How to determine the ending of nouns table. Cases and case forms of nouns. Noun case


Case in languages ​​of inflectional (synthetic) or agglutinating system is a category of a word (usually a name), showing its syntactic role in a sentence and connecting individual words of a sentence. Cases refer to both the functions of words in a sentence and the forms of words associated with them.

Term case, like the names of most cases, is a calque from Greek and Latin - ancient Greek. πτῶσις (fall), lat. casus from cadere (to fall). There are direct cases (nominative and sometimes also accusative) and indirect cases (others). This terminology is associated with the ancient idea of ​​“declination” (declinatio) as “deviations”, “falling away” from the correct, “direct” form of the word, and was supported by associations with the game of dice (where with each throw one side or another falls out - in a given case one “direct” and several “indirect”).

Below in the table you can see the cases of the Russian language and their endings for various genders and declensions of nouns.

Russian case name Latin case name Questions Prepositions End
Singular Plural
1 cl. 2 cl. 3 cl.
Nominative Nominative Who? What? (There is) --- --- -a, -i ---, -o, -e --- -s, -i, -a, -i
Genitive Genitive Whom? What? (No) without, at, before, from, with, about, from, near, after, for, around -s, -i -a, -i -And ---, -ov, -ev, -ey
Dative Dative To whom? Why? (ladies) to, by -e, -i -u, -yu -And -am, -yam
Accusative Accusative Whom? What? (I see) in, for, on, about, through -u, -yu -o, -e --- ---, -s, -i, -a, -i, -ey
Instrumental Instrumental By whom? How? (proud) for, above, under, before, with -oh (-oh), -ey (-her) -om, -eat -yu -ami, -yami
Prepositional Prepositive About whom? About what? (Think) in, on, about, about, about, at -e, -i -e, -i -And -ah, -yah

It is generally believed that there are 6 cases in the modern Russian language (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional), however, some linguists (Zaliznyak) identify at least seven more, which have limited distribution and functions. Six main cases are determined by means of grammatical questions that can be put in place of the word (who?, what?, whom?, what?, etc.), the remaining cases can be distinguished only by indirect semantic signs (thus, the explanatory and locative cases are determined with one question: about/on/in whom, what?)

Nominative- who?, what?, is the only direct case in the Russian language, used as the main part of a sentence.

Genitive- no who?, what?, determines affiliation, kinship and some other relationships.

Dative- give to whom?, to what?, determines the end point of the action.

Accusative case- I see who?, what?, denotes the immediate object of action;

Instrumental case- I create with whom?, with what?, defines the instrument, some types of temporary belonging (at night);

Prepositional- think about who, what

Second prepositional case, or locative case- the original (non-prepositional) form of the locative case is almost completely lost and has passed into the prepositional and instrumental forms, however, some nouns have a grammatically different form of the prepositional case: in the forest, in the shade. The non-prepositional forms home and home are, apparently, adverbs.

Vocative case- identical in form to the nominative, but forms an independent turn of speech, similar in function to the interjection. The original vocative case, the forms of the Old Russian language - cheloveche, vdochu, etc., have been completely lost. However, a new vocative case can be identified, including colloquial forms of some names: Sing, Sash, Tan, etc. and several nouns.

Quantitative-separation case- a variety of the genitive and is in many ways similar to it, but has some different forms: a cup of tea (along with tea), set the heat (not heat), increase the speed (not the move).

Disclaimer- a type of accusative case, but is used exclusively with negation of the verb: not to know the truth (not the truth), not to have the right (not the right).

Waiting case actually coincides with the genitive, but stands out due to the fact that some words in the same grammatical form are declined in the accusative form. Wed. wait (who? what?) for a letter, but wait for (who? what?) mom. Also: wait by the sea for weather.

Permutative case or inclusive case- answers questions similar to the accusative case (in whom? in what?), but is used exclusively in phrases such as become a welder, run for president, take in son-in-law, etc.

Counting case- a slightly different form from the genitive, used when counting: three hours (not hours), two steps.

Case is a form of formation and function of a word, endowing words with certain syntactic roles in a sentence, a connecting link between the individual parts of speech of a sentence. Another definition of case is the declension of words, parts of speech, characterized by a change in their endings.

Perfect mastery of the ability to decline different parts of speech according to cases is a distinctive feature of a literate, educated person. Often the school curriculum, which explains in detail the cases of the Russian language, is forgotten after a few years, which leads to gross errors in drawing up the correct sentence structure, causing the members of the sentence to become inconsistent with each other.

An example of an incorrect declension of a word

To understand what we are talking about, it is necessary to consider an example showing the incorrect use of the case form of the word.

  • The apples were so beautiful that I wanted to eat them right away. Their shiny red skin hid the juicy flesh, promising a truly amazing taste pleasure.

There is an error in the second sentence, indicating that the cases of nouns in the Russian language have been safely forgotten, so the word “vkusa” has the wrong declension.

