What is the ovulation test called? Ovulation test. Can any medications or medical conditions affect the results?


All married couples who want to have a child know that they can conceive a child only on the day of ovulation. Gynecologists say that ovulation occurs in the female body from approximately 12 to 16 days of the cycle. However, due to some reasons (stress, climate change, hormonal imbalances, etc.), ovulation may shift by several days and occur at the beginning of the cycle, or at the end of the cycle. In addition, the time of follicle development may differ not only in several different women, but even in the same woman - in different cycles. This is confirmed by planning mothers themselves, who determine ovulation using tests over several cycles. So how do you determine the right day to conceive, and how do ovulation tests work? We'll talk about this in detail in our article.

How ovulation tests work

Each menstrual cycle, a woman experiences the maturation of one, two or more follicles in the ovaries. As the follicle matures, female hormones called estrogens are produced in the follicle cells. The larger the follicle becomes, the more estrogen its cells produce. High levels of estrogen stimulate a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone, which causes the egg to literally break through the ovarian wall within one to two days after a sharp rise in its level. When the level of these estrogen reaches a level that will be sufficient for ovulation, luteinizing hormone (abbreviated as LH) is released. A small amount of LH is always present in the urine, but 24-36 hours before ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), its concentration increases sharply. We talked in detail about how to determine ovulation in

Home ovulation tests work by detecting an increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone in the urine.

To fertilize an egg, sperm must enter the woman's body at approximately the same time that the egg leaves the follicle. It may seem that this is easy to achieve, but we must remember that the egg, after leaving the follicle, lives only for 24 hours, and sperm remain capable of fertilizing it for 3-4 days, less often a week. So sex has to happen at the right time, i.e. c if the couple plans to conceive. Without tests, it is sometimes difficult to achieve this.

On what day should testing begin?

This day depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. The first day of the cycle is considered the day when menstruation began. Cycle length is the number of days that have passed from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next. If you have a regular cycle, then it is better to start taking tests 17 days before the start of your next menstruation. For example, if the usual length of your cycle is 34 days, then testing should begin on day 18, as indicated in the picture below.

If your normal cycle length is 28 days, then testing should begin on the 11th day. If your cycle lengths vary, select the shortest cycle in the last 6 months and use its length to calculate the day to start testing. To start testing, it would be a good idea to visit an ultrasound, after which, after making sure that the follicle has reached 18-20 mm, you can start testing every day. For convenience, ovulation tests are sold not in a single version, but in quantities of 5, 7 or 10 pieces. For an accurate result, it is better to use tests 2 times a day (morning and evening).

When is the best time to use an ovulation test?

The best time for testing is from 10 am to 8 pm, it is at this time that LH is produced, so it is worth adhering to this particular test time. You should refrain from urinating for at least 3 hours before the test. Avoid excess fluid intake before testing as... this may lead to a decrease in the concentration of LH in the urine and reduce the reliability of the result.

How to properly perform an ovulation test?

If you are using digital ovulation test , then remove it from the package, remove the cap from it and place the tip of the test strip into the device module, following the arrows. If everything is done correctly, you will hear a click and a ready indicator will appear on the test.

It is not recommended to carry out the test until it lights up. Collect the urine in a jar and immerse the absorbent end of the dough in the urine for 15 seconds. Place the receiver on a flat, dry, clean, horizontal surface. Wait 4-5 minutes. The ready symbol on the device will start flashing, the result can be seen on the display after a few minutes.

If you are using test strip, then you need to open the package, take out the strip and put it in a pre-prepared container with urine. The test strip must be lowered for 10-20 seconds to the indicated “Max” mark. Next, the test strip should be placed on a flat surface. The result should be assessed at room temperature after 5 minutes, but no later than 10 minutes after the start of the procedure. The test strip is for one-time use only.

Digital ovulation test results

To determine the exact result, compare the color intensity (lighter or darker) of the test strip with the control strip. The digital ovulation test is convenient for recognizing the result, which can be one of three and is indicated on the screen

An empty circle indicates that there is no LH surge yet, or its presence is insignificant and you need to continue to monitor the surge using tests.

