ones containing, for example, corn syrup or ammonia.

Classic recipe

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • laundry soap;
  • drinking water.

The soap is rubbed on a fine grater, and the resulting shavings are transferred to a container with boiling water. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To speed up the process, you can put the container on low heat. The cooled liquid is poured into a more convenient container with a lid.

A simple recipe for soap bubbles

Components you will need:

  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • drinking water – 0.5 l;
  • dishwashing liquid – 1.5 cups.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting mass is placed in a cool place for a day. If desired, the bubbles can be colored by adding a few drops of dye to the container.

Soap bubbles made from sugar

  • sugar – 100 g;
  • baby shampoo;
  • boiled water – 0.5 l.

All ingredients used are thoroughly mixed, after which the container is placed in a cool place for a day. Lastly, sugar is added, which will help make the bubbles as dense and strong as possible.

Soap bubbles with smell

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • essential oil;
  • drinking water – 100 ml;
  • gel, shampoo or detergent that can cause foam.

The liquids are mixed together, then oil is added. The bubbles are very fragrant and bright. The kids will really like it.

Cheap bubble recipe

In this case you will need:

  • a few drops of essential oil;
  • sugar (can be replaced with gelatin) – 3 tsp;
  • a little laundry soap;
  • table water – 8 tbsp.

The water is boiled, after which the soap, previously grated on a fine grater, is sent into a container with water. After thorough mixing, gelatin or sugar is added. The resulting mixture simmers over low heat for several minutes. After the formation of a homogeneous mass, remove the container from the heat, add essential oil and cool during the day in a cool place.

Soap bubbles from baby shampoo

  • warm water – 2 glasses;
  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • tear-free shampoo – 100 ml.

Everything mixes neatly. If after inflating the bubbles are too thin or burst quickly, you will need a few more drops of glycerin.

Unusual soap bubbles

The components you should prepare are:

  • ammonia – 20 drops;
  • powder detergent – ​​2 tbsp;
  • boiling water - 3 cups.

The mixed mass settles over the next four days. The liquid is then filtered and used for fun.

Soap bubbles from detergent

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • glycerin – 0.5 cups;
  • dishwashing detergent – ​​1 cup;
  • warm water – 3 glasses.

This recipe is relevant when we are talking about having a fun time in a large company or planning an unforgettable children's party. The resulting liquid will disperse within an hour, so it is recommended to store it in a convenient container, since the kids will often run for the “supplement.”

Soap bubbles from laundry soap

This method falls into the labor-intensive category, as it will take a lot of time. However, if you want to please yourself and your loved ones, then nothing is impossible.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • sugar or glycerin – 2 tsp;
  • boiling water – 10 tbsp;
  • laundry soap - a whole bar.

The soap is grated on a coarse grater, and the resulting shavings are placed in a pan of boiling water. Stir until the soap is completely dissolved and a cloudy liquid forms. If the water begins to cool, the container should be placed on low heat. The mixture should not boil! The resulting soap mixture is infused for a week and only after 7 days are glycerin and sugar added. Then the solution is infused for several more hours, after which the fun should begin, albeit a little protracted.

Soap bubble snake

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • plastic container (preferably a bottle);
  • scotch;
  • food coloring;
  • sock.

The bottom of the bottle is removed, and an old sock is pulled over the hole. It should be wrapped well with tape or a tight elastic band. The sock fabric is impregnated with different dyes. All ingredients of the soap solution are mixed together. After which the sock is soaked in the resulting composition and multi-colored bubbles are blown through the neck.

Glycerin soap bubbles

Main components:

  • glycerin – 2 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • dishwashing liquid – 1 cup;
  • warm water – 1 glass.

All ingredients are mixed together. The solution settles for several hours.

Soap bubbles from washing powder

A base such as washing powder is used when it comes to creating large soap bubbles. Thus, you can decorate any festive event. First, the liquid will be infused for several days, but the result is definitely worth it.

What you will need:

  • glycerin – 10 drops;
  • ammonia – 20 drops;
  • boiling water – 3 cups;
  • washing powder (preferably for hand washing) – 50 g.

All elements are thoroughly mixed and stored for three days. Afterwards, the resulting composition is well filtered (using gauze) and infused for 24 hours.

Freezing soap bubbles

This type of product is often found on the shelves of expensive stores intended for children's events. It is impossible to see the true composition on the bottles, since the manufacturers did not bother to indicate it in full. The rules of use describe basic points and precautions, and that the material is not classified as toxic.

When compared, the homemade composition turns out to be more liquid and more reminiscent of construction glue or nail polish. Sweet syrups are produced in this consistency. They are also very viscous and begin to harden immediately upon contact with any surface.