The correct option would be to write the sentence as follows:

  • Their shiny red skin hid the juicy flesh, promising a truly amazing pleasure of (what?) taste.

As many cases as there are in the Russian language, there are as many forms of changing the endings of words, which determine the correct use of not only the case form, but also number and gender.

I wonder what percentage of adults not involved in writing, editorial, educational or scientific activities remember how many cases there are in the Russian language?

The disappointing results of the Total Dictation held this year leave much to be desired, showing the insufficient level of literacy of the majority of the population. Only 2% of all participants wrote it without a single mistake, receiving a well-deserved “A”.

The largest number of errors were identified in the placement of punctuation marks, and not in the correct spelling of words, which makes the results not so disastrous. People don’t have any particular problems with spelling words correctly.

And for the correct declension of them in a sentence, it is worth remembering the names of the cases, as well as what questions the word answers in each specific case form. By the way, the number of cases in the Russian language is six.

Brief description of cases

The nominative case most often characterizes the subject or other main parts of a sentence. It is the only one that is always used without preposition.

The genitive case characterizes belonging or kinship, sometimes other relationships.

The dative case defines a point symbolizing the end of an action.

The accusative case is a designation of the direct object of the action.

The instrumental case denotes the instrument with which the action is performed.

The prepositional case is used only with prepositions, denotes the place of action or indicates an object. Some linguists tend to divide the prepositional case into two types:

  • explanatory, answering the questions “about whom?”, “about what?” (characterizing the subject of mental activity, story, narration);
  • local, answering the question “where?” (directly the area or hour of the action taking place).

But in modern educational science it is still customary to distinguish six main cases.

There are cases of Russian adjectives and nouns. Declension of words is used for both singular and plural.

Cases of Russian nouns

A noun is a part of speech that denotes the name of objects, acting in a sentence as a subject or object, answering the question “who?” or “what?”

The variety of ways to inflect words makes the multifaceted and rich Russian language difficult for foreigners to understand. The cases of nouns inflect the word, changing its ending.

Case forms of nouns can change endings, answering the questions:

  • regarding animate subjects - “whom?”, “to whom?”;
  • inanimate objects - “what?”, “what?”.
Cases of nouns with prepositions



Examples of changing endings



Boy(), ball()


Whom? What?

Boy(s), ball(s)


To whom? Why?

Boy(s), ball(s)


Whom? What?

Boy(s), ball()

On, for, through, about


Boy(s), ball(s)

For, under, over, before, with


About whom? About what?

Boy(s), ball(s)

Oh, on, in, about, at, about

Indeclinable nouns

There are nouns that are used in any case without declension of endings and do not form a plural. These are the words:

  • kangaroos, taxis, subways, flamingos;
  • some proper names of foreign origin (Dante, Oslo, Shaw, Dumas);
  • common foreign nouns (madam, missus, mademoiselle);
  • Russian and Ukrainian surnames (Dolgikh, Sedykh, Grishchenko, Stetsko);
  • complex abbreviations (USA, USSR, FBI);
  • surnames of women denoting male objects (Alice Zhuk, Maria Krol).

Changing adjectives

Adjectives are an independent part of speech, denoting the signs and characteristics of an object, answering the questions “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. In a sentence it acts as a definition, sometimes a predicate.

Just like a noun, it is declined according to cases by changing the endings. Examples are given in the table.

Cases of adjectives with prepositions






Whom? What?


From, without, at, to, near, for, around


To whom? Why?



Whom? What?


On, for, through, about


For, under, over, before, with


About whom? About what?

Oh, on, in, about, at, about

Indeclinable adjectives

Cases of the Russian language are capable of changing all adjectives, if they are not presented in a short form, answering the question “what?” These adjectives in a sentence act as a predicate and are not inflected. For example: He is smart.

Plural cases

Nouns and adjectives can be singular or plural, which also reflects the cases of the Russian language.

The plural is formed by changing the ending, declension of words depending on the question answered by the case form, with or without the same prepositions.

Plural cases with prepositions



Examples of changing the endings of nouns

Examples of changing the endings of adjectives



Boy(s), ball(s)

Good, red


Whom? What?

Boy(s), ball(s)

Good, red

From, without, at, to, near, for, around


To whom? Why?

Boy(s), ball(s)

Good, red


Whom? What?

Boy(s), ball(s)

Good, red

On, for, through, about


Boy(s), ball(s)

Good, red

For, under, over, before, with


About whom? About what?

Boy(s), ball(s)

Good, red

Oh, on, in, about, at, about

Features of the genitive and accusative cases

For some people, two cases with seemingly identical questions that are answered by the inflected word cause difficulty and some confusion: the genitive case and the question “whom?”, and the accusative case with the question “whom?”.