Smiley indicates the highest level of LH. The cage is already on its way or is about to leave. Sexual intercourse can be safely planned for this and the next day.

Ovulation strip test results

To begin with, it is important to determine which line on the test is the control line and which is the test line. The control always appears, regardless of the presence of ovulation, it shows that the test is working and the testing was done correctly. The test line (second) indicates the presence of LH in the urine.

Look at the test if a second pale line appears, the test is negative , the LH surge has not yet occurred, and testing must continue. If, after testing correctly for several days, you still do not find a second bright strip, then the cycle is There are several reasons for this: stressful situations, sudden climate change, use of potent medications, the postpartum period, breastfeeding, premenopause, active physical activity, etc. The absence of LH surge looks like in the picture below.

Positive test represents a bright strip the same as the control or even brighter. A positive test means that Within 24-36 hours you will ovulate. What it looks like to carry out tests at home and what ovulation looks like using an example is shown in the picture below.

Most The right time for conception begins from the moment you determine that the LH surge has already occurred. In this case, the LH surge occurred on the 15th day of the cycle and if sexual intercoursewill happen in the next two days -the chance of getting pregnant will be maximum. Once you have determined that an LH surge has already occurred, there is no need to continue testing; the tests will begin to fade.

Ovulation test- is an effective assistant in. Many women who do not have problems conceiving do not even suspect the existence of these tests. But they are actively used by those who cannot get pregnant.

No second line either may indicate that it is overdue or a defective test.


The test is considered positive if the second line is the same in brightness, as the first one. The egg is released and can be fertilized.

A positive result lasts for 1-2 days.

Types of tests

Now pharmacies offer a large selection of tests - from the simplest and cheapest to expensive digital ones. In addition to price, they differ in the percentage of accuracy.

Test strip (strip test)

This the simplest and cheapest type of test. It does not have high accuracy. It is a paper strip with reagents. Usually there are 3-5 such strips in a package.

The strip is lowered into the container with urine for 30 seconds, then placed on a horizontal surface for several minutes and evaluate the result.

The second line may turn pink a few days before ovulation. It is possible to reliably talk about the release of the egg when the color of both lines is the same.

Test tablet (test cassette)

Tablet considered more accurate, but costs more.

It is a cassette with small windows.

Through the window you need to drop a couple of drops of urine, after a few minutes the result will appear in another window in the form of the same two or one stripes.

Jet test

This is a stripe coated with a reagent substance. What distinguishes it from the strip test is that the jet test is simply placed under a stream of urine. After a few minutes, one or two lines appear on it. This type is considered the most reliable and reliable.

Reusable devices

This portable device with a set of test strips. The strip is placed in the urine and then inserted into the device. The result is assessed in a couple of minutes.


This device has the greatest accuracy, probability of error is zero.

The device is presented in the form of a tube lipsticks with a built-in miniature microscope. It is not the urine that is examined, but the woman’s saliva.

Under a microscope you can see different patterns which appear at the time of ovulation. The instructions describe the meaning of each picture.

Important! The only disadvantage of the device is its high cost, however, in terms of accuracy it has no equal.

When to start conceiving

All tests determine not ovulation itself, but a surge in LH, after which the egg will be released. This will happen in a few hours. Therefore, sexual intercourse should be performed taking this nuance into account.

Sexual contact is optimal after 6-8 hours after a positive result. The highest probability of fertilization remains for another day. It takes several hours for the reproductive cells to cover the distance between each other; when conceiving in the last hours of this day, you may simply not have time and the egg will die.

How to conceive a boy or girl

In men, the last pair of chromosomes has X and Y chromosomes. If XX connect, then a girl will be born, if XY - a boy.

Y and X chromosomes have different mobility and life expectancy. X cells move more slowly, but are more resilient. Y chromosomes are much “faster”, but do not differ in vitality. They die within a couple of days.