As an example, here is a list of required ingredients:

  • warm water – 80 ml;
  • glycerin – 40 ml;
  • laundry soap – 20 ml;
  • sugar syrup (1/5 water and sugar).

This is just an approximate list of substances that are used to make hardening soap bubbles at home.

Very strong gelatin soap bubbles

To create particularly complex structures in the form of three-dimensional animals and the like, elastic and at the same time durable bubbles are required. Thus, you should prepare a solution that would quickly harden in the open air.


  • gelatin-based powder – 100 g;
  • glycerin – 100 g;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • any shower gel (fruit is preferable because of the aroma) – 250 ml;
  • settled water – 750 ml.

Gelatin granules are filled with water and set aside until they are completely swollen. The resulting composition is filtered, thereby removing excess moisture. Afterwards sugar is added and the container is heated. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After removing from the stove, add 0.75 liters of water and glycerin. The mass is carefully stirred, avoiding possible foaming.

Gel soap bubbles

This type of bubbles belongs to the durable category, so they can please children for a long time. Also, with the help of a properly prepared solution, you can create complex structures in the form of castles, turrets and other figures. The composition includes a component that promotes rapid hardening of blown balls.

For this you will need:

  • any soap solution based on a detergent or foaming substance; — 0.5 l;
  • sugar and gelatin – 100 g each;
  • glycerin – 200 g;
  • settled water – 1.5 l.

To create a solution of the required consistency, gelatin is added to the water and left alone until it swells completely. The solution is filtered, thereby removing excess moisture. Sugar is added, after which the container is moved to low heat until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Boiling should be avoided. Stir with a wooden spoon while heating. Detergent is introduced and only then glycerin.

No foam should form, so stir carefully. The sample is taken by inflating several balloons.

Soap bubbles like in a store

In addition to the previously described classic method of preparing the solution, you can also resort to the store-bought recipe.

If you plan to achieve exactly this result, you will need the following ingredients:

  • corn syrup – 75 ml;
  • detergent – ​​210 ml;
  • warm water – 600 ml.

It is better not to use regular chlorinated water, as this component will affect the quality of the bubbles. An everyday dishwashing detergent is ideal. But you may not have corn syrup in your house, but you can easily buy it at any supermarket. When cooking, warm water is poured into the prepared container. The detergent is poured into it and gently mixed. Then comes the turn of corn syrup.

After thorough mixing, the composition is considered completely ready for further use. You can let it brew for a bit, just a few hours is enough.

Soap bubbles in the cold

Technologies do not stand still, and what can we say about ordinary soap bubbles, which have also undergone some transformations. After blowing for the first few seconds, such a bubble will remain unchanged, just as transparent and iridescent. And only then will the magic come. From the tip of the base, the bubble slowly begins to turn white and freeze. Afterwards it stops floating and falls down. But at the same time it will no longer burst. Breaking into many small fragments, it looks more like a crystal ball.

However, such magic will require ideal windless weather, which should not interfere with the upcoming experiments. Only specialists or people with good equipment can take pictures. You can protect the space from the wind using shutters, or simply using a balcony.

The effect is not the same, but you will still be able to enjoy the fairy tale. Such magic can be purchased in specialized stores. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make it at home, since it contains a number of components that are prohibited for free sale.

The history of soap bubbles

A soap bubble is a thin film that is filled with air and is somewhat reminiscent of a transparent version of a balloon. Historically, the first mention of bubbles dates back to the year soap was invented. The game got its name from him.

Scientists claim that the first frescoes with soap bubbles came from Pompeii. They began to be sold as a solution at the end of the seventeenth century in Japan. Two centuries later, children all over the world were playing with laundry foam in the streets. Bubble blowing kits were first sold in Britain in the late nineteenth century.

  • Glycerin has been the main and unchanged component for many centuries. It helps strengthen the bubble itself, making its surface multi-colored, elastic and incredibly durable. If you follow the recipes described above, you can make a similar solution yourself at home.
  • Also, ammonia, gelatin and washing powder are often used as auxiliary components.
  • It is recommended to use sugar syrup or gelatin-based powder as a fixative.

The nuances of making soap bubbles

The subtleties of preparation are extremely important and the following points should be included:

Strict adherence to this recipe is the key to a high-quality and practical substance that will help make any children's holiday unforgettable and pastime fun. You can try to make raw materials based on personal observations, but this can take a lot of time, and it’s better not to postpone the fun until later.


In order to organize an amazing children's party, you don’t need a lot of money and effort, because what could you like more than a huge number of different soap bubbles? After the first joyful smile, the efforts spent will be forgotten, and only pleasant and warm memories will come in their place.

Even the most unusual soap bubbles can be made yourself from available materials. Don't stop pleasing your loved ones even after trying all possible options for creating soap bubbles. Good luck in your endeavors!

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