For ease of understanding, you should remember that in the genitive case the inflected word answers the following questions:

  • there was no “who?” at the party. (Paul), “what?” (champagne);
  • there was no “who?” in the store. (seller), “what?” (bread);
  • there was no “who?” in the prison cell. (prisoner), “what?” (beds).

That is, the case indicates the ownership of the object, placing emphasis on the event itself, and not on the object.

In the accusative case, the same phrases would sound like this:

  • "Who?" was brought to the party. (Paul), “what?” (champagne);
  • “Who?” was not brought to the store. (seller) “what?” (bread);
  • They didn’t find “who?” in the prison cell. (prisoner) “what?” (bed).

The case indicates directly the object around which the action is performed.

The ability to correctly inflect various parts of speech by case, number, gender is a distinctive feature of an intelligent, literate person who highly values ​​the Russian language and its basic rules. The desire to learn, repeat and improve knowledge is a distinctive feature of a highly intelligent person capable of self-organization.

How to remember cases

CaseAuxiliary wordQuestion
Nominative Who? What?
GenitiveNoCog O? Cheg O?
DativegiveCom at? How at?
AccusativeI seeCog O? What?
InstrumentalproudBy whom? How?
PrepositionalThinkOK O m? Oh e m?

Sequence of cases:
Ivan Gave Birth to a Baby Girl Orders to Drag the Diaper

Don't be confused!

  • Questions WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? are not case questions. Case cannot be determined based on these questions.
  • The prepositions PO and K indicate the DATIVE case. Question WHAT? Does NOT exist. The only question is WHY? I’m walking (on what?) along the path
  • Prepositions B, ON with questions WHOM? WHAT? (genitive case) are not used. These prepositions can only be used with questions WHO? WHAT? (accusative case) or IN WHAT? IN WHOM? ON WHAT? ON WHOM? (prepositional)
  • If you doubt the identity of the question WHO?, substitute the magic word MOTHER and look at the ending of this word: MOMS - genitive case; MAMU – accusative case.

Cases and prepositions

  • The prepositions FROM, FOR, WITHOUT, FROM, are used only in the genitive case - FROM WHAT? FOR WHOM? WITHOUT WHOM? FROM WHAT?
  • The prepositions UNDER and OVER are used only in the instrumental case - UNDER WHAT? OVER WHAT?
  • The preposition O is used only in the prepositional case - ABOUT WHOM?
  • The prepositions B, NA are used as with the accusative - IN WHOM? WHAT? FOR WHOM? ON WHAT?, and with prepositional cases - IN WHOM? WHAT? ON WHOM? ON WHAT?

Cases and questions

Write the case question in brackets and determine the case.

Sample: Write (in what?) in a notebook (with what?) with a pen.

1. Float (___________) along the river (________________) on a boat.
Grow (_______________) at the edge of the (________________) forest.
Prick (_______________) your (_______________) finger with a needle.
Walk (_______________) along the path (_______________) to the forest.
Cook (_______________) compote (_______________) from apples.
Work (_______________) as a teacher (_______________) at school.
Come (_______________) to the village (_______________) to visit my grandmother.
Play (_______________) with a friend (_______________) in the yard.

2. Slide (_____________) on a sled (_____________) down the mountain.
Build (_____________) a fortress (_____________) from snow.
Hit (_____________) with a snowball (_____________) into the window.
Ski (_____________) through the forest (_____________).
Congratulate (_____________) friend (_____________) on the holiday.
Run (___________) on the ice (_____________) on skates.

Cases and questions in riddles

Write the case question in brackets, determine and sign the case of nouns, highlight the endings and, of course, try to guess the riddles.

1) Here (______________) walks across the sky
Painter (______________) without brushes,
And (______________) brown paint
Paints (______________) people.

2) (______________) Above the house (______________) by the path
There is a piece of (______________) flatbread hanging.

3) (______________) falls from the sky (______________) in tears,
(______________) Runs (______________) streams across the earth.

4) In winter (______________) I was lying in the field,
And in the spring (______________) he ran into the river.

5) The grain crumbled (______________) by night,
We looked in the morning - there was nothing.

6) (______________) Crosses the river,
A (______________) doesn’t leave his place.

7) Climbed (______________) under the ceiling,
Huddled (______________) in a corner.
(______________) Without arms and spindle
Natkal (______________) fabrics

8) (______________) Visited the hut
I painted all (______________) windows.
(______________) Stayed by the river -
The whole (______________) river was paved.

9) (______________) It grew in the field,
(______________) It was under the millstone,
(______________) And from the stove (______________) to the table
(______________) The loaf arrived.

From the book: Uzorova O., Nefedova E. The Big Book of Riddles. – M.: Planet of Childhood, 2004

Write the cases of all nouns.

1) I dressed myself in a coat
And he touched his nose with his sleeve.
I decided to punish with a coat
And without a coat I went for a walk.

2) I took paper and pen.
I drew an iron.
He tore the piece of paper and threw it into a bucket -
There was a knock in the bucket.