Thus, if sexual intercourse occurs a few days before ovulation, sperm with X cells will wait for the egg, and it's going to be a girl. If sperm enters a woman’s body on the day of ovulation, then the nimble Y cells will reach their goal faster, then it will be a boy.

To increase your chances of conceiving a boy you need to:

  • Avoid sex 5 days before ovulation.
  • Have sexual intercourse 5-8 hours after a positive result.
  • Choose positions with “deep” penetration to shorten the path for sperm.

If parents wish to have a daughter, they must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Have sexual intercourse no later than 1-2 days before the release of the egg.
  • Do not have sexual intercourse after ovulation to give X sperm a chance to wait their turn.
  • Choose positions with “shallow” penetration in order to increase the path for sperm, along which the Y cells will “go away”.

How often can you take the test?

Ovulation tests are absolutely harmless and cannot cause any harm to a woman’s health. Therefore, they can be carried out at least every day for a long time. Another thing is that on some days, conducting research is absolutely useless.

Best tests

Today, leading pharmaceutical companies produce a variety of ovulation tests, varying in accuracy and price.

The following are the most trusted:

  • Frautest in the form of test strips. Suitable for those who have a regular cycle. The package contains 5 strips, which are placed in a container with urine and the result is assessed. Price - 350 rub. The same company produces a cassette test for irregular cycles. The package contains 7 cassettes. Part of the cassette is placed under a stream of urine and the readings are assessed after a couple of minutes. Cost 750 rub.
  • Eviplan. This strip test brand has won the trust of women. There are 5 strips in the package, use is similar to Frautest.
  • Clearblue. This is a digital test. It determines the two best days for conception with a probability of almost 100%. If ovulation is about to occur, a cheerful smiley appears in the test window. Price about 1000 rubles.
  • Lady Q. Digital device for reusable use. Examines saliva. The kit includes: microscope, drawings, glass, instructions. Price - 1900 rub.

What does the number of stripes mean?

Tests have a control strip, with which to compare the second line. If the second line is too pale, then the LH level is still too low and ovulation will not occur soon. Two bright lines mean the hormone has increased to its maximum level, therefore the egg will be released within a few hours. The complete absence of the second strip indicates that the test was damaged.

Sometimes tests can give false results. For example, positive - in the absence of ovulation and vice versa.

The fact is that other factors influence LH levels:

  • Ovarian exhaustion.
  • Postmenopause.
  • Renal dysfunction.
  • Lack of protein in the body (with a vegetarian diet).
  • Recent use of hormonal contraceptives.

In addition, the “redness” of the strip is provoked by other hormones, for example. For this reason, a positive ovulation test occurs during pregnancy or after ovulation is stimulated with hormones.

In some cases ovulation occurs, but the test gives a negative result. This happens when instructions or rules for preparing for testing are not followed.

Ovulation tests - the greatest invention of mankind. They are completely safe and help to “catch” the moment the egg is released with maximum accuracy, even with irregular menstruation. This greatly helps women who have difficulty conceiving.

Women can plan time of sexual intercourse during which the likelihood of fertilization increases many times. With the help of tests, following some recommendations, it is possible to plan the conception of a boy or girl.

Video on the topic

At this time, she is ready for fertilization. Ovulation lasts about a day.

You can determine the time when this favorable period occurs on your own or with the help of a test. Many women know an independent approach: for example, this could be keeping a schedule. However, this method is quite labor-intensive and requires constant monitoring, otherwise the moment will be missed. A simpler and more effective way is a test.

What is this?

An ovulation test is actually a determination of the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. This hormone, if fertilization of the egg does not take place or the embryo does not take root, causes the endometrium to leave the uterus, i.e., menstruation. LH reaches its maximum level during a period of time from 12 hours to one and a half days before ovulation. The instructions for use of each test describe in detail exactly how to perform it and how to interpret the results.

Types and principle of operation

The tests operate in different ways, but all types have one thing in common - they check whether the luteinizing hormone has reached its highest stage, which would mean that a mature egg is ready to appear. The physiological fluid tested is most often urine, and less often saliva. Any ovulation test works like a portable chemical laboratory: the basis is a reagent, the reaction occurs quickly and the result appears in up to 10 minutes.

The price tag for tests is very varied. The price depends on the type chosen and the manufacturer

Important! Don't forget to read the instructions carefully before starting testing. Each test has its own nuances in use.

Test strip

It consists of ordinary paper strips divided into two halves. One half is control; a small transverse stripe is applied to it. The second half is diagnostic; a reagent is applied to it, which, in fact, forms the basis of the test. Urine for analysis is collected in a container, then a strip is lowered there for literally a couple of seconds. 5 minutes after extraction, you can see the result. If the color of both halves of the test is the same, or the diagnostic test is darker, then the result is positive and the favorable time for conception has arrived. If the half with the reagent is lighter than the second, then testing is repeated the next day.

Test tablet

This is a plastic elongated tablet with two windows. These tests are also called cassettes. You need to drop urine into one window, and after a while the result will appear in the other. It is believed that compared to paper tests, these tests are more reliable, but keep in mind that their price is higher.

Did you know?Just one couple can conceive 60 billion unique people with different genetic codes.

Inkjet express test

Such diagnostics can be performed, as they say, “on the go.” The name itself tells you how to use this ovulation test, since there is no need to collect urine in a container. The principle of operation is similar to a paper strip, the only difference is in appearance and the method of analysis. It is enough to direct a stream of urine onto the reagent enclosed in a plastic case and then wait 5 minutes. By comparing two control strips according to the instructions, you will get your result.

To correctly perform a jet test for ovulation, it is necessary to direct the jet past it before hitting the analyzer itself.

Portable reusable systems

An original device that combines elegant appearance and high accuracy of results. This is a whole set, which is a mini microscope equipped with backlight, and samples for comparison. Saliva applied to a special piece of glass will turn into an interesting pattern under a microscope. It is its pattern that will need to be compared with samples showing the LH peak.

Digital test

This type also works with urine. You can choose which method is more convenient for you to carry out the analysis - inkjet, or by collecting urine in a clean container. The principle of operation is very simple: the device is electronic and does everything itself. After the switched on device has come into contact with the liquid being analyzed, it is laid out on a flat surface and wait for a signal. Then they look at the result on the screen.

When to take an ovulation test?

Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle. You should start checking in advance, without waiting for a clear two-week mark. Each woman has her own cycle, and when to take an ovulation test is a purely individual matter. The countdown starts from the first day. Based on it, choose an approximate middle and step back another two or three days. For example, if the cycle is 30 days, then you should start checking for possible ovulation from the 12th day.

Menstruation can be irregular, so you need to choose the shortest period in your calendar and focus on it.

Rules and results

There are a number of nuances that affect the desired result. Let's look at the main points.

How to conduct

After reading the instructions, you can begin the test. General recommendations for everyone are as follows:

  1. If the analysis is carried out over more than one day, then the time of implementation should remain unchanged.
  2. The container for collecting urine must be clean.
  3. The result does not appear immediately, but after 5 minutes (sometimes even more).
  4. The most effective technique is to test every 12 hours rather than once a day.

Are the results always correct?

There are a number of factors that influence the test result. Usually the manufacturer mentions them in the instructions for their product. Please note that in hot weather the result may be inaccurate. On the eve of the test, it is necessary to exclude drugs, as they can affect the result. Also, do not drink a lot of water and try to refrain from urinating for 4 hours before the test.

Important!Please note that the test may be defective. Just in case, it is better to buy several pieces at once.

When to start conceiving?

Most often, those couples who are desperate in their attempts resort to tests to determine ovulation. But you should know that both such couples, and those who simply want to approach the matter responsibly and according to all the rules of modern science, still need to first visit a doctor. The specialist will conduct tests, possibly identify disturbances in the functioning of the body that prevent pregnancy, and prescribe a course of treatment. Only after this does it make sense to start planning a pregnancy, as well as conducting ovulation tests.