3) A village was driving past a man
Suddenly the gate barks from under the dog.
A stick jumped out with a woman in her hand
And let's bludgeon the horse on the guy.
The horse ate lard, and the man ate oats,
The horse got into the sleigh, and the man drove.

4) “Don’t make noise!” But did they make noise?
We? Andryusha knocked barely
Hammer on an iron pipe.
I played softly on my lip,
Bend it down with your finger.
Tanya slammed the barn door.
Sasha moved the stone across the glass.
Kolya hit the pan in the corner
Like a brick, but quietly and rarely.
“Don't make noise!” said the neighbor.

Cases and prepositions

Open the brackets by putting the nouns in case form and inserting prepositions where necessary.

O, OB (OBO), K (KO) and V (VO).

Hit (corner of table) ______________________________.
Tell (trip) ______________________________.
Walk (jacket) (yard) ______________________________.
See (window) ______________________________.
Think (trip) (parents) and (gift) (birthday) ______________________________.

Interactive tests online

To connect with other words, nouns change by case.

There are six cases in the Russian language, each case answers a specific question:

All cases except the nominative are called indirect. The nominative case is called direct. Nouns in the nominative case are subjects in the sentence, and in indirect cases they are secondary members.

To find out the case of a noun, you need to find the word on which it depends and pose a question to the noun from this word.

Prepositions of cases in Russian

Together with case endings, prepositions are used to connect nouns with other words. The prepositional case is used only with prepositions, for example:

talked about the house, lives in the house

The remaining indirect cases are used both with and without prepositions, for example:

no forest, stopped near the forest- genitive case

give to mom, go to mom- dative case

The nominative case is always used without prepositions.

Genitive prepositions

Prepositions used with nouns in the genitive case:

at, from, to, from, with, without, about, around, for.

Noun in the genitive case with the word No denotes the absence of an object: no (what?) tea, no (who?) elephant.

Nouns in the genitive case are often used with prepositions at, from, from, to indicate a place, and answer questions Where? where?:

(where?) by the lake, (from where?) from the closet.

Nouns in the genitive case often denote a person or thing to which something belongs, for example:

holiday of (who?) sister, door of (what?) closet.

Dative prepositions

Prepositions used with nouns in the dative case

to, by.

A noun in the dative case denotes the object for which the action is performed:

told (who?) to a friend, returned to (who?) my mother.

A noun in the dative case is often used with a preposition To to designate the object to which the action is directed:

goes (where? or to what?) to the sea.

Accusative prepositions

Prepositions used with nouns in the accusative case:

in, on, for, under, through.

A noun in the accusative case is a minor member of a sentence and most often denotes the object to which the action is transferred. With prepositions V And on there is an indication of where the action is directed. You can ask a question about such nouns Where? For example:

went (where? what?) to class

came (where? for what?) to the kitchen

Instrumental prepositions

Prepositions used with nouns in the instrumental case:

behind, on, under, in front of, with.

The noun in the instrumental case is a minor member and denotes the object (tool) with which the action is performed. They are often used with prepositions over And under to indicate a place and answer a question Where? For example:

flies (where?) over the ocean

hanging (where?) under the tree

Prepositional case prepositions

Nouns in the prepositional case are always used with prepositions (never used without prepositions). Prepositions used with nouns in the prepositional case:

about, about, in, in, on, at.

Noun in prepositional case with preposition O denotes a person or thing about which something is being said:

said (about whom?) about mom.

told (about what?) about the dream.

Noun with preposition on or V is in the prepositional case if it indicates a place of action and answers a question Where? If the noun has a preposition on or V indicates the location of the direction of action, and answers the question Where?, then it is in the accusative case:

walking (where?) in the park- prepositional case

goes (where?) to the park- accusative case

Term "case" names the grammatical category of inflected words in the Russian language.

In the Russian language there are both mutable and immutable words. For modifiable words belonging to nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns, you can specify the form of the word that corresponds to a specific case. Based on this, we can give a general definition of the grammatical category of case:

Here's how Wikipedia defines case:

With the help of forms, words are connected with each other into a specific message and form a complete thought. Compare:

maple, autumn, crimson, window, mine, early.

In early autumn, a maple tree waves at me with its crimson top at my window.

The first line contains the usual list of words that are not related to each other. The second line, by changing the form of words (cases), represents a sentence that contains a message, a complete thought.

In the Russian language, there are six cases, which are presented below in the table with questions and prepositions.

Case table

Cases in Russian (table with questions and endings)

Let's consider the system of cases of a noun, clarifying the definition of case:

Noun cases. Case prepositions


Nominative used to name objects. This is the initial, initial form of the noun, which answers the questions:

  • Who? - grandmother, master_, father_;
  • What? - silence, home_, happiness, joy_.

The nominative case is always used without a preposition and is called the direct case, in contrast to the others, which are called indirect. In the nominative case, the noun acts as the subject of a sentence or the nominal part of the predicate.

My brother is in sixth grade.

Vasya is my younger brother.


Genitive whom? what?

  • there are no (who?) grandmothers, masters, fathers;
  • no (what?) silence, home, happiness, joy.

All indirect cases (except the prepositional case) can be used both with and without prepositions, for example:

no (what?) at home - stopped at (what?) house.

Prepositions clarify the meaning of cases. Thus, prepositions are used with the genitive case:

from, to, for, because of, at, without, for, around, about, past etc.

For example:


Dative noun answers the questions: to whom? what?

  • I will give (to whom?) grandmother, master, father;
  • I will give (to what?) silence, home, happiness, joy.

Prepositions are used with the dative case:

to, thanks to, in agreement with, in spite of, in defiance of, towards.

  • Approach the mother;
  • act according to the rules;
  • go towards the wind;
  • act against fate.

Accusative case

Accusative case noun answers the questions: whom? What?

  • I see (who?) my grandmother, my master, my father;
  • I see (what?) silence, home_, happiness, joy_.

Prepositions are used with nouns in the accusative case:

in, on, for, about, under, through, through, after, including, despite.

  • Return after a year;
  • tell about the eagle;
  • pass through the flames;
  • step over a step;
  • get out despiteto the rain.

Prepositions “in”, “on”, “for”, “under” in the form of the accusative case of a noun, they reveal the focus on the object of action:

Instrumental case

Instrumental case noun answers the questions: by whom? how?

  • I am proud of (who?) my grandmother, my master, my father;
  • I admire (what?) the silence, the house, the happiness, the joy.

Prepositions are used with this case:

with, above, behind, under, before, between, between, in connection with, together with, in accordance with;

  • come with a friend;
  • soar over the field;
  • stop in front of the station;
  • plant behind the house;
  • act in accordance with the order;
  • I'm with my brother;
  • walk between the rows.


Prepositional noun answers the questions: about whom? about what?

  • care about whom? about my grandmother, about my master, about my father;
  • I'll tell you what? about silence, about home, about happiness, about joy.

A noun in the prepositional case, as its name says, is used only with prepositions:

Please note that animate nouns answer the questions: Who? whom? to whom? by whom? about whom?

Inanimate nouns answer case questions: What? what? what? how? about what?

Determining noun case

To determine the case of a noun, you need to take the following steps:

  1. first step- find the word to which the given noun refers;
  2. second step- put a question from this word to the noun.

Based on the question and ending, we determine the case of the noun.

I love my grandmother.

I love (who?) grandma (v.p.)

In some cases, prepositions are a means of distinguishing cases, for example:

  • lean against (what?) the wall - e - d.p.;
  • hanging on (what?) the wall - e - p.p.;
  • the tail of (who?) horses - and - r. p.;
  • ride (whom?) horses -i - p.p.

The system of cases makes up the declension of variable parts of speech - nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals. Let's learn about the types of declension of nouns and how to determine the declension.

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade. Noun cases


Did you know that there are 9 more cases that are not studied at school?

Tables and articles about cases in Russian

Russian grammar is one of the most important parts of the language. Grammar allows us to speak confidently, correct and without errors. Often the speech of people who do not know grammar sounds very funny, because all the words sound ridiculous and incoherent. For example, everyone has heard how some foreigner tries to communicate in Russian. Frankly, they don't succeed and they look ridiculous. In order not to look like them, you need to know grammar.

A noun is one of the most important independent parts of speech, which is practically the most common part of speech. It has such unstable features as number and case. The case paradigm is change noun depending on the meaning it has in a sentence. In this article you will learn how to determine cases of nouns, what are indirect cases, how to ask questions about them correctly, as well as about the cases themselves and their questions.

The only rule for correct modification of nouns is the correct placement of the ending in connection with the question asked. This is an easy task for native speakers, but foreigners need to remember the endings and identify them correctly.

This is interesting: what kinds of words are homonyms, is it possible to do without them in the Russian language?

There is also 3 types of declination in nouns.

  • First declension. Creatures name. masculine and feminine endings -a, -я. For example, a flask, a pig.
  • Second declension. Creatures name. masculine and neuter with endings -о, -е. For example, a tree, a well.
  • Third declension. The name of feminine creatures with a zero ending, or ending in -ь. For example, horse, horse.

Changing nouns different declinations.

In Russian there is such a concept as indirect cases– these are all cases except the nominative.

They all have their own meaning:


There are many ways to determine the case of a noun. The fastest, easiest and most effective way today is to use qualifiers. Different cases can be determined using the following determiners.

Declension of nouns, cases of the Russian language, tables

Declension of nouns

Declension is the change of words of various parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, participles) according to cases and numbers. Nouns in Russian have three main types of declension, which are reflected in the table below. If you need numerals, you can read about declension of numerals in another article.

The main types of declension of nouns in Russian

Explanations and examples

Feminine, masculine and general nouns with the ending -а / -я in the nominative singular case: wife, earth, servant, young man, bully.

Nouns in -ia (army, Greece) have the ending -i in the dative and prepositional singular cases.

Masculine nouns with a zero ending in the nominative singular and neuter nouns with the ending -о / -е in the nominative singular: law, horse, village, field.

Nouns ending in -i and -i (genius, mood) have the ending -i in the prepositional singular case.

Feminine nouns with a zero ending in the nominative singular: spruce, mouse, daughter, horse, joy.

For nouns ending in the nominative and accusative cases with a sibilant, a soft sign is always written at the end: mouse, daughter.

In the plural, there are practically no differences between types of declension, so we can separately talk about the special declension of plural nouns.

On the spelling of case endings of nouns, see: Spelling of unstressed endings of nouns.

Cases express the different roles of a noun in a sentence. There are six cases in the Russian language. You can determine the case of a noun in a sentence by the question.

In addition to the main questions, the case of a noun can also be found out by auxiliary questions answered by the circumstances. So, the question is where? assumes the genitive case (from the store, from the camel); question is where? assumes the accusative case (to the forest, to the lecture, to the lesson); question is where? assumes the prepositional case (in the forest, at the lecture, at the lesson).

The following table will present the names of the cases of the Russian language, questions for each case and auxiliary questions. Cases of the Russian language(grade 3) - table:

The nominative case is called the direct case, and all other cases are called the indirect cases.

Let's summarize the difference in declinations in the following table.

Declension in plural

Variants of endings for the nominative plural of masculine nouns authors/shores

Some masculine nouns in the nominative plural may have a stressed ending -а (-я) instead of the ending -ы (-и). This is first of all:

1) many monosyllabic nouns such as forest - forests, silk - silk, side - sides, eye - eyes, snow - snow, etc.;

2) many two-syllable nouns that have an accent on the first syllable in the singular form, for example: shore - shores, voice - voices, evening - evenings, city - cities, district - districts, skull - skulls, etc.

However, it is impossible to find strict patterns in the distribution of nouns by variant endings, since fluctuations are observed in this part of the language. We list in the table below the most common regulatory options in which errors are possible.

With ending -а(-я)

With ending -ы (-и)

addresses, shores, boards, buffers, banks, centuries (but: forever and ever, forever and ever), bills, monograms, cities, directors, doctors, huntsmen, troughs, pearls, millstones, boats, bells, stern, domes, coachman , islands, vacations, passports, quail, cook, cellar, professor, varieties, haystacks, watchman, tower, black grouse, farm, paramedic, best man, anchor

The following most common nouns allow a double formation of the nominative plural:

Some nouns with different endings in the nominative plural have different meanings. Here are the most common words:

roots (of plants)

sheets (iron, paper)

orders (knightly, monastic)

roots (dried vegetables)

corps (buildings, military units)

camps (military, children's)

leaves (of plants)

furs (cured skins)

orders (insignia)

invoices (documents for payment)

sons (mother)

tones (shades of color)

Variants of genitive plural endings for nouns

In the genitive plural, nouns can have endings , -ov (-ev), -ey . There are also large fluctuations in this area of ​​the tongue. We present in the table the most common regulatory options in which errors are possible.

with ending -

ending -ov(-ev)

ending -ey

British, Armenians, Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Buryats, Georgians, Ossetians, Romanians, Tatars, Turkmen, Gypsies, Turks;

partisans, soldiers, hussars, dragoons, cuirassiers;

felt boots, boots, stockings, boots, shoulder straps, epaulettes;

ampere, watt, volt, ohm, arshin, micron, hertz, x-ray;

knees, shoulders, numbers, chairs, logs, linens, fibers, ribs, cores, rods, kitchens, poker, shutters (shutter), fables, songs, gossip, domain (blast furnace), cherries, slaughterhouse (slaughterhouse), young ladies, hawthorns , villages, blankets, towels, saucers, waffles, shoes, roofings, shafts, weddings, estates, nannies, affairs;

splashes, trousers, beads, vacations, pasta, money, darkness, stretchers, sleds.

Kirghiz, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Mongols, Tajiks, Yakuts;

dresses, mouths, apprentices, socks;

meters, grams, kilograms, hectares, rails;

oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, lemons;

swamps, kopyttsev, troughs, laces, windows;

frosts, clavichords, rags, rags, scum.

guns, joules, candles (but: The game is not worth the candle);

skittles, sakleys, strife, rickshaws, pashas, ​​young men;

everyday life, mites, mangers, yeast, firewood, people, bran, sleighs.

Indeclinable nouns

The divergent nouns include ten neuter nouns in -mya (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown) and the masculine noun path. They are called heterodeclinable because in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular they have the ending of nouns of the 3rd declension -i, and in the instrumental - the ending of nouns of the 2nd declension -em/-em.

Nouns ending in -mya have the suffix -en- / -yon- in the genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases of the singular and in all plural cases, and the words seed, stirrup, in addition to this suffix, have the suffix -yan in the genitive plural case - (seeds, stirrups).

We show the changes in differently inflected nouns in the following table.

time, seed, path-

time-a, seed-a, put-i

time-and, seed-and, put-and

times-, seeds-, ways

time-and, seed-and, put-and

time-am, seed-am, put-yam

time, seed, path-

time-a, seed-a, put-i

time, seed, way

times, seeds, ways

about times-and, seeds-and, put-and

about times, seeds, ways

Indeclinable nouns. Gender of indeclinable nouns

In the Russian language there are indeclinable nouns - words that do not change by case. These include foreign language nouns with vowel stems (coat, cafe, taxi, kangaroo, menu, Show, Sochi, Tbilisi), foreign language feminine nouns with a consonant (Miss, Mrs., Madame, George Sand's novel), Russian and Ukrainian surnames with -o and -yh / -ih and -ago (visiting the Dolgikhs, Shevchenko’s poem, read about Zhivago, with Durnovo) and compound words like general store, CSKA, Moscow State University, All-Russian Exhibition Center.

The case of an indeclinable noun is determined by the question and by the inflected words dependent on this noun (if any), for example: Take off (what? - accusative) your coat; You will be hot in this (which? in what? - prepositional) coat.

The number of an indeclinable noun is determined by the inflected words dependent on it (if there are any), by the verb (if there is one) or by the context, for example: These (which are the plural) coats are no longer on sale; The coat was (singular) very expensive; Ten coats (plural) were brought to the store.

Indeclinable nouns mainly belong to the neuter gender: popsicle, metro, muffler, cocoa, menu, taxi, sometimes to the masculine gender: coffee, penalty. The gender of many of these nouns can be determined by the following features:

1) the gender of the designated person or animal (for animate nouns): rich / rich rentier, old / old kangaroo;

2) generic (general) concept: wide avenue (avenue is a type of street), delicious kohlrabi (kohlrabi is a type of cabbage), sunny Sukhumi (Sukhumi is a city);

3) the main word underlying the phrase, from which the compound word was formed: a wonderful Youth Theater (theater for young spectators), a new hydroelectric power station (hydroelectric power station).

Degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives

In accordance with their general meaning, qualitative adjectives have two degrees of comparison, showing differences in the degree of manifestation of a characteristic - comparative and superlative.

The comparative degree denotes a greater manifestation of a characteristic in one object than in another, for example: This cake is sweeter than the cake (sweeter than the cake). The comparative degree can be simple or compound.

The simple comparative degree is formed from adjectives using the suffixes -ee(s), -e, -she. Before the suffix -e there is always an alternation of base consonants.

beautiful - beautiful-her (beautiful-her)

wise - wise-ee (wise-ey)

Adjectives in the form of the simple comparative degree do not change either by gender, or by case, or by number. In a sentence they are most often predicates, rarely - definitions, for example:

This city is more beautiful than our native one (predicate).

Let's find a more beautiful place (definition).

The compound comparative degree is formed by adding the words more or less to the adjective.

sweet - more (less) sweet

low - more (less) low

The second word in the form of the compound comparative degree changes according to gender, case and number. In a sentence, adjectives in this form can be both predicates and modifiers, for example:

The weather today is warmer than a week ago (predicate).

Let's give him a bath in warmer water (definition).

The comparative degree of adjectives cannot be formed immediately in a simple and compound way. Forms like sweeter, less lower are erroneous: it should be either sweeter, less low, or sweeter, lower.

The superlative degree denotes the superiority of a given subject compared to others on some basis, for example: Everest - highest top in the world. The superlative degree, like the comparative degree, can be simple or compound.

The simple superlative degree is formed from adjectives using the suffix -eysh- (-aysh-).

Adjectives in the simple superlative form vary by gender, case and number. In a sentence they can be both definitions and predicates, for example:

Everest is the highest peak in the world (definition).

This crater is the deepest (predicate).

The compound superlative is formed in two ways.

1. The words most, most, least are added to the adjective, for example: beautiful - the most beautiful, the most beautiful, the least beautiful.

In the form of a compound superlative degree with the word most, both words change by gender, case and number, and with the words most and least - only the adjective.

In a sentence, these forms can be both definitions and predicates.

We approached the most beautiful park (definition).

This park is the most beautiful (predicate).

2. The word all is added to the comparative degree of the adjective if there is a comparison with inanimate objects and phenomena, and the word all if there is a comparison with living objects or phenomena or if one of the objects is compared with all.

This house is the tallest in the area.

This house is taller than all the houses in the area.

This boy is taller than everyone else in school.