The most favorable time for the intended one is the first ten hours after the release of the egg from the follicle.

How to do without a test

There are ways to determine ovulation that will allow you to do without a test. For example, regular measurement of basal temperature (measured rectally) throughout the menstrual cycle. Over time, you will notice that there are days when the temperature drops by two to three tenths of a degree. And the next day it makes a jump of three to four tenths. So, the temperature “failure” is a sign of the breakthrough of the egg and its movement through the fallopian tubes. This method is considered very reliable, but it is still labor-intensive and is not suitable for every woman.

There is another way to avoid using ovulation tests - observing external manifestations. However, the method is considered the least effective, since not every woman’s ovulation period is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, a change in the nature of the discharge, as well as an increased craving for sex.

Can it show pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman takes an ovulation test, it is possible that it will show her a positive result. The problem is that the analysis will show exactly the desired positive result, and not pregnancy. It's all about hormones that affect the reagent. The home test method is effective, but not completely accurate. Therefore, the reagent picks up the raging hormone, and can “confuse” which one.

In any case, if you have any premonitions after testing positive for ovulation, get tested for pregnancy as well - just in case.

Did you know?The sperm that fertilizes the egg travels a distance of 10 cm. By human standards, this is 6.5 thousand km.

Secrets and tricks: how to plan the gender of your child

This topic is covered in rumors, legends and popular beliefs to such an extent that it is not possible to understand all this fiction. However, there are attempts at a scientific approach. For example, a group of doctors from Europe created a theory called “blood renewal.” Its essence is that since a woman’s blood is renewed every three years, and a man’s every four, it is possible to calculate who has more “fresh” blood and, accordingly, whose gender will dominate. To do this, divide the woman's age by three, and the man's age by four. Let's compare the remainder: whoever has less is the happy owner of fresher blood. The effectiveness of this method, which, by the way, many future parents believe in, is only a few percent. Even the ancient Chinese knew how to plan the sex of a child better than modern Europeans. Moreover, the latest studies claim that everyone’s blood is renewed every 3-4 months. But those who have had their dream come true firmly and very convincingly believe in this method, as evidenced by numerous forums for young mothers.

By the way, it was in Ancient China that they created a theory based on the age of the mother and the month of conception. The corresponding tables can be easily found on the Internet.

Finally, the most scientific method regarding ovulation. Sperm that carry male chromosomes die before those that carry the female chromosome. Accordingly, if you have sexual intercourse exactly on the day of ovulation, carriers of the male chromosome are more likely to get to the egg first. If sexual intercourse occurs over several days, by the time the egg is released, only female carriers remain.

The ovulation test is highly accurate, but don't rely on this modern advancement alone to conceive. It is necessary to prepare, go to the doctor correctly and follow his recommendations. After all this, all that remains is to wait for the miracle of the birth of a new life.

Every family wishes to have a son or daughter. However, most couples try to conceive a child on unsuitable days. How to properly have offspring? How it works Now we will try to answer all these questions.


If a family passionately desires to reproduce a baby, it needs to prepare for conception. First, you should be examined by doctors, take tests, get rid of bad habits and organize proper nutrition.

Home ovulation tests, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will help you determine the right days for the birth of a new life. Today there are many options, which we will discuss below.


Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary due to fluctuations in hormonal levels. As a rule, this happens 12-16 days before the start of future periods. This process is observed only once during the entire menstrual cycle.

It is known that shortly before ovulation, the female body produces an increased amount of estrogen, with the help of which the endometrium appears in the uterus, creating a favorable environment for sperm.

An increased level of estrogen provokes an immediate increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone. The release of LH promotes ovulation - the release of an egg from the ovary, which can only be fertilized over the next 24 hours. If conception does not occur, the overgrown endometrium peels off from the walls of the uterus, and the woman begins her period. From this moment you can count down a new cycle.