These forms do not change. In a sentence they are predicates.

The superlative degree of adjectives cannot be formed immediately in a simple and compound way. Forms like the highest, the deepest are erroneous: one must either be the highest, the deepest, or the highest, the deepest.

How to distinguish between the simple comparative and the compound superlative of adjectives, adverbs and condition words

Russian case endings rules

The pronoun YOU can be used not only in the plural. The same pronoun is used as a polite form of address to a stranger or an older person.

PROFESSIONS. Formation of feminine nouns

From masculine nouns denoting a profession, using the suffix “-K-” you can form feminine nouns denoting female persons. Of course, the word also takes on a feminine ending.

He is a student. - She is a student.

He's a journalist. - She's a journalist.

But in the Russian language there is a group of words denoting a profession, the form of which does not change depending on the gender of the person. For example:

He's a manager. - She's a manager.

He's an engineer. - She's an engineer.

He's a doctor. - She's a doctor.

He is a musician. - She is a musician.

Expressing negation in Russian.

If the answer is negative to a question without a special question word in Russian, you need to use TWO words: “NO” and “NOT”. First you need to say “NO”, and then repeat the particle “NOT” immediately before the negation.

For example: THIS KEY? NO, THIS NOT KEY.

Intonation plays an important role in questions and answers. In the question, you focus on the word that is most important to you - the intonation also increases on this word.

When answering, the negative particle “not” and the next word are pronounced together as one phonetic word. There is usually no emphasis on “not”.

Depending on the meaning of the question, “not” may appear before:

Noun: Is this a table? - No, Not table. Adverb: Is the house there? - No, Not there. Verb: Do you know? - No, Not I know. Adjective: Is the house big? - No, Not big.



The Russian language has special words to denote nationality. To denote the nationalities of male and female persons, there are different nouns, respectively, masculine and feminine. There is a special plural form to refer to several people of the same nationality.

Look at the table: masculine nouns are usually formed using suffixes -ets (Canada ec ), -an+-ets (Americas ancestor ), less commonly using the suffix anin (English anin ). Some masculine nouns have special forms: French bonds , Turkish, Greek The exception is the form Russian (Russian, Russians). Russian - it is the form of an adjective, not a noun.

Feminine nouns usually end in -ka (Canada ka ), -anka (Americas anka ) or -Yanka (whale Yankee ), however there are exceptions: French wifey .

The plural is formed according to the rules for forming the plural of nouns.

If a masculine noun ends in -ets (Canada ec ) or -anets (Americas ancestor ), then the corresponding plural noun will end in -tsy (Canada tsy ) or -antsy (Americas ants ). Plural of nouns like Frenchman, Greek formed according to the general rule by adding the ending -s or -And: Frenchman s , Greek And . Pay attention to the form tour OK Turk And . Masculine nouns have a special plural form - anin: plural forms end in -ane: English anin English Ana .

As you noticed, in the Russian language there are many ways to form forms of nouns denoting nationalities. The most important thing to remember is that to denote a person’s nationality, it is not an adjective that is used, but a special noun. Special forms of nouns denoting nationalities should be learned by heart.

When we want to characterize an action or describe a state, we usually use adverbs. An adverb is a part of speech in Russian that never changes its form.

When we talk about Where an action took place, we use adverbs that answer the question Where? . These are adverbs of place.

  • Number right.
  • The elevator is there left.
  • Restaurant down.

When we want to say When the action took place, then we use adverbs that answer the question When? . These are adverbs of time.

  • Breakfast in the morning, dinner during the day, dinner In the evening.

When we want to talk about what quality there was an action or state, then we use adverbs that answer the question How? . These are adverbs of manner.

  • In summer hot,winter Cold.
  • This Fine.
  • At the restaurant very expensive.

Adverbs are most often used with verbs denoting a state or action, with adjectives and other adverbs. An adverb is placed before these words and denotes the degree of intensity of an action, the intensity of a state, or the degree of quality.

Adverbs are also found in sentences with constructions containing the word THIS

When we want to describe the state of the world, nature around us, we use impersonal sentences (where there is no active subject) with adverbs. In such sentences there is always an indication of time or place. Usually at the beginning of such a sentence there is information about Where or When an event takes place, at the end - information about what its quality is - a question How.

A peculiarity of the Russian language, compared to most European ones, is that in the structure of sentences describing the state of the world around, the verb is not used in the present tense be . In the past and future tenses, the corresponding forms of this verb are necessarily present:

Remember! Usually the most important (new) information is placed at the end of the sentence, compare:

  • Breakfast in the morning (not during the day or in the evening).
  • In the morning breakfast (not lunch or dinner).

Plural nouns (continued)

Masculine nouns that end in -g, -k, -kh, -zh, -sh, -ch, -sch, and feminine nouns that end in -ga, -ka, -kha, -zha, -sha , -cha, -sha, form the plural using the letter I:


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