Operating principle

Now let’s find out how the ovulation test works. This device reacts to In the female body, LH is always present in small quantities. Its rapid increase (approximately 24-36 hours before ovulation) initiates the release of the egg from the uterus. Using diagnostics, you can determine the moment of the LH surge and thus find the right day to conceive a baby.

It should be noted that the use of a testing device in the form of a contraceptive is unsuccessful, since sperm in the female body can retain their vitality for about two days. That is why this method of preventing an unwanted pregnancy may be powerless.


So, we looked at how the ovulation test works. What is it for? When a woman is planning a pregnancy, she must remember that in each cycle there is a limited number of days fertile for fertilization. The most effective are just a couple of days during which ovulation occurs, and they are different for each period. Diagnostic devices help identify them.

Many methods for determining the right time for the birth of a new life are either ineffective (for example, a system for measuring basal temperature) or require examination in a hospital (in particular, an ultrasound scan or a blood test). It is known that digital tests (for example, Clearblue) provide research accuracy of up to 99%. Thanks to them, women feel confident at every stage of the test.

Many people are interested in how the ovulation test works. If you want to identify the beginning of the reproductive period, you need to have information about your body and the menstrual cycle. To determine the duration of the cycle, you need to calculate the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the day before the start of the next menstruation. The duration of this period varies significantly for most women, but very often it is 23-35 days. The middle of the cycle is considered the most productive. The exact time can only be determined through research.

Features of application

Now you know how the ovulation test works. Now let’s decide on the time of this procedure, which depends on the duration of the female menstrual period. In order to find a favorable day, you need to use the formula “circuit length minus 17”. For example, your cycle lasts 28 days. We perform the following calculation: 28-17=11. In fact, from the 11th day of the menstrual period, you can start the test. If your periods are irregular, you need to choose the shortest cycle within six months.

Experts know how it works, which comes with it, and fully discloses this information. It says that the study should be carried out twice a day so as not to miss the moment when the amount of the hormone increases as much as possible. The fact is that in less than 24 hours the LH level decreases. That's why, if a surge in the amount of the hormone occurred in the morning, and you performed the test in the evening, the test will give a negative answer. The accuracy of the test is also affected by certain illnesses (especially hormonal disorders), medications, and excess water consumption.

Electronic tests

Many have such a device as an ovulation test, types. How to use, the result of application - these questions interest many. Devices that detect ovulation are similar to devices that detect pregnancy by measuring the level of the hormone in the urine. However, there are also devices that sense changes in female saliva: at the moment of ovulation, its crystallization pattern is transformed.

Electronic tests are like a tube of lipstick. They are considered the most accurate. In order to determine ovulation, you need to drop a little saliva onto the lens. The significance of its pattern is indicated in the instructions. Such tests cost from 858 rubles and above.


Tests with plate devices are identical to tests with pregnancy tests. They look the same - thin strips saturated with reagent. The plate is kept in urine for 20-30 seconds, and then the second part is waited for to appear, which gives the answer. These devices show approximate results. However, they are the most popular, as they are cheap - up to 26 rubles.


Let's look at how the test, manufactured in the form of a cassette, which is the most convenient to use, works. The paper strip of this device is placed in a plastic case, so it does not need to be immersed anywhere. It is enough to place a case with a special window under the stream of urine and wait for an answer. The price of this product is affected by its number in the package. In most cases, it contains five products. Thus, people do not need to buy a new test at the pharmacy every day. Its cost ranges from 260 rubles and above.

Inkjet tests

If a woman wants to have a baby, she needs to purchase ovulation tests. How they work, which devices are best to use - she should study these questions thoroughly. What are inkjet tests? This is a third generation product, which is considered one of the most reliable today. It is hygienic and sensitive. The cassette of this device is protected by a cap, which must be removed before use. Next, place the part of the cassette marked with an arrow under the stream of urine and then close it again.

After 3-5 minutes you can evaluate the result. This device costs from 1300 rubles and above. Often a pregnancy check device is sold with it.

Ovulation means the process in which a mature egg, ready for fertilization, is released from the ovary, after which the next 48 hours the possibility of conception is highest.

If at this time there was an intimate relationship using a contraceptive, then pregnancy does not occur, as a result of which the egg dies. If pregnancy is planned, you can purchase an ovulation test, which comes with instructions. Note that the risk of becoming pregnant is quite high in the case when sexual relations took place 2–3 days before ovulation. This is approximately the period of time that sperm retain their ability to fertilize.
It is believed that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, provided that its duration is exactly 28 days. However, you cannot rely on these statistics, since the duration of the cycle can be 25 or even 35 days. For men, ovulation is influenced by a number of individual reasons. If you need to find out exactly the time or presence of ovulation, it is recommended to resort to a method such as ovulation test.

Tests to determine ovulation

Today there are many methods for determining the timing of ovulation and the time of conception of a child. But the most convenient, accurate and modern methods are those that involve the use of a special test.
Such tests help determine the level of a special hormone - lutropin. Within 24–48 hours of preovulation, its level increases sharply, and at the same time the possibility of successful conception increases. If pregnancy is not planned, you should use protective equipment for your partner.

Conditions for this test

It is necessary to use an ovulation test after determining the duration of the menstrual cycle. You can calculate it as follows: you need to take the first day of the last menstruation and the first day of the next, then count the number of days between them. When your cycle is regular, you can take an ovulation test 17 days before your next period.
If the cycle is stable and lasts 28–30 days, testing can be carried out from the 13th day. When the cycle changes frequently, then to calculate the test we take the shortest interval between menstruation, six months.
Be sure to read the instructions to get the most accurate results. There you will also find information about how long after ovulation you can do the test again.

Test scheme

The test should begin as follows:

  • morning urine is collected dry and in a clean container. It is best to purchase a special glass from the pharmacy;
  • Next, carefully open the sealed bag with the dough inside;
  • the test needs to be placed in a glass with urine to a certain mark and wait 5–7 seconds;
  • Be sure to place the test on a clean, dry surface, such as a paper towel;
  • After about 10 minutes we check the result.
  • Before testing, you need to know a few rules. First of all, the ovulation test is carried out in the morning, first urination. It is in the morning that the amount of the hormone is greatest, so the test will be most accurate. The test is carried out daily at water time, the most favorable hours are from 10 am to 19.00–20.00.

If the test is not carried out in the morning, then before it is not carried outMust urinate for at least 4 hours. also inthis is the time to limit yourself fromtaking liquid, as it has the ability to reduce the amount of the hormone. The next important point: extract the test fromsealed packaging is necessary immediately before testing, duringavoid getting moisture or dust on him.

Possible test results

To determine the results of the test, you need to compare the control strip located at the edge of the test field with the test strip. It usually takes 5-6 minutes for these stripes to appear.
It happens that the test line is too pale or is not there at all, so the result can be considered negative. The reason for this result is the lack of increase in the level of the hormone in the woman’s body.

Then a positive result will be a test line that is darker in color than the control line or a similar shade. This will indicate that a sharp release of the ovulation hormone has occurred and should be expected over the next 1–2 days. Your best chance of getting pregnant will be in the next 48 hours.
In some cases, there may be no control strip. This means that the test was carried out incorrectly or was purchased as a defect.

Types of ovulation tests

Now, in pharmacies you can find tests of the following brands:

  • "Clearblue"
  • "Eviplan"
  • "Frautest" "Solo"
  • " Clover. I was born"

Of course, you can purchase tests and other companies, but These brands are the most popular andfrequently purchased.

The Clearblue ovulation test is considered the latest development and is presented in digital format. It comes in the form of a small digital device and comes with testing strips. The strips must be placed in the device and immersed in liquid, then the information is read and the result is determined.
According to experts, this test is 99% accurate and can replace laboratory analysis.
Since this test is highly accurate and digital, its price is much higher than its “brothers”. Thus, the Clearblue ovulation test (see photo) with 7 test strips can cost around 1000–1500 rubles.

Another, no less reliable test is the Frautest onovulation test. The sealed package contains 5 test strips, as well as instructions for use. If the cycle is stable, then using 4–5 strips will be enough to detect the ovulatory period.
The instructions for this test note that you can find out the result within 40–45 seconds after lowering the strip into the liquid. If it is necessary to confirm a negative result, it is recommended to wait about 10 minutes. There is no point in decoding the test 15–20 minutes later, since the result will be considered incorrect.
Also, this company produces very convenient and economical kits, which include a test to determine ovulation and pregnancy. The ovulation test contains 5 strips, the pregnancy test contains 2, and additionally includes 7 cups for collecting urine.
In addition to strips, the company produces cassettes for determining ovulation. Each package contains 7 cassettes. This type of test is great for women whose menstrual cycle is irregular. For a husband, it is convenient to use. You just need to place the cassette under a stream of urine and wait no more than 10 minutes.

The company Eviplan also produces a test to determine the time of ovulation. This test has a slightly higher sensitivity than Frautest, and the result can be observed within 5 minutes. Available in strip form, as well as cassettes for inkjet use. Each package contains 5 cassettes. Additionally, detailed instructions for use are included.

Solo test

Another test for accurately determining ovulation has high sensitivity. Available in packs of 5 pieces. The instructions have a drawn table, which can be used to determine the day recommended for testing.
Also available in a set: 5 test strips and 1 to determine possible conception.

Clover test

Another ovulation test from the company Clover, with the wonderful name “I was born.” It is considered the most budget option, since its cost is significantly lower than others. Its approximate price on the Internet is 130–150 rubles. However, many women note that it is necessary to buy another test in the kit, which is more expensive. This is due to the fact that the clover test can show an accurate result, but only 1–2 days before the onset of ovulation.

Benefits of using an ovulation test

Ovulation tests make it much easier for a woman to plan a pregnancy. This is because they help avoid such unpleasant procedures as measuring rectal temperature. For husbands, they save time and women do not need to build charts to determine ovulation. Strips or cassettes can be used at home and get results in 10 minutes. Therefore, there is no need for tests in expensive laboratories.

Determining the correct result is not difficult; you just need to compare a couple of strips and determine how intense the color of the test strip is compared to the control strip.
Long-term studies have found that the accuracy of ovulation tests is 99%. You can buy such a test at any pharmacy; it does not require a doctor’s prescription. The price will depend on the manufacturer and type of test; you can choose either an affordable one or an expensive one, for example, digital.
However, it should be understood that there are cases when the analysis may be incorrectly performed or the test may be defective. Therefore, experts recommend using several methods to determine ovulation.

The test showed pregnancy. Is it possible?

Sometimes, on the Internet in various women's forums, you can find reviews that an ovulation test determined pregnancy immediately after conception. When pregnancy tests showed a woman her absence, although conception had occurred. We would like to note that such information cannot be taken as truth. As soon as the egg leaves the ovary, the test will be negative, even if pregnancy occurs.
Note that tests designed to determine pregnancy respond to a completely different hormone. They do not respond to the hormone that is responsible for ovulation, so two clear stripes cannot mean conception. That is why, when asked: can an ovulation test show a woman pregnancy, any doctor will answer no. Women often ask specialists the following question: when can a test be done after ovulation to determine pregnancy? In this case, if you had unprotected intercourse during ovulation, you can use ultra-sensitive tests that show pregnancy even before the delay.

Some women use this test as contraception, since it is believed that it is possible to become pregnant only during ovulation. This method is not suitable for everyone, but it is quite expensive, since testing is necessary before each planned sexual intercourse. If the second stripe becomes barely noticeable, the use of additional protection is extremely necessary.

How often can tests be carried out?

If financial capabilities allow, such tests can be performed more than once a month. This is used by women who have a low chance of conceiving or those who have been planning a pregnancy for a long time. It is better to carry out testing a few days before expected ovulation. Also, please note that performing a ovulation test immediately after ovulation is not recommended, as it may cause false